pilatus luzern switzerland (皮拉圖斯山 琉森 瑞士)

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Location of Luzern 琉森的位置

The best tour program known as the “Golden Roundtrip”: travel by boat to Lake, then ride the Cog-wheel train up the Mt. Pilatus and watch the scenery of the Peak, a cable car ride down the mountain, go back to the ring around the city.


Golden Roundtrip to Mount Pilatus皮拉圖斯山金色環

Golden Roundtrip to Mount Pilatus皮拉圖斯山金色環

Luzern railway station琉森火車站

Steamers depart pier next to the railway station.琉森火車站前的輪船碼頭

View of Luzern city from the Lake從湖中看琉森市區

Steamer in Luzern Lake 琉森湖中的輪船

Village on Lake Luzern湖旁村落

Alpnachstad (Cogwheel Railway Station)齒輪火車站 Alpnachstad

The world's steepest cogwheel railway up to the Pilatus Kulm peak (2132 metres-altitude)世界上最陡峭的齒輪鐵路到皮拉圖斯庫爾姆山頂 (2132 米 )

齒輪火車 (Cogwheel Railway)

Alpnachstad - Pilatus KulmThe world steepest cogwheel railway(From May to Nov.)

Past lush flowering alpine meadows, sparkling clear mountain streams and fascinating cliffs.

從 Alpnachstad – 到 Pilatus Kulm 世界最陡峭的齒輪鐵路( 運行時間 5 至 11 月 ) 穿過開花繁茂的高山草甸,波光粼粼清晰的山澗和迷人的懸崖。

皮拉圖斯山 海拔2132m

Pilatus Kulm peak (2132 metres-altitude)

Observation Deck 觀景台

View from Mount Pilatus on Luzern surroundings從皮拉圖斯山遙望琉森周圍

Look breathtaking panoramic views over the lakes of Central Switzerland, the Alps 73 mountain peaks.觀賞嘆為觀止的瑞士中部湖泊全景,以及阿爾卑斯 73 座山峰。

纜車連結了標高 2132 米的皮拉圖斯山頂 與 克里恩 (Kriens) 小鎮

皮拉圖斯山頂 (Pilatus Kulm) -- 克里恩 (Kriens) 小鎮

空中纜車能在三十分鐘内將你從皮拉圖斯山頂帶到山腳下的克里恩 (Kriens) 站小鎮。天氣好時,遊客還能欣賞到阿爾卑斯山獨特的景色以及瑞士中部湖泊地區的美麗風景。這一切將使你陶醉。

纜車 (Cable Car down to Kriens)


Ride by aerial cableway and gondola down to the town of Kriens, where you catch a bus back to Luzern train station in only 15 minutes.

搭乘空中索道纜車抵達 克里恩 (Kriens) 小鎮,在那裡你換搭巴士回到琉森火車站僅須15 分鐘。

Cable Car down to Kriens

Lucerne is the most populous city in Central Switzerland and a focal point of the region. Due to its location on the shore of Lake Lucerne, within sight of Mount Pilatus and Rigi in the Swiss Alps, Lucerne is traditionally considered first and foremost as a tourist destination. One of the city's famous landmarks is Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke), a wooden bridge first built in the 14th century.

琉森是瑞士中部人口最多的城市,是該區的一個樞紐。由於其位置在琉森湖岸邊 (Lake Lucerne) ,視線範圍內有皮拉圖斯山和瑞士的阿爾卑斯山 瑞吉 (Rigi) ,琉森被認為是最先該去旅遊的地方。城市著名的地標是卡佩爾橋(卡貝爾橋),該木橋始建於 14 世紀。

Lucerne Overview 琉森概況

The old town area of Luzern背後就是琉森的老城區

The old town of Luzern琉森舊市區

琉森舊市區是最熱鬧的地方,有無數的紀念品店、鐘錶店、服飾店、餐廳及廣場 。噴泉也很美麗,許多棟樓的牆壁上漆有五彩繽紛的壁畫,有些街道鋪著中世紀的石板道。

The Fritschi Fountain

卡貝爾木橋 (Chapel Bridge)建於西元 1333 年的木造橋,是琉森市的精神象徵, 1993 年曾發生火災、致使木橋一半被燒毀,火災後第二年、即重建復原美麗的卡貝爾木橋。橋身中掛有 110 多幅的版畫 ,還有紅色磚瓦的屋頂,橋間有八角形的水塔,中世紀時是觀察敵情的瞭望台。橋上常飾以鮮花,湖上有天鵝及水鳥優游,形成一幅美麗的畫面。


Kapell bruecke卡貝爾木橋

獅子紀念碑就在冰河公園入口前,是紀念西元 1792 年法國大革命時,巴黎有八百名瑞士士兵捨身護衛路易十六一家人的英勇事蹟,雕刻出自丹麥雕刻家 Thorvaldsen 。

Lion Monument (獅子紀念碑)



Music (Violin) : The way we were

Pictures was taken two years ago 照片攝於兩年前 Some pictures from the www 有些照片來自於網路

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