pitch document for group 7

Post on 13-Feb-2017






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“What if everything you’ve know was not what it seemed?”

We start off as a character in either in the real world (beginner), or a fantasy world (experienced)-- where you learn the basics, then accidentally encounter

a space distortion where you wind up in another world.

After the initial tutorial where you accidentally enter a space distortion, you wake up in the

generator room of a spaceship.

Crossing amongst the three worlds, you seek out the ‘truth’ behind the existence of the worlds and your place among them.

At the end of the journey, you find the “core” of the worlds and gain newfound knowledge and power.

From the discovery of the malleability of the world through entering the realm that governs all worlds, you gain the ability to freely change and control many aspects of any of the worlds you have access to. Beware, there will be those that are interested in your newfound powers-- try not to get caught through excessive use. Aside from that, have fun~!!

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