pk basketball drills 05 - · park orchards basketball club - drills book 6 drill...

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Drills Book

BASKETBALL DRILLS............................................................................................................................... 4

Star Drill - Passing/Receiving, Lay-ups.................................................................................................... 4

Cincinnati - Passing, Offensive Transition............................................................................................... 5

V-Cut Shooting - Cutting, Shooting, Offence........................................................................................... 6

Chair Dribble - Dribbling, Lay-ups ............................................................................................................ 7

Shell Drill - Team Defence ......................................................................................................................... 8

Mass Defensive Drill - Defensive stance and footwork........................................................................... 9

Triangle Shooting - Shooting.................................................................................................................. 10

Horseshoe (Turnouts) - Shooting, Passing / Receiving........................................................................ 11

Chill Drill - Dribbling ................................................................................................................................ 12

Lay-up & Rebounding Lines - Lay-ups, Rebounding, Passing............................................................. 13

Three Line Lay-up Drill - Lay-ups, Rebounding, Passing, Cutting ....................................................... 14

Dribble Moves - Dribbling........................................................................................................................ 15

Chicken Dribble - Dribbling..................................................................................................................... 16

Star Shooting - Shooting......................................................................................................................... 17

Monster Rebounding - Rebounding & Shooting.................................................................................... 17

Pass-Receive Drill - Warm-up & Passing ............................................................................................... 18

Pre-Game Warm-up Drill - Passing, Receiving & Shooting .................................................................. 19

Half-Court Transition - Passing, Receiving & Shooting........................................................................ 20

4 Corner Passing - Passing..................................................................................................................... 21

Collision Dribbling - Dribbling ................................................................................................................ 22

4 Corner Dribble, Pivot & Pass – Passing, Dribble & Pivot................................................................... 23

Machine Gun - Passing & Defensive Slide............................................................................................. 24

Pass, Pivot & Shoot - Shooting............................................................................................................... 25

Defensive Shuffle And Pass - Defensive Stance, Footwork and Passing............................................ 26

Pepper Drill 1 - Passing / Receiving ....................................................................................................... 27

Pepper Drill 2 - Passing / Receiving ....................................................................................................... 28

Five Corner Passing - Passing................................................................................................................ 29

Triangle Passing - Passing ..................................................................................................................... 30

Full Court Lay-ups With Chaser - Competitive Lay-ups........................................................................ 31

Full Court Four Line Passing - Passing, Transition .............................................................................. 32

Full-Court Zig-Zag - Defensive Drill ........................................................................................................ 33

Full-Court Passing - Passing & Lay-ups ................................................................................................ 34

Full court v-cut & lay-up - Warm-up with V-Cut, Passing & lay-ups..................................................... 35

Tennessee – Shooting & Passing........................................................................................................... 36

Three-Man Weave - Offensive Transition, Passing & Receiving .......................................................... 37

GAMES ..................................................................................................................................................... 39

Dribble Knock Out – Dribbling................................................................................................................ 39

Circle Knock Out – Dribbling .................................................................................................................. 40

Bean Bag Game ....................................................................................................................................... 41

Dribble Racing ......................................................................................................................................... 42

Get Hold of the Ball.................................................................................................................................. 42

numbers ................................................................................................................................................... 43

SKILLS CHECK LIST................................................................................................................................ 45

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Basketball Drills Drill Number: 1.

Star Drill - Passing/Receiving, Lay-ups

Description: The players line up as shown in diagram. Two players (3 & 4) are

a step off each low free-throw lane position, two players (2 & 5)

are a step off each elbow. The remaining players line up behind

the baseline, the first person in line with a ball.

Player 1 passes to player 2 and follows their pass (taking 2's


Player 2 passes to player 3 and follows their pass.

Player 3 passes to player 4 and follows their pass.

Player 4 passes to player 5 and follows their pass.

Player 5 drives hard to the basket for lay-up, only one dribble

(two for beginners) allowed.

Players rebound own shots and hand-off ball to next player in

line, then move to the end of the line.

Drill continues.

Variations: • Use two balls at once.

• Enter second ball just after first ball is passed from

position 3 to position 4.

• Reverse the direction (for left-hand lay-ups).

• Vary the types of passes to be made (e.g. chest, bounce,


• Vary type of lay-up (e.g. reverse, two-foot stop into power

lay-up etc.).

• Take short jump shot off dribble rather than lay-up.

• Run from half court corners to increase passing distance

and run

Points of Emphasis: • All passes to be hard and accurate.

• Call the passers name and "show ten fingers" to receive the


• Step forward to make, and receive the pass.

• Hard drives to the basket with correct lay-up form.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 2.

Cincinnati - Passing, Offensive Transition

Description: Players form two lines at half-court. One line in centre of court,

the other near one sideline. One player is on free-throw line.

First player in line at centre court must have ball.

Player 2 in centre line passes to player at free-throw line to

player 1 whilst player 3 on sideline sprints the outside lane.

After receiving the pass player 1 pivots and passes to player 3

cutting to the basket.

Player 3 receives pass and performs a lay-up.

Player 3 continues out opposite side of court while player 1

rebounds the ball and outlets to player 3 who takes one or two

dribbles and passes to the next player in centre line who doesn't

have a ball.

Player 3 goes to end of centre line, player 1 goes to end of side

line and player 2 moves down to free-throw line to pass / rebound

on next rotation.

Variations: • Move sideline to other side of court.

• Use two or more balls.

Points of Emphasis: • Sprint the lane.

• Drive the lay-up hard.

• Pass the ball in front of the cutter so they don't have to


Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 3.

V-Cut Shooting - Cutting, Shooting, Offence

Description: Players form two lines at the wing spots (three-point line at free-throw line

extended). Player 2 in first line has a ball. Player 3 in the second line also

has a ball.

Player 1 in second line makes a v-cut towards baseline and posts up on low

block to receive pass from player 2 (diagram A).

Player 1 pivots and shoots.

Player 2 v-cuts to opposite block to receive pass from 3.

Player 1 rebounds own shot and passes out to next player in line opposite

where they came from – player 4 in diagram B.

Player 2 pivots, shoots and rebounds own shot.

Drill continues side to side, with players v-cutting, posting up on low block,

pivoting, shooting, rebounding, passing to opposite line, defending the pass

and moving to the end of the line.

Variations: • Player 1 plays defence on the pass to the next v-cutter from the

opposite line (see diagram C).

• Different finishing moves.

• Pivot, face and shoot.

• Pivot (Rip), fake & drive

• Baseline drop-step, towards the basket to make a lay-up

• Step over the top of the defence with a power dribble to make a jump


Points of Emphasis: • Good hard v-cut (explosive change of direction).

• Jump stop (low, feet shoulder width apart and balanced). Be a big


• First step mast be low and big to beat the defence.

• You must beat the defence on the first step

• Strong, two-hand rebound, pivot and outlet pass.

• Fake a pass to make a pass.





Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 4.

Chair Dribble - Dribbling, Lay-ups

Description: Set up five chairs (or other obstacles) around the three-point line

as shown in the diagram.

Players form two lines in the baseline corners of the court. All

players have a ball.

Players dribble in a zigzag pattern around the chairs with both

lines operating at once and with both lines going to the outside of

their respective first chair.

Players finish off at the other end with a lay-up and then move to

the end of the other line.

Whilst the drill can get confusing it will surely help the players to

learn to keep their heads up and to dribble and shoot under


Variations: • Finish off with a reverse lay-up.

• Finish off with a power (two-foot stop) lay-up.

• Finish off with a short jump shot.

• Specify players can only use weak hand to dribble.

• Specify a dribble move at each chair (e.g. crossover).

• Players try to knock each other’s balls away as they dribble

through chairs.

Points of Emphasis: • Keep your head up.

• Protect the ball while dribbling.

• Stay low and keep ball below knees.

• Finish hard to the basket.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 5.

Shell Drill - Team Defence

Description: Four players assume offensive positions at guard and wing or

corner positions. Four players assume defensive positions based on

the following rules,

If your man has the ball, play him - push to sideline, no penetration.

If your man is one pass away - play deny stance in passing lane.

If your man is two passes away - play in the key in help position.

If your man is more than two passes away - play on the split line in

help position.

On ball movement all defensive players move to correct position.

On receiving pass offence must always catch and face.

When first teaching shell drill have offence hold ball for two

second count before passing.

Rotate offence to defence.

Variations: • The shell drill should be run in the following progression.

• Build up to latter stages over number of sessions.

• Stationary offence - defence allow passes. This stage is so

defenders get used to movement into correct positions.

• Offence move (v-cuts and replace only) - defence allow passes.

• Offence move (v-cuts and replace only) - deny passes.

• Allow penetration only - defensive help.

• Allow offence to exchange positions.

• Allow screens.

• Live four-on-four.

• Depending upon the defensive emphasis you may want high

defenders to sag and guard against penetration rather than

denying pass.

Points of Emphasis: • Jump to the ball - as pass is made - not once it gets there -

"fly with the ball".

• See the ball and your man - point your pistols.

• Stance, stance, stance, stance - low, low, low, low. Must be

lower than the player you are guarding.

• Correct footwork - slides, drop step, closeouts.

• Three main jobs are pressure on pass or shot, stop

penetration, help your teammates.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 6.

Mass Defensive Drill - Defensive stance and footwork

Description: Players spread out on court facing the coach who is standing in front of them.

The coach can use visual or audible cues to make the players do the following;

• Get into their defensive stance.

• Foot fire or pitter-patter with their feet (conditioning).

• Defensive footwork any direction (e.g. left or right slide, drop step and

slide, retreat step, close out).

• Change hand position - coach might move ball around and have players trace

ball, challenge shot etc.

Visual cues may be better as it encourages players to keep their heads up.

Variations: • Have a player lead the others.

Points of Emphasis: • Correct defensive stance.

• Stay low - no bobbing up and down.

• Keep head in middle of body.

• Keep head back - "nose behind toes".

• Correct defensive footwork - wide then wider - don't bring feet together.

• Active hands.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 7.

Triangle Shooting - Shooting

Description: Players form three lines around basket.

Players shoot and rebound their shots, pass to next in their line

and return to end of line.

Rotate positions.

Variations: • Make it competitive by;

a) Seeing which team can make 10 (or any number) of shots


b) Seeing which team can make most shots from a set number.

• 2. Change distance of shot.

Points of Emphasis: • Correct shooting form.

• Follow the shot and aggressively rebound.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 8.

Horseshoe (Turnouts) - Shooting, Passing / Receiving

Description: Players form two lines on baseline at either side of the key.

The first player in one line has a ball, the second player in the

other line has a ball.

The coach stands on the middle of the free-throw line.

Player 2 makes a v-cut around the coach, calling for the ball from

player 1.

Player 1 passes the ball to player 2 who shoots the basket and

rebounds the ball.

After taking the rebound players pass to the front player in the

opposite line (opposite to where they came from).

They then join the end of this line.

After passing the ball, the player cuts around the coach as

described above and the drill continues.

Variations: • Take a dribble after receiving the ball and shoot off the


• Make a hard drive to the basket rather than the shot.

• Add a shot fake before the shot.

Points of Emphasis: • Correct footwork on the cut and good hard change of


• Receive the ball in the triple threat position ready to shoot.

• Correct shooting form.

• Communicate - call for the ball.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 9.

Chill Drill - Dribbling

Description: Players line up at corner of the court and follow the path shown

in diagram to the right.

The following describes the desired path.

Dribbler starts at corner with ball in right hand.

At points A and B execute an inside-out move (fake crossover).

At point C execute a reverse spin - now dribbling left hand.

Dribble to point D, then quickly retreat dribble back to point E.

At point E, execute a quick, low crossover dribble and dribble

to point F - now dribbling right hand.

At point F execute a 180-degree half spin (fake reverse).

At point G execute a behind the back as you change direction.

At point H execute a hesitation, stutter-step dribble and

explode to the basket for a lay-up.

Variations: • Go around the opposite direction (start at bottom left


• The other variations you can make to this drill are limited

only by your imagination.

Points of Emphasis: • Keep your head up - see the court.

• Low dribbling stance.

• Explosive, quick moves.

• Do it at game pace.

• Low dribbles (especially on crossovers).

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 10.

Lay-up & Rebounding Lines - Lay-ups, Rebounding, Passing

Description: Players make two lines.

The lay-up line is well outside the three-point line towards the


The rebound line is on the opposite side of the court at about the

three-point line. The first person in the lay-up line has a ball.

Players in lay-up line make hard drives to the basket for a lay-up.

Rebounder moves to basket anticipating rebound and takes strong


Player who took lay-up moves to end of rebound line.

Rebounder takes two strong dribbles out, make a good pass to next

player in lay-up line and then move to the end of the lay-up line.

Variations: • Swap sides of court.

• Increase number of balls (up to as many as number of players

will allow).

• Vary type of lay-up (e.g. reverse, two-foot stop into power lay-

up etc.)

Points of Emphasis: • Correct lay-up form.

• Make it a hard drive to basket (game speed).

• Ball does not hit floor on the rebound.

• Strong rebound, protect the ball, strong dribble, hard pass.

• Receiver to receive the ball running to the basket, not

standing still.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 11.

Three Line Lay-up Drill - Lay-ups, Rebounding, Passing, Cutting

Description: Two players start at the top of the key, one player in the right

corner, and the rest of the players line-up at half-court near the

right sideline.

The first two players in line have balls.

Player 1 passes to player 2 and cuts down the right sideline, then

makes sharp cut to the basket.

Player 2 passes the ball back to 1 who shoots a lay-up (see

diagram A).

After shooting, 1 goes to the top-of-the-key line.

Player 2 rebounds the shot and passes to player 4 in the corner.

Player 2 then follows their pass and goes to the corner.

Player 4 passes to the next player in line, and follows their pass,

going to the end of half-court line.


Points of Emphasis:

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 12.

Dribble Moves - Dribbling

Description: Have your players pair up along the sideline, and spread out.

The first player in each pair dribbles from sideline to sideline

right-handed and then back left-handed.

The coach will let the players know which move he wants them to

execute at the half way point going across (right-handed), and then

again coming back (left-handed).

The ball is then passed to their partner, who goes next.

Have each player do each of the moves down and back twice before

moving onto the next move.

You may vary these from day to day. But have them try even the

difficult moves... challenge them... even if the ball does end up rolling

all over the place!

Variations: • Control dribble with change to speed dribble

• Speed dribble with change to control dribble

• Crossover dribble

• In and out move (fake crossover)

• Hesitation move (rock back, then go!)

• Pull back and crossover move

• Step out (sideways) and crossover move

• Through the legs

• Behind the back

• Spin move

• Stutter Dribble

o You can use the same sideline set-up as above with partners, or

choose to run your entire team, sideline to sideline with this drill

(and then after a few trips you are finished in half the time).

o This time the players again will start dribbling across right-


o When they have reached about 1/3 across, you blow the whistle

and they stationary "stutter" dribble with legs pistoning up and

down and pounding the dribble hard and low,

o The player bent over forward at the waist with knees bent.

o After five seconds blow the whistle again, and they resume

dribbling across.

o When they reach 2/3 across, blow the whistle again and they

resume the stationary "stutter" dribble.

o Whistle again and they finish across.

o They pivot and come back, now with the left hand, doing their

stutter dribbles at the 1/3 and 2/3 marks again.

o After you do this drill a few times, you won't have to blow the

whistle... the kids will know where to stop and stutter, and know

to stutter for a 5-count before going again

Points of Emphasis:

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 13.

Chicken Dribble - Dribbling

Description: This drill can cater for up to twenty players. Vary the court space

used depending upon the size of your group.

Each player has a ball and must dribble to the mid line meeting their

opposite number.

Players are instructed to dribble directly at their opposite number.

At the mid line the players change direction and continue with their

dribble to the opposite side of the court.

Players are instructed to maintain their dribble and eye contact with

their partner thereby avoiding a collision.

Variations: • Left and right hand dribbling.

• Speed dribble.

• Cross over dribble.

• Through legs dribble.

• Behind back dribble.

• Reverse spin dribble.

• Inside/out dribble (fake crossover).

• 8. Retreat (slap hands) dribble.

Points of Emphasis: • Head up – hips low

• Fingertip control - use the wrist - push the ball to the floor.

• Low dribbling stance.

• Start in triple threat position.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 14.

Star Shooting - Shooting

Description: To teach players to shoot properly when tired.

This drill can be done with one or two players.

Player 1 shoots first, while player 2 rebounds and passes. Player 1

starts on the baseline and simply sprints from spot to spot catching

and shooting.

After player 1 finishes her last shot (taken from the elbow), they

follows their shot, puts it back if it is a miss, and then passes it out

to player 2 for their shots.


Points of Emphasis: • The technical aspects of shooting: footwork, follow-through,

body-balance, etc

• Its important that the player sprints from spot to spot to

emphasize shooting while tired.

Drill Number: 15.

Monster Rebounding - Rebounding & Shooting

Description: Focus on physical play with the ability to finish the shot.

The drill starts with the coach and three to four players at a


The players are moving around. The coach throws the ball off the

backboard, and the players scramble to gain possession of the


The player that gets the ball tries to score against the other

players - she may NOT dribble.

Only limited fouls are called - none in most cases.

After scoring, drill begins again with coach's toss.

The winner is the first player to score five buckets.


Points of Emphasis:

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 16.

Pass-Receive Drill - Warm-up & Passing

Description: Set up two lines about 4 mitres apart

The two lines should face each other.

The player with the ball passes it to her receiver and then

runs to the end of the receiving line.

The receiver passes to the next person in the opposite

line. As the players move through the lines.

Variations: • Use different kinds of passes.

� Bounce passing

� One handed passing

� Over head passing

• Change the distance between the lines

Points of Emphasis: • Strong straight passes

• Show ten fingers to receive the ball

• Target hands

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 17.

Pre-Game Warm-up Drill - Passing, Receiving & Shooting

Description: Requires minimum of 8 players to run.

This drill involves 3 players and 4 passes before the shot. It’s a

good way to get all your players to pass to each other and get the

team to work together.

Use two or more balls.

Player 1 passes to player 2 and runs to receive the pass back.

Player 2 passes back to player 1.

Player 1 passes to player 3 and continues to the end of the line.

Player 2 runs the lane and cuts in for a lay-up.

Player 3 dribbles to the top of the key and passes to player 2.

Player 2 makes the lay-up and player 3 rebounds.

Player 2 continues wide and runs the lane to the end of the middle


Player three takes the ball to the end of the baseline line.

After player 2 has cut to the basket player 4 passes to player 5

and the drill continues.

Variations: • Mix the types of passes to be made (bounce pass).

• Vary the types of shots to be taken (jump shot, short long).

• Run drill from the right hand side of the basket (left hand


• Apply a time limit with a goal of shots to be made.

Points of Emphasis: • Strong Straight Passes

• Call out teammates name

• Correct shooting style

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 18.

Half-Court Transition - Passing, Receiving & Shooting

Description: 1. Player 1 passes to Player 2

2. Player 2 passes to Player 3 and continues torun past the elbow. Player 1 goes in for therebound.

3. Player 3 goes in for a lay-up, Player 1 gets therebound.

4. Player 2 runs low and cuts out to the wing.Player 1 takes the ball out of court and makesan outlet pass to the wing (Player 2) whilePlayer 3 runs up the court to receive thesecond pass.

5. Player one runs the outside lane to the end ofthe line (behind Player 6), Player 2 passes toPlayer 3 and goes to the end of the middleline (behind Player 4).

6. Player 3 passes to player 4 and goes to the end of the other line (behind player 5)

Variations: Run drill for both left and right lay-ups

Points of Emphasis: • Strong Straight Passes.

• When passing, lead the runner

• When rebounding, don’t let the ball hit the


• If player 3 misses the basket then run

transition from the rebound. If player makes

the basket the ball must be taken out of court


1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 19.

4 Corner Passing - Passing

Description: 8 or more players needed and 2 balls.

Diagram 1.

Players 3 and 7 move to the middle and get the ball from the

right off players 1 and 5.

Diagram 2.

Players 3 and 7 pass the ball to 4 and 7 while players 1 and 5

move to the middle.

Diagram 3.

Players 4 and 8 pass the ball to players 5 and 1 who receive the

ball from the right.

After receiving the ball players 1 and 5 pass to 6 and 2

After passing the players follow their pass to there new position.

Diagram 4.

Players 2 and 6 pass the ball to 4 and 8 who receive the ball from

the right.

After receiving the ball players 4 and 8 pass to 3 and 7.

After passing the players follow their pass to there new position.

Variations: • Change the passing type from Chest to Bounce or Overhead.

• Change the direction of the pass and receive from the left

instead of the right.

Points of Emphasis: • Must receive the pass on the run.

• Do not jump to receive the pass.

• The pass must be in front of the receiver.

• Snap the wrists when passing.

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

Diagram 4

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 20.

Collision Dribbling - Dribbling

Description: This drill can cater for up to twenty players.

The coach will split the group into four corners with a basketball in each


The players are instructed to dribble at “Game Pace” through to the

opposite corner avoiding collision.

Variations: • Change distance of lines.

• Progress to two ball dribbling.

• Add change of direction move to avoid traffic.

• Make it a ball handling skill instead - walking leg wraps etc.

• 5. Change the types of dribble eg. cross-over, though legs, spin, etc.

Points of Emphasis: • Dribble with head up avoiding the traffic

• Dribble ball with fingertips - not palms.

• Stay low and dribble waist height.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 21.

4 Corner Dribble, Pivot & Pass – Passing, Dribble & Pivot

Description: Players form four equal groups in the corners on the half court. Each group has a ball and should follow these steps: This is a dribble, pivot and pass drill synchronized with a whistle or oral command by one of the players. Before starting the drill, the coach will call for either a right-foot pivot or a left-foot pivot. The players in the front of each line dribble the middle and jump- stop just outside the free-throw circle. They then pivot and pass a two-handed chest pass the player in the next line. The players follow the pass and rotate to the next line. The player receiving the pass must show a target by opening both palms to the passer.

Variations: • All directions of pivoting can be used

• Forward & Reverse

• Left & Right

• The coach can call "Reverse!" to change direction of the pivot at

any time to keep the players alert and involved in the drill.

Points of Emphasis: • Concentrate on proper execution for the dribble, pivot and pass

drill. • Game Pace •

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 22.

Machine Gun - Passing & Defensive Slide

Description: This drill incorporates good hand eye coordination, quickness, passing

fundamentals, and the defensive slide.

Players line up at shoulders width along the baseline. The first

person sets up approx. 4.5 m opposite the line.

The first player, (player 8), chest passes to player 9.

9 passes to player 6, while player 7 is passing to player 9.

Player 9 passes to player 5, while player 6 passes to player 9, etc.

When player 9 gets to the end of the line they then come back.

Variations: •

Points of Emphasis: • Be ready (why it's sometimes called the nose breaker).

• Good defensive slide. Do not cross over legs. Stay low·

• Not hard passes, just good touch passes to the chest.

Speed comes with repetition. Going to the end of the line and back

exercises slide and passing in both directions.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 23.

Pass, Pivot & Shoot - Shooting

Description: Set-up players outside the 3-point line.

Player 4 runs in and jump-stops at the elbow (diagram 1)

Player 1 Passes the ball to player 4 and goes to the end of the

opposite line a player 4 pivots shoots and rebounds their shot

(Diagram 2).

After rebounding player 4 goes to the end of the opposite line and

player 5 starts (diagram 3)

Variations: • Fake & Drive to the basket

• V-Cut and then go to the elbow

• Shoot from both sides of the court

• Introduce a defender and have them play one on one

• Offence becomes defence

• Defence goes to the end on the passing line

Points of Emphasis: • Strong straight passes

• Correct shooting stance

• Must follow their shot in and try rebound before it hits the


Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 24.

Defensive Shuffle And Pass - Defensive Stance, Footwork and Passing

Description: Players are in groups of three.

The three players set up as shown in diagram A. Two players with

balls are about 3-4 steps apart and face third player who begins

drill standing in front of one of the other players.

Player 1 passes to player 3 who returns pass and then defensive

shuffles in front of player 2 (diagram A). Player 2 then passes to

player 3 who returns pass and then defensive shuffles back in

front of player 1 (diagram B). This sequence is repeated.

Run for specified time (e.g. 1 minute) and rotate players.

Variations: • Specify types of passes to be made.

• Most passes in specified time (competitive).

Points of Emphasis: • Correct defensive footwork (wide then wider).

• Good crisp passes.

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


Drill Number: 25.

Pepper Drill 1 - Passing / Receiving

Description: Players form a semi-circle around one of the players.

Note that the player in the middle is a step inside the circle –

this ensures she has to use her peripheral vision to see the

players on the ends of the semi-circle.

The player in the middle and the player on one end each have

a ball.

Player 1 passes to player 3 and then receives the pass from

player 2.

Player 1 passes to player 4 and then receives the pass from

player 3.

The play continues like this, and then returns in the opposite

direction around the circle.

Players then rotate so each has a turn as the middle passer.

Variations: • Specify the types of passes to be made.

• Make a rule that the middle passer must make a

different type of pass than they just received.

• Time each player for a certain number of rotations.

Points of Emphasis: • Good, hard passes.

• Quickness (but don't hurry).

• Show "ten fingers" to receive the ball.

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Drill Number: 26.

Pepper Drill 2 - Passing / Receiving

Description: • Players form a circle around one of the players.

• The player in the middle of the circle starts with the


• Player 1 passes to player 2 who returns the pass to player

1. Player 1 passes to player 3 who returns the pass to

player 1.

• The drill continues on until the ball passes through all


• At the completion of one circuit player 1 passes the ball

to player 2 and they swap places ie.

• Player 2 takes the middle of the circle position.

• The process is continued until all players have taken the

middle of the circle position

Variations: • Introduce a second basketball

• Specify the types of passes to be made.

• Make a rule that the middle passer must make a different

type of pass than they just received.

• Time each player for a certain number of rotations.

Points of Emphasis: • Partner (receiver) has targets up (hands up at chest)

• Fingers point to targets and thumbs down on completion of

chest pass.

• Good, hard passes.

• Quickness (but don't hurry).

• Show "ten fingers" to receive the ball.

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Drill Number: 27.

Five Corner Passing - Passing

Description: Players form five lines in a star alignment (see diagram).

Players in front of two lines have balls.

The players must pass to the player in the front of the line that is

next-but-one to them. They must then follow their pass to the end

of that line.

Instruct players to run to the far side of the line they are joining.

This creates more traffic for the next passer.

Variations: • For beginning players start off with just one ball.

• Specify the type of passes to be made.

• On coaches shout of "reverse" players must reverse the direction of

passes (i.e. anti-clockwise to clockwise).

Points of Emphasis: • Communicate - call a name.

• Show ten fingers.

• Step to the ball to receive the pass.

• Good passing form.

• Good crisp passes.

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Drill Number: 28.

Triangle Passing - Passing

Description: Players use half-court and form three lines. Two lines are at

the half-court corners and the third is under the basket.

Players pass to player in next line, who is moving to the ball.

Players then move to the end of the line they have just

passed to.

Variations: • Use two balls.

• Change direction (go anti-clockwise).

• On vocal command from coach players change direction

during the drill.

Points of Emphasis: • Move to the ball to receive pass.

• Show "ten fingers" and call passers name.

• Sprint to the end of the line after passing.

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Drill Number: 29.

Full Court Lay-ups With Chaser - Competitive Lay-ups


Players make two lines (one under basket, one at right corner of


Players in centre line have ball each.

Player 1 (centre line) throws ball at backboard and rebounds. Player

2 (corner line) assumes outlet position.

Player 1 passes to player 2 who speed dribbles for a lay-up. Player 1

chases in attempt to distract or block the lay-up.

At other end players swap roles and come back on the other side of

the court.


• See how few dribbles any pair can make for two baskets.

• How many baskets can team make in certain time.

Points of Emphasis:

• Speed dribble - push the ball out in front.

• Sprint.

• Correct lay-up form.

• Don't rush the lay-up.

• Outlet player in "knife" position - back to sideline, see the

whole court.

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Drill Number: 30.

Full Court Four Line Passing - Passing, Transition

Description: Players get into four lines at baseline as shown in diagram.

Players progress the ball down the court by passing and moving in

their lines only.

Note: To create traffic and make job harder, players in line 1 are

passing across to line 3 and back. Players in line 2 are passing to

line 4 and back.

As players get to free-throw line extended at opposite end outside

players cut to basket for pass and lay-up.

Inside and outside players exchange lines and players return back

down court in similar fashion.

Variations: For younger players you may decide to make it easier and remove

the traffic option and have players pass to lines next to them.

Alternatively, you might like to have lines 1 and 4 exchange longer

passes and lines 2 & 3 exchanges shorter ones.

Points of Emphasis: • Do it a full speed, on the run, not stop and go.

• Pass in front of a moving player.

• Show ten fingers and call a name to receive pass.

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Drill Number: 31.

Full-Court Zig-Zag - Defensive Drill

Description: To improve full-court pressure

The offence goes side to side, bringing the ball up the

court. Early-on offence goes 3/4 speed. Defence works on


Variations: Offence dribbles two balls.

Points of Emphasis: Defence plays nose on the ball and backside to opposite


Slide down, don't run.

No hands early - Defence should wait for offence to give

it to them

Don't take it - Cut the drive off.

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Drill Number: 32.

Full-Court Passing - Passing & Lay-ups

Description: Improving passing, shooting, catching, communication and


Minimum 10 Players

Player O1 begins the drill by passing to X1, and runs down

the court, O2 does the same with X4.

O1 receives pass back from X1 and passes to X2 while

continuing down the court. X1, after passing the ball back

to O1 goes back to the spot where X2 is.

X2 passes back to O1 and goes to the spot where X3 is.

O1 receives pass from X2 and passes to X3.

X3 receives pass from O1 and passes back to 01, who now

shoots a lay-up.

X3 follows O1 and rebounds/gets the ball out of net and

begins drill down the other side by passing to X8 who has

taken X4's spot.

O1 goes to the end of line behind X9.

Both sides are going concurrently.

Right side:

O2 to X4.

X4 to O2.

O2 to X5.

X4 takes X5's spot.

X5 to X O2.

O2 to X6.

X5 takes X6's spot.

X6 to O2.

O2 shoots the lay-up.

X6 rebounds and passes to X7.

. This is a great drill. Be sure to 72

Variations: Set goals: no drop passes or push-ups, no missed shots or

lay-ups, etc.

Points of Emphasis: Full speed passing, catching, communicating, and shooting

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Drill Number: 33.

Full court v-cut & lay-up - Warm-up with V-Cut, Passing & lay-ups

Description: A minimum of 6 players are required for this drill and 2


The players cut away from the ball and coming back to

receive the pass.

1. Player 1 & Player 4 make a lay-up and rebound

their shot.

2. Players 2 & 5 V-Cut away and come back to

receive the pass from players 1 & 4

3. Players 3 & 6 V-Cut away and come back to

receive the pass from players 2 & 5.

4. Players 1 & 4 replace players 2 & 5 who replace

players 3 & 6 who go in for a lay-up

5. Players 3 & 6 make their lay-up and rotation

starts again.

Variations: If there are more than 6 players have them line up under

the basket at either end and rebound the lay-up and pass

out. The players that make the lay-up go to the end of

the line.

If there are enough players you could try and run 4


Points of Emphasis: • V-Cut

• Outlet passes to the wing after the lay-up

• Communication

1. 2.

3. 4.


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Drill Number: 34.

Tennessee – Shooting & Passing

Description: 5 Balls and 8 players are required for this drill.

Players marked 1, 4, 5, 6 & 7 have balls at the start of the drill.

We have a 3-man rush (1,2 & 3).

When the ball gets just over the half court line the following cuts are


1: drives to the basketball for a lay-up.

2: flashes from to the low block (and receives pass from 5).

3: shoots across the elbow (and receives pass from 4).

Variations: • 80 makes in 3 minutes (3/3 conversions) for an elite group

• Adjust the time and number of baskets for your teams skill

• Do a line sprint for each shot they are short and a push up for each

miss. Penalties are done as a group.

Points of Emphasis: • On the return leg, 1 collects own rebound & the drill continues down

the floor with 4 & 5 stepping up. 2 & 3 collect own rebounds then

replace spots vacated by 4 & 5.

• The drill continues in this fashion.

• We always set targets for this drill and penalties apply.

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Drill Number: 35.

Three-Man Weave - Offensive Transition, Passing & Receiving

Description: Players form three lines at baseline. Player in middle line has ball.

The ball is passed in a weave pattern up the court. Players cut behind

the person they have passed to (see diagram).

The player who receives ball near edge of offensive key makes a

hard drive to basket.

The other two players form a rebounding triangle and any missed

shots are put back after the rebound.

After the made basket, the ball is grabbed, the player steps out of

bounds and the drill is repeated back down the court.

Variations: • 1. Players can wait at end of court (rather than coming back) for

rest of players in line to come down court and then all take in

turns to come back in opposite

• direction. This way, the next three players can start when the

previous three cross halfway.

• 2. Specify the types of passes to be made.

Points of Emphasis: • Sprint down the court.

• Run the lanes - go wide.

• Communicate - call for the ball.

• Pass in front of the moving player.

• No travelling.

• Ball does not hit the floor.

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Drill Number: 36.


Variations: •

Points of Emphasis: •

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Games Game Number: 1.

Dribble Knock Out – Dribbling

Description: This game helps players learn to protect the ball with their body and to

dribble under pressure.

Each player has a ball and must dribble continuously while attempting to

knock the other players ball away from them, out of bounds, or past the 3

point line.

Vary the court space used depending upon the size of your group.

Any player who cannot maintain their dribble or goes outside of the

designated area is out and should step out of the designated area.

As number of players reduces further restrict the playing area (e.g. key,

circle, top half of circle).

Last player remaining wins.

Variations: • Specify which hand they have to use to dribble with.

• Players use only their weak hand to dribble.

Points of Emphasis: • Keep the Dribble alive at all times

• Dribble low to make it difficult for the ball to be knocked away

• Keep moving around so you are an hard target

• Players must maintain a dribble at all times.

• Head up!

• Fingertip control - use the wrist - push the ball to the floor.

• Low dribbling stance - protection stance.

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Game Number: 2.

Circle Knock Out – Dribbling

Description: place players as shown.

Have them start back to back.

Object is to stay within circle, protect ball with body and dribble ball, while

trying to knock other players ball out.

Have a " playoff" down to the last one to see who wins.

Variations: •

Points of Emphasis: •

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Game Number: 3.

Bean Bag Game

Description: Players must be able to continue dribbling the ball while picking up and dropping bean bags.

Using half court place one team at centre court, and one team at the corners of the baseline.

Each team has one ball.

Place beanbags in key circle in a pile.

On coaches command one player from each team dribbles into the key, while still dribbling the players must bend

down and pick up a beanbag each.

They must then dribble back to their team while still dribbling deposit the beanbag and give the ball to their next

team member.

This process continues until all bean bags are gone, then they are able to steal bean bags from the other teams.

After two minutes the team with the most beanbags wins.

NOTE: Only one bean bag is able to be taken at a time

Variations: • Add in more teams.

• Add more players into each team.

• Extend time of each game.

• Player must dribble with non-preferred hand

• Player must make a crossover move or a number of crossover moves while retrieving and returning (e.g. normal

crossover, between the legs, etc.)

• Create an obstacle course to retrieve and return rather than just a straight line

Points of Emphasis: • Make sure all players keep dribbling all the time.

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Game Number: 4.

Dribble Racing

Description: This will help your players dribble the ball faster, and your players will gain more control of the ball.

Line up cones/poles all the way up you gym.

Split the Players into 2 teams.

Put both teams on the same wall in 2 lines and give the first player in each line a ball.

They have to dribble the ball around the pylons and back, and then shoot to score.

If they miss they have to shoot until they get it in and then pass the ball to the next person in line.

This is repeated the whole team has completed a lap with a made basket.

The losing team has to do laps, push-ups, sit up etc.

Variations: • Vary the number of cones/poles

• Increase the number of laps each player has to complete

Points of Emphasis: •

Game Number: 5.

Get Hold of the Ball

Description: Youngsters (especially girls) are easily intimidated by more experienced opponents who simply grab the ball out of

their hands.

This drill makes the player more determined to keep hold of the ball.

One player takes a firm hold of the ball and a second one tries to pull it out of her hands.

Variations: • Instead of one player, two players may pull at the ball.

Points of Emphasis: • The first player should hold the ball in their hands. Don't allow the player to put their arms around the ball.

• Teach to RIP the ball out

• Pivot to get the ball

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Game Number: 6.


Description: Get the players to lie face down on the floor along the baseline.

The coach then gives them a number to each player. Number them 1 to how many players there are.

The coach then places the ball on the floor and calls out two numbers.

Those players jump up and go for the ball.

They then play 0ne on one to score.

The first one to get the lay-up is the winner.

Variations: • Place a time limit of 10 second to score.

• Call out more than 2 numbers

• The coach can roll or throw the ball for the players to chase

• Have the players face away from the ball so they can not see where the coach has placed it

• Have two balls – one for each player ( this will allow for the weaker players to at least get some shots away

for younger kids)

Points of Emphasis: • Drive hard to the basket

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Game Number: 8.


Variations: •

Points of Emphasis: •

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Skills Check List I=Introduce, R=Refine, M=Master

Body Movement Fundamentals U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Running I R M

Change of pace I R M

Change of direction I R M

Stopping – jump stops & stride stops I R M

Jumping I R M

Pivoting – forward & reverse I R M

Ball Handling Drills U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Various I R M

Miscellaneous U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Court terminology I R M

Player positions / roles I R M

Dribbling (strong and weak hands) U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Fundamentals I R M

Speed dribble I R M

Control dribble I R M

Power dribble I R M

Retreat dribble I R M

Change of pace / stutter / hesitation dribble I R M

Crossover dribble I R M

Reverse (spin) dribble I R M

Behind back dribble I R M

Fake crossover dribble (inside / out) I R M

Between legs dribble I R M

Passing / Receiving U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Fundamentals I R M

Catching / receiving ("ten fingers") I R M

Move to ball I R M

Chest pass I R M

Bounce pass I R M

Overhead pass I R M

Baseball pass I R M

Push pass I R M

Pass fakes I R M

Shooting U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Fundamentals I R M

Lay-up – strong hand I R M

Lay-up – weak hand I R M

Reverse lay-up I R M

Set shot I R M

Jump shot I R M

Foul shots I R M

Power lay-up I R M

Hook shots I R M

Catch & shoot I R M

Dribble & shoot I R M

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


I=Introduce, R=Refine, M=Master

Individual Offence U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Triple threat position I R M

Jab step – strong side drive I R M

Jab step – crossover I R M

Jab step – shoot I R M

Shot fakes I R M

Dribble Fake I R M

Posting up technique & target hand I R M

Post moves – drop-step I R M

Post moves – turn-around I R M

Post moves – Turn & Shoot I R M

Post moves – Pump Fake & Shoot I R M

V-cuts I R M

Flash cuts I R M

Flare cuts I R M

Curl cuts I R M

Back Cuts I R M

Rebounding U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Stance I R M

Protection of ball I R M

Positioning I R M

Blocking out I R M

Offensive – power lay-up I R M

Defensive – outlet pass, power dribble out I R M

Team Offence U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Court spacing I R M

Ball movement, ball reversal I R M

Pass, cut & replace I R M

Give & go I R M

Dribble entries I R M

Screen the ball & roll I R M

Screen away I R M

Skip passes I R M

Back screens I R M

Down screens I R M

Cross screens I R M

Offensive alignments I R M

Fast break I R M

Motion offence principles I R M

Zone offence principles I R M

Delay game I R M

Out-Of-Bounds Plays U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Offensive baseline I R M

Defensive baseline I R M

Offensive sideline I R M

Defensive sideline I R M

Jump Ball U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Positioning (offensive & defensive) I R M

Technique I R M

Plays I R M

Park Orchards Basketball Club - Drills Book


I=Introduce, R=Refine, M=Master

Individual Defence U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Defensive stance I R M

Maintaining position I R M

Footwork – shuffle I R M

Footwork – drop-step I R M

Use of hands I R M

Turning the dribbler I R M

Channelling the dribbler I R M

Man-to-man – guarding the ball handler I R M

Man-to-man – one pass away I R M

Man-to-man – two or more passes away I R M

Defensive triangle ("pointing pistols") I R M

Jumping to the ball I R M

Close out I R M

Defending cutters I R M

Defending screens I R M

Defending post players I R M

Taking the charge I R M

Team Defence U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Half-court man-to-man I R M

Full-court man-to-man I R M

Rotation principles I R M

Zone press I R M

Run and jump I R M

Zone defence (2-1-2, 1-2-2, 1-3-1) I R M

Fastbreak defence I R M

Trapping I R M

Rules U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18

Scoring I R/M

Double (illegal) dribble I R/M

Travel I R/M

Backcourt violation I R/M

Jump ball – start of each half I R/M

Jump ball – held ball I R/M

Fouls – hands I R/M

Fouls – blocking I R/M

Fouls – on shooter I R/M

Five fouls on a player I R/M

Eight team fouls I R/M

3 seconds in key I R M

5 seconds guarded I R M

10 seconds in backcourt I R M

Jump balls – held ball I R M

Out of bounds I R M

In-bounds passes and defence of I R M

Free throws – player positions and rules I R M

top related