planning brief for redevelopment of shek kip mei estate ... and pak tin street bounded by berwick...

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Planning Brief for Redevelopment of Shek Kip Mei Estate Phases 3, 6 and 7

(Date of Preparation: September 2014)

Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


1 Site Particulars

1.1 District Location - - Sham Shui Po

1.2 Site Location - - At the Junction of Berwick

Street and Pak Tin Street

Bounded by Berwick Street,

Shek Kip Mei Street and

Woh Chai Street

1.3 Site Area

1.3.1 Gross Site Area [ha] - - about 0.60 about 0.83

(within the “R(A)1” zone of

about 1.15 ha)

For Ph. 6, it includes the proposed

STT No. KX 2949 of about 600m2

(including vacant kerosene store

site and its adjacent sloping area).

Site area subject to detailed


Regarding the reprovisioning of

the Shek Kip Mei Health Centre

(SKMHC) in future, at an

interdepartmental meeting

between Food and Health Bureau

(FHB), Hospital Authority,

Department of Health,

Architectural Services

Department, Planning Department

and Housing Department (HD), it

was agreed that an area of about

995m2 in Vesting Order (V.O.) 32


Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


1 Site Particulars (Cont’d)

boundary held under the Hong

Kong Housing Authority (HKHA)

would be reserved for possible

swap of land via amendment of

V.O. and allocation boundary on

foot to foot basis with an area of

about 395m2 in SKMHC site and

proposed STT KX 2949 of about

600m2 to be included into the

future V.O. boundary for Ph. 6

subject to survey.

To satisfy the development

restrictions of Ph. 6, the Gross

Site Area and Net Site Area after

the proposed swap of land should

not be less than 0.77ha and 0.71ha

respectively. The conditions of

possible swap of land are subject

to further liaison among Food and

Health Bureau, the HKHA and

Lands Department.

1.3.2 Net Site Area [ha]

(approx.) - - About 0.60 about 0.71

It excludes about 0.06 ha of

existing slopes from the Gross

Site Area of Ph. 6. Site area

subject to detailed survey.


Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


1 Site Particulars (Cont’d)

1.4 Existing Land Use - - HKHA’s works area for public

housing development

Majority portion is HKHA’s

works area for public housing

development while a minor

northeastern portion is a vacant

kerosene store site and a sloping


1.5 Existing Zoning - - “Residential (Group A)”


“Residential (Group A)1”


Currently covered by the draft

Shek Kip Mei Outline Zoning

Plan (OZP) No. S/K4/28.

1.6 Existing Land Status - - Vesting Order (V.O.) 32 Majority portion under V.O.32.

The minor north-eastern portion

is Government land.

2 Development Parameters

2.1 Proposed Housing Type - - Public Rental Housing (PRH)

2.2 Number of Blocks - - 2 2

2.3 Proposed No. of Flats - - 480 1,060 “± 10%” variation is allowed for

flexibility in detailed design.

2.4 Design Population (approx.) - - 1,470 persons 3,240 persons

2.5 Maximum Gross Floor Area

(GFA) [m2]

Domestic [m2]





Based on PRH’s net site area of

0.60 ha and 0.71 ha for Ph. 3&7

and Ph.6 respectively and max.

PR of 7.5 for domestic building

and max. PR of 9.0 for composite

building which is partly domestic

and non-domestic.

Total GFA

(including Domestic and

Non-domestic) [m2]

- - 53,800

(of which the domestic GFA

should not be greater than



(of which the domestic GFA

should not be greater than


2.6 Maximum Plot Ratio - - 7.5 for domestic and 9.0 for

partly domestic and partly


7.5 for domestic and 9.0 for

partly domestic and partly



Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


2 Development Parameters


2.7 Maximum No. of Storeys or

Building Height in mPD

- - Max. 30mPD (southern

portion) and 55mPD (northern

portion of Ph. 3) and 60mPD

(Ph. 7) (to main roof level)

(Max. 30/55/60mPD as

stipulated on the draft Shek

Kip Mei OZP No. S/K4/28)

Max. 80mPD (eastern portion)

and 121mPD (western portion)

(to main roof level)

(Max. 80/110mPD as stipulated

on the draft Shek Kip Mei OZP

No. S/K4/28)

Planning permission is required to

relax the building height

restriction for the proposed PRH

development to 121mPD for Ph. 6

(western portion).

3 Planning Requirements

3.1 Education Facilities 3.1.1 Kindergarten [no. of


730 half-day

and 250 full-day

places for every

1,000 children

in the age group

of 3 to under 6

35 half-day and 12

full-day places for

Ph. 3&7

78 half-day and 27

full-day places

for Ph. 6

0 0 The demand for kindergarten at

Ph. 3, 6 & 7 to be catered by 2

existing kindergartens with about

264 half-day places and 90

full-day places at

Non-redevelopment portion of

Shek Kip Mei Estate.

3.1.2 Primary School [no. of


1 whole day

classroom per

25.5 persons

aged 6-11

3 classrooms for

Ph. 3&7

6 classrooms for

Ph. 6

0 0 Demand to be met by provision in

the vicinity.

3.1.3 Secondary School [no. of


1 whole day

classroom per

40 persons aged


2 classrooms for

Ph. 3&7

4 classrooms for

Ph. 6

0 0 To be provided on district/

territorial basis.


Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


3 Planning Requirements


3.2 Local Open Space [m2] 1m

2 per person 1,470m

2 for

Ph. 3&7

3,240m2 for Ph. 6

Not less than 1,470m2

Not less than 3,240m2

3.3 Recreation Facilities

3.3.1 Badminton Court 1/8,000 persons 0.18 for Ph. 3&7

0.41 for Ph. 6

0 1 The existing provision of

recreation facilities within

existing Shek Kip Mei Estate

includes 2 basketball courts

(including one half court), 3

badminton courts, 2 table tennis

tables and one soccer pitch.

For the provision of basketball

court, it would be relied on

existing facilities in Shek Kip Mei

Estate and facilities provided at

Shek Kip Mei Park, Shek Kip Mei

Central Playground, Shek Kip

Mei Service Reservoir Playground

and Tai Hang Tung Playground

No. 1 in the vicinity of Shek Kip

Mei Estate. In addition,

badminton courts and table tennis

tables are also provided at Shek

Kip Mei Sports Centre and

Cornwall Street Squash and Table

Tennis Centre.

3.3.2 Basketball Court 1/10,000


0.15 for Ph. 3&7

0.32 for Ph. 6

0 0

3.3.3 Table Tennis Table 1/7,500 persons 0.2 for Ph.3&7

0.43 for Ph. 6

2 0


Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


3 Planning Requirements


3.3.4 Children’s Play Area 400m2/5000


118m2 for Ph. 3&7

260m2 for Ph. 6

Not less than 118m2 Not less than 260m

2 The children’s play area would

be provided on the podium floor.

3.4 Greening

3.4.1 Green Coverage (% of

Gross Site Area)

- Min. 20% of Gross

Site Area, with

half of which

should be at-grade

Min. 20% of Gross Site Area, with half of which should be


The provision of Ph. 3, 6 & 7 will

be calculated on a total basis.

3.5 Social Welfare/ Community


3.5.1 Social Welfare Facilities


- - - 1,000 The premises are planned by HD

for provision of Comprehensive

Service Centre; Workers

Employment Support Centre;

Office and Activity Centre;

Community Centre; and Digital

Inclusion Development &

Resource Centre and Community

Nursing Centre. Actual provision

subject to further liaison and

confirmation between HD and

relevant organisations, which is

subject to change at detailed

design stage.


Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


3 Planning Requirements


3.5.2 Community Service

Centre (m2)

- - 700 Details and Schedule of

Accommodation of the Signature

Project (located at Ph. 3) to be

confirmed with Sham Shui Po

District Council/ Home Affairs


3.5.3 Post Office 1 per 30,000


0 1 no. Provision subject to the

confirmation with the Postmaster


3.6 Retail and Commercial (R&C)

Facilities (m2)

To be

determined by


- 2,060


3.7 Parking Requirements [no.]

3.7.1 Car Parking (Domestic) Within 500m

radius of rail

station: 1 per

34 – 37 flats


on the



Standards for

Sham Shui Po


11 nos. to 12 nos.

for Ph. 3&7

26 nos. to 28 nos.

for Ph. 6

0 0 As agreed with Commissioner for

Transport (C for T), provision

based on 1 per 37 flats, excluding

72 nos. and 132 nos. of 1p/2p flats

at Ph. 3&7 and Ph. 6 respectively

based on the district standard. The

37 to 40 nos. of car parking spaces

required will be met by the

existing surplus provision at the

non-redevelopment portion of

Shek Kip Mei Estate.1

1 There are a total of 484 nos. and 1 no. of car parking spaces at Non-redevelopment portion and Shek Kip Mei Estate Ph. 2 respectively. Based on existing DBPS, 257 nos.

of car parking space are required to cater for the existing 7,451 nos. of flats (excluding 1p/2p flats) at Ph. 1, 2, 5 and Non-redevelopment portion and those retail and

commercial facilities with10,000m2 internal floor area at Non-redevelopment portion.


Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


3 Planning Requirements


3.7.2 Car Parking (R&C) 1 per 200-300

m2 GFA

7 nos. to 11 nos.

for Ph. 3&7

32 nos. to 47 nos.

for Ph. 6

0 0 As agreed with C for T, provision

based on 1 per 300m2 GFA. The

39 to 58 nos. of spaces will be met

by the existing surplus provision

at the non-redevelopment portion

of Shek Kip Mei Estate.

3.7.3 Motor-cycle Parking 1 per 130 flats


on the DBPS

4 nos. for Ph. 3&7

8 nos. for Ph 6

4 8 As agreed with C for T, provision

based on 1 per 130 flats,

excluding 72 nos. and 132 nos. of

1p/2p flats at Ph. 3&7 and Ph. 6

respectively based on the district


3.7.4 Vehicle Parking for

Welfare Facilities

No set standards - 0 0 As agreed with C for T, the car

parking spaces required, if any,

could be met by the existing

surplus provision at the

non-redevelopment portion of

Shek Kip Mei Estate.

3.7.5 Light Good Vehicles


1 per 300 to 400

flats (excluding

1p/2p flats)


on the DBPS

1 no. to 2 nos. for

Ph. 3&7

3 nos. to 4 nos.

for Ph. 6

1 3 As agreed with C for T, provision

based on 1 per 400 flats,

excluding 72 nos. and 132 nos. of

1p/2p flats at Ph. 3&7 and Ph. 6

respectively based on the district



Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


3 Planning Requirements


3.7.6 Loading/Unloading


1 per residential

block 2 nos. for Ph. 3&7

2 nos. for Ph. 6

2 2 As agreed with C for T.

3.7.7 Loading/Unloading


1 per 800-1,200

m2 GFA

1 no. to 2 nos. for

Ph. 3&7

7 nos. to 10 nos.

for Ph. 6

2 8 As agreed with C for T, provision

based on 1 per 1,200m2 GFA. 1

no. of loading/unloading bay

would be sharely used with the

post office for its operation.

Provision to be agreed with

Postmaster General

3.7.8 Loading/Unloading

(Community Facilities)

No set standard - 0

(Share use with the

loading/unloading bay for

retail and commercial



(Share use with the

loading/unloading bay for retail

and commercial facilities)

As agreed with C for T.

3.8 Public Transport Facilities

Public Transport Terminal/


No set standard - 0 0 As agreed with C for T.


Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


4 Technical Considerations/


4.1 Environmental

4.1.1 Noise - - Environmental Assessment Studies (EAS) for Ph. 3&7 and 6 have

been carried out for agreement with EPD under separate cover.

EPD has reviewed with minor comments. Revised EAS will be

submitted to EPD for comment/agreement under separate cover.

No insurmountable problems in the environmental aspects are

envisaged for the proposed PRH development.

4.1.2 Air - - EAS for Ph. 3&7 and 6 have been carried out for agreement with

EPD under separate cover. EPD has reviewed with minor

comments. Revised EAS will be submitted to EPD for

comment/agreement under separate cover. No insurmountable

problems in the environmental aspects are envisaged for the

proposed PRH development.

4.1.3 Air Ventilation - - Quantitative Air Ventilation Assessment (AVA) including

assessment of the pedestrian wind environment for Ph. 3&7 has

been conducted. No insurmountable problems in the air

circulation are envisaged for the proposed PRH development. An

AVA would be submitted in s16 planning application for minor

relaxation of the building height restriction for Ph. 6.

4.2 Infrastructure

4.2.1 Drainage - - No insurmountable problem is envisaged. Drainage connection

details will be submitted for agreement.


Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


4 Technical Considerations/

Constraints (Cont’d)

4.2.2 Sewerage - - No insurmountable problem is envisaged. Sewerage connection

details will be submitted for agreement.

The Sewerage Impact Assessment (SIA) for Ph. 6 has been agreed

with the EPD on 2 April 2014 and the Drainage Services

Department (DSD) on 12 May 2014. The SIA for Ph. 3&7 was

reviewed by EPD/DSD with minor comments returned.

4.2.3 Water Supply - - No insurmountable problem in the supply of water is envisaged.

4.2.4 Electricity, Telephone,

Gas - - No insurmountable problem in the utility provision is envisaged.

4.2.5 Roads/ Traffic Aspect - - A Traffic Impact Assessment was conducted to assess the impacts

of the proposed public housing developments at Ph. 3, 6 and 7 on

the local traffic condition. It was reviewed by Transport

Department (TD) and TD considered that there are no

insurmountable problems from the traffic engineering point of

view for the proposed PRH development.

4.2.6 Geotechnical - - The stability of the existing slopes and retaining walls which are

within the site boundary, or which are immediately adjacent to the

site and will affect or be affected by the proposed development,

will be studied. Site formation work for Ph. 6 would be required.

Presence of MTR protection zone

along the northern fringe within

the site boundary of Ph. 6.


Development Parameters HKPSG




Proposed Development

Parameters for Phases 3&7

Proposed Development

Parameters for Phase 6


4 Technical Considerations/

Constraints (Cont’d)

4.3 Urban Design, Visual and

Landscape - - A Broad Visual Appraisal (VA)

has been carried out to address

the visual impact of the

proposed developments. The

finding revealed that the visual

impact is acceptable with

adoption of relevant mitigation


A Visual Impact Assessment

(VIA) would be carried out to

address the visual impact of the

proposed development in s16

planning application.

Provision of a minimum of 3 trees

per 100m2 of the total green


Relevant landscaping requirements and consideration as stipulated

in the Planning Department and Housing Department - Guiding

Principles on Green Coverage for Public Housing Developments

should be complied with, if applicable.

5 Development Programme

5.1 Foundation Commencement

Date - - 2015/16 2014/15

5.2 Building Completion Date - - 2017/18 2019/20

6 Attachments

6.1 Location Plan - - Plan 1

6.2 Development Concept Plan - - Plan 2 Plan 3



1. NET SITE AREA (NSA): In accordance with the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG),the NSA should exclude:

(a) district and public open space, public recreation facilities (including those on the podium), open-air public transport terminal /interchange;

(b) internal roads; and

(c) natural vegetated slopes and man-made slopes (for the latter, except slopes regarded to form developable area).

2. NUMBER OF FLATS AND DESIGN POPULATION: To allow flexibility in the design, ±10% adjustment will be allowed for the number of flats and design population together with

corresponding adjustments to ancillary facilities in line with HKPSG or the requirements of client departments. If a project remains within the 10% allowance, no revision to PB and no

re-submission to DipCon is necessary subject to no adverse comments from client departments on the corresponding adjustments to ancillary facilities.

3. GROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA): Covered public transport terminal/interchange should be accountable for GFA calculation.

4. PLOT RATIO (PR): PR should be calculated on the basis of net site area.

5. MAXIMUM GFA, PR AND NUMBER OF STOREYS OR BUILDING HEIGHT: OZP restrictions have to be specified under the Remarks column. The maximum GFA, PR and No. of

storeys or building height for the current proposal should be based on the optimal development intensities of the site with reference to relevant planning studies or proposal by PlanD, or HD,

with justifications instead of blanket adoption of the maximum development restrictions stipulated in the OZP.

6. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STOREYS OR BUILDING HEIGHT in mPD: Should there be variations in height limits across the site, the different maximum heights in mPD at main roof

level or number of storeys permitted should be indicated on a plan.

7. PLANNING REQUIREMENTS: The District Planning Officer will check compliance with the HKPSG where appropriate.

8. SOCIAL WELFARE AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES: District and territorial welfare/community facilities are determined by client departments (SWD, HAD, etc) and any site area

involved in free standing facilities should be excluded from site area for PR calculation.

9. RETAIL AND COMMERCIAL FACILITIES: HD will determine the amount of retail floor space required in the development.

10. PEDESTRIAN WIND ENVIRONMENT: HPLB / ETWB Joint Technical Circular No.1/06 on Air Ventilation Assessments to be referred, if appropriate.

11. DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS: Following circulation, a summary of comments with responses should be included in the appendix for submission of the draft planning brief for

endorsement by DipCon.

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