po i nte r · ing actors of the american national shirley klimowitz, llobble netzel: april 20 - ma...

Post on 22-Mar-2021






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Five Movies Announced On Library Film Slate

The second semest e r schedule o f Ubrary mms has been anrro·un·ced by

bert S. Lewis, In charge of th e col­e ,·lsu·a 1 aids. Mo \· les which have

en scheduled are as follows: February 22 - The l\ludlark March 11 - Wilson March 30 - I ' ll See Yo u In My

Dreams April 13 - Les '.\11Serables

Anta Players To Present Coke Parties Planned Varied Dramatic Program Once again, the preliminaries for

For CSC Students Frida~y- - 'h~u:~d=Ga~~;~:.=_!~; ~~as:~, b:1~~:~ ~o: y8o6 ;Vii)-· -- rorlties will hold coke parties.

lie c~:nst:::~~s :~f0t~:1~~~~l ~~:= Omega l\lu Chi will have Its party atrlcal entertainment In the school In the Nelson Hall recreation room. auditorium on Friday, F e b. l S. The Pat Giese Is general chairman, with

occasion ts the arrl\'OI of the Anta ~~:0/0~:"~;ogetzc~:


1~~1~~ Z~~~~~~~

Players for three perfo rmances. Bonnie Driscoll. J o Mc.Clone: food, At 10 Fridny m orning, and again De lores Thompson, Carol Holt. Ben-

3Ll.:30 in the an ernoo.n, these tollr- Ila Dlomfler. Cleo Gilbert: fa vors? Ing actors of the American National Shi r ley Klimow itz , llobble Netze l :

April 20 - Ma n On a Tightrope Theatrical association will present. clean-up, E\'on Deck with . Bettr Falk. Und e r th e dir ec tion or Nella R. the chlldren '!i ch\sslc '"Allee In Won- Betty Ho ls te in ; e ntertainment , Jan

Kampengn, head librarian. pl a ns are derlnnd" by Lewis Carroll. Thts piny Olrd, Joyce Thurston.

:!::r!~lnr!r:~::e ~°:\'I~~~ s~l~~l~lar~~ -z ro:~~~l ~~ 1:1~=~~:~:~n~h~~ t:!I A~~: TJi e Ho me Management ho use will

Re~ent Assemblies Interest Students -; very en oya le evening ot mUS­lca l entertainment was presented on the night of February 7, by 1\laur.lce C. Nord, bass-baritone, and his wlfe Juliana Falrchllde Nord, pianist, of Stevens Point. The concert was spon­sored by the college assembly com­mittee.

Mr Nord ottered a program ot vnrl ed numbe rs which won the ap­provat or his lis teners. Mrs. Nord played.se"ernl piano solos, besides ac­companying her husband. Both enter­

enga would like to de lay th e an- Players ' perrormance will be us good be th e scene or the Psi Beta Psi ouncement or these film s until th e as. or better than, th e Clulre Tree party. , Com mittees appointed are:

next Issue of the Pointe r, at which Major production of "Puss In Boots" Re fresh me nts, Darlene Zamzow, Mar- Dr. Ri(hord Taylor, one of two new fo(ulty time he thinks all th e dates will be he r e last year that delighted an ttudl- Je ne La Me re: centerpiece an d table, members ot CSC, is pictured above. Or.

finally confirmed. ence of mixed ages. ~:1~icthe l~~n,;or~.os i~a::~~II , ;oatl~~~ !?:~: ~8;,'i::r:1ty h!1f f1~i~~i1i:n~o1;:iC:~w ~:~:~~

- ta.ln.ers added bonUJJ numbers In­response to th e enthusiastic applause or the attd lence, and those in the au­ditorium we re sorr'y the even ing had to e nd so soon.

These two performances a r e being Kancy Ga yhart. ing that subiect here, Panel Discussion

College Theater Casts For "My Three Angels"

::~n~~::1~r~n c~~:~~;_Pr;!~e:at~!" !t~ · Tau Gamma Beta will ha\'e th e ir hostesses - Ruth Ann Charlesworth. Brotherhood was the topic or a rectlon of Benita Blomiley, president. party at th e 'Studen t Un io n. General chairman . Beulah Huett!, Mary Bar- panel discussion g iven by Father

By Joyco Spencer Tickets for either' performance a re 75 ~~:~~m: ;d r~;o~~eF~:trh~;:et:!~~1~ !~ ~t~ic ~~;:i r;~,~:~~~e:·. Jie~ty0\~:1al:~: Norbert J . Wllger, Rever end Gordon

cents. Students who purch ase tickets miltees a re : food _ Marjo rie !e n : favo r s _ Lois Schloltn,an, Da lton and Rabbi David Matzner 11¥Jt will be excused from classes to at- Tuesday morning. Feb. 1 5, In the Studio A has been the cente r or

much a ctivity this past week due to the nuditious for the College Theate r three-net play, "My Three Angels." which will be direct ed by Richard C. Olnkes lee. Tryouts were he ld on Monday nnd W e dnesday , and will be held again on J\londny . February 2 1. The ho ul's are 3 to 4:30 and G:30 to 8 p .111.

~~~l~iat!e c~'7-t~~~~:~· T~::sse ::r!~::~ ~~:~~:h~s:~1~t~::~ ~:;;,:~ll~ki:~~~ ~~:t;~1

/ac~~an O~~I~ P~}~l~~!1'R1:~~;;~ college auditorium . This assembly

In e lementar}' education. will be par- Brlcco: decorations - Arlene Golom- chairman. Ellen Eide, Luella Cram, was he ld In commemoration of

~~~::1~~n~~r::1~:~.o ~t1:oa?e11::_rcth:~r~ I ·s_k_1._ c_h_a_1c_"_'"_" _· _ N_'a_nc_Y __ P_e,_•_" -:o_n_;. _0_1_a,_rn_ o_1o_o_m_. _________ e_, _o,_h_e,_h_o_od_ w_ e_e_k_. ------

men In charge of ticket s nl es . and CENTRAL s••'TE Macy Ann Smith Is chal rnmn of the I A

"l\ly T h ree Angc)!j" by Sruu unc.l llc lln Spewack Is a comedy adapted from "Lo. Culs lna des Anges" by Al­bert Husson, and Is set in a French Penni Colony in the jungles of Fre nch Guinna.. The English ve rsion was orlglnnlly produced on Broadway In 19 53 . The play definitely promises to be a treat.

house committee. Dr. l\fnry l:lllznbelh

Smith ls adviser for Primary Cou ncil . PO I NTE R Fridny m•c1t.Jng ut 8 J>.m. the Antu 1'he g roup will present anot he r tine play. "The Skin or Our Teeth," by Thorn- · ton Wilder, sponsored by the College :::te~,:·!~~,:'::: :!:~~~;';.;i;e~~ ~~~~· ~~~===~~~~~~~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,;;;;;;;...=;, ;s:: .d ..... f;:~h~~1:~8cht:n;!1:0 ::~r;;;

1:~S ;,E=R=!E=S=V=l=l==V=O=L=. =l=V====;as;=,e=v=e·;.";.' ,;;P,;;o,;;in;;,•;;,• =';;.".;is;,;··=F;.c;;;b;,;r,;;u,;;•ry;;,.;.17;,;•.;l,;;9;55;;.,.========,;N;;o;;·.;l;;O

,oday !:n;ir:;~::!~c~r:vu:iic ."It's A Grand Night For Singing"; The cast consists or 10 men . three

l\"omen, a snake and a chicken. No tryouts wlll be held for the roles of snake or chicken because these ba\'e alrea.dy been tille d (according to Mr. Blakeslee!).

Uy ;\lurjorle Schmuhl Songfest To B A Th" Of "N t II Wednesday, Feb. 10 al 10 :30 p.m. e 1ng O e

th e weary CSC band returned to By ;\fury BrMtz Las t year this trophy nearly had to Point after completing a three day be dl\'lded two ways, for the Tau concert tour. The most frequent There's going to be some loud and Gama an d th e omeSs tied for first

Produ<"tlon dn1cs urc \\"etl ncsdnr and Thursday, April 27 and 28 . The cast will be announced ns soon a s 1ioss lble afte r th e tryouts have been com 1>le ted.

answe r to the question, "How was lovely s inging In the college audl to- pince. • It ?" was. "It was loads or Cun. but rlum on Monday night, Fe bruary 21-. Some of the groups already e ntered um I tired!'' It seeme d that after at 7:30 - and th e producer be hind In the contest a r e Tau Gamma Beta, playing nine conce rts In three days. the mu sic Is th~ CWA (College Wom- Omega Mu Chi. Gumma Delta, Sigma ull the members we r e definitely worn e n·s nssociation. former ly known as Phi Eps ilo n. Phi S igma Epsilon, Psi

"My Three An ge ls" Is th e 11lay that a roused mlj)::h interest when I_! was re ad in r-€ Library Theater on Janu­ary 25. This ,•e ry e xcelle nt lnter­pi-etatlon was gi ve n by Jim Stasko. Gladys Lehmann, Frank Brocker aud Ben F'oltz. unde r the s upeno is lon of Miss Pauline Isaacson.

out. the \\'SCA.) Beta Ps i. Newman club, LSA, and :"tlondu:i· 1111,thl tho band s tnycd O\'er Th.is tlt.Jrll 11 111111111 Songfes t prom- Ne lso n Hall. For B time of singing,

night In prl\'ate homes at Shawano. lses to provide an e vening or merri- lis tening. and pure fun, attend the The people fed th e members a tin e m e nt fo r all invol\'cd and th e CWA CWA Songfest on Monday evening in

~l:~a lc:: ::;~ ~~d c~~;:~~·a~~nt~~ a~!:~ f~~l.s ;~;.~:11~~r1~


0~r~h~ol;1:e a:t r:L~: the co llege auditorium.

morning. The hos111tality was s lml)l y :'\Ia ry Darte ll. Darlene Schimke, and Blood Needed Now!! wonde rful. If anrone desires more Beulah Huell!. The bloodmobil e will again pay a

Another Korean Student Among Registrants Here Dr. Irving Soch1, above, ho1 been added lo the

Central Stole fo(u1ty . Dr. Soch1, who reuived The reJ,:"istratlon n t Centra l State his Ph.D. from the University of tllinoi,, it now

co llege this week o r J ong Hyon Chey. on the iloff of the biology deportment here.

:n~~~~~~:~1/7~:~ ~~1':e:~c~~~11~:~1~~::: Doctor Doudna Announces

to 92~. it was reported by Dr. Quincy Doudna. dean or administrati on . Chey Is n transfer s tudent from Madi­son co ll ege, Madison . Tenn .. where he attended c lasse!.i In .the firs t sem­ester. He !ms bee n In the United States for th e 1111.st seven months.

Extension Class Slate The schedule of extension classes

from Central State college for the second semester has bee n announced by Or. Quincy Doudna, dean of ad ­ministration. All courses offere d are tor three credits and s tart at G: 3 0 in

Cher l'nm c h t'r t! through n rrnn gc- the evening. m<"nt)I mad e be twee n Central State The only Monday e \'enlng courses and th e i{ o rean-Amerlca n foundation lis ted are taught at. Portage. J oh n r;. In Was hington. D. C. He trans fe rred Roberts Is teaching physical educn­rrom the Te nnessee college because lion 163 (physical education In th e he des ires to~maJor In chemistry and e lementary school) and physica l edu­was un nble to punrne needed courses cation 289 (safety procedures and

lnrormntlo n about Shawano and Just what it has to offer ask Dick Schroed­e r . the bass drummer. E\'en the Cam-11 }' car was his.

Tuesday ni ght was s 11ent In ho mes at Minocqua. Some band members said they fe lt as it they were at .a 11ubllc auction s ince, after th e con­ce rt. th e tow ns 11eo J)le c rowded around the ba nd . grabbed thei r arms. and said, "Are you take n ?" I::,•entual­\y . though. e"e ry one ha d a place to stay. Mos t of the homes we r e out o r tow n a few miles. The woods were reall y beautiful at this time of th e year. Eve r yone enjoyed tl1 e peaceful n tm os phere.

:\fter breukfnst th e b11nd le ft l\fin­oc<1ua, played the three re main in g conce rts, and returne d to Point , weary but happy. The band de Cln ­ltely felt they made lots of friends for CSC al_ld for themselves.

Th.e publicity committee Is h end- ,•ls lt to Stevens Po int on next Moo­ed by He le n 80\'ee and working with dny nnd Tuesdny, to~e bruary 21 and her are Betty Behl. Jan Madiso n. 22. CSC stud e nts a re being counted :'\l:1ry Lucas . Marilyn Denson. :'\lar il!' II on 10 donate at least 1 50 pints or Heuer. Char San ford, Toni 'Walker. blood. The bloodmobile will be open a nd Syng Al Lee. J ean Getche ll Is on Mo nday from 1 2-5. and on Tues­c hnlrman or the prog ra m comm ittee. day from 9-2. with r•fancy Gaybart. Donna Trickey, Dlood cards may be picked up at Conn ie \\'eber, and Betty Woehlert the main bull e tin board . second floor , assls ling. Nancy Skalltsky. Sandra o r nt the dormH. Transportation will Bloom. Sue J o hnson. and Cary l Se lf , bo 1)rO\'lded to th e blood mobile and chairman , are working ou lnvltnllons a lun·c h will be scr\'ed . This current

:\ny orA"nnlzcd i,:roup such ns 11 blood dri ve Is be in g sponsored here <:ree k or ganization o r a r e lig ious :f1.CSC by th e lnter-r" raternit~ Coun­group mar enter iu the ·cw A Song-

fes t. Ho uses consis tin g of s ix or Phi Sigs Elect Offic~rs more 1>eople may also enter . Each ~ cond semeste r o fficers fo r Phi group Is to present two songs, one. Sigma 1':;p!JIJ On fraternity w.ere e lected a serio us song in two or three parls. at a r ecent meeting. Those taking the other a parody on college life. over th e reins of th e organization The entries will be judge d by an Im- are: President, Jim Goetz; vice-

~~~be;:r~~hne r:l~c~~onotl. :!e ~~~he1:;~; ~~~s:h:!d~n~~l~h 0~·3:e~~o~d ~~:e::~ TV Set Installed, campus , as Syng Al Lee. from Seoul , ture). Productions Listed

partial board o f judges and the win- ~;:tte:/~u~a~~e:~1r:~.n~0 :e~:~;:;

- ne r awarded a "traveling trophy" to sergeant at a rm s, Ed Pr ohaska; In­be kept until next year's Songfest. tra-Fraternlty Council, Lovell tves.

K orea , en tered th e first semester. All othe r extension courses are If you happe n to be wandering She also cam e here through the offered on Tuesday evenings at the lhrough the uppe r s t ories of the II- ------------------------­K orenn-Amerlcan foundation and following places: brary and are suddenly confronted through efforts or local s tudents who Wausau - Engnsh 228 (mldwest- with a monster of grea t proportions. contributed to a fo r eig n student fund em literature). Norman E. Knutzen; rear not , ror it Is only the ne w 27 to aid s tudents Crom o\'erseas co un- Steve ns Point - education 213 In ch television set that has been In­tries. Miss lms um Cho)' was expected (arithmetic). Kenneth E . Boytnn: s talled In the theater. This set, n to r eg is te r here for the second sem- Wisconsin Rapids - English 125 Hoffman Easy-Vision (that means e ste r , Dr. Doudna sn ld, bu t did not (Intermediate composition), Miss green and white _ not blac k and r eport. The last heard from he r was Mildred Davis ; Waupaca - art 211 white), will be open to use ot stu­in December when s he wrote that (art workshop). Henr y M. Runke; dents for special programs on l)', LI­clearance or necess ary paper s was Mars hfield - histo ry .113 ( medle ,·al brarlan Nelia n. Kampenga will be delayed . She may not be able to come history), Or. Frank W . Crow; Mer- In charge of th e new unit. here before th e fall te r m this yeu r , ril l - geography 220 (Europe), Ray- Among the spec ial programs t e le ­DQudna said . mond E. Specht; Medford - geo- \'ised are th e four TV productio ns or

C.11cy Is not recch lu g n ld from the g raphy 210 (Industria l geography), th e College R adio-TV Works hop. The fore ig n s tuden t fund. He expech1 to Robert T . Anderson; Antigo - edu- fir s t or these was presented on major In che mistry h.ere and continue cation 213 (conse r vation), Dr. Ber- \\'SAU-TV yes terday at 4 : 45 p.m. educational work until he recel\'es a lla rd f". Wle\'el; Frie nds hip - educa- F..:mlly Oyer . Den lo"oltz. and We nd y 'I .. doctor's degr ee. He the n will return li? n 213 (science), Aro! C. Epple: Frenzel s tarre d In "The Door" by t o Ko rea. His father was th e owner Wautoma - history llG (United Anton Che ko,•. Gladys Le hmann was j , ~o t-:rtextl lc mill and a member---0Whe.. States s ince 1865) , Dr. Warren G. s tude nt direc tor. _J._. filY a ssem bly In a city south of Seoul. Jen ns. - T1·-,.- , -.n-,-. -n -n-,--,-ee~ p=,o- ucllORS 'I'he mill was destroyed during th o wil l feature th e Home Ee depart-~ o r ean wnr and an uncle now Is at- f It A ted ment, th e Girls Triple Trio under th o :l emptlng to rebuild it and resume lex- CCU y ugmen d! rectlo n of :"tt iss Patricia Reil ly. and tile prod ucllon. Chey attended Su- To relieve the overflow ot math th e College S wing Uand le d by--stu-

> on Ag ricultu ra l college In Korea for s tudents . Mrs. Arol C. Epple Is teach- de nt "Ooood)•" h ·es. ree years, Inte r sper sed with Inte r- Ing a class of Math 115 he re at th e Announcement s lides used on th e

_htptlons due to the war. He speaks college this semes ter. Mrs. Ep1,1e Is TV prog·rams are drawn by James -ngllsh "reasonably well ," Doudna a g raduate or Lawrence co llege wi th Stasko and photographed for pro· Id, havin g learne d most or his oral a Oache lo r of Arts deg ree and a m a J- du ct ion by Raymond E. Specht. R o b­

ngllsh s ince his arrival In the United o r In math . P reviously s he taught at ert S. Lewis is direc tor of th e Radio-

The two pretty co-eds pittured above ore drumming out publicity on the piono '9, the on11uol_ CWA Songful to be held 011 Monday, Feb. 1. Darlene Sthimke, left, is general choirmon of the event, Qnd "R:,th Ann C.horle1wor,h, right, i1 pre1ident of CWA, l)le trophy on the piono will be owcirdad Ill, the winning group. ates. H e Is rooming at Delzell Hall., Wausau an d Antigo. TV Works hop.


· A Song Of Ourselves 1-- Semestec....teat.Lace..o\:Cr.- g.r&des...ai:e....o.t-and.-w.U e..atJll..Jn-1;<;hool.-W-hat

::rr~e:e:::o:01~:1~~r ~:t,::!t~;~ s~r,~~ecst::; II~; :::!~1.18~ ~ t 1~~~eu1;eti11~ntl~:;g~~

can keep us from looking at things with rose-colored spectacles. Whnt we' re about to emote may sound like n r ecruiting speech (and

that's not such a bad Idea either ) hut from where we si t thing::i l ook like they're on the rise here at CSC.

Plrs t of all, our Consenntlon Department Is Clnally gelling the ir long B"'\\'lllted-new class rrro'T!1. Whether-the p etitions did it or jus t what broug ht.­It about we don ' t know, but we're glad they: re gelli ng more space.

1'he band, too. has been maki ng news. They recently returned from a tremendom1l)' su ccessful (arid tiring) three day t our of Wiscons in high schools . Now they ' re In the 11roce$s or mo\·lng Into their s 1mcioua ne w quarters u1l on third noor. Their new ractlce ro 111 • 1,1 l u.s-th0- converted rural assem bly, tlun li"ygives the band some elbow room to go with their newly lncrenaed curri culum .

·Speaking or tours. the Men's Glee c lub Is hard at work planning (something the)··,·e been doing all year) ror their forthcoming s inging tour to Miami. Florida. This trip will not on ly be an enter taining ex perience tor the men pnrtlc ipntlng, but will a lso be a tremendous se lling point tor the school as well as the Glee club. ·

Our now library (It will still be the NEW library In 1960 ) has reached the s tage where It can honestly be called comple te a nd no one can Justly say It isn·t a combination or beauty and utility - al so a big recruiting point ror CSC.

Point yesterday kicked orr a series or te le,·lsion programs that not only will provide an outlet tor the talent here at college. but. like the library and band tour. will do thei r share to interest new s tudents In enrolling here . Few or t he other state colleges can boas t or gh'ing to their students such an opportunity. Who knows. maybe another J. Fred Muggs is somewhere in our mids t!


Light Operas Slated By-Aipha-Kappa--Rho-1--r-

ope ra at CSC is a new exporle~ce and holds a J)ro mlse or good enter­tainment tor all who see it.

On Su nday e \·enlng, 1''ebruary 2i, and Tuestlay e"enlng, March L, Alpha Kappa Rho Is presentlno Lwo light-humorous one·nct 011eras through the courtesy or the G. Schrlmer Co. or Ne w York . · '"The Telephone" by Menotti ren­

tures Ma ry Ann Smi th as Lucy und Wayne Salter as Ben. Gloria Suckow will accompany.

"Sunday Excu rsion" Is from the early 1900's . The music Is by Alec Wilder and the words by Arnold Sundgnard . Cast In this opera are Clai re Mueller as Alice , Judy Olson as Veronica , Roland l\'larsh as Hil­lary, Keith Stoehr as Marvin. Lonnie Doudna as Tim. Helen Schlack will be the acco1u pan lst.

The operas are being presented In the Library Theater at 8: 15 p.m. There will be a sUght admission tee. Tickets will be on sale on Feb ruary 23.

Three members of the Harp.Yoc:al Quartet that performed a l the cqllege lait Mandciy evening are pictured above. The February 14 concert wa1 one of 0

"rie1 af evening orntmblie1 1elected by the Auembly Committee. Our faculty ls graduall )' being increased and s lowly but surely the

indh•ldual faculty member·s load Is being lessened. Each new semester a lso brings its nnuouncomonts of new additions to the curricu lum . new broaden ings of the educational opJ)o rtunlties here.

There. we·\·e Just touched on a few reasons we can't help feeling op tl mlatlc. Bes ides. this Is our tenth Issue or the Pointer this year. And they said we wouldn't dare!

Fine Lecture Given By World Affairs Analyst or ~~;1s~~::1~;t~~a~

10c~1c1::~.p~~~/!::~ El 1=1~ 1=1 1=1• Harp- Vocal Program kee. a b,llllan t analySL of contempo,- i'i THE HEART OF THE i'i Given Monday Night nry artairs, gave a public lecture on ~ U: February 16 at s p.m. In the college CAMPUS • The Assembly committee, under



auditorium. rn ill the chairmanship of Dr. Hu go O. Or. Klotsche appeared under the !J: by Homer Plumb 11 MarJ)le. presented the National :\lush~

auspices or the Stel'ens Point branch League Hnrp-Vocal Quartet on Moo-or the American Association of Uni- :E=le Si }=i ell@ day, Feb. 14, at 8 p.m. In the coitege \'e rs lty Women. His subject was Commen t. of the week: "The faculty auditorium. ·•can We Lh•e in Peace In This Power must be getting patriotic. When we Tho program featured Cynthia World?" looked at the bog pt grade sll(>s In Otis, harpist, Lorin Bernsohn, cellist.

JUDY Ch\YTOX next year . I'd like t o get a position AAUW committee members who the library. It seemed that one row Claude l\ton teux, rlutlst. and Alice

1 Dy Anne Stoleson In some school in the southern part acted as hostesses for the . aftnlr was red. and the next one white. :~!~~or~\





Our pretty blond . blue-eyed fam- or W isconsin. Just where _ 1 don't were l\lrs. Elizabeth Pflrtner. Miss Then to top it off the instructor sent-Illar race this week has had a ,·ery know yet.'' Pauline Isaacson and Miss Patricia ed t here was wearing a blue su it!" :~~s1::1 /~:~e:ie~\!!;. ~:~-~e~~edr~~ interesting life. To begin - - she Sunnne rs hun~ been spent In re- Reilly or the CSC faculty. Miss Sue On o month makes rt blJt difference: was born In 1934 at Sheboygan, W·lsT sorts;-0 0 ne summerf-v.·as~ salff _Colman tor.mer director or. the Prl- A short while back the Student Coun- ~~~;~~~ accolades from critics e,·ery. cousin. Arter 12 yea rs, Judy and her girl' at the Minocqua Country club " mary dh'lsion here, Is program chair- ell had the opportunity to snag Les family mo \·ed to Ste\·ens Point. wbere Judy explains. "Another \" acatl~n man for AAUW. Elgart a nd his orchestra ror the same This unusual musical combination she has lived tor the past nine years. was put In as a short order cook In price as Eddy Howard. but the maJ- ;:r~. a highlight for concert-goers

~:; : :'!~f=r~!~~~g0

\~i°nU,:s~e. ):;; ~~~ :~ae~~to;::~h s~i: ~te':~ou~t~ls h6: 1~~m°:n~ two years here at Point as part or ~~I~:.~. c~:st:::f~s. L·~:e~~;a:te~:~ Bes ides Dr. Marple. members or

roll ed a t CSC with Home Economics work at the library or Parklnso,\·8 hi s Nal'a l training. "I reall y goofed came the top seller of records for the Assembly com mittee are Dr. as her maJor~n General Sc ience as Men's Store." Judy works part. thne those two yea rs." Mick confessed. the Colu mblll people. we could ha\'e Fran k '\V. Crow, Norman E. Knutzen a minor. at the s tore 1tow. "You 'd really be "Since l '\'e come back these Inst two booked him ror $700. The price ror and Richard C. Blakeslee.

A further ook Into 1hc 1mst In - s urprised how fu ssy men are!" yelir s. lhough,l'\'e worked hard to Mr. - Elgart since then has- doutilccl dlcates a lo list or accom 1lllsh- Other outside lnte·rosts are skiing, make up fo r it." And ho has pro\'ed for a concert appearance. His price Band, Beards And Birds ments. A few or these are : Four swimm ing , music and arL, und Judy It by his high grades. "Married life tor a dance has shot up to $2,500. All yea rs or work In the co llege library, says. ho{lefully, ·· 1 would li ke to go has helped me settle down a nd study. we can say is bolng, bolng, bolng! Back Woodchoppers Ball being a me mbe r of t he Girls Glee to an art school some do.y H 1 ·find It has given me lncen tl\'e ," this ex- Hu,·e you heard'! The canfldlan A fantasy on wild life pro\'lded a

club and the WSGA board. a member or the Iris s t af f while she was a aopbomore. and a member or Trlgon - the religious organization ror Pres­byterian students on the campus.

Judy pledged Omega !\tu Ch i and this semester had the honor or being elected president or the sororil)·. "I'm war)· of It though and I h ope It works out. I ne,·er reali zed how much time It takes," she says . E\'e ry­one remembers the Omeg Quartet. Judy harmonized with the quartet tor three years and they proYlded

' entertainment at teas and · other so-cial events. ·

"M)' highlight of the year wnS be~ Ing . elected Homecoming Queen In 1954." she said, happil y. Jud y was the Phi Sigma Epsilon candidate for queen. " lt was like a_cllmax tor- my­college days."

Her practice t each ing days were unus ual. She taught a se,•enth grade

__ class of glrls. a group- from St. J os­eph's Academy, and best ot all - an eighth grade class of boys. As for tbe boys , she says, " They were so disappointed whe n they r ouldn't cook slnce__t.h.elt....t&-v:o::Jte..aubject---w:as eating. I taught them first aid. They were quite a bunch or fellows. Now I have a noon hour class at the blgh tcbool." Mias Clayton will spend her off campus te&cbl.ng days at Neenah. A.a far as the future Is concerned, she ad~, " I don' t k now where I'll teach

time." son·lceman said. (Maybe some or the Broadcasting Corporation recently natural background tor the plaid Th.is so rH,t>ok(•n ,i:lrl lnL'i h nd a rest or us should got the degree or caused an In ternational incident shirt s and Jeans that crowded the

\'Ory interesting li fe and her future )tr. and Mrs. before ou r college de- when they presented a satire drama Student Union the night or the AKL years are sure to be the same. "I gr~: ;,!

1,h will Jtrnduate In ·J une with on Senator McCarth y. This program Woodchoppers Ball. February 12.

~~~::1~i~~a111: ~1~t1~1:~:gei ~~des~otl~ a Bachelor or Arts degree and a maJ- ;: :r ::a:~::!c r~~~~~o:r:e::~uagnhd t: !.~:~:~1:! r:::n s~~\~~:~:t ::ed;n~~

teach ror quite a while," she con- or In English. "I plan to go to Bos• hear the origina l delivery. The play to the "timbering tunes·· of Benn)· eludes . ton unl\•ers lty to take the pre-medical lasts a run hour, and has recently Graham and his Orchestra.

~::·~~.~, s.:,,~:to ~~~~:~~~ .~'.~~E.:~r:: ~r: £i ~;~:}I:;:i~~E:~E~~~.~r.~I~:~~~ ~l~:·~~~c~~~ce~~~;:~:~:~~·~.;;;m:::;

~~E·~,r.:i;~f;,~~::?~£~~t~!~£ :~·~~~,;~.~:J,:~!~:i~'f ·;:0

:~,~1~: ::~c: ~~.;·r. ~~·h:·t:,'.!.,~~~o;.~.•l• of the ~!~~·~~;,1:~~:,::h~h~1~:,~:::.J;

.. i\llck" Slu is. Our Pointer Just will was stationed In Florida at bases In ~ wort.hwhlle trip: The Studen t !\lartell pro\'ed his marksmanship not let Life magazine get ahead of Jackson\"ill e and Pensacola. Some of ouncll will soon spend one day In with a !ling P b II d both were us in case ther got any furth er Ideas the cruises they made were to Eu- l\lllwaukee where they will visit a duly award;d ob:\h: A~~ generosity. \ on Ralph . The March, 1951. Issue or rope, t he Mediterranean. Cuba and Negro grade schoo l. Their re1)ort The main attraction or the e\'enlug Li fe reatured Ralph , hi s wire Betty, Hawaii. He se rved as a Jet fighter sh:u ld Interest all future teachers was the measuring of the "hairy and their s tory of son •lce life . Ralph pilot. "l fought over Korea for ~~ cl~lzfns of our state. monsters .. that haunted the dance. said, " It was a great experience be- about a month and then was Injured," h uo o t 1e week : The face-lifting or Al Curtiss and Dean Cayo topped

Ing lnten •lewed by Life , but we :i~~. n;e~t;~::s~- w~'fc~e\0

~:ntth~;: ~sea ~:r°~! :::!e~a~::e:e~~n~h:~:;~ the honors with their traces of ruu.

wo~~.~·\7:~:i,t ~~,:~.It s~:~;:"b·tck in months. After recovery I was sent wall . It lsn·t Ma.rUyn Monroe, but It ~~~a,.:~ .. ~~ea ;oC:ci' tl~:e~e reeling Chicago, bis hometown. Three or his back to my squadron, then at Pen- sure Is a lot or bull. -----------­high school )'ears were spent In two sacola. Until 1 was discharged 1 :\lo,•lo or lho month : " Pr'lnce or Play­or Chicago's high schools. The last serl'ed as an Ins tructor In acrobatics ers" now showing at the Fox In down­

a nd formation. At present, I am in town Polntskl. The film follows the resen•e - at the president's pleas- book for once. a nd we are quite sure ure. " Mick attained the rank or Lt. that you will get more ·than $.65 J.g. (Lieutenant Junior Grade) be~ worth o r ente rtainment here. This fore leu·tng active senice. ls a mus t for English majors.

Mick m et Betty ln J 1:1tCksoll\·llle. Hero's hoping: We see In a recent She, originall y from New Hampshire, Milwaukee Journal that J eanette was In the Waves. They met In April, Kennedy Is one or six University ot lb. Augus t were mar ried, and nine Wisconsin coeds In the running for days later Mick was shipped orr on a the queen of the big Wisconsin Ll\'e­crulse or the Mediterranean for rive s tock Expos ition. J eanette a ttended months. ( What a thing to happen !) CSC her freshman and sophotnore

Driving bus for P . J. High School years befo re tranefering to the uw is part or Mick 's dally routine. "The last year. We wish her luck In the kids all seem bent· on one thing," be e lection . said, "making me lose my mind!" Smile a while: A few weeks ago a " It seems- to me- that- the- kids are grou1, of ~e ~o trud1lng through

the snow In sub-zero weather trying to sell Eddy Howard tickets. As we approached the front doors or many of the ho mes we could hear soft music com ing forth from the radios inside. Bob Lindholm beard the tamll l"ar s trains of t he " Desert Song," threw bis tickets · Into a snow bank. and enlisted In the French Foreign Legion to get warm. At another house. Dr. Doudna beard an orchestra playing " The re·s a long lost gold mine In the sky." He pondered for a moment on the present status of the Student Council treasur)', then ran down to the post office and en· listed In the Air Force to bunt tor it.

. . .So long cats, see you at the Songfest. ___ _



~a~~h~:s~~;t1:0;::;i:e~h~!c;~ .iv;;:O"Lr'IV~-----;T;:h:-e--:Cen::--tr-a""t-Sc-ta-~--Pom-. -,.-,------N-o-.-1-:-0 ,

will be two years old on Saturday. " \\rlsconsln is not a favorite st.Ate

or mine," Mick said bluntly. "I like year was spent at a mUita.ry school It fine In the summer. but that Isn't outside or Chicago. (J",;othlng moo- ,·ery long to like it. Florida la fine otonous for Mick) . "When I gradu~ lo the winter, but not the summer. a-re·<rtNHif"li gb~oo had the Idea The •~ng an states are my I was ne,·cr going on to school. 1 choice." Just did not like It . - At that time Well, next year, Mick. when you college seemed so out .or gras p - are out In Maasacbueette, tblnk or but here I am and I rea lly like it," those back here at Point freezing Mick said with a grin . and send them you r rega rds. We

Mick spent five years In the service wish )'OU the best or Juck lo your ot Uncle Sam. In 1946-47 he spent medical career.

- ----·

bruary 17, 1955

ampus -School Su ervisor Finishes extbook Assignment In Thailand

ll)· l':1t S is t.'I the King and Queen. A royal um·

Thnllnnd. know n. to most or us ns !~et\~: ~il~~~~1;~ ~1~/1~5~'·:;d t:aer;:~al~

iam: was the :11umate destination rolled out just berore the Queen or r '.\l 1ss Clad)'S 'an Arsdale, Campus .Klng..allg hts frQ.ln their car," she ex· chool ~uJ)ervlsor;,vhen she left Stev- illained. , /J, n s Pornt last June. A s one or the Buddhism lh l' rt•li1,:lon of 1hc

three women and 24 men a1>polnted 'fl; ·fr•• ln~o/porates mirn,· Christian b y the l·'ore lgn Operallons Admlnls: prl~1;i·11Ies. '.\ll ss Ynn Ar~dale reels. ration. ,Miss Van. as she Is ~ailed h) "'l'he idea behind Buddhism is to 1cr 1rn11ils. ~set.tin · .u[!_n __ lffimrupa11erso 11·n11crlrso.urto-en ,·rlter's workshop to he\ 11 the rhuls ab le him to r ea ch Nlt·nma - or

·write 1:1uJll>l ementary books for Prl- heaven:· s he J>Oinls out. ··One or rnary schools. r

1 the ways In which th e Thais build

Al thou sh Thailand Is one o t io merit is rather q uaint. Outs ide the few Asia n countries to enact a co m- temples men . u s ualh· Chinese. sell 11ulso1·y education law ~nd mimy new ca ·ed birds . Thuls buy Lile birds . scl1ools hnve bee n b!11 IL throughout w:~lk away and re lease them. thus th e kingdom. :\tlss \ an Arsdale re- gh·ing haJ111lness to th e bird and 1mr.LS an utmost .conw~etc lack .or edu- merit to th e mse h •es."' cnuonal nmtermls rn~ lu dh~g, text- eaugkok, wh e re l\tiss Van Arsdale books . She round the 1 hals a,\nre ~r li\'e d w hile ln Thailand ls a city or th e need ., how e~·e r. and_ their 1:·ea~l~= temJ)les. The i;11irnls of its 300 ness to ".o.rk \\US sho~nkln t e . temiiles dominate t h e sky line much s uits or rne months "or - i;e,en as Buddn.h. who Is In e"ery temt>le . books were ready tor publication! doiil liia,tes the ll\'es or Lhe peo1>le.

l.,t·n,·1111,( o n 1•1111-:\uw r k:m AJrwn;rs :\liss \ ' un ~\r~dnh- wus n biL nm117,1•d

;i~a~~~~c~u:/i'~: ~~11 r~~~;-~!;1; 9vl:0 ~1

1:: to find that Thal women, conLrary to

en ·lrcled the g lobe. A stop al llawa \l, ~1:•:;Y ~~sia1~,;~~m~;~~~!:!·i:n~~01t~~;~~~

e ighl day:5 In l\lanlla. a week-end In women aren't as 1mmpered as Amer­Hong £"\ong nnd Lhen Bangkok. chief icun women. They work side by side

clt~e:~1~:a~\~~1dfact that h e r work w ith th e men In e\'ery type or work

k e 11t h e r rather busy, l\liss Van Ars- ~:1~:~aS~~:'\~~~~fc1t:1~ .~~~:;' a:~~~~!~ful'~~

da le rou1\d Lime to gel acquainted Educat ion , howe ,•e r. Is not ca r tled on with th e people and c us toms or this o n a coed basis exceJJt at the unh·e r­stranc,e and winsome country - s it,· Je\'el and one rarely sees young

!:1~;;\ t~tr:\~;\.~~;~~r\:.~::~a;n,~~ 11!~~; bo)·s and girls together.·· she says.

I n a J)art or the world where o,•er-

To Present Assembly :\H s1:1 Glndys Van Arsdale. will

111·esenl nn ussem bl y In the :uuli­torlum Febl'uary 2 ·1 at S 11.111 . Sh e will show a series of co lo red s lld e"S taken during her sojourn In Thullnnd and will tell or her ex11erleuces there.

Annn once tnu i;ht the childre n or t h e king's GO-odd wl\'es.

:\lu~t or I h t.• 'r lml~ arcr$211 r nt•r:o. and ri ce Is th e mnln cro 11 . Th t eak ror­ests:- tln- m lnes- und m ssh•c rivers furnish other occupatio~. however. The k longs (cana ls) that Lwlst throug·h the cities or Thailand te am wilh life. sars :\llss Van Arsdale. a s she reca lls th e s ight or peo11 le bath­iug. sham11oo ln g. brushing Lh e lr teeth or washing their dishes and c lo thes In the c hocola te-brown water. "The wonder or It a ll Is that t hey come ouL c lean :· she said. "but the Thnls are said to be th e cleanes l J)eopl e In Asia."

"All roads In Thailand lead t o Roy­alty and Ouddhn." Miss Van Arsdale obser\'es from ex1>erlence, ha,· lng at­tended se,·ern l runcLions where the King nnd Queen were prese nt. "The Thal peo))lo 10,•e and revere the royal family. Great Crowds turn o u t when­ever th e re Is a u opportunity to see

po pu latio n and hunge·r scourge the people, Thailand has always h ad e nou g h to eat. Rice Is t he mainstay. an d fo r \'a l'lely it Is fl3.\'ored wlLh tldbi1 s or fi s h u nd c urries. Miss Va n Arsdu\ e es1,eclnlly enjoyed the 111:lll" dirterent fruits sened. Mer r,n·o~ite was ma ngosteens . buL she found pompoloes and rambutans e qually tasty.

\\' h c.n nsk<·d nbcrnt the 11robh.•111 o r Connn11ni:rn1, !\llss Van .r\rsdale wise­h· declderl t hal It was a c1uestio n a1n t~ m islead readers and was best le rt o ut or an intenlew. She did say, howe\'er, t1rn t the Thais are a free. haJ)P)":'"'"ho11eful people - n- peo11Je- ro whom Communism is nol likely to appeal.

On her return trip :\tlss Van Ars­dale stOJ)l)ed at Delhi. India . where s he \'lewed the Taj :\Taha!. She also made se \·e ra l excurs io ns into th e Holy Land rrom Oeirut. \'ISil ing such places as .Je rusale m, Dethle hem and Da masc us. While In l\lunich. Ger­many. s h e \'(s ited Miss F'rleda Sch lu­ter. u rormer teacher at th e Campus school here and Reiner Rodenhauser. a former CSC student from Germany. i\llss Schlute r Is now principa l or a school in ~lunlch b.nd Rodenhauser Is teaching In a. private school the re.

Lookini.: buck o,·cr her six months a broad. Miss Van Arsdale had this to say: ''It was a wonderfu l adventu re professionall y and person a lly, I


MISS B;r lle tt;r Ho ls tc ln

If you' re taking French al Hello and a hearty welcome tO all you' re on the list ot Miss Mildred of you new and old CSC'ers. Silting Da\'ls . head of the foreign language here with 11en In hand brings forth department. l\llss Davis has a com- thD' ,•ls ion or the duty to pen a...1.1.ne 1>l e te and accurate list of names and to the folks. Instead of writing home inrormatlon on e\·ery sLudenL she's only to ask for money, use your 1.n-tau g ht s ince she came to Stevens genuit.y to write an interesting and Point. Some day, s he hoJ)es to h ri:,·e worthwhile letter to Ye Holder of Ye Lh e list bound. along with other Pursestri"ugs. Tell a little about our arficliSormrel'e·s and- her-own-ti- ule. prots:-tind latest acllvilles. lustratlons. It th e lettel' Is warm and In teresting.

:\li t-s Hm•li,: wus born In Ch11111llcr, the recel\'er will nol be as much in Oklahoma, bnL later mo\·ed to Osceo- dread of the "P.S. I need ten buclcs" la. Iowa, wher.e her mot.her still liYeS. refr:aiu. Also. remember that It Is Other close relatl\'es are quite wide- enslest to write a Lhank you note fo r ly senttered. inc luding n broLher in a g ift or a fa\'or Immediately after Se:ulle. \\'as hln g ton and h e r name- receh·i ng one than Lo put it off. Snke. a niece. in F'alrbanks . . Alas ka. Now that the semester ls under

The Un iversity of Iowa was Lhe \\ay, It's a nice Idea not to gel In such scene both of l\llss Oa\'is· under- ,....:..-='-'--"--------, a rog o,1er usslgumeuts that you slam grnd uate work and gradua te work. doors in peo111e·s faces. Even th e \\'ith majors In al't and languages. G i r I S ! ! ! absent-minded ones can make IL a

~!~:I~~~~ :r;1~;~~~: ~

1;li:~:t:~r:·~crt~;; Auditions for Lile Swing Band ::1~~~l:o ~:~~!-ea :~os~;l;g t~;1~~~;h~f~

and rorelgn tra\'el and study (she has ~~~~~::01

:0,~~ l~s~>.n~~l~t t~i: ;~;~:~~ jusL in case someone h1 behind you!

~~::etl;)~ a~:et~~;!~);i). bo~l~ri~~ t~i~: Llbrar)' Theater. All In terested ~::/~:! ~~:;:0~~~ulsa::t;:s~~

1!g t~~~h:;

g raduate work. she lil'Od In the are in\'lte d to try out. the way. ) French House. At. Lhls time she wa~ '---------- - --' It's a known racl thnl college stu-also teaching Prench nud doing Tau Gamma Beta Host de nts are alwnys hungry. So, if you

s p~~c:: ~~;·;:~~!!~1~~/;~r~~•h· that. much At Va lentine Party ~;~,e~~~~~g ti/,:t 1>~~1:11~~8 ~:~:)~\:r!a1\~

or h er college work was taken under Tau Gamma Be tn held. a Valentine l ug for a tul>le or booth. Oon·t mon­her godfathe r . Or. Charles i,.;. Young, Part)' Tu esday e\•ening, February 10. 01,o ll ze a table nfter you·vo enten. It a Harvard grnduale. at the E lmer Kerst residence. Guests makes e ,•e ryone reel ha111>ler to re-

. At th e c lose or her schooling In were l\lrs . Robe rt T . Ande1·son. l\Irs . cel\'e a sm ile and grate ful. "'rhanks," Jown. '.\ll ss Da\'IS was offered i•osl- Henry A. Anderson . :\trs. Gilbert W. 1hun Lo see n scowl r e flecting un­tlons In the fields or science . arL. and l-"'au s t. ~lrs. Il.obert S. Lewis , l\trs. )llensnnt thoughts nbout you. F're nch. but elecLed to follow the l\larg :aret Whiting, l\liss Gladys Van Uull ---sess ions nre an Interesting F'reiich education tield. Arsdale . und Miss Cecelia Winkler. and always st lmulnllng 1,astime.

UJ> to th e time of her rlrst teach- At a bus iness meeling preceedlni:;- They ca n be run and e,·e n education-Ing position In Wisco nsin . our "pro- the party . . \lrs. Henry >\ . Ander11011 al. llowe\'er. he re's n little poem resseur · · h nd ne\·cr been In the state. and l\lrs. Hobert. T. Anderso n were In- we'd like to quote for yo u: but had been Interested in Its well- sta ll ed as patronesses and lll'esented " It is a most 11ecullar thln·g known reputation for natural beauty. with u bour1ue t or roses. The 11resc11t 1.:ut al so very true,

:\ l b~ IJll\·is' dh'crs lrlcd inLerests In- 1mLrouesses . Mrs. Faus L and !\l rs. That wh e n you talk or other rolks, e lude music . an. horseback riding. Lewis . we re gh·en corsages. i\llss Van They also talk or yo u." dan cing. and ' tra\'el. Perhai>s the Arsdale. retiring ad,•lser. was 11re- lie careful or the other rellow's fore most. and slirely one In which she sented with a 11la11L in Loken or ;.\J111re- feelings. · is ,·ery i•rofic ien t. is art. esileclally elation for her sen·lces. A former That's it fo r no\\•. Next Issue we' ll work in wood. Tau ,am. '.\!rs. Whiting, was an- take up that unl\'ersa l toJ)lc- dating

On Saturdays and during \'acations nounce d as au associate m em be r . - ·uye now! See YQU the n. when s he d oesn't go home. her otrice Re fre 1:1 h111ents were se r\'ed by the Is litera lly co n\'erted into n studio. hostesses. Decorutions and Cn\'Ors High Schools Com ete In Hosemauling. c h ip ca r v ing, desig n ing, wel'C in hono r or Valentine 's Da>.~·· - +..,..~~-~~~- ~ ,-----11astel- c h-al k'"""\,•ork:-Olr 11alntlng. a n d Generrrl- ch, r111n11 for tl'le party Sectional Debate Meet fine J)en and Ink illustraLing are·b u t a wus Allee Allen . Othe r commltte rew or the phases or art that she is chairmen were! Program. Donna s killed In. Trickey; fn\'Ors, Anne \\'els brot:

\\' he n u.skt..•d Co l'OUI III C UI on 111:-r anlstlc work. Miss Oa,•ls exJ>lalned. "Art has always been a part of my dally existence. \Vhen you're Inter­ested In an. yo u fi n d it in e,·ery­Lhlng. I can ne,•er understand a per­so n wh o Is bored. when there are so many Interesting th ings to do."

transportntlon. Luella Cram: ln\'lta­cions. Betty Woehlert; clean UJl , Nadine Bahr.

Dance Group Scheduled The co ll ege assem bl y eon11nl u ee,

under the direct io n or Dr. Hu go D. !\Tariile, has contract.ed the F'ranke l-

Lreasure Lhe Thal friendships made :~-~~:r~~n ~~ ;.1";;11~/:J1/~, 11~8.~:~

1~; ~~

In the six months. I nm glad to ha,,e or six proresslonal dancers who d o had a pan In th e U. S. program or thei r own choreography.

~~~11~n:ni"~~;~;. :~ :ee1:o~!~~'.~1selves, -m-a,-ke- a------,re_w_ s_u-gg- e-,-ll-on- ,- . -, - ,-. -, -.-, new records are concerned.

The re are a ny numher of rh )'th m What's On The Record? and blues tunes hitting the market.

Two or the brig htest records In thli; ca tagorle right now are KOKOMO '--------------J and EARTH ANGEL. The Crewcuts

By 0:hc Sl h •ennnn

One of the ra,·orlte sports or the disced those back to back an d did a average radio listener Is commenting \'ery palatable Job on both. Perry on cu rrenL records. This Is true be- Como 'hn·aded the R an d B field tor ause: First. It Is a quiet, Indoor the first time, with bis KOK0'.\10 .

s port which fs both lnex1,ens h·e, and It's a good one. There's one Rand B genera ll y not too dange ro us. Sec- number that the writer hasn't heard ond: Everyone has some op inion on as of this sitting. b u t I think 1t ·s safe music. to say It will be heard . It's ca ll ed

The chances are thnt o u t or anv SHTJGGY B00:'.1, and with a ll Lh e t.wo hou r pe riod of records 1>layed b)' ball yhoo !L's gotte n aud with lls nssl­the loca l OJ, there are going to be nine words. it's a s ure thin g. (roughly ) eighL records which the The bes t or the 11 0\'elty tunes on a,·e rage listener would li s t under the the marke t 1)resenll y ln clu db: column mar ked. ··Ya. sure 1 like It!" TWEEDLE-EE-DEE. Georgia Glbbl! There will be about nine records in has the bes t. we think. and th e the next column. the one marked ·· 1 Lance rs come In a c lose second . heard that., o n e befo re. It's okay WHEHE WILi, THE Oli\lPl.,J>.; BE . hut .... · ·· A half dozen recordings by Bob :\le rrlll has drawn a lot or re­wou ld be li sted under "Gee. that's (luests. Rose111ary Clooney and Thur! horrlhle:· and the rema inder. about Ra,·enscrort (the big bass on This e ig ht or nin e. depe nding on how Ole !louse) do a ,•ery shnr11 job Qll

1,rollflc the Jockey Is. tall In Lhe rlnal this oue. Also \'Cry c le\·er, THE

The high school d e bate tournament teams of A11J)leton. Rhinelander, Two Ri\1e r s . Waupaca nud \Vausau emer­ged \'ictorious from the SecLional lll g h sc hool d e bate contesL h e ld Sat­urday, 1' .. ebruary I 2, al the college. Q15hkosh. LaCrogso. and Stevens Point sections were represented.

The wi n n e rs or the contes t qual­ified tor the state contest to be held in '.\tadlso n on F'ebruury 25 and 26 by wi nnin g four out or s ix debates.

Other schoo ls Jlll rticlpatlng were Antigo. Cllnton\'llle, Lacrosse Cen­tral. Menas ha, Merrill, Neenah. Rich­land Center, Stevens PolnL and TO: mah.

A co rree hour for the debaters was held In Studio A at 3 p .m. Nancy Hager was In charge, with Dr. Peter A. Kron e r. E:ar l Grow, Fred Stephan­ek. and Jan Derge lln assisting.

George Uecker was in char ge o f the arrangements for the debate , and Diane Seif was In charge of r eglstr'a­tlon ~

Judges for the contest were Or . r .. rank W. Crow. Dr. Alfred A. Har­rer, Miss Pauline Isaacson, R!Chard C. Blakeslee. Neils R. Kampenga, Hobert S. Lewis, WIiliam C. Hansen , Dr. Nels 0. Reppen. Dr. Roland A. Trytte n , Le land !\I. Burroughs. Mark :\lak ho lm. The ro n James, Robert Goetzke. Sherman Gunderson, and Carl Hogge.

Le land '.\1. Burroughs, head of the l:: ng lls h Department here al Central State. was in rharge of ar ra ngements tor the entire debate.

Wicke Named President In Gamma Delta Voting

col umn . . marked "Let's break PE~DULU:\I SO:-.:G. cfone by Nelson William Wi cke. 11resldent: Donald the radio!" Ridd le . Fox. \'Ice-president: Patricia Roth,

True.' we all ha,·e our own tastes In Voted the "P0orest \'Olce o r the cor responding secretary: Jean Getch~ music. even the man who 11Jays the week" ... Jaye P ...J\lor.gan. (So shs. e ll. secretary. Ann Zlm~ r ecord s. So, If he Introduces a dlic"sells 300.000 records." so she's go L a 1reasure.r: and Bob Hammersmith, with a glo wing tribute to s ome ha.If- good orchestra behind her). Joan press represeutatl\'e, were elected of­baked ,•ocal g roup backed up by Spi ll Weber was runner u1> here, but tell flcers or Gamma. Delta and Installed Phllt alny_ a nd his All-Gorilla Orches- to a poo..t-~d......-wh.en_U1e Ne.w i.tLo(licC-byJor.m.er p_resl.dQD.LGlad.xa..--t r n. and the record falls Into the last J erse)' ,·o te came In. Lehmann on Thursday evening, _Feb-of th e col umns we mention, we re - Best albu'rn or the week .... B. G. ruary 10. mind you to thi nk or these feW-fac ts : .JN Hl-F.l .-- undou bted.l)'! t.:s Lbe old Alsso selected were Inga Luhrlng,--

1. The DJ may ha\'e tastes other Benny Goodman arrangements, but editor . and Bob Hammersmith. asslst-J----------,c-"--~---1-than yours. all- new-recordlngs,- Me-thln·ks- 1 ant-editor-of- the- hakes- Region-po

RETURNS FROM THAILAND - Miu Glody1 Von Audole, ob~ ..... here b 1hown 01 1he orri¥ed ot !he munlcipol olrport ol !he end of her homeword journey from Thoilond, where 1he spent the po1t fi..,• mpn1h1. She ho, bMn on o !eon of obMnce from the Centrol State college focuhy for her ouignment 01 on eduto• tlortal con1ulhrn'I In Thoilo nd.

2. He may n e ,•e r have heard It be- great. llcation o f "The Laker." fore (and may never again). Here, finally, . Is one the whole Gamma Della Is the Missouri Synod

3. Ho may be afraid to express population should rise to: THE STAR Lutheran Student organization on himse lf too candid ly tor fear the FCC SPANGLB D BANNER. It's great In camp\ls. lt 19" directed by - Pastor wou ld revoke the station's llcense. its original form,_ bu we thought Herbert Wunderlh:b..,o f St. Paul's Lu­

However , In an attempt to g uide th e "Pr ez" Prado Mambo version ther an c hu rch a nd by Mrs. Marjorie yo ur listening a bit , we·re going to was a little s trai ned . · Kerst of th e CSC faculty.

How ti me flies! Dtrds will be heading nonh and baseball teams south In a few weeks and spring will be here. S1lrlng sports wi ll be ta.king O\'er tho spotlight soo n and we are happy to see that CSC will be In­augurating baseball this season. The f irst call tor players, Is e:<J)ected around the 15th or March. The ca ll tor track-men-will also go out nbou-&.- -that time. The spring s ports set -u11 Isn't too encouraging for this part or the country. Cold and damp weather a re ce rtain to m.aan postponement of ball games :rnd hazardous condi tions tor the trncks tors. . .

State to urn ey time is just a little o ver a month away and acco rdin g to some. Eau Claire. Su1ierlor Centrnl, and Monroe are the bes t bets to make t he state, with Oshkosh and Kimber­ly battling It out In the Fox Vall ey region ror the tr ip. From th is sec tion It looks as though Wa usau and Wis.

~ - Rapids will be tough , with Stratford having an outside chance. By the way, they nre Initiating a Saturday nCternoon session this year to talrn care ot a third pl ace playof f as well ns conso lation. The chnmP.lonshl1> game wlll he at 7:30 and will be the only gam~ on :aturd~y nlgl1t.

Coach Quandt ls lookin g O\'er some n ew material In regard to next sea-


_; ___ ·~-




son. Gordon Ou bcock. a 6 toot guard -------------:------------:---

~~o~~e E~~:;~~1; 1


1J;:~~~ Next Two Tilts To CSC Hoopsters Bat .333 Is hi gh on a couple or these new boys. D 'd p • R k In Three Mid .. Term Games They are Paul Sh um way, 6-4 pivot eCI e Olnter an The Pointers won one basketball man. who transferred from North- The Pointers' \'ery slim hopes for game while dropping two ~etween western : f, .. rltz Kes ley. 6-2 forward g rabbing ot a first division berth In Fe bruary 5 and February 12. On from Antigo. who trnns r'erred from the Wisconsin State college confer- February ~. In one of their better \Vlscons ln : nnd Bob Cll!~e. 6-2 1>h·ot ence binge.; on the next two confer- games. the Pointers ripped Oshkosh man from Crnndon. who recentl y wus ence games at Platte\" llle on Satur- 90-74 on the P . J . Jacobs High school d hscharged fro m se rvice. day, Feb. 19 and Milwaukee here . floo r . Bob Haefner was high for the

• • • :\tondar. Feb. 28. The Pointers also Pointers with 26 points. Butrymo­ha\'e n nonconrerence game with the wicz was high for Oshkosh with 18


February 17, 1955

CSC Grapplers Trounce Lawrence In Meet Here

Coach John Roberts' matmen won n decis ive 23-10 victory over the

Hurlnnd Wnro . . . A transfer tr,om Lawrence Vikings last Saturday Superior State. he has been having afte rn oon in the college gym, The an excellen t so1>homore season. The win ga\'e the grappler& a season's 5• 10" guard from Baraboo Is a good r ecord of tour wins and two deteats. team man and fine scorer . He was In- The meet opened up with an exhl­e llgl ble the rtrs t senies ter . but Is bltlon match between John' Ouldan plto·ing varsity hall now, ar~er play- (P) and Al Bach (L). Bach wo 11 on Ing tor the Colleglates the first sem- n decis ion. Terry McMahon and Al ester . Attoe . both of CSC. won their mntch­l'hll Cole . . _ T e 5' 10" rresh oJan es on decisions, while Dave Hurlbut rro m Prairie du ;:,ac got orf to a slow won on a tor[el~ . · start du e to the oo a!T seus9rr.-but" em fl!Ct"a'r"i-cy-[P a to settle has come along fast and puts his foot- for a draw after carrying the action ball s trength to use under the boards. most of the way. D~ave J ersey Jost 3 Much ts expected trom Phil urter this henrt-breaklng 7-6 decis ion to Ron yea r 's experience, tor he has grea t Hall ot Lawrence because of the potential on the hard court ns well as riding time that his opponent bad. the gridiron . Don Smith pinned his man In the ,Jim lloldlJt . • . Biggest regular on second round of a fast mo\•lng match , the Collegiate squad this year, Jim Ken Hurlbut a lso pinned his adversey has been O.n a ll out hus tle r and re- In the final match ot the day. bounder in gain ing much needed ex- ,-------------, perlence for next yea r. The 6' 3" center t rom Bowler ls s trong and rangy - one Conch Quandt will keep


hi s eye on tor the future. . Drugs ..L Cosmetics J{c n Ol~n . .' . This cen ter and for- Cigarettes - Magazines ward from Bear Creek should be ex- Founta in Service

t>1~:l~~a~~sg~,~ex t";:~:~ a~1~1g1~1te ~\.::~~ .._ __________ __,

fo llowing, after gai ning ex1>eri ence with t he Colleglates and Varslt)' t his season. The 6' 4" freshman hooks from the righ t. has n good j um1> shot and Is a t oJ> rebounder and hustler.

Student Headquarters BERENS BARBER SHOP

Sport Shop Bldg. G('or~e Hunson . . . The Westboro freshman h as been a sur1>rise this year as he moved u1> to the ,·a rslty "'--------------' early In the year and stayed there. The S' 11" g un.rd ls fast nnd a hard drh'er with a deceptive change or pace. George needs ex1>erlence. but should hnpro,,e to be n top-notch guard.

Gordon Rnbcock . . . A new comer to the CSC cagers this semester. the 6' freshman from Elkhorn should be n blg asset. Gordon worked the tlrs t semester before coming to Point.


We notice that a palr of form er CSC players are among the to1> scor­e rs In the Bidger Amateur League. They a re Jerry Boldlg and Quin Grossko1>f, who play for Bowler. the defending champs. who are undefeat­ed In leagtre play thi s yenta d fn,·­or_.ed to r:taln ~heir ~hamp: ship.

:~ich~o~~~~~ee~\~e~i t~~n~~h~!tu~~:~~ ~:11!~:r ~~~ 0!.!:et~~~/~::~n::i;t!:: ,----, -- -, --------,

On The Square Feb. 26. 1>ercentage. They made 3 1 of 67 I A • •

The l' ln11,•,·lllc l'loncc"'· cluun,,1- shots. Spring Sty es rriv1ng ons for the last two seasons, have Superior downed the Pointers S7-s ll111>ed to sixth place with five wins 76 on Februa ry 7, two nights later . SHIPPY SHOE and rour defeats. The Pioneers ha,·e Point was without. the sen•lces of STORE h • 1>layed up and down ball a ll year - Haefn er. who became scholastically Mention T e Pointer

Ste\'ens Point's Dick ble was h onored at "Cable Night" at Madi son Inst Saturday. Dick was nervous at the s tart but loosened up and was a ll smiles when It was over . He cannot be given his 1>resent until the season ends because or hi s amateur s tand­ing.

While In Madison we hea rd a lot of talk about UW basketbal l. We made many observatio ns ot our own and It was appa rent that Badger basketball needs a shot In the arm . There were ti ckets galore to be had to r the i:ame Saturday nig ht and man)' ,·acant sea ts.

Much or the talk centered around "Bud" Foster and we were Inter­ested In seeing his s tory about en­rolling players at the Univers ity, a s tory which appeared In the Milwau­kee Journa l Inst Sunday. One th ing i& certain , Wiscons in needs helJ) bad­ly and is lucky that it doesn't have Marquette on its schedule this year. . . . .

We were interested In seeing that not onl y at hletes ge t poor grades. A member of last year's Mirineso ta quiz bowl team was al so placed on probation.

Bowling Standings Remain Status Quo

Parkinson's, dest>lte a three point loss. ma naged to cling to thei r pre­carious nu mber one position In the bowling league. Miller's and the Col~ lege Eat Shop both swept their series to e11mlnate the huge margin that Parklnsons 1>re,·lous ly held .

The evening 's h igh singie game. also the high gtime of series. was produced by Donald~ Lasecke. who blasted a 230 singleton. The sea.aon's high team game was also es tablished by the College Eat Shop. who com­plied a 83 6 score.

:n~:~ *",;e r~~~;e;a:~,;~e~:: l~: r~r~~= ~~e~~g~:~~ ~~~r 1:r1: atl::1 / ~nm~hew~~~ ·-------------· 1 ee rs are Larry Marshall. Royce rense which permitted Superior to Reeves. a nd Ernie Vogler, who a re obtain a few too many s leeper bas­in the top ten In conference scoring. kets. The Pointers s tayed with them all with nea r 150 points t o their until the Yellow Jackets pulled away cred it. The Poin ters s lapped a con- with a few minutes remain ing. Orv vincl ng 85 to 77 win on the Pioneers Koepke had a fin e night of 26 points. at home. which means little as the Jack Hulmer paced Superior with 28 Pointers have won only one game points. si nce a nd the Pfoneers have won tour. On February 12 , the Pointers ran

Little ls known 11bout the S t . Nor- into a thresh in g machine when the)· bcrt Gree n Knights exce1H that they traveled to La Crosse to meet the low­h ave had u better than average sea- ranked Indians. The I nd ians look­son. They beat MIiwaukee twice and ed like anything but a poor team the Pointers by tour early In the year. Saturday night. The sco re at the end It shapes up as another rough one - or the game was 101 for La Crosse . one conso lation. It's J)lnyed at home. 65 for Stevens Point. One bright spot

The ' 54-'55 season comes to a close about It was that It gave Coach with the tough Milwaukee Green Quandt a chance to play hi s reserves Gulls In town. The Cu lls are in and thus let them galn some needed

~~:t: wr!~c:ntfo~hrelo~~::~r;~:e Pli~t~~ :~;~;!e:~e~n 1!0::1:~u!~:t ~1; ~/hose

;,~:11:~:1 s~~~eru~n nf:!n~~:;e~e~~~o~~ ,-------------,

Scott Netzel with l 72 pOints and big Wayne Kruger. a lso In the top ten sco rers. Ger ry Stanzer Is a high scoring g uard with plenty or class. The Gulls ha"e won on ly one game away from home and won all but one game on their home tloor. which would seem to give the Pointers a psycho log ical advantage on their home fl oor . Milwaukee downed the Pointers a t Milwaukee by 94-70 this season . .

The Pointe r 's seaso n record L~ six wins and 11 losses and the conference reco rd now s tands at three and six. They must win the next lwo confer­ence games or wind u p dangerously near the cellar.

Printing? We've had 57 years


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For Every Financial SeNice See

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50 million

times a day at home, at work

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share this "know-how" on

~ur next printing iob?

J. SOBRIGHTINTASTB . .. I H E T Z E R S ~;:!'.::';!~'.k;~;,'.0:ooc1n.... I

---Soulh Sid..-----1 ---2. SO-QUICKLrRP.l'RESHING ••• • MOBILE GAS & Oil nothing like it for

Dave Secord (16 5) has the best average, while Bob Casper and Lou

..__.Knuth- are-deadlocked- in-secoitd~ - ola.ce-wlt·h- ldentlcal- 160-a verages.--

'ream Pts. W L Parktnsons ......... ... 32 24 12 ?ttUlers .... ..... ... .. ... ... 31 21 15 College Eat Shop .... 28 20 16 Freds Paint ... ... ... ... 27 20 16 Esaera ... ........... ... ... 23 18 18 Yellowstone .... ... ... .. 20 17 19

- Hannons ...... ........ ..... 18 14 2 2 I WORZALLA PUBLISHING COMPANY

l LOCK & KEY SERVICE • bracing bit of energy, I :!1!v::,;: j:1;rig:;f~~ I


LA SALLE COCA,COLA BOTTLING COMPANY JACOBS·& RAABE Tel. 182 111 Water St. "Cob" It• r.,l,t•M ~~.

Complete team standings: I A.KL ... ...... ... .... e .... . . . 12 10 26 '----'----------' ~------------

0 19'5, THf C~ COIOAH't



Thi1 is your revlstratlon. Thb, pktorioUy pr•Mnted, i1 ~ he ordeal that tonfronts every 1CSC student each seme1ter. let's look ot this m1rry gvontlet step by step 01 po1.d by a ~•ry non-prof-.sionol _model.


And-? AJos, ready for Oshkosh! Next, o liberal amount of money b cheerfully exlroded for tuition ond f..._

COMING EVENTS Friday, February 18 - ·Anta Players

, "Alice In Wonderland" 10 n.m .. 1 :30 p.m. "The Skin or Our Teeth" 8 p.m.

Sunday, February 20 - Sorority Coke Parties Monday, February 21 - CWA Songfest - Auditori um 8 p.m. Tuesday, February 22 - Mo,·le "Mudlnrk" - College Library

Theater Thursday, Febr uary 24 - S p.m. Assembly, Miss Van Arsdale Saturday, February 26 - Basketball (Here) St. Norberts Sunday, February 2 7 - One Act Operas - College Library Theater 1\londay, Febru~y 28 _- Wres.tll ng (Here) Milwaukee Tuesday, March 1 - One Act Operas - College Library Theater Wednesday, March 2 - Frankel-Ryder Dance Duo

Auditorium 8 p.m.

Old Question Asked: Will A Poll Tax Us?

In view of the present Internation­al crisis. the Pointer. ever conscious ot bringing the op inions of the com­mon man to light. has sent our in­trepid Inquiring Reporter out Into humanity to feel the proletariat pu lse. Armed with pencil. paper. and a receptive mind. our reporter record­ed the reaction of any campus person-

Girl's Ski Jackets


- Main Street Cafe -specialize in Home Cooking & Baking

24 hr. Service


Across from High School


Malteds and Orange Drinks

FISHER'S DAIRY hen Writing Home to the Folks est · Words Are Left in the Pen ~r::e;·hfn ~~~!dy~~~r:e~~t!~e:t:d~ut~; ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::'..!.!::============~

question asked was: "In your opin­ion. do poltergeists make up the basic forms of material manifesta­tions?" Some answers were :

\\~hut is written :

1. Could you please send me $5.00 for new books?

2. I haven't written before biiCii'use I've been studying tor exams. I'm doing very well In European History. You may get a letter from the Dean soon, but don't open it until 1 get borne.

6. I'm sending a few Items tor you to launder, Mom.

6. I've been quite healthy so 1 haven't missed any classes.

7. I've been getting a ,·ery well­balanced diet:

· 8. I get a g reat deal of sleep.

\\rh Rt Is meant :

l. I los t $5.00 playing poker.

2. These week-ends are reall y lay­ing me low.

3. I was the only E In the whole class.

4. I'll ha,•e to break the new gently so they don't get "shook."

Chldtos Tlchborne - l\ly investiga­tions Into this problem would lead me to believe that an assumption of this sort wou ld not be wholly Incor-rect eithe r way all depending.

Clifton Webanowttz - Gee. you guys Is always to trying to make fun of us athletes.

5. Anybody have a spare railroad Madge Gebhardt - Ir poltergeists car ? are men I don't care It they 're ma-

6. Except for the time I faked terlal or not. 'They've got my Yote. measles by s tabbing myself with Professor Sofie - I wunch assume a stiff whlskbroom. thum burpt Is numarsum. (Inter-

7. There's nothing like Coke and viewed during College Eat Shop cof-sa rdtnes for breakfast. fee break. )

Barbara Frltchle - Young man. 8. ! ~~:ssl~~~;:1:~e.how comfortable watch you r tongue!

Alfred Langdon - Leave me alone.





· Fred's Paint Store Mautz .Paint

Phone 2295 748 Chun:h St. South Side

9. I've joined a lot of the college organizations.

9. Snack Bar Supporters and Mon- (Alfred le a lt shook up since he day Night Whist Club are my flunked political science. ) :=============, favorites. Tutton Beamish - Only when

School Supplies

Candy & Pop Groceries

10. ~~7a~::r If l.!.ru- rea lly- that- re-- thri~retiea·l:~:?:b!~·w ~~u-r - ,-. - 1-le-. - ~-.• -.d-l - NORMIN&lONLS- - ERNIE'S STORE 11. No, I don't wan t you to send me 11. Get oCf my back! feel safe In say ng that poltergeists Launderi~ &:-----

my ear-muffs , thank yod. will never replace cocker spaniels In Dry Cleaning One Block East of New Ubrory 11. I've been going out with a very 12. Ne:r.t week I'll tell them a bout ~~fiui~~~t:~ 0~~~a~!~~ again, neither

:~:erc:.ellow whom I met a t the engagement ring. j=============..:.============, 11, I don·t really know when I can 13. It may be sooner than you- think.

come-home-aga-1 . 1,. Your ever-loving, J oe or J ane 14. I really need that $5.00. College.

Diane Tweed La Crosse Racquet





Student Mailboxes!

DESCRIPTION: Small, compact, inexpensiv<>.

SOUGHT: by every CSC department ta relieve needless

wandering...around -t;ying_ta_ lo_cate sfu ents for

meetings,.... rehearsols, etc.

PR(),BABLE HIDEOUT: Any hallway, such as second floor,

as they would take up little extra space.

REWARD: A gracious "Thank you" from the Pointer staff


nn oldllium. Thunks just loads for everything. And be sure and tell O\'e r)'ono to wri~ to me. Gee. 1 wish I wns back with you In body , bul my eptrl r-tr-ew!r "''llh- yo11- at csc. Tbnpks again.

Name and address Ill egible

To Who m IL :\lay Concern: I was ext re mely di sappointed over

you r exp lanation of clues in the Mys­te ry ~tan contest (?). I think you distor ted the c lues to s uit your own purpose and If you had e\·er even_ bothered to read my entry. I'm sure you wo uldn't ha\'e been able to print­such a coufusln • s~J!lLQ.n s...

· yo u did. I. of course. am glad now that I wasn't the winner beca use I wouldn't want mr name assoc iated with that contest.

No maner what you say. I s till think t hat grent man Orson Cronwlch was t he i\lyster}' '.\tnn.

Dlsap1>rO\'i ngly you rs, Orson Gronwlch

Dear Editor: We don't know if you' re In the

hnblt or printing these types ot let­ters but. as our organization Is quite

'--------------------------11 poor and unable to aftord regular ad -

Fable For SChool People: ~::~~.is~~!~h "~~ ):';;~"~ou~~P~~~~~teth;~

and all other CSC organizations.

Once upon a · ti me. the animals Letters letter as a public service. decided that they must do something We are the sole manufactu rers of a heroic to meet the ri roble ms of "a To The Editor \·nriety of interesting products that new world. " So they organized a are kept oft the markets by the greed school. ot capitalis t big businesses. Among

Tbe)' ado1>ted an acti\·lty currlcu- Dear Editor . th;~~e ~::~ scrap Iron to sheep and !:.r:1m~~~:!:u:;d 0 ~1;~nng~ru;~ c~


1~1:!"1~ \'ery pleased I was upon reading obtain high grade s teel wool.

easier to administer the curriculum. your nice a rti cle about the tropical We mix clennlng fluid with peps i­att t he animals took all the subjects. fi sh. and how to raise t.hem. I. you cola and then we not only hit the

know, or maybe you don't. ha \•e Quite spot. we remove It. The duck was exce llent In swim- a select ion ot tropical fi sh here at \Ve sell Slop-So the Kitchen

ming, In fact bett er than bis lnstruc- home. The third fl oor of my home is Clennser. You sprinkle it on you r tor ;. but he made only a passing rull of guppies. dead a ll , poor dears, rood and it cleans while you eat. grade In fl ying and was ve ry poor In and l have a tub of s t ing rays In the We sell SP Reco rds. These a re running. Since he was slow in run- basement, all alh·e. the little mon- short playing records for people who

' nln&, be hnd to stny nfter school, and s ters. Sting rnys are such nice pets it hate music. . When it come1 to eating you've got to hond it lo Venus de Milo. Aher oll, how

ebe con ,he? also drop swimming In order to yo u know how to talk to them. I 'm We would sincerely apprec iate any practice ru nni ng. This was kept up sure. that Is pretty sure. thnt if any- business •ou can throw our · Qn'iF============:tl:I=::=====~~;:;;~;:;;;;;~ until his web feet ~ere bndJy worn -one e lse,,·mn firRITTP.1.•-nrnrell"blmr mo re ra,'or - please don't let the and"""""1iewas onl y average 10· sw im- these and Other fish 1 ban 1 . w.d. Better-Bustrress-B reau see this. ~[LTY ES H. w. Moeschler

-mlng-:--But-average-wa!-ftecepta·ble I e g a to . They're Jealous. achoo!, so nobody worri ed about that ( Ed. N"ote : The remaining ti\'e and Than k you, of Instrument South Side e·xcept the duck. o.ne·halt 1mges of this le tter h~,·e been WIibur Krunsnobble Rental & Lessons DRY GOODS

The rabbitstnrted at the top of cut because ot limited space. We Pres ident SHOES - MEN'S WEAR the class In running, bu t had a hope '.\llss Agatha Crunchwood, the At ner \'ous breakdown because o! so writer. wi ll not be offended, poor much ma ke-u p In swimm~lng. dear.) ·

The squirrel was ex lent In Dear Earl.

~:!~b::g t~:ti:l)~l~gde; ~:lsos ~~h~rr~st ~~~ I 've writt en you three ex tortion

Deer Tutton. \Yhy no s tuff about wrapping

shrunken heads as gifts like you promised? '.\l y unkle·s blrtbdar was las t week and he's wonde ri ng why he hasn't got a present yet. Get hot please.

Yours. Og

teacher made him start Crom the notes now and haven ' t gotten any an­ground up lnstend of from the tree- swer yet. What ·s the matter. can't top down. He al so den!loped a you read my writi ng? Please. ' If you "chnrlie horse" from over exertion don·t i;e t scared p'rett r soon and com!,! and then got c in climbing and F In throug h with the money I'll have to ru nning. get desperate and write in blood. ,-------------,

Sincerely yours. The ea.gle was a problem child and '.\lotley Stegbery.

was disciplined se ,·erely. In the climbing class he beat all _the others Dear Editor . to the top of the tree . but llll'lsted on I This Is Jus t to tell you how much using his own wnr to i;e1 there. l .lllJ)reelnte gett ing your paper everr

At the end of the year an abnormo.1 two week s. You ha,·e no Idea how eel that could swim exceedingly well. t much It bright ens u1> mr day to read and al so run. climb. and fly a little about the old gang. I sure wish I bad the highest average and was was back o n the cam pus and could va led ic torian. personally sa~· hello to n.11 my old

The prair ie dogs st.ared out of buddies and inst ru ctors. Please gl\·e school and forgot the tax levr because them mr address and tell them that the administration would no t add I'd sure like to hea r from any of digging and burrowing to the cur- them that could take time to write to Ticulum. Tbey a pprenticed their child to a badger and later joined the groundhogs and go phers to s tart a s uccessfu l private school.

From Osh kosh Advance

Lights Out!!



tra~!~:~th~SO~l;::~o~r~~on:I ~-~~~·~~: ,-------------. out" campaign on our campus to help cut the tremendous lighting costs. They have put up cards to remind the students and faculty to flick the switch when ,·a.eating the room. Pres­ident WIiiiam C. Hansen and APO slncerelr hope for ca mpus-wide operation in t his project.

CWA Elects Officers

Frank's Hardware

Phone 2230

117 North Second St.

See Our arge Selection of

PINK SHIRTS $2.98 and up

Health is Wealth






2nd Door fro m Jou rnal Bldg. LEO LASKA ELMER KERST

Banquets & Special Dinners




Music Shop On South Side



11'5 THE




Mention The Pointe


When your gas tank's down, O r your oil runs low.

J ust stop at Rudy's East Side Then go man go.

Phillips "66" Produds

Main Street


Arthur Brisbane once soid, "Repeli·

lion Mokes Reputation" ond we

hope you will make your reputation

through the classified columns of

you r loca l new_spaper .. , .


114 North Third St. Phone 2200

Rober ta \'au ghn was elected presi­dent of the College_ Women's Asso­ciation at a recent meeting of the

. group. Other officers named were Janet · ~f ad Ison . vice president: Dar­lene Schimke. secretary: J ean Cet­

---eheU;-,;na:&UTer.--CJ·ll"S~1"esefila-U\·es chosen were ~t ary Bartelt. sen­ior ; Diane Bloom. Junior: ~anc,· ca,·-

SHIPPY BROS. _ff()_J FISH-SHOP-- You and )'2..U_c.1olks_are.-r.ight- in.-•tep--with-the-time•-w.h.en..

--carrHING-- you shop al your local IGA FOOD STORE - the •tore with b art , sophomore; Dorothy Cuff and J oyce Schlott man. freshman.

1 the lowest prices in town _ the largest variety of merchan·

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