polling station staff briefing session referendum on the voting system for uk parliamentary...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Polling station staff briefing session

Referendum on the voting system for UK Parliamentary elections in England


Counting Officer

Electoral Services Manager

Objectives of the trainingsession

• Your role is key – you are the customer service face of the referendum.

• At this session we will:– outline what we expect you to do on

polling day– discuss the voting procedure– think about health and safety issues– highlight a number of administrative


Key aims for the referendum

• that the referendum is consistently administered

• that the process is transparent• that the referendum is professionally

delivered• that it produces an accurate result in

which all stakeholders are confident• that all voters have a good experience,

with any person who is entitled to vote being able to do so

Overview of theReferendum

• A referendum is a direct vote in which the electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal.

• On 5 May there will be a referendum on the voting system for UK Parliamentary elections.

• Voters have one vote and should mark a cross (X) in either the ‘yes’ or the ‘no’ box on the ballot paper.

Provision of voter information on the referendum

• in response to questions on what the referendum is about you should be politically neutral and in no way be or be interpreted to be supporting one option or the other

• use the FAQs document and take care not to stray from the provided answers

It is essential that you…

– act impartially at all times

– comply with any instructions issued by the Counting Officer

– ensure the secrecy and security of the ballot

The Presiding Officer –

management of the polling station

• Liaise with the key-holder of the building and check out venue

• Organise the layout of the polling station

• Instruct and supervise the work of the Poll Clerks

• Account for all the ballot papers, ballot boxes and paperwork

Poll Clerks

general duties

• Assist with the layout of the polling station and prepare for the opening of the poll

• Be polite and professional in dealing with the voters

• Check that electors are eligible to vote in the referendum and at that polling station

• Understand the process for issuing ballot papers

Countdown topolling day

• Essential tasks – Visit polling place and check out

contact and access arrangements– Check out arrangements for ballot box

collection and check contents as soon as possible

– Contact other members of the team– Dress code – ensure the image and

impartiality reflects the role of a Presiding Officer but is also comfortable

Polling station inspectors

• A point of contact• Spare supplies of stationery and

equipment• Responsible for

– Checking layout of stations

– Checking things are running smoothly

– Being aware of and dealing with queues

– Collecting any returned postal votes

– Distributing payments (if appropriate)

• Contact number [ ]

Risks • Can’t make contact with key-holder• Can’t gain access to the polling station• Staff failing to turn up or being late• Problems affecting the display of notices• Wrong registers allocated to the station• The ballot paper numbers do not match

those pre-printed on the CNL • Tendered ballot papers wrongly issued• Queues building up at the close of poll

The Polling Station

Setting up, layout and who can enter the polling station

Setting up thepolling station

• Layout / notices (see set-up checklist in Appendix 11 to Polling station handbook)

– must work primarily for the voter

– walk route voter expected to follow

– accessible to all voters

• Location of ballot box(es)– accessible and secure

• Arrange each set of ballot papers in numerical order

• Tellers and campaigners – who can enter the polling station?

• Sealing the box(es)

Polling station layout

Polling station layout

Who can enter the polling station?

– Voters– Counting Officer and staff– Referendum agents– polling agents – Police officers on duty– Representatives of the Electoral Commission– Accredited observers– Under 18s accompanying voters– Companions of voters with disabilities

Two types of ID issued by the Electoral Commission

Customer care • Show a personal interest• Be helpful and approachable• Listen and empathise with them• Allow them to put their point across before

responding• Don’t say ‘No’, tell them what you can do

for them and what they can do• But the referendum rules must be

followed at all times, no matter how insistent, upset or angry they are

• If in doubt, contact the elections office

Customer care(cont’d)

• Ensure that the voting process is accessible to all:– layout must work for all voters,

including wheelchair users– stationery provided in alternative

languages and formats should be clearly visible

– you must be able to provide information to disabled electors on options for voting aided and unaided

Tactile voting template

• Tactile template needs to be clearly visible and you should be confident in using it

• How to use

Who can and cannot vote?Using the electoral register and corresponding number list

Who is eligible to vote at the polling station?

• Electors with no letters or dates before their name

• Electors with an anonymous entry who have no letter next to their entry other than the letter ‘N’

• Electors who are 18 years of age or over • Electors with an ‘E’ before their name• Electors with an ‘F’ before their name• Electors with an ‘L’ before their name

Issuing the ballot papers

• Marking the register and the CNL– Make the elector confirm their name– Mark electors’ elector number in the

register– Enter the electors’ elector number on the

Corresponding Number List (CNL)– Do NOT write the elector number on the

ballot paper!

• Ballot papers– Open up fully so the whole paper is

visible.– Official mark– Ballot paper number and unique

Identifying Mark (UIM)

Marking the register

Red Dragon Walk


JP12 7AS

411 G Vella, Gosia 1412 F Taber,


413 K Vella, Kostas 1414---------

----------- Brown, Robert


415 Evans, Gareth




Barker, Peter 7

417 Jolly, Simon 7418 A Bishop,


418/1 02 Feb Smith, Ben 13

Click to: return to slide

The Corresponding Number List (CNL)

BC 27/1

Click to: return to slide

Back of ballot paper

Marking the ballot paper

• Some voters may need to have the voting process explained to them:– voters have one vote, and should place a

cross (X) in either the ‘yes’ or the ‘no’ box – If they vote for more than one choice, their

ballot paper will not be counted

What happens if…?

• you are handed a certificate of employment

• a voter spoils the ballot paper

• a voter has nominated a proxy but the voter arrives before the proxy

• a person arrives to vote but the register indicates the person has already voted

• a person arrives to vote but the register indicates the person is a postal voter

• a person arrives wanting to vote as an emergency proxy

• a person believes they should be on the register but they are not listed

• there is a disturbance at the polling station

The prescribed questions

The Presiding Officer must ask these:

– In circumstances of possible personation

– when a registered elector is clearly under age

– when a referendum agent or polling agent requests them

– always before issuing a tendered ballot paper

Postal Votes • voters can hand in their postal votes at any polling station in the local authority (check a pack is for the local authority before accepting it)

• returned postal ballot packs must be sealed and labelled as instructed

• [insert procedure for collection of postal ballot packs by the Counting Officer during the day]

Postal votes • ‘A’ markers cannot be given an ordinary ballot paper at the polling station:

– direct to Counting Officer for replacement (before 5pm)

– tendered ballot paper procedure after 5pm• exception: where elector claims never to

have applied for a postal vote. In such case, they would be eligible for a tendered at any time.

Close of Poll

The procedures to be followed

Close of Poll • must close at 10 pm• anyone who has been issued with a ballot

paper by 10 pm must be allowed to vote• however cannot issue after 10pm, even if

elector was in a queue at 10pm• seal ballot box • polling agents entitled to affix seals now

that the polls have closed.

After close of poll

• Absolutely essential that the ballot paper account is completed accurately

• The ballot paper account must be placed in the envelope provided – keep this with the ballot box

• Ensure all documents placed in correct packets and signed as appropriate

• Poll clerks to assist packing up station to allow presiding officer to do these important tasks

Health andsafety

• never put the safety of anyone inside the polling station at risk

• be aware to any potential risks to safety• inspect the premises regularly• if hazards are discovered – find a remedy• if an accident occurs – follow procedures• be careful when lifting heavy objects


Additional Information

• Election Team Contacts

• Electoral Commission website– www.electoralcommission.org.uk– www.aboutmyvote.co.uk

• Feedback Sheets

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