population aging in the cis countries at the junction of demographic, political, economic and social...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Population Aging in the CIS Countries at Population Aging in the CIS Countries at the Junction of Demographicthe Junction of Demographic, , PoliticalPolitical, ,

Economic and Social TransitionsEconomic and Social Transitions

Almaty, Kazakhstan October 31 – November 1, 20131

Nikolai BotevUNFPA

Старение населения в странах СНГ Старение населения в странах СНГ на стыке демографическна стыке демографическогоого, ,

политическполитическогоого, , экономическэкономическогоого и и социальнсоциальногоого переходов переходов

Social PillarSocial Pillar of Migration and of Migration and DevelopmentDevelopment


1. The Impact of Migration on Population composition

2. The Impact of Migration on Living Conditions and Poverty

3. The Impact of Migration on Literacy and Education

4. The Impact of Migration on Health

5. Gender Dimensions of Migration

Presentation outlinePresentation outline


Emigration and natural decreaseEmigration and natural decrease

Source: UN Estimates and Projections (2012 rev.)

N. Botev - Minsk (May 2008)4

Migration and Population Dynamics:Migration and Population Dynamics:EFFECT ON POPULATION GROWTH EFFECT ON POPULATION GROWTH

N. Botev - Minsk (May 2008)5

Migration and Population Dynamics:Migration and Population Dynamics:EFFECT ON POPULATION GROWTH EFFECT ON POPULATION GROWTH


age pyramids, 2010age pyramids, 2010

Source: EuroStat online database

Disordered cohort flowsDisordered cohort flows

Russian Federation


N. Botev - Minsk (May 2008)7

Migration and Population Dynamics:Migration and Population Dynamics:EFFECT ON POPULATION STRUCTURES EFFECT ON POPULATION STRUCTURES

SOURCE: Rogers and Castro 1981

pre-labor force component

labor force component

post-labor force component


1. The Impact of Migration on Population composition

2. The Impact of Migration on Living Conditions and Poverty

3. The Impact of Migration on Literacy and Education

4. The Impact of Migration on Health

5. Gender Dimensions of Migration

Presentation outlinePresentation outline

N. Botev - Minsk (May 2008)9

Migration and Development:Migration and Development:THE ROLE OF REMITTANCES THE ROLE OF REMITTANCES


Role of remittances in poverty alleviation Role of remittances in poverty alleviation

Source: National Statistical Committee, Kyrgyz Republic.

Human Development report 2009Human Development report 2009


1. The Impact of Migration on Population composition

2. The Impact of Migration on Living Conditions and Poverty

3. The Impact of Migration on Literacy and Education

4. The Impact of Migration on Health

5. Gender Dimensions of Migration

Presentation outlinePresentation outline

N. Botev - Minsk (May 2008)13

Migration and Development:Migration and Development:THE “BRAIN DRAIN”/”BRAIN GAIN” THE “BRAIN DRAIN”/”BRAIN GAIN”


Migration and Development:Migration and Development:THE “BRAIN DRAIN”/”BRAIN GAIN” THE “BRAIN DRAIN”/”BRAIN GAIN”

The impact of parents’ migration on children’s The impact of parents’ migration on children’s education (country of origin-Tajikistan)education (country of origin-Tajikistan)

Sourse: Impact of Labour Migration on “Children Left Behind” in Tajikistan, November 2011, UNICEF, Oxford policy management

The impact of parents’ migration on children’s The impact of parents’ migration on children’s education (country of origin-Tajikistan)education (country of origin-Tajikistan)


1. The Impact of Migration on Population composition

2. The Impact of Migration on Living Conditions and Poverty

3. The Impact of Migration on Literacy and Education

4. The Impact of Migration on Health

5. Gender Dimensions of Migration

Presentation outlinePresentation outline

Barriers to health services arise due to financial constraints as well as status, cultural and language differences

Source: Human Development report 2009

Temporary and irregular migrants often lack Temporary and irregular migrants often lack access to Health Care Serviceaccess to Health Care Service

Access to health care by migrant status in developed vs developing countries (2009)Access to health care by migrant status in developed vs developing countries (2009)

Report from DFID funded UN Women regional Report from DFID funded UN Women regional project on social integration of labor migrants project on social integration of labor migrants

in Russiain Russia

How do migrants and their children get medical services


1. The Impact of Migration on Population composition

2. The Impact of Migration on Living Conditions and Poverty

3. The Impact of Migration on Literacy and Education

4. The Impact of Migration on Health

5. Gender Dimensions of Migration

Presentation outlinePresentation outline

Report from UNWomen regional project “Gender and Democratic governance- access of women to essential services Tajikistan”, 2012, DushanbeЕлена Мезенцева, Высшая Школа Экономики, 2012

Gender Profile of the external work migration, Gender Profile of the external work migration, depending on duration (Tajikistan)depending on duration (Tajikistan)

Division of the external work migrants by Division of the external work migrants by types of labortypes of labor

Share of persons convicted of trafficking in Share of persons convicted of trafficking in persons, by gender; regional averages, 2007-2010persons, by gender; regional averages, 2007-2010

Source: UNODC elaboration on national data













0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Northern and South America



Western and Central Europe

Africa and Arab States

Men Women

Forms of exploitation, shares of the total number of Forms of exploitation, shares of the total number of detected victims, by region, 2007-2010 detected victims, by region, 2007-2010

Source: UNODC elaboration on national data

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Africa and theMiddle East

South Asia, EastAsia and Pacific



Europe andCentral Asia

Sexual exploitation

Other types of trafficking in personsOrgan removal

Forced labour


Migration and Development:Migration and Development:ABOUT THE DOG AND THE TAIL ABOUT THE DOG AND THE TAIL

Ron Skledon (2008) cautions

“against essentializing migration and placing too great a responsibility upon migrant agency at the expense of the institutional change necessary to bring about development. ... Planning for migration as an outcome rather than a cause of development is likely to provide a more balanced policy approach.”

“The migration tail is beginning to wag the development dog”



Thank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention!

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