population growth is limited by the environment quiz

Post on 17-Jun-2015






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Name__________________________ Score________

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Midterm Quiz #___


Instruction; Choose the letter of the BEST answer. Write the letter on the space provided before the number.

1. Model that depicts no growth limits

a. logistic growth model c. sigmoidal growth model

b. exponential growth model d. continuous growth model

2. Is the rate at which a population of a given species increases when no limits are placed on its rate of growth.

a. growth potential c. biotic potential

b. population explosion d. abiotic potential

3.It represents a stable equilibrium of population size.

a. Population Growth Rate c. symmetry capacity

b. Natality d. Carrying Capacity

4. Other term for Logistic growth model.

a. verhults model c. Cartesian model

b. pythagorean model d. x & y model

5. It is a curve to which its shape is a double curve like letter S.

a. parabolic growth curve c. hyperbolic growth model

b. sigmoidal growth curve d. sigmoidal growth model

6. A mathematician who proposed the exponential growth model.

a. Thomas Robert Maltus c. Lillard Von Dutch

b. Rene Descartes d. P. A. Verhulst

7. Letter that symbolizes “capacity”.

a. B c. K

b. M d. L

Essay. Choose only “3”

1. Give an example which would explain the biotic potential. (3 pts)

2. Explain why the logistic growth model does not exceed the carrying capacity when it is graphed. (3pts)

3. Differentiate the exponential growth model and logistic growth model. (3pts)

4. What would happen to exponential growth if carrying capacity hinder? (3 pts.)

5. Give some limiting factors that affects the growth of population. Explain. (3 pts)

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