post newspaper 20 may 2014

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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Weekly Community Newspaper - The Post Newspaper, 21 200 copies distributed Franklin wide into Waiuku, Pukekohe, Karaka, Tuakau, Drury, Ramarama, Bombay, Awhitu, Waiau Pa, Glenbrook, Patumahoe, Puni areas New Zealand.


Tuesday • May 20 • 2014 PHONe: 09 235 78 35 FaX: 09 235 78 34

PostVOL 26 • NO.19


Boost for PukeowarePukeoware School have had a boost to their sports programme after the ANZ Bank came to the party for their netball teams.



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An investigation is underway into an incident in which a 36 year old man received stab wounds and a serious head in-jury at a private address in Jel-licoe Road Tuakau on Sunday.

The man was discovered by a family member at approxi-mately midday and taken to

Middlemore hospital where he was placed in intensive care.

CIB attended the scene and are continuing with their en-quiries.

The property remained cordoned off from all access overnight.

Acting Detective Sergeant Lee

Warden of Counties Manukau Police says the investigation is still in its early stage of en-quiry.”

It is too soon to determine the motive for the attack and Police will be conducting at thorough investigation,” he says.

“We are interested in hear-

ing from anyone who may have any information relating to the incident.”

Anyone who has information should call Police on 09 261 1300 or 111. Information can be provided anonymously to the organisation Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Waiuku resident Jaimee Smyth was talking with a customer at the business where she works last week when they saw smoke rising over the township.

Two minutes later, the young Waiuku mother was frantically racing home after a call to say there was a blaze in her driveway and flames were about to hit her house.

“I thought I was losing my home,” she said, “it was the worst feeling of my life.”

The drama unfolded when a friend called through to the house to pass on a message.

Parking in the driveway, the man lit a ciga-rette before getting out of the car, not real-ising that the vehicle was filled with fumes from a can of Avgas (racing fuel), which had been in the back seat of the vehicle.

“He lit a smoke and, boom! Up it went,” Jai-mee says, adding that the man had no time to even grab his wallet or any of his possessions

“Boom! … it just went up”before the car was engulfed in flame.

Despite burns to his arm, the man escaped with virtually no injury from the fire, but three homes nearby were at risk of being burned by the large flames erupting from the car.

“We were very lucky,” Jaimee says, “if it had been windy it could easily have caught the houses nearby.”

The vehicle, which had been parked fur-ther up the driveway, rolled back down as the flames ate through brake and handbrake cables, Jaimee says, eventually coming to rest against a fence, which promptly caught fire as well. Members of the Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade, as well as police, attended the scene and their speed contained the blaze.

“The brigade was there very quickly, God, they’re great,” Jaimee said.

The fire came just days after the New Zea-land Fire Service used the example of a Wai-uku house fire to warn of the dangers of un-attended ovens, now, Jaimee says, another reminder might be due.

“Don’t light a smoke when you’ve got a can of race gas in the back seat,” she says drily.

Tuakau man hospitalised after home invasion

Fishers help Coastguard

Centenary celebrated

Counties Manukau Sport Fishing Club members have thrown their support in behind the Waiuku Coastguard as part of the month-long Mayday Appeal.

100 years of worship for the Waiau Pa Pres-byterian Church was marked with a number of events over the weekend.



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Published at 18 Bowen St, Waiuku by Waiuku Publishing Ltd. Printed by Horton Media Ltd, East Tamaki. Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

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THE POST wants to hear from you! or write to us at P.O Box 374, Waiuku.

Humour is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some

things are really important, others not; and that the two kinds are most oddly

jumbled in everyday affairs.

- Christopher Morley


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Victorious Faith – His Word


What is Faith declared to be? Hebrews 11:1. Is Faith necessary? Hebrews 11:6. Is just believ-ing truth sufficient? James 2:19. From whom does Faith come? Romans 12:3, Hebrews 12:2. What is the basis of Faith? Romans 10:17. How does Faith work? Galatians 5:6. Real Faith He-brews 11:3. Abrahams experience Hebrews 11:8. Is it relevant to the redeemed? Rev-elation 14:12. What about Works? James 2:20. Faith-fruit James 1:3. Relationships and Faith Galatians 3:26. Faith-action, 2 Corinthians 5:7. Faith-Prayer James 1:6. Faith-Protection

Ephesians 6:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:8. Faith Chapter Hebrews 11:33-38. Faith-Victory 1 John 5:4. Purpose of Faith 1 Peter 1:9.

“Give diligence,” Peter pleaded, “to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Sav-iour Jesus Christ.” Precious assurance! Glori-ous is the hope before the believer as he ad-vances by faith {AA534}

Weekly Sudoku with compliments of:

Cats - an introduced predator

Something for everyone at Steel and Wheels

Fantastic event was notified well in advance

Airshow a special treat for 90-year-old

Your platform to share your news, views and ideas...

SUDOKU No.1343

Fill the grid so thatevery row and every3x3 square contains

the digits 1 to 9

How to solveSudoku!

Solution No.1342


2 9 1 36 1 83 9 7 2

1 9 8

7 8 19 2 4 6

9 8 22 5 6 3

6 4 3 7 2 8 5 1 97 5 8 6 1 9 3 2 41 9 2 4 3 5 7 6 84 2 6 9 5 7 1 8 35 3 7 8 4 1 6 9 29 8 1 2 6 3 4 5 73 1 9 5 7 2 8 4 68 6 5 3 9 4 2 7 12 7 4 1 8 6 9 3 5


ACROSS1. Nobleman (4)7. Cover-up (9)8. Undressed (4)9. Discover (4)

10. Genuine (4)11. Image (4)14. Unlikely (10)16. Achieve (10)19. Resound (4)22. Chase (4)24. Excellent (4)25. Dissolve (4)26. Colleague (9)27. Daze (4)

DOWN1. Boredom (5)2. Wireless (5)3. Shellfish (6)4. Workroom (6)5. Jug (4)6. Found (9)

12. Speech (9)13. Pool (4)15. Pain (4)17. Sea-bird (6)18. Light (6)20. Box (5)21. Frequently (5)23. Run (4)

With regards to the article by Mrs Adrianne Hawkins regarding her disgust of the timing of the Steel and Wheels event: I don’t know how anybody could be disgusted with this event, what a great family day. My mother at-tended last year’s event and was disappoint-ed she was unable to attend this year due to a prior engagement. There was something for everyone on display or for sale.

As for the comment regarding the aero display, obviously this event was undertaken by highly trained pilots using highly main-tained planes, the chances of one of these craft crashing into your house is very un-likely, (yes accidents do happen but we can’t go through life expecting the worst of every-thing) and as for the helicopter and planes being in the same air space at the same time, I watched the entire air display and did not at any time see the helicopter in the air at the same time.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Steel and Wheels commit-tee and Sharlene Druyven for their time and effort in making Sunday such an enjoyable family event, what a great way of getting

families together for a day. I spent a number of years living in a small

town in California USA and was involved in organising similar events and never did I read any negative comments with regards to timing or noise , families would come together and thoroughly enjoy themselves. These events help develop town recognition and make people aware that life does exist outside the big city areas May I suggest that next year Mrs Hawkins if you want to have a boring quiet day that you go somewhere else for the day.

Go Waiuku and lets see more of these sort of events happening.

Mike TaylorWaiuku

The Post Newspaper received many letters and emails regarding the Steel and Wheels event. Space restrictions do not allow us to print them all, but a se-lection of them have been included in this week’s edition on page 6 - Editor

The announcement yesterday that Auckland Mayor Len Brown has been given a 3.4% pay rise, taking his salary to around $260,000, is ironic in that this is around the same percent-age increase that many ratepayers are finding will hit their household rates this year.

Of course, those same ratepayers, on average, had a wage increase of less than 2% this year, and chances are we, unlike the Mayor, didn’t cost our employers a quarter of a million dollars for an independent review into our activities.

Reportedly, the Mayor has agreed to put $40,000 towards the cost of that review, but ratepayers (his employers) still pick up around $200,000 of the bill.

But what really made me raise my eyebrows at our Mayor’s windfall was that the Remunera-tions Authority saw fit to increase his salary by more than that given to his councillors.

Councillors’ have been given 3.3% as a rise this year, still substantially more than the rest of the private or public working sector, but slightly less than the Mayor.

Yet Len Brown was missing in action for weeks following the scandal of his affair, his SkyCity room upgrades, his use of council premises and telephones for personal activities, and the mas-sive cost to ratepayers for council spin doctors and the disruption to council activities while the investigation was going on.

Pay rises are to be expected for public sector employees, and they are able to distance them-selves from the decision because it is set by a supposedly independent body.

But I wonder what message it sends when that Authority says the Mayor deserves more of a rise than the councillors, when those council-lors have been covering for him at events and functions while he ducked for cover.

It is with reluctance that I correct a school-boy however earnest he may be. Sam from View Rd School, you attribute comments to Gareth Morgan, comments he never made. If you really want to know what he did say (and thinks) visit his Website Cats To Go.

Otherwise you are maligning a well re-spected economist who has poured much of his own money into clearing rats and mice from several Antarctic Islands.

Facts should matter to a schoolboy. Here are a few. The Lighthouse keeper on Stephens Island used to watch his cats hunt the flight-less Stephens Island Wren and did nothing about it. That bird is now extinct – as are all our flightless wrens.

Most species of our native birds have al-ready been exterminated on the mainland.

Our earth is 4.6 billion years old. When you have never been exposed to a predator it takes thousands of years to develop strate-gies to cope.

Those of us who try attracting native birds to our properties find their introduced pred-ators follow them. The property owner there-upon becomes obligated to be responsible for someone else’s cat.

That someone is irresponsible by allowing this to happen.

Sam you have the beginnings of a great school project here. A suggestion.

Start by reading Moa The Life and Death of A NZ Legendary Bird By Quin Berendson. It will take you into a new world. Honestly.

Bruce Brownlee.Waiuku.

Jeez, I’m sick of moaning people in my home town of 62 years who squeal about well-organised, fantastically-run events here. Most come from the city to get away from a wife-cheating mayor, mowing road frontages (big deal), airport plane noise, mo-torsport noise (every weekend for months), rock concerts, traffic lights, violence etc etc.

They should appreciate the effort Sharlene

Druyven and her hard-working team do to put on these most wonderful events for our great community. Many hours of organising go into such detail for them to run smoothly and were advertised well in advance.

Congratulations Sharlene on an event I hope to see again next year.

John Rack (Mr)Waiuku

What a shame someone had to moan about the planes going over on Mothers Day. The organisers of the Wheels and Steel day did an amazing job, good on them!

Not often is there anything on in Waiuku - we have to travel miles to anything decent, and to get that amount of people into town is just great. We were visiting our parents too for Mothers Day and Poppa was delighted to go outside to watch the planes.

It brought back memories of war days which were interesting to listen to.

He loved it. There is no way he would be well enough to travel to any sort of war plane display show at 90, so this was a special treat

to watch free from his back yard! Just a pity the roads were all dug up but next year that won’t be the case so this event can only get better.

Perhaps some enterprising people with a bit of money will see the potential Waiuku has to develop and we can get some more interesting retail shops into town, or even a market place in the old new World building would be great for tourists from the train.

At the moment walking from the train past that run down thing is a bit embarrassing for the town.

J HylandPukekohe


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Last week’s Budget an-nouncements are great news for local residents, says An-drew Bayly, the National par-ty candidate for Hunua.

“We have around 20,000 local families who will be better off through cuts to ACC levies, and free doctor visits for children aged 13 and under will mean a bet-ter, healthier younger gen-eration in our region,” Mr Bayly says.

“The children and families package will provide even more support for early child-hood education for the 5,000 Under-5s that are our area’s future.

“Extending paid parental leave is another feature of the Budget, which will have a positive impact on our fami-lies. I am delighted that this National-led government is also focussing on tertiary education, with almost $80 million being put into reduc-ing costs for tertiary courses in science and agriculture.

“My vision for our elec-torate is ‘Growing Hunua, Stronger Local Communi-ties’, and this Budget goes a long way towards growing our district,” Mr Bayly says.

“Transport to and from Auckland gets a boost, thanks to a $375 million interest-free loan which has been dedicated to improving

Waiuku’s Chris Kitcher joined forces with Richie Mc-Caw in a head-to-head battle against Sir John Kirwan as the rugby greats competed in a boot camp for the coun-try’s rescue helicopters last Wednesday.

The showdown involved two hours of physical and mental challenges that the chopper rescue crews deal with on a daily basis to help raise awareness of the ser-vice during the Westpac Chopper Appeal this month.

Chris was one of 12 re-cruits selected to take part in either Team Kirwan or Team McCaw after registering in a nationwide Facebook Com-petition.

Both teams were put to the test with challenges such as helicopter underwater es-cape training (HUET), CPR drills, rope climbing, a sim-ulated winch rescue swim, 3.3km run and a stretcher run.

“It was such an awesome day and I was so happy to be a part of it,” he said. “It was good to experience what the chopper crew do in training; I expected they would have to put in hard work and it definitely lived up to that. I also loved being in Richie’s team – and didn’t want to let him down.”

Sir John Kirwan said the boot camp was a way ordi-nary kiwis could get a taste of the commitment required by chopper crewmembers.

“It was full on and testing and we were definitely put through our paces,” Kirwan said. “I think both teams left with respect for what a hard-working and vital service the rescue helicopters provide

Budget means benefits for Hunua

Waiuku man joins forces with McCaw

our local roading networks.”Mr Bayly says other Budget

announcements will mean benefits for locals from every part of the electorate.

“Whether you are from Beachlands, Clevedon, Puke-kohe, Clarks Beach, Waiuku or anywhere in between, the announcement that ACC is on track to cut levy costs, potentially offering big sav-ings for close to 20,000 local families.

“Our rural landscape is close to my heart, and it is great news that there will be $25 million in funding to invest in research and monitoring and preventa-

tive measure for Kauri die-back, along with $20 million for freshwater management, including helping communi-ties with wetland creation.

“The Franklin region has a large number of wetland ar-eas and has been at the fore-front of riparian planting. Kauri dieback is a significant issue – three different trees in the Wattle Bay area have been identified as carrying the pathogen, and although the Hunua Ranges so far ap-pear to be disease-free, this funding is vitally important for the region.”

Mr Bayly says his vision of ‘Growing Hunua’ is under-pinned by five key strategies: making sure Hunua’s voice is heard loud and strong at Auckland Council; ensuring our region, and our commu-nities, get the infrastructure we need; having access to good health services, pro-vided locally; promoting our growers, farmers and the equine industry; and creat-ing an environment where our businesses can flourish to create local jobs.

“What makes our region is strong communities, com-munities that are self-sup-porting but that also provide support to each other. Last week’s Budget delivered for New Zealand – and it deliv-ers for Hunua.”

Andrew Bayly

New Zealanders.“We were pushed outside

of our comfort zones and had to work together as a strong unit which is exactly what the crewmen do with every rescue.”

In the end, Team Kirwan won 4 – 2, winning a dinner with JK and Richie at a local Auckland restaurant.

Contributions to fund-

raising for the local chopper service can be made at any Westpac Branch or online at

Below: Team McCaw (with Chris in the front row on right).

Bottom; Chris Kitcher (far left corner) carries Richie McCaw on the stretcher run challenge. Photos by Ross Land.


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One of the Post’s many overseas readers of our online edition is hoping local readers can help her solve a family mystery.

All Helen Mason knows about her grandfather is that his name was Johnny and in 1943 he served with the Royal New Zealand Airforce as a Sergeant. Her grandmother has never told her family what Johnny’s last name was; all they know is that he was killed in action. Helen says the only other in-formation she has is a photograph (left). She hopes someone may recognise him or have some other information.

If you recognise ‘Johnny’ you can contact the Post Newspaper on 09 235 7835 or email Helen’s email is

Pukeoware School Netball Club scored big last week after receiving a $1000 ANZ Netball Grant towards kitting out their top side, of five teams from the sports-mad school.

The grant, which includes playing uni-forms, balls and bibs, will replace the team’s old, miss-matched gear.

Coach Brian Crum says the grant is a real boost to the team.

“Approximately 80 per cent of the girls at Pukeoware School play netball. The pride they have for their school and the game is phenomenal. The new kit will definitely be a boost to their self esteem which will have a positive flow on effect to parents and the Pukeoware community.”

This year ANZ is awarding $100,000 of netball grants to help clubs, schools, social teams and fans around the country get more from their favourite sport.

Smita Kanwar from ANZ Waiuku says the bank launched the programme in 2012 to help Kiwi netballers achieve their goals.

“The ANZ Netball Grant Scheme was set up to support all levels of the game, from so-cial teams who play for fun, through to aspir-ing professionals.

“There are more than 200,000 netball players around the country and we know many of them struggle to get the most from the game due to a lack of uniforms, gear or equipment. We want to help change that.

“Pukeoware School has an impressive number of students involved in netball this season with five teams on the court each week. We hope the new gear will help prac-tices and games to run smoothly.”

To apply for an ANZ Netball Grant visit Applications close 03 June 2014.

Above: ANZ Waiuku manager Smita Kan-war and Alan Mead, ANZ National Youth Programmes Manager, try their shooting skills against some of the youngsters from Pukeoware School at the Waiuku Netball Centre.

Local youth councils in South Auckland, including the Franklin Youth Council, think the government needs to be more proactive in ensuring the recently banned synthetic highs under the Psychoactive Substances Act Amendment Bill do not return to the shelves in their communities.

The youth leaders from across South Auck-land feel that the government has not lis-tened to local communities, particularly the young people, and many underestimate the severity of the risks these products create.

“These products were supposed to be of low risk, yet they have caused huge problems for communities around New Zealand. How can we be sure the Ministry of Health regu-lations will prevent these problems from re-turning?” says Olivia Leckner, Franklin Youth Advisory Board Chairperson.

Her views echo those of other young lead-ers: “Over the past three years we have seen the devastating impact these synthetic highs have had on our people and our community.

With this temporary ban we need to seriously consider if we will allow this damage to con-tinue,” says Sam Fuaivaa, Otara-Papatoetoe Youth Advisory Panel Chairperson.

“We don’t know enough about these prod-ucts and their impacts on people’s health or their communities, but we have heard of countless cases of young people getting into serious health and financial problems because of these drugs,” says Howick Youth Council Chairperson, Mackenzie Valgre.

Auckland Council is currently develop-ing a Local Approved Products Policy in an-ticipation of the approval of some products, however the youth councils believe there is no appropriate place for these shops in their community.

“We know we aren’t the only young people who feel like this and hope this encourages other youth groups around Auckland and the rest of New Zealand to engage in this issue,” says Jason Mareroa, Papakura Youth Council Chairperson.

Pukeoware netballers banking on a win

Franklin’s youth want ban on legal highs

Aussie plea to readersover family mystery


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A public meeting this Thurs-day in Waiuku is claimed to be an opportunity to educate the public about the dangers of wireless technologies, accord-ing to organiser, high school teacher Joey Moncarz.

“What is often forgotten is that cell phones, Wi-Fi and other wireless technologies have never been proven safe,” Joey says.

““As a high school teacher, I’ve been troubled to see stu-dents addicted to cell phones and schools installing Wi-Fi without any thought to the health implications. Else-where in the world, especially in Europe, governments have been warning their citizens to

limit cell phone use and advis-ing schools not to install Wi-Fi. Thousands of scientists, doc-tors and teachers have been passing resolutions calling for stricter controls. These warn-ings are based on a growing body of evidence demonstrat-ing the negative health effects of the microwave radiation emitted by these technologies. The dangers are even worse for children and teenagers, as their bones absorb more radiation and the possibility of cancer increases with earlier use.”

Joey’s message however, is not backed up by the Ministry of Health, which says in the Ministry’s view, the installation of WiFi equipment in schools

does not pose a health risk to staff or students in the areas where it is used. New Zealand’s Science Media Centre have also made comment about some of the claims made by people who say there is a risk from ‘radiation’ from electron-ic devices, saying much of the supporting material cited has been taken out of context, and that there is little evidence of risk from WiFi usage.

However, Joey Moncarz says this public meeting aims to give the community a greater understanding of what actions are being taken around the world, and will feature a pres-entation by Electro-Pollution Consultant Paul Waddell on

what the actual dangers are, why the New Zealand guide-lines need to be re-thought and the different ways the pub-lic can reduce their exposure to these forms of radiation.

“There will also be plenty of time to ask questions and have a discussion. We would wel-come the participation of edu-cators and public officials.

“When there is smoke seep-ing into a movie theatre, there must be someone who is first to yell, “Fire!” Someone must stand up and interfere with everyone’s entertainment to alert them to a potentially life-threatening situation. That is what Paul and I are doing,” he says.

Scare-mongering, pseudo-science or valid concern?

Two local groups with a focus on boating and safety on the water came together in Waiuku yesterday as part of the Coastguard’s fourth annual MayDay fundraising appeal.

Counties Manukau Sport Fishing Club members have donated $1000 to the cause, which raises money for the Coastguard’s volunteer training programme.

This year alone, over 2,400 volunteers will give more than 307,000 hours of their time and rescue more than 7,000 people on behalf of Coastguard, the charity that provides New Zealand’s pri-mary maritime search and rescue service.

Chief Executive Officer of Coastguard New Zealand, Patrick Holmes explains, “Coastguard units nation-wide will be fundraising dur-ing the whole of May, and donations to the MayDay Appeal will help us ensure we can continue to pro-vide our volunteers with the skills they need to tackle life-threatening situations on the water, and bring Kiwis home safely.

CSFC president Karl Sut-ton said it was a great op-portunity for local groups to support each other, add-ing that the club has many members who have been

helped out by Coastguard over the years.

“We have around 700 members, and around a third of those are children, so it’s great to know Coastguard has got our back,” Karl said.

The club encourages all boaties to become Coast-guard members, and says it’s ‘cheap insurance’ for the ser-vices the group provides.

“Both Coastguard and CSFC share the same ideals,” Karl says, “it’s about water

safety, boating education and enjoying the water safely.”

Above: Karl Sutton, president of the CSFC, hands over a cheque for $1000 for the Coastguard Mayday Appeal to Nigel Griffith, vice-president of Coastguard

Waiuku, and Coastguard volun-teers Craig Benjamin and David Smyth.

To donate to Coastguard’s appeal, go to

A ‘grand’ way to help out Coastguard

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We find strength and truth in His Word, His Word Alone...

How to come to JesusThere are so many formal patterns to becoming a Christian, “The Roman Road,” which are the steps taken from the book of Romans, and many other ways are available. Still the bottom line is to look at Jesus Christ and then see the huge dif-ference that there is between you and Jesus. You see that just about everything Jesus is, well you are the complete opposite. It is as plain as the nose on your face, as the saying goes.

The solution is to come to Jesus, just tell him that you are the opposite to him and you want to be in the same pattern as he is, please wash away your sin and change you into his image, or to just make you like him, a real Christian.

Others may offer all sorts of potions, ceremo-nies or have external displays, but the reality is that it is an inside job, of the heart, or who is ac-tually in control of your life, is it selfishness and you or is it now Jesus Christ. In Revelation 3:20

it says “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Now in Hebrew thinking a Door and a Decision is the same thing. So Jesus is asking you to make a decision for him and to let him be in control of your life and it will be more fantastic than you could every have dreamed, but in the exact pattern of what you would have chosen, well that is if you could see the end from the beginning. That is what Faith is all about, just trusting Jesus to do the complete makeover, and it will be in your exact style.

Do not wait until you are good enough, that will never happen, as the old Hymn said “Just as I am.” One must come to the foot of the cross as you are, and let the changes begin and let Jesus make the changes as he is the expert at making the very best out of you, for you, he is a master craftsman, so just jump on in and trust him. Here is a great quote I found.What assurance here, of God’s willingness to receive the repenting sinner! Have you, reader, chosen your own way? Have you wandered far from God? Have you sought to feast upon the fruits of transgression, only to find them turn to ashes upon your lips? And now, your substance spent, your life-plans thwarted, and your hopes

dead, do you sit alone and desolate? Now that voice which has long been speaking to your heart but to which you would not listen comes to you distinct and clear, “Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest; because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction.” Micah 2:10. Return to your Father’s house. He invites you, saying, “Return unto Me; for I have redeemed thee.” Isaiah 44:22.

Do not listen to the enemy’s suggestion to stay away from Christ until you have made yourself better; until you are good enough to come to God. If you wait until then, you will never come. When Satan points to your filthy garments, repeat the promise of Jesus, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. Tell the enemy that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. Make the prayer of David your own, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7.

Arise and go to your Father. He will meet you a great way off. If you take even one step toward Him in repentance, He will hasten to enfold you in His arms of infinite love. His ear is open to the cry of the contrite soul. The very first reaching out of the heart after God is known to Him. Nev-er a prayer is offered, however faltering, never a tear is shed, however secret, never a sincere desire after God is cherished, however feeble, but the Spirit of God goes forth to meet it. Even before the prayer is uttered or the yearning of the heart made known, grace from Christ goes forth to meet the grace that is working upon the human soul.

Your heavenly Father will take from you the garments defiled by sin. In the beautiful parabolic prophecy of Zechariah, the high priest Joshua, standing clothed in filthy garments be-fore the angel of the Lord, represents the sinner. And the word is spoken by the Lord, “Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him He said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment. . . . So they set a fair miter upon his head, and clothed him with garments.” Zecha-riah 3:4, 5. Even so God will clothe you with “the garments of salvation,” and cover you with “the

robe of righteousness.” Isaiah 61:10.He will bring you into His banqueting house, and His banner over you shall be love. (Song of Solomon 2:4) “If thou wilt walk in My ways,” He declares, “I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by”--even among the holy angels that surround His throne. (Zechariah 3:7.) “As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.” Isaiah 62:5. “He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love; He will joy over thee with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17. And heaven and earth shall unite in the Father’s song of rejoicing: “For this My son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.” {COL 205-7}

Why not come home to God right now, his arms of love are opened wide to receive you.

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In response to the articles (Disgust in tim-ing of Steel & Wheels) I would like to con-gratulate the organisers in staging a fantastic event, the fact that it was Mothers Day did not prevent anyone enjoying the day if they so wished. I felt the flying displays were ab-solutely fantastic and as far as I could see were not dangerous at all, the pilots are very highly skilled and the aircraft although old would have been lovingly restored and to-tally airworthy.

Waiuku is a small town and needs these

events to bring exposure to our town. I have been to all the Steel & Wheels events and it is growing and getting better every year, this year was a huge step forward.

I feel that the lady that wrote the articles needs to get a life, the event is only once eve-ry year and if it really troubles her she needs to get out of town for this one day. Here’s looking forward to next years event, hope-fully bigger and better.

Jim Fordyce(Happy Waiuku resident)

No danger from skilled pilots and airworthy planes

Town looked great, atmosphere fantastic

‘Oldie’ already looking forward to next year

Amazed over complaint as thousands arrivedI am amazed that you had a complaint

from a reader (Adrianne Hawkins (Mrs) in this (last) week’s Post about the ‘Steel and Wheels’ day because it was held on Moth-ers Day! If the mother who complained had gone to the town centre she would have seen, (based on the estimated total number of people there), thousands of mothers and husbands/partners/fathers with children and grandchildren who were so obviously enjoying themselves.

In my opinion it was a perfect day to spend outdoors with family enjoying the fantastic atmosphere that pervaded the town all day.

The flying display was most spectacular and, for many perhaps, the highlight of the day. I know that everyone who was around where I was standing stopped and watched the display in awe.

The helicopter rides were so popular the pilot was obviously happy to keep going for the pleasure of those wanting a ride.

The musical entertainment was great, and the “Rock ‘n’ Roll” dancers showed plenty of energy.

All the stalls and shops providing food and other goodies seemed to be doing a great trade and, the woodturners were kept so busy making spinning tops for the kids they hardly had time to stop for lunch!

All in all it was a great day and Sharlene, the Town Manager and her team are to be warmly congratulated.

If any change were to be made the only suggestion I could make is could we have another on Fathers Day please!

Peter Steele (Mr) Waiuku

In answer to a letter writ-ten by a Mrs Hawkins in this week’s Post, I wish to say in no uncertain terms that I was proud to be a resident of Waiuku on Sunday, 11th of May.

The event ‘Steel and

Wheels’ was well run and added a rare bit of spice and excitement to Mothers Day. It was thrilling to sit on our deck and watch the aero-batic aeroplanes from Ard-more. Also all the cars were spectacular, shining in their

superb paint jobs. Sharlene, you and your team are to be commended for all your ef-forts for this town. Long may you reign. Another oldie, looking forward to next year.

Jeanie Jones, (Mrs)Waiuku

I would like to comment on Adrianne Hawkins letter (13/5/14) concerning her dis-gust about the Steel & Wheels day in Waiuku.

I do not understand how anyone could have been disgusted about any aspect of this well organised, thoroughly enjoyable day.

My husband and I attended the event and were proud to be from Waiuku, the town looked great, cafes had set up outdoor tables and chairs, and the atmosphere was fantas-tic. Yes, the helicopter was in the air at the same time as the planes doing the wonderful aerial display, but certainly NOT in the same air space (these are professional pilots).

Yes, the planes are old, but so is the Glen-brook steam train – old does not mean un-maintained and dangerous! Yes, the helicop-ter is noisy, but what a fantastic day it would

have been to fly over our beautiful town. Yes, there is a rest home close by, but to the best of my knowledge there have been no com-plaints from any of the residents.

At the last car event that was held in Wai-uku, several of the people that displayed their cars arrived at the rest home to offer free rides around Waiuku in their beautiful cars; my mother went in one of the cars and had a ball.

As far as the day being held on Mother’s Day,... so what!! I saw lots of ‘mothers’ in the town accompanied by family.

Congratulations to the organizers and everyone who took part in this event, long may it reign, you made us proud to be locals.

Sue Parmenter.Waiuku

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Christine Greer, Labour’s candidate for Waikato has had a mild setback at the outset of her political campaign for the upcoming election.

Christine has her left foot in a moonboot and is sporting a pair of crutches. “I have been delivering a lot of leaflets,” said Christine, who slipped Wednesday afternoon on the pave-ment and sprained her ankle.

“Don’t worry”, said Christine, ‘I will be out and about in the towns of the Waikato electorate, and my team will be coming to a letterbox near you, soon.

“I can rise to the challenge. Adversity makes you stronger,” said Christine, as she faces up to electioneering in a big way.

Auckland Mayor Len Brown has announced that he will establish an Auck-land writers’ grant worth $10,000 per annum to sup-port emerging and talented Auckland writers. The Mayor will convene a group from the literary sector, with a view to making the first grant in 2015.

It will be open to writers based in the Auckland re-gion, with the first two years funded from the Mayoral budget.

Speaking at the Auckland Writers Festival, the Mayor said his intention is to give emerging and talented writ-ers from Auckland an oppor-tunity to develop their work for a broader audience.

“I hope that this will be a good complement to na-tional awards such as the Michael King and Katherine Mansfield prizes, and the range of grants from Creative New Zealand.

“There is no shortage of great literary talent in our region and I am keen to en-courage efforts to support and develop this talent.”

Slip-up for candidate $10,000for writers

on offer

Situated on the sunset coast of Waiuku, Fluffy Ducks Pampering offers a range of pampering services for men and women to relax and have their cares and aches mas-saged away.

Sue, an enrolled nurse with 30 years ex-perience, is also qualified in Relaxation Massage with Reflexology, through the New Zealand College of Massage, and in the Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing. Sue also has training in Palliative Care Massage and a Di-ploma in Health and Human Behaviour from the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand.

Sue works from her rustic lifestyle block high on the hills away from the stresses of day to day life, an area described as an envi-ronment with a special corner for clients to relax in.

Using only Tui Balm waxes Sue offers a range of wax mixes that you can choose from to introduce aromatherapy to your massage.

Sue welcomes everyone, whether you are a woman wanting to relax after the kids have driven you up the wall or a workman with a sore back - “work boots are as welcome as high heels!” she laughs.

A new service offered at Fluffy Ducks Pam-pering is a shorter version of a relaxation massage. The chair massage focuses on your shoulders, arms, neck and back, and has tra-ditionally been the massage offered in cor-

porate environments to employees since it can be done over clothing. However in the private setting of Sue’s massage room, Fluffy Ducks offer this same massage with your up-per body unclothed but seated on the chair.

“During the thirty minutes your heads rests comfortably on a cradle looking down while your torso is fully supported by the chair. This allows access to your back, shoul-ders, neck and arms. You keep your clothing on your lower body and are nestled in their chair with towel draping to ensure your com-fort and privacy. Just like a full body massage your muscles in the target areas are worked with Swedish massage strokes,” Sue says.

Other services include Reiki, a Japanese treatment said to promote healing. It is ad-ministered by ‘laying on hands’ and is based on the idea that an unseen ‘life force energy’ flows through us. It originated from Buddhist beliefs and healing practices.

Along with relaxation massage and Reiki, Fluffy Ducks Pampering also offers foot mas-sage, based on the principles of foot reflexol-ogy and involving applying pressure to key points in the foot. Clients receive a foot soak to de-stress ahead of getting a foot massage, making it an ideal after-work luxury.

For further information phone Sue on 09 235 256, on mobile 0274 682 227, or visit the website on

Be pampered by Fluffy Ducks


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It is sixty years since the dedication of the Church of the Holy Rosary in Ma-takawau, and this will be cel-ebrated this Sunday, May 25.

Since its opening in 1954, the church has been con-tinuously in use, Mass be-ing celebrated there on the last Sunday of every month, Easter Day and Christmas Day.

Organisers say all are wel-come to the celebration of the 60th Anniversary - prac-tising Catholics, those who once were Catholics, Chris-tians of other denomina-tions, people of other faiths or none.

“If you have never been in-side a Catholic church, come anyway and help make it a day to remember,” organis-ers say.

“Right from the start, the Catholics of the area had great relationships with those of other faiths - in its early days, this church was used by the Anglicans and Presbyterians, before they had their own buildings and the present parishioners would really like to continue with good relationships with non-Catholics.”

The celebration will start at 11am with Mass, which

Waiuku Town Centre Man-ager Sharlene Druyven says a huge ‘thank you’ is due to the Waiuku community, businesses and the thou-sands of people who made the 2014 Waiuku Steel and-Wheel one of the largest events Waiuku has ever seen.

“With an estimated 20,000 attending and over 280 ex-hibits from all over the coun-try it was definitely one to remember and was great publicity for the town.”

Sharlene and Vanessa commented that the day went off pretty much hitch-free, although a large amount of cars couldn’t get into the event area due to Auckland Council Health and Safety requirements, which stated that after 10.00am every ve-hicle had to be static inside the event cordon.

“We apologise to those ve-hicle owners and hope they come a little earlier for next year’s event,” she said.

Sharlene also thanked the “fantastic Steel and Wheels

committee, who spend hundreds of hours making this event happen. The lo-gistics of running an event of this magnitude takes a huge amount of work and all of these volunteers give up their precious time grate-fully to bring this great event to our town. I couldn’t do it without you all so thank you so much,” she said.

“We would also like to thank The Kentish Hotel for helping with the Lions Char-ity Funding, Waiuku Post for sponsoring advertising, Waiuku Lions, Knight and Dickey and their volunteer drivers for supplying their trucks, TV Short Contracting and Waiuku ITM for the sig-nage and the logs, Super Liq-uor for sponsorship of the V8 chainsaw, the businesses that were involved in the token promotion, the Rang-ers, Groovit Hip Hop Dance Crew, Red Hot Cheerlead-ers, Gubbs Dragster and the Nostalgic Dragsters for the fire-ups, Waiuku Line Danc-

will be celebrated by Father Brian Lange, and there will then be a shared lunch.

“Bring a plate of finger-food and drinks to share - we cannot offer you tea or cof-fee as our water tank was stolen a while back, so don’t forget something to drink and a drink to share.”

The anniversary is a chance for people to realise how hard travel and com-munications were in this area in the past. Such roads as there were, were scarcely worthy of the name and it was easier to get to Onehun-ga by boat than to Waiuku by road. Meetings for worship were held in people’s homes, then later in other-purpose halls, and the priest used to come on horseback.

The thought of a Catholic church on the Peninsula was first discussed in 1938, and a committee was formed for the purpose of raising mon-ey for a church building. A site for it was donated by Mr. L.A. Kemp, and a commit-tee formed to arrange for the building of a church. In 1938, these building com-mittees were chaired by Mr. J Aspin, Snr – who passed away in 1951 so never saw the church completed and dedicated. The priest at that time was Father John Kir-rane, who retired in failing health in 1959 and died in 1966. He is buried in Pan-mure Catholic Cemetery. The church was dedicated and opened by the Right Rev. Monsignor Cahill, V.G.

Waiuku Police are hold-ing a number of items found recently. They are also holding items be-longing to Tioriori Pouta-pu, Fuea Vimahi and Clayton Tawhio, who are asked to contact the local station.

Items found in Febru-ary were an Apple iPhone, (Kitchener Rd), and a sum of Vietnamese money, (Bowen Street).

From March are a Stihl hedge trimmer (owens Road), a purple skate-board and a half-size Ra-leigh bike, (Waiuku Estu-ary), a black helmet and gloves, (Court Street), an Action BMX Bike, (Mas-sey Park), a Samsung Smartphone, (Karioitahi Beach) and a skateboard on Racecourse Road.

From April there is a Nikon F50 camera, (Sand-spit Reserve), a Nikon SLR Camera and Case (Cor-ner Beach and Glenbrook Road), and an LG Black cellphone, (Riverside Drive).

Milestone for Matakawau

Massive ‘thank you’ due to community

ing Group and Luke Ennion with the feature car ‘The Lit-tle Menace’ and all the other volunteers who worked tire-lessly to make the day a suc-cess. Sharlene also thanked the people that gave a gold coin donation to go towards attractions for next year’s show.

“Unfortunately there are huge costs associated with

running an event of this size and we want to keep it free if possible so everybody can enjoy it.

“Thank you to those who donated prizes for the face-book promotion and other prizes: South Auckland Tours for the trike ride, HFT Aerospace for the MASH hel-icopter ride, Zerene for the Aromatouch treatment and GVR for the family passes.

“We still have some Steel and Wheels wine and beer glasses, beer coolers and stickers ranging from $1 to$5 each. Please come into the Information Centre if you would like to purchase some,” Sharlene added.

“The Waiuku Business and Development Association are proud to organise and bring you these community events and want to remind you that these are made pos-sible by you all supporting your local businesses so re-member to ‘Shop Local’ and support the growth of our town.

Sharlene Druyven

Parishioners gather at the church’s opening in 1954.

Found itemsat station


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Landlord groups have raised concerns about the possibil-ity of a mandatory inspection process, with charges of up to $200 per visit, after the results of a rental housing ‘warrant of fitness’ field trial were released last week.

More than 140 rental properties were given the once-over by home assessment experts in Auckland, Tauranga, Wel-lington, Christchurch and Dunedin earlier this year. The pilot aimed to test whether draft warrant of fitness (WOF) checklists and methodologies were practical for landlords, assessors and tenants.

The field trial has not resulted in the immediate issue of a WOF for each home, but organisers described it as ‘an impor-tant step towards standardising methodologies and check-lists to ensure the credibility of any national WOF scheme.’

The rental housing WOF field trial involved the Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin councils, the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), New Zea-land Green Building Council (NZGBC) and the University of Otago, Wellington. The trial tested a range of criteria that could potentially be included in a housing WOF. It aimed to identify aspects such as average assessment times and how to best communicate results to landlords and tenants.

A spokesperson for the steering group behind the WOF survey trial, Dr Julie Bennett from the University of Otago Wellington, says work is now underway to tweak the WOF checklist. “We have received good feedback from landlords, tenants and the assessors and we are now going back to look at the checklist and criteria to make sure we have a robust and usable housing WOF for the rental market.”

Some of the key information gathered from the field trial included that 36 per cent of the homes that went through field trial would pass all of the draft WOF criteria with rela-tively minor fixes ($50 - $150 worth of materials/hardware perhaps). Items attracting most of the attention during this testing phase included whether houses need a ‘fixed’ form of heating such as a heat pump or a wood burner in order to ‘pass’ the WOF.

Auckland Mayor Len Brown says, with a third of New Zea-landers living in rental accommodation, the trial has under-scored that a rental housing WOF system would be highly useful to potential renters.

“The work so far shows real progress is possible in our ef-forts to ensure tenants have healthy and safe homes and that landlords maintain good minimum standards.

Duties on plasterboard, reinforcing steel bar and wire nails and tariffs on building products like roofing, clad-ding, insulation, paints, electrical and plumbing fittings will be removed tem-porarily to increase competition and improve housing affordability.

“Reducing the costs of building mate-rials is an important part of the Govern-ment’s programme to improve housing affordability,” Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith says.

“Removing these duties and tar-iffs will increase competition and re-duce costs, with an expected saving of around $3,500 for the construction of a

standard New Zealand home.”Commerce Minister Craig Foss says

New Zealand is a small market for con-struction materials with limited com-petition for some products.

“Reducing the barriers to competi-tion ensures we have a more competi-tive market.

“This reform will reduce costs for residential building construction with positive spillovers for commercial and industrial building,” Mr Foss says.

The three-year suspension of anti-dumping duties on plasterboard, wire nails and reinforcing steel bar will be implemented by an amendment bill

to be passed under urgency as part of Budget 2014. It will take effect from 1 June. A bounded public interest test will be introduced into the Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act 1988 fol-lowing a public discussion document and consultation on the detail of the amendments.

From July this year, a zero conces-sionary tariff will be introduced on residential construction materials. It will be reviewed after five years. It will include roofing, cladding, framing, par-titioning, windows, doors, insulation, plumbing and electrical fittings, kitch-en cabinets and paints.

If you’ve driven around Waiuku’s Harbour Crest Drive area lately, you might have noticed a flurry of activ-ity. NZ Home Builders have constructed homes in this area for clients and now they are close to opening their new show home at number 41 Harbour Crest Drive.

NZ Home Builders say they pride themselves on being the one stop home building specialists and that it is their number one goal to make your building project hassle free from start to finish.

They have a range of build-ing options, from a seamless design and build service, complete ‘turnkey’ home and land packages to a range of standard plans. They can also offer advice on prop-erty subdivision, investment properties and portfolios.

If you have struggled in the past to get your vision to fruition, they would love the opportunity to let their in-house design team work through your brief and budget to establish guide-lines for building your home.

They can then take this plan and convert it to a fin-ished home, with everything complete right down to the landscaping and clothesline.

And if you don’t already have a section in mind they can go the extra mile

WoF for your rental home?

New showhome close to opening in Waiuku

Government says tariff removal will makes homes cheaper

to source a site. They pride themselves on building to an excellent standard and say its all covered by a seven year Master Builders Guarantee.

The team at NZ Home Builders say they know it can be a mine field of red tape when it comes to subdivid-ing an existing property, however it they add it can also be one of the safest and easiest ways to make money in property.

“With the help of our ex-perience and expertise in this area, why not develop the under utilised portion of your property into a valuable piece of land with a quality home, that will not only in-crease your property value but give you a regular in-come?” they ask.

The company says NZ Home Builders was created as a response to the lack of streamlined, cost-effective building processes available to investors and developers.

One of their key objectives is to help clients build a suc-cessful property investment portfolio. They aim to assist you in achieving maximised cash-flow and equity, while at the same time building homes that will produce good capital gains.

After building a home for Franklin-based high profile jockeys Opie Bosson and

Danielle Johnson, NZ Home Builders have announced that Opie and Danielle were so pleased with the build process and the end results that they have agreed to act as ambassadors for the com-pany.

See next week’s Post News-

paper for a showcase of Opie and Danielle’s home along with stories and images of other homes that NZ Home Builders have completed re-cently. And also an invitation to attend the grand opening weekend of their new show home.


Mobile 0272 292 243

A/h 09 235 9324

Julie Quilty

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku Ph 235 7139

216m2 3-4 bedroom home on 1500m2 in one of Waiuku's best streets. Beautifully landscaped gardens lead down to a lovely tranquil duck pond maintained by Council. Two living areas open out onto paved areas sheltered by archgolas. Truly a property you need to see.View online: ID osbh792



Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)


Open Home: Sun 12.00 – 12.30 pm 9 Annieston Place


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A Waiuku family is hoping local residents may have seen, or heard about, a number of electronic de-vices which were stolen from their home while they slept earlier this month.

On Sunday, May 5, in the early hours of the morning, thieves en-tered the house the family were renting in Waiuku, climbing through an en-suite bathroom window while they slept, ebfore stealing a number of items.

Among the stolen goods were Sony laptop, an Ipad, a Kindle, two Panasonic cameras, three cell phones, wallets, a handbag, two hard drives along with various SD cards including those still in the cameras.

“Thankfully no violence was in-volved but we would like to ask the community of Waiuku and Puke-kohe to be on the lookout, particu-larly for the hard drives and laptop which held all the photos and vid-eos of our three grandchildren and

years of work on our family histo-ry,” Rob Roden said.

Two of the cell phones were re-trieved from the grounds of Keith Hay at Drury on the Sunday even-ing, thanks to good Samaritan Bar-ry Walker of Keith Hay Homes.

On Friday, May 9, the wallet and handbag were discovered on the rail track, probably thrown from the bridge on Beatty Road, Puke-kohe, Rob said.

“A big thank you to Daniel, who was working the track at the time and took the time to contact us.

“Fortunately we did have serial numbers for some of the items and these are now logged on the Police stolen property database along with the original manufacturer’s.”

Rob Roden says the family would love to get their photos of their grandchildren, as well as their fam-ily history back, and ask anyone with any information to contact their local police station or the Post Newspaper.

The Board of Counties Power has con-firmed the appointment of local resident Sheridan Broadbent as its new Chief Execu-tive, starting on June 3.

With a background in the engineering, telecommunications and energy sectors, Sheridan joins the organisation having spent several years on Genesis Energy’s executive team. Most recently she was General Man-ager Strategy and Technology, where her ac-countabilities included driving the overall strategic direction of the company and lead-ing the business development, IT, portfolio delivery and business improvement func-tions.

Sheridan’s previous experience includes a role as Executive General Manager of Down-er EDI’s Australian telecommunications op-eration and General Manager of Downer EDI Engineering in New Zealand, leading a team of over 1200 staff in service delivery for the mobile and fixed telecommunications net-works of Chorus, Vodafone and TelstraClear.

Sheridan’s early career also includes man-agement roles with Telecom New Zealand, Compass Communications and Ericsson Communications.

Sheridan has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Auckland and has graduated from the Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School. She lives in the Franklin region and is a Counties Power customer.

Pukekohe based Counties Power operates the electricity distribution network in the southern part of Auckland City and northern Waikato, serving 38,000 consumers and op-erating over 3,000km of lines.

The company says it is looking forward to substantial growth over the coming years from both new residential and industrial consumers.

Sheridan named asnew power chief

Promiscuity and more in OnewheroA new comedy musical featuring Penny Ashton is coming to One-

whero’s OSPA theatre in June. Follow the fortunes of ‘Miss Elspeth Slowtree’ as she battles literary snobbery, her mother’s nerves and ‘Cousin Horatio’, all armed with superior wit, blushing countenance and generally being quite bright, you know…for a girl. Balls will be attended, crosses will be stitched and manners will be minded, all with not one ankle in sight. Miss Ashton has stolen Jane Austen’s best lines to bring this musical to life. “Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can.” Featuring clas-sical music reworked by Robbie Ellis and lyrics by Ashton, Promise and Promiscuity delivers Penny Ashton unchaperoned to the provinces. The show is on Saturday 7 June from 8pm at the OSPA Theatre on Hall Road. Tickets are available for $20 from River Traders, Tuakau.

Thieves steal memorieswhile local family sleep

LIFESTYLE STARTER $449,0001.8Ha's. A great starter well priced. 3 Bedroom Initial Home, 2 bay shed and fantastic views. Currently running sheep and horses. This private property is located approx 10 mins drive from Waiuku. To view please phone Ray.

View online: ID: osbf680Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082 TE TORO

A VIEW FROM THE ROUND WINDOW $475,000Tucked away down a shared driveway in a quiet sought-after street of Waiuku, which is very private. This home has 4 dbl brms, 2 bthrms, modern kitchen & lovely flow to outdoor entertaining area through the conservatory. The renovation of this home is nearly complete. A must view property

View online: ID: osbh778Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528WAIUKU

SUNSET SPECTACULAR $445,0004 bedroom + ensuite brick & tile home in an elevated position to reward the owners with spectacular views. The gardens have been lovingly landscaped with raised garden boxes for the keen gardener. Set in a popular street. Call Julie Q to view.

View online: ID: osbh786Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243 WAIUKU

BRICK BEAUTY$429,000Set down a private ROW is this 4 bedroom home with ensuite. Open plan living with heat pump & smart vent. Slider to outdoor decking. Fully fenced backyard. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.

View online: ID: osbh779Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


TOP LOCATION $439,0003 Bedroom brick & tile on a lovely landscaped fully fenced section. Master has huge walk in wardrobe and ensuite with the rest of the living areas being open plan. Call Julie Q to view.

View online: ID: osbh775Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243


FANTASTIC INVESTMENT, MUST SELL $305,0003 bedroom brick and tile on a low maintenance section close to local primary school. On a shared driveway and an easy walk to town. Rental appraisal $340 - $350 per week.

View online: ID: osbh770

Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243WAIUKU

POSITION POSITION POSITION$434,000This 809m2 section is fully fenced. 3 bedroom home with conservatory that will sell. Handy to netball and golf. Phone before your friends do!View online: ID: osbh783Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082 WAIUKU

BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW - $415,000Over 1/4 acre section lovely 4 brms, open plan lounge/dining with sep kitchen. Fully fenced, kid & pet friendly. May have potential to subdivide. Why delay when you can act today. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.

View online: ID: osbh764Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

NEAT AS A PIN- $479,000Be the first in! New carpet, curtains & paint. 3 Bedrooms + office/4th bedroom. Large section with not much to mow set on the outskirts of town. Move in and enjoy.

View online: ID: osbh776Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082



PEACEFUL LIFESTYLE$379,0004.09ha with a fabulous building site, breath-taking views over bush to harbour. Good water, stockyards and fenced in to two paddocks. Only 30 minutes drive from Waiuku on the picturesque Awhitu Peninsular, submerge yourselves in this lovely close knit community or enjoy the privacy that this attractive block offers.

View online: ID: osbf710Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075 WAIUKU

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku Ph 235 7139 DISTRICT

Our team -Waiuku andsurroundingdistricts Leonie Gillott

0274 985 722Julie Quilty

0272 292 243Marleen Ohms0274 483 528

Julie Rodgers0275 516 075

Ray Lever021 951 082

Daryl Walker027 235 7016


SECURE AN AFFORDABLE SECTION TODAY - $245,000Nestled in a quiet peaceful valley on edge of township are these 5 prime building sites ranging from 1/2 acre to 3/4 acre. All sites fully serviced. Well priced

View online: ID: osbs458Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722



CUTE LOW MAINTENANCE - $349,000Loads of character in this 3 bedroom plastered brick home with views to Karioitahi hills. Loads of outdoor entertaining areas and sunny decks. 3 kinds of heating options for a cosy winter. Be quick for this one.

View online: ID: osbh784Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722


Open Home: Sun 11.00 – 11.30 17 Kathleen Reece Plc

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 32 Kathleen Reece Place


Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku Ph 235 7139 DistrictPrOPErtY FOcUs

DOn't DElaY - act tODaY $589,000This beautiful 2 level home has 4 double bedrooms, master has ensuite plus combined bathroom & a sep wc. Open plan living with water view (Tidal). Zoned for Sandspit Road School. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing

View online: ID: osbh791Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

iMPrEssiVE - $549,000The immaculate presentation of a top quality home invites your immediate inspection. Stunning kitchen, dining, family area, formal lounge, 4 double bedrooms with superior bathroom and Ensuite, professionally landscaped grounds with large kwila decking.

View online: ID: osbh790Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075





7 BEDrOOMs, 1/2 acrE in tOwn $PBNUnique 7 bedroom (4 up & 3 down) on a possibly subdividable 1/2 acre section in central Waiuku. Huge potential for developers or someone wanting to add value. Sensible offers required. Call Julie Q to view.

View online: ID: osbh788Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

liVing tHE cOUntrY liFE$695,000Set on 2 acres, this property is ideal for sheep, chickens or even calf club. Heated saltwater swimming pool for the warmer days. Lovely indoor/outdoor flow, open plan living with 3 double bedrooms, master has ensuite. Double garage + office space. Ph Marleen to arrange a viewing.

View online: ID: osbf713Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528WAIUKU WAIUKU

GARDENERS DELIGHT$645,000Beautiful country views of the land out to Manukau Harbour. This property has beautiful gardens around the home & loads of shedding. Sleepout has own bathroom & kitchenette. Home has 3 double bedrooms, open plan living with a sun drenched deck set on 2.72 Ha. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.View online: ID: osbf703Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

BARE LAND - $479,000A 'must see' 10 Acres (approx.) just 4.5km from town. Great views. Handy to the Pony Club. Excellent hay country. 2 road frontages.

View online: ID: osbf708Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082



gOlDEn DEligHt$615,000Set down a private ROW is this delightful Golden Home. Open plan living with family room. 3 Double bedrooms + study. Master has ensuite & walk in robe. Set on 2772m2 private section. Double internal garage plus extra. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.View online: ID: osbh772Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

EXEcUtiVE liVing On anniEstOn $649,000216m2 3-4 bedroom home on 1500m2 in one of Waiuku's best streets. Beautifully landscaped gardens lead down to a lovely tranquil duck pond maintained by council. Two living areas open out onto paved areas sheltered by archgolas. Truly a property you need to see.View online: ID: osbh792Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243



EXCELLENT VALUE IN WAIUKU - $685,000Excellent street appeal, beautiful indoor/outdoor flow, brick beauty built by Golden Homes this home has 4 bedrooms, ensuite, spacious walk in wardrobe, open plan living with family room. Plus rumpus, double internal garage, fully fenced, private bbq & spa area also fruit trees & an abundance of vegetables. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.

View online: ID: osbh759Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


EXcEPtiOnal cOastal lOcatiOn - $PBNThis is an extensive 1980s style home of significant proportions suitable for many requirements and functions. Situated within the new coastal set back plan and with a magnificent view of the Waitangi Falls and the inner harbour you may launch a kayak from the edge of the property. The native planting attracts all manner of native birds and there is never a shortage of peaceful activity to observe.

View online: ID: osbh756Contact: Ph Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075

Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722




IMMACULATE IN PATUMAHOE - $525,000Fabulous indoor/outdoor flow with a rural outlook, all the works been done. Modern kitchen with granite bench top, gas hobb & hot water. Single carport & double garage, set on a fully fenced 997m2 section. Loads of fruit trees, plenty of room for kids & pets to play. Close to Patumahoe Township.

View online: ID: osbh769Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


Open Home: Sun 2.00 – 2.30 114F Sandspit Rd



Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 3 Ernest Shackleton Place

Open Home: Sun 12.00 – 12.30 pm 9 Annieston Place

Open Home: Sun 3.00 – 3.30pm 315 Baldhill Rd

BRING THE HORSE$519,000Live the dream on approx 10 acres with access to the magnificent Karioitahi Beach. This bare block will have an equine & pedestrian easement for beach access, so if your lifestyle includes, horses, fishing, surfing, paragliding, white baiting, kite surfing you'd better call me now to secure this ultimate lifestyle opportunity. Pending title.

View online: ID: osbf692Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075 WAIUKU

LIFESTYLE IN TOWN - $505,000Tucked down a tree lined drive is this 4 bedroom well maintained home.Double separate garaging plus barn.Private and secluded set on 9870m2.Plenty of room for the kids and the animals.

View online: ID: osbf675Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722


BUILDING FOR SALE - $600,000 + GST1 Building which currently has 3 tenants. Situated right in the heart of Waiuku Town Centre and close to the Manukau Inlet. Motivated vendors would like to move on to other ventures. Phone Marleen to discuss further.

View online: ID: osbb010Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


FABULOUS HILLTOP SITUATION$679,0005.3 ha block fenced into 8 paddocks with an acre of bush and a stream. This is a pleasant four bedroom family home with a lovely north facing deck with views over most of the land. Ranch slider access from the deck too three of the four bedrooms. A spacious lounge with a wood burner and country kitchen/dining room complements the setting. Bathroom with sep shower bath and vanity, sep toilet and master bedroom has ensuite. A four bay implement shed and a 3 car size garage (double door and workshop). Call now for an appointment to view.View online: ID: osbf707Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075 WAIUKU




WE CHATSnapchat rejected $3 billion buyout offer from Facebook.. . .Snapchat re jected an acquis i t ion of fer f rom Fa ce b o o k In c t h a t w o u ld have va lued the company at $3 b i l l ion or more, according to a Wal l S t reet Journal repor t on Wednesday. F a c e b o o k r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s r e a c h e d o u t t o S n a p c h a t i n r e c e n t w e e k s t o d i s c u s s t h e a l l - c a s h d e a l , w h i c h w o u l d h a v e b e e n F a c e b o o k ’s l a r g e s t a c q u i s i t i o n e v e r, t h e r e p o r t s a i d , c i t i n g a n o n y m o u s s o u r c e s . F a c e b o o k d e c l i n e d t o c o m m e n t . S n a p -chat cou ld not immediate ly be reached for c o m m e n t . T h e r e p o r t o f F a c e b o o k ’s i n t e r e s t i n S n a p c h a t c o m e s a c o u p l e o f weeks a f te r Facebook , the wor ld ’s No. 1 In ternet soc ia l network, acknowl-edged tha t i t was see ing a dec l ine in dai ly use by young teenagers in the U.S., a l though i t sa id overal l use by teenag-ers was s table.

Trying to be

that strong all the time is like trying to

be King Kong

By Megan Van Lieshout

FEELINGS ! A normal part of Life!

Feelings are a normal part of life. Everyone has them...some choose to show them and some don’t.Many people believe that to be cool and excepted, we shouldn’t show our feelings, to be popular, cool and in the ‘In’ crowd we aren’t suppose to cry, to feel hurt, to be scared, to say we need help, to feel lonely or to disagree with controlling peers.Trying to be that strong, a person, feeling less all the time is like trying to be King Kong...really it is trying to pretend not to be human to be the real you.If you pretend long enough not to have any feelings, chances are one day you will

have no idea what feelings you are feeling! Now that’s confusing isn’t it There are a lot of people out there that like to pretend that they have no feelings at really is unhealthy. If you hide anger enough it may one day explode into violence..this is when it is easy to hurt other people with both words and fists. If you decide to push down sadness long enough you could become depressed and withdrawn from the world. Now that’s not fun is it?Feelings are good friends really....they help you to know what is right for you.Feelings help you to decide what to do...what to say...what to try....what to like...what not to like. So, we can pretend not to feel, but we will still have feelings anyway. Life could be so much bet-ter for some people if they just accepted that its OK to show your

feelings.Our body is an amazing thing, if you take enough notice, you will see how our bodies talk to us...they give us body messages all the will start to learn when things are OK...when things are wrong....when things are just need to learn to listen.Learning to let go of some feelings is also a great lesson to take on board..Let go of the idea that if someone doesn’t like you, you are bad...or you have failed.Let go of the idea that in order to be liked you have to do what someone else wants you to do. Its time to realise that if you spend all your time doing what others want you to never get a chance to be YOURSELF!

So over the next month ...try being who you are by making your own decisions by having your own opinions by having likes and dislikes by saying what you want and don’t want

But most of all remember its OK to be have your own strength and your own power..SO USE IT!

Enjoy only get one!

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Ask the VetSend your question to:

‘Vet’s Voice’c/o- The Post Newspaper, PO Box 374 Waiuku

or email to:

Proudly brought to you by:

With the colder weather soon approaching us, awareness of the telltale signs of osteoarthritis (ar-thritis) in our canine friends is important. Osteoarthritis is a condition that origi-nates from damage to joints either from trauma, infec-tion, developmental abnor-malities or certain diseases. This causes inflammation which can become chronic and lead to degeneration of the affected joints, so older dogs are more prone to it. As with the human condi-tion, it can be greatly ex-acerbated by cold weather, and dogs with arthritic joints often become stiffer in wintertime. About this time of year you may begin to notice your pet showing signs such as reluctance to exercise, increased aggres-

siveness, difficulty rising, pain, lameness or muscle wastage. Of course the main aim in treating an animal with the disease is to manage their pain, which will in turn improve their mobility and wellbeing. This can be achieved quite effectively by giving them anti-inflammatories which are prescribed by your local veterinarian. Simple things such as weight reduction, soft exercise, hydrotherapy, specific prescription diets and providing a warm sleeping environment can also make them a lot more comfortable. By looking for these indications of osteo-arthritis in your pet, we can aim for early control which will make them a lot more comfortable this winter.

Osteoarthritis in pets

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In the September 2010 Canterbury earthquake more than 3000 animals were killed, Steve Glassey, Associate Director of the Canterbury university’s Cen-tre for Risk Resilience and Renewal, says.

“Many of the best prac-tices in companion animal emergency management stem from Hurricane Kat-rina. In 2005, Hurricane Kat-rina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States of America. In its wake, it left $US110 billion in damage and 1836 people dead making it the third deadliest disaster in US history,’’ Glassey told the Australia and New Zealand disaster management con-ference in Queensland.

“This disaster also high-lighted the importance of companion animal emer-gency management with over 50,000 pets being left behind during the evacua-tion of New Orleans and 80 to 90 percent of these pets perishing.

“The most compelling fact for emergency managers to learn from Katrina was that

about 44 percent of the peo-ple who did not evacuate for Hurricane Katrina stayed, at least in part, because they did not want to leave their pets behind.

“With most New Zealand-ers owning pets, it is no won-der we find the issue of pets in disasters highly emotive and topical. The human-an-imal connection is extremely powerful in an emergency management context, both in creating opportunities to enhance public safety, but it is also a major risk if pets are not included in emergency management arrangements.

“We can learn the lessons the easy way or the hard way from Hurricane Katrina but simply put, saving pets equals saving people.

“There is academic con-sensus that pet owners are more likely to refuse to evacuate if they are required to leave their pets, placing them and public safety per-sonnel at risk. In a survey of New Zealand pet owners, 58 percent of respondents indicated they would likely return to rescue their pets if

An over-abundance of cats and kittens has forced SPCA Auckland to stop accepting healthy cats and kittens from the public for the next four to six weeks.

The charity will continue to rescue sick, injured, or endangered cats and kittens, but are asking people who want to surrender a healthy cat or kitten to either keep it a while longer or re-home it themselves.

“Our feline areas are full – there is no space for more cats. So we have no choice but to limit the number of incoming cats as a tempo-rary measure,” says SPCA Auckland CEO Christine Ka-lin. “We have 216 cats and kittens at the SPCA Auckland Animal Village in Mangere

Disaster plans must cater for pets

left behind, despite advice from public safety officials.

“By forcing pet owners to leave their pets in a disaster, pet owners are more likely to be psychologically impact-ed. So we are actually harm-ing our communities by not evacuating pets and putting their safety, along with the safety of our front line per-sonnel at risk,’’ Glassey says.

58% of pet owners say they would return to dangerto try to rescue their pet - regardless of warnings

‘No more healthy cats’as SPCA inundated

right now, 80 of which are ready for adoption. We have another 250 cats and kit-tens at SPCA Auckland foster homes that are unable to be put up for adoption because we have nowhere to put them.”

In recent weeks, about 120 cats and kittens per week have been coming through SPCA Auckland’s doors. The cat glut is most likely due to an exceptionally long kitten season brought on by last year’s early spring and this year’s warm autumn, ac-cording to Ms Kalin.


It was one of the closest rounds of Coun-ties Power club rugby this weekend and saw Te Kauwhata EnviroWaste pick up their first win of the season when they beat Papakura 16-5. Both teams scored a try each, but it came down to the boot of Caleb Brown who added the extra 11 points for Te Kauwhata on the scoreboard which made the difference. Te Kauwhata’s try was scored by Nofoaliit Faumuina and Papakura’s try was scored by Terence Mataia.

Patumahoe Hotel have continued their win-ning ways after beating Onewhero Carters 37-26 on the hill. In doing so, Patumahoe moved into second place on the table and claimed the Ni-cholson/Dark Cup which honours two great club men from Onewhero and Patumahoe; Stephen Nicholson and Jason Dark who were real charac-ters but both sadly died young.

The game was close during the first half with Patumahoe heading to the sheds with a 15-11 half time lead. Patumahoe started strongly in the second half scoring three quick tries in fifteen minutes including an impressive intercept try which left Onewhero playing catch up football.

Patumahoe’s tries were scored by Jason Bird, Tamati Fromm, Fotu Lokotui, Vaha Fili and Jonny Wilkinson who crossed the line twice. Wilkinson converted one try and slotted a penalty with Riley Hohepa kicking one conversion.

Onewhero’s points came from tries by Epeli Lo-tawa, Filipe Pau, Hano Tangi and Kieran ‘Sharky’ Whyte with Filipe Pau kicking two penalties which keeps them in the top for on the table.

There was only a three points difference in the final score when Bombay Gough CAT beat Wai-uku 18-15. Bombay are experiencing their most successful season in a very long time and climb-ing up the ladder, where they currently sit in fifth spot.

Bombay started the game agressively and Wai-uku didn’t fire a shot in the first half which re-sulted in a 13-0 half time score to Bombay having scored a converted try and two penalties.

To use an old clichée it was definitely a game of two halves with Waiuku firing up in the second spell, scoring 15 points with tries to centre-turn-fullback Andy Muirhead. Muirhead also slotted a penalty and the other try was scored by fullback- turn-first five-eighth Armyn Sanders, which was converted by Brad Tucker.

Bombay scored one try in the second half, with Johnny Kawau and Coree TeWhata scoring the visitors tries. Reece Joyce took on the kicking duties for Bombay slotting a conversion and two penalties.

It is fair to say that Bombay took their chances and deserved the win. Next week Waiuku face Karaka whom they have beaten three times in a row, so they will be looking to upset the front run-ners and get their season back on track.

Manurewa and Drury battled it out with Ma-

nurewa hanging on for a 22-18 victory and their fourth win of the season. They outscored Drury three tries to two with Taavili Patea, Amosa Nove and Joshua Levi all crossing the chalk for the green and white. Ahsee Tuala converted two of the tries and Matthew Ferguson kicked two pen-alties to secure Manurewa’s win. Lisaniasi Kainga and Andrew Veint were the Drury try scorers but it was the boot of Brett Dahlkamp that keep Drury in the chase with a conversion and two penalties.

Pukekohe Mitre 10 Mega beat Ardmore Marist 25-23 in another close encounter. It was bruising and taxing game with some big defensive efforts from both sides.

Pukekohe scored one try to Ardmore Marists three but it was the kicking of Sione Fifita who slotted five penalties that got Pukekohe across the line. First five-eighth Mike Stanley playing his first game for Pukekohe also slotted a penalty with their flanker Sam Henwood having a good performance.

Ardmore Marist put in a solid performance with tries to Savelio Ropati, Karl Ropati and Jes-sie-Paul Toto and the boot of Ray Laulala with two penalties and a conversion keeping them in the hunt.

Ardmore Marist would have been forgiven for thinking they had the game in the bag in the final few minutes until Pukekohe’s Jared Page scored his try in the last second of the match to seal the win in the exact same fashion in which Ardmore Marist beat Pukekohe in a previous encounter. Pukekohe now sit in third spot on the table.

Karaka remain at the top of the table and kept their 100% winning record in tack and retain the Counties Power Cup after beating Weymouth 64-5. Lagolago Sauvao from Weymouth got his side on the board with his try.

Karaka’s nine tries came from Kieron Rollinson and John Luteru who both crossed for a double and Sione Anga’aelangi, Desma Liaina, Antonio Lavemai, Tavite Gadeisuva and Michael Williams who all picked up one each.

Kieron Rollinson kicked six conversions and one penalty with Desma Liaina slotting one con-version.

In the Counties Power Game of the week it was a real battle in the Premier Reserve grade with Waiuku edging out Bombay 22-17. The PGG Wrightson Player of the day for the match was awarded to Waiuku flanker Sam Knight.

In other matches Manurewa beat Drury Ste-venson 54-22, Ardmore Marist defeated Puke-kohe 13-3, Patumahoe beat Onewhero 55-0 and Karaka cracked 112 points against Weymouth’s 13 while Puni defaulted to Papakura.

Bombay and Manurewa battled it out for a 20-all draw in the U21 grade. Patumahoe beat Puke-kohe 31-20, Waiuku defeated Weymouth 42-32 and Karaka are on top of the table despite going down to Ardmore Marist 17-13.

Counties Club Rugby wrap - images from Waiuku v Bombay


Aucklanders are to have their say on proposals re-garding the sale and supply of alcohol after the approval of Auckland Council’s draft Local Alcohol Policy (LAP) by the Regional and Strategy and Policy Committee today.

The Sale and Supply of Al-cohol Act (SSAA) 2012 gave the council the ability to de-velop a single policy for its district.

The policy includes regu-lations relating to licensing decisions of on-licences, off-licences, club and special li-cences. It does not include regulation about alcohol

control areas (liquor bans). “This draft policy has been

more than 18 months in de-velopment and is informed by engagement with hospi-tality and retail industries, police, the Medical Officer of Health, licensing inspectors and health agencies,” says committee chair, Councillor Wood.

Guidance from council’s elected members and feed-back from a wide range of stakeholders and the com-munity that attended a num-ber of workshops, has also influenced the final draft.

“As a council we are look-

The Manukau Harbour Restoration Society has had a busy summer and is extending an invitation to all those with an interest in the harbour to attend its forthcoming annual general meeting.

The AGM is scheduled for 7pm, next Monday 26 Ma, at the Landing Hotel, Onehunga Wharf Rd. The AGM will be a business meeting to review the year’s progress, financial position and elect officers and the Committee.

The group are asking for people to consider running as Secretary or joining the committee and are also hoping for people to become members of the society to enable the group to continue its work on behalf of the harbour and its users.

Annual membership is $10 or $15 for a family member-ship and $200 for corporate membership.

Former and current mem-bers of the Waiau Pa Pres-byterian Church, along with former church leaders, cel-ebrates its centenary at the Waiau Pa Hall over the past weekend.

A well-attended luncheon on Saturday saw a display of old items found recently in the church grounds, while other displays detailed the history of the church, and gave those attending plenty to reminisce about.

Among the displays was a baptismal certificate and invitations to Sunday School for Lorna Bell and Den-nis Clark, those invitations from the 1950s. On Saturday the pair attended the com-memorations together as man and wife - as Lorna said with a laugh - “I married my neighbour!”

Some of the items discov-ered in the churchyard in-cluded an engraved watch, coins dating back to the 1870s, an old lead soldier and items of jewellery, which were a point of interest to the visitors.

Festivities continued on the Sunday with a commem-orative church service at 10 am followed by morning tea. Presbyterian Moderator Right Rev Ray Coster spoke at the Sunday service.

Prior to 1914 the earliest church services at Waiau Pa were held in private homes. In 1909 monthly services

were held in the local school which at that time was locat-ed at McKenzie Road. Waiau Pa was an ‘outstation’ of the St James Parish, Pukekohe.

In 1911 a committee was established to raise funds to build a church on the pre-sent site at the corner of Mc-Kenzie and Seagrove Roads which had been offered by Mrs Davy for this purpose. An additional acre was pur-chased later for a cemetery at a cost of 13 Pounds. Toward 1914, sufficient funds were in hand for the construc-tion of the church which was completed at a total cost of around 343 Pounds.

In 1915 Waiau Pa became part of the Mauku Home Mission Parish.

The church continued to prosper and in 1962 a farm cottage was offered to the church by Mr Colin Wright for use as Sunday School classrooms to accommo-date the very large Sunday School.

The church’s Golden Jubi-lee was celebrated on 10th May 1964. The offerings tak-en up at the commemorative church service were applied to the replacement of the church steeple.

In 1971 the cemetery block was surveyed off with access from Seagrove Road and full control and administration of this area handed over to the then Franklin County Council. In 1980, due to a de-

cline in numbers attending church and increasing costs, the South Auckland Presby-tery made the decision to di-vide the Mauku Parish. The division of assets was com-pleted in 1982. Waiau Pa/Te Hihi/Karaka came under First Presbyterian Church, Papakura, known as ‘West-ern Districts’.

During the 1980s Frank-lin District experienced a surge in growth with large scale subdivision of farms into rural lifestyle blocks and gradually, rural villages and districts including Waiau Pa grew with the influx of fami-lies seeking the rural lifestyle dream.

The permanent popula-tion at Clarks Beach also changed at this time, with the removal or demolition of holiday baches in favour of larger residential dwellings.

The Waiau Pa/Clarks Beach communities, as part of Auckland Super City, con-tinue to experience signifi-cant growth with the push for more housing within ex-isting rural villages.

As they celebrated the church centennial, many subdivisions and new hous-ing developments are under-way.

The need for bigger church premises to meet the future needs of the community has been recognized and a build-ing fund established which to date stands at 30,000.

Waiau Pa Church marks100 years in style

Draft alcohol policy opens for consultation

siren sounded

Why the

The Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade had a busy April. Incidents supplied by Chief Fire Officer Colin Riddle were:April6th 13.25pm Taurangatira Rd Grass Fire8th 13.05 pm King St Rubbish Bin 10th 08.11 am Waimanawa Lane PFA (Burnt Toast)10th 11.14 am Kariotahi Rd Scrub Fire10th 18.45 pm Hyland Pl Flooding in a house11th 10.39 am Brookesmith Dr Medical Stood down 12th 12.01 pm Kariotahi Rd Scrub Fire13th 12.32 pm Waiuku Rd MVA14th 19.13 pm Campbell St Smell of smoke15th 21.30 pm O’sullivan Pl Medical Ambulance from Middlemore16th 09.23 am Kitchener Rd Scrub Fire18th 17.07 pm Stonehurst Ave Roof Lifting19th 03.15 am Edgewater Pd Medical NABB21st 08.30 am Gleaming Pl Remove cow from drain21st 10.17 am Jenny Ln Medical Ambulance from Manukau29th 16.21 pm Norfolk Rs Pot on Stove unattended29th 17.21 pm Wellington St Standby Puke Station29th 18.00 pm Crown Rd (paerata) Back up to Factory on fire29th 18.40 pm Logan Rd (Buckland) Oven Fire

Top: A good crowd gathered in the Waiau Pa Hall for the Satur-day centenary luncheon. Above: The current, and some of the former, ministers of the Waiau Pa Presbyterian Church. Right: On display at the luncheon were Sunday School invitations for Lorna Bell and Dennis Clark, the couple went on to become Mr and Mrs Bell.

Harbour group seeksmembers at AGM

ing for a policy that bal-ances the need to minimise alcohol-related harm with the desire to have a vibrant, exciting yet safe Auckland for residents and visitors to enjoy.”

Among the key proposals included in the draft are:

• Establishing two broad areas and priority area over-lays:

• Broad Area A will encom-pass Auckland’s city centre and streets in Newton and Ponsonby commercial areas.

• Broad Area B will take in the rest of Auckland.

The draft policy proposes the following for on-licences (i.e. bars, restaurants, tav-erns):

• Broad Area A: the policy proposes standard maxi-mum trading hours of 9am to 3am, with an option for best practice operators to have trial extensions of up to two hours (e.g. to 5am)

• Broad area B: the policy proposes standard maxi-mum hours of 9am-1am, with the option for some premises, especially those located in metropolitan cen-tres such as Albany or Sylvia Park, to apply for trial exten-sions

The policy proposes the following for following off-licences (i.e. supermarkets, bottle stores):

• Region-wide maximum

trading hours of 9am-10pm for all off-licences (including supermarkets)

• A 24-month freeze on the issuing of new off-licences in Broad Area A and Priority overlay areas. Council says this will help manage densi-ty and alcohol-related harm due to the proliferation of outlets

The policy includes regu-lations relating to licensing decisions of on-licences, off-licences, club and special li-cences. It does not include regulation about alcohol control areas (liquor bans).

“This draft is a good start, now we want the communi-ty to tell us what they think and whether we have the balance right,” says Council-lor Wood.

Submissions on the coun-cil’s draft Local Alcohol Pol-icy will open mid- June and run for a month.

Following the consulta-tion period, hearings will be held and a provisional policy adopted by governing body. Those who submitted on the draft policy will have the op-tion of appealing the provi-sional policy.

A full copy of the draft policy presented to com-mittee, and detail about the development of the policy is available on the council’s website,

24-month freeze on new off-licenses, changes of hours for bars, supermarkets


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Versatility, a high level of finish, and stylish and innovative design is what makes a Platinum home so special; and that’s a combination that can be enjoyed at the Platinum homes show-homes in Pukekohe and Karaka.

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FAT SUPPORT MATESHi there my name is Steve and I am wanting to find a few obese people who want to join me over the next few months transforming our-selves through correct food, exercise, motivation and be-ing mutually accountable to each other. I want to change, lose weight and be healthy.If you want the same, there is no cost only the will and desire to be held mutually ac-countable for each other.If you want to be part of this group in Waiuku please email me

Talented young Waiuku racing driver Cory Holmes made the most of an invi-tation by Toyota to trial at Hampton Downs recently.

Toyota New Zealand are behind the Toyota 86 racing series, a series which Cory is hoping to get a drive in dur-ing the 2015 season.

It would be something of a change for the driver, having built his name in racing open wheel single seaters, while the 86 series is ‘tintops’.

Cory ended up second in the New Zealand Formula First Championship this year and collected the award for most improved driver of the year.

This week’s Waiuku Golf results were: Wednesday La-dies Haggle Nett; Div One; 1st Jocylyn Pwterson 74, 2nd Yvonne Whittaker 74.

Div Two; 1st Elaine Moore 76, 2nd Yvonne Hunter 77. Nearest Pin; Jocylyn Pater-son. Nine Holes S/fd; 1st Jeanette Hargraves 16, 2nd Noeline Ramsay 14, 3rd Noe-line Letcher 12.

Thursday Haggle; 1st Phil Hunt 41, 2nd Mike Derecourt 38, 3rd Neville Keys 36, 4th Louis King 36. Twos: Neville

Keys, Louis King.Saturday Haggle; Div One;

1st David Bates 45, 2nd Joel Stitt 41, 3rd Jerry Kuggeleijn 39, 4th Andrew Fennell 39, 5th Fred Watts 38, 6th Chris Hedley 38. Div Two: 1st Ross Tindle 44, 2nd Mike Dere-court 39, 3rd Roger Read 38, 4th Paul Wells 35, 5th Cam Fleming 35, 6th Steve Shas-key 35. Best Gross; Div One Fred Watts 70, Div Two Ross Tindle 85. Twos: Chris Hed-ley, Roy Wright, David Bates, Joel Stitt.

Waiuku Rugby’s Under-21s got their first win on Saturday in a bruising encounter against Weymouth at Weymouth park. Jack Hardie was successful with a penalty kick three minutes into the game, then it was all Weymouth scoring three tries. Quick thinking by captain Tom Read saw him score from a tap penalty. Nick Murdoch was unlucky not to score after picking up a loose ball and sprinting 80 metres to be tackled just before the line. Jack Hardie scored and con-verted, but Weymouth scored again for a half time score of 15-20 to Weymouth.

In the 2nd half it was Jeph Tupu who scored first, followed by Martin Baldwin from a planned lineout move. Jack Hardie scored his second before Weymouth got one back. A lineout on Weymouth’s line saw several backs add their weight to the maul, driving Joe Robinson over for a try. Weymouth had the last say with a converted try. The final score was 42-32. Player of the day was Tom Read, Player’s POD was Lloyd Agnew, and the RAYD person of the week was Martin Baldwin.

Waiuku AFC travelled out west of Auckland to the ever changing New Lynn area to play Lynn Avon in a match which a win could place Wai-uku at the top of the North-ern League table. Lynn Avon were something of a bogey team for Waiuku as they took both wins last season so even though the two teams were at opposite ends of the table, Waiuku had to approach this one carefully.

Waiuku had to make a couple of changes with Cody Ralph and Matt Bruin both out of this one but started with a hiss and a roar. On the first attack, Jamie McGookin scored as he thrust into the penalty area and beat the keeper.

Waiuku were settling into their work and came close a couple more times. Darren Woolnough was probing for-ward from the left and giving the Waiuku width on attack.

Against the run of play, Lynn Avon got an equaliser. Hugh Sorby’s deflected shot

beat goalkeeper Justin Bald-win and settled into the net. A Lynn Avon attacker got free of the back four and nearly put the home side ahead but Baldwin made a fantastic save to keep him out.

Waiuku made them pay at the next attack. Sinclair got free on the right after a great ball from captain of the day Mitchel Thomasen. Sin-clair found Woolnough who passed square to Luke Chap-man who made no mistake. Chapman got his third when Mike Day was fouled just outside the Lynn Avon pen-alty area, and Chapman gave the keeper little chance as he found the far post with his direct strike.

Another great goal finished the half for Waiuku. Good in-terchange play between the attack, gave Day some space and he finished high into the net from 18 yards out. The half belonged to Waiuku and they went into the break 4-1 ahead.

The second half was more

Waiuku golf results

Cory looks to step up

Under-21s claim a win

Waiuku soccer reach the top of the tableof an even affair. Waiuku scored again when Chap-man scored another wonder free-kick, this time scoring at the near post. Matthew Bilbee scored a consolation goal for Lynn Avon with the score finishing 5-2 to Wai-uku.

Jim Evans was forgiving of the Lynn Avon side “It was certainly a closer game than the scoreline reflects and Justin in goal made some great saves at crucial times to get us going. Justin is

therefore man of the match.”Waiuku moved first equal

in the table, second on goal difference and are hosting Claudeland Rovers at Wai-uku’s Massey Park next Sat-urday.

The Waiuku reserves team had a fine 2-1 win against Lynn Avon with Callum Ben-son scoring and goalkeeper Matthew Parker playing a fine assist with a long punt downfield which the oppo-sition defender could only head into his net.




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June 1st 2014, 10amat the Waiuku Bowling Club Rooms.All members and interested parties

most welcome.

Board oF TrusTees By-elecTion 2014Nominations are invited for the election of one (1) parent representative to the Board of Trustees. A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations will be posted to all eligible voters. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office.Nominations close at noon on 11th June 2014 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate’s statement.The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours.There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school.Voting closes at noon on 25th June 2014 (if an election is required).Signed

Kathryn Vereker-BindonReturning Officer


@ 51 Queen St Waiuku

opening Hours

Monday To Friday

10:30am - 5:30pmclosed saTurday, sunday & puBlic Holidays

cuTs $15

Waiuku esTuary resToraTion TrusT inc (Mudlarks).

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all WelcoMe.Lions Club Rooms, Belgium Street,

Waiuku. Ph: 235 2246.



QUICK PUZZLE NO. 7352 - SOLUTIONSAcross - 1, Earl. 7, Whitewash. 8, Nude. 9, Find. 10, Real.11, Idol. 14, Improbable. 16, Accomplish. 19, Echo. 22,Hunt. 24, Fine. 25, Melt. 26, Associate. 27, Stun.Down - 1, Ennui. 2, Radio. 3, Shrimp. 4, Studio. 5, Ewer.6, Establish. 12, Discourse. 13, Lido. 15, Ache. 17, Puffin.18, Ignite. 20, Chest. 21, Often. 23, Trot.

SUDOKU No.1344

Fill the grid so thatevery row and every3x3 square contains

the digits 1 to 9

How to solveSudoku!

Solution No.1343


8 4 32 8

5 8 9 7 65 3

4 6 8 97 1

9 7 8 2 32 8

7 5 4

4 2 7 9 6 1 3 5 85 6 1 8 3 2 7 9 48 3 9 4 7 5 6 1 21 4 6 2 5 7 9 8 33 9 5 1 8 4 2 7 62 7 8 6 9 3 5 4 19 1 3 7 2 8 4 6 56 5 4 3 1 9 8 2 77 8 2 5 4 6 1 3 9

Advertise all your unwanted goods with us from as little as:

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$40 for three insertions and get

some extra cash.

Turn Clutter


Ph: 2

38 7


FIReWOODDRy Pine/Mac firewood. $85 per metre. Free deliv-ery Waiuku. Ph: 021 555 550.

FOR HIReFIREWOOD splitter. Phone: 235 7733 or 021 305 111.

BOUNCy Castle - Elephant, Tiger for kids. Sumo, Boxing, Jousting for Adults. Ph: 09 235 5297 or 0274 260 040.

FOR SALeFIREWOOD - Bargain. Mac/pine. 4 Metres: $300 Delivered. 2 Metres $170. Ph/txt: 021 744 970 or 235 0065.

COCKy’S CORNER - For fencing & roofing iron, tim-ber, hardware, plywood, pavers, gates, garden sheds & more. 123 Queen St, Waiuku. Ph: 235 9880 or 235 2386.

CANARIES for sale. $15 each. Call 09 235 8914.

FReeREMOVAL - Any old scrap metal incl. old batteries, expired gas bottles, old cars, lawn mowers, etc. Ph Martin: 021 128 5953 or 238 3005.

FREE drop off depot for all your unwanted TV’s, com-puters, whiteware, etc. Recycle All Your Stuff Ltd. Unit 1 Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Road, Waiuku. Free pick up in Waiuku. Ph: 235 5769.


FOR 7, 15mth old cattle. Up to 6 weeks grazing. Anything considered. Ph/text 0274 303156.

HAIR DReSSINGThE Cutting Room Hair Salon. 33 Breaker Grove, Waiuku. Ladies cuts from $30, Mens cuts from $25, Colours from $70. Hours: Tues 11-3pm, Wed 9-5pm, Fri 9-til late, Mon & Sat by pre-arranged appts only. Phone Steff: 235 7149.

LAUNDROMATOPEN 7 days. Drop off service and self service. Detergents incl. Sports clothing, commercial, wash, dry and fold. Laundry 4 U. Between Video Ezy & Pizza Hut, across parking lot from ED St Rest. Ph: 09 239 2964.

LAWNMOWINGTOPCUT LAWNMOWING - reliable, clean, tidy job experienced operator. Ph Fred 09 235 5280, 021 902 552.

GREEN ACRES - Clarks Beach. Covering Franklin area. Lawn mowing, gar-dening, garden clearance, hedges. Clean, tidy and reliable. Call Brett 021 0211 7777 or 09 232 1276.

MASSAGeMASSAGE and sugar paste hair removal - brow shape/lash & brow tint. Ph: Moka (Natural Treatment) 235 0464 or 021 166 9674.

PeTSPOOChIE PARK – Holiday home for dogs. Inspection welcome by arrangement. Phone: 09 235 0052 (Evenings) or 021 856 555. Email: for further information.


ThE Framing Shed. Quality custom picture framing. 31 Victoria Ave, Waiuku. Tues - Fri 9 - 5 or by appointment. Ph Allie: 235 0939 or 027 253 4577.

SeRVICeSFREEVIEW - Digital Set Up UHF & Satellite. Ph Dave 236 3519 or Ph/Txt: 021 2777006. Patumahoe.

DECEASED Estate House clearances and cleaning. Ph. 027 277 5026 for free quote. Waiuku Magpies 2nd Hand Dealers.

RESIDENTIAL, fencing, retaining walls, gardens, storage sheds built. Ph: Mark 027 486 6175.

SPORTSFIRST evening free for new players. BADMINTON evening at Waiuku College, Thursdays, Time 7pm, Cost $2. From 17 years up, for more info phone Wilma 235 2106 or Moka 235 0464.

TO LeASeOFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Downstairs from $90 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Upstairs from $110 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

TO LeASeWAREhOUSE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Small, Med & Lge. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

WORKShOP SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

TUITIONDRUMMING Lessons - Full set up in Waiuku, no need to have a kit. Beginners to intermediate, theory, rhythm and grooves. Ph: Paul on 021 145 4478.

AVAILABLE for Violin, Guitar, Recorder & Theory, Please phone Alison 09 235 7156 or 021 0816 4939 after 6pm.

WANTeDTREES WANTED - Gum & Macrocarpa. Also tree felling & shelter belt removal. Ph/txt Chris: 027 212 4590 or 235 0065.


GOOD quality used furni-ture, collectibles, bric a brac, also house lots. Ph: 027 277 5026 for free quote. Waiuku Magpies 2nd Hand Dealers.


LOOKING for SHED or COTTAGE with room to park caravan. Must have power and water. Prefer close to Waiuku (10 mins drive). Working Mum, very tidy – great tenant with references. Phone 027 734 5897.


RESIDENTIAL and com-mercial. Professional Service. Competitive pric-es, free quotes. Ph: Colin 027 965 2094

31/3 BoWen sT, Waiuku neXT door To MiTre 10, ph: 235 7715

Pine set of draws $270. Bedside $80. White set of draws $320. Queen size mat-tress and base $750. Small pine bookcase $195. Coffee one draw $195. Russian oak hall table $195. Carpet from $5 up $195.


Franklin areaBill Deed QSM JP.Phone 0274 96 88 02





These rates exclude GST • Black & White advertising less 10%

Based on 8 Columns

Phone: 09 235 7835 | Email: | 18 Bowen St Waiuku |

Full Page $ 1428 34 x 6

1/2 Page

1/3 Page

1/4 Page

1/6 Page

1/8 Page

1/12 Page








$ 714

$ 462

$ 357

$ 238

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All Other Display Sizes ----- $ 7.5 PER Column / CentimetreA

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RATESThese rates include colour and exclude GST • Black & White advertising less 10%

I was shocked and embarrassed when I found out how much i was paying to

advertise elsewhere....






ARE LOOKING FOR:a Joiner/Cabinet Maker with experienCe

in ManufaCturing solid wood furniture.

We need someone who is self-motivated, can work independently and as a team with

good communication skills.This person will be expected to lead from the front with knowledge of high end & process furniture.

Trade experienced, NZ residency and NZ drivers licence.

if you are interested in the above roleplease email CV’s to:


Caregiver AvailableIrish caregiver with great references available

seeks position as caregiver in the Franklin region.Mary-Anne Dinneen Frumau is an experienced

caregiver, whose recent duties included caring for a local man for two years.

References from his family include:‘Without Mary-Anne we would not have been

able to continue to have our father at home with us and we would have had to place him in a

nursing home, which he did not want.“We would not hesitate to recommend Mary-

Anne for any position in the health care industry. She is completely trustworthy, hard-working,

caring, loyal and extremely knowledgeable and capable. We opened up our home to her and

never once did we have to worry about her care and respect in regard to it...’

If you need a caring and capable caregiver, please contact Mary-Anne on 021 022 69259

(evenings) to discuss your requirements.

In-Home Educators needed!

If you have a passion for

working with children we’d

love to talk to you today!



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A registered FDANZ Practice

Why not plan and record your funeral wishesThe My Life, My Funeral Kit

will make it easy for you. Phone for your

copy now 235 8380 Anytime

Otaua Motors Ltd, is an established busyrural workshop situated 7ks south of Waiuku.We are looking for a qualified and experienced automotive technician to join our small rural team.Our ideal candidate would have the following:• Qualified technician with NZ experience• WOF authorized• Positive attitude towards customers and other staff members• Basic computer skillsif you think this position sounds like you please

email your CV to: Merv 09 235 2853.

Qualified autoMotiVe teChniCian


beauty therapist full time or part time

• Do you want to work for a professional company with paid training and development, and outstanding career progression opportunities?• Would you like to work in a team environment that provides training, support and mentoring?• Do you want to work for a company that performs a variety of treatments with a strong focus on facials, train and perform advanced treatment techniques including Micro dermabrasion, Caci - Non Surgical, Sonophoresis and peels?• Would you like to progress your career to learn VPL laser?• Would you like full time or part time work with every second Saturday off?An exceptional opportunity for a beauty therapist, has become available to join the award winning Caci Pukekohe team. This is a unique opportunity and we are looking for a person with exceptional customer service, outstanding treatment standards and a passion for the beauty industry. Applicants must have CIDESCO, CIBTAC. Prior work experience is preferred but not essential.We would be willing to nurture the right applicant.Working in a team environment you will receive training, support and mentoring from the Clinic Manager, Senior Beauty Therapist and Head office support team.Applicants need to demonstrate the highest standards of personal grooming, and have the ability to work in a team environment. They must also have a good sense of humour.

To apply in the strictest of confidence, send your CV to:Jane Chaney, Clinic



Kat from Barry & Co would like to thank everyone for their kindness and concern during my absence. I am back now and

looking forward to seeing you all.19 Bowen St * Waiuku * Ph: 235 9211


Considering a restructure which could result in the redundancy of one or more positions within your organisation?Don’t be trapped by a flaw in the process which could result in the lodgement of an expensive personal grievance against you.Seek advice before you commence any redundancy processes.We can advise on all aspects of your restructure and the processes needed to complete it.Phone now for a no obligation quote.


Personal Grievance?We represent Employees or Employers in:

Direct NegotiationMediationEmployment Relations AuthorityEmployment Court

We offer an initial telephone consultation free of charge. This will allow us to assess the merits of the case and offer a strategy for the resolution or defence of the matter.

The retail sector and economic recovery I met with a banker last week and he claims that the bank is starting to see some recovery in the economy, but the retail industry is the one area that is still struggling and national sales figures have dropped in the first financial quarter. It may be too early to talk about the economic recovery yet though, since many areas of the market do not feel the turn- around; in particular if you are in the retail industry. So we feel that we should take a look at the retail industry to gain an understanding of the current economic situation. The pressure on retailing has never been as intense as in the past five years, according to our data base. The challenges have been not only been the global financial crisis, which has meant that people are paying off debt rather than spending; but also online retailing which has seen huge growth and demand, particularly with the younger generation. 1. So what can you do?According to one expert in the retail field, the keys are in the acronym P A L O S – product, agility, lean, online and service.

Product are you really trying to sell what people want to buy? Retailing is a dynamic business changing rapidly. No one retails horseshoes or video recorders any more. You might be passionate about your product, but is anyone else? If you don’t know, ask the customers who visit your store. People buy to satisfy wants NOT needs.Agility are you nimble enough to adapt to the changing environment? Can you change your product line or marketing strategy easily and quickly? Do you have flexible supply lines?Lean do you have too much stock or too many staff? As a store owner, you might just have to do the hours yourself to stay in business. Review your costs regularly, especially at lease- review time, when it might be better to move to cheaper premises.Online like it or not, online retailing is here to stay. Consider whether you can be part of it. Can any of your products or services be marketed and sold online, as well as in a physical store?Service when times are tough, you’ll get kept out in the cold if your service doesn’t measure up. Review your customer and sales approach, train your staff well; good service usually costs nothing and can make you stand out in the crowd.

2. When a customer is in a buying mood, be attentive and companion sell!When the market is finally through the recession, we will see that people begin to relax and start spending again. When customers are in a buying mood, we need to lead the mood into another sale. It may pay to offer a generous discount to get another sale.Online store i-Tunes provide a superb example of capitalizing on a customer’s buying mood. It offers an item for certain amounts, and on the left of the screen is a message which will say you could buy the rest of the album at so much discounted price. I-Tunes are giving a discount to entice customers to buy the rest when customers are in a buying mood.

next month / Employment Relation Consultants - Trial periods require attention to detail

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