poster analysis

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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The characters represented in the advert are the band, who are three girls. They are represented as being ‘retro’ through their 80’s style clothing- leather jacket, sweatshirt and big glasses. Due to them all sat similarly in a diagonal line with their legs crossed, presents them as looking powerful, which challenges the female gender representation that women are inferior. The fact that it is an all-girl band challenges the typical convention of a band as it is stereotypically seen to be boys who are in bands. Whereas girls would be represented as being ‘girly’ and seen in a pop girl group.

Narrative events-

The name of the band is in bold at the top of the page, which is what the audience will see first according to the Guttenberg principle. It is followed by an image of the band sat on decks chairs in a field, which gives the audience a sense of who they are. The name of the album and additional information is presented underneath. Over all, the way it is structured helps the viewer know who they are, what they look like and the point to the poster in an orderly manner. The way in which the poster has been edited evokes the 70’s/80’s era, due to the significant soft and warm hues creating blown highlights.


The black leather jacket is symbolic of rebelliousness which isn’t stereotypical of the female gender, therefore challenges this representation. The costumes are also evocative of the 80’s era, due to their leather jackets and miniskirts. Also the decks chairs are symbolic of the beach and summer, suggesting the images was taken around this time. It could be representing the fact that they’re at a festival from the clothes they’re wearing-shorts and sunglasses-, the field and the chairs. The font of the artists name is iconic of the band, as it is seen on all of their posters and albums.


The warm filter on the image could reflect the fact that the environment they’re in is sunny and is trying to represent the fact that it is summer. Therefore this makes it hyper- real because the audience is unclear whether it is actually sunny or not. The field may represent the fact that they’re at a festival or concert, due to the symbolism of the deck chairs and clothes.

Technical audio codes-

The use of diagonal lines can be seen within the picture due to them sat on chairs diagonally. The effect of the picture is warm and saturated, which gives it a sense that it was taken in the style of a Polaroid picture, making it hyper-real. However, judging by the blown highlights on the clothes, legs and face it could show that it was sunny, or they have done this in post-processing. The high angle/ long shot shows the viewer who they are. Also, the colours within the clothes is harmonious to the colours within the deck chairs, in terms of shadows as well, whilst the green backdrop helps emphasise them. It is clear what the artist name is from the fact that the text above the image is enlarged and bold, and also is a different font to the rest of the text. The black and white of the text and background of the poster corresponds to the colours within in the picture of the jacket and highlights- this helps the poster come together and flow. The way the text below the image gradually gets smaller and smaller helps draw the viewer’s eye towards bottom of the poster.

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