poster session june 29,2011

Post on 12-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Presented by: Lcda. Guiselle Weelkly Williamson

June 29th, 2011

Different Brains,

Different Learners

How to reach the Hard to Reach?

The Impulsive LearnerAttention-Deficit

DisorderIt is a behavioral disorder characterized by

impulsiveness and disorientation. It is divided

into three subtypes, according to the main

features associated with the disorder:

inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

The disorder is genetically transmitted in many

cases and results from a chemical imbalance or

deficiency in certain neurotransmitters in the


The Resigned LearnerLearned Helplessness

The Challenged ReaderDyslexia

When a child is diagnosed with dyslexia, he

may be eligible for special services or

accommodations at school. He may receive

extra reading instruction or help with spelling.

Parents can also help children with dyslexia at

home in a number of ways. Children with

dyslexia often confuse "left" and "right" or

"behind" and "in front of."

The Argumentative Learner

Oppositional DisorderThe Oppositional

Disorder(OPD) is a serious and

chronic psychiatric condition

that is characterized by verbal

aggressiveness, a tendency to

bother others, a

confrontational attitude, and a

disregard for how others feel.

The Learner in MotionHyperactivity

Hyperactivity is a state of

too much muscle activity.

It is characterized by

chronic restlessness and

disruptive behavior. HC

may continually

walk, jump, roll and

fidget, and sometimes

these actions are done

disorganized and rapid.

The Out- of- Control Learner

Conduct DisorderSevere and chronic, socially-disruptive behavior

pattern. Students with CD are not the

occasional problem learner that disrupt the

class. Rather, they represent an acute and

persistent challenge for the teachers.

The Troubled LearnerDepression

Depression is an intense, pervasive, and

serous mood disorder that attacks both the

mind and body. This highly disruptive

condition typically impairs academic

performance, job performance, family life,

and can sometimes lead to suicide. There are

four categories of depression:

Major Depressive Disorder.

Dysthymic Disorder.

Bipolar Disorder.

Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Equal Opportunities

for Disabled

People and its


Law 7600

Article # 31: Access to Health Services

Health services should be offer

in equal conditions to all

people who requires it. When

ever the services are not

given, the quality is low, or they

are sent specifically to their own

area, it is considered as a

discriminatory act.

Article # 33: Rehabilitation Services

The Social Security of Costa Rica(

C.C.S.S.) and the National Insurance

Institution (INS) should offer services

of rehabilitation, home services and

ambulatory in every area or region of

the country. These should include

equal opportunities with human

resources and adequate techniques

with supportive services to guarantee an

optimal attention to patient.

Article # 105: International Access Symbol

All signs that should be made in

order to indicate the access of

services used by disabled

people, they will be presented

as International Access Symbol.

Article # 136: Color Contrasts

In other to facilitate the

movement for the people

that suffers visual

impairments , the contrasts

of colors for stirs, sign

board, walls, and doors

should have similitude.

Article # 47 Access to Means of Transportation

Concerning public

transportations( cab service)

the Ministry of Service and

Transportation, is

compelled to include in

each public licitation of

concessions or permissions,

at least 10 % vehicles with

the necessary adaptations for

people with special needs.

Article # 52: Access to Information and


The Institutions in charge of the

Telecommunications should guarantee to all

people the access to the phone devices. The

public phones should be installed and placed in

ways where everyone could have access to them.

And what about You ?

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