powerpoint presentation...• vice president m venkaiah naidu who underwent a routine covid-19 test...

Post on 09-Oct-2020






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Harijan Sevak Sangh celebrates its foundation day

हरिजन सेवक संघ का स्थापना दिवस


● On 30 September in 1932, Harijan Sevak Sangh

was founded, when Gandhi Ji was in Yervada

Jail, Pune and on fast.

● The immediate historical background dates back

to the Second Round Table Conference in

London in 1931 when Gandhi ji opposed the

segregation of the depressed classes of the

Hindu community into a separate electoral group.

● Gandhi Ji saw in it a sinister device of the British

government to create a split in the Hindu

community in furtherance of its policy of divide

and rule.

● The Sangh was established to combat

untouchability and a new weekly paper, the

Harijan, was started.

● Harijan means children of God, it was Gandhi

Ji's name for the untouchables

• 30 दसतंबि 1932 को, हरिजन सेवक संघ की

स्थापना हुई, जब गांधी जी पुणे के यिविा जेल,

औि उपवास पि थे।

• तात्कादलक ऐदतहादसक पृष्ठभूदि 1931 िें लंिन िें

दितीय गोलिेज समे्मलन की है जब गांधी जी ने

एक अलग चुनावी सिूह िें दहंिू सिुिाय के िबे

हुए वगों के अलगाव का दविोध दकया था।

• गांधी जी ने इसे दिदिश सिकाि के दवभाजन औि

शासन की नीदत िें दहंिू सिुिाय िें दवभाजन पैिा

किने के दलए एक भयावह उपकिण के रूप िें


• असृ्पश्यता का िुकाबला किने के दलए संघ की

स्थापना की गई औि एक नया साप्तादहक पत्र,

हरिजन शुरू दकया गया।

Harijan Sevak Sangh

• Harijan Sevak Sangh is a non-profit organisation founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1932 to eradicate untouchability in India, working for Harijan or Dalit people and upliftment of Depressed Class of India.

• It is headquartered at Kingsway Camp in Delhi, with branches in 26 states across India.• After the Second Round Table Conference, British government agreed to give Communal

Award to the depressed classes on the request of B. R. Ambedkar. Gandhi opposed the government's decision which he considered it would divide the Hindu society and subsequently went on to the indefinite fast in Yerwada Jail.

• He ended his fast after signed Poona Pact with Ambedkar on 24 September 1932. • On 30 September, Gandhi founded All India Anti Untouchability League, to remove

untouchability in the society, which later renamed as Harijan Sevak Sangh ("Servants of Untouchables Society").

• The Sangh helped the depressed classes to access public places such as temples, schools, roads and water resources, also conducted inter dining and inter caste marriages.

• It constructed and maintains several schools and hostels across the country.

V President Venkaiah Naidu tests positive for Covid-19

उपिाष्ट्र पदत िाष्ट्र पदत वेंकैया नायडू का कोदवि -19 के दलए पिीक्षण सकािात्मक पाया गया


• Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu who

underwent a routine COVID-19 test has been

tested positive.

• Mr Naidu is asymptomatic and in good health.

• Mr Naidu's wife Usha Naidu has been tested

negative and is in self-isolation.

• Part V of the Constitution of India under

Chapter I (Executive) also discusses the office

of the Vice-President of India.

• The Vice-President of India is the second

highest constitutional office in the country.

• He serves for a five-year term, but can

continue to be in office, irrespective of the

expiry of the term, until the successor assumes


• Articles 63-73 which deal with the

qualifications, election and removal of Vice-

President of India.

• Articles 63 states that there shall be a Vice-

President of India.

• उपिाष्ट्र पदत एि। वेंकैया नायडू जो एक दनयदित COVID-

19 पिीक्षण से गुजिे हैं, का पिीक्षण सकािात्मक दकया

गया है।

• नायडू स्पशोनु्मख औि अचे्छ स्वास्थ्य िें हैं।

• नायडू की पत्नी उषा नायडू का नकािात्मक पिीक्षण दकया

गया है औि वे आत्म-अलगाव िें हैं।

• अध्याय I (काययकािी) के तहत भाित के संदवधान का भाग

V भाित के उपिाष्ट्र पदत के कायायलय पि भी चचाय किता


• भाित का उपिाष्ट्र पदत िेश का िूसिा सवोच्च संवैधादनक

कायायलय है।

• वह पांच साल के काययकाल के दलए कायय किता है, लेदकन

पि पि बने िह सकता है, चाहे काययकाल की सिाप्तप्त के

बावजूि, जब तक दक उत्तिादधकािी पि ग्रहण न कि ले।

• अनुचे्छि 63-73 भाित के उपिाष्ट्र पदत की योग्यता, चुनाव

औि दनष्कासन से संबंदधत हैं।

• अनुचे्छि 63 िें कहा गया है दक भाित का उपिाष्ट्र पदत


ICMR warns India of 'Cat Que Virus' which could spread disease in the


ICMR ने भाित को 'कैि क्व वायिस' से आगाह दकया जो िेश िें बीिािी फैला सकता है- TOI


• CQV belongs to the Simbu serogroup virus of the genus Orthobunyavirus.

• It was first isolated in 2004 from mosquitoes in northern Vietnam. It has also been reported in China.

• CQV comes under the category of Arthropod-borne viruses.• Arthropods are a group of invertebrate animals including

insects, spiders etc.• It is found in pigs and Culex mosquitoes. • Birds such as the Jungle Myna may also act as a host.• Mosquitoes of Culex species also cause Japanese

Encephalitis.• It infects both humans and livestock species.• Humans are infected through mosquito bites.

Hudali village in Karnataka follows Gandhian way of life

कनायिक का हुडली गााँव गांधीवािी जीवन पद्धदत का अनुसिण किता है


• Hudali village near Belagavi district in

Karnataka is a living monument of

Gandhian way of life.

• It has imbibed Gandhian Philosophy and

continues to live in the Gandhian way, even


• Mahatma Gandhi had spent a few days in

the village in 1937 and introduced charkha

and Khadi.

• Gandhiji visited Belagavi (erstwhile

Belgaum) three times.

• He attended the Bombay provincial

conference of the Home Rule League in

1916, chaired the Congress Session in

1924 and spent 10 days in the Khadi and

Village Industries Centre in Hudali village in


• कनायिक िें बेलागवी दजले के पास हुिली गााँव

गांधीवािी जीवन शैली का एक जीवंत स्मािक है।

• इसने गांधीवािी िशयन को ग्रहण दकया है औि

आज भी गांधीवािी तिीके से जी िहा है।

• िहात्मा गांधी ने 1937 िें गााँव िें कुछ दिन दबताए

थे औि चिखा औि खािी पेश दकया था।

• गांधीजी ने तीन बाि बेलगावी (तत्कालीन बेलगाि)

का िौिा दकया।

• उन्ोनें 1916 िें होि रूल लीग के बॉमे्ब प्ांतीय

समे्मलन िें भाग दलया, 1924 िें कांगे्रस अदधवेशन

की अध्यक्षता की औि 1937 िें हुडली गांव िें

खािी औि ग्रािोद्योग कें द्र िें 10 दिन दबताए।

Mahatma Gandhi

• Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar.• His father, Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi (1822–1885), served as the diwan (chief minister) of

Porbandar state.• In November 1887, the 18-year-old Gandhi graduated from high school in Ahmedabad.• In the year 1888, Mahatma Gandhi left for London to study law.• In May, 1893 he went to South Africa to work as a lawyer. • There he had first-hand experience of racial discrimination when he was thrown out of the first-

class apartment of the train despite holding the first-class ticket because it was reserved for white people only and no Indian or black was allowed to travel in the first class.

• िोहनिास कििचंि गांधी का जन्म 2 अकू्टबि 1869 को पोिबंिि िें हुआ था।• उनके दपता, कििचंि उत्तिचंि गांधी (1822-1885), पोिबंिि िाज्य के िीवान (िुख्यिंत्री) के रूप िें सेवा किते थे।• नवंबि 1887 िें, 18 वषीय गांधी ने अहििाबाि के हाई सू्कल से स्नातक दकया।• 1888 िें, िहात्मा गांधी कानून का अध्ययन किने के दलए लंिन चले गए।• िई, 1893 िें वे वकील के रूप िें काि किने के दलए िदक्षण अफ्रीका गए।• वहां उन्ें नस्लीय भेिभाव का पहला अनुभव था, जब उन्ें प्थि शे्रणी का दिकि िखने के बावजूि िर ेन के प्थि शे्रणी

के डबे्ब से बाहि दनकाल दिया गया था, क्ोदंक यह केवल गोिे लोगों के दलए आिदक्षत था औि दकसी भी भाितीय याअशे्वत को पहले यात्रा किने की अनुिदत नही ं थी।

• In 1924 at the Belgaum session of INC Gandhi was elected as the President of INC. In 1928 in the Calcutta session, Gandhi warned the British government to free India within a year. On January 26th, 1930 INC celebrated Indian Independence, as per the proposal of 1929 Lahore session of INC.

• On 12 March 1930, Gandhi launched the Civil disobedience Movement by marching to Dandi from Ahmedabad.

• He launched the Quit India Movement in 1942 in which Gandhi gave the slogan of ‘Do or Die.’

• 1924 िें कांगे्रस के बेलगाि अदधवेशन िें गांधी को INC के अध्यक्ष के रूप िें चुना गया।• 1928 िें कलकत्ता अदधवेशन िें, गांधी ने दिदिश सिकाि को एक साल के भीति भाित को आजाि किने की

चेतावनी िी।• 26 जनविी, 1930 को INC ने 1929 के लाहौि सत्र के प्स्ताव के अनुसाि भाितीय स्वतंत्रता दिवस िनाया।• 12 िाचय 1930 को, गांधी ने अहििाबाि से िांडी तक िाचय किके सदवनय अवज्ञा आंिोलन शुरू दकया।• उन्ोनें 1942 िें भाित छोडो आंिोलन शुरू दकया दजसिें गांधी ने 'किो या ििो' का नािा दिया था।

Important books written by Gandhi

• The Story of my Experiments with Truth• Hind Swaraj• India of my Dreams• Village Swaraj• Constructive Program- Its Meaning and Place


Noted filmmaker Shekhar Kapur appointed president of FTII Society

प्दसद्ध दफल्मकाि शेखि कपूि को FTII सोसायिी का अध्यक्ष दनयुक्त दकया गया


• Noted Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur has

been named as the President of Film and

Television Institute of India, FTII Society

and Chairman of Governing Council of


• Mr Kapur has directed several films, many

of which are critically acclaimed.

• The Movies include Masoom, Mr. India,

Bandit Queen and Elizabeth.

• He will replace television producer BP


• Singh’s tenure had ended in March 2020

but he was given an extension owing to

the coronavirus situation.

• प्ख्यात दफल्मकाि शेखि कपूि को दफल्म एंड

िेलीदवजन इंस्टीटू्यि ऑफ इंदडया के अध्यक्ष,

एफिीआईआई सोसायिी औि एफिीआईआई की

गवदनिंग काउंदसल के अध्यक्ष के रूप िें नादित

दकया गया है।

• कपूि ने कई दफल्मों का दनिेशन दकया है, दजनिें

से कई सिीक्षकों िािा प्शंदसत हैं।

• िूवीज िें िासूि, दिस्टि इंदडया, बैंदडि क्वीन औि

एदलजाबेथ शादिल हैं।

• वह िेलीदवजन दनिायता बीपी दसंह की जगह लेंगे।

• दसंह का काययकाल िाचय 2020 िें सिाप्त हो गया

था, लेदकन उन्ें कोिोनवायिस की प्तस्थदत के

कािण दवस्ताि दिया गया था।

Film and Television Institute of India

• The Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) is an autonomous institute under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of the Government of India.

• It is situated on the premises of the erstwhile Prabhat Film Company in Pune.

• It was established in 1960.• The Centre will set up a new Institute in

Arunachal Pradesh as part of an initiative to tap the potential of the North Eastern region.

UAE plans to launch unmanned spacecraft to moon in 2024

यूएई ने 2024 िें चंद्रिा पि िानव िदहत अंतरिक्ष यान लॉन्च किने की योजना बनाई है

- Mint

• The United Arab Emirates plans to send

an unmanned spacecraft to the moon in


• The oil-rich nation that could see it

become only the fourth nation on Earth

to accomplish that goal.

• The announcement by Dubai shows the

rapid expansion of the space program

that bears his name.

• The rover would be named Rashid after

Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum,

one of the original founding rulers of the


• Rover is a vehicle for exploring the

surface of a planet or moon.

• दनदधयों की एक नई नस्ल बाजाि िें प्वेश कि

िही है।

• यह शे्रणी दविेशों िें लोकदप्य है औि कई

मू्यचुअल फंड उद्योग के अदधकारियों का िानना

है दक यह घिेलू तौि पि भी एक प्िुख पसंिीिा

दवषय होगा।

• ईएसजी (पenvironment, social and

Governance) का एक संयोजन है जो आपके

फंड को स्टॉक उठाते सिय लागू होता है।

• एक ताजा योजना - आईसीआईसीआई

पू्डेंदशयल ईएसजी फंड - शुरू की जा िही है।

• नया फंड ऑफि अवदध 5 अकू्टबि, 2020 को

बंि हो जाती है, दजसके बाि यह एकओपन

एंडेड स्कीि बन जाती है।

UAE’s Space Mission

• In July 2020, the UAE launched a Mars probe named Amal (Hope) from Japan, marking the Arab world’s first interplanetary mission.

• Amal is set to reach Mars in February 2021, the year UAE will celebrate 50 years of its formation.

• UAE has also set a goal to build a human colony on Mars by 2117.• UAE is a federation of seven sheikhdoms on the Arabian Peninsula.• In 2019, the UAE sent its first astronaut to the International Space Station.

• If successful in 2024, the UAE could become the fourth nation to land a spacecraft on the moon after the USA, the former Soviet Union and China.

• India, Israel and Japan have tried but failed in landing a spacecraft on the moon

United Arab Emirates

• The United Arab Emirates is a Sovereign State in Western Asia.

• The sovereign absolute monarchy is a federation of seven emirates consisting of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain.

• Capital: Abu Dhabi• President: Khalifa Bin Zayed Al

Nahyan• Prime Minister: Mohammed Bin

Rashid Al Maktoum• Currency: UAE dirham


SII to double Covid vaccine supply to 200 million doses

SII ने कोदवि वैक्सीन की आपूदतय 200 दिदलयन खुिाक के दलए की

- IE

• Serum Institute of India (SII) had received

additional funds that would allow it to double its

supply of Covid-19 vaccines to India and other

poorer countries as part of the Gavi COVAX


• The Pune-headquartered vaccine maker will now

be using these funds from The Bill & Melinda

Gates Foundation as well as Gavi, The Vaccine

Alliance, to supply 200 million vaccines to these

countries as early as the first half of 2021.

• SII currently has agreements to manufacture

Covid-19 vaccines developed by American

vaccine maker Novavax, as well as Oxford

University in collaboration with Swedish-British

drugmaker AstraZeneca.

• सीिि इंस्टीटू्यि ऑफ इंदडया (SII) को अदतरिक्त

धनिादश दिली थी, जो इसे भाित औि अन्य गिीब िेशों

को COVID-19 वैक्सीन की अपनी सुदवधा के रूप िें

कोदवि -19 वैक्सीन की आपूदतय को िोगुना किने की

अनुिदत िेगा।

• पुणे-िुख्यालय वाली वैक्सीन दनिायता अब इन फंडों का

उपयोग ि दबल एंड िेदलंडा गेि्स फाउंडेशन के साथ-

साथ गवी, ि वैक्सीन एलायंस, इन िेशों को 2021 की

पहली छिाही िें 200 दिदलयन वैक्सीन की आपूदतय

किने के दलए किें गे।

• SII के पास वतयिान िें अिेरिकी वैक्सीन दनिायता

नोवाक्स िािा दवकदसत कोदवि -19 वैक्सीन के दनिायण

के साथ-साथ स्वीदडश-दिदिश डर गिेकि AstraZeneca

के सहयोग से ऑक्सफोडय यूदनवदसयिी बनाने के सिझौते


• SII (Pune), the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer by volume, has agreements to manufacture Covid-19 vaccines, Covidshield (currently under clinical trials) developed by American vaccine maker Novavax, as well as Oxford University in collaboration with Swedish-British drugmaker AstraZeneca.

• The vaccines will be priced at a maximum of USD 3 per dose.• COVAX is one of three pillars of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator,

which was launched in April 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Commission and France in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

• Created in 2000, Gavi is an international organisation - a global Vaccine Alliance, bringing together public and private sectors with the shared goal of creating equal access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world’s poorest countries.

• Its core partners include the WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

• In June 2019, the Gavi Board approved a new five-year strategy (‘Gavi 5.0’) with a vision to ‘leave no-one behind with immunisation’ and a mission to save lives and protect people’s health by increasing equitable and sustainable use of vaccines.

Important Questions

Recently, Harijan Sevak Sangh celebrated its foundation day. Harijan Sevak Sangh

was founded in the year ________.

हाल ही िें, हरिजन सेवक संघ ने अपना स्थापना दिवस िनाया। हरिजन सेवक संघ की स्थापना वषय

________ िें हुई थी।

A. 1921

B. 1924

C. 1930

D. 1932

Recently, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu who underwent a routine COVID-19 test has been

tested positive. Which of the following article of the Indian constitution states that there shall be

a Vice-President of India?

हाल ही िें, एक दनयदित COVID-19 पिीक्षण से गुजिने पि उपिाष्ट्र पदत एि वेंकैया नायडू का पिीक्षण सकािात्मक

िहा है। भाितीय संदवधान के दनम्नदलप्तखत िें से कौन सा लेख कहता है दक भाित िें उपिाष्ट्र पदत पि होगा?

A. Article 37

B. Article 47

C. Article 52

D. Article 63

Hudali village is a living monument of Gandhian way of life. Hudali village is in the state of


हुडली गााँव गांधीवािी तिीके से जीवन जीने का स्मािक है। हुडली गााँव __________ िाज्य िें प्तस्तथ है।

A. Bihar

B. West Bengal

C. Haryana

D. Karnataka

A. Paresh Rawal

B. Anupam Kher

C. Shekhar Kapur

D. Aditya Chopra

Who among the following has been named as the President of the Film and Television Institute

of India, FTII Society?

दनम्नदलप्तखत िें से दकसे FTII सोसायिी के दफल्म एंड िेलीदवजन इंस्टीटू्यि ऑफ इंदडया के अध्यक्ष के रूप िें

नादित दकया गया है?

The United Arab Emirates plans to send an unmanned spacecraft to the moon in______.

संयुक्त अिब अिीिात ने ______ िें चांि पि िानव िदहत अंतरिक्ष यान भेजने की योजना बनाई है।

A. 2021

B. 2022

C. 2023

D. 2024


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