powerpoint presentation - neurobiological correlates of

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Neuro-biological Basis for

Intervention with Gifted


Lynnette Henderson, Ph.D.Vanderbilt University


Some caveats . . .

• People have inherent value unrelated to

the possession of any single descriptor --

including relative amounts of intelligence.

• Intelligence, particularly as measured by

intelligence testing, is NOT synonymous

with the better definitions of giftedness.

In this presentation, we will:• discuss developmental and neurobiological

differences which accompany intelligence

• propose explanatory hypotheses for these


• discuss the applications of this line of research on

the psychology and education of gifted persons.

Educational Neuroscience Precepts

• Learning experiences shape the development of

the brain from birth through adulthood.

• The mature brain after normal development

remains susceptible to change from experiences

throughout life.

Educational Neuroscience Precepts

• Teachers, as primary facilitators of

learning in school age children, are

changing responses, shaping

behaviors, refining schemata, and

remodeling brain circuitry in their








Genes• Genes code for proteins

• 50,000 genes involved in the nervous system

– Construction

– Maintenance

• From the onset of circuit formation, genetic programming

– is inextricably linked with the environmental stimulation one


– produces a unique brain that reflects those experiences

• Genetic links to intelligence:

– Galton (1896)

– Niesser, et al. (1996)

– Plomin (1994)

Environment• Determines the extent to which genetic

potential may be reached

– nutrition

– drugs

– viral infection

– toxins

– temperature

low high


• The activity generated in response to environmental stimuli takes the lead over processes guided solely by genes around the time of birth.

• Cortical Plasticity

– Sets the stage

– Preventative

– Restorative

The Differential

Developmental Course of

Gifted Children

Typical development


Gifted development

Disability development

Earlier developmental



–discrimination of faces/persons

–unusual alertness


–reduced need for sleep


–telescoped language development

Earlier developmental milestones


–interest in books and reading

–use of symbol systems

–interest in abstract issues

–passage through theoretical developmental stages(e.g. Piaget)

Neurobiological Support for Brain

Development and Maturation• EEG indications of infant brain development and

maturation have been linked with performance on Piagetian tasks

• linked with performance in EEG studies of developmental/motor tasks as well

• changes in EEG accompany maturational changes in behavior and both of these are accelerated in children with higher intelligence

• Brain activity was more like mental peers than that of chronological peers

Conclusions• Are differences …

– substrates of the increased intellectual functioning of individuals?

– reflective of the experiences and levels of use?

• Either way, group differences are measurable and the differences are indicative of the developmental history of each individual in the sample.

Explanatory Hypotheses

• High levels of myelination

• Lowered threshold for changes in synaptic

strength and for initiating protein synthesis

• Heightened levels of arousal

– Sensory awareness

– Neurochemical systems

Future Implications

• Matarazzo (1992) has predicted that physiological imaging

measures to assess cognitive function will become

common place in the 21st century.

• The Report of a Task Force Established by the American

Psychological Association agrees that relating aspects of

test performance to specific brain characteristics and

function may soon be possible (Neisser et al., 1996).

– Molfese and Molfese (1997)

– Richards, Parmelee, and Beckwith (1986)

Implications for Educational Policy

• Knowing that the behavioral differences

demonstrated by gifted children are linked to

real differences in brain form and function may

make recognizing and meeting their needs more

acceptable, reasonable and less value-laden.

Implications for Educational

Practice• Individualization through continual adaptation

– Acceleration =rapid responsive pacing

– Learning style of the student

– Highly individualized reading

– Independent study under competent supervision

Implications for Educational

Practice• provision of productive stimulating environments

– attention to cultural and social differences

– attention to the affective as well as cognitive development of the individual

– investigation of real problems and solutions

– shared constructions of learning as gifted children teach other gifted children

– Leads to faster processing speedDuan, Jiannong & Zhou (2010)


Educational Insights• "No enriched environment will completely

satisfy any two people for an extended period.

Challenge and interactivity are essential." • Abbott, 1997

• In planning for the appropriate educational

program the individual's needs and interests

must be considered, and self-constructed

learning opportunities must be included for

the building of neural frameworks is an

intensely personal and individual process.


• Gifted children often appear to have burning within them a biological drive to learn, to develop, and to attain their potential.

• Because of the unique developmental course of gifted children, they are more at risk for having their needs deferred, under-served, or ignored.

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