
Post on 22-Oct-2014






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Seven Pranayam

Bhastrika Pranayam

1.Bhastrika PranayamProcedure: Sit in a comfortable Asana. Breathe in through both thenostrils forcefully, till the lungs are full and diaphragm is stretched.Then breathe out forcefully also.Take deep breaths and then completelybreathe out. Duration: 2 mins atleast. 5 mins max. Benefits : heart, lungs, brain, depression, migraine, paralysis, neural system, aabha

Kapal Bhati Pranayam

2. Kapal Bhati PranayamProcedure: Push air forcefully out. Stomach will itself go in. Duration: Start with 30 times or 1 min. increase upto 5 mins min. upto 10mins max. Benefits : aabha, tej, obesity, constipation, gastric, acidity, Croesus(liver), hepatitis B, uterus, diabetes, stomach problems, cholesterol, allergic problems, asthma, snoring, concentration, and even cancer and AIDS. Tips: heart and high BP patients, and weak people do it slowly. Swamiji says "dharti ki sanjivini hai kapal-bhati pranayam" and that it "cures all diseases of world".

Bahaya Pranayam

3. Bahaya PranayamProcedure: Breathe air out, touch chin to chest, squeeze stomachcompletely and hold for a while. then release chin, breathe in slowly. Duration: 3 times to 5 times normally. max upto 11 times. and extremelymax upto 21 times (in winters). Benefits : stomach(udar), hernia, urinal, uterus Tips : not for heart and high BP patients

Anulom Vilom Pranayam

4. Anulom Vilom PranayamProcedure: Hold your right nasal with thumb, breathe in from left. Nowopen right nasal and close left nasal with middle and ring finger andbreathe out from right nasal. Now breathe in from right nasal. Nowclose right nasal and open left and breathe out and in from left nasal.and so on. Duration: atleast 10 mins. Benefits: heart, high BP, heart blockage, vat-cuf-pit, arthritis, cartilage,bent ligaments, sinual fluid reduced, parkinson, paralysis, neuralrelated, depression, migraine pain, asthma, sinus, allergy. Tips: breathe into lungs not to stomach. no organ in stomach absorboxygen. Do not hurry. Do it slowly. Rest whenever needed (in anypranayam).

Bharamari Pranayam

5. Bharamari PranayamProcedure: Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee. Duration : 10 mins Benefits : tension, hypertension, high BP, heart, heart blockage,paralysis, migraine pain, confidence, concentration

Udgeeth Pranayam

6. Udgeeth PranayamProcedure: Inhalation and exhalation should be long, slow, soft and subtle. Inhale slowly and when ready to exhale, chant Om slowly and steadily. With practice, lengthen each breath to one-minute, that is, to say inhalation and exhalation should total one-minute of time. Visualize the breath entering and moving inside the body. Duration : 10 mins or more Benefits: Good for insomnia and for deepening the quality of sleep and relieving bad dreams. Helps the mind to become one-pointed and facilitate the practice of conscious sleep (Yoga Nidra).

Pranav Pranayam

7. Pranav PranayamProcedure: Close your eyes and sit quitely. Breathe in naturally.Duration: 2-3 mins or more. Purpose: Spiritual development and to widen your perspective so thatyou begin to realise the One In All and the All In One - the constantuniversal vibration AUM/OM, which is found in every single minutestatom.

Benefits : meditation


Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body. While sitting any of the aasana for doing pranayama hands can be positioned in any one the mudras according to individual's own requiment.

Swami Ramdev suggests the following seven Mudras to be practised with pranayama for maximum benefit.

Also read most commonly known Mudras and how they affect the body

Gyan Mudra: In this position the fingers are held with the tip of the index finger touching the tip of the thumb and the remaining three fingers nearly straight--kind of like an "OK" sign, except the palms of each hand are pointed up or front.

This mudra is good for: stresses and strains, insomnia, emotional instability, indecisiveness, excessive anger, idleness, laziness, indolence, and is a great help in increasing memory and I.Q. It can help cure sleeplessness and get one off sleeping pills where these are being taken.

There are a number of variations of this mudra for higher and higher degrees of attainment e.g. Purna Gyan Mudra, Vairagya Mudra, Abhay Mudra, Varad Mudra, Dhyan Mudra, Mahagyan Mudra. As one keeps attaining higher and higher levels of the mind, the mudra's change.

Shunya Mudra: This helps those with impaired hearing. If there is no physical defect, the mudra, if practiced regularly, can restore the hearing power. Remarkably, it helps in getting rid of earaches within minutes. It takes no mare than 2 to 3 minutes to get rid of most earaches.

It helps in relieving the nausea and vomiting sensations felt while driving on winding hilly curves or while taking off or landing in aircrafts. It helps in many problems of vertigo. The mudra should not be continued after the problem has been removed.

Prithvi Mudra: Increases solidity in the body. Removes weakness, lack of body solidity. Helps gain for underweights. chronic fatigue and weakness

Varun Mudra: A miracle mudra for Skin problems, wrinkling, loss of glow, dehydration, excessive body heat, blood disorders

Apan Mudra: Helps in purification of the body, urinary problems, easy secretion of excreta, regulating menstruation and painless discharge, easy child delivery, Piles, Diabetes and kidney disorders.

Caution: This Mudra should not be done by pregnant ladies before completing 8 months. After that a 10 minutes practice 3 to 4 times a day will ensure normal delivery

Apan-Vayu Mudra: This finger position works like an injection in cases of a heart attack. Regular practice is insurance in preventing heart attacks, tacho-cardia, palpitations, depressions, sinking feeling of the heart. Also he Mritsanjivani Mudra for arresting heart attack. known as t

Aakash Mudra: Helps to remove weakness of bones, hearing deficiency. Caution: This Mudra should not be done while walking

Suksham Vayaam

Suksham Vayaam are light exercises which can be practised between pranayams and can also be practised independentally for providing energy,vitality and maintaining a healthy body.

Need for Suksham Vayaam

* Stiff muscles that are subjected to sudden elongation during exercise or sports can more easily become torn or strained.

* Tightness in muscles can cause pain elsewhere in the body. Tight calves, for example, can cause knee pain, shin splints and foot pain. Tense muscles at various points in the lower back can cause pain to radiate throughout the entire torso.

* Lack of flexibility can cause muscular imbalances. A tight hamstring, for example, can make the thighs work harder at keeping the body properly aligned, which may cause knee pain. Beyond that, feeling stiff makes you slow down, move more carefully, act more tentatively—it''s the first way a young man starts to feel like an old one.

Swami Ramdev advocates the following suksham Vayaam:

All sitting Aasans are started from Dundasan posture. Stretch both legs straight and keep them joined together. Place the hands on surface besides waist and fingers facing backward. Keep the arms and waist straight.

Now start the following exercises:

1. Exercise for Toe:

While keeping the heels still, try to fold the toes of both feet and then stretch backward. Repeat this exercise for 8-10 times.

2. Exercise for Heels and Feet:

While keeping the the feet joined together stretch the toes forward. In this process heels also get stretched along the surface. This process relieves the sciatic pain and is beneficial for knees.

3. Exercise for Toe and Feet:

Keep the feet slightly apart.Starting from the left foot , rotate the toe anti-clockwise in circular motion. Keep on moving 5-7 times. Now rotate it clockwise. Repeat this exercise for the right foot, and then do it by joining the both feet together.

4. A) Ardha Titali Asan (Half Butterfly)

How to do?

Sit with legs outstretched. Bend the right leg and place the right foot as far up on the left thigh as possible. Place the right hand on top of the bent right knee.

Hold the toes of the right foot with the left hand. While breathing in, gently move the right knee up towards the chest. Breathing out, gently push the knee down and try to touch the floor. The trunk should not move. Movement of leg should be achieved by the exertion of the right arm. Repeat with left leg. Slowly practice about 10 up and down movements with each leg. DO NOT STRAIN.


It is an excellent practice for loosening of hip and knee joints

B) Poorna Titali Asan (Full Butterfly) How to do?

Sit with legs outstretched. Bend the knees and bring the soles of the feet together, keeping the heels as close to the body as possible. Fully relax the inner thighs. Clasp the feet with both hands.

Gently bounce the knees up and down, using the elbows as levers to press the legs down. Do not use any force. Repeat up to 20-30 times. Straighten the legs and relax.


Tension from inner thigh muscles is relieved. Removes tiredness from legs.

5. Chakki Chalan Asan (Churning the Mill Pose

How to do?

Sit with legs stretched out in front of the body about one foot apart. Interlock fingers of both hands and hold the arms out straight in front of the chest.

Make large circular movements over both feet, trying to take the hands over the toes on the forward swing and coming as far back as possible on the backward swing. Practice 10 times in each direction.


Excellent for curing back ache and helpful in in reducing extra fat around the waist. Excellent asan for toning the nerves and organs of pelvis and abdomen preparing them for pregnancy. Useful in regulating menstrual cycle. Also an excellent post natal exercise.


Asanas' in Sanskrit means posture. There are around 84 asanas - each one has a special name, special form and a distinct way of performing. Asanas are designed to promote, a state of mental and physical well-being or good health. This may be defined as the condition that is experienced when all the organs function effectively under the intelligent control of the mind. Asanas have an extraordinary capacity to overhaul, rejuvenate and bring the entire system into a state of balance. Swami Ramdev has advocated the follwing seven Aasans to be performed with Pranayama for maximum benefit.These Aasans are the components of Compact Pranayam Package.

Click at the Asana for detailed description

A) Aasans to be performed in sitting posture :

1. Mandukasana

Sitting in Vajrasana pose, place the left palm on the right palm and keeping them on the nand press the

stomach inwards and while exhaling bendforwards like Mandukasana. Repeat this position 3 to 4 times.


2. Shashankasana

Sit in Vajrasana. Inhale and raise your arms above your head. Exhaling bend forward from your waist and keep your palms on the floor. Your abdomen must be pressing against the thighs and your buttocks must be resting on your heels.

B) Aasans to be performed in lie down on back posture :

3. Markatasana

1. Lie down straight and spread the hands at the shoulders level. The palms should open towards the sky. Then fold both the legs up to the knees and keep them near the hips.

2. Now turning the knees towards the right side, rest the right knee on the ground. Left knee should rest on the right knee and the left ankle should rest on the right ankle. Turn the neck to the left side.

3. Similarly repeat the exercise from left side as well.

4. Pawan-Muktasana

1. Lie flat on the back in the shava-asana. 2. Inhale and bend the right knee and pull it

the torso with both hands while interlockfingers just below the knee. Keep the lefton the floor.

3. Hold the inhaled breath for a few seconexhale slowly through the nostrils and back, shoulders and head off the floor anthe knee with the forehead.

C) Aasans to be performed in lie down on belly posture :

5. Makarasana

Lie prone, the chest should touch the ground and both the legs stretched out. Hold the head with both the arms. This is Makarasana that increases the heat of the body.

6. Shalbhasana

Lie on the ground with the face downwand both hands under the chest touchinground with the palms of the hands andlegs raised in the air ten inches high. R

7. Bhujangasana

Take prone lying position, legs together, toes together, pointing outward, hands by the side of the body,

fingers together palm facing upward and forehead resting on the

Take A Look & Find it !


What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese technique based on the principles of acupuncture, and involves the use of finger pressure (without the needles) on specific points along the body.

Acupressure is is a way of accessing and releasing blocked or congested energy centers in the body. Chinese cultures believe the points to be junctures of meridian pathways that carry energy called chi. Western scientists have also mapped out and proven the existence of these points using electrical devices.

Acupressure massage therapy stimulates and activates the body’s own energies to help fight illness and restore harmony. Some of the acupressure points are significant as they relate to a specific part of the body while others are more general in their effect.

Acupressure can help alleviate ailments such as tension, stress, aches and pains, arthritis or menstrual cramps. Acupressure can also be used for general preventative health care.

What is the Purpose of Acupressure?

The purpose of acupressure is to stimulate the body's own recuperative powers by stimulating the various points on the body. The stimulation removes energy blockages by diffusing the toxic build up that accumulates in the muscle tissue. The accumulation of toxins causes stiffness throughout the body. Stiffness in muscles puts abnormal pressure on nerves, and blood and lymph vessels. The pressure on blood and lymph vessels affect both skeletal systems and internal organ functioning.

How is Acupressure Performed?

Acupressure is usually given in a similar fashion to traditional massage. Points on the body are massaged using finger or thumb, and sometimes a blunt object, in a fairly rapid circular motion with a medium pressure. Massages last between 5 and 15 minutes.

Some of the most common acupressure techniques are:

Rubbing, Kneading, Percussion and Vibration. Fingers, hands, elbows, knees and feet are often used to massage other parts of the body.

Acupressure can be performed sitting, standing or lying down.

Acupressure can help alleviate:

Pain, headaches, migraines, insomnia, depression, toothache, dizziness, menstrual pain, digestive disorders including diarrhea and constipation, nausea, morning sickness, motion sickness, stress and tiredness.

In all cases, acupressure massage techniques are employed in collaboration with other appropriate medical care.

Rubbing Finger Nails to reduce grey hair:

Rubbing left and right hand nails with each other is a powerful way to cure hair fall and increase hair growth. It is extremely simple yet very effective.

Procedure: Fold both your palms inwards and place the fingernails of both hands against each other. Then with regular swift motions, rub them against each other. It is simple and can be done anywhere anytime. Do it for about 5-7 minutes twice a day.You need not devote special time; just do this while watching a film or commuting to work.

Benefits: The nerve endings just under your fingernails are directly connected to your hair roots.By rubbing your nails together,you help boost blood circulation in your scalp. This rubbing procedure increases the blood flow to the scalp and helps in strengthening the roots, which in trun reduces grey hair. It not only helps in curbing hair loss, but also leads to regrowth of lost hair in people suffering from baldness or receding hairlines. And if that is not good enough, it also brings back the color naturally thus getting rid of the problem of graying. It is

tried and tested and will definitely show results. You need to be patient though. You will begin to notice a difference in about a month and by the end of 6 months you would probably be successful in ridding yourself of all your hair problems.

Other than rubbing your nails together, forehead rubbing is equally effective in controlling premature graying:

When you get up in the morning, rub the area of your forehead closest to your hairline. This helps in removing any blocks in circulation in your scalp. Rub lightly for a few minutes. That’s all it takes

Eyes, Digestion and General

Health Divya Amla Churna

Amla or amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica) is full of medicinal actions and is considered as one of the richest possible natural source of vitamin ‘C’ or ascorbic acid. It also contains many necessary elements for keeping our body healthy and anti to germs and infections.

High Blood Pressure

Divya Mukta Vati

Divya Medohar Vati Absolutely free from side effects

Divya Medohar Vati Cures high blood pressure caused by any cause, either by kidney disorder, heart disease or by increased cholesterol, anxiety, tension, or for inherited reasons.

Divya Medohar Vati Also cures linked complications like insomnia, feeling of nervousness, palpitation, pain in the chest and head. There is no need to take any extra medicine for the relief of these complications. Intake of this ‘Mukta Vati’ will not produce excessive sleep in persons who by now have normal sleep.


Divya Arshakalp Vati

* It helps in curing all types of piles like bleeding piles as well as dry piles.

* Helps in relieving complications like pain, burning sensation, itching and colic pain.

* Helps in treating fistula-in-ano if taken regularly.

Kidney Stones

Divya Ashmarihar Ras

# It is in powder form &, is diuretic;

# It helps in dissolving deposited calculi & takes it out from the body

# It helps in relieving from complications like pains caused by it;

# Helps in removing edema & pain of kidney; stops the tendency of stone formation.

Kidney Problems and Anemia

Divya Punarnavadi Mandur

• The root of this plant is a powerful Rasayana (longevity enhancer). It is good for the kidneys, especially the nephron cells which are damaged by long-term hyperglycemia (diabetes). And it pacifies two of the main laws of physiology (Vata and Kapha). • Punarnava enhances the quality of 6 of the 7 categories of bodily tissues, including nutrient plasma (Rasa Dhatu), blood (Rakta Dhatu), muscle (Mamsa Dhatu), fat (Meda Dhatu), bone marrow and nerves (Majja Dhatu), and reproductive fluids (Shukra Dhatu). • Punarnavadi will assist in detoxifying the overburdened kidneys and in eliminating excess fluid. Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) is a well-established kidney tonic. • It is useful in anaemia, inflammation, acute abdominal pains, piles and abdominal tumors.

Joint Pain and Arthritis

Divya Pidantak Ras

* Useful in joint pain, arthritis, lumbar pain, cervical spondylitis, sciatica; gives immediate & permanent relief in all types of bodily pains.

Joint Pain and Arthritis

Divya Pidantak Tail Massage Oil

* Divya Pidantak Tail Immediately relieves joint pain, pain of lumbar region and knee-joints, cervical spondylitis, slip disk,trauma & different types of pain, oedema & inflammation.

Stress, Fatigue and General Health

Divya Ashwagandha Churna

# Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) has many important benefits, but is best known for its commanding adaptogenic properties, meaning that it helps mind and body become accustomed better to stress.

# It nourishes the nerves and perks up nerve function to help you uphold calm during stressful situations.

# It is also good for people who do physical labor or work out a lot, to help the body get used to to physical stress.

Urinary Disease

Divya Chandraprabha Vati

# Chandraprabha Vati is Very famous & useful medicine for the diseases relating to urinary tract & uterus as well as seminal disorders.

# Cures mutra-kricchra (dysuria) that is being caused by prostate enlargement, suppression of urination, joint pains,arthritis, cervical sciatica, weakness, stone in urinary tract, all types of prameha (obstinate urinary diseases including diabetes), bhagandara (fistula-in-ano), testicle enlargement, anemia, kamala (serious type of jaundice), piles & lumbar pain; promotes fluid and nourishment in the body.

# Promotes strength, sustenance & luster, produces gradual & enduring effect in prameha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes) & complications arising out of it; cures seminal disorders caused by gonorrhea and syphilis.


Divya Churna

# It helps in curing constipation & takes out the faeces adhered in the intestines; activates intestines, so the internal layer of intestines does not allow the faeces to adhere there again.

# It helps in total evacuation of stomach; removes disappointment & makes the body active.

Cold, Fever and Flu

Divya Sanjivani Vati

* Divya Sanjivani Vati is the perfect medicine to combat cold, fever and flu. It helps strengthen the immune system so that there will be no recurrence of the sickness.


Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati

* Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati Produces positive effect on vatavahini nadi (nervous system), kidneys and channels which carry virya.

* Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati Vayu-alleviating, promoter of strength and the quantity of ***** (spermatopoetic).

* Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati Particularly useful in night fall swapnadosha, prameha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes) and leucorrhoea.

Removal of Gas

Divya Gashar Churna

* Divya Gashar Churna helps in digesting the food, so there is no incidence of gas & acidity, etc., caused by indigestion.

* Divya Gashar Churna immediately cures feeling of heaviness of abdomen, flatulence, colic pain and anorexia after food.

* Divya Gashar Churna (powder) keeps away the gas of abdomen.

Gout and Weak Immune System

Divya Shilajeet Sat

* Divya Shilajeet Sat Cures gout , cervical spondylitis, sciatica, pain in the lumbar region & knee joints, parkinson, joint pain & all other types of pain;

* Divya Shilajeet Sat Very effective remedy for cold, cough, rhinitis, coryza, asthma (dyspnoea), bronchitis, weakness of lungs , tuberculosis, weakness of bones, general weakness, seminal diseases, diabetes, etc. Promotes immunity power, can be taken by all, i.e. men, women and even children, to cure diseases.

Heart Disease

Divya Hridayamrita Vati

# It helps in strengthening the heart,

# Helps in removing blockage of the arteries of the heart & controls high cholesterol;

# It Instantaneously relieves the common occurrence of angina pain;

# Activates the inactive capillaries of the heart; promotes its work-capacity, and removes uneasiness & palpitation.


Divya Singhnaad Guggulu

# Guggulu is the oleogum resin from a small tree (Commiphora Mukul) which grows in the Himalayas of northwestern India. It has anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering properties. It also helps remove fat, excess fluids and ama from the body, and penetrates deep into the tissues.

# Singhnaad Guggulu is used to address rheumatic conditions. According to Ayurveda, rheumatism is viewed as the body’s inflammatory reaction to an excessive amount of toxins in the system. Singhnaad Guggulu combines the potent cleansing ingredients of castor oil and triphala, which remove toxins from the joints and blood. In addition, it contains anti-inflammatory agents, such as Guggulu, that work to calm and sooth painful and swollen joints. This formula serves to rejuvenate the body and improve digestion, thus minimizing further production of toxins and rheumatic symptoms.

Increasing Skin Splendour

Divya Singhnaad Guggulu

* Divya Kanti Lep Instantaneously cures skin-disorders, viz. pimples,acne,wrinkles on face, loss of shining & luster, darkness, etc.

* Divya Kanti Lep Application of this paste absorbs all the complaints of the skin, as a result of which the skin again becomes healthy; the natural beauty of the face reappears; it also promotes splendor, shining & luster on the face.


Divya Stri Rasayan Vati

* Divya Stri Rasayan Vati Cures all types of diseases of woman viz., leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, irregularity in menstruation, pain in lower abdomen or lumbar region;

* Divya Stri Rasayan Vati Very useful in excessive bleeding during menstruation; cures all types of female diseases if taken regularly for some time;

* Divya Stri Rasayan Vati Useful in curing wrinkles on the face, dark circles below eyes, feeling of exhaustion in the body & laziness.

Skin Problems, Cracks and Burns

Divya Kayakalp Tail Oil

* Divya Kayakalp Tail Quickly curses all types of skin-disease, like ring-worm (dadru), itching,eczema leucoderma, psoriasis, urticaria, freckles, skin allergy & sun-burning.

* Divya Kayakalp Tail Gives quick relief in cracks of hands & feet, burns, cuts & wounds. This oil is extremely useful & beneficial, so it should always be kept in each & every home.

Lung Problems, Bronchitis and Asthma

Divya Swasari Ras

* Intake of this medicine makes the cells of the lungs more active, and removes the inflammation of bronchioles & bronchi. So lungs become capable to take more oxygen & patient gets rid of chronic diseases like bronchitis;

* An expectorant by the intake of which phlegm adhered in lungs comes out easily and there is no further formation of phlegm;

* Promotes the immune power of lungs, and cures cough, coryza, cold, asthma, sneezing, heaviness in the head and sinusitis;

* An excellent tonic for lungs to nourish them.

Skin Disease, Acne and Pimples

Divya Kayakalp Vati

* Divya Kayakalp Vati Purifies blood, so cures all types of skin-diseases successfully.

* Divya Kayakalp Vati Removes acne, pimples, dark spot on checks & spots on the face.

* Divya Kayakalp Vati Cures all types of chronic & complicated ring-worms (dadru), itches, pruritus & eczema instantaneously. It is a complete cure for leucoderma & psoriasis as well.

Rejuvination and Detoxification

Divya Triphala Churna

# Divya Triphala Churna detoxifies and rejuvenates your body. It gently cleanses & detoxifies the system while simultaneously replenishing & nourishing it, this formula supports the proper functions of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory & genitourinary systems.

# Supports healthy digestion & absorption, gently maintains regularity. It is a natural anti-oxidant, and it assists natural internal cleansing. Triphala nourishes & rejuvenates the tissues.

Hair Loss, Dandruff and Headache

Divya Kesh Tail Hair Oil

* Divya Kesh Tail is like nectar for your hair; it cures untimely hair fall, dandruff, alopecia, premature graying of hair, etc. By applying this oil, hair becomes healthy & luxurious.

* As Divya Kesh Tail is prepared with many celestial herbs, it also strengthens your eyes & brain, as well as cools the brain.

* Divya Kesh Tail is also useful in headache & different types of head-diseases.


Divya Madhu Nashini Vati

# Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Activates the pancreas and helps it to secrete a balanced quantity of Insulin, through which extra Glucose gets converted into Glycogen.

# Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Removes weakness & irritation, as well as increases the capacity of the brain by making it strong.

# Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Cures the numbness of hands & feet and makes the nervous system strong.


Divya Madhukalp Vati

# Divya Madhukalp Vati Activates the pancreas and helps it to secrete a balanced quantity of Insulin, through which extra Glucose gets converted into Glycogen.

# Divya Madhukalp Vati Removes weakness & irritation, as well as increases the capacity of the brain by making it strong.

# Divya Madhukalp Vati Cures the numbness of hands & feet and makes the nervous system strong.

Piles and Weight Loss

Divya Triphala Guggulu

This classic Ayurvedic preparation combines the detoxifying and rejuvenating actions of triphala with the deeply penetrating and cleansing actions of guggulu. Triphala Guggulu effectively decongests the channels of the body and scrapes away toxins held within the tissues. It is particularly useful for weight management as it enkindles the digestive fire, promotes healthy metabolism and releases excess kapha from the system. Used preventatively, Triphala Guggulu minimizes the accumulation of toxins in the body, blood and joints by supporting proper digestion and elimination.

Digestion and Stomache Problems

Divya Udaramrita Vati

* Divya Udaramrita Vati Cures all types of abdominal diseas

* es including abdominal pain, suppression of the power of digestion, indigestion, liver-diseases (e.g. jaundice), anaemia, chronic fever, diarrhoea and constipation.

Indigestion and Constipation

Divya Udarkalp Churna

* Divya Udarkalp Churna is pitta alleviating, a mild purgative & non-evacing medicine.

* Divya Udarkalp Churna Clears bowls and removes constipation; doesn’t cause any type of burning or other complication in intestines.

* Divya Udarkalp Churna Stimulates digestion & digests ama (undigested material caused by impaired digestion & metabolism).


Divya Vatari Churna

* Divya Vatari Churna Very useful in all types of vata-roga (diseases caused by the aggravation of vayu-dosa and ama-vata) rheumatoid arthritis in which vayu gets agaravated due to the accumulation of ama or indigested product caused by the impaired digestion as well as metabolism, and causes pain in the joints of body.

* Divya Vatari Churna It is anodyne and it cures ama-vata (rheumatoid arthritis), sciatica, pain in back as well as in lumbar region.

Headache and Memory Enhancement

Divya Medha Kwath

* Divya Medha Kwath Cures chronic headache, migraine, sleeplessness or loss of sleep, negativity and depression.

* Divya Medha Kwath Cures uneasiness.

* Divya Medha Kwath Promotes memory.

Memory Loss and Improving Intelligence

Divya Medha Vati

# Divya Medha Vati Cures different types of mental disorders, like loss of memory, headache, insomnia, irritative temperament, epileptic fits.

# Divya Medha Vati Cools down the brain.

# Divya Medha Vati Cures excessive dreams, depression due to negative thinking, and uneasyness.

# Divya Medha Vati Very useful in loss of memory in old persons, or for those who forget things all of sudden.

Weak Bodies and Impotency

Divya Yauvanamrita Vati

# Divya Yauvanamrita Vati Exceedingly strength promoting & nourishing for persons whose body is exhausted & emaciated; and also useful for persons who are entering into old age.

# Divya Yauvanamrita Vati Strengthens heart & brain, promotes sexual desire, and makes the body active. It is an aphrodisiac.

Weight Loss

Divya Medohar Vati

# Divya Medohar Vati first removes disorders of the digestive system and then reduces the extra fat in the body, making the body beautiful, compact, lustreful & active.

# Divya Medohar Vati Especially useful in thyroid disorders (hypo & hyper thyroid), rheumatic arthritis, joint pains, pain in lumbar region and knee, joints.

Joint Pain

Divya Yograj Guggulu

Yograj Guggulu is a traditional formula designed to reduce excess vata in the system. It is particularly useful for accumulated vata in the joints and muscles, which may be indicated by cracking or popping of the joints, tics, spasms or tremors. Chronic accumulation may lead to such serious conditions as rheumatism and arthritis. In vata-type arthritis, the joints may feel cold to the touch and although not necessarily swollen, they may be dry and painful, especially upon movement. Yogaraj Guggulu contains a synergistic blend of detoxifying herbs, including Triphala, Chitrak and Vidanga that work in conjunction with guggulu to remove excess vata from the joints as well as the nerves and muscles.

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