prasar bharati prasar bharati to deploy...

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PRASAR BHARATI(India's Public Service Broadcaster)

Prasar Bharati Secretariat2nd Floor, PTI Building

Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110001

No. MISC-01/001/04/2015-GA Dated: 10-03-2015

Subject: Need to deploy senior officers to monitor Social MediaActivity on 18x7 basis.

1. Kind attention is drawn to the following:-

(a)Minutes of the G9 meeting held on 12.2.2015 in the CommitteeRoom of the Prasar Bharati Secretariat (copy attached) - Refer Para1 (iii)j

(b)D.O. letter No. 1/Pr. Advisor (P&AlOC/2014 dated 26 December2014 (copy attached) - Refer Paras 3 (ii) , (iii) and 5 (i);

2. In both the above communications, the necessity to deploy mentors forSocial Media teams on 18x7 basis has been emphasized.

3. It is requested that names of senior officers being deployed on 3 shiftbasis for 18x7 hours to mentor SM activity on behalf of both Directorates beforwarded on a monthly basis to this Secretariat for information of CEO.

~urs sincerely,

(Brig. Sekhar Visvanathan) (Retd.)Ms. Vijayalaxmi ChhabraDirector General, DoordarshanDoordarshan BhawanMandi House, Copernicus MargNew Delhi.

Shri Akshay Kumar Rout,DG (N&CA)Doordarshan BhawanMandi House, Copernicus MargNew Delhi.



Shri F. Sheheryar,Director General,All India Radio,Akashwani Bhawan,New Delhi.

Shri Mohan Chandak,Director General,News Service Division (NSD),DG: AIR, Akashwani Bhawan,New Delhi.

Copy to:

1. Sr. PPS to CEO, Prasar Bharati.2. PS to ProAdv. (P&A), Prasar Bharati.3. All ADGs in Prasar Bharati Secretariat.f DOG (T) for Prasar Bharati Website.

(Brig. S. Visvanathan) (Retd)Additional Director General (A&S)

Prasar Bharati(India's Public Service Broadcaster)

Minutes of the G9 meeting held on 12.2.2015 in the CommitteeRoom of the Prasar Bharati Secretariat.


1. Shri Jawhar Sircar, CEO in the chair2. Shri V.A.M. Hussain, ProAdv. (P & A)3. Ms. V.L. Chhabra, DG,DD4. Shri Animesh Chakraborty, E -in-C, AIR5. Shri N.A. Khan, E-in-C, DD6. Shri Mohan Chandak, DG (News), NSD, AIR7. Shri Akshay Rout, DG (News), DD8. Shri R.K. Jain, Advisor (T), PB9. Shri C. Lalrosanga, ADG (P), AIR, Guwhati10. Ms. Aparna Vaish, ADG (0), PB11. Ms. Deepa Chandra, ADG (P), DD12. Shri V.K Jain, ADG (A), DD13. Shri Mukesh Sharma, ADG (P), DD, Mumbai14. Shri P.K. Subhash, ADG (P), DD, Kolkata15. Ms. Anita Sinha, ADG (P), DD16. Shri Amitabh Shukla, ADG (P), AIR17. Shri V.K. Choubey, ADG (6 & A), PB18. Ms. Prerna Sood, ADG (F), PB19. Shri S. Vishwanathan , ADG (S), PB20. Ms. Meena Sharma, ADG (IR), PB21. Shri C.B.5. Maurya, ADG(E), DD22. Shri M.S. Ansari, ADG (E), NE23. Shri M.S. Thomas, ADG (P), DD, Mumbai24. Ms. Usha Bhasin, Head, NERP,DD25. Shri H.K. Pani, OSD, AIR26. Shri Dhiranjan Malvey, Advisor, PB


Issues discussed and decisions taken in the meeting are summarised asfollows:

1. SocialMedia

i) Emphasising the importance of social media in current scenario,

CEOdesired that presence of Prasar Bharati be strengthened and

special social media teams be formed both in AIR and DD.

(Action: DG,AIR and DG,DD)

ii) It was observed that existing contractual arrangement with

Youtube in respect of social media was not in favour of Prasar

Bharati and needed to be re-negotiated and re-worked out.

(Action: DG,DD and DG(news),DD)

. ,r iii) Senior officials of both AIR and DD including the two NewsJIDivisions, must show alacrity in responding to adverse criticisms


! on social media. Such criticisms and comments should be watchedji

/ on l8x7 basis (from 6 A.M to mid-night). Three senior officials

I should be put on six hourly duty for the purpose everyday ..1

(Action: DG,AIR and DG,DD)

iv) CEO desired immediate action for ensuring strong presence

of News on the Web. He asked both NSD, AIR and DD News to

coordinate with each other to provide news on. the web by

leveraging strengths of each other.

(Action: DG(News),AIR and DG(news),DD)

2. Programmes Received

Broadcasting Bodies

from International

i) Expressing his anguish, CEOsaid that on one hand both DD

and AIR had been incessantly complaining about shortage of

quality content; on the other, there was inexplicable apathy

in imaginatively utilising high quality programmes received

free of cost from various international broadcasting bodies

such as ABU. Both DGs were asked to arranqe to get these

programmes immediately previewed so as to ensure their

proper utilisation in enriching offerings to audience.

(Action: DG,AIR and DG,DD)

ii) Above also applied to free software received- from Australian

Broadcasting Corporation, NHK, etc.

(Action: DG,AIR and DG,DD)


i) Ms Bhasin complained of poor response from Kendras

despite her efforts in following up the matter. CEO asked

DG,DD to accord it due priority.

(Action: DG,DD)

ii) In the above contxt, CEOdesired that format of existing ACR

should be suitably revised so as to include deliverables like,

NREP, Social Media, etc., in quantifiable terms. It had

become necessary to change the existing mind set of


(Action: DG,AIR and DG,DD)

4. TAM Issue

i) Reiterating Board's decision, CEO desired that in the IBF

meeting on TAM subscription, Doordarshan must support any

move to discontinue TAM subscription by broadcasters.

(Action: DG,DD)

ii) Even if other broadcasters helld any contrary view, the stand

of Doordarshan should be against continuance of


(Action: DG,DD)

S. Akashvani Programming

i) Expressing the need for fresh look at Akashvani

programming, CEO desired that rationale for having three

music channels needed to be looked into.

(Action: DG,AIR)

6. Revamping the systems for procuring goods and


i) CEO mentioned that existing system of procuring goods and

services were quite cumbersome and took inordinately long

time. On many occasions, it defeated the very purpose of

procurement. In a dynamic and highly competitive

broadcasting environment, existing complex system

envolving a long drawn chain of steps needed to be

revisited. CEO desired that the system be reviewed and

made more efficient and at the same time transparent.

(Action: DG,AIR, DG,DD, E-in-C,AIR, E-in-C, DD)

7. Up-gradation of Broadcasting Technology

i) CEO mentioned that DVC Pro technology had become

antiquated and needed to be up-graded with state-of-art HD

technology. Such up-gradation should be across the network

and across the entire value chain.

(Action: a-m-e, DD)

ii) CEO felt that Doordarshan must build up its programme

library as a part of its preparedness for full HD transmission

and producers submitting programmes in DVC Pro format

must also give an additional copy in the HD format.

(Action: DG,DD)

8. Utilization of OBVans

i) CEOexpressed his dismay over dismal utilization of OB Vans

for programme production purposes. He asked DG, DO and

all ADGs (P) of DO to ensure optimum utilization of these

facilities for enriching the content. Existing state of affairs

was unacceptable.

(Action: DG,DD, a-m-e, DO)

ii) CEO took strong exception to callous, irresponsible and far

from disciplined attitude in the cadre of cameramen. Many of

them lacked devotion to duty. CEO desired that strict action

should be taken against delinquents.

(Action: DG,DD)

9. Camera teams for RNUs

i) DG (News), DO suggested that dedicated camera teams

should be attached with RNUs of DO so as to respond to

emergencies and important news stories without delay. CEO

asked DG, DO to consider.

(Action: DG,DD)

10. Augmenting TV and Radio coverage in Chhattisgarh

i) The while discussing augmentation and strengthening

Doordarshan in Chhattisgarh including having a 24x7 channel

from Raipur, CEO observed that All India Radio also needed

to be strengthened in the region.

ii) Further deliberating on strengthening of AIR in Chhattisgarh,

CEOsaid that medium wave could be more effective than FM

service in the region. He asked Shri R.K Jain, Advisor

(Technical), to prepare a document on the subject.

(Action: Advisor(T)

iii) As a part of strategy to penetrate in deeper areas of

Chhattisgarh, CEO suggested that free distribution of radio

sets in an imaginative manner could be an idea worth

examining. He asked Shri Jain, Advisor (Technical), to

prepare a paper on the subject.

(Action: Advisor(T)

11. Presentation to MoS on Technology

i) CEO desired that presentations on FMisation, internet and

spectrum uses for being made before MoS, should be

prepared by E-in-C, AIR and sent to Shri Shantanu Sen, OSD.

(Action: E-in-C, AIR)

12. DO Free Dish

i) CEO asked DG,DD and E-in- C, DD to draw business plan for

DD Free Dish so as to earn maximum revenue from the slots

not being utilised for DD channels

(Action: DG,DD, E-in-C, DO)

13. Engagement of Contractual Staff for New Projects

i) CEO. clarified that restriction on engaging contractual staff

was not applicable for new projects such as Kisan Channel,

NE Channels, etc. Such engagements, however, must stand

any test of probity.

(Action: DG,DD)

14. Looking Beyond NIC

i) It was mentioned that Prasar Bharati had been traditionally

engaging NIC for all its IT related services. NIC, however,

was not able to live up to expectations. Work executions had

been long drawn and tardy and project costs quite high

without commensurate value for money. Post installation

maintenance services had also been indifferent. It was

decided that best possible options for IT Services should be

explored from the open market without solely depending on


(Action: DG,AIR, DG,OD, E-in-C,AIR, E-in-C, DO;

OG(News),NSO,AIR ,DG(News),DD)

15. Copyright Agreements

i) CEO expressed the need for modifying the existing contract

formats used by stations/ Kendras of AIR/ Doordarshan for

booking of talkers, music artistes, poets, drama artistes so as

to make them in line with extant copyright laws. He asked

Ms. Aparna Vaish, ADG (0), to expedite the matter in

shortest possible time along with Sh. H.K Pani, OSD in AIR.

Inputs from other Programme ADGs could also be sought.

(Action: ADG(O)

16. Integration of Marketing Operations of AIR and


i) Ms. Prerna Sood, ADG (F), PB, Sh. Mukesh Sharma, ADG (P)

and Sh. Amitabh Shukla, ADG (P) were asked to work out a

road map for amalgamation of marketing and sales activities

of AIR and DD for immediate operationalisation.

(Action: ADG(F),PB, ADG(AS),AIR, AOG(MS), DD)

17. Database of Employees

i) ProAdvisor (P & A) was asked to compile database in relation

to every employee based on information procured from

various heads of offices, duly certified under their signature.

(Action: Pr Adv.(P&A)

18. Attendance Issue

i) Expressing his deep concern over deterioration in work

culture, officials pointed out that there had been cases in

which employees only came to office to sign in and then to

sign off and remained out of office in between. It was

suggested that it was possible to identify such employees by

carefully studying and analysing their attendance records.

ii) CEO asked Sh. Mukesh Sharma, ADG to out-source such

study & analysis to an outside agency in respect of DDK,

Ahmadabad as case study.

(Action: ADG(MS), DO)

19. Programmes on National Artistes

i) CEO desired that AIR and DD should coordinate with each

other for producing programmes on national artistes as a

joint venture. It was recalled that necessary instructions

were earlier issued by the Secretariat in this regard.

(Action: DG,AIR and DG,DD)

20. Better Co-ordination between Programme, News and


i) CEO emphasised the need for better co-ordination between

Programme, News and Engineering Wings at various

operational levels for optimization of resources and output.

As an example, instead of duplication of coverage of same

event by both News and Programme Divisions, the event

could be covered by only one of them and footage shared.

(Action: DG,AIR, DG,DD, E-in-C,AIR, E-in-C, DD,

DG(News),NSD,AIR ,DG(News),DD)

21. Lateral Entries

i) The issues pertaining to lateral entries of competent regular

employees from one discipline to another in cases where

regular incumbents from the particular discipline were not

available or of short-term engagees to longer term was

discussed. CEO suggested that it could be done by HLCC

comprising of two DGs, two DGs (News) and two E-in-Cs.

(Action: DG,AIR, DG,DD, E-in-C,AIR, E-in-C, DD,

DG(News),NSD,AIR ,DG(News),DD)

~~~~H (31Cf. JIllij) <ft:({.~.~~ ;e~16q)1i(. . 'Sffl'R 'ifffifi I PRASAR SHARATI~. )( ~ ~o. No.1/Pr. Advisor(P&A)/OC/2014

, .

Brig (Retd) V.A.M. HussainPrincipal Advisor

(Personnel & Administration)

Dated 26th December, 2014

It is with grave concern that I take this opportunity to draw kind attention ofall the DGs about putting in credible systems for creating the Social Media verticalsdespite our current constraints on manpower availability.

2. The CEO is distressed on the 'gaffes' which are repetitive in our organisationand are adversely criticized in the media more than ever before. CEO also verysincerely believes that the officers who really understand Social Media do nothandle this vertical to intervene at the appropriate moment.

3. The observations of CEO which have been communicated to all the DGs inthe past for efficient administration of Social Media, inter alia, cover the followingsteps:-

i) The team to handle Social Media should be proficient and cannot be at anycost on lowest tender basis. The selection process of the team members hasto identify the right kind of people with attitude and enthusiasm to be moreinvolved in this vital activity which affects the very image of Prasar Bharati andInformation & Broadcasting Ministry as a whole.

ii) Continuous supervision is needed on the functioning of the teams to suitablyhandle the live subjects not in a routine manner and to avoid superfluous andcontroversial issues;

iii) Mentoring of the team is a must for three shifts in a day starting from 0600hours to midnight including .holidays. The DGs hence are needed to put 'backto back mentors' on duty by name with a daily duty charter; and

iv) There is a need to closely monitor input and output and to attend to queriesand criticisms with 100% involvement.

4. All the DGs are accordingly requested to pay special attention to this aspectof Social Media management which has become a necessity in the current days ofactivism by all the stakeholders,

5. The DGs are hence requested to kindly ensure and give feedback on thefollowing issues on priority basis:-


._---PTI Building, 2nd Floor, Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110001

Phone: (011)23737667, Telefax: (011)23737606, E-mail:

: 2 :

i) Issuance of orders on priority for reinforcing of Social Media teams alongwithnames of their mentors, personnel on duty in three shifts on a daily basisincluding holidays; and

ii) Institution of a system of making inputs including visuals available to the teamon a very regular basis without which a Social Media is not likely to besuccessful.

iii) Expeditious online/personal clearance of outputs by a designated seniorserving officer in keeping with the codes, guidelines and policies' of PrasarBharati.

6. Action to put in Professional Social Media team in place has already beeninitiated. However, it is likely to take some time. Nevertheless, this does not negatethe system to ensure monitoring of Social Media as indicated above.

~ SrJ/-[Brig (Retd) V.A.M. Hussain]

Shri F. SheheryarDirector GeneralAll India RadioAkshwani Bhawan, New Delhi.

Ms. Vijayalaxmi ChhabraDirector GeneralDoordarshan BhawanMandi House, New Delhi.

Shri Akshay RoutDirector General (News)Doordarshan BhawanMandi House, New Delhi.

Shri Mohan ChandakDirector General (News)All India RadioAkashwani Bhawan, New Delhi.


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