prayer letter - 3rd quarter - 2012 - july, aug, sept

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Missionaries in Guyana, South America... www.DailyScriptureSongs.Com www.GuitarFirstClass.Com


The Runyons Guyana, South America

Dean & Patty

Independent Baptist Missionaries

Serving Among

The Amer-Indians In The Northwest District

Accountability & Support Through Our Home Church:

The BIBLE Baptist Church 872 Glenwood Road

DeLand, Florida 32720-2373

James Knox - Pastor (386) 736-9274

Contact Information

In Guyana…

Lighthouse Baptist Church Port Kaituma P.O. N.W.D. Region # 1

Port Kaituma, Guyana South America

Phone Numbers: Guyana Numbers:

Land Line: 011 (592) 777-4080 Cell: 684-8544 or 611-4750

Florida U.S.A. # - IN Guyana:

Skype: (386) 490-4141

E-Mail Addresses: Dean@DailyScriptureSongs.Com


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Prayer Letter / Progress Report - 3rd Quarter - 2012

1st Corinthians 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;

but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”

The following paragraph was written on “September 11th” = 911… This is a solemn day in American history! We remember those who lost their lives on that day! Sadder still, is the fact that most of them, according to the Scriptures, were on the wrong road, (the broad road) and died lost… There are only 2 kinds of people in the world… Them that “Perish” and us which are “Saved”. I have to wonder how many people who died that day, heard the Gospel and turned down the invitation to get saved... How many never even knew? It does no good to pray for those who died lost… We can only pray for those who are living now and are traveling on that broad road to destruction. Some of them know that they are lost and don’t even care! Some of them would listen and be re-ceptive to the “preaching of the cross”, if we just cared enough. This web page has a slide show of pictures from my Facebook Friends… Please visit the “Tribute To 911” at: www.DailyScriptureSongs.Com/911.html

News From The Mission Field: Up-To-Date As Of September 22nd...

I am really sorry for the delay in getting this 3rd Quarter Letter out… I put it off far too long. I realize that many of you do not use or have access to Facebook, but I post regular updates there, as well as our Daily Scripture Song. The 4th Quarter Prayer Letter is actually due in mid November, but will come out at the end of November. We may go to a bi-monthly letter after the 1st of the year.

Thank You For Praying For Me… The Lord gave me an unusual burst of strength for our 5 day V.B.S. We have a lot coming up. My heart is still beating, and it is still broken over the lost souls here in Port Kaituma. Please continue to pray for me, because I run out of steam very quickly. Sometimes just a trip up a flight of steps, and my heart pounds with pain as my heart rate increases! It has been over 5 months since I was in the I.C.U. at the “Heart Clinic”. There have been many days with chest pain from the “Angina”. Dr. Sonie said, my blood was thick like oil… and that I was seriously dehydrated. We have thinned the blood and have been taking “Oral Chela-

tion” to clean out the blood vessels. There are days that I have to use Oxygen to help me catch my breath. If you have not read the tract “Heart Attack”, please go here:

Online Guitar Classes... It is amazing that years ago the Lord led us to keep the Scripture Songs plain and simple with just Patty and I, along with easy guitar music. We have had many requests through the years to give guitar lessons. We see now that by keeping our music simple… others can learn to play the guitar by ear, if they just knew 10 basic chords. Lessons are free, with NO strings attached. (pun intended) Watch the introduction vid-eo and sign up at: www.GuitarFirstClass.Com

Guyanese To The Bone... Patty bought me an all black shirt that had “Guyanese To The Bone” in big white letters. I wore it once and determined to give it away because it was thick, mostly polyester and VERY HOT… Well, last Sunday afternoon a young man was wandering around the church property with NO shirt on… He looked lost… I found out he was just looking for a basketball to shoot some hoops at the youth center. We told him church would be starting at 6:00 PM and that he would have until then to play ball… Some young people came early and witnessed to him, and he said he wanted to stay for church. Patty went back to the house and got the shirt and gave it to him. Godfrey came upstairs to hear me preach and came forward during the invitation, holding his hands like “Praying Hands”. After church, Brother Buck led him to the Lord… I want a shirt that says, “Guyanese To The Bone With Jesus In My Heart”. There were also 2 saved, in Junior Church. A total of 82 sal-vation decisions since our 2nd quarter letter. About half of the decisions were made at V.B.S. in the 3rd week of August. Some children could only come 1 or 2 days… but we started with 89 and ended up with 130 on Saturday. With over 200 on Sunday! Baptisms were very low in the last quarter, with only 4 that were “Buried in the like-ness of his death and raised in the likeness of his resurrection”… we are working to increase that number!

Pray About Our 14th Anniversary Crusades... Brother David Lindsey is coming in mid October. Also another crusade is planned the 3rd week in November with Brother Max Alderman.

The Boltz Family... Is no longer working with us. Their visas were not approved. Updates may be found on their web site: - I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our existing children and that work. We are planning to employ local folks to run our Children’s Home. Pray to that end… We have had the building for several years… and we have had Cheo & Charlene for 9 years!

My Sweet Patty... Had the opportunity to go to the States to see family and our “Kids” and “Grandkids”. She really was blessed by just being able to be “Grandma” to those special little people... 5-10 years old. She also got to spend time with her “Mom”, and my favorite “Mother-In-Law”. ??? Yes… my only one.

In Closing… Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for us and the work here in the Northwest Jungle of Guyana. We have been truly blessed by your support and your love for missions. Lately I have been saying, “Have a great day TODAY”… because it’s all you have. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here yet. Howev-er one day at a time has turned into a total of 18 years ON the foreign field, as of October 2012...

Living For Jesus, TODAY...

Dean D. Runyon

{This letter was written in Guyana & E-Mailed to Bro. Mike Basile to be Snail-Mailed from the States.}

October CDs will be sent out in the 2nd week of October! (to those who have been receiving them)

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