pre-program orientation

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Powerpoint for the Pre-Program of the AUSL 2011. (2011/6/12)


Pre-Program Orientation

Asia-U.S. Service-Learning Program 2011

Pre-Program Session 1


Why do we have the pre-program?


Overall Goal

In the end of the pre-program, you will have clear response to following questions as individual and topic group.

What do you want to acquire from the program?

What will you do to acquire them?

What kind of person do you want to become after the program?


Specific Goals

To achieve the goal, we will provide you opportunity

to deepen our understandings about “service”.

to get used to communicating in English.

active listening & persuasive presentation

to gain the sense of the field and get used to translating them into language through reflection.


Outline (Details are on Handout)

1. Orientation & Session on “Service”

2. Communication Workshop & Organization Visit Planning

3. Organization Visit & Service Activity

4. Topic Group Presentation

5. Reflection & Goal Setting Session


Topic Group Presentation

Your final output before flying to U.S.

20 min presentation based on your topic group which includes Community Need Identification Organization Study Brief Ideas of Addressing the Community Need

Your preparation for the presentation helps you to work on the final project in U.S.


Organization Visit & Service Activity

Visiting organizations or joining service activities to see what’s happening in the field

Researching organizations or activities, making appointment & joining activity

Reflection with coordinator or reporting to coordinator after each activities

Timeline and Assignments

June 12

June 12-19

June 19

June 19-July 10

July 10

July 17

PP1: Orientation & Session on “Service”

Assignment1: Personal Research

PP2&3: Communication Workshop & Organization Visit Planning

Assignment2: Group Work

PP4: Topic Group Presentation

PP5: Reflection & Goal Setting


Other Items:Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and Mailing List

Twitter List for AUSL 2011

Follow @ausl_2011 and @Kazuharu_0328. Kazuharu add you the list of participants @ausl_2011/participants so that you can easily communicate with each other and see what’s happening.

You are welcome to tweet something or post a photo related with the program in Japan and U.S. with hush tag #ausl11.


Other Items:Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and Mailing List

Facebook Group for AUSL 2011

Send a friend request to Kazuharu Omata. Kazuharu add you the Facebook Group for AUSL 2011 voluntary started by participants from Hong Kong.

You can see how participants from Hong Kong and Taiwan are excited about the program. You are welcome to introduce yourself to them.


Other Items:Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and Mailing List

You Tube Channel for AUSL 2011

Check out the You Tube Channel for AUSL 2011. Self introduction clips from Stanford Coordinators and Asia Coordinators will be uploaded soon.

We will take and upload video clips from U.S. to show how the program goes.



Other Items:Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and Mailing List

Mailing List for AUSL 2011

Send an e-mail to Kazuharu. Kazuharu invite you to the mailing list for Japanese participants.




What you acquire from the program depends on what you prepare for it…

Let’s do our best to prepare for the life-changing experience in U.S.!

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