preliminary task

Post on 31-Jul-2015



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Media courseworkPRINT – G321

Mahamed Nor

Preliminary exercise: a school magazine, also produced a mock up of the layout of the contents page.

Main task


• Preliminary research

• Preliminary exercise

Preliminary research

• Existing school/college magazine:

Codes and Conventions

• All magazines have one main image on the cover.• Every magazine has headings and sub-headings.• On most magazines there’s an address of the college.• Some of them have a theme.• The people in the front page look like they’re enjoying.• The background are all different.

Similarities and differences Similarities between the two


• They both have loads of writings written on the front page.

• They both have a headings and subheadings.

• One is about going back to school and one is talking about goods from the college.

• Subheadings all over the place.

• They’re both magazines.

Differences between the two magazines:

• They both have different kind of fonts.

• They have different colour of headings and sub-headings.

• Ones wearing uniform and one wears

stylish clothes.

• The left magazine has different type of colours mixed, and the right one has 2 main colours.

LayoutWhat makes the magazine above interesting? • It might show you what the school offers

e.g. breakfast clubs. • there are quiz’s in the magazine that people

might like.

• For teenagers.

What makes the magazine above interesting?

• It talks about the things in the college which you might be interested in.

• Clubs that you can enjoy.

• Interesting for college/sixth form student, or rather its useful.

What makes it boring?

• Most boys don’t like too much colouring as girls do.

What makes it boring?

• The background colour makes it look boring.

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