presbytery of giddings‐lovejoy gathering saturday, may 5 ... · presbytery of giddings‐lovejoy...

Post on 29-Dec-2018






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ThePresbyteryofGiddings‐Lovejoy ACommunityofVibrantCongregationsandDynamicLeaders






8:30am RegistrationOpens9:00‐10:30am CalltoOrder OpeningPrayer WelcomefromtheHostCongregation WelcomenewCommissioners,newPastors

CelebratetheseveninstallationssinceNov2017 WelcomeGuestsandReceivethem… IntroduceandSeatCorrespondingmembers ReportfromtheTransitionalPresbyteryLeader



ReportfromCommitteeonRepresentation/Nominating CommissioningoftheGeneralAssemblyCommissioners: RevRobDyer;RevMiriamFoltz;RebeccaBarnes;VictoriaSherman YAAD:KennedyCarnes NewBusiness Announcements Entertainamotiontoadjournfollowingthebenedictionatcloseofworship10:35am–12:25pmCrossroads–Session1 12:30–1:15pm Lunch1:25–2:30pm Crossroads–Session2

2:30–3:30pm WorshipwiththecelebrationofTheLord’sSupper OfferingwillbenefitCommissionedRulingElderTrainingPleasevisitthetablesintheregistrationarea:POINTpersonsandcurriculum;MarionMedicalMission;COLA;NicaraguaCraftsandthePhotobooth



Summary of Membership









2016 2017





2017 2016

Average Membership

155 159

Median Membership

70 75

Median Attendance 40 46














Church 2016 Total Gains 2017 Increase

First Kirkwood 715 40 737 22

Third Moline Acres 462 56 483 21

Dardenne Prairie 948 58 967 19

Steelville 99 7 105 6

Ladue Chapel 1698 43 1702 4

Glendale 86 8 90 4

Rock Imperial 33 4 36 3

First Collinsville 106 6 108 2

First Cuba 29 2 31 2

Trinity Chapel Cuba 102 6 103 1

Westminster Belleville 50 1 51 1



Rank Church Size 2016 Rank1 Ladue Chapel 1702 12 Dardenne 967 23 First Kirkwood 737 44 Webster Groves 732 35 St Mark 606 56 Third 483 77 First United Belleville 464 68 First Edwardsville 373 99 St Charles 360 8

10 Lovejoy United 306 10

Rank Church Attendance Memb Rank1 Dardenne 581 22 First Kirkwood 321 33 Ladue Chapel 284 14 First United Belleville 277 75 St Mark 248 56 Third 199 67 New Hope 165 158 Southminster 148 149 First Edwardsville 125 8

10 Second Saint Louis 103 17



Church Percent Under Age 45Third Presbyterian 78%

Rock Imperial 67%

Trinity Chapel-Cuba 60%

Faith and Desperes 56%

First St. Louis 53%

First Union 53%

LoveJoy United 53%

Church City 5yr growthThird Moline Acres 5Rock Imperial 5Dardenne Dardenne Prairie 4First Kirkwood 4First of St. Louis University City 4Ladue Chapel Ladue 3Trinity University City 3Second Saint Louis 3The Presbyterian Washington 3Woodlawn Chapel Wildwood 3Trinity Chapel Cuba 3Faith and Des Peres Frontenac 3First Union 3First Sullivan 3



We are financially strong

18% of our congregations are vibrant

Need to do the slow consistent work of reconnecting congregations

Omnibus Motion – May 5, 2018 The Omnibus Motion helps to manage presbytery’s decision-making in a concise manner. It includes significant motions from committees and reports actions taken on behalf of the presbytery by committees. Consideration of the omnibus motion is a decisive moment when members and commissioners act to adopt all the items in a single vote, or ask that an item be withdrawn for full consideration and action. This process places in the hands of presbyters the responsibility for the content and length of its discernment and decision-making. When the omnibus motion comes before presbytery for action the Moderator will provide an opportunity to ask a question or seek clarification; this is not a time for debate. Following the period of questions, any presbyter has the right to request that an item be taken out of the omnibus motion for fuller consideration. Such a request requires no second and without discussion the item will be removed from the omnibus motion. Any items not removed from the omnibus motion will be put to a single vote for approval. Any item removed will be considered during Other Business. Treasurer’s Report – See the attached report Minutes: The minutes of the February 3 and February 24, 2018 were read and approved. Annual Report to General Assembly: The Stated Clerk submitted the following required annual reports to the General Assembly for inclusion in the minutes of the assembly: 2017 Minister Transactions: Additions: Anastassia Sharpe – ordination Joy Ridge – ordination +2 Removals: David Garrison – EPC -1 Deaths: Jeanine Wren Robert Tabscott Donald Weems George Mason William Charlton -5 Dismissals: Kemper Huber (Holston) John Welton (Western Colorado) Dan Anderson-Little (Grace) Patricia Stone (Glacier) J Scott Kroener (Lake Huron) Anita Hendrix (National Capital) Kathryn Riley (Transylvania) +7 Receptions: Craig Howard (Milwaukee) Ellen Gurnon (John Calvin) Junie Ewing (Cincinnati) Michael Dawson (San Gabriel) Kathleen Henrion (Lake Michigan) Daniel Ervin (Detroit) Hannah Dreitcer (Great Rivers) Robert Jensen (Milwaukee) Shana Vernon (Sciota Valley) Kathleen Riley (Transylvania) J David Burgess (John Calvin) +11 Church Changes: Number of Churches 1/1/2017 79 Number of Churches 12/1/2017 79

Terms of Call: Extend the call of CRE John Beehler until November 2018. Cash salary $32,604; Housing $15,000; Social Security $2,396 for a total effective salary of $50,000. Other benefits: Board of Pensions $18,500; Travel $2,000; Professional Development $1,000. 2 weeks study leave and 4 weeks vacation. MIF Approval: Ministry Information Form for a Designated Pastor at Farmington was approved with modification adding Chris James as the contact person. Affirmed an email vote to approve the Ministry Information Form for Hunter Memorial in Sikeston, MO. Approved the Administrative Commissions to install the following pastors: Travis Winckler installation at Second Presbyterian on March 11, 2018 at 3:00 pm. Commission members: Rev Erin Counihan; Rev Miriam Foltz; Rev Dr Christopher James; Rev Edwin Zumwinkel; Ruling Elders: Lawson Calhoun; Carlene Davis; Judy Leo; Mike Willock, Moderator. Karl Hauser installation at Southminster Presbyterian on March 25, 2018 at 3:00 pm. Commission members: Rev Hannah Dreitcer; Rev John Harrison; Rev Jennifer Warren Hauser; Rev Dr Craig Howard; Ruling Elders: Thom Hood; Jacob Simpson; Bill Thomas; Better Taylor; Mike Willock, Moderator. Dissolution of Call: Congregational meeting was held on April 15, 2018 to dissolve the relationship between Faith DesPeres and The Rev Dr Anne Epling. The action was approved by PTCC on behalf of the Presbytery. A celebration of her ministry will be held April 29, 2018. Permission to labor outside the bounds of this presbytery: Permission was granted to Rev Joy Myers to provide pulpit supply occasionally at White Hall Presbyterian Church, a member congregation of Great Rivers Presbytery. Approval to Serve Communion: Ruling Elders: Bob Rushing, Jim Starks and Joe Carraway were given permission to serve communion during the time of the vacant pulpit at Hunter Memorial in Sikeston. Jamia Ske was also given permission to serve communion after successful completion of her training. Ruling Elders: Ann Mullen, Norma Bretz, Debbie Hillyer, Marilyn Steward, Elinor Tucker, Elinor Snelson have been approved to serve communion for First Presbyterian, Cuba. All have been trained. Membership: Rev Brian Hall is working as a chaplain at Mercy Hospital in Washington, MO and is maintaining his membership in Blackhawk Presbytery…was given permission to labor within our bounds. Rev Travis Winckler retains his membership in the United Church of Christ. Approved a request to transfer membership for The Rev Marsha Brown to Mission Presbytery effective upon their request.

Approved a transfer of membership for The Rev Dr Lawrence Maley to Beaver-Butler Presbytery effective April 1, 2018. He will be serving as Interim Pastor at Park Presbyterian Church of Zelienople, PA.

Actual Budget Actual BudgetIncome

Income 40090G General Mission $ 20,829.61 $ 20,833.00 $ 37,455.64 $ 62,499.00

40095G Per Capita 21,734.09 31,256.00 84,085.51 93,768.00 40097G Special Fund Emphasis 30.00 333.00 1,894.00 999.00 47000G Investment Income 100.00 - 200.00 -

48090G Misc. Income - 417.00 - 1,251.00

Total Income 42,693.70 52,839.00 123,635.15 158,517.00

Other Income - - 43001G Publication Sales - - 90.00 - 48095G Medical Trust Admin Fees 1,500.00 1,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00

Total Other Income 1,500.00 1,500.00 4,590.00 4,500.00

Transfers In - - 49800G Transfer Held Property Fund - 4,167.00 - 12,501.00

Total Transfers In - 4,167.00 - 12,501.00 Total GF-R General Fund Revenue 44,193.70 58,506.00 128,225.15 175,518.00

Total Income $ 44,193.70 $ 58,506.00 $ 128,225.15 $ 175,518.00

Expenses Total Admin - Communications 66.50 - 199.50 - Total Admin - Finance - Audit - 958.00 - 2,874.00 Total Admin - Office Expenses 3,291.56 2,413.00 7,334.45 7,239.00 Total Admin - Personnel 31,010.63 33,702.00 94,096.69 101,106.00 Total Admin - Policy & Procedures - Vision Team 90.51 1,375.00 1,074.73 4,125.00 Admin - Property - Tower Grove Ave - - Total Admin - Property - Tower Grove Ave 7,506.34 12,916.00 18,961.47 38,748.00 Total Congregational Vibrancy Team Expenses 520.50 1,249.00 725.22 3,747.00 Dynamic Leaders Team expenses - - Total Dynamic Leaders Team expenses 12,500.00 5,211.00 12,760.00 15,633.00 Mission & Outreach Team Expenses - - Total Mission & Outreach Team Expenses 1,350.00 8,125.00 7,541.34 24,375.00 Synod and GA - Per Capita - -

80000G GA Per Capita 8,204.11 8,204.00 24,612.33 24,612.00 80001G Synod Per Capita 2,971.73 2,972.00 8,915.19 8,916.00 Total Synod and GA - Per Capita 11,175.84 11,176.00 33,527.52 33,528.00

Total Expenses 67,511.88 77,125.00 176,220.92 231,375.00

Net Income $ (23,318.18) $ (18,619.00) $ (47,995.77) $ (55,857.00)

Presbytery of Giddings-LovejoyGeneral Fund - Schedule of Support, Revenue and Expenditures - Modified Cash Basis

Month and Three Months Ended March 31, 2018

Month Year to Date

Presbytery Restricted

NewMinistries Ministry COM Justice & Compassion

Endowment Funds Langenbach 1 Church 5

Development Winnebago 8 Unrestricted 9 Century 3 Ondr 2 Willock 12 Martin-Coller 7 Bethel 11Clarkson

Carpenter 6

Shugert Peacemakin

g 10 TotalASSET BALANCESCash 31,510.59 10,314.12 4,869.73 2,194.22 4,596.83 4,440.11 - 1,044.64 1,043.20 4,712.08 166.97 64,892.49

Investments 1,061,641.91 283,177.22 174,821.36 21,648.65 45,299.84 42,844.71 - 9,757.26 10,196.76 46,383.87 4,535.45 1,700,307.03 Market Appreciation 199,039.89 52,522.64 30,930.80 5,381.93 11,868.53 11,216.45 - 2,548.78 2,691.22 12,023.09 317.73 328,541.06 Total Investments at market 1,260,681.80 335,699.86 205,752.16 27,030.58 57,168.37 54,061.16 - 12,306.04 12,887.98 58,406.96 4,853.18 2,028,848.09

Total Assets 1,292,192.39 346,013.98 210,621.89 29,224.80 61,765.20 58,501.27 - 13,350.68 13,931.18 63,119.04 5,020.15 2,093,740.58

ActivityGifts/Grants/Donation - - - - - - - - - - - - Fees (14.85) (53.85) - - - - - - - - - (68.70) Net Investment Income 2,687.79 655.78 428.52 29.97 61.84 58.58 - 13.39 13.87 63.62 - 4,013.36 Unrealized Gain (loss) (36,570.17) (10,139.23) (5,977.19) (906.66) (1,917.97) (1,813.32) - (412.36) (433.74) (1,952.24) - (60,122.88) Total Revenues (33,897.23) (9,537.30) (5,548.67) (876.69) (1,856.13) (1,754.74) - (398.97) (419.87) (1,888.62) - (56,178.22)

Due to/from Investment Accounts Transfers - Due from Investment - - - - - - - - - - - - Due to/(from) Investment Account (24,565.86) 71,418.62 (8,098.20) 46,487.59 2.00 (3,400.00) 5,750.00 1,336.00 295.05 (6,958.00) 1,613.13 83,880.33 Disbursements - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Due to/from Investment Accounts (24,565.86) 71,418.62 (8,098.20) 46,487.59 2.00 (3,400.00) 5,750.00 1,336.00 295.05 (6,958.00) 1,613.13 83,880.33

Net 1,267,626.53 417,432.60 202,523.69 75,712.39 61,767.20 55,101.27 5,750.00 14,686.68 14,226.23 56,161.04 6,633.28 2,177,620.91

Corpus 1,129,089.10 50,000.00 145,511.00 - 7,070.00 37,875.00 5,000.00 8,294.00 - 23,625.00 - 1,406,464.10 Available Spending in 2020 163,103.29 296,013.98 65,110.89 29,224.80 54,695.20 20,626.27 - 5,056.68 13,931.18 39,494.04 5,020.15 692,276.48 Funding Structure @ 3.5% 45,226.73 12,110.49 7,371.77 1,022.87 - 2,047.54 - 467.27 487.59 2,209.17 175.71 71,119.14

Corpus 1,129,089.10 50,000.00 145,511.00 - 7,070.00 37,875.00 5,000.00 8,294.00 - 23,625.00 - 1,406,464.10 Available Spending in 2019 195,825.21 304,887.97 70,523.40 29,727.55 55,758.38 21,631.79 - 5,285.67 14,170.54 40,582.01 5,020.15 743,412.67 Funding Structure @ 3.5% 46,372.00 12,421.08 7,561.20 1,040.46 - 2,082.74 - 475.29 495.97 2,247.25 175.71 72,871.70

Corpus 1,129,089.10 50,000.00 145,511.00 - 7,070.00 37,875.00 5,000.00 8,294.00 - 23,625.00 - 1,406,464.10 Available Spending 2018 62,010.63 268,961.68 49,064.35 27,694.69 51,457.91 17,566.33 - 4,361.25 13,198.02 36,204.81 4,588.44 535,108.11 Funding Structure @ 3.5% 41,688.49 11,163.66 6,810.14 969.31 - 1,940.45 - 442.93 461.93 2,094.04 160.60 65,731.55

1. Donor restricted funds to assist developing churches with construction or program operations. 7. Donor restricted for seminary student scholarships.2. Donor restricted to provide support to those pursuing graduate training in Presbytery approved programs. 8. Presbytery restricted for uses for southside churches.3. Donor restricted; for use after year 2083 for ministries of Presbytery. 9. Presbytery restricted requiring Leadership approval for use.4. Donor restricted gifts for Mound Ridge Camp for maintenance and operations. 10. Donor restricted funds for peacemaking projects. (Updated quarterly.)5. Presbytery Restricted Funds from sale of church building for redevelopment projects of existing congregations. 11. Donor restricted funds for educational support for rural ministers.6. Donor restricted for ministries within St. Louis city limits. 12. Donor restricted to provide support to those pursuing graduate training in Presbytery approved programs. (Not invested.)

Church Development Leadership CPMPresbytery Restricted Donor Restricted

Actual Budget Actual BudgetIncome

Income 40090G General Mission $ 20,829.61 $ 20,833.00 $ 37,455.64 $ 62,499.00

40095G Per Capita 21,734.09 31,256.00 84,085.51 93,768.00 40097G Special Fund Emphasis 30.00 333.00 1,894.00 999.00 47000G Investment Income 100.00 - 200.00 -

48090G Misc. Income - 417.00 - 1,251.00

Total Income 42,693.70 52,839.00 123,635.15 158,517.00

Other Income - - 43001G Publication Sales - - 90.00 - 48095G Medical Trust Admin Fees 1,500.00 1,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00

Total Other Income 1,500.00 1,500.00 4,590.00 4,500.00

Transfers In - - 49800G Transfer Held Property Fund - 4,167.00 - 12,501.00

Total Transfers In - 4,167.00 - 12,501.00 Total GF-R General Fund Revenue 44,193.70 58,506.00 128,225.15 175,518.00

Total Income $ 44,193.70 $ 58,506.00 $ 128,225.15 $ 175,518.00

Expenses Total Admin - Communications 66.50 - 199.50 - Total Admin - Finance - Audit - 958.00 - 2,874.00 Total Admin - Office Expenses 3,291.56 2,413.00 7,334.45 7,239.00 Total Admin - Personnel 31,010.63 33,702.00 94,096.69 101,106.00 Total Admin - Policy & Procedures - Vision Team 90.51 1,375.00 1,074.73 4,125.00 Admin - Property - Tower Grove Ave - - Total Admin - Property - Tower Grove Ave 7,506.34 12,916.00 18,961.47 38,748.00 Total Congregational Vibrancy Team Expenses 520.50 1,249.00 725.22 3,747.00 Dynamic Leaders Team expenses - - Total Dynamic Leaders Team expenses 12,500.00 5,211.00 12,760.00 15,633.00 Mission & Outreach Team Expenses - - Total Mission & Outreach Team Expenses 1,350.00 8,125.00 7,541.34 24,375.00 Synod and GA - Per Capita - -

80000G GA Per Capita 8,204.11 8,204.00 24,612.33 24,612.00 80001G Synod Per Capita 2,971.73 2,972.00 8,915.19 8,916.00 Total Synod and GA - Per Capita 11,175.84 11,176.00 33,527.52 33,528.00

Total Expenses 67,511.88 77,125.00 176,220.92 231,375.00

Net Income $ (23,318.18) $ (18,619.00) $ (47,995.77) $ (55,857.00)

Presbytery of Giddings-LovejoyGeneral Fund - Schedule of Support, Revenue and Expenditures - Modified Cash Basis

Month and Three Months Ended March 31, 2018

Month Year to Date

2017 Compensation Report Salaries Approved and Reported by Congregations

Church Name Employee NameAnnual Salary Housing

Other Items Manse

Effect. Salary Travel

Prof. Dev. SS Off

Books & Etc.

Vouc-hered exp.


Study Leave

Affton, MO, Affton [51] Harrison, John - 101 8,976.00 11,040.00 2,500.00 3,048.00 25,564.00 600.00 500.00 100.00 4 wks 2 wks

Alton, IL, Elm Street [59] Vacancy

Alton, IL, First, [160] Crowley, David - 101 40,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 48,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 4 wks 2wks

Alton, IL, Salem [25] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

Ballwin, MO, St. Mark [676] Burgess, David - 101 50,000.00 38,000.00 3,000.00 91,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

Ballwin, MO, Taiwanese [75] Chi, James - 101 8,500.00 32,500.00 3,000.00 44,000.00 3,919.00 5,067.00 5,597.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

Belleville, IL, First United [500] Dyer, Rob - 101 71,000.00 24,000.00 95,000.00 1,632.00 1,000.00 7,267.00 2,500.00 2 wks 2 wks

Belleville, IL Westminster [50] Overstreet, Meg - 101 22,500.00 18,900.00 41,400.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,260.00 2,900.00 4 wks 2 wks

Bethalto, IL, Bethalto [34] Wray, Jerry - 107 7,800.00 13,200.00 0.00 21,000.00 IRS Rate 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

Bourbon, MO, Argo [52] Cardwell, Rob - 107 0.00 16,500.00 2,500.00 19,000.00 4 wks 2 wks

Bridgeton, MO, John Calvin, [196] Shear, John - 101 20,000.00 18,000.00 38,000.00 IRS rate 0.00 5 wks 2 wks

Bridgeton, MO, Mizpah, [4] King, Fran - 108 10,400.00 10,400.00

Brighton, IL, First [39] Wendleton, Marc - 191 8,680.75 0.00 8,680.75 0.00 762.50 4 wks 2 wks

Cape Girardeau, MO, First [186] Gurnon, Ellen - 101 35,000.00 20,000.00 55,000.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 4,207.00 200.00 5 wks 2 wks

Cape Girardeau, MO, Westminster [52] Dumey, Karen - 101 52,875.00 52,875.00 500.00 750.00 500.00 4 wks 2 wks

Collinsville, IL, First United [108] Young, Jeff - 101 28,000.00 20,000.00 48,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 4 wks 2 wks

Crestwood, MO, Southminster [332] Hauser, Karl 0.00

Crystal City, MO, Grace [156] Noah, Joshua - 101 36,000.00 15,535.00 51,535.00 750.00 750.00 500.00 4 wks 2 wks

Cuba, MO, First [35] Vacancy

Cuba, MO, Trinity Chapel [92] Snell, Jeff - 101 38,194.00 8,400.00 46,594.00 1,500.00 750.00 4 wks 2 wks

Dardenne Prairie, MO, Dardenne [933] Epling, Terry - 105 95,000.00 15,000.00 110,000.00 IRS rate 6,000.00 4 wks 2 wks

Dardenne Prairie, MO, Dardenne Andrew Kasberg - 103 13,132.00 50,000.00 18,500.00 81,632.00 IRS Rate 4,200.00 4 wks 2 wks

Dexter, First [28] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

Doniphan, MO, First [10] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

Edwardsville, IL, First [393] Hembruch, John - 101 31,268.62 25,022.84 12,000.00 2,915.52 71,206.98 1,922.75 3,145.00 4,617.81 2,557.65 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

Farmington, MO, Farmington [92] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

Ferguson, MO, First [173] Trautman, Michael - 101 38,899.57 21,474.26 2,000.00 62,373.83 2,364.00 4,782.67 4 wks 2 wks

Fisk, MO, Fisk [62] Vacancy

Florissant, MO [215] Butler, Sean - 101 8,000.00 18,000.00 24,000.00 50,000.00 IRS 450.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 5 wks 2 wks

Florissant, MO, John Knox [177] Higgins, John G - 101 32,225.00 25,000.00 2,953.00 60,178.00 1,000.00 3,990.00 1,000.00 4 wks 2 wks

Frontenac, MO, Faith & Des Peres [94] Epling, Anne Bain - 101 33,573.00 32,332.00 65,905.00 1,500.00 1,750.00 750.00 5 wks 2 wks

Gerald, MO, Boeuff [42] Henrion, Kathleen 11,000.00 11,000.00 IRS 500.00 4 wks 2 wks

Glendale, MO, Glendale [92] Kanerva, Elizabeth - 101 19,000.00 25,000.00 5,800.00 49,800.00 360.00 3,000.00 3,285.00 5 wks 2 wks

Granite City, IL, First United [266] Welch, Jeffery - 101 29,960.00 20,000.00 3,570.00 53,530.00 1,303.00 750.00 300.00 500.00 4 wks 2 wks

Granite City, IL, First United [266] Hauser, Jennifer 10,277.28 10,277.28 500.00 150.00 250.00 2 wks 1 wk

Hardin, IL, First [72] Frazier, Paul - 101 30,581.59 1,925.99 9,752.27 42,259.85 4,991.66 776.25 30 days 2 wks

2017 Compensation Report Salaries Approved and Reported by Congregations

Church Name Employee NameAnnual Salary Housing

Other Items Manse

Effect. Salary Travel

Prof. Dev. SS Off

Books & Etc.

Vouc-hered exp.


Study Leave

Hillsboro, MO, First [26] (yoked see Grace, CC)

House Spring, MO, Hillside [46] Thirza Sayers - 101 9,996.00 9,600.00 900.00 20,496.00 100.00 2 wks 1 wk

Imperial, MO, Rock [32] Knopf, Stephanie - 792 16,750.00 16,750.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

Son Light Parish Fredericktown, MO [15]; Ironton, MO [11]; & Park Hills, MO [35] Mark Wiley - 107 15,615.00 15,615.00 IRS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Jackson, MO, First [136] Gillard, Grant - 101 6,000.00 21,680.00 24,000.00 51,680.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 4 wks 2 wks

Jersyville, IL, First [134] Beehler, John - 105 32,604.00 15,000.00 2,396.00 50,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 4 wks 2 wks

Kampsville, IL, First [12] Thurston, Richard - 107 3,240.00 3,240.00 704.00

Kirkwood, MO, First Blanchard, Karen L - 103 28,684.00 39,000.00 6,116.00 73,800.00 IRS rate 1,500.00 1,500.00 4 wks 2 wks

Kirkwood, MO, First [705] Holyan, David - 101 59,235.00 36,000.00 10,016.00 105,251.00 IRS rate 3,200.00 0.00 3,200.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

Ladue, MO, Ladue Chapel [1680] Thomas, Mark - 101 89,372.00 50,000.00 0.00 139,372.00 IRS rate 3,000.00 8,362.00 500.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

Ladue, MO, Ladue Chapel Heinzl, Dieter - 103 45,906.00 40,000.00 0.00 85,906.00 IRS rate 1,500.00 5,154.00 750.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

Ladue, MO, Ladue Chapel Smith, Mel - 193 41,500.00 13,500.00 0.00 55,000.00 IRS rate 1,500.00 3,300.00 500.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

Ladue, MO, Ladue Chapel Sharpe, Anastassia - 103 32,000.00 23,000.00 55,000.00 IRS rate 1,500.00 3,300.00 500.00 4 wks 2 wks

Marble Hill, MO, Lutesville [10] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

Maryland Heights, MO, Maryland Heights [40] Zimmermann, Jeanne - 107 14,000.00 6,000.00 1,530.00 21,530.00 100.00 100.00 1,530.00 4 wks 2 wks

Melville, MO, Calvary [59] Dobson, Emma - 101 28,720.85 0.00 28,720.85 IRS rate 1,000.00 2,379.15 5 wks 2 wks

Moline Acres, MO, Third [459] Portis, Cedric - 101 55,000.00 39,000.00 94,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 wks

Moro, IL, Moro [58] Wendleton, Marc - 101 17,216.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 35,216.00 1,687.00 600.00 100.00 4 wks 2 wks

Overland, MO, New Horizon [94] Strothmann, Mark - 105 15,500.00 12,000.00 27,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 4 wks 2 wks

Overland, MO, Pendo Wanyoike, Isaac - 301 0.00 0.00

Pacific, MO, Pacific [94] Gamm, Marilyn - 105 45,000.00 10,000.00 55,000.00 3,000.00 1,250.00 1,150.00 4 wks 2 wks

Perryville, MO [22] Gillard, Nancy - 108 24,402.00 24,402.00 6,500.00 150.00 4 wks 2 wks

Poplar Bluff, MO, First [28] Vacancy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Potosi, MO, Potosi [20] Goodwin, John - 11,655.00 1,000.00 12,655.00 535.00 100.00 2 wks 1 week

Sedgewickville, MO, Whitewater [36] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

Sikeston, MO, Hunter Memorial [95] Vacancy 0.00 0.00 0.00

St. Charles, MO, New Hope [261] James, Chris - 101 55,487.67 27,000.00 2,608.00 85,095.67 2,000.00 2,500.00 6,310.32 1,500.004 wks + 2 days 2 wks

St. Charles, MO, St. Charles [384] Osborn, Ronnie - 101 36,712.00 32,240.00 3,242.00 72,194.00 IRS Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

St. Louis, MO, Berea [27] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

St. Louis, MO, Cote Brilliante [270] Crumpton, Clyde - 191 47,000.00 15,000.00 62,000.00 IRS Rate 3,000.00 3,500.00 4 wks 2wks

St Louis, MO, Curby Memorial [91] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

St Louis, MO, Gibson Heights, [6] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

St Louis, MO, Oak Hill [116] Counihan, Erin - 101 35,728.00 21,500.00 1,717.00 58,945.00 500.00 1,000.00 4,378.00 200.00 500.00 4 wks 2 wks

St Louis, MO, St. Andrew [52] O'Connor, John - 107 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 2,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 wks 2 wks

2017 Compensation Report Salaries Approved and Reported by Congregations

Church Name Employee NameAnnual Salary Housing

Other Items Manse

Effect. Salary Travel

Prof. Dev. SS Off

Books & Etc.

Vouc-hered exp.


Study Leave

St Louis, MO, Second [238] Winkler, Travis - 101 48,750.00 26,250.00 75,000.00 2,250.00 1,500.00 5,738.00 2,500.00 4 wks 2 wks

St Louis, MO, West [19] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

St Louis, MO, Westminster [86] Miller, Mark R - 101 15,264.53 52,325.29 67,589.82 IRS rate 5,000.00 5 wks 2 wks

St Louis, MO, Wurdack Memorial [6] Vacancy 0.00 0.00

Ste. Genevieve, MO, First [86] Matthews, Steven - 101 17,000.00 7,000.00 24,000.00 4 wks 0

Steelville, MO, First [107] Downing, Wendy - 101 35,250.00 12,000.00 47,250.00 IRS Rate 1,000.00 3,000.00 4 wks 2 wks

Sullivan, MO, First [50] Koppelmann, Ron - 107 9,500.00 9,500.00 19,000.00 IRS Rate 500.00 1,454.00 4 wks 2 wks

Union, MO, First [52] (yoked - see Pacific) 0.00 0.00

University City, MO, First Of St Louis [102] Perman, Bill - 191 38,070.00 0.00 0.00 38,070.00 1,000.00 750.00 2,875.00 500.00 0.00 8 wks 2 wksUniversity City, MO, Trinity [273] Wagner, Johanna - 101 25,000.00 30,000.00 55,000.00 900.00 1,000.00 550.00 5 wks 2 wks

Washington, MO, Washington [131] Gruber, Patrick - 101 28,050.00 20,400.00 2,550.00 51,000.00 1,200.00 750.00 4 wks 2 wks

Webster Groves, MO, Webster Groves [883] Zumwinkel III, Edwin - 101 66,412.00 25,306.00 17,769.00 109,487.00 IRS Rate 3,000.00 8,443.00 3,500.00 4 wks 2 wks

Webster Groves, MO, Webster Groves Drietcer, Hannah - 103 41,200.00 15,450.00 56,650.00 IRS Rate 2,000.00 2,000.00 4 wks 2 wks

Wildwood, MO, Woodlawn Chapel, [179] Keating, Chris - 101 50,358.12 37,193.25 87,551.37 2,400.00 4,100.00 1,600.00 5 wks 2 wks

Wood River, IL, LoveJoy United [316] Ervin, Daniel - 191 35,000.00 20,000.00 55,000.00 800.00 1,500.00 4,207.50 1,500.00 4 wks 2 wks

Ukirk Foltz, Miriam 30000.00 15019.92 $45,019.92 3500.00 4 wks 2 wksPresbyterian Mission Agency (COLA) Henrion, Kathleen 23660.00 $23,660.00 Presbyterian Mission Agency (COLA) Dobson, Emma 23660.00 $23,660.00

Information not received for 2018Vacancy

Church/Organization Award Amount

Westminster Presbyterian Church

(Campfire Church) 2,000.00$ Westminster Presbyterian Church

(Wellness Resource Center) 2,500.00$

Steelville Presbyterian Church 700.00$

Webster-Rock Hill Ministries 700.00$

Cote Brilliante Presbyterian Church 4,135.00$

Oak Hill Presbyterian Church 700.00$

UKIRK 400.00$

Union Communion Ministries 2,000.00$

2018 Summer Grant Recipients



As people of faith we covenant with each other and our congregations: To educate ourselves and our communities of faith about structural racism and privilege which disadvantage some individuals/groups and benefit other individuals/groups; To look inwardly to recognize and change behavior which alienates us from one another and helps to maintain structures of inequality; and To equip ourselves and seek relationships with other groups to address these structural inequalities. (Signature) (Date)________________________

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