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JORNADA TÉCNICAImplantación de Agricultura Urbana en cubierta de edificios

(condicionantes legales)

21 de Septiembre de 2017

CTM2016-75772-C3-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE); CTM2016-75772-C3-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE); CTM2016-75772-C3-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)




8:45 Registro y café9:00 Presentación del Proyecto Fertilecity IIXavier Gabarrell (UAB)9:05 Presentación Agronomía FertilecityMireia Ercilla (UAB)9:15 Presentación de la Jornada técnicaIsabel Pont (UAB)

9:20 Visión internacional -Reino Unido Elisa López Capel(Universidad de Newcastle)-Italia Francesco Orsini (Universidad de Bolonia)-Francia Susana Toboso (UAB)Mélanie Collé (AgroParisTech) -Berlín y Barcelona Elizabeth López (UAB)

10:15 Visión local -Frederic Ximeno Roca/Núria García Comisionado de Ecología / Ayuntamiento de Barcelona-Enric Coll i GelabertTécnico de Medio Ambiente / Diputación de Barcelona-Lidia CalvoEixverd / Directora- Marc MontlleóBarcelona Regional

10:45 Presentación de la metodología de la sesión Isabel Pont (UAB)10:50 Sesión de trabajo 11:45 Conclusiones


• El objetivo de esta Jornada es identificar quéaspectos jurídicos son o pueden llegar a serrelevantes en la implementación efectiva de laAgricultura Urbana en cubiertas de edificios.

• De esta manera, posteriormente el grupo deinvestigación pretende detectar y priorizar quéaspectos clave deberían ser analizados en lospróximos años para proponer recomendaciones alos poderes públicos que podrían facilitar suimplementación.


Equipo de trabajo


Xavier Gabarrell Durany 1,2,3,*, Mireia Ercilla1,2, Perla Zambrano1,2,, Ana Maria Manríquez 1,2, Ana

Nadal1,2, Anna Petit1,2, Eva Cuerva6, Carla Planas6, Oriol Pons7, Alejandro Josa5,8, Juan Ignacio

Montero9,1, Pere Muñoz9,1, Núria Carazo9, Gara Villalba1,2,3, Maria Rosa Rovira2,12 , Ivan Puig5, MarioGiampietro2,13, Santiago Gassó11, Violeta Vargas5,8, Carla Planas5,8, Martí Rufí1, Isabel Pont2,14, Joan

Rieradevall1,2,3, , Martí Rufí 1,2,3, Susana Toboso 1,2,3, Alejandra Peña 1,2, Jorge Sierra 1, 15

1Sostenipra Research Group (SGR 01412), Z Building, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) , Barcelona, Spain.2Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICTA) (MDM-2015-0552), Z Building, UAB.3Department of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering, Building Q, UAB.4ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering. La Rambla 30-32. 08002 Barcelona, Spain.5Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DECA), School of Civil Engineering (Escola de Camins), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech), Jordi Girona 1-3, Building D2, Barcelona, Spain.6Department of Project and Construction Engineering, School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB), UPC-Barcelona Tech, Avinguda Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona,Spain.7Department of Architectural Technology, School of Architecture (ETSAB), UPC-Barcelona Tech, Avinguda Diagonal 649, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.8Institute of Sustainability (IS.UPC), UPC-BarcelonaTech, Jordi Girona 31, Barcelona, Spain.9 Institute of Food and Agricultural Research (IRTA), Carretera de Cabrils, km 2, 08348 Barcelona, Spain.10 Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics (IRI), Management Technical Unit (UTG) of Mathematics field, UPC-Barcelona Tech, Pau Gargallo 14, 08028Barcelona, Spain.11Department of Project and Construction Engineering, School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering (ESEIAAT), UPC-Barcelona Tech, Colom 11, 08222Terrassa, Spain.12Department of Business, B Building, UAB.13Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) Passeig Lluís Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, Spain.14Department of Administrative Law, B Building, UAB15Universidad de la Defensa de Zaragoza

Coordinador de proyecto: Xavier Gabarrell

Coordinador de subproyecto: Joan Rieradevall (UAB), Juan Ignacio Montero (IRTA), Alejandro Josa (UPC).

CTM2016-75772-C3-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE); CTM2016-75772-C3-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE); CTM2016-75772-C3-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)



Exchange of flows between the ICTA-ICP building, Edifici Z at UAB campus, and its greenhouse on

the roof.

FertileCity I: Unidirectional connection


Urban areas are increasingly larger and more numerous. They use nearly 70% of energy

and are responsible for 75% of world greenhouse gas emissions. Urban areas are strongly

dependent on food and water, and this makes them vulnerable and responsible for high

environmental impacts. Within cities, most energy is required for housing, which is a

major source of emissions. Besides, food production relies on energy (particularly for

transportation) and water (in Southern Europe irrigation uses about 80% of deep


FertileCity I project (CTM2013-47067-C2-1-R; 2014-2016 ) started research activities on a

new horticultural production system based on multy-disciplinary tools (environmental

analysis, economic and sustainability in life-cycle, energy efficiency). FertileCity I was also

founded on agricultural methodologies to analyse crop response and development

viability. Rooftop Greenhouses (RTG) are still in early stages of research and

implementation. In Europe, such type of production is still beginning, and current pilot

RTGs are always disconnected, in terms of water, energy and CO2, from the building


FertileCity II: Towards a bidirectional connection


The objective of FertileCity II (2017-2019) project (CTM2016-75772-C3-1-R,

CTM2016-75772-C3-2-R, CTM2016-75772-C3-3-R) is deepening on research of

urban agriculture in RTGs integrated with the building, providing information and

tools that make integrated RTGs possible. During FertileCity I, a new facility started

to operate on the ICTA-ICP building roof (UAB). Between January 2014-2016

different lettuce and tomato crops were grown. Such facility is currently connected

to the building in terms of water, energy and CO2, but only one-way, from the

building to the greenhouse.

FertileCity II will focus on establishing a two-way greenhouse-building connection.

The project will address subjects such as the recirculation of water for agricultural

production; detailed energy modelling of the greenhouse-building system and its

comparison with conventional greenhouses; the architectural and constructive

study both on a building scale and on a neighborhood scale; the use of generated

agricultural residues; the analysis of the system sustainability (environmental,

economic and social viewpoints); the identification of business models; and the

dissemination and transfer of the project and its results.

FertileCity II: Towards a bidirectional connection


Such symbiosis greenhouse-building (energy, water, CO2…) requires a multi-

disciplinary approach which is covered by researchers from UAB (with expertise on

environmental matters, water cycle in urban areas, waste and economy), UPC

(expertise on energy, architecture, construction, and sustainability assessment) and

IRTA (expertise on agronomy and greenhouse effect). FertileCity II is organised

around ten tasks which are structured into five blocks: system (T1) with the

adaptation of the experimental greenhouses to the project’s requirements; technical

and environmental system characterisation (T2-T6) focussed on the study of

materials, energy, water, nutrients, food, greenhouse gases and wastes; analysis of

environmental and socio-economic sustainability (T7-T8); urban system

implementation (T9) and dissemination and exploitation of the project results (T10).

The aim is to respond to the challenge of food safety and quality in cities through the

production of sustainable food (reduction of products coming from far away, less

environmental impact), quality (complete plant maturation) and contribution to the

"Safe energy" and "Climate change" challenges by increasing the energy efficiency of

buildings and CO2 capture and storage, as well as reducing emissions and

transporting food.

Grupos de tareas





1. ¿Cree que los diferentes modelos de agriculturaurbana podrían verse favorecidos si contasen con uninstrumento jurídico propio que los estableciese yregulase (ordenanza local, norma autonómica,plan/programa)?


2. ¿Cuál considera que debería ser el rol de laAdministración (local, autonómica etc.) en materia deagricultura urbana en los próximos años?:

a) Debería centrarse en incentivarla para que cumplafunciones esencialmente sociales, educativas.

b) Considera que las administraciones territoriales y laspropias universidades podrían utilizar los edificios detitularidad pública para implementar y fomentar estetipo de agricultura.


3. ¿Considera que la obligación de integrar cubiertasagroverdes en edificios podría/debería serobligatoria aquí tal como lo es ya en alguna ciudadtoda vez que favorece las políticas de cambioclimático, ahorro energético y mitiga también la islade calor?





21 de Septiembre de 2017

CTM2016-75772-C3-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE); CTM2016-75772-C3-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE); CTM2016-75772-C3-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)



21 de Septiembre de 2017

CTM2016-75772-C3-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE); CTM2016-75772-C3-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE); CTM2016-75772-C3-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)




12:00 Presentación del Proyecto Fertilecity IIXavier Gabarrell (UAB)

12:05 Presentación de los principales resultados.

Ana Nadal (análisis del vector energía, sostenibilidad en aplicado a escuelas). TAREA 3, TAREA 8 y TAREA 9

Martí Rufí (cultivo de judía) TAREA 4, TAREA 5 , TAREA 7 y TAREA 8


13:30 Próximas tareas para cada uno de los subproyectos.

Joan Rieradevall (UAB)

Juan Ignacio (IRTA)

Alejandro Josa (UPC)

14h Discusión de los temas propuestos en cada una de las presentaciones

14:45 Conclusiones



Exchange of flows between the ICTA-ICP building, Edifici Z at UAB campus, and its greenhouse on

the roof.

Grupos de tareas





Papers- Fertilecity II


PUBLICADOSAuthor Task Journal Title

Ana Nadal et al.9

Science of The Total


Urban planning and agriculture. Methodology for assessing rooftop

greenhouse potential of non-residential areas using airborne sensors

Mireia Ercilla-Montserrat

et al. 1

Science of The Total


Building-integrated agriculture: A first assessment of aerobiological air quality

in rooftop greenhouses (i-RTGs)

Pere Llorach-Massana

et al. 1,6

Journal of Cleaner


N2O emissions from protected soilless crops for more precise food and urban

agriculture life cycle assessments

Pere Llorach-Massana

et al. 6 Waste Management

Technical feasibility and carbon footprint of biochar co-production with tomato

plant residue

EN REVISIÓNAuthor Task Journal Title

David Sanjuan-Delmás

et al. 5,7

Journal of Cleaner


Environmental assessment of an integrated rooftop greenhouse for food

production in cities

Pere Llorach-Massana

et al. 6

Journal of International

Life Cycle Assessment

Environmental assessment of a renewable thermal insulation material

produced with tomato plant stems derived from urban agriculture wastes

Ana Nadal et al. 8 Land Use Policy

Social perception of urban agriculture in Latin America social

neighborhoods: a case study in Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Infraestructura Energía Recursos y su




Emisiones GEI y


Ambiental Socio-económico Construcción y



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