presentasi nikmah infid - advokasi kebijakan

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Presentasi Nikmah INFID - Advokasi Kebijakan


Usulan Masyarakat Sipil dan Persiapan C20 Summit

Nikmah - INFID

Jakarta, 5 Juni 2014

Civil201. Open platform untuk menjalin

dialog antara masyarakat sipil global dengan delegasi resmi G20 mengenai agenda yang ada di G20

2. Akan diselenggarakan di Melbourne tanggal 20-21 Juni 2014

3. Merupakan summit ke-2 setelah C20 Summit di Russia

4. Tahun ini fokus di empat tema yaitu Inclusive growth and employment, infrastruktur, climate and sustainability, dan governance

Agenda Civil20 SummitInclusive Growth and Employment:1. G20 members should support and facilitate an

appropriate process and help to ensure that a comprehensive and effective post-2015 development agreement is established by the end of 2015

2. G20 leaders should agree to adopt country action plans to invest in education, training and local job creation strategies, to be delivered through partnerships between government, private sector, labour and civil society.

3. G20 members should develop tailored and specific strategies to support the participation of vulnerable groups including women and youth

Cont’ (infrastruktur)Perhatian C20

1. efforts to improve the investment climate focus on (i) fostering domestic businesses and industries (particularly in sustainable industrialization) and, only secondarily, on foreign enterprises; (ii) given the jobs crisis, strengthen the potential for decent work, including living wages, worker rights and collective bargaining; (iii) promoting new and existing laws and regulations that protect the interests of the state, its citizens (especially the most vulnerable), and the natural environment.

2. participation by civil society in the identification and design of infrastructure in ways that can ensure adherence to a low-carbon, climate resilient path and direct benefits to communities, particularly the low-income ones;

3. adoption and adherence to robust social, economic and environmentalsafeguards and protections not only on a local and national level, but also in sub-regions, since many mega-projects promoted by the G20 cross borders; and

4. mechanisms that can not only ensure that projects respect the rights and needs of local communities and the sustainable use of the environment, but also provide recourse for citizens in the event that projects have adverse impacts on their lives, livelihoods, and communities.

Cont’ (infrastruktur)

Rekomendasi C20

1. A G20 commitment to a) develop clearer and more socially, economically and environmentally appropriate criteria for selection of infrastructure projects than those presented by the G20 High Level Panel on Infrastructure in 2011 and b) adopt infrastructure project monitoring & evaluation, prioritization and planning frameworks at country and sub-regional levels to drive inclusive and sustainable growth that achieves a triple bottom line.

Cont’ (infrastruktur)

Rekomendasi C20

A call on public and private finance institutions to adopt more robust safeguard and other policies and decision-making practices including those that apply “upstream” in the infrastructure design phase as well as “downstream” safeguards in project construction and operation.


Cont’ (infrastruktur)

Rekomendasi C20

3. A statement of neutrality with respect to investment financing arrangements, evaluating options on a Value For Money approach, rather than defaulting to Public-Private Partnerships. However, in those cases in which PPPs are deemed suitable financing instruments, we recommend that PPP contracts be publically disclosed and that the incentives and risks for which the government assumes responsibility be explicitly disclosed as well.

Cont’ (Climate and Sustainability)

1. End government support for fossil fuels and boost investment support for renewable energy and energy efficiency.

2. Commit G20 finance ministers to developing a Climate Finance Roadmap to be adopted in 2015

3. Resource Security [Recommendation still to be developed]

Cont’ (Governance)

1. G20 Leaders should commit to addressing lack of beneficial ownership information through public registries of beneficial owners of companies, foundations, trusts, and similar legal structures with adequate safeguards.

2. G20 Leaders should effectively address loopholes in the international tax system through an inclusive and transparent process, ensuring developing countries benefit from these tax reforms.

3. G20 Leaders should ensure that governments are open, companies transparent and citizens informed and empowered to hold decision makers, companies and investors to account.

Catatan Masyarakat Sipil Indonesia

Mencatat tiga tantangan yang perlu menjadi perhatian delegasi Indonesia di G20 yaitu:

1. Pertumbuhan versus ketimpangan

2. Investasi dan penyediaan lapangan kerja

3. Governance: Mobilisasi sumber daya domestik

Usulan untuk delegasi G20

1. Mendorong pembangunan yang inklusif melalui:– Memberi prioritas kebijakan ekonomi bagi pelaku usaha

kecil terutama perempuan dan anak muda yang bergerak di sektor informal (UMKM) dan juga petani skala kecil agar berdaya secara ekonomi

– Mendorong peningkatan peran sektor keuangan pada penguatan ekonomi riil

– Meningkatkan investasi pada pembangunan sosial dengan meningkatkan belanja untuk pendidikan dan kesehatan

– Peningkatan partisipasi perempuan dalam kesehatan, pendidikan, upaya pengentasan kemiskinan

Cont’ (Usulan untuk delegasi G20)

2. Investasi yang menyerap angkatan kerja– Memastikan investasi memberi nilai tambah bagi

penguatan industri di dalam negeri dan penciptaan lapangan kerja yang layak

– Investasi untuk infrastruktur tidak hanya didasarkan pada value for money tapi juga mempertimbangkan aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan

– Memberi prioritas pembangunan infrastruktur dasar seperti fasilitas pendidikan, kesehatan, dan sanitasi

Cont’ (Usulan untuk delegasi G20)

3. Mendorong peningkatan kerjasama perpajakan – Pertukaran informasi (exchange of information)

tanpa syarat

– Pembentukan forum perpajakan multinasional dan regional

– Revisi terhadap Panduan Transfer Pricing dan Tax Treaty Model

Terima Kasih

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