presentation 4 lau

Post on 12-Jan-2015



Health & Medicine



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SHORT SYNOPSIS‘Sex, parties and drugs is all it took for

one girl’s soul to be shredded in the depth of the canal. But will she ever

seek revenge; after all they say it’s an eye for an eye, but who knows.’


TARGET AUDIENCE Both male and female

Age of 15-24, Older teenagers; young adults

People up for a thrill and into horror films

Film includes sex and drugs

From research I found over 40% of the young have smoked cannabis and 86% of young people support its legalisation. 20% of men and 15% of woman have already had 10 or more partners of

my age group.

The genre horror suits the age group as young adults are into gore, blood, violence etc. The

young adults love to watch their films in cinema with friends.



Who is this girl?

Is she innocent?

Are the men alluded or is she really there?

Is she still alive?

Why did she get murdered?

What happens at the end?

Why does she seem demented after?



Lily getting dressed to go to party

Two drug dealers taking body (lily) out of the car boot

Lily getting involved with drugs with two men

Throws body in canal

News reporter reporting missing person

Sam (one of the drug dealers) washing face

Haunted girl behind Sam and murderer written on mirror

Sam turns to go into bath and haunted girl is in the bath smiling

Sam and his girlfriend together

Haunted girl in closet

Sams girlfriend dead on the bed

Haunted girl watching over Dennis (other drug dealer

Haunted girl looks up into camera and give a creepy smile

Ranin – played as LilyRanin – played as Lily Main character

Casual teenage girl who loves going parties, chilling with friends.

A stereotypical teenager at the age of 18

She wears clothes from casual to extremely over the top

She comes from an upper class background

Outdoor girl with a loud personality

Tries to act confident when she actually has low self esteem; this all changes

after the drugs kick in.

Thgag and Hesham– played as Sam & Tyrone

The other two main characters

From a middle class background, and both unemployed.

Typically wear hoodies and tracksuits; from the ‘streets’ as they say; make

their money illegally

Sex, drugs, and money

Wear clothing such as Nike, Adidas, Ralph Lauren

Making money, clubbing, meeting girls

Thgag and Hesham – played as Sam & Tyrone


Most of the filming will be talking in

doors such as the bathroom scene,

bedroom scene, Lilly getting ready in her room etc. The ones filmed outdoors will

be in the regent park region where there is a canal that will work

well for our canal scene.

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