presentation - nhrma conference

Post on 09-Feb-2022






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A Bridge to Tomorrow

75th Annual NHRMA

Conference & Tradeshow

Presented by

Generational Diversity Management Joel Steadman

…a generation is defined as a hybrid of both the

birth rates identified by demographers and the

major socio-historical events that occurred

during that time period.

The Road to Performance Success: Understanding and

Managing the Generational Divide

Generational Diversity

Generational Diversity

For the first time in modern history, workplace

demographics now span 4 generations.

20 year old new hires can find themselves working

side-by-side with colleagues who are older than they are

by 50+ years.

Generational Diversity

Engaged employees can only thrive in inclusive work environments- those that value, reward, and develop employees from all generations and give them opportunities to contribute.

According to a recent survey, more than 60% of employers are experiencing intergenerational conflict.

Generational Diversity

In order to understand how we can all work together, you must first understand who we all are.

Generational Diversity

Generational Diversity

What are the 4 Generations in today’s workforce?

• Traditionalist

• Baby Boomers

• Gen X

• Millennials

Generational Diversity

Traditionalist • Birth years

• 1901 – 1945

• 5-7% of the workforce

• Identify WWII as the single most important event of their childhood

• Shaped by the Great Depression

• Values hard work, respecting authority, seniority and organizational loyalty

Generational Diversity

Traditionalist • Everyone needs to do what they are


• Job hopping is a career buster

• Pensions are critical

• Team focused; the group is more important than the individual

• Make do or do without

• Never told they were special or unique

Generational Diversity

Traditionalist Life Events The Great Depression

Canada & US enters WWII

Korean War

Pearl Harbor

D Day in Normandy

Rise of the Labor Unions

Snow White debuts

Golden Age of radio

Generational Diversity

Traditionalist Life Events Golden Age of the Radio

Generational Diversity

Traditionalist and How to Manage

• Understand there will be conflict with Millennials

• Cross Train for Opportunity

• Be sensitive to change

• When in conflict, defer to Seniority

• Determine what they can offer and allow them to teach

• Loyal to the organization

Generational Diversity

Baby Boomers • Birth years

• 1946-1964

• 40-44% of the workforce

• Parents who lived through the Depression and WWII believed life would be better for the next generation

• Team focused, dedicated, knowledgeable, service oriented

• Work up to position that demands respect

Generational Diversity

Baby Boomers • First generation to grow up with a


• Prefer in-person communication

• What ever it takes attitude

• Work from 8-6, then take it home

• Leaving a company may be necessary

Generational Diversity

Baby Boomer Life Events US Man lands on the Moon

Vietnam War

Cold War

Civil Rights Movement

Assassination of JFK & Martin Luther King


Women’s liberation demonstrations

Television becomes dominant media

Death of Elvis ?

Generational Diversity

Baby Boomers Music

R&B Influence


Generational Diversity

Baby Boomers and How to Manage

• Understand there will be conflict with Xer’s

• Career Path

• Opportunity for growth, both personal and work

• When in conflict, defer to Seniority

• Determine what they can offer and allow them to teach

• Loyal to the team

Generational Diversity

Generation X’; Xer’s • Birth years

• 1965-1979

• 32-33% of the workforce

• Many mothers working outside of home

• Many Gen Xer’s affected by divorce

• Embrace change, independent, adaptable

• Take care of self, work to live

• Work/Life balance is important

Generational Diversity

Generation X’; Xer’s • Unimpressed with political and

economic leaders

• Resist labels from media, parents, teachers

• Many don’t accept the label of Gen X as a definition of their identity

• Changing companies may be key to success

Generational Diversity

Xer’s Life Events Global Energy Crisis

Tandy and Apple market PCs

AIDS identified

Challenger disaster

Stock Market Plummets

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Operation Desert Storm

Rodney King beating and riots in LA

Massive downsizing in corporate America

Generational Diversity

Generation X Music Hip Hop



Hair Bands

Generational Diversity

Gen X and How to Manage

• Loyal to their Manager

• Career is part of them

• Open dialogue to resolve conflict

• Flexible work style

• Straight forward, brutally honest

• Colleagues are friends

• Focus on results

Generational Diversity

Generation Y; Millennials • Birth years

• 1980-2000

• 25% of the workforce

• Grew up with technology

• Always seen the world as global and connected 24/7

• Encouraged to make own choices and taught to question authority

Generational Diversity

Generation Y; Millennials • Multitask, driven to grow

• Policies/procedures are just guidelines

• Respect given to those who take them seriously

• Leave at 5:00pm, can log in later

• Quick Career path

• Feedback hounds

Generational Diversity

Millennial Life Events Oklahoma City bombing

Death of Princess Diana

School violence (Columbine massacre)

The digital age

Monica Lewinsky / Bill Clinton scandal

Terrorist attacks of 9/11

US led War on Terror

Generational Diversity

“You do have to speak to them a little bit like a therapist on television might speak to a patient. You can’t be too harsh. You can’t tell them you’re disappointed with

them. You can’t ask them to live and breathe the company because they’re

living and breathing themselves and that keeps them very busy” Marian Salzman

Generational Diversity

Zombie Apocalypse

Generational Diversity

Zombie Apocalypse Millennial music as as diverse as the generation

Generational Diversity

Millenials and How to Manage

• Higher positions and how quick can they get there

• Fluid work style

• Prefer change

• Opinionated

• Determine what they can offer and allow them to teach

• Loyal to colleagues

• Casual with superiors

Generational Diversity


People resemble their times more than they resemble their parents.

“People resemble their times more than they resemble their parents.”

Generational Diversity


People resemble their times more than they resemble their parents.

How has Generational Diversity presented obstacles in your workplace?

Generational Diversity


People resemble their times more than they resemble their parents.

It is imperative that different generations communicate to understand their similarities and find ways to resolve differences, so that team, divisional and organizational performance can be increased. A high-producing, integrated organization will be best equipped to respond to the demands of a changing economy. The successful organization must focus its efforts on people management strategies that bridge the gap between generations to create more productive relationships. By leveraging the knowledge of the similarities and differences between generations, organizations can create a work environment that complements generational skills and avoids clashes and conflicts.

Generational Diversity


People resemble their times more than they resemble their parents.

Thank you. Joel Steadman

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