presentation5 satisfactionsurvey from edu 652 week 5

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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EDU 652 Week 5 Satisfaction Survey Dr. Lisa Marie Johnson PLO 4,6, or 7


EDU 652 Week 5 Assignment Creating a effective Survey Instrument

Thomas Wilson Lisa Marie Johnson August 20, 2013

Question 1.   1. In your own words describe what you like most

about Online Learning in College Courses offered where you are currently or previously had been enrolled.

Question 2.   2. Please describe in your own words how you

believe your age and gender factored into selecting an Online Learning format as a viable option for your particular situation.

Question 3.   3. How likely will you be to continue to pursue your

future educational goals with Online Learning Curriculums similar to what you have experienced to date?

Question 4.   4. How satisfied are you, using your own words,

with your accomplishments through Online Learning with your College, and do you have any regrets if any about how things went during your studies?

Question 5   . 5 Finally, please tell what you believe about your

alma mater compared to other similar institutions of

  Higher Learning; that you have come to think of it, since you have completed a level of study there?

  (Associate, Baccalaureate, etc.)

Takeaways which we can derive from this sample

survey…   The survey population as we said were kept

engaged by the type of questions we chose.

  We did not use repetitive or monotonous questions to glean information.

  We were attempting to get the participants to be more forthcoming by making these an essay type of questions.

We made sure we kept the audience from becoming

antsy or distracted…   we made sure that they were not able to anticipate

the next question by being predictable or like any other survey they had previously taken.

We were determined to keep our survey moving forward..   by not being mundane or using inane styles of


And finally we come to the one of the most important

aspects of our survey…   TO keep it SHORT!!!

We provide a feedback commentary option at the

end of the survey…   In order to find out as quickly as possible from the

sample population we ask for feedback as a type of exit polling strategy…

We quickly collate and review the data as quickly

as possible….   We want to reveal the results from the survey as

soon as possible to the participating organization to explain what the results indicate…

References   I American Association For Public Opinion Research

We give the guiding principles from AAFPO for our survey best practices

II Constant Contact Online Survey

We discuss the second most important principle at

length of their 12 best practice principles; Principle # 2 “Keep it short” (the survey)



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