presented by: randi barney personal choices that affect a fetus

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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Presented by: Randi Barney



• Understand how alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs affect the mother

• Understand how alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs affect the fetus

• Understand the importance of nutrition during pregnancy


••When a woman is pregnant, anything she eats, drinks, or smokes can affect not only herself, but her baby as well.• Most of what the mother eats, drinks, and breathes is passed along to the baby.

• How the baby is exposed• The baby’s umbilical cord is it’s lifeline. It is attached to the

placenta, which is what provides nutrients and oxygen to the baby.• Drugs pass directly through the placenta into the baby’s blood



• Using tobacco, alcohol, and/or drugs while pregnant is very dangerous. First, they may harm the mother’s own health, interfering with her ability to support the pregnancy. Second, they can directly impair prenatal development.

• The most crucial stage of development is the first ten weeks of pregnancy (1st trimester)

• After the tenth week, it is still dangerous to consume harmful substances


• If a woman smokes when she is pregnant, her baby is exposed to harmful chemicals such as tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide.

• Nicotine• causes blood vessels to constrict, so less oxygen and nutrients

reach the fetus.

• Depresses the appetite.

• Carbon monoxide • lowers the amount of oxygen the baby receives.


• Women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have:• An ectopic pregnancy• Vaginal bleeding• Placental abruption• A stillbirth• A miscarriage

• Babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to be born:• At a low birth weight (less than 5 ½ pounds)• Have birth defects• Prematurely• With mental retardation


• Smoking hurts the baby after birth, too. The baby may breathe in harmful amounts of secondhand smoke.• Breathing secondhand smoke increases the risk of:• Asthma• Bronchitis• Pneumonia• Ear infections• Slow lung growth• Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)


•When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it quickly reaches her fetus. The same amount of alcohol that is in her blood is in her baby’s blood.• Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS is a group of mental and physical defects that may include:• Microcephaly

• Mental retardation

• Heart defects

• Cleft palate

• Abnormal facial features

• Impeded growth


• As many as 1 in 10 babies may be born to women who use illegal drugs during their pregnancies• Different drugs may affect the fetus in different ways• Cocaine and Methamphetamine• These are powerful stimulants of the central nervous system.

They suppress the mother’s appetite and exert other drastic forces on her body, causing the blood vessels to constrict, the heart to beat faster, and the blood pressure to soar. • Consequences:• Hindered fetal growth

• Miscarriage

• Premature labor

*DRUGS AND PREGNANCY• Heroin• Consequences:• Premature birth

• Low birth weight

• Breathing difficulties

• Hypoglycemia

• Intracranial hemorrhage

• Babies of narcotics-dependent mothers are often born dependent themselves and suffer withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, vomiting and diarrhea, and joint stiffness

• Marijuana• Studies of marijuana use by pregnant women are inconclusive because

marijuana is often used with other drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol• Consequences:• Premature birth

• Low birth weight


• Alcoholics Anonymous Telephone: 212-870-3400 Web site:

• Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Telephone: 800-662-HELP Fax: 301-443-8751 Web site:

• http:/

*NUTRITION AND PREGNANCY• The foods you eat are the main source of nutrients for your baby. Healthy eating during pregnancy may take a little effort, but it will be a major benefit for you and your baby.

Nutrient Why you and your baby need it

Best Sources

Calcium Helps build strong bones and teeth

Milk, cheese, yogurt, sardines

Vitamin A Forms healthy skin and helps eyesight

Carrots; dark, leafy greens, sweet potatoes

Vitamin C Promotes healthy gums, teeth, and bones.

Citrus fruit, broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries

Vitamin D Helps build your baby’s bones and teeth

Sunlight, vitamin D fortified milk, salmon

Vitamin B Helps form red blood cells

Beef, liver, pork, bananas, poultry, milk

*NUTRIENTS CONT.• 2 of the most important nutrients during pregnancy are Iron and Folic acid

• Folic acid is needed to reduce the risk of neural tube defects• Iron is needed to support the growth of the baby and to

produce extra blood

Nutrient Why it is good for you and your baby

Best Sources

Folate (folic acid) Needed to produce blood and protein

Green, leafy vegetables, liver, orange juice, legumes, nuts, vitamins

Iron Helps red blood cells deliver oxygen to the baby

Lean red meat, dried beans and peas, iron-fortified cereals, prune juice

*SPECIAL CONCERNS•Women who are pregnant should not eat certain kinds of fish because the contain high levels of a form of mercury that can be harmful to the developing fetus

• Expectant mothers should avoid:• Shark• Swordfish• King Mackerel• Tilefish

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