presenter: aldo zanoni, ceo, omni technology solutions

Post on 10-May-2015






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CRM Email Integration* How your sales force will get better results by having transparent access to CRM data from ALL Exchange clients (no plug-ins required).* Why server-side CRM integration with Exchange delivers better value and user satisfaction than Outlook plug-ins.* How server-side integration empowers mobile users to access CRM information without installing separate applications.


Bridging the CRM User Adoption Gap with

Riva Server-side IntegrationBeyond the Standard Outlook Plug-in

Aldo Zanoni CEO and Managing Director

Omni Technology Solutions780.423.4200 Ext. 232


1. Accelerate SugarCRM Adoption by Solving the Last Mile User Adoption Gap Challenges

2. How Riva Transparent Synchronization Helps Solve the Last Mile Challenges

3. Riva Overview

4. Riva Screen Shots or Live Demo

5. Summary

What Causes the Last Mile User Adoption Gap?


Last Mile Challenges – Audience Poll

• What are the causes of lack of adoption?– CRM doesn’t align with business processes– Outlook plug-ins don’t do what I need– CRM interface is clunky– Users don’t want to change the way they work– Complexity (real or perceived)

– Takes too much time (sales people aren’t paid for data entry)

– Mobile phone integration challenges– Double data entry– Poor integration– Lack of management buy-in– Only one CRM instance – …

Identifying Gap Users

1. Outlook Web Access users who need to synchronize

2. Mobile users who are so disconnected they can’t benefit from the Outlook plug-in

3. Users who need to synchronise recurring appointments

4. iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, or ActiveSync users who would like to see their opportunities, cases, quotes on their devices

5. Accounts with Macs or GroupWise that need to sync

Identifying Gap Users

6. Users who need to synchronize with more than one instance of SugarCRM or with two different CRMs

7. Accounts with custom synchronisation requirements or need to sync custom fields

8. BPOS (Exchange On-line) users whose needs aren't being satisfied with the Outlook plug-in

9. Accounts where administrators want to control what gets synched to user accounts

What are some of the Plug-in Challenges?

• Need to be installed and maintained on your laptop, desktop and/or home machine

• A separate and different application needs to be installed on your BlackBerry, iPhone or ActiveSync mobile device

• Support issues are caused when upgrading your desktop OS, version of Office, Exchange or version of Outlook

• Perceived complexity

• Limited to one instance of CRM

• User frustration causes lack of adoption or poor adoption

How Does Direct Server-side Synchronization Help Solve the Problem? Transparency - Simplicity

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Web Access, BlackBerry,

ActiveSync devices, Entourage for Mac,

Mac Mail / iCal / Address Book and all GroupWise clients


“Allow me to live in my email clientand access and manage my

CRM content.”


Exchange and GroupWise

Think of Riva Integration Server as a bridge between...

Solution – Riva Integration Server

Three versions of Riva

Riva on Premise: Install Riva on a Windows XP workstation or Windows server in your environment to synchronize multiple accounts.

Riva Live: Riva offered in the cloud as SaaS. No hardware or software to install in your environment. Launched May 15, 2010.

Riva Hosted: Available for hosted email or CRM providers who want to offer Riva as a hosted solution to their customers.

Riva Live – Cloud Edition

CRM Deployment is a Business Decision

CRMs, ERPs and LOB applications play a strategic role for management, sales and service staff.

Businesses depend on and users LIVE in their CRM applications.

But users also live in their email clients!

Riva is strategic with customers because it transparently integrates their CRM and Exchange.

#1 Objective for Corporate Buy-in?

Sales and customer service are highly collaborative experiences.

Riva fosters and enhanced productivity and collaboration without changing how people use their email client.

Riva enhances profitability, sales and customer service by giving your employees access to accurate CRM information anytime and anywhere they have access to Outlook® or GroupWise®!

Increased Profitability (better customer service, more sales)

#1 Criterion for User Buy-in?

If the CRM application is not easy to use, it will not be used! If the application does not work the way users expect it to work, it will not be used!

Time is the most precious commodity users have. Riva gives time back to your users.

Riva gives users access to accurate and updated information inside the CRM or inside their email client — any time and anywhere.

Ease of Use

Riva’s Server-side Advantages

• No-touchTM integration (no software to install on clients)

• Transparent to Exchange, GroupWise and CRMs

• Compatible with hosted or on-premise CRMs and Exchange and GroupWise running on all server platforms

• No new infrastructure or firewall changes required

• Turns all email clients into transparent integrated CRM clients with support for caching and remote modes

Riva’s Strongest Asset: Transparency

Riva makes your email clients an integral part of your CRM business processes

Transparent, bi-directional synchronisation of appointments, phone calls, tasks, notes, address book contacts, accounts and organizations

Transparent synchronisation of opportunities, quotes, sale orders, invoices, cases and others from CRM* to Exchange/Outlook and GroupWise.

*Synchronised modules are CRM specific

Riva ConnectBarTM , AssignToTM and SmartConvertTM

Riva ConnectBarTM allows you to review and edit opportunities, quotes, projects and cases directly from your Exchange client.

Riva SmartConvert Drop FoldersTM allows users to drag-and-drop emails into a SmartConver folder (from all Exchange clients). Riva converts the email into a new opportunity, case, quote, etc. in your CRM.

Riva AssignToTM allows users to drag-and-drop emails and automatically archive them against an existing CRM opportunity, case or quote. (The email is archived into the history.)


Opportunity Folder Contains Email Representations of Your Opportunities

Riva ConnectBar – Open Opportunity

Direct Edit Opportunity in SugarCRM

SmartConvertTM Folders – Email

Live Demonstration orClient Screenshots

Riva Helps Close the User Adoption Gap:

• Highly scalable, server-to-server solution

• Transparent to end-users - no plug-ins or mobile applications to install and manage

• Resolves many of the causes of lack of adoption

– CRM Interface is clunky– Problems caused by legacy Outlook plug-ins– Users don’t want to change the way they work– Perceived complexity– Takes too much time– Doesn’t work on my BlackBerry or iPhone– Double data entry– Poor integration

In Summary

• Single server-side installation - quick to deploy – no plug-ins to install on any client machines or mobile devices

• Support for multiple CRMs – hosted or on premise

• Supports hosted or on-premise Exchange 2010, 2007, 2003 and GroupWise 7.0.3 and 8 (Gmail support in Q4 2010)

• Supports ALL Exchange desktop and mobile clients including Macs

• Provides Advanced Smart Integration and interoperability with SmartConvert, AssignTo and ConnectBar

• Riva Live: Cloud-based CRM integration – try it on-line at:

Thank you!

Aldo Zanoni CEO and Managing Director

Omni Technology Solutions780.423.4200 Ext. 232

Contact to get more information

about Riva.

Outlook, Entourage, Snow Leopard and GroupWise

Client Screenshots

Mac Snow Leopard Opportunities Folder

Mac Snow Leopard SmartConvert

Mac Snow Leopard iCal

Mac Address Book

Mac Entourage CRM Calendar

Mac Entourage Opportunities

Riva Sync Policy Target

Riva Scheduling

Riva Address Books

Riva Calendar Settings

Riva Task Settings

Riva Other Settings

Riva SmartConvert Settings

Riva “Assign To” Settings

Riva Connection Option Settings

CRM Address Book in GroupWise®

CRM Calendar in GroupWise®

CRM Quotes, Opportunities, Cases …

Integrated CRM Dashboard View in GroupWise®

Contact Integration – Microsoft CRM

Organization/Account Integration – Oracle CRM On Demand

Organization/Account Integration - SugarCRM

Task and Calendar Integration - Salesforce

Call, Appointment and Task Integration - GoldMine

Phone Call Integration – Info@hand

Lead Integration - SageCRM

Opportunities Integration - Salesforce

Service Request (Case) Integration - Salesforce

Dashboard Views – info@hand and GroupWise®

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