president sakuji tanaka district 7500 january 2013 vol 5 no. 4

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DISTRICT 7500 January 2013 Vol 5 No. 4

District Governor 2012 - 13Joan Vas

Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka

Governor’s Message


People always say, Time Flies and now I be-lieve it. Over six months of my DG term has passed. Where are we now? Well, we are still in the thick of

Hurricane Sandy Recovery. Some folks feel that when you do not see it on the evening news and it is not the front page story in the newspa-per, it must be over. I disagree! We are all probably in phase 2, that of some sort of rebuilding. However, there are still many people who do not have a home to rebuild and are still looking for some sort of perma-nent home. Shelters are still serving large numbers of hot meals. Volun-teers are still working hard at assist-ing others in need. Not all of the areas are open to the public or even the homeowner except on a very limited basis. However, each day, there are new indicators that we are making progress. Piles of debris are slowly being picked up. The num-ber of “Port -a- John’s” is decreas-ing. Schools damaged and unable to reopen quickly are making plans for an opening later this spring. The good news is that we, as Rotarians, continue to do what we do best and that is "Service Above Self". I want

to thank you all for your hard work and sincere efforts to reach out and help as many as possible. I believe this struggle will not end overnight and will probably go on to some degree for 3-5 years. I also want to thank the many Ro-tarians outside of our District who sent donations/goods directly to us for this Sandy Relief Effort. They include but are not limited to Rotary International Districts 7430, 7390, 7490, 7710 along with the following Rotary Clubs:Rotary Club of Hampton NH, Lo-mita Torrance Airport Rotary Club CA, The Town of Norway WI, Fort Myers S Rotary Club Fla, Rotary Club of South Poughkeepsie NY, Cape Coral Rotary Club Fla, Rotary Club of Oroville CA, Rotary Club of North Branford CT, and the fol-lowing individuals from across the country:Elinor C. Leffingwell CT, Maryann Bracken CT, Robert White, CT, Keith Wheelock NJ, Marc Frederic CA, Patrick Sinclair CT, Lt Col De-santis GA, Patricia Todd CT, along with the employees of DSL Finan-cial Services Poughkeepsie NY. Yours in service to Rotary,DG Joan J. Vas, District 7500 2012-2013

~ Club Presidents ~

It is not that difficult to earn a


from Rotary International President Tanaka.

Please refer to your 2012-2013 Presidential

Citation Brochure (900A-EN).

Club presidents must fill out and sign

a copy of the brochure and send it to DG Joan by

31 March 2013.

Page 2 DISTRICT 7500 January 2013


NID (National Immunization Day)~

January 25Thanks for Giving Dinner

~February 4

Mid Year Assembly (Pre-PETS)~

February 28Optional Day at PETS

~March 1 & 2


March 7Lombardi Awards Dinner(Sheraton, Eatontown)

~March 9, 2013

Gift Of LifeThe Celebration of Life

Crystal Point Yacht Club in Point Pleasant~

March 15Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) rescheduled

Part 1, !!, !!! & Graduate - registrations still accepted -

April 26 - 28District Conference

Cape May

January 2013 DISTRICT 7500 Page 3

Rotary District 7500Membership Campaign Phase 2 (Revised)

1300 Members by 2013 September 18, 2012 to March 1, 2013

Goal: Increase District 7500’s Membership to 1300 in 2013(District membership is currently at 1230 as reported by RI Member Access

Prize: The Club with the highest net proportional gain will be able to name a Paul Harris

Fellow. (In case of a tie, the winning Club will have accomplished all six of the

following list first)

Method: The following list contains steps the clubs need to accomplish:

• Hold a “Meet & Greet” with the following guidelines :If M & G involves two or more clubs, at least 25% of membership

from each club must participate.If M & G involves one club, at least 50% of the membership must

participate.• Hold a “Fireside/Poolside Chat” for potential members.• Hold an orientation session for your new members.• Assign a mentor to each of your new members.• Conduct a membership satisfaction survey if you did not complete one

during the last campaign.• Bring in at least two new members.

Reward: Recognition at Annual District Assembly(Clubs that accomplish all six of the above will receive recognition)

Help: Contact: PDG Gary Siciliano – garysiciliano@aol.comDG Joan J. Vas – joanvas@optonline.netDGE Sheila Vinton –

DGN Harriet Primack – PDG Dan Cortese –

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DATE: JANUARY 25, 2013





January 2013 DISTRICT 7500 Page 5


CAPE MAY GRAND HOTELApril 26 - 28, 2013!






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Monday, February 4, 2013

General Registration: 5:00-5:30 pm

PreRegister with PDG Kathleen “Boots” White, 609-410-1034Program begins promptly at 5:30 pm and will end by 8:00/8:30 pm

The Clarion Hotel & Conference Center 815 Route 37 West, Toms River, NJ 08755

$15:00 per person – Please make checks payable to “Rotary District 7500”Full Dinner includes: Salad, Choice of the following: Salmon, Chicken or Sliced Sirloin,

Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Soda, Iced Tea

Program Highlights Overview:

The State of the District – DG Joan J. Vas

The Brand Rotary - The place you want to go to do service – David C. ForwardThe E-club – How we can use it to build Rotary - EClub Secretary Ally Stine

No more Future Vision – The Future is NOW – PDG Kathy HiltnerThe Rotary Foundation and how it can work for you

The District Conference – PDG & Conference Chairperson Dan Cortese

Presidents-Elect will be meeting with DGE Sheila Vinton from 4pm-5pm

January 2013 DISTRICT 7500 Page 7

Photos from a Tour of Damaged Areas from Hurricane Sandy with PDG Mack Parker and his wife Wanda from Raleigh, NC along with District Governor Joan and Matawan/Aberdeen RC Secretary, Barbara Tuttle

Lunch at St. Paul’s Church in Bay HeadPictured left to right: Mack, Wanda, Joan & Barbara

Mack Parker with National Guardsman in Bay Head.

Giant vacuum outside a Bay Head home.

Sand still piled high in Bay Head


Page 8 DISTRICT 7500 January 2013

G. Wayne Patterson was presented a plaque for his 35 years of service to the Spring Lake/Brielle Rotary Club. He is not the oldest member but the longest serving member

Spring Lake/Brielle Rotary Club celebrates 50 years. Pictured is the Certificate of Recognition from RI President Tanaka

John Nagle, owner of the Spring Lake Manor where the Spring Lake/Brielle RC meeting are held donated $2,000.00 to establish (2) $1,000.00 scholarships in memory of the children of Sandy Hook Elementary School. He is doing this through the Spring Lake/Brielle Rotary Club. The scholarships will be kept sepa-rate from the club’s scholarship pro-gram. John is not a formal member of our club but a true Rotarian at heart. John is pictured with DG Joan Vas and Club President Gloria Szynal.

Gloria Szynal PresidentSpring Lake Brielle Rotary.

Spring Lake/Brielle Rotary Club Recieves $2,000 Donation for Scholarships

Spring Lake/Brielle Celebrates 50 Years

January 2013 DISTRICT 7500 Page 9


January 2, 2013HURRICANE SANDY:

New Jersey Districts 7500-7640: A quick response was received from Shelterbox USA. I placed a call on Tuesday and SRT Mike Freeman from Georgia was here on Thursday to evaluate and respond. We met at the Center for Vocational Rehabilita-tion (CVR) in Eatontown, a designated disaster distribution center, DG Joan took the lead on coordinating information with Rotary clubs with the assistance of Russell Anderson, District Chair Disaster Relief Management, CVR CEO and AG for 7500 along with Disk Isackson, District Chair Shelterbox, who contacted Craig McLean in Point Pleasant for their area needs. On Friday, a decision was made to provide the items determined to be the most needed, blankets, hats, scarves, gloves, chil-dren’s comfort kits and backpacks. The order was placed on Friday to a manufacturer in Utica, New York, delivered on Tues-day and fully distributed shortly thereafter. In addition, a telephone conversation with the Governor of 7640 identified a need for all of the same items and they were shipped along with 7500’s goods. New York: 1000 Blankets distributed.Haiti: 448 boxes deployed. 30,000 homes destroyed, damaged or flooded. SRTs worked with the International Organization for Migration OIM and Handicap International to identify the areas of greatest need.U.K. FLOODING:Flooding in Cornwall, U.K., home of ShelterBox provided a home field opportunity to give back. ShelterBox immediately began coordinating evacuation efforts for 200 residents in Lostwithiel, locating housing, providing transportation, transit area tents, water carriers, cooking sets and ropes.ELSEWHERE IN THE WORLD:Philippines: Super Typhoon Bopha created major flooding in the southern Islands. It is considered the worst storm to hit in 2012 with 800 people missing and 1.2 million families displaced. SRT teams in placeFiji: Cyclone Evan flooding in western part of the island hardest hit. SRT teams assessing situation.Samoa: Another victim of Cyclone Evan with winds up to 165 KPH, leaving the capital city Apia in ruins. SRT teams assessing situation. ShelterBoxes had been prepositioned earlier for rapid response.Syrian Refugees: SB has partnered with Solidarities International, a humanitarian organization providing aid and assistance to survivors of war or natural disaster to bring aid to displaced families in Syria living along the Turkish border. A Truck with blankets, ground sheets, hats, gloves, scarfs, water carriers, stoves and fuel bottles has arrived at a Solidarities International Depot at the border. SB cannot cross into Syria. SI will distribute.Jordan: SB has returned to Amman with 448 boxes and coordinating with aid agencies for distribution to Syrian refugees. Iraq-Kurdistan – 500 winterized shelters to 500 families at Domiz Refugee camp. Included are thermal tent liners, blankets, ground sheets, hats, gloves, scarfs, water filters and solar lights. Children’s activity packs sufficient for 800 students are in place.Nigeria: 224 Boxes distributed to flood victims.Guatemala: 37 Boxes and 70 tents to date distributed to earthquake victims.Uganda: Flooding in northeastern Uganda and refugees from conflict in the Congo. 700 people are crossing the border daily.In early December, Shelterbox achieved its 200th deployment across 90 countries since its first deployment in January 2001, where 143 boxes were sent to survivors of a 7.9 earthquake in Gujarat, India.2012 saw deployment to Haiti, Niger, Philippines, Russia, Pakistan, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Peru, Fiji, The Congo, Mada-gascar, Brazil, Lebanon, Samoa, Jordan, U.K., Nigeria, Guatemala, Iraq-Kurdistan and the United States.Your contributions allow this to happen. Our goal for 2012-13 is 35. So far we have only five in house. Let’s see if we can make Governor Joan’s year by contributing another 30 boxes by June 30th. Donations can be made by writing your check for $1,000 or more to SHELTERBOX USA and sending it to me at 151 Har-rington Circle, Willingboro, NJ 08046-1825 THANKS FOR YOUR ONGOING SUPPORT DICK


Page 10 DISTRICT 7500 January 2013

Rotarians to the Rescue Prior to Christmas the Medford-Vincentown Rotary Club helped several food pantries and purchased toys and shoes for those in need. On 1 and 2 December members of the Club along with the Seneca and Shawnee Interact Clubs received donations of food and money at Zal-lies ShopRite on Route 70 in Medford. The results were outstanding and the donations were di-vided between the Christian Caring Center Food Pantry in Pemberton, New Jersey and the Lions Club Food Pantry in Medford Lakes. Both facilities were running out of supplies as they worked very hard to support both local families and those impacted by Hurricane Sandy. The Christian Caring Center and the Lions Club were very grateful and thanked the Medford-Vincentown Ro-tary Club for their unselfish and generous help.

The Club also helped out in the purchase of toys and shoes for those in need. One of the M-V Rotary Clubs members and her husband spent almost $500 of the Clubs funds to purchase toys for those in need in one of the poorer neighborhoods of Philadelphia. The President of the Medford- Vincentown Rotary Club Bob Wardle presented a check for $1000 to Bob Brown, Presi-dent of Medford Lakes Lions Club to help them purchase toys and shoes for their holiday food and gift distribution program. This annual event provides food and gifts to over 80 families in Medford Township and the surrounding areas.

“Belmar-Wall RYLA Students Makes Senior Counselor”.

Rotary Club of Belmar-Wall,

I would like to say hello and let you all know that earlier this month I was selected, along with four others, as a Senior Counselor. It is now our responsibility to plan RYLA 2013! I am so excited for this opportunity and it never would have been possible without the support of your Rotary Club. I will always be thankful for clubs like yours that sponsor students to attend such a wonderful program.

Each year at RYLA, there are one or two Rotarians who stop by Monmouth University for a day to check out what all the hype is about. I think it would be beneficial and re-warding for a member of the Club to attend a few programs at RYLA this year! I would love for you to understand a little bit more about the program I have been raving about for the past three years.

I look forward to staying in contact with the Club and I will be attending the District Con-ference in April where I can introduce my fellow Senior Counselors.

Luke Pasick

Matawan-Aberdeen Rotary Club delivers 400 backpacks filled with school supplies, collected by RAINE to the Central Elementary School in Keyport, NJ. Kevin Flynn, the VP of Keyport Cen-tral School was very appreciative and got plenty of help for me and Roseann to unload the backpacks. We put them all in garbage bags and brought them into the boys locker room to store them. He called the next morning to thank me and that’s when I explained it wasn’t Mayer Catering supplying them (just the transportation). He knows it was the Matawan/ Aberdeen Rotary Club and that RAINE collected the backpacks from all over the country. He also asked if it was just for Sandy victims or can an underprivileged child have one. I said wherever you feel they are needed – that’s how the nurses dis-tribute them in Matawan schools.

We had some fun – such a great day!


January 2013 DISTRICT 7500 Page 11


Club Presidents - Send in events your club has held with photos

to Governor Joan

and see them published in the newsletter.

Club Secrertaries - Send in your club’s attendance

to District Secretary Jodi at

Let’s get the attendance back in the newsletter

The Toms River Evening RC opened the “Pop-Up” store Dec. 28 and 29, at the First Methodist Church of Toms River on Freehold Road. Clothing, pocketbooks, towels, underwear and “Sketchers” were donated by Fashion Delivers. The goods were stored at the OC Hunger Relief facility off Route 37 and then shuttled over to the church on Friday. Organizer John Mosko, with help from Chris Christiansen, Manny Hirshblond, Jack Kendrick, Mike Beyers and Bob Pastine, along with club members did a fantastic job of organizing and running the opera-tion. According to John, all it took was a telephone call to get the ball rolling. John estimated the retail value of the donated clothing to be in excess of $200,000 and that we served over 400 people on Saturday. John also thanked all Rotar-ians, family, friends and the TEAM kids from TRHS South, who really stepped up and organized the cloth-ing according to size, color, etc. When we were all done, the church was just as clean as when we walked in!

Saturday afternoon - the end of the day. The facility was only open for the one day and was extremely well received.

Pres. Bob Pastine (L), Organizer and club member John Mosko (C) and PP Chris Christiansen (R)

Club members Manny Hirshblond (R) with Mike Beyers (L) and Hal Halvorsen (C)

Members of Toms River’s TEAM students setting up and organizing the clothing.

Friday afternoon we accepted delivery of the goods. Here, the assembly line of TEAM Members carrying in some of the boxes of goods to be given out.


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It is estimated that we received over 45 pallets of shoes, clothing, towels, men’s and women’s and children’s clothing. Of all that, we returned about 6 or 7 pallets back to Ocean County Hunger Relief storage facility, as well as donating to Your Grandmothers’ Cupboard.

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