pril 1, 2018 • easter sunday olemnity of the …minor or vulnerable adult to the diocesan...

Post on 21-May-2020






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Fr. Christian Malewski Pastor

Fr. Joshua Barlett Associate Pastor

Deacon Timothy Leete Transitional Deacon

CHURCH OFFICE Phone ................. (816) 232-2847 Hours ... M-Th 8:30 am-5:00 pm; F 8:30 am-12:00 noon Fax ..................... (816) 232-0269 Rectory…………....(816) 396-9117

………... (816) 261-2948 Website ......

MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 am

Weekday Monday—Friday 8:00 am Holy Day Mass Schedule will be announced. Confession Saturday 3:00-3:45 pm Sunday 7:45-8:15 am 10:30-10:50 am


Baptismal Preparation


NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! Please register at the church office.


4503 FREDERICK BOULEVARD • ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI 64506 • 816-232-2847




Our Lady of Guadalupe: Friend of the Poor,

Welcome to Strangers, Source of Healing, Builder of Bridges.

Mission Statement

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church 2 St. Joseph, Missouri

The parish is offering a new program called the Pilgrim Statue Program and it is conducted under the lead-ership of the Legion of Mary. This program will give parish households the opportunity to “invite Mary into their home” by the way of a pilgrim statue– an image of Mary– for a week. During that week , all the mem-bers of the household pray the Rosary together each day before the pilgrim statue. The hope is to get parish households to pray the Rosary daily as was requested by Our Lady at Fatima in 1917 at each of the six appa-ritions. So central is the Rosary to the Fatima message that Our Lady chose to identify herself as “The Lady of the Rosary.” If you have not already signed up and are interested in hosting the Pilgrim Statue please call or text Kelly Douglas 816-273-6067 or email at

Legion of Mary

The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.392.3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and 3. After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816.812.2500 or, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Kathleen Chastain at 816.392.0011 or for more information.

Divine Mercy Novena-The Chapel of the Holy Rosary (Mir House) starting on Good Friday March 30 through April 8, 3 pm everyday.



Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church 3 St. Joseph, Missouri

PARISH STAFF PARISH OFFICE—232-2847 Pastor, Fr. Christian Malewski ....... ext. 1504 Associate Pastor, Fr. Joshua Barlett …………. ext. 1302 Transitional Deacon, Deacon Timothy Leete Pastoral Associate, Kathy Powers ...................... ext. 1505 Religious Education, Toni Hamera ...................... ext. 1506 Youth Minister, Ally Goetz…………………….. ext. 1507

Director of Worship Ministries, Sandy Gumm ...................... ext. 1508 Facility Manager, Steve Kneib ......................... ext. 1509 Business Manager, Angela Hurst....................... ext. 1502 Secretaries, Stephanie Miller ................. ext. 1503 Leasa Sego .......................... ext. 1501 Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti ........... 816-812-2500

From the Desk of Fr. Christian

1st Saturday Mass and Confes-sions at MIR House Fr. Christian offers Confession at 7:00 am and Mass at 8:00 am every first Saturday of the month at Mir House of Prayer. All are invited and welcome to at-tend.

O u r p r a y e r s

go out Loren Ross & Jimalee O’Connor upon the death of his brother Gerald L. Ross. May he rest in the peace of God’s eternal kingdom.

The Daughters of Isabella will meet on Tuesday, April 3 at the St. Francis Parish Center to celebrate Queen Isa-bella Day. Mass will begin at 11:30 followed by lunch and a meeting. The cost for the lunch is $3 per person.

Around Town

Now seeking qualified applicants for the position of Parish Secretary at Our Lady of Guadalupe. Please to go the following link to apply:

Dear friends, "Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!" It is a timeless tradi-tion in the Church to greet one another with these words which help keep in the forefront of our minds this great truth of Christ. "Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!" This is often referred to as the Paschal Greeting. We take close note that the present tense is used. Christ IS Risen. While certainly a historical event of the past we draw special attention to the fact that He IS Risen . . . Now . . . Right now! He lives . . . Now! He is Risen and in our midst . . . He dwells by grace in the hearts of believers. His Resur-rection means that His life - His risen life - is in us now. We have the capacity to be the visible face of Christ in the world. There is a story I once heard of a church somewhere in Eu-rope that was bombed during wartime . . . The building was mostly destroyed but the people nevertheless wanted to rebuild it. As they began to rebuild the church they tried as much as possible to reuse remaining material from the old structure. One thing they could salvage was a crucifix that hung over the altar. Only in this image Christ did not have any arms. But the interesting thing was . . . they put it up in the sanctuary regardless . . . because it helped them remember: We are Christ's arms and hands. Christ lives in us. We are as Christ's arms that embrace with compassion this world around us. That's beautiful . . . And I believe this image is helpful for us to remember this truth and how we can live it. Christ is Risen . . . Christ lives in us. This is something that we can perhaps asks ourselves dur-ing this Easter season: If the Risen Christ truly lives in us are peo-ple actually able to see Him in us? How am I, a member of Christ's Church - His Mystical Living Body and presence on this earth - as another Christ with Christ living in me . . . How am I giving wit-ness to the truth of the Resurrection? Am I living like I believe in the Resurrection or like it's just some fairy tale? Do I believe? Have I encountered the Risen Lord in my life? Our Lord wants to grow and expand the joy and life of the Resurrection and He wants to do it in and through you - all of us . . . Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen . . . A blessed Easter to all, Fr. Christian


Monday, April 2 8:00 am + Jean Waldron

Tuesday, April 3 8:00 am + Leo Burns

Wednesday, April 4 8:00 am Willoughby Family

Thursday, April 5

8:00 am + Helen Donly

Friday, April 6 8:00 am + Alita Buhman

Saturday, April 7 4:00 pm + John McCleave

Sunday, April 8 8:30 am + Millie Lammers 11:00 am Our Parishioners


Saturday, March 31 Holy Saturday

8:00 pm Easter Vigil 8:00 Mass Choir Sings

Sunday, April 1 Easter Sunday

8:30 am Mass 8:30 Mass Choir Sings 11:00 am Mass 11:00 Mass Choir Sings

Monday, April 2 Office Closed

Wednesday, April 4 6:30 am Band of Brothers 9:00 am Legion of Mary 9:00 am Quilting Group 7:00 pm Senior High Youth Group

Sunday, April 8 9:45 am School of Religion 3:30 pm Junior High Youth Group

Stewardship Reflection

April 1, 2018 4 Easter Sunday: Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord

Our next baptismal prep session is Monday, April 16, at 6:00 p.m. in the Bartlett Room. Please contact Toni Hamera at the parish office to register for the session or to schedule a baptism.

Baptismal Prep

Family Faith Formation

School of Religion

Alleluia! Christ is risen and is victorious over death! We are good stewards of our faith if, like St. Paul, we share this good news whenever and wherever we can.

Author Alice Camille states so well, “Easter is truly a verb, a dynamic event pushing upward from the darkness into the light.” Christians are Easter people. We are dynamic: always growing, changing, moving, and engaging. Even those of us who cannot be “in motion” physically—because of necessary employment, family responsibilities, or health is-sues—can experience the interior “movements” of the soul that are such a focus in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Every day the risen Christ invites us to move, to allow the breaking open that happens in a heart that is open to God and to all that divine love brings to us. We sense the inner movement, we listen to the voice of the Spirit, we pay attention to even fleeting emotions and responses that can be, in God’s hands, tools for our ongoing creation.

What does it mean to live as Easter People?

It means that I allow myself to feel what I am feeling, and to work with those emotions, bringing them to prayer and asking the Holy Spirit to use the energy of those emotions to move me forward in some way.

It means that I attend to people and situations within my circle of influ-ence, always looking for ways to “help souls,” to interpret God’s love in specific circumstances.

It means that I move into my life rather than try to avoid it, deny it, or run from it.

It means that I quiet my life enough to perceive what God is saying to me, in my one life, this day.

Blessed, happy, holy, lovely Easter to you! From Vinita Hampton Wright/Loyola Press Editor

Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating April birthdays: Lewis Bangerter, Alevia Bramlage, Camden Buhman, Jocelyn Carroll, Zaine Conrad, Marisa Cooper, Braeden Drag, Case Furtado, John Gertsema, Alexis Gonzales, Katharine Goodman, Ben Honson, Zachary Lenners, Dominic Mandracchia, Kylee Maudlin, Dylan Miller, Cameron Root,

Madison Rosonke, and Sofia Stewart. May God continue to bless you all the days of your life.

There are no SOR classes April 1. We’ll resume April 8.

JYG doesn’t meet April 2. we resume April 9.

Matthew Bobela, a senior tenor at Bishop LeBlond High School and pa-rishioner of St. Patrick Church, will be performing a Senior Recital on Sunday, April 15 at 3 pm at the Cathedral of St. Joseph (519 N 10th St, St. Joseph, MO 64501) The recital will also feature Christie Ottinger (Soprano/Director of Music-Bishop LeBlond High School) and the Bishop LeBlond Concert Choir. There will be a dessert reception to follow in Rug-gle Hall in the Cathedral basement. Admission is free, and there will be a free-will offering with proceeds going to the Bishop LeBlond Music De-partment.

Around Town

Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church 5 St. Joseph, Missouri


Donation of Treasure

Envelope ............................ $14,256.00 Plate ..................................... $1,037.00 Total ................................... $15,293.00

(Mar) Total (as of 3/19)…....$52,688.00 (Mar) Budget...........……......$64,775.00

Donation of Time and Talent: Time: Dana Gertner, Danyelle Gonzales,

and Carl O Johnson/

Confirmation Retreat Chaperones

Talent: John and Karen Buhman:


Youth Ministry

Please do not put checks or adult enve-lopes in the Coins for Kids Container by the ambo. Thank you!

Registration for this summer’s Steubenville Conference is now open! If your child is in 9th-12th grade, he/she is invited to attend this wonderful conference in Springfield, Missouri, held from July 20th-22nd. If interested, please contact Ally Goetz at the parish of-fice.

Registration for Camps Savio & Bosco is now open! If your child is in 6th-8th grade, he/she is invited to attend Camp Savio, held from June 4-9. The cost for Camp Savio is $375, which includes a $150 deposit. If your child is in 9th-12th grade, he/she is invited to attend Camp Bosco, held from June 19-23. The cost for Camp Bosco is $325, which includes a $150 deposit. If your child is interested in at-tending, please contact Ally Goetz at the parish office as soon as possible!

Be sure to follow the OLOG Youth Group on social media to keep updated on events: In-stagram: @ologyouthgroup Twitter: @OLOG_YouthGroup

Faith in Action

Pastoral Care

Due to the April 2nd Easter Monday holiday for the parish, the grief support group, “Mourning

Journey” will not be held but will resume Monday, April 9th at 6:30 p.m. in the Bartlett Room.

Food for the month of April is canned meats (tuna, salmon, chicken, or canned dinners such as spa-

ghetti & meatballs, ravioli, etc.) Protein is a vital part of a healthy diet, however, any type of food that you’d care to donate is most appreciated! Please place your food donation in one of the wooden food

crates at all outside doors of the church. All food donations go directly to the local Catholic parish food pantries. Thanks for your thoughtful contributions!

“BeFriender Ministry” is a ministry offered by our parishioners for our parishioners. It’s just one reminder that we, as members of our Catholic faith community, will never have to walk alone as we carry the burdens of illness, grief, loss, and the various afflictions of life. God is with us always and one of many ways we see and feel his presence is through the caring presence and the focused, listening at-tention of another. Confidentiality is a mainstay of BeFriender Ministry. While Befrienders are unable to take away the suffering, their presence does provide comfort and care. One parishioner described it as “a soothing balm.” If you need more information, please contact Kathy Powers at the parish office, 232-2847.

There will be no Junior High Youth Group this Sunday, April 1st. We hope to see everyone next week. Have a blessed Easter! Senior High Youth Group will be held this Wednesday, April 4th from 7:00-8:30pm in the Bartlett Room. Pizza and drinks are provided. We hope to see everyone there! Central High School is hosting the monthly Catholic Breakfast

Club meeting in Room 100 at 7:00am this Thursday, April 12th.

Donuts and drinks are provided. Come to take part in faith and fel-lowship with us!

Attention RCIA – we will not have a session on Tuesday, April 3rd

but will resume Tuesday, April 10th at 6:30 p.m.


Around Town

April 1, 2018 6 Easter Sunday: Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord

Bishop LeBlond will host the "Sunset Relays" on Saturday, April 14 at 7 p.m. This non-traditional track meet offers participants the chance to run for fun and compete in track and field events. This All-Comers Track Meet is a fundraiser for the LB Track and Field Team and is open to all ages. No high school aged athletes participating in MSHSAA sponsored events may compete. Events for kids 12 and under include: Javelin (with a pool noodle), Shot Put (with a softball), and Discus (with a frisbee) Events for all ages include: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 4x200 and 4x400 coed relays. $30 entry fee for the first event includes a T-shirt. $5 for each ad-ditional event. Sign up at by searching for Sunset Relays.

The Christian Brothers Alumni Association is sponsoring its 151st Reunion the weekend of April 6th and 7th. All alumni/alumnae of LeBlond, The Convent of the Sacred Heart and Christian Brothers are invited, especially the classes of 1968, '63, '58, '53, '48 and ’43. There will be a Mixer on Friday evening at K of C #5067 and a banquet on Saturday evening at LeBlond. Dues-paying CB alums should receive an invitation in the mail, but if you’re an alum, and didn’t receive an invitation in the mail, call John Mallon (816-671-1393) or Diane Slentz (816-232-2191) for details. Come and celebrate with your classmates from high school days!

Parish Social Life

St. Francis Xavier School is hosting Falcon 5, a fund-raiser for its scholarship fund, on Sunday, April 8. The event includes a 5 mile chip timed and measured run, a 5K chip timed run/walk and a kids Star Wars fun run. It will be at Bartlett Park in St. Joseph. Register at For more information, go to

The Annual REFLECTIONS OF HOPE 2018 Saint Teresa of Calcutta Service Award

Luncheon will be held in Summers Hall, Monday, April 30th, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. The luncheon of-fers the unique opportunity to recognize those in our community who exemplify a life of service, fol-

lowing the model of Saint Teresa of Calcutta. If you would like to honor someone you can send their name and contact information to Elaine Ingle, 18658 Evergreen Terrace, Country Club, MO 64505.

You must also send a brief explanation of how they serve their fellow man in humble and powerful ways. The luncheon is $25.00 per ticket and reservations are due by April 9, 2018.

The Monthly Potluck Birthday luncheon will be held Wednesday April 11, at 12:00 noon in Summers Hall. Please come by 11:45 a.m. to sign the birthday cards that have been prepared for us. The dish you bring

(meat, vegetable, salad or dessert) will be greatly appreciated. The luncheon will be followed by an Altar Society Meeting at 1 pm.

Hospitality will be held following all the Masses on the weekend of April 14th and 15th. All are invited to bring a dish to share and take time following Mass, to visit with parish friends.

The Guadalupe Breakfast Club resumes on Tuesday, April 17th. It’s hoped that all with gather for

the 8:00 a.m. Mass and then come to Summers Hall for a potluck breakfast. Everyone invited to please bring a breakfast item to share. We will be carpooling to Hamilton, MO to tour the J.C. Penney

Museum, have lunch, and then visit of few of the well-known quilting shops there. The return home would be 3-3:30 p.m. Contact Kathy at the parish office for more information. Please call ASAP to

sign up for the trip and especially to let us know if you can be a driver. 232-2847

ATTENTION ALL FIRST RESPONDERS St Francis Xavier Parish and Knights of Columbus Council 15126 will host a Catholic Blue Mass for all First Responders on Sunday, April 8th at the 11:30 am Mass. The pur-pose of this Blue Mass is to honor, pray for, and bless all Police men and women, Firefighters, EMS Responders and 911 Dispatchers in our community. The Mass is open to all active law enforcement, safety officers and emergency personnel in the greater St Joseph area. Those of all faiths are invited to attend. Families and those in the community who support these police, fire and emergency officials are also invited. This will mark the first ever event of this type conducted in St Joseph. Following the Mass, a reception will be held in the St Francis Xa-vier Parish Center at which the First Responders will be individually recognized and presented with Certificates of Recognition and Appreciation. Please call Pam or Connie in the St Francis Xavier Parish Office at 816-232-8449 with the name and contact information of any first responder who wishes to participate.

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