primary research evaluation template

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Name: Maximilian StainerCandidate Number: 3138Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

Primary Research


Question 1

From the first question of the survey I can identify that most of the public who took part in this survey are male. This may later affect the colors, artists and other features they prefer.

Question 2

With this question answered by the public we can suggest that most of the people are 16-20 closely followed by 21-30. As this is a general question we cannot really analyze this.

Question 3

This question that has been answered is vital to take away because it will allow me to understand what the socio-economic of the people who answered and therefore it may help me suggest what the status is of the audience who will likely buy the magazine.

Question 4

This question identifies that most people think that 90% of the gender who will read this magazine of genre will be male which will allow me to focus making this magazine which will attract males more as the are deemed as the target audience.

Question 5

This question answered by the public reveals that over 90% think that the main image is the most important feature on the front cover therefore I need to take this under consideration and edit my photography and make sure I have the best possible image to appeal the most to the audience.

Question 6

From this question the answers received justify that both ‘black, white and gold’ and ‘Black, white and red’ . This evidently depicts that the public prefer these two colour ways and they may think that they link or represent to the genre of hip/hop and rap. Alongside this they may think that these colours are the most attractive and would feel that this will appeal the most to the audience. The reason why someone preferred black, white and grey is may be because it is plain and simple but effective.

Question 7

This question answered by the by the public identifies that the results are varied as the majority only voted for Drake which was only 36%. This 36% may suggest that they would like to view a artist who is popular at the moment like Drake so people who follow the hip hop/ rap genre can learn more about this model. As a result having a more known artist such as Drake will appeal more to the audience. Alongside this the public voted for ‘other’ which may imply that would like a new face as the front cover for readers to buy to divert themselves into a completely new artist and their music.

Question 8

From my eighth question it depicts that majority of the public both voted for ‘Yes’ and ‘Depends on the offer’ which identify that people are attracted to buying a magazine if there was any puff promotions which reveals that this will be vital to include as it may open a wider audience who would be interested in buying this magazine due to the extra benefits such as promotions. The reason to why 28% voted no may signify that they care about the music details and nothing much as they may think that the promotions are a waste of space or it takes too much out of the magazine.

Question 9

Question 9 illustrates that the most fashion type put down was ‘Urban’. From this question answered by the public it identifies me what taste they have in terms of fashion which I can relate to their taste in music. This is because urban usually fits into the hip/ hop genre which along with ‘skater’ which is significant as it allows me to understand if they’re interested in the genre I am basing my magazine around. This also makes my survey more reliable to use as it reveals that most people follow this genre

Question 10

This question follows up from question 8 as it links to the use of promotions within my magazine. Here the public voted that they would be most attractive to a magazine that would have festival promotions. Because of this I feel that it is important I include festival promotions on the front cover of my magazine as this will immediately address some readers to buy this magazine.

Questionnaire results

From this we can identify that all the people who took apart in this questionnaire are all males which may affect the results after as they may have different opinions to females.

Here we can view that all the people who took part in this questionnaire were all in the 16 to 20 year old barrier. This is helpful as it can relate to my taste in music and features of a magazine.

This is essential for my planning as it will convey what target audience I should appeal for and what class of the socio economic spectrum they will be in. this will guide me what sort of class reads these type of magazines.

Here we have a split answer where the public suggested that hip hop/ rap magazines are suitable to ‘male’ and ‘both’ this illustrates that this is more suitable to male but it is argued that It can be followed by females. As a result of this I will construct my magazine to attract males but also include artists that will also appeal to females sop therefore I can gain as many followers as I can.

This question answered by the public implies that most think that the main image is the most important convention for the front cover. This is because it applies to the ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer) which means I could have someone who is popular which will attract more followers. I could also direct the image as if it is addressing the reader to persuade them to buy the magazine. As well as this some voted that the masthead is popular this may be because it is the brand of the magazine which will be important to make effective as it will be viewed throughout the whole issue which therefore needs to look appealing.

Here the majority of the public assumed that black, white and red would be the the colour way of the magazine which in my opinion is the most appealing. This is always reassuring to have as if the majority preferred this colour the most then it refers that I have an appropriate and mainstream taste in the magazine. In addition I did also like the black, white and gold as I feel this represents the image of rap more but the black, white and red represents both hip hop/ rap in general.

In this question we can identify that there is a huge group of the public who follow the artist Drake which is not surprising because in recent years Drake has become a very influential artist in the music industry as has even become a role model for many. Therefore in order to replicate this into my magazine I must relate the model for my front cover to seem symmetrical to Drake e.g. same fashion.

Here many of the public would think that promotions would attract them more into buying the magazine which will signify that I will need to incorporate promotions that will grab the readers’ attention and force them to buy the magazine. The effective use of promotions will depend on the type of promotion which will be stated later in the questionnaire analysis.

The fashion the public are mostly into is urban which I expected as this is a very common fashion type for people around the age of 16. this may be because urban street wear is accessible to purchase and looks attractive when wearing. Alongside this I thought that more people would have a skater fashion sense as this also links well with hip hop/ rap. As a result of this I will likely dress my model in mainly urban but with concepts of skater and vintage with it to make the model seem appealing to the reader.

This question is valuable because it highlights that most of the public will like to have festival promotions in their magazine. This may be because festival are very popular but expensive which will attract more people in the 16-20 age category.

What masthead would you find appealing?


From this question answered by the public it signifies that Kings is the most appealing masthead which I myself agree with because I feel it highlights dominance in the music industry and therefore it produce the best and most exclusive articles on famous artists.

Evidence of questionnaire

Screenshot of questionnaire

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