prison dreams -€¦ · first lesson - genesis 40:1-15 1 then it came...

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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Inviting all people to faith ... Come and Worship - Go and Work

Pastor - Lee Laaveg | Ministers - All

Phone: 712-580-4316 2912 Highway Blvd, Spencer, Iowa 51301

September 20, 2020 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Email us at:

Catch us on the Web: | YouTube Live Stream

Follow us @flcspencer

Like us on Facebook Faith Lutheran Church LCMC

Watch us on SMU: Monday @ 8:30 p.m. and Tuesday @ 11:00 a.m.

Prison Dreams


*Opening Song - “Eye Of The Storm”



Song - “Be Thou My Vision”


We meet in the strong name of our God,

We praise You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.


Lord, we are imperfect people living in an imperfect world;

We are also broken people living in a broken world.

We are often foolish, selfish, and stubborn.

Forgive our sins and fill us again with your Holy Spirit.

We believe in the power of your love and grace through Jesus Christ.

We cling in hope to the truth that you will never leave us or forsake us.

Use our lives as partners in your eternal plans.

Empower us to be faithful servants of Christ.

Give us courage to live for you each day.

We are forgiven! We are loved! We are healed! We are restored! Amen.

*Prayer of the Day

Lord God, we need you each day to walk by faith. In this broken world, we often

journey through suffering. Give us faith to trust your presence, even when we walk

through the valley of darkness. Grant us a clear vision of the future you have promised,

so that we might continue our walk of faith with courage and hope to persevere

wherever you lead us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Installation of Sunday School Teachers, Confirmation Guides and Mentors

First Lesson - Genesis 40:1-15

Second Lesson - Genesis 41:1-16, 28-32

*Gospel - Matthew 1:1-2, 16-23

Children’s Message

Song - “Worn”

Sermon - “Prison Dreams”

Song - “10,000 Reasons/What A Beautiful Name”

*Confession of Faith

Prayers of the Church

*Words of Institution for Holy Communion

*Lord’s Prayer

Distribution Song - “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”


*Closing Song - “How Great Is Our God”

Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

*Please stand if you are able.


Our worship service is also found live on YouTube at

The church office is open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Please contact the church office at 712-580-4316 for any questions or concerns.

First Lesson - Genesis 40:1-15 1 Then it came about after these things, the cupbearer and the baker for the king of

Egypt offended their lord, the king of Egypt. 2 Pharaoh was furious with his two officials,

the chief cupbearer and the chief baker. 3 So he put them in confinement in the house

of the captain of the bodyguard, in the jail, the same place where Joseph was

imprisoned. 4 The captain of the bodyguard put Joseph in charge of them, and he

took care of them; and they were in confinement for some time. 5 Then the cupbearer

and the baker for the king of Egypt, who were confined in jail, both had a dream the

same night, each man with his own dream and each dream with its own

interpretation. 6 When Joseph came to them in the morning and observed them,

behold, they were dejected. 7 He asked Pharaoh’s officials who were with him in

confinement in his master’s house, “Why are your faces so sad today?” 8 Then they

said to him, “We have had a dream and there is no one to interpret it.” Then Joseph

said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell it to me, please.” 9 So the chief cupbearer told his dream to Joseph, and said to him, “In my dream,

behold, there was a vine in front of me; 10 and on the vine were three branches. And

as it was budding, its blossoms came out, and its clusters produced ripe grapes. 11 Now

Pharaoh’s cup was in my hand; so I took the grapes and squeezed them into

Pharaoh’s cup, and I put the cup into Pharaoh’s hand.” 12 Then Joseph said to him,

“This is the interpretation of it: the three branches are three days; 13 within three more

days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your office; and you will put

Pharaoh’s cup into his hand according to your former custom when you were his

cupbearer. 14 Only keep me in mind when it goes well with you, and please do me a

kindness by mentioning me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house. 15 For I was in fact

kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing that

they should have put me into the dungeon.”

Second Lesson - Genesis 41:1-16, 28-32 1Now it happened at the end of two full years that Pharaoh had a dream, and

behold, he was standing by the Nile. 2 And lo, from the Nile there came up seven

cows, sleek and fat; and they grazed in the marsh grass. 3 Then behold, seven other

cows came up after them from the Nile, ugly and gaunt, and they stood by the other

cows on the bank of the Nile. 4 The ugly and gaunt cows ate up the seven sleek and

fat cows. Then Pharaoh awoke. 5 He fell asleep and dreamed a second time; and

behold, seven ears of grain came up on a single stalk, plump and good. 6 Then

behold, seven ears, thin and scorched by the east wind, sprouted up after them. 7 The

thin ears swallowed up the seven plump and full ears. Then Pharaoh awoke, and

behold, it was a dream. 8 Now in the morning his spirit was troubled, so he sent and

called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all its wise men. And Pharaoh told them his

dreams, but there was no one who could interpret them to Pharaoh.

9 Then the chief cupbearer spoke to Pharaoh, saying, “I would make mention today of

my own offenses. 10 Pharaoh was furious with his servants, and he put me in

confinement in the house of the captain of the bodyguard, both me and the chief

baker. 11 We had a dream on the same night, he and I; each of us dreamed

according to the interpretation of his own dream. 12 Now a Hebrew youth was with us

there, a servant of the captain of the bodyguard, and we related them to him, and he

interpreted our dreams for us. To each one he interpreted according to his own

dream. 13 And just as he interpreted for us, so it happened; he restored me in my office,

but he hanged him.” 14 Then Pharaoh sent and called for Joseph, and they hurriedly

brought him out of the dungeon; and when he had shaved himself and changed his

clothes, he came to Pharaoh. 15 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I have had a dream, but no

one can interpret it; and I have heard it said about you, that when you hear a dream

you can interpret it.” 16 Joseph then answered Pharaoh, saying, “It is not in me; God will

give Pharaoh a favorable answer.” 28 “It is as I have spoken to Pharaoh: God has shown to Pharaoh what He is about to

do. 29 Behold, seven years of great abundance are coming in all the land of Egypt; 30 and after them seven years of famine will come, and all the abundance will be

forgotten in the land of Egypt, and the famine will ravage the land. 31 So the

abundance will be unknown in the land because of that subsequent famine; for it will

be very severe. 32 Now as for the repeating of the dream to Pharaoh twice, it means

that the matter is determined by God, and God will quickly bring it about.”

Gospel - Matthew 1:1-2, 16-23 1 The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of

Abraham: 2 Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob

the father of Judah and his brothers. 16 Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of

Mary, by whom Jesus was born, who is called the Messiah. 17 So all the generations

from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; from David to the deportation to

Babylon, fourteen generations; and from the deportation to Babylon to the Messiah,

fourteen generations. 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother

Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be

with child by the Holy Spirit. 19 And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and

not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. 20 But when he had

considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying,

“Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who

has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a Son; and you shall call

His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” 22 Now all this took place to

fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 23 “BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL BE


means, “GOD WITH US.”

Pastor’s Ponderings . . .

Discipleship Course | Today, Sunday, Sept. 20

10:30 a.m. | SON Room | In Pursuit of Jesus

Jesus is one of the most talked about figures in history. Some love Him. Some hate Him. Many are simply indifferent. Find out more about Him and His impact on this world.

Episode 1: New York City! - Start your journey in New York City ... a place where the hustle is real and truth is relative. It’s a melting pot of cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles.

Pick up your passport. It’s time to pursue Jesus.

1. How would you feel about yourself and life if you were convicted and in

prison? Now imagine that you were innocent, and falsely accused. How do

you feel now in prison?

2. Could “prison” be a metaphor for other life circumstances? In what way?

3. Will a believer in Jesus suffer more, less, or the same as an unbeliever in this


4. Because God is all-powerful and all-loving, what expectations does faith


5. What role do dreams play in our story of Joseph?

6. When you suffer or face crisis, do you ever feel as if God has forgotten or

abandoned you?

7. What is the relationship between perseverance and hope?

Sunday School Teachers,

Confirmation Guides

and Mentors are being

installed today!

Children’s Sunday School starts today at 10:30 a.m.

Saturday, September 26 Marriage Night at Faith Lutheran has been

cancelled. We look forward to bringing this event to

Faith Lutheran in 2021!

Wednesday, 9.23

Crossing the

Red Sea

5:30 p.m.

WoW! Community Meal


6:30 p.m.

WoW! Worship service

and Confirmation




Next Sunday,

Sept. 27!

Nine Stephen Ministers will be commissioned

here at Faith! These very gifted people will bring

strength to our congregation by giving one-to-one

care to those who are grieving, need long-term

care, or want a caring person walk alongside with

through life. They have answered a special call to

use their gifts to follow in Jesus’ caring footsteps.

As we commission these new Stephen Ministers,

let us celebrate the completion of their training

for this ministry and thank God for their

generous response to His call, keeping the

success of their ministry always in our prayers.

The Stephen Ministers to be commissioned are:

Del Brockshus, Roger and Vickie Godfredsen,

Laura Heikens, Bill Nitzel, Heidi Skadeland,

Dave and Barb Solberg and Cheryl Stueven

Fellowship Returns!

Starting Today!

Job opening

Communications and Technology Director

We’re looking for a Communications and Technology Director at Faith! Do you

have the communication and technology skills to help our church move forward?

If you or someone you know is interested, please find the job description on the

church website homepage

Apply using the online form and attach your resume.

Job applications will be received through September 30, 2020.

Thank you

Each month, Pastor Lee

records a message for the

Christian Crusaders radio

broadcast. His next message,

“Battling Temptation” can be

heard on Sunday, Sept. 27:

WNAX 570AM, Yankton, 9:00 a.m.

KWMT 540AM, Fort Dodge, 8:30 a.m.

WHO 1040AM, Des Moines, 7:05 a.m.

Listen to Pastor Lee's messages on the radio the

last Sunday of each month.

All messages are available on the

Christian Crusaders website

Christian Woman Speaks

broadcasts over KICD-AM on

Sunday, Sept. 27 at 9:20 a.m.

featuring Cheryl Hessenius

Being a part of Christian Woman Speaks is a fun experience. If you would like to be

a part of this ministry, please contact

Alice Nielsen at 712-264-0727.


September 20

Rachel Simington

September 21

Bev Hummel

September 22

Sheryl Lee

September 26

Julie Williams

Brayden Yungbluth


September 21

Gene & Pam Englin

Eli & Sara Franker

Casey & Alexa


September 25

Shawn & Mary


You shall love the LORD your God with

all your heart and with all your soul

and with all your might. Deuteronomy 6:5

BIBLE PRESENTATION to the Sunday School Children

in Pre-school, Kindergarten,

2nd and 6th Grades.

Sunday, Oct. 4 | 9:00 a.m.

Faith Youth - grades 6-12 - are invited to

Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp’s Outreach Night!

Sunday, October 4 | Block Party/Kickball

Cost is $4 (for the meal)

RSVP is required by the Camp - please contact Brittany Spieker

at 712-260-4273 by 4:00 p.m., Thursday, October 1.

Outreach Night is an opportunity for 6th through 12th grade youth to join with

other youth of all denominations around the area to fellowship, grow in faith, and

have fun together!

An evening of Outreach Night includes dinner, worship, a message, and of course

games! Everyone is welcome.

Outreach may look slightly different with having physical distance from one

another. We are taking extra steps to clean, sanitize and serve meals here at camp

during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We ask the you stay

home if you are sick in any way in order to protect and

keep others safe. We are requiring the wearing of

masks indoors, except when eating. As much as

possible, we are having activities and worship outside,

so dress appropriately.

Frauds and Scams

Recently, fraudulent email messages were

sent to many Faith members appearing to

be from “Pastor Lee”. A quick look at the email

address reveals the messages are truly not from

Pastor’s email address. Always look at the email

address from which the questionable message is

sent. Generally, it is not Pastor’s. In all cases, if an

email message seems odd, do not reply. Please call

Pastor Lee or the church office to verify. We are now

seeing some scam text messages sent to members.

If it seems odd to get a text message from an

unknown source, do not touch any web addresses

and DELETE the message.

Thank you!



JULY $21,895.50 $195,311.17 $200,052.83 31

AUGUST $28,142.00 $228,858.17 $166,505.83 69

SEPT. 1-6 $ 4,464.00 $233,322.17 $162,041.83 89

SEPT. 7-13 $ 8,651.58 $241,973.75 $153,390.25 83


Thank you for generously supporting Faith Lutheran in 2020!



BUDGET: $395,364.00

“Whatever you do in word or deed,

do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving

thanks through Him to God the Father..”

Colossians 3:17 (NASB)

Continued Support of the UDMO Food Pantry


Upper Des Moines Opportunity (UDMO) is in need of egg noodles, cake mix and

jelly (please, no glass jars) as well as other non-perishable food and personal


Lutheran World Relief School Kits: Faith Lutheran needs: Wide or college-ruled,

70 sheet count notebooks | Blunt scissors | 16/24 count Crayons

2-1/2 inch Erasers | Unsharpened No. 2 pencils | Rulers with inches & centimeters

Items can be donated by placing them in the yellow Missions box

inside the church near the front doors.

You can find the blue recycle bin in the storage on

the east side of the kitchen. There is a cardboard

dumpster outside for large items.

What can you recycle?

Glass | Metal and Cans

Plastics #1-7 - (numbers are found on

the bottom of the container)

Cardboard and Cartons (egg or milk) | Paper and Newspapers

For large cardboard items, we have a cardboard-only

dumpster outside. Thank you for helping our church!




Thank you to today’s . . .

Worship Leader Barb Solberg

Instrumentalist Denise Laaveg

Vocalist Radina Jansen

Scripture Reader Dave Susie

Children’s Message Evan Nielsen

Prayers of the Church Linda Susie

Altar Prep Denise Laaveg

Camera Paul Wire

Lead Tech Lori Krei

Greeters/Ushers Tom and Pam Hanson

Next Sunday, September 27

Worship Leader Eric Patten

Instrumentalist Denise Laaveg

Vocalists Brett and Jolynne Eilts

Scripture Reader Kay Iversen

Children’s Message Pastor Lee

Reader’s Theater Heidi Skadeland, Brett Eilts, Evan Nielsen, Jolynne Eilts

Prayers of the Church Dennis Larson

Altar Prep Denise Laaveg

Camera Cindy Tigges

Lead Tech Lori Krei

Greeters/Ushers Al and Carla Vanderberg

Pastor: Lee Laaveg

Worship Director: Denise Laaveg

Church Administrator: Lori Krei

Outreach & Stephen Ministry Director:

Eric Patten -

Custodian: Rich Stueven

Technology Director: Lori Krei

Office Assistant: Cheryl Stueven

LifeKids Director: Radina Jansen

Faith Lutheran Church Staff:

Faith Lutheran

Church Videos

on SMU

Each week our

worship service is

broadcast on SMU

Channel 3 on Monday

and Tuesday. The

service may also be

viewed on the SMU

website. A handy link

is provided below.

Happy 10th Anniversary, Faith! Faith is celebrating it’s diamond anniversary!

This Week at Faith!

Today - Sunday, September 20

9:00 a.m. Worship : In-house worship and live stream on YouTube

10:30 a.m. Fellowship

Children’s Sunday School

Discipleship Course - SON Room - In Pursuit of Jesus

Monday, September 21

7:40 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. All-day LifeKids After School Program

5:30 p.m. Youth Ministry Team meeting

6:00-9:00 p.m. Foster Parenting Class

Tuesday, September 22

3:30-5:30 p.m. LifeKids After School Program

Wednesday, September 23

1:00 p.m. Staff meeting

3:30-5:30 p.m. LifeKids After School Program

5:30 p.m. WoW! Community Meal (Spaghetti)

6:30 p.m. WoW! Worship service


Thursday, September 24

3:30-5:30 p.m. LifeKids After School Program

Friday, September 25

3:30-5:30 p.m. LifeKids After School Program

Saturday, September 26

7:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study

Upcoming Special Events!

September 27 Stephen Minister Commissioning

October 4 Worship and Bible Presentation

IOBLC Outreach

Please contact the church office (712-580-4316) for a current calendar of events.

Or, check the online calendar at

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