privacy preserving data sharing with anonymous id assignment using aida algorithm

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©IJCERT 23| P a g e

ISSN (Online): 2349-7084

International Journal of Computer Engineering In Research Trends (IJCERT)

Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2014, PP 23-29

Privacy Preserving Data Sharing With Anonymous ID

Assignment Using AIDA Algorithm

Allam.Jyothi1 ,M.Tech Research Scholar,

A.Kusuma2 ,Assistant Professor,

Dr.S.Prem Kumar3, Head of the Department

Department of CSE, G.Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology

JNTU Anatapur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract: In contemporary world web has created a leeway into daily lives with all information

being hold on during a server of some type so spread or employed in the style required. this can

be confined to multiple applications like patient medical records, balloting details, banking,

social networking, email, analysis etc. however the identity has to be preserved for each the

information and therefore the owner because the case is also that is more and {more} turning

into a drag with additional and more identities allotted to the information particularly just in

case of distributed server sharing. Existing solutions target the central server model that is

computationally costly, includes a immense information measure exchange, information security

is compromised and therefore not fitted to the distributed model hip currently. The proposed

work focuses on the distributed side of computing wherever the IDs are anonymous employing a

distributed computation with no central authority and such IDs will be used as a part of schemes

for sharing or dividing communications information measure, information storage, and

alternative resources anonymously and while not convict. it's doable to use secure add to permit

one to opt-out of a computation beforehand on the premise of sure rules in applied mathematics

revealing limitation. These model suites for the distributed computing model with Anonymous ID

assignment wherever procedure overhead is low, information measure consumption is

additionally less. The AIDA algorithm is applied serially and therefore is secure, however chiefly

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the distributed nature of the information sharing system is sustained. The protocol for privacy

conserving mistreatment anonymous id assignment is no-hit.

Keywords: Privacy, Anonymity, Distributed Computing Systems, secure multiparty computation,

Anonymization, Deanonymization, privacy preserving data mining, privacy protection.


Large numbers of conclusions in privacy-preserving are obtained by researchers, most of that area unit supported

Associate in Nursing assumption that every party is semi-honest. Web involves and permits sharing of knowledge

however identity of the shared data owner is to be preserved. This is often referred to as maintaining namelessness

that's whistle blower with increasing server storages like cloud this is often a tangle space. specifically, a celebration

is deemed semi-honest once that the party follows the protocol properly with the exception that it keeps a record of

all its intermediate computation results then tries to deduce additional info additionally to the protocol result.

Moreover, researchers additionally assume that each party doesn't conspire or share its record with the other party.

However, reliance on such assumptions proves problematic therein a celebration cannot trust any party while not

taking substantial risk that their protection of their non-public info. Privacy-preserving data processing is regarding

protective the individual privacy and retentive the maximum amount as attainable the data during a dataset to be free

for mining. The perturbation approach and also the k-anonymity model area unit 2 major techniques for this goal.

The k-anonymity model assumes a quasi-identifier (QID) that may be a set of attributes that will function Associate

in nursing symbol within the information set. In the simplest case, it's assumed that the dataset may be a table which

every tuple corresponds to a private. The privacy could also be desecrated if some quasi-identifier values area unit

distinctive within the free table. The idea is that Associate in nursing aggressor will have the data of another table

wherever the quasi-identifier values area unit coupled with the identities of people. Therefore, a be a part of of the

free table with this background table can disclose the sensitive information of people. Think about a situation within

which an outsized range of parties, like several tiny retail stores, collaborate to figure some secure operate of their

inputs. as an example, they require to urge some info relating to market conditions. In such a situation, a number of

the parties concerned could also be enticed to sneak a peek at their competitor’s non-public records. This situation

with four parties, numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4, collaborating to figure some secure operate of their inputs, 1X,2X, 3X and

4X severally. Assume that party one may be a common rival of party a pair of, 3 and 4. Then these parties might

therefore prefer to unite to create a coalition once the execution of the protocol to deduce the privacy info of party

one from the messages received from party one (m2, m3, m4) and also the end result. Strategies for assignment and

victimization sets of pseudonyms are developed for anonymous communication in mobile networks. The strategies

developed in these works typically need a trusty administrator, as written, and their finish merchandise typically

takes issue from ours in kind and/or in applied math properties.

Privacy Preserving Data Sharing With Anonymous ID Assignment Using AIDA Algorithm

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The availability of big numbers of databases recording an outsized sort of info regarding people makes it attainable

to find info regarding specific people by merely correlating all the offered databases. Though confidentiality and

privacy area unit typically used as synonyms, they're totally different concepts: information confidentiality is

regarding the problem (or impossibility) by Associate in nursing unauthorized user to be told something regarding

information hold on within the info. Usually, confidentiality is achieved by implementing Associate in nursing

access policy, and presumably by victimization crypto logic tools. Privacy relates to what information is often safely

disclosed while not unseaworthy sensitive info relating to the legitimate owner. The issues of knowledge

confidentiality and anonymization are thought of singly.

However, a relevant downside arises once information hold on during a confidential, anonymity-preserving info has

to be compelled to be updated. The operation of up-dating such a info, e.g. by inserting a tuple containing info a few

given individual, introduces 2 issues regarding each the namelessness and confidentiality of {the information the

info the information} hold on within the info and also the privacy of the individual to whom the info to be inserted

area unit related: (i) is that the updated info still privacy-preserving? And (ii) will the info base owner have to be

compelled to understand the data to be inserted? Clearly, the 2 issues area unit connected within the sense that they

will be combined into the subsequent problem: can the info owner decide if the updated info still preserves privacy

of people while not directly knowing the new information to be inserted.


This paper builds associate algorithmic rule for sharing straightforward number information on high of secure total.

The sharing algorithmic rule is going to be used at every iteration of the algorithmic rule for anonymous ID

assignment (AIDA). This AIDA algorithmic rule, and also the variants that we have a tendency to discuss, will need

a variable and limitless variety of iterations. Finitely-bounded algorithmic rules for AIDA increase a parameter

within the algorithm can scale back the amount of expected rounds. However, our central algorithmic rule needs

finding a polynomial with coefficients taken from a finite field of integers modulo a main. That task restricts the

amount to which may be much raised.

Fig-1: Data Sharing

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It permits parties to reckon the ad of their individual inputs while not revealing the inputs to at least one another.

During this system info doesn't maintained anonymously. Anyone will simply access the info. This is the

disadvantage of existing system. Game conjectural approach (LFA) to active distributed data {processing} approach

makes the info mining process as ascendible. This theme isn't attainable for big information bases. Resolution

thought will be generated by Nash equilibrium technique. Secure add calculates the ad of values from the individual

sites. Secure multiparty computation permits the parties to collectively reckon the ad of their individual input while

not revealing the input to a different [3], [13].Secure set union avoids the duplicates throughout the info mining.

During this theme data aren't guarantee that area unit properly correct, assailant will add further data to information

records. Secure size of set intersection gets the common details throughout the info mining. Association rule is new

data discovered at the results of data processing. In EM cluster things will be partitioned off into set of comparable

components. Routing data could be a a part of every packet. By observation the routing data sender and receiver of

the info will be simply known. Onion Routing could be a technique that limits the network vulnerability. It provides

the anonymous socket association over the pc network [12].

This approach secure solely in net service. Homomorphic cryptography is employed to supply security to E-

Gambling. In E-Gambling set of players remotely play a game, for earning cash in order that security are going to be

required. Mental Poker protocol guarantees the fairness of the sport. Homomorphic properties of cryptosystem will

be utilized in Mental Poker protocols [10]. Homomorphic cryptography permits the player to manage the cards co-

operatively. Mental Poker protocols use zero-knowledge proof to confirm the honesty of the sport. In Entity

generated nom de guerre theme entity will generate own pseudonyms. In centralized nom de guerre assignment

admin collects the set of distinctive nom de guerre to avoid repetition of same pseudonyms. In Hybrid nom de

guerre (HP) theme pseudonyms area unit regionally generated and centrally controlled to stop collisions [8].


Cloud-based web site management tools offer capabilities for a server to anonymously capture the visitor’s net

actions. The matter of sharing in camera command information in order that the people WHO area unit the themes

of the info can't be known has been researched extensively. Researchers have conjointly investigated the connection

of obscurity and/or privacy in numerous application domains: patient medical records, electronic balloting, e-mail,

social networking, etc.Another style of obscurity, as utilized in secure multiparty computation, permits multiple

parties on a network to collectively do a world computation that depends on information from every party whereas

the info command by every party remains unknown to the opposite parties. A secure computation operate wide

utilized in the literature is secure add that permits parties to reckon the add of their individual inputs while not

revealing the inputs to at least one another.

A. System Design

Privacy Preserving Data Sharing With Anonymous ID Assignment Using AIDA Algorithm

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This system uses economical algorithms for distribution identifiers to the nodes of a network. The IDs area unit

anonymous employing a distributed computation with no central authority in system style Advanced cryptography

customary is employed for each cryptography and coding (AES).

Fig 2 System Architecture

B. Review of Secure add

Suppose that a bunch of hospitals with individual databases want to reason and share solely the common of a

knowledge item, like the amount of hospital no inheritable infections, while not revealing the worth of this

information item for any member of the cluster. Thus, nodes have information things, and need to reason and share

solely the whole worth. A secure add rule permits the add to be collected with some guarantees of obscurity. Again,

assume the semi-honest model of privacy protective data processing. Below this model, each node can follow the

foundations of the protocol, however might use any data it sees throughout the execution of the protocol to

compromise security. Ought to all pairs of nodes have a secure communication out there.

C. Network Setup

In this module the network is setup with a server. Multiple shoppers’ area unit registered and everyone is capable of

information sharing. Thus every shopper could be a peer and thus is actually distributed. Associate degree identity is

assigned however this can be not anonymous. This can be the bottom id. The shopper should register himself and so

transfer the relevant information. The shopper login details area unit hold on within the network information i.e.

SQL Server. This can be referred to as because the account within the cloud server.

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D. Data Sharing

Either a shopper requests information or involves submission of information to the appliance sort of a pick or

opinion or a document. of these involve information to be shared by the user. Whereas collating responses from

multiple service suppliers, the master service supplier or broker should open individual sections of the shape. But,

the individual service supplier is meant to open the portion of the shape selected for its own filling up and to not

intervene with anyone else’s space. This needs that the info document be multi-parted and have some suggests that

to shield parts to unwanted service supplier. One level of concern is that the XML content, which can contain data of

multiple heterogeneous service suppliers, might get exposed to at least one service supplier, a node on the grid. This

might have a breach of privacy between multiple service suppliers. Many a times, privacy is closely resembled with

obscurity that demands the requirement of being unidentified or unobserved whereas transacting over property right

like net or different public realm. Adequate level of privacy has to be achieved through controlled speech act of

identity and associated data. Obscurity will guarantee accomplishment of privacy wants. In general, anonymous

message transmission needs that the transacting message wouldn't carry any data regarding the first sender and

supposed receiver. this can be the pre step before the AIDA is applied.

V.AIDA – secure add rule

N nodes want to reason and share solely the common of a knowledge item, while not revealing the worth of this

information item for any member of the cluster. This can be referred to as because the secure add and it's used

slender. Every node chooses random values. Every ―random‖ worth is transmitted from node to node. The add of

these random numbers is desired total. Every node totals all the random values received. Currently every node

merely broadcasts this message to all or any different nodes. All pairs of nodes have a secure communication out

there, a simple, however resource intensive, secure add rule are often created. Suppose that a coalition of the nodes

seeks to garner data regarding the personal information of the opposite nodes. Since the parties area unit semi-

honest, the presumably helpful outside data out there to a coalition seeking to garner the personal data of different

parties, consists of solely the random numbers within the messages received from those parties, the partial sums and

therefore the total. The secure add rule simply given remains N-private even once the input file area unit called a

multiset to all or any parties. we have a tendency to term this input permutation collusion resistance because the

coalition is aware of the info command by the remaining parties solely as a multiset.Decode the printed is exclusive

and thus the rule offers the most security against privacy. The communications necessities of the rules rely heavily

on the underlying implementation of the chosen secure add algorithm. Suppose that our cluster of nodes needs to

share actual information values from their databases instead of wishing on solely applied math data as shown within

the previous section. That is, every member of the cluster of nodes contains a information item that is to be

communicated to all or any the opposite members of the cluster. However, the info is to stay anonymous, collusion

resistant technique for this task mistreatment secure adds as our underlying communication mechanism. Our

information things area unit taken from a, generally finite field. Within the usual case, every are associate degree

whole number worth and can be the field wherever could be a prime satisfying for all. Thus, arithmetic can generally

be performed mistreatment modulus; however different fields will be used.

Privacy Preserving Data Sharing With Anonymous ID Assignment Using AIDA Algorithm

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Thus the projected random secure add AIDA rule is foolproof in allocating ID to users and therefore the anonymous

identity is maintained within the user and therefore the information owner isn't compromised below any

circumstances therefore providing ample proof for the sets of users in multiparty environments. Even below tough

things the communications and information measure isn't affected in any manner. Therefore not like cryptanalytic

measures and ancient systems AIDA proves to be secure for distributed design keeping the user safe from prying

persons under fire in several segments. It’s greatly decreases communication overhead. By mistreatment personal

communication that's obscurity router to transmit the info a lot of firmly. To beat the matter of characteristic details

and ever-changing data anonymous id was used. Random serial range is employed to spot whether or not the info

requesting person could be a correct approved person or hackers. The employment of the Newton identities greatly

decreases communication overhead. This could change the employment of a bigger range of ―slots‖ with a resulting

reduction within the range of rounds needed. The answer of a polynomial are often avoided at some expense by

mistreatment Sturm’s theorem. The event of a result almost like the Sturm’s technique over a finite field is an

attractive chance.


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