procedures for starting this session

Post on 23-Jan-2016






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Procedures for Starting This Session. Sign in, put on your name tag & pick up an agenda Get some food from the back room Rank your knowledge of the Common Core State Standards – Literacy in the Content Areas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Procedures for Starting This Session

Sign in, put on your name tag & pick up an agenda

Get some food from the back room

Rank your knowledge of the Common Core State Standards – Literacy in the Content Areas Place a colored dot

(MS = blue & HS = green) on the continuum.

Continuum is on east wall.

Literacy in Literacy in Science and Science and Social StudiesSocial Studies

Common Common Core Core State State


Allegan AESA

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Strategy: Quick Write

Why do YOU do what you do?

What keeps you at this work?

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Today’s Outcomes: Introduce the background and structure of the Common

Core State Standards (CCSS) – Literacy in Content Areas.

Interact with the CCSS document and support materials in order to become familiar with the standards.

Understand the SMARTER Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Framework and its implications on instruction.

Learn how to interact with colleagues using MOODLE.

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Today’s Agenda:

Career and College Readiness Standards – Overview(Literacy in the History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects)

SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) – sample assessments

Using MOODLE to keep connected in between sessions

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Introduction Exercise

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Understanding the Common Core

Find someone not at your table from a different district. You will be working with this partner for the next half hour.

Strategies: A-B Pair Share Read Silently, Simultaneously

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Introduction: Page 3 Read paragraph 3 which focuses on

the criteria for the CCSS.

How is this different from the way we have set standards in the past? Partner A

What are the implications of a College and Career Ready measure? Partner B

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Introduction: Page 3 Read paragraph 5. Silently,


Why & how science and social studies are included? Partner A

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Introduction: Page 4 Read and highlight these sections on

Key Design Considerations: A focus on results rather than means

Research and media skills blended into the Standards as a whole

Shared responsibility for students’ literacy development

Read silently, simultaneously

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Introduction: Page 4 Key Design Considerations:

How is this similar to what is happening in your school? Partner B

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP):

Introduction, Pg. 5How do these percentages

compare to your answers on the formative assessment?

Thank your partner.

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Writing Standards: Exploring the Anchor Standards

Literacy in Science /Social Studies

Looking Across Grade Spans Looking Down a Grade Level

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Exploring the Anchor Standards: Anchor standards 1 & 2 are the types of


Anchor standards 4-9 describe how writing should look and how it is done.

Anchor standard 10 describes when and for what purposes students write.

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Writing Standards: Exploring the Anchor Standards

Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Looking Across Grade Spans Looking Down a Grade Level

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Writing Standards: Exploring the Anchor Standards

Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Looking Across Grade Spans Looking Down a Grade Level

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Writing Standards: Exploring the Anchor Standards

Literacy in Science Looking Across Grade Spans Looking Down a Grade Level

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Looking at the assessments

SBAC samples

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Looking at 4th grade “Sharks” example:

Using the K-5 writing standards link them to your grade level – What is the skill progression?

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Looking at 4th grade “Sharks” example:

Strategy: FQR (Fact, Question, Respond)

Using your graphic organizer review this sample assessment and make connections to current practices you currently use at your grade level.

Fact: What facts do you see? Question: What questions arise as you read? Respond: What connections or thoughts do you


CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Break into Content Specific Groups

Strategy: Text ReviewCenter Box: name and grade level of assessment4 boxes:

Task Requirements to be Proficient DOK and Type of Writing What challenges do you see as a teacher? What benefits do you see for your students?

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Strategy: Whip Around

What was your big “A-ha”? 30 seconds or less

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies


The assessment consortium of which Michigan is a member

Excellent adolescent literacy resources including CCSS information

MDE CCSS information

ACT’s Reading Behind the Lines

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies


Allegan AESA CCSS Resource Warehouse

Amy Oliver

Pam Rickli Prickli@alleganaesa.orgPhone: (269) 673-2161

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies


AAESA Instructional Services MOODLE

This is the Asynchronous portion of the Secondary Content Writing Series. You can log into the course anytime, anywhere there is internet.

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

The purpose for using the moodle site is to keep you connected in between meetings and beyond!

We are also using it as a way to model a technology integration strategy.

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Go to

Click on ‘create a new account’ You will need to fill out a short

form Check your email for confirmation Clicking on the link in email will

take you back to Moodle and you will be logged in!

CCSS: Literacy in Science and Social Studies

Exit Slip:

For our next meeting, what is at the top of your “wish list” to move your learning forward?

What conversations about writing in the content area do you plan on having back in your district?

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