product anonymous - ideo hcd course review

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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Myself and a fellow group of Product Managers did the IDEO HCD course in order to learn about IDEO's famous innovation techniques. We learnt a lot, and here I digest how it can be used in a product mgmt setting.


IDEO HCD Innovation course


Product Anon presentation

Speaker: Liz Blink, co-founder Product Anonymous

Session topic: IDEO Acumen+ Introduction to Human Centered Design course

Presented October 24th 2013 at the Mail Exchange Hotel


Why did I sign up to this?

Ever since learning about IDEO during an innovation course i have aspired and admired what they do

to get a chance to learn more about what is behind this success and this process was too great an opportunity to pass up

My company had just brought IDEO in as consultants and created an Innovation group, so I was keen to try my hand at it


who did I rope in?

three fellow product managers and one innovation expert

went for co-located to help with the logistics of getting through the workshops


What does the course involve?

the course takes you through the three stages of the design process

you have readings and workshops to do

there are steps in there that get you out of your comfort zone


IDEO design process

Discover Ideate Prototype

Context Learning Experience Mapping

Research Themes Make protoypes

Insights Get feedback

How might we questions



Workshop 1

Icebreaker visual telephone: great way to learn how drawings are really useful for communicating

Design a better commute was a good first go at the process.

DISCOVER: use open questions, ask "why" after each of 5 answers

IDEATE: interpreting needs, Brainstorm ideas for solution, reality check by sharing

PROTOTYPE: build a prototype for the best idea


DISCOVER: Workshop 2

So the first steps are:

Collect your thoughts, Review constraints/barriers

Review what you already know Define what you don't know


DISCOVER: Workshop 2 Research steps

Learn from people in the community Learn from experts Immerse in context

Seek inspiration in analogous settings


Interview questions

IDEATE: Workshop 3

Share what you learnt (This takes time) Find themes

Define insights How Might We questions

Generate Ideas via Brainstorming Select ideas


Sharing what we learnt and reviewing the interview insights

Collating themes

The top themes that stood out for our group

How might we....

PROTOTYPE: Workshop 4

Experience mapping Make a prototype (a model, a mock-up, a diagram, a role-play, a story, an ad)

Get feedback



User Experience map

What did I learn?

think What if? more often

its a mindset, be collaborative, be optimistic, be experimental

beginners mind is your friend

you learn by stepping out of your comfort zone

I can be a designer

get out there and ask questions, and keep asking


Prod Mgmt thoughts time:

how does this link back to Product management?

ideate and prototype sections are important ones for us.


On ideate... (& even before) there was the whole thing about making sure you noted down/verbalised your assumptions. I liked this as there's always so much we assume & someone in the team might be assuming something different. Plus once they're written down, you can test those assumptions.

I thought it might be good to try a How Might We session as a way to come up with solutions/innovate. Which means you'd probably create the insight statements first. Again, a great way to make sure the team is on the same page or if it's not a team then at least you could use those to walk around & start conversations with people to test out what you've come up with when doing a solo 'how might i"



There was the emphasis on prototyping the idea and our questions - NOT the product. whereas most of us always prototype the product

the concept that a prototype could be lots of things besides a mockup... you could create an ad or draw a diagram or tell a story. so opening up that there are more ways than one to get feedback early, easily and cheaply

it makes the idea of prototyping less far away and possible to do without development, without designers if need be.



IDEO design process

Discover Ideate Prototype

Context Learning Experience Mapping

Research Themes Make protoypes

Insights Get feedback

How might we questions



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