training eu wash

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Presentation conducted 2012 for EU WASH Consortium in Ethiopia


EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Eoghan O’Suilleabhain, for EU WASH NGO Consortium group,Sidama, Ethiopia, 2012

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Self Management / Time Management

People Management / Team

Project Planning / Fundamentals of WASH programmes

Project Management / Lifecycle Project Controls / Reporting

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

1/ TIME Management


someone who appears calm, in control, well organised, Motivational, etc.

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Time Management – A HABIT

Must practice Everyone can improve Good habits become automatic Enjoy

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Manage Yourself First

Be organised before expecting others to be

Stress is contagious So is organisation & calmness

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Focus on ONE TASK at a time Identify tasks and allocate periods List items to do Complete ‘good enough’ Check off when complete

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Make time to Organise

If no time - you need to do it Files Shelf space (desk space) Tidy and organised

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Know where to find Information

Contacts / phone numbers, etc, Trays for invoices / receipts, etc. Archive old files

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Prioritising Time

Imp. UrgentImp. Not


Not ImpUrgent

Not ImpNot Urg

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Use Wall Space

Activity / work plans Maps Photographs Any information that you need


EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Keep a Work Diary

Make this a habit Standard for all construction projects Date, weather, meetings, visits,

instructions given or received, etc Think of it as a ‘legal document’

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Weekly Schedule

Separate week into blocks of time (draw)

Vary desk work with field visits Organise tasks into these blocks Allow for unexpected jobs Remember ‘good enough’

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Email communication

Can be a distraction Check once or twice a day

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Work SMARTER not Harder

Busy and efficient 8 am to 5 pm / Mon to Fri

Don’t take work home as a rule Start every week and day relaxed If stressed you have to take time to

rest and organise your mind If sick you must rest

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Appreciate yourself

No job is more important than YOUR job

It is not what you do but how you do it!

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

2/ PEOPLE Management

Also Team Building Results depend on the team not

individuals Delegate effectively Direct, Support, Manage You retain responsibility

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Give Clear Instructions

Explain what exactly is expected Clarify the priorities for each task Blaming others is a bad habit Mistakes will happen – support your

team to help them improve

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Provide before and during project Help the team grow It should help motivate staff It should make them interested in

developing their potential

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Good work and RESPECT

Expect people to take work seriously Expect people to try their best Help them to succeed Manage through respect not fear

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Role Models for Leadership Football managers are motivators. Team more important than

individuals Manager


Site ATeam

Site BTeam


Support Staff

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Show appreciation

Be slow to criticise – try to understand and encourage

Be quick to thank others and show appreciation for efforts.

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

WASH programmes – 10 key points

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

1/ Water & Sanitation & Hygiene combined All required for health impact Facilities + knowledge = good

practice People prioritise water Sanitation & hygiene more related to

disease Clean water source but not when

consumed Schools: Latrines + water + soap +


EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

2/ Respecting communities & cultures

Priority stakeholders Involvement not just labour Empower through decision making Flexible proposals allow for change Local power structures Local traditions and beliefs

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

3/ Gender

What roles do women have that makes them priority water users?

Reach out to alienated / weak voices Latrine access / privacy / safety Mothers pass on hygiene habits to

children Don’t neglect boys and men

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

4/ Creating DEMAND

Important first step Water: simple reliable improved

source Sanitation: less appreciation for

benefits Sanitation: Don’t focus only on

health benefits Next slide looks at the many benefits

that can encourage demand

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Many benefits of sanitation Time Pride Status Safety Caring School access Health

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

5/ Sustainability

Greatest challenge for all WASH A successful project is not one that

has achieved its targets by the completion date – but one that has provided an impact that will last for generations!

Next slide : an example of prioritising sustainability for hand-pumps.

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Sustainable hand-pump prog. Assess and consult and agree need Clarify options / agree choice Inform leaders, Gov. offices, etc Agree responsibilities / ownership Train water committee Clarify costs, charges, tariff payments Use appropriate pumps Ensure supply chain for parts and trained mech. Agree maintenance schedule Discuss future needs & expansion Monitor and support.

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

6/ Appropriate solution

Does it meet the needs? Has it been agreed? Was the process inclusive? Is there a demand? Is it affordable? Can it be maintained? Is it expandable / scalable? Can it be replicated?

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

7/ Operation & Maintenance Consider from the start Who makes decisions? Who cleans? Products? Maintenance / repair / parts / schedule Who pays? / tariffs / subsidies Guidance to replicate Guards / ownership / access / key holders Future replacement – when? How? Who ?

(eg school latrines)

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

8/ Partnerships & Capacity Building Who can benefit? GOAL / INGO staff Local Gov. Staff Village groups / committees Local mechanics / traders School staff / committees Private Enterprises

Well diggers / soap makers / latrine slab producers / etc

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

9/ Integration between sectors Health – hygiene awareness and

practices Nutrition – WASH targets malnutrition Livelihoods – subsistence gardens Education – school access and

hygiene HIV / Aids – greater need for affected

and carers Gender

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

10/ Disaster risk reduction Reduce vulnerability Events repeat over cycles Design for future crisis Community awareness Sensitive to environment Don’t create dependency

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012









EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Where? Timeframe? Interventions? Partners?

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Needs Assessment

Understanding Community Demand

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Programme Design

Options Advantages & Disadvantages Agreement Understanding Logframe

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Prepare Agree Submit

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Appoint managers Build team Financial and logistical systems Define targets Set controls

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Work Plan

Consider – weather Farming seasons Feast days School holidays Water table

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring – during implementation – highlights issues to address or change

Evaluation – On completion or after some time – measures results against initial objectives

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Contract Management

Advertising, selecting, accepting and signing contracts with providers of goods or service.

As per your org.s systems Clearly define responsibilities Consider future problems Define payment schedule (refer

sheets 1 & 2)

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Site supervision

Regular Quality control Solve problems Sign off on work complete

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

3 Key issues for project control (see sheet 3)




EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Set timeframe for programme – projects – activities

Plan allowing for delays Keep to tight schedule

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Clear realistic budget Monitor spend constantly Agree any overspend Contingency for unexpected

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Know the minimum standards Supervise, test, accept or reject As good as possible within budget Think sustainability

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Progress / Gantt chart

Show planned activities within timeframe

Monitors actual activities / progress

Can control expenditure (see excel sheet)

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Regular / brief Have clear purpose Identify issues Clarify actions / responsibilities Report

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012

Microsoft Project

Software relating to Progress / Gantt charts

(show video)

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Overview of programme area Show villages Traditional sources Past interventions Current activities Future schemes Schools / clinics Understand transport difficulties

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


Activities complete Within timeframe Within budget

Community systems in place Celebrate with beneficiaries

Learn – improve – expand

EU consortium WASH Training Ethiopia 2012


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