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PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


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Task Leader: Prof. Anca Popescu

Institute for Studies and Power Engineering

Romania, 2011

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


This report has been read, commented and approved by all members of the PROMITHEAS-4

Scientific Committee.

It was also disseminated for comments, through BSEC – PERMIS and BSEC – BC, to all relevant

governmental and business authorities and partners before its finalization.

Partners from the beneficiary countries* of the consortium were encouraged to contact direct

national authorities, agencies, institutions and market stakeholder for comments before the

finalization of this report (Annex 1).

Members of the PROMITHEAS – 4 Scientific Committee:

1. Prof. Dimitrios MAVRAKIS, NKUA – KEPA (GREECE) -Editor

2. Dr. Popi KONIDARI, NKUA – KEPA (GREECE) – Assistant to the editor


4. Prof. Bernhard FELDERER, IHS (AUSTRIA)



7. Prof. Dejan IVEZIC, UB – FMG (SERBIA)



10. Prof. Alexander ILYINSKY, FA (RUSSIA)


12. Prof. Andonaq LAMANI, PUT (ALBANIA)





17. Prof. Alvina REIHAN, TUT (ESTONIA)

*Turkey, Armenia, Serbia, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Ukraine,

Kazakhstan, Estonia.

The EU, the Consortium of PROMITHEAS – 4 and the members of the Scientific Committee do not undertake any

responsibility for copyrights of any kind of material used by the Task Leaders in their report. The responsibility is fully

and exclusively of the Task Leader and the his/her Institution.

Acknowledgments: The Task Leader of this report acknowledges the contribution of Ms.

Camelia Vasile, Ms. Anca Simona and Ms. Irina Voda for the development of this overview.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


Table of contents

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................................................4

1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................5

2. NATIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR M/A POLICY INSTRUMENTS ..................................7

2.1. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL PROFILE ......................................................................................7

2.2. ENERGY POLICY PROFILE ......................................................................................................8

3. NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY.......................................................................12

3.1. MITIGATION ........................................................................................................................12

3.1.1. Mitigation policies .........................................................................................................12

3.1.2. Mitigation policy instruments ........................................................................................14

3.2. ADAPTATION.......................................................................................................................26

3.2.1. Adaptation policies ........................................................................................................26

3.2.2. Adaptation policy instruments .......................................................................................26

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................31

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


Acronyms and abbreviations

AFM - Environment Fund Administration

ANRE - Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority

ANRSC - National Regulation Authority for the Public Utilities Community


ANPM - National Environmental Protection Agency

ARPM - Regional Environmental Protection Agency

ARCE - Romanian Agency for Energy Conservation

ARIS - Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments

BNR - National Bank of Romania

CITL - Community Transaction Log

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

E-RES - Electricity from renewable energy sources

EU - ETS - European Union Emission Trading Scheme

EU - European Union

FDI - Foreign Direct Investment

GC - Green Certificate

GD - Government Decision

GDP - Gross Domestic Product

GHG - Greenhouse Gas Emissions

GO - Government Ordinance

GVA - Gross Value Added

GWh - Gigawatthour

INS - National Institute of Statistics

ISPE - Institute for Studies and Power Engineering

ITL - The UN international transaction log

JI - Joint Implementation

MEF - Ministry of Environment and Forests

MECBE-DGEA - Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment Directorate

General of European Affairs

MECBE-DGEOG - Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment Directorate

General of European Affairs Directorate General for Energy, Oil and Gas

MW - Megawatts

NAP - National Allocation Plan

NAPCC - National Action Plan on Climate Change

NC - National Communication

NCCC - National Commission on Climate Change

NCFR - National Commission for Forecasting of Romania

NREAP - National Renewable Energy Action Plan

NSCC - National Strategy on Climate Change

OPCOM - Power Market Operator

RES - Renewable Energy Sources

TOE - Tons oil equivalent

UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


1. Introduction

Romania is situated in the south – eastern part of the Central Europe inside and outside of the

Carpathians Arch, on the Danube lower course.

The center of the country is placed at the crossing point of the parallel 46°N with the meridian

25°E, and the Romanian territory is unfolding on 4°37'59" latitude (525 km) and 9°25'40" longitude

(743 km). The exit to the sea enables water way connections with the countries in the Black Sea

basin and the rest of the world. Romanian Black Sea seaside is lying on 245 km.

Romania is the ninth largest country of the European Union having an area of 238,391 km2.

Fig. 1 Map of Romania

The main characteristics of Romania’s relief are: proportionality (31% mountains, 36% hills and

plateaus, 33% plains and meadows), concentric display in an amphitheatre of the relief major parts.

The great arch of the Carpathians is accompanied by an outer fringe known as the Sub Carpathians

and extending from the Moldova River in the north, to the Motru River in the southwest and to the

Tisa plain in the West. The topography and the milder climate of this region favor different

vegetation (including Mediterranean elements as the edible chestnut), resulting in the specialization

of the region in cereals, fruits, and wine.

The plains are situated mostly in the Southern parts and Western of the country and the most part

are used for the cultivation of cereals.

The evolution of Romania’s population (table 1) shows a slight decrease of about 1% between 2005

and 2010.

Table 1. Evolution of Romania’s population 2005 – 2010

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010*



21,658,528 21,610,213 21,565,119 21,528,627 21,498,616 21,462,186

Source: National Institute of Statistics, Romanian Statistical Yearbook 2010

*provisional data

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


A major cause for population decrease is economic migration. The estimated number of Romanians

that are working abroad is between 900,000 and 1.8 million (between 5 and 10% from the adult


Main cities and towns in Romania account for more than half of the total population, 25 of them

have over 100 thousands inhabitants each; this represent in total 57.6% of the urban population.

Among the cities with the largest population, Bucharest ranks first (with as many as 2 million

inhabitants), followed by Iaşi, Cluj-Napoca, Timişoara, Constanţa and Craiova (each with more

than 300 thousand inhabitants). These 6 cities concentrate over 30% of the urban population.

Romania's climate is a transitional temperate-continental with oceanic influences from the West,

Mediterranean ones from the South-West and excessive continental ones from the North-East. The

hottest year in Romania was 2007 in 107 years. The average temperature in January was 6°C higher

than the average recorded between 1961 and 1990. In July 2007, 53 meteo stations registered their

record high temperature. In 2007 there was registered the highest temperature for July in Romania:

44.3 °C, in the city of Calafat. In terms of precipitation, year 2007 was a very dry year in the period

April-July (the most important for agriculture) and excessively wet during August-November (time

for cropping in agriculture).

The average annual temperature varies with latitude, standing at 8°C in the North and 11°C in the

South, with 2.6°C in the mountains and 11.7°C in the plains. The absolute minimum temperature of

- 38.5°C was registered at Bod in Brasov County in 1942 and an absolute maximum temperature of

44.5°C at Ion Sion, Braila county in 1951. Analysis performed on statistical data collected between

1961 and 2007 in 94 meteo stations, highlight significant changes in the temperature regimes in all


- About 2oC increase of average temperature during summer, winter and spring; in the eastern

side of Romania temperature increase exceeds 2°C during winter.

- In autumn, there is a slight trend of decrease of the average temperature.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


2. National framework for M/A policy instruments

2.1. Economic and political profile

Starting with 1990, Romania has begun to develop a free market economy. In the last decade, the

main concerns and activities of decision makers at national level aimed at economic restructuring

and demonopolisation, privatization and introduction of market economy mechanisms.

Romania joined the European Union in January 2007. Negotiations were driven by a long process

of adjustments in Romania, finally resulting in economic growth and in the last four years, the

general business climate has improved and the economic indicators are better.

The main branches of the economy are the energy industry, metallurgy, automobile industry,

chemical and petrochemical industry, light industry, constructions, agriculture and the food

industry. The major part of the sectors of the economy remain insufficient exploited and offer for

the future investors great potential, especially in the manufacturing, agriculture and tourism.

In the recent years the sectors that attracted important foreign investment are: oil and natural gas

sector, automotive industry, metallurgy industry, food processing industry, telecommunications,

construction and consumer goods manufacturing, banking and finance

Between 1990 - 2009 there was a structural adjustment of the economy, registering a growing share

of service sector activities in gross value added (GVA) to the detriment of other sectors. Thus,

industry and agriculture in 2005 were contributors to GVA by 50.4% compared to 59.7% in 1990.

The trend of main economic indicators is presented in table 2.

Table 2. Main Economic Indicators

Indicator 2006 2007 2008 2009

GDP (€2005 billion) 84.25 89.3 95.64 88.28

GDP growth rate (%) 6.3 6.0 7.1 -7.7

GDP per capita (€2005) 3,898.6 4,140.9 4,442.5 4,106.3

Industrial output growth rate (%) 7.2 5.4 10.60 7.10

Unemployment rate (%) 7.3 6.4 6.2 7.8

Consumer price growth rate (%) 4.9 6.6 6.3 4.74

Foreign Direct Investment (€ million) 9,059 7,250 9,024 3,488

FDI per capita (€) 419.2 336.2 419.2 162.2 Source: INS, ARIS

From the viewpoint of GDP formation, the positive contribution to total GDP growth of services

and construction activities can be noticed, these two branches holding together a share of 58.8% in

GDP in 2007. The gross value added in the services sector registered in 2007 a growth of 7.1% and

the activity volume in the construction sector exceeded by 33.6% the level of 2006. The gross value

added in industry registered a growth of 5.1%, and agriculture, forestry and fishery decreased their

activity volume by 16.9%.

The world crisis which started in 2008 affected strongly the Romania’s economy that leaded at the

negative growth rate. Romania did not record the expected growth, but did a big step backwards

after being hit by the crisis.

The exports falling due to a decrease of external demand and bad access to credit as international

financial markets froze. Internal demand, formerly heavily based on credit was the second main

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


driver of the former growth and thus, of the recession in 2009. The only good things were a

relatively low inflation rate and a shrinking of the current account deficit.

According to the latest estimations of National Commission for Forecasting of Romania (NCFR)

the GDP of Romania (Table 3) decreased in 2010 with 1.3%.

Also the exports from Romania follow the same way. Inflation will remain low for Romanian

standards, but still high side for overall trends in the EU.

The currency exchange rate for Romania is estimated to stabilize at 4.25 RON/EUR. The specialists

expected that the national currency LEU to drop at 4.5 RON/EUR. On the other hand, during the

first half of January 2010 the exchange rate appreciated considerable for some days, but without

convincing that the effect will resist in time.

Table 3. Forecast of Romania’s main economic indicators

Source: National Commission for Forecasting of Romania (NCFR), The projection of the main macroeconomic

indicators for the period 2010 - 2014, November 2010

Romania is a constitutional republic based on the separation of the three powers: legislative,

executive and justice. The legislative authority is the Parliament, organized in two chambers, the

Deputy Chamber and the Senate – the senators and the deputies are elected for four years through

popular vote. The president is elected through popular vote for maximum two mandates of five

years. The Prime Minister, who is elected by the President, proposes the composition of the

Government, which must be accepted by the Parliament.

2.2. Energy policy profile

In Romania, the State is the main owner in the energy industry. In early ‘90s of the previous century

the entire industry was vertically integrated. The process of restructuring the sector started ten to

fifteen years ago and was mainly driven by the EU integration requirements. Successive actions for


Indicator/Year Unit 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Mio EUR 136,845 117,016 123,554 134,079 147,053 161,870 178,910 GDP

% 7.1 -7.7 -1.3 1.5 3.9 4.5 4.7

Mio EUR 33,725 29,116 34,350 37,980 41,700 45,830 50,550 Exports

% 14.1 -13.7 19.0 9.6 9.8 9.9 10.3

Mio EUR 52,834 35,903 39,740 43,000 47,090 51,750 56,980 Import

% 11.5 -32.0 10.7 8.2 9.5 9.9 10.1

Mio EUR -16,157 -5,168 -6,920 -7,125 -6,975 -6,430 -6,935 Current

Account % of GDP -11.6 -4.5 -5.7 -5.5 -4.9 -4.1 -4.0

Average Gross

Salary RON 1,761 1,845 1,910 2,022 2,125 2,232 2,338

Growth Rate

vs. Year Before % 26.1 4.8 3.5 5.9 5.1 5.0 4.7

Average Real

Wage Growth % 16.5 -1.5 -3.6 0.4 1.5 1.7 1.8

RON/EUR 3.6827 4.2373 4.2400 4.2100 4.1800 4.1600 4.1300 Exchange Rate

RON/USD 2.5189 3.0493 3.2400 3.2100 3.1900 3.1800 3.1500

Inflation % 6.3 4.74 8.1 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.5

Unemployment % 4.4 7.8 8.0 7.8 7.3 6.9 6.3

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


reorganization and decentralization of the industry lead towards improving the competitiveness of

some companies.

The goal of the Romanian Government is to reach the convergence with the economic development

of the European Union member states, through adopting proper sectorial development strategies.

The main energy statistics for Romania are presented in table 4.

Table 4. Main energy statistics of Romania

Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Primary energy


(103 toe)

27,668 28,192 28,095 27,154 27,065 27,300 28,861 28,034

Imports (103 toe) 13,949 14,639 16,672 17,072 17,605 17,399 16,386 11,740

Exports (103 toe) 4,999 4,112 4,820 6,534 5,983 4,901 5,565 4,560

Primary energy


(103 toe)

36,480 39,032 39,018 37,932 39,571 39,159 39,799 34,328

Final energy


(103 toe)

23,370 25,153 27,332 25,102 25,312 25,028 25,303 22,287

Source: Energy Balance – INS – collection 2002 – 2010

The government’s most recent strategy in the sector highlights the need for enhancing the security

of supply, utilization of locally available primary resources and enhancing the use of renewable

energy. Reforms regarding the electricity market allowed a 100% opening of this market, both for

industrial and for domestic users.

Since 2007, Romania has promoted a new “National Energy Strategy for the period 2007 - 2020”

(GD 1069/2007). The strategy is built on three main pillars:

Energy security:

- increasing the energy security by ensuring the energy resources needed and limiting the

dependence from the import of primary energy resources;

- diversifying energy resources and transport routes;

- increasing adequate level of national transport networks of electricity, natural gas and oil;

- protecting critical infrastructure.

Sustainable development:

- increasing energy efficiency;

- promoting energy production from renewable resources;

- promoting power and heat production in cogeneration plants, especially in high efficiency

cogeneration installations;

- decreasing environmental impact of the energy sector;

- efficient use of primary energy resources.


- developing competitive markets in electricity, natural gas, oil, green certificates, greenhouse gas

emissions permits and energy services;

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


- continuing the process of restructuring and privatization in the electricity, heating and natural

gas sectors;

- further restructuring of lignite sector, in order to increase profitability and access to capital


The energy dependence degree is presented in table 5.

Table 5. Energy dependence degree

Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Sold import –

export (103 toe)

8.95 10.53 11.85 10.54 11.62 12.50 10.82 7.18

Primary energy


(103 toe)

36.48 39.03 39.02 37.93 39.71 39.16 39.80 34.33

Dependency (%) 24.50 27.00 30.40 27.80 29.40 31.90 27.20 20.91

The evolution of the primary energy intensity of Romania in the period 2002 – 2009 is presented in

table 6.

Table 6. Primary energy intensity in Romania

Indicators M.U. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


EURO 2005 0.57 0.57 0.52 0.49 0.47 0.44 0.41 0.38 Primary energy

intensity using

GDP at constant



EURO 2005


0.27 0.27 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.19 0.18

Primary energy

consumption per


toe/inhabitant 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.60

Source: Eurostat, National Institute of Statistics, National Bank of Romania, web-site BNR

In terms of renewable energy Romania has the highest wind potential in South Eastern Europe of

14,000 MW, and investors already have connection requests of over 12,000 MW. At the end of

2010 the installed capacity in wind power plants in Romania has 462 MW, up from 14.1 MW

installed capacity in 2009.

The installed power capacity of the Romanian power grid was 19,541 MW in 2007. A reduction of

installed capacity of about 12% can be noted from the evolution of the installed power during the

period 2000 – 2009 due to the fact that only the unit no. 2 of Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant and

hydropower units totalizing an installed capacity of about 240 MW were put into operation while

some thermal power units have been withdrawn at the end of their lifetime (Figure 2).

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”








Total, of which: Themal eneregy Hydro energy Nuclear energy

Primary energy source






r [M


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Figure 2. The installed power capacity in Romania during 2005 - 2009

Source: National Institute of Statistics – Tempo online

The evolution of electricity production in the period 2005 – 2009 is presented in table 8.

Table 8. Evolution of the electricity sector [TWh]

Electricity Year

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Production of electricity to

cover domestic consumption 56.48 57.44 58.33 59.78 55.08

Total production of electricity

of which: 59.41 62.70 61.68 64.95 58.02

- in hydro power and renewable

sources plants 20.21 18.36 15.97 17.20 15.82

- in nuclear power plant 5.56 5.63 7.71 11.23 11.75

- in thermal power plants 33.65 38.71 38.00 36.53 30.45

Electricity export 2.93 5.26 3.35 5.17 2.94

Final electricity consumption 38.75 40.96 40.94 41.77 37.60 Source: National Institute of Statistics, Energy Balances – collection 2006 – 2010

This production covers the domestic electricity consumption and the electricity export.

The evolution of electricity indicators in the period 2005 – 2009 is presented in table 9.

Table 9. Electricity indicators

Year Indicator M.U.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Final electricity intensity kWh/10


Euro2005 0.486 0.476 0.447 0.425 0.412

Gross electricity


per inhabitant

kWh/inhabitant 2,607 2,658 2,704 2,777 2,562

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


3. National climate change policy

3.1. Mitigation

3.1.1. Mitigation policies

Romania signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in

1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, and ratified it by Law no. 24/1994, being included in

the Annex I as a country with economy in transition. By ratifying this Convention, Romania

presented clearly its concern for the global climate change process and its political will to fulfill the

commitments under the Convention. The Kyoto Protocol was approved in 1997, at the third

Conference of the Parties to the Convention, in order to establish clear measures, targets and

deadlines for developed countries to reduce GHG emissions. Romania signed the Kyoto Protocol in

1999 being the first Annex I Party to ratify it by Law no. 3/2001. The target adopted by Romania is

8% in the first commitment period 2008 - 2012, comparing to a different base year (1989). The

Kyoto Protocol entered into force and became legally binding at international level on 16 February


The existing legal framework in Romania in the field of climate change allows for a coherent

application of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, consisting of:

- primary legislation, including specific acts on climate change;

- general environmental regulations, including climate change aspects;

- specific legislation related the sectors to energy, transport, agriculture and forestry, and waste


The primary legislation mainly contains multilateral environmental treaties in the field of climate

change and the strategies and action plans developed for the implementation of these treaties.

Ratification of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol are included in this category, as well as their

related strategies and action plans.

As part of its commitments under the UNFCCC, Romania has submitted five national

communications. Romania’s Fifth National Communication to the UNFCCC (NC5) was submitted

to the Secretariat in January 2010.

In the beginning of 2005, the first National Strategy on Climate Change of Romania was developed,

presenting the framework for implementing Romania’s climate change policy in the period 2005-

2007. The strategy was adopted through GD 645/2005.

The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), adopted with Governmental Decision

1877/2005, has been developed as the main instrument for implementing the National Strategy on

Climate Change (NSCC) and transposes the NSCC’s objectives in specific actions for the period

2005-2007. The NAPCC also establishes duties and responsibilities for each institution and

identifies the actors that will be involved in each action, as well as the deadlines for implementation

and financial resources.

Based on the provisions of the National Strategy and the Action Plan on Climate Change several

actions have been implemented in Romania in the period 2005 - 2008 aiming at:

- establishing the legal framework and improving the national system for the estimation of

anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all GHGs not controlled by the

Montreal Protocol and the National GHG Inventory;

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


- creating the legal, institutional and procedural framework and implementing the EU Emission

Trading Scheme (EU ETS);

- developing the National Allocation Plan for 2007 and 2008 - 2012 periods;

- setting up the legal and procedural framework for the National GHG Registry;

- commissioning the Registry and connecting it to Community transaction log - CITL and The

UN international transaction log - ITL;

- setting up the national procedures for promoting JI projects under Track I and Track II allowing

for a greater flexibility for project developers in preparing project’s documentation and

providing for a shorter approval process;

- establishing the National Guidelines on Adaptation to Climate Change aiming at addressing the

challenges of adapting to the effects of climate change.

All policies and development strategies have been elaborated and implemented in compliance with

the harmonization of the EU policies, plans and programmes in order to sustain the integration


A series of actions aimed to improve the national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and the

reporting capacity of Romania under the Kyoto Protocol and UNFCCC, the implementation of the

scheme of emissions trading in greenhouse gas emissions, the operation of the National Register of

emissions of greenhouse gases, the improvement of the legal framework on climate change

adaptation, the participation to the implementation of Kyoto Protocol mechanisms as the

International Emissions Trading, the increasing public awareness activities on the impact and

adaptation to climate change were implemented in 2009.

Also, since 2009, Romania has technical assistance from the Netherlands to improve the

development and implementation capacity at national, regional and local policies to adapt to climate


Reducing GHG emissions is a priority objective of Europe 2020 Strategy, which proposes a new

vision for Europe's social market economy in the next decade to help the EU out of financial and

economic crisis to build a smart economy, sustainable and positive inclusive, with high levels of

labor employment, productivity and social cohesion. At European level, the general strategy was

adopted at the European Council of 25-26 March 2010.

Romania has initiated and completed the process of setting national targets for all objectives of the

strategy, which has been validated by the High Level Working Group on 8 June 2010 and resulted

in the signing by the Romanian Government's Memorandum "Approval of values Romania's

objectives for the final of Europe 2020."

Agreed national objectives related to implementation of the Energy Package - climate change,

congruent with the commitments of the European Commission are:

2020 Objectives EU 27


Objectives Romania (%)

Reducing GHG emissions 20 20

Share of energy from renewable


20 24

Increasing energy efficiency 20 19

(estimated at about 10 Mtoe)

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


3.1.2. Mitigation policy instruments

The main policy instruments on climate change are presented below:

- Law no. 24 of 6 May 1994 to ratify the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change signed in Rio de Janeiro on 5 June 1992 (published in Official Gazette no.


- Law no. 3 of February 2, 2001 to ratify the Kyoto Protocol to United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change, adopted on 11 December 1997 (published in Official Gazette

no. 81/16.02.2001);

- Government Decision no. 645 of July 7, 2005 for approval of the National Strategy on Climate

Change (NSCC 2005-2007) (published in Official Gazette no. 670/27.07.2005);

- Government Decision no. 1877 of 22 December 2005 approving the National Action Plan on

Climate Change (NAPCC 2005-2007) (published in Official Gazette no. 110/6.02.2006);

- Government Decision no. 658/2006 on the reorganization of the National Commission on

Climate Change (NCCC) (published in Official Gazette no. 465/30.05.2006);

- Government Decision no. 1570 of 19 December 2007 regarding the establishment of national

system for estimating anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gas emissions by sources or

removals of carbon dioxide sequestration, controlled by the Kyoto Protocol (published in

Official Gazette no. 26/14.01.2008);

- Ministerial Order no. 1170 of 09/29/2008 to approve the Guidelines on adaptation to climate

change - (published in Official Gazette no. 711/20.10.2008).

Regarding the Joint Implementation (JI) mechanism the procedures for JI projects can be


- Ministerial Order no. 1122 of 17.10.2006 for approval of Guidelines on the use of mechanisms

"Joint Implementation (JI) under mode II (Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol) (published in

Official Gazette no. 957/28.11.2006);

- Ministerial Order no. 297 of 21.03.2008 on approval of the national procedure for the use of JI

under Track I (published in Official Gazette no. 308/21.04.2008).

Regarding the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) the following documents were

adopted at national level:

- Government Decision No. 780/2006 on establishing a scheme for trading emissions of

greenhouse gases, (published in Official Gazette no. 554/27.06.2006) transposes Council

Directive. 2003/87/EC of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for trading greenhouse gas

emission trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC;

- Government Decision no. 60/2008 of 16 January 2008 National Plan for the allocation of

allowances in greenhouse gas emissions for the periods 2007 and 2008-2012 (published in

Official Gazette no. 126/18.02.2008);

- Ministerial Order no. 1474/2007 approving the Regulation on management and operation of the

national registry of emissions of greenhouse gases, (published in Official Gazette no. 680/2007);

- Ministerial Order no. 1008/2006 to establish the powers and procedure for issuance and review

of emissions permits for greenhouse gases, (published in Official Gazette no. 845/2006);

- Ministerial Order no. 1897/2007 for approving the procedure for issuing emissions permits for

greenhouse gas emissions for 2008-2012 (published in Official Gazette no. 842/2007);

- Ministerial Order no. 85/2007 for the approval on the development of National Allocation Plan

(published in Official Gazette no. 101/9.02.2007);

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


- Ministerial Order no. 254/2009 of 12 March 2009 approving the methodology for allocating

emissions allowances for greenhouse gas cue perfectly from the reserve for new entrants, 2008-

2012 (published in Official Gazette no. 186/25.03.2009).

The following documents and actions were achieved for the implementation of mitigation policy in

the energy – climate change field:

National Strategy for sustainable development – Horizons 2013-2020-2030


This National Strategy was approved by GD 1460/2008 and aims to connect Romania to a new

philosophy of development, adopted by the European Union and widely shared globally - that of

sustainable development. In terms of general orientation, this document addresses the following

strategic objectives for the short, medium and long term:

- Horizon 2013 - National objective: provision on short and medium term of the necessary

energy and the establishment of requirements for the country energy safety on a long term

according to modern market economy, under safety and competitiveness conditions; fulfillment

of obligations undertaken based on the Kyoto Protocol on the reduction with 8% of greenhouse

gas emissions; promotion and application of adjustment measures to climate change effects and

compliance with sustainable development principles.

- Horizon 2020 - National objective: Guarantee of the efficient operation and under safety

conditions of the national energy system, reach of the current medium level of EU as regards

energy intensity and efficiency; fulfillment of obligations undertaken by Romania within the

legislative package “Climate changes – renewable energies” and at international level, following

the adoption of a related new global agreement; promotion and application of certain adjustment

measures to climate change effects and compliance with sustainable development principles.

- Horizon 2030 - General objective: Alignment to EU medium performances on energy

indicators and climate change; fulfillment of engagements undertaken for greenhouse gas

emission reduction in compliance with current international and Community agreements and

implementation of adjustment measures to climate change effects.

Target groups

The strategy addresses all economy sectors.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

The strategy identifies important strategic decisions, which are connected to improvement of energy

indicators, energy efficiency and the better use of RES potential.

Implementation network

The Romanian Government through the national and local public authorities

National Energy Strategy for the period 2007 - 2020


The Energy Strategy was approved by GD 1069/2007. The general objective of the energy sector

strategy is to provide the necessary energy both at present and on a medium and long term at the

lowest price possible and adapted to a modern market economy and a civilized life standard, under

appropriate quality and supply safety conditions and in compliance with sustainable development


PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


Strategic objectives contained in the strategy are the following:

Ensure the energy security through:

- the limitation of the dependency from imported primary energy resources, using the domestic

lignite and hard-coal, hydropower and wind power;

- the diversification of imported energy sources by using the nuclear fuel and natural gas.

Sustainable development through:

- the increasing of energy efficiency;

- the promotion of hydropower energy and wind energy;

- the promotion of the cogeneration plants using the high efficient technologies on natural gas.

Competitiveness through:

- the development of competitive markets of electricity, natural gas etc.:

- the continuation of the restructuring in energy sector.

Target groups

The strategy addresses to all energy sector actors (producers, distributors, transmission system and

also to the regulatory authority.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

This strategy does not provide the rules but underlines the necessity to find the measures for ensures

future sustainable development of Romania.

The use of RES has an important role in this strategy. The stimulation for the use of such sources

and the call for investments in energy facilities using renewable sources shall take place by

applying support mechanisms in accordance with European practice.

The measures considered for the promotion of renewable energy sources are:

- the increase of use level, under economic efficiency conditions, of renewable energy sources for

the production of electricity and thermal energy by granting facilities during the investment

stage, including facilitating access to the electric grid;

- development of the green certificates market and improvement of the aid scheme in order to

develop private capital in renewable sources investments (to this effect Law 220/2008 and the

amendments approved in 2010 were promoted);

- promotion of certain support mechanisms of renewable energy resources for the production of

thermal energy and domestic hot water;

- use of structural funds.

Implementation network

The following structures are included in the implementation network: Ministry of Economy,

Commerce and Business Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Ministry of

Administration and Interior, Electricity Market Operator Romanian, Energy Regulatory Authority,

Transmission and System Operator.

National Strategy for Energy Efficiency for 2004 - 2015


The national strategy for energy efficiency was approved by the GD 163/2004. The main objective

of this document is to increase energy efficiency on each sector of the economy: extraction of

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


natural resources, electric and thermal energy, gas and water, chemistry sector, metallurgy sector


Target groups

This strategy addresses to all operators from: industry, household sector, the tertiary sector (which

comprises public and commercial services), agriculture, transports, and district heating producers.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

The National Strategy for Energy Efficiency for 2004 - 2015, has considered the decrease of energy

intensity by 40% (realistic scenario), 50% (optimistic scenario) and 30% (the pessimistic scenario)

in comparison with 2001 level, in the context of adopting programmes for energy efficiency and

achieving a 5.4% average GDP growth rate.

Implementation network

The formal organization responsible for the implementation of the energy efficiency policy is

ARCE. Since 2009 ARCE is part of ANRE. The following ministries and institutions have also

important attributions in the field: Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment,

Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism; Ministry

of Administration and Interior; Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romanian Fund for Energy

Efficiency, and the National Energy Observatory.

The electricity law 13/2007


This law establishes the regulatory framework for activities in electricity and heat produced in

cogeneration, the optimum utilization of primary energy resources in terms of accessibility,

availability and affordability and safety compliance, quality and environmental protection.

This law transposes the provisions of Directive 2003/54/EC.

The objectives of this law are the following:

a) ensuring sustainable development of national economy;

b) diversification of primary energy resources;

c) creation and the operation of competitive electricity markets;

d) ensuring non-discriminatory access and regulated all electricity market participants and the

public electricity networks;

e) transparency of tariffs and taxes on electricity prices in a pricing policy aimed to increase the

energy efficiency on the cycle of generation, transmission, distribution and use of electricity;

f) setting safety stocks to fuel needed to produce electricity and heat produced in cogeneration;

g) ensuring operation of the power system interconnected with national power systems of

neighboring countries with power systems of the Union for the Coordination of Transmission of


h) promote the use of new and renewable energy sources;

i) ensuring the protection of local and global environment, in accordance with legal regulations in


j) ensuring security measures to prevent and combat terrorism and sabotage on infrastructure

national power system;

k) ensuring safety in operation of the national power system;

l) ensure security of electricity supply to consumers;

m) promotion of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration systems.

Target groups

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


This law addresses to all actors from energy sector (electricity and heat producers and consumers,

transmission and distribution operators and regulatory authority etc.).

Rules and influencing mechanisms

The law established that Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment elaborates

the Energy Strategy for long term and achieves the implementation of the energy policies given by

Romanian Government.

The law established that the competent authority in the electricity sector is the Romanian Energy

Regulatory Authority (ANRE), an independent public legal person of national interest under the co-

ordination of the Prime Minister, which develops its activity according to its own operation and

organization rules approved through Government decision.

Implementation network

The following structures are included in the implementation network: Ministry of Economy,

Commerce and Business Environment, Ministry of Administration and Interior, Electricity Market

Operator Romanian, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, Transmission and System Operator,.

The Law 220/2008, republished in 2010


The main objectives of this law are the following:

a) the promotion of production and consumption of electricity from renewable energy sources;

b) the promotion of production and use of biofuels and energy from renewable sources in


c) the promotion of sustainable development locally and regionally;

d) the environmental protection by reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;

e) the security of electricity supply;

f) the defining the rules for connection of electricity producers from renewable energy sources

at the power grids;

g) the provision of information regarding the support schemes, the benefits of the use of

renewable energy sources.

Target groups

Target group includes all electricity producers and users from renewable energy sources, state and

municipal authorities.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

This law stipulates that the producers of electricity from RES obtain green certificates (GC) as


The trading of green certificates represents one of the mechanisms that support the production of

electricity from RES in Romania.

According to Law 220/2008 republished, the producers of electricity from RES will receive:

• 3 green certificates for each 1 MWh produced and delivered in the electric power network

from new hydroelectric stations/groups with a maximum output of 10 MW;

• 2 green certificates for each 1 MWh delivered in the electric power network from

refurbished hydroelectric stations/groups with a maximum output of 10 MW;

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


• 1 green certificate for each 2 MWh delivered in the electric power network from

hydroelectric stations with an installed power between 1 and 10 MW, which do not fall

under the provisions of the previous paragraph;

• 2 green certificates, until 2017, and 1 green certificate, starting from 2018, for each 1 MWh

delivered in the electric power network by the producers of electric power from wind


• 3 green certificates for each 1 MWh delivered in the electric power network by the

producers of electricity from biomass, biogas, bioliquid, waste fermentation gas, geothermal

power and associated combustible gases;

• 6 green certificates for each 1 MWh delivered in the electric power network by the

producers of electricity from solar power.

Implementation network

The following structures are included in the implementation network: Ministry of Economy,

Commerce and Business Environment; Ministry of Environment and Forests; Ministry of

Administration and Interior; Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure; Romanian Energy Regulatory

Authority; Transmission and System Operator - Transelectrica (issuing green certificates to

electricity producers from renewable sources) and Electricity Market Operator (which organizes the

centralized green certificates market).

National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP)


The objectives of this plan, which was elaborated according to the model established by

Commission Decision 2009/548/EC by an inter-ministerial working group coordinated by Ministry

of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment Directorate General of European Affairs

(MECBE-DGEA) are the following:

a) the establishment of Romanian renewable energy targets and trajectories up to 2020;

b) the establishment of Romanian targets for share of energy from renewable sources in 2020 in

the followings sectors: heating and cooling, electricity and transport;

c) the establishment of the measures foe achieving Romanian targets as:

• the improvement of the mechanisms for promotion of the use of renewable energy in the

building sectors in the period 2010-2020;

• the improvement of regulatory framework for the encouragement of the investments for

new power plants using renewable energy sources;

• developing an information system related with the promotion of the renewable energy

sources etc.

Target groups

The National Renewable Energy Action Plan concerns the electricity producers from renewable

energy sources, and also the electricity consumers.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

In accordance with this document in Romania for promoting the use of electricity from RES the

following schemes can be used:

• Obligatory rates system combined with Green Certificates trading; scheme is applied during

operation of a power and provides support for manufacturers that supplies electricity from

renewable sources in public networks, for a maximum period of 15 years (new groups).

After 10 years, the scheme will re-notify to the European Commission.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


• Regional aid scheme regarding the renewable energy capitalization; the investment scheme

applies in the invitational phase and provides non-repayable financial support from

structural funds operators (small, medium and large) during project implementation.

• Co-financing scheme without applying state aid rules; the scheme is applied in stage of

investment and provides financial support grant from the structural funds of local authorities

and intercommunity development associations in the project implementation period.

• The scheme offered by the "National Program to increase energy efficiency and renewable

energy sources in the public sector for the years 2009-2010".

• The scheme offered by the "Program on the production of energy from renewable sources:

wind, geothermal, solar, biomass and hydro".

Implementation network

The national authority responsible for the follow-up activities of the Renewable Energy Action Plan

is Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment. The implementation authorities

include Ministry of Environment and Forests, Energy Efficiency Agency and local and regional

authorities in districts and municipalities.

Strategy for the Use of Renewable Energy Sources


The medium and long term objectives of this strategy are the following:

- for the period 2003-2010: commissioning of new units with a total installed capacity

approximately 441.5 MW (electric energy), namely 3,274.64 thousand toe (thermal energy);

- for the period 2011 – 2015: installation with a total capacity of 789 MW (electric energy),

namely 3,527.7 thousand toe (thermal energy).

- electricity production obtained from RES will be 23.37 TWh in 2015;

- thermal energy production obtained from RES will 3,527.7 thousand toe.

Target groups

Target groups include electricity producers from renewable energy sources, electricity consumers.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

The Strategy established as targets shares of E-RES within the production of electric energy of

approximately 30% in 2010, namely 30.4% in 2015.

These targets have been subsequently changed upwards, the present values being of 33% for 2010,

35% for 2015 and 38% for 2020.

To ensure financial resources will be made partnerships with the following types of economic and

social structures:

- Domestic and foreign private companies;

- Central and local government authority;

- Specialized Agencies and international investment;

- Research institutions and universities in the field;

- NGOs.

Implementation network

The implementation network consists of: Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business

Environment, Ministry of Administration and Interior, Electricity Market Operator Romanian,

Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, Transmission and System Operator.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


Government Decision 443/2003


This document refers to the promotion of renewable energy sources for energy production. It

establishes the legal framework that increases the contribution of renewable energy sources to the

electricity production. The decision settles for the electricity produced from renewable sources a

target of 30% from the gross national electricity consumption for the year 2010.

Target groups

Target groups include electricity producers from renewable energy sources, regional and municipal


Rules and influencing mechanisms

This document defines the “guarantee of origin” for the electricity produced from renewable energy

sources. The guarantee of origin specifies the electricity source, the place and date of production

(and the installed capacity for hydro power plants). The guarantee proves that the electricity sold by

a producer comes from RES.

Implementation network

The following structures are included in the implementation network: Ministry of Economy,

Commerce and Business Environment, Ministry of Administration and Interior, Electricity Market

Operator Romanian, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, Transmission and System Operator.

GO 22/2008 regarding the energy efficiency and promotion of the use of renewable

energy sources at the end-users


The objective of this ordinance is to create the legal framework for developing and implementing

national energy efficiency policy.

This legislative act requires, on the one hand, that operators of the power distribution system take

measures for energy efficiency and, on the other hand, requires operators who consume an annual

amount of energy greater than 1,000 toe to conduct annual energy audits and draw up energy

efficiency improvement programmes.

Target groups

The target groups are: residential and tertiary sector, industry sector, transport sector,

Rules and influencing mechanisms

According to Article 22 of this document to improve energy efficiency the following tools and

funding mechanisms can use:

a) model contracts for financial instruments that are made available to existing and potential buyers

of energy services and other measures to improve energy efficiency in public and private sector;

b) award scheme funded by the Romanian Agency for Energy Conservation from its own budget

and/or sources attracted to exceptional results in research applications in energy efficiency and

renewable energy sources;

c) allocation of funds for subsidizing the provision of programs and measures to improve energy

efficiency and promoting a market for energy efficiency improvement measures. These measures

include the promotion of energy auditing, of financial instruments for energy savings and, where

appropriate, improved metering and providing itemized bills.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


Implementation network

The implementation network regarding the energy efficiency policy is ensured by: the Ministry of

Economy, Commerce and Business Environment; Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism;

Ministry of Administration and Interior; Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure; Ministry of

Environment and Forests and, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority.

Environmental Protection Law 137/1995, republished, modified and completed by

Emergency Ordinance 91/2002, approved by Law 294/2003


The objective of this law is to regulate environmental protection, objective of public interest, based

on the principles and strategic elements that lead to sustainable development of society.

The principles and strategic elements behind this law, to ensure sustainable development are:

a) the precautionary principle in decision making;

b) the principle of preventing environmental risks and damage occurrence;

c) the principle of conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems specific to the natural


d) principle the "polluter pays";

e) removal of priority pollutants that endanger human health directly and seriously;

f) creation of integrated national environmental monitoring;

g) sustainable use;

h) maintaining, improving environmental quality and reconstruction of damaged areas;

i) creating a framework for participation of NGOs and people in devising and implementing


j) developing international cooperation to ensure environmental quality.

Target groups

Environmental protection is an obligation of all individuals and legal entities that activate in


Rules and influencing mechanisms

The ways of implementing the principles and strategic elements of the law are:

a) adoption of environmental policies and harmonized development programs;

b) mandatory procedure for environmental impact assessment of initial projects, programs or


c) correlation with the environmental planning and urban planning;

d) introduction of economic incentive or coercive;

e) resolving on the levels of competence of the environmental issues, according to their magnitude;

f) development of norms and standards, their harmonization with international regulations and

introducing compliance programs;

g) training and public education and participation of NGOs in developing and implementing the


The State recognizes the right of all persons to a healthy environment, ensuring:

a) the access to information on environmental quality;

b) the right to associate in organizations of defence of the environment;

c) the right of consultation in decision-making regarding policy development, legislation and

environmental standards, issuing licenses and environmental agreements, including plans for

land use and planning;

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


d) the right to address, directly or through associations, administrative or judicial authorities to

prevent or in case of injury directly or indirectly;

e) the right to compensation for damage suffered.

This Law defines also penalty provisions - offences.

Implementation network

The responsible implementation institutions include:

• Ministry of Environment and Forests;

• Ministry of Administration and Interior;

• Ministry of National Defence;

• Ministry of Health;

• Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;

• Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure;

• Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism;

• Environment Protection Agencies;

• Municipalities and local authorities.

GD 918/2002 on the framework procedure for environmental impact assessment and for

the approval of public or private projects list subject to this procedure


The objective of this decision is the establishment of the framework procedure for environmental

impact assessment, applied to obtain the environmental issue, for certain public or private

institutions that can have significant effects on the environment through their nature, size or

location. Environmental Impact Assessment is an integral part of the procedure for obtaining

environmental permits.

Target groups

This document addresses the operators activating in the field of agriculture, extraction of oil, natural

gas, coal and peat, energy industry, production and processing of metals, construction materials

industry, chemical and petrochemical industry, wood and paper industry, infrastructure and

transport sectors.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

The environmental impact assessment will identify, describe and assess, as appropriate for each

case, the project's direct and indirect effects on the following factors:

a) human beings, fauna and flora;

b) soil, water, air, climate and landscape;

c) material assets and cultural heritage;

d) the interaction between the factors referred to. a), b) and c).

The environmental impact assessment is carried out in preparation of documentation to substantiate

the feasibility of the project.

The environmental impact assessment is carried out in stages as follows:

a) the screening stage in the procedure of environmental impact assessment;

b) assessment scoping stage and the design of the study report on environmental impact


c) the quality of the report stage of analysis to study the environmental impact assessment.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


Implementation network

The procedure for issuing environmental permits based on environmental impact assessment is

conducted by competent authorities for environmental protection, involving central and local public

authorities, as appropriate, with specific duties and responsibilities in environmental protection like:

Ministry of Environment and Forests; Ministry of Administration and Interior; Ministry of National

Defense; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of Transport

and Infrastructure; Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism; Environment Protection

Agencies; Municipalities and local authorities.

National Plan for the Allocation (NAP) of allowances in greenhouse gas emissions for the

periods 2007 and 2008-2012


NAP for the year 2007 and 2008 - 2012 was drawn-up for Romania, in order to be part of EU-ETS

scheme. The Plan transposes Directive 2003/87/ЕС of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for

GHG allowance trading. The Plan includes 234 installations (the number installations with verified

emissions in 2010) belonging to thermal power plants, district heating plants, chemical factories,

textile factories, refineries, cement factories etc.

The main objectives of this plan are the followings:

a) the determination of total amounts of allowances (GHG certificates) at national level;

b) the determination of total amounts of allowances at activity level;

c) the determination of total amounts of allowances at installation level.

Target groups

The target groups concern the operators activating in the field of electricity and heat production,

chemical industry, light industry, refineries, cement factories, etc.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

The NAP is the main implementation instrument of the scheme, being the document by which the

Government established the total number of allowances for GHG emissions, assigned both at

national level and for each operator. The implementing of this plan leads to increase the liability

level for the operators involved in the scheme regarding CO2 emissions

The EU-ETS was extended for the period 2013 - 2020, by including aviation activities. Also, from

January 1st 2013, the scope of the scheme shall be extended by including new sectors and

greenhouse gases. During this period, the basic rule for allocating EU ETS allowances in the

electricity sector (except that produced by using combustion gases and the transitional derogations

granted to some Member States) shall be the full purchase of GHG allowances through auctioning.

For other sectors, a transitional free allocation system of GHG allowances shall be created based on

a harmonized set of rules within the Member States (EU - wide measures of implementation),

ensuring an even interpretation and application of scheme rules by the Member States and avoiding

the emergence of competitive distortions.

Implementation network

The following structures are included in the implementation network: Ministry of Economy,

Commerce and Business Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Ministry of

Administration and Interior, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


National Strategy on Climate Change of Romania 2005 – 2007 (NSCC)


This strategy was approved by GD 645/2005. The objectives of this strategy were:

• to secure compliance with Romania’s commitments under the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol

and climate change related commitments of the EU;

• to establish and implement the voluntary objectives and activities of Romania related to

adaptation to climate change impacts, reduction of the carbon intensity of the Romanian

economy and the participation in the flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol for the

increase of the Romanian economy competitiveness.

The main objectives of this strategy were:

• to meet the target for the level of national GHG emissions in Romania adopted under the

Kyoto Protocol;

• to limit the long-term economic, environmental and social costs of the impacts of climate

change in Romania;

• to establish an adequate policy, legal and institutional framework allowing for the

development and implementation of policies and measures in the field of climate change;

• to implement a national GHG emissions and removals assessment system in compliance

with UNFCCC and EU requirements;

• to participate in flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol.

Target groups

This strategy addresses to all operators from: industry sector, household sector, tertiary sector,

agriculture, transports, and electricity and heat producers.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

This strategy did not provide the rules and influencing mechanisms which were presented in special


Implementation network

Ministry of Environment and Forests has the responsibility for the elaboration of this strategy and is

responsible for implementation in close cooperation with other regional and national authorities in

the environmental protection field.

National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)


This action plan was approved by GD 1877/2005. NAPCC was the main instrument for the

implementation of the NSCC and established how implementation progress is to be reported.

Main objective of this plan was to assign tasks and responsibilities for every stakeholder institution

and to identify the main actors for each specific action and relevant task.

Target groups

The action plan addresses to all operators from: industry sector, household sector, tertiary sector,

agriculture, transports, and electricity and heat producers.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

The NAPCC provided clear deadlines for the actions that need to be implemented and identified

potential funding sources for specific actions.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


MEF annually made public a report on the state of NAPCC implementation. The results of

implementation progress monitoring were communicated to the members of the National

Commission for Climate Change (NCCC).

Implementation network

The implementation is the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and Forests in close

cooperation with other regional and national authorities in the environmental protection field.

3.2. Adaptation

3.2.1. Adaptation policies

In Romania there are no specific adaptation policy instruments. However, taking into account the

actions and the legislation adopted at European level, in Romania also appeared the need for the

elaboration and the promotion of a „Guide on the adaptation to the effects of the climate changes”,

identified also into the National Strategy and National Action Plan on the climate changes, adopted

in 2005.

In this guide the impact of the climate change was analyzed at a national, regional and local level

and the adoption of the response measures identified as a result of this analysis have to be integrated

into the development policies at the national level, based on the principles of solidarity and social


3.2.2. Adaptation policy instruments

Guide on the adaptation to the effects of the climate changes


The objective of the "Guide" is represented by the increase of the adaptation capacity of Romania to

the actual and potential effects of the climate change, through:

- the monitoring of the climate change impact, as well as the associate social and economic


- the integration of the adaptation measures to the climate change effects into the strategies and

the policies of sectorial development and their inter-sectorial harmonization;

- the identification of the special measures on the adaptation to the critical sectors form the point

of view of the vulnerability to the climate change.

The main action directions of this guide regard:

- Research: Assessment of global and regional impacts and a better understanding of the ways to

mainstream adaptation actions;

- Government: development of Adaptation Policy Framework to guide adaptation activities

throughout Romania based on the EU common policy;

- Regional/local level: local authorities have an important role on implementation (specific

regional and local adaptation plans are needed).

- Adaptation must be understood as a process, through which communities gain access to skills,

resources and information.

Target groups

The sectors affected by the temperature increase and the modification of the precipitation conditions

as well as the manifestation of the extreme weather phenomenon are the following: biodiversity,

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


agriculture, water resources, forestry, infrastructure, represented by buildings and constructions,

tourism, energy, industry, transportation, health and recreational activities. There are also affected

indirectly economic sectors such as: food industry, woodworking, textile industry, the production of

biomass and renewable energy.

For instance problems into the energetic sector could occur, especially during the production of

hydroelectric energy, taking into account the fact that the Southern and the South-eastern Europe

and, implicitly, Romania is more exposed to the risk of drought. The increase of the winter

temperatures shall lead to a decrease with 6%-8% of the energy for warming, during the period

2021-2050. In exchange, up to 2030, the energy consumption during the summer could increase

with 28%, because of the high temperatures.

Rules and influencing mechanisms

As immediate adaptation actions in Romania the guide proposes:

- the improvement of existing climate scenarios projections and the sectoral impact assessment;

- the developement of socio-economic scenarios in conjunction with Romania’s circumstances

and development;

- the establishment of an integrated approach to understand the inter-sectoral linkages affecting

the physical and socio-economic vulnerabilities at local level;

- the performance of an analysis to establish an adaptation framework at different scales

providing inputs for a national climate change adaptation plan.

Taking into consideration that various economic sectors are affected by climate change were

adopted recommendations and adaptation measures for each sector as follows:

• Agriculture:

- the selection of the cultivated species by correlation of the local environment conditions

(drought, humidity excess, high temperatures, cold / frost etc.).

- crops management and the rational use of the field;

- the cultivation of a greater number of species/genotypes, respectively varieties/hybrids, for a

better exploitation of the climate conditions, especially the humidity conditions and the

agricultural works lagging;

- the choice of genotypes resistant to the vegetation limitative conditions, with a high tolerance to

"broil", drought and humidity excess;

- at the level of the farms, it is recommended the crop rotation and the determination of a crop

structure that should include at least three groups of plants, respectively straw cereals 33%, hoe

- technical plants 33% and legumes 33%.

- the organization of crop rotations with green fertilizers, in order to improve the physical,

chemical and biologic properties of the degraded soils.

• Biodiversity:

- the determination of a national monitoring system of the endangered species, performed with

public and private support, through national programs and through the participation of the Civil

Society, as a result of the research activities;

- the elaboration of the special management plans of the natural habitats in order to prevent and

limit the degradation process of these habitats as a result of the climate change impact;

- the decrease of the impact generated by the industrial activities on the phreatic water and air

quality, by isolation with forest belts;

- the increase of the forest areas by the rehabilitation of the waste areas and by the creation of

other favorable areas.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


• Forests:

- the performance and the promotion of the guides of good practice in the forest field, which

should provide the resilience of the forests to the climate change effects, adapted to the needs of

the private property/state and the principles of sustainable administration;

- the increase of the standing wood surface, by the afforestation of certain degraded fields and of

certain marginal fields, not proper for an efficient agriculture, as well as through the creation of

forest shelter-belts for the agricultural fields, of the watercourses and of the communication

ways, for the anti-erosion protection of slopes;

- the promotion of the energetic crops and the use of the waste forest biomass resources;

- the encouragement of the development of demonstration activities of the research results by the

users by the significant improvement of the capacity of public consultancy services and the

support of the researches.

• Infrastructure, constructions and urban planning:

- the promotion of certain prevention systems and fast efficient intervention in case of the

occurrence of the extreme weather phenomena;

- the resizing of the sanitation system in order to take over the water excess got from the heavy

rains fallen inside the city;

- the development of the construction standards for green buildings;

- the development of the standards and the constructive solutions for the improvement of the

performances and the thermal isolation;

- the implementation of the modern architecture concepts for maximum potential of using the

renewable energy sources;

- the promotion of materials and constructive solutions suitable for the potential effects of the

climatic change;

- the extension of the application of the technologies and practices to use the renewable energy

sources in order to provide the necessary utilities;

- the promotion of certain training the increase public awareness regarding climate change


• Transport:

- the revision of the infrastructure regulations, such as: the drainage of the rain water, earth

moving, roads, railways, bridges, tunnels;

- the identification of alternative transportation routes;

- the insurance of the proper collection of the rain water in the street network;

- the protection of the railway infrastructure against erosion;

- the replacement of the surface cables with underground cables;

- the promotion of certain new technologies of street carpet;

- the decrease of the road transportation;

- the stimulation of the alternative transportations with an impact as low a possible on the


- the limitation of the masses of the means of transportation of goods on certain sectors with high

population exposure;

- the afforestation of the areas affected by floods and earth slides close to the communication


• Energy:

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


- it is necessary to elaborate urgently studies on the risk assessment concerning the climate

change effects for the energy sector generally, and especially, in the risk assessment for the

hydroelectric sector taking into consideration the following situations:

a) climate changes will modify the seasonal demand of electricity which will be lower

during the winter and higher during the summer;

b) climate changes may also generate a reduction of the hydroelectric power by the

decrease of the water resources;

c) the decrease of the water resources also affects the performance of the cooling systems

of the nuclear plants.

- it is necessary to take actions to determine the critical infrastructure in the energy system in

order to determine the measures required in case of extreme weather phenomena;

- researches and studies concerning the possible evolution of energy consumption because of the

higher temperatures and of the extreme phenomena;

- the promotion of the energy production from renewable sources;

- the elaboration of strategies by the local public administration authorities in order to use energy

sources which should comply with the European environment and efficiency norms, in order to

produce electricity and heat, in centralized systems.

• Industry:

- all the industry sectors, as a matter of fact the whole economy, has to orientate towards a

sustainable development, towards the use of products, processes and technologies energetically

efficient, the decrease of the greenhouse gas effects, the decrease of the carbon dioxide level

and towards the use of the renewable energies;

- to transform all the challenges generated by the climate change into opportunities to encourage

the research and the innovation, to identify new techniques, technologies and products;

- the stimulation of the investments in innovative technologies for the production of electricity

and energy efficiency;

- the improvement of the economic and ecologic performances of the enterprises;

- all the policies concerning the raw materials and the industrial products should support the

global demand of goods with low level of carbon;

- the necessity to consolidate the role of the norms (standards), as an instrument to measure the

competitiveness and the viability.

At the end the “Guide” proposes a number of further measures:

a) Creation of a multi-annual research programme on adaptation to climate change effects;

b) Creation of a scientific interdisciplinary group in order to post-evaluate the research studies in

order to evaluate the progress registered regarding the research in the adaptation field and to

identify the elements that have to be taken into consideration when the Guide will be updated;

c) Updating of climate change scenarios in Romania;

d) Organisation of a national information campaign;

e) Integration of climate change adaptation strategies into environmental legislation and policy


Implementation network

Responsible for the implementation of the above respective measures are:

a) all ministries of the relevant economy sectors will identify their studies required in the field of

the assessment of the vulnerability and the climate change impact;

b) the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, Ministry of the Public Health, Ministry

of Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment,

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


the Ministry of Interior and Administration, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism,

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Environment and Forests;

c) Ministry of Environment and Forests and National Administration of Meteorology;

d) Ministry of Environment and Forests;

e) the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural

Development, Ministry of the Public Health, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry

of Public Finances, The Ministry of Interior and Administration, Ministry of Economy,

Commerce and Business Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”



1. National Institute of Statistics, 2011 – Tempo online.

2. National Institute of Statistics, 2011 – Tempo online.

3. National Institute of Statistics, 2005; “Energy Balance 2004”

4. National Institute of Statistics, 2006; “Energy Balance 2005”.

5. National Institute of Statistics, 2007; “Energy Balance 2006”.

6. National Institute of Statistics, 2008; “Energy Balance 2007”.

7. National Institute of Statistics, 2009; “Energy Balance 2008”.

8. National Institute of Statistics, 2010; “Energy Balance 2009”.

9. National Institute of Statistics, “Romanian Statistical Yearbook 2010”.

10. ARIS, 2009; ARIS website:

11. Ernst & Young, 2011. Reforms and economic development.

12. National Commission for Forecasting of Romania, The projection of the main

macroeconomic indicators for the period 2010 - 2014, November 2010.

13. National Commission for Forecasting of Romania, The projection of the main

macroeconomic indicators on territorial profile for 2014, March 2011.

14. Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment 2011; “Romanian Energy

Strategy for 2007 - 2020 period”.

15. ANRE, 2011. ANRE website:

16. Transelectrica website:

17. Hidroelectrica website:

18. Nuclearelectrica website:

19. ANRE, List of E-RES producers whose production facilities have been qualified for

production of electricity priority for 2010.

20. Ministry of Environment, 2009; Ministry of Environment website:

21. National Environmental Protection Agency, 2011; website:

22. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Romania’s Fifth National Communication on Climate

Change under The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, January


23. Romanian Government: GD 1460/2008 – National Strategy for sustainable development –

Horizons 2013-2020-2030.

24. Romanian Government: GD 163/2004 – National Strategy for Energy Efficiency for

2004 – 2015.

25. Romanian Parliament: Law no. 13/2007, Energy Law.

26. Romanian Parliament: Law no. 220/2008 for the establishment of the system for promoting

the production of energy from renewable energy sources - republished in 2010.

27. Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment, 2010 - National Renewable

Energy Action Plan (NREAP).

28. Romanian Government: GD 1535/2003 – Strategy for Renewable Energy Sources

Utilization 2004.

PROMITHEAS-4: “Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios”


29. Romanian Government: GD 443/2003 – the promotion of electricity from renewable energy.

30. Romanian Government: GO 22/2008 regarding the energy efficiency and promotion of the

use of renewable energy sources at the end-users.

31. Romanian Parliament: Environmental Protection Law 137/1995, republished, modified and

completed by Emergency Ordinance 91/2002, approved by Law 294/2003;

32. Romanian Government: GD 918/2002 on the framework procedure for environmental

impact assessment and for the approval of public or private projects list subject to this


33. Romanian Government: GD 60/2008 – National Plan for the allocation of allowances in

greenhouse gas emissions for the periods 2007 and 2008-2012.

34. Romanian Government: GD 645/2005 – National Strategy on Climate Change of Romania

2005 – 2007.

35. Romanian Government: GD 1877/2005 – National Action Plan on Climate Change.

36. Ministry of Environment and Forests – Ministerial Order 1170/2008 - Guide on the

adaptation to the climate change effects.

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