
Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Start<<silently>><<set $name = prompt("Hey stranger, what's your name?")>><<endsilently>>

Hello <<print $name>>.So the story goes like this.

In the late Friday afternoon you end up at a house party celebrating your friend's birthday. As you've totally forgot to get him a present you feel the need to make it up to him.

After few hours of drinking it turns out there's not much alcahol alcohol left in the house. So, as you're a nice friend and you're feeling quite guilty of not getting him a present, you accept the mission of getting some booze.Proceed The Mission|2


<html><EMBED src="/Volumes/ERROR/twine/song.wav" autostart = true hidden = true loop = false></html>

After getting some money from your friends you realiserealize you still need some more., soSo, you decide to empty your saving and get to your local cashpointcash point. After walking out the house you follow the closest route suggested by your mates. Following the route suggested you come across chavs at an alleyway.

What do you do?

3 run away4 fight them5 have a nice chat6 ignore them

[img[chavs final.jpg]]

You run away from the chavs, but as you're still drunk you hit a lamp post and pass out. After about 10 minutes you wake up when a taxi driver keeps shaking you.

He asks if you're alright. You

6 ask him for a lift to the shop, as you've got some money in your pocket7 tell him he's an idiot and run away8 say I'm alright9 ask him for directions

Now you know the exact route and after 15 minutes you arrive at the shop. Follow 6


StoryTitleGet Some Booze

StoryAuthorby Matiss Rakstins

After a painfully long journey home you arrive at the house party.You enter the house and your friends salute you with the great success.

Well done <<print $name>>.[img[title.jpg]]

They turn out to be alright and you actually have a nice chat. Follow to 6

You end up at a cashpoincash pointt, which is near the local grocery store. Interestingly, there are suspicious group of people behind the corner.


10 don't care, get cash11 wait for 5 minutes, pretend to take a call12 go in the shop and pay by card

You fight the chavs. Unfortunately, you are too drunk you get a beating. You end up in a hospital.

Nice try <<print $name>>, game over.

The taxi driver didn't like the answer so he chases you and knocks you out. You end up in the hospital. Game Over <<print $name>>.

You have a chat with the taxi driver and he likes you so much he gives you a free lift. Follow to 6

The dog chases you and you get bitten badly.Unfortunately, you end up in a hospital. Game Over. [img[dog final.jpg]]

Once you get the cash out get confronted by the suspicious group of people. They steal all you money and belongings. Game Over <<print $name>>.


You wait for a while and get some money out. Now you can buy some alcohol. Follow to 12

You enter the shop, get the booze and you realiserealize you've forgotten your ID.


13 panic14 act cool and calm15 flirt with the shopkeeper16 steal the booze[img[shopkeeperfinal.jpg]]

You run out of the shop but coincidentally the local cops are in front of you. They realiserealize you've committed a theft and arrest you. Game Over <<print $name>>.

You run out of the shop but coincidentally the local cops are in front of you. They realiserealize you've committed a theft and arrest you. Game Over <<print $name>>.

Not many people are around at this late hour, but fortunately you find someone to ask.They suggest two shops which they know of. One on Green's Street.The other on High Street. He also tells you that the shop on High Street is definatelydefinitely open.

You go for the

34 High Street35 Green's Street

It takes you about 30 minutes to get to shop and for your luck it turns out to be open. Now you've got what you were after and you may go back to the house party. Follow 36

You meet a homeless man who doesn't seem very calm. He also has a dog with him.


40 Run away41 Calm him down by singing a Christmas song loudly

[img[angry guy final.jpg]]

The shopkeeper asks for your ID as you seem agitated.



17 tell him you're over 1818 just walk out ignoring the shopkeeper19 cry like a baby20 steal the booze and run out


The shopkeeper does not believe you. You've got no option but to walk away. Follow 18

He loves it some much he falls asleep softly. You now carry on with your journey back to the house party.Follow 36

You now have a bad feeling that most of the shops will be closed now. Unfortunately, you're not from around the area so you don't even know where they are.


32 Ask a stranger for directions to the nearest shops33 Go back to the house party empty handed

Everything goes smoothly and you buy the booze. You're over 18 anyway why would you worry. Follow to 21

The shopkeeper feels sorry for you and lets you off this time. You've got the booze. Follow to 21[img[shopkeeperfinal.jpg]]

The shopkeeper turns out to be the same gender as you, and asks for your phone number. You 22|22 give your number23 don't give it24|22 say you've forgotten your phone

The shopkeeper is not happy at all and does not sell you the alcohol. You've got no option but to walk away. Follow 18

The shopkeeper gives you the number on a piece of paper. You


24 throw it out25 keep it26|24 burn it

It takes you about 15 minutes to get there. Turns out the stranger was completely wrong and the shop has been closed for the past two weeks, for renovation.

You don't have any more options so you decide to go back to the house party empty handed. Follow 33

There was nothing to worry about and you carry on with your journey. Follow 39|36

You start a painfully long journey back to the house party. You come across a dark children’s play area, which you can't avoid.

37 Sneak around it38 Go through it

You get rid of the number on the piece of paper. Do you think it was a good idea? Well it's too late anyway. Now you've got what you came after, so it should be straight forward from now on. Follow 27

That phone number might be useful later on. Good on you <<print $name>>. Now you've got the booze as well. Follow 26|21

As you start you're journey back to the house party your mate with a car pops up. She recently passed her driving test so you salute her on the achievement.

She tries to help you out by offering a lift to the house party.

28 Go for it29|21 Be weird and walk by yourself

It's nice to get a lift in a comfy car. The evening could of not gone better. Follow 29

When you're about two minutes away from the house you notice flashing lights behind you. What could it be?Follow 30

Of course it's the cops. Don't worry you're friend surely has all of the papers sorted.Follow 31


Turns out your friend is driving with no insurance. Busted.

Wait, there's more, the cops suspect you've got drugs on you. You are taken to the police station.Game Over <<print $name>>Nice try though.

As you approach the house you are not feeling good at all.You decide to walk inside. At first you're friends seem happy to see you. But afterwards, they realiserealize you don't have the booze. It's not the end of the world, but you have failed you're mission.


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