
Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Turning Fear Into Hope


www.JeunesseGlobal.comif you are still uncertain and have questions,

then do not hesitate to contact a ProPectin Advisor immediatelyby visiting our website.



Helps your body rid itself of invisible,

silent and deadly radiation

www.JeunesseGlobal.comIf you are still uncertain and have questions,

then do not hesitate to contact a ProPectin Advisor immediatelyby visiting our website.


ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 1 13/07/12 09:05


Direct Radiation

Direct Radiation









Inhalation / Deposit


Radioactive Rlease Contamination Mechanism







r a d i o a c t i v e r e l e a s e C o n t a m i n a t i o n m e c h a n i s m

Turning Fear into hope Apple pectin is clinically proven to bind with cancer-causing radioactive metal and by chelation helps your body carry it safely out of your system. ProPectin is the only pharmaceutical-grade apple pectin on the market today that is soluble for instant and maximum absorption.

The FactsMarch 11, 2011, the unthinkable happened. For the second time in our planet’s history, a nuclear accident of vast proportions struck Fukushima, Japan.

in Japan the 50 nuclear reactors, which supply the country with affordable energy, are built on or near some of the most active earthquake fault lines in the world.

After the Fukushima earthquake the three active reactors shut down and emergency genera-tors came on to cool them. However, when a tsunami hit, all electrical power was shut off, so the water pumps failed. Nuclear fi ssion then occurred causing the reactors to overheat.

Not just one but three nuclear reactors experienced a full nuclear meltdown. This released deadly, cancer-causing radioactive isotopes like plutonium, strontium and Cesium-137 (Cs-137) into the atmosphere, the ocean and the soil. even more radioactive material was


T u R N i N G F e A R i N T o H o P e


each of the 90 ProPectin sachets in the box contains 85 grams of pharmaceutical grade, water-soluble apple pectin.

• Suggested Use: 1 sachet 3 times daily for the fi rst 30 days (one box) then 1 sachet daily for a maintenance dose to continue removing radioactive heavy metals from the body.

• That’s one box for the fi rst 30 days and 4 boxes during the next year … a total of 5 boxes.

• each 85 g sachet of ProPectin mixes instantly in 200 mL of water.

• Flavor of applesauce with a smooth texture like fruit nectar.

how long will I need to take ProPectin?

More than two decades of Chernobyl research shows that exposed people may possibly need to take pectin products for years depending the levels of continuing contamination. Radioactive Cs-137 lodges in your bone marrow, your tissues, your cells … everywhere. The good news is, with ProPectin, the immediate, ongoing and long-term effects of Cs-137 in your body can be greatly controlled and minimized. if you act now, ProPectin can assist you in living a long and healthy life, freeing you from the long-term ravages of radiation. You can actually experience the benefi ts and even see results from the fi rst 30 days so you KNOW that ProPectin is helping you transport Cs-137 out of your body. Be proactive with ProPectin.

Prove for yourself that ProPectin is working inside you

• Schedule a test for radiation to measure Cs-137 in your body. Then take ProPectin for 30 days to fl ush away as much Cs-137 and other radioactive heavy metals as you can. even if the tests show no Cs-137, you can take ProPectin preventively if you feel you may be exposed. This may be important for children, older people, pregnant women and women hoping to become mothers.

• Take a second test at the end of your fi rst 30 days on ProPectin.

This is our ProPectin promise. Your test results will assure you, with your own actual numbers, that you’re protecting yourself from serious and long-term consequences from Cs-137.

once you have this real evidence of what ProPectin is doing for you, please help us spread the word. We are confi dent that ProPectin will bring hope to people who otherwise would suffer for years. Thank you for making the decision to try ProPectin.

Because every day the danger grows and quantities are limited for now, please act right away to schedule your auto-shipment for a guaranteed supply … and experience the ProPectin promise for you and your loved ones.

ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 2 13/07/12 09:05

released when containment vessels were vented to reduce gaseous pressure. Radioactive fallout began to spread into the Gulf Stream and throughout the world.

The radioactive fallout from a Level 7 disaster of this magnitude (the highest classifi cation recognized by the International Nuclear Event Scale) is extremely serious. You can’t see it, smell it, taste it, hear it or feel it. it passes through your body leaving small particles behind. it builds up over time and can lead to radiation sickness, radiation poisoning, cancer and early death. This silent killer can show up in 5 years, 10 years or even 50 years. We can’t imagine the full impact this disaster might have on us and those we love.

After a tragedy of such overwhelming proportions the facts begin to emerge one way or another … through science, in doctor visits and in actual statistics. Humanity starts responding to the crisis in a well-thought-out, creative, compassionate and rational way. We come together to fi nd solutions … often in nature … to limit the tragic consequences of even our greatest disasters. ProPectin is one of those solutions.


T u R N i N G F e A R i N T o H o P e

“Clearly we’re witnessing one of the greatest disasters in modern time.” A l A n h A n S o n

Executive Vice President of AREVA, Inc., one of the largest atomic energy companies in the world

ProPectinProPectin is more effective than any other pectin product because our patent-pending process isolates far more of the most powerful active ingre-dients in apples responsible for carrying Cs-137 out of the body. It is a standard-ized, pharmaceutical-grade product.

• Clinically proven to assist your body in binding and removing radioactive Cs-137 from your system.

• Tastes delicious. Convenient for in-home use. Dissolves in water within 10 seconds.

• Absorbs quickly for maximum effectiveness.

Go to our website www.JeunesseGlobal.comand order yours today.


ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 3 13/07/12 09:05

















(Sq kg - 1)

















(Sq kg - 1)

Fact 2:What really happened at Chernobyl helps predict what will happen at Fukushima.The fallout from the Chernobyl disaster, according to many experts, is far greater than the gove rnment reported. Official reports state that only 9,000 died. Scientists and doctors who worked in hospitals caring for sick and deformed children report otherwise. An exhaustive study of Chernobyl medical reports suggests that the death tally is over one million in multiple countries. These startling numbers are meticulously reported in the book, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catas-trophe for People and the Environment by Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko and Alexey V. Nesterenko. The toll in long-term suffering is beyond calculation.

In many areas all over Japan, radiation levels are higher than limits that required compulsory evacuation after Chernobyl. (Kouta Kinoshita, Investigative Journalist, Citizen Radiation Project, See

What we learn from Chernobyl can predict what could happen to Japanese children.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and abandoned surrounding area.

Est imated Cesium 137 (Cs-137) Soi l Concentra t ion

(DRT + 0 .001 ; CC = 53)

Fact 1:

P R o P e C T i N


“in the 3.3 million population of the 100 km Fukushima contamination zone, a 66% increase in cancer ... is predicted in 10 years.” P r o F E S S o r C h r I S B u S B y

Executive Vice President Scientific Secretary of the Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR)

T u R N i N G F e A R i N T o H o P e


Fact 5: Good people everywhere are coming together to solve this problem.The dream: to halt the effects of Cs-137 and other radioactive fallout in the world and protect us from the devastating results of this terrible disaster.

The team behind the dream

A host of business leaders and scientists in all parts of the globe are working tirelessly to reach new and better solutions for victims of Fukushima. They’re gathering and sharing the latest facts. They’re planting orchards and buying up fledgling companies with the capacity to help increase production, lower prices, and supply sufficient quantities of ProPectin. We are diligently working for more extensive research in Japan and to find even better, more effective solutions for the victims of Fukushima and their children.

you. The most important member of this team. What powerful government leaders and wealthy business owners cannot do, you can do by sharing this story and your success stories with those you know and care about. You can use your influence, talents and skills to spread the word, share the facts, dispel the fear and help with solutions. We need reporters, artists, teachers, film makers, scientists, bloggers, grandparents, the healthy, the dying and their families. We need your stories of defeat and victory, of suffering and triumph over this deadly enemy. Share on Facebook, on Twitter, through texts and emails. Forward messages from our website. Together we can circle the world many times with facts and solutions. every human being on this planet knows that what has happened in Fuku-shima could happen near them … next. We must work together to share real solutions now.

ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 4 13/07/12 09:05

1986 – 1997 Increase in children’s diseases and malformations in Belarus (near Chernobyl)

• Hormones & immune system diseases: 300-fold increase

• Digestive diseases: 213.4-fold increase

• Respiratory diseases: 108.8-fold increase

• Bones and connective tissue diseases: 70.7-fold increase

• Skin diseases: 44.7-fold increase

• Blood and blood-forming diseases: 21.2-fold increase

• Circulatory diseases: 13.3-fold increase

• Mental disorders: 9.1-fold increase

• Congenital malformations: 6.7-fold increase

A.V. Yablokov, V.B. Nesterenko, A.V. Nesterenko, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, Table 5.78, p 133.

Chernobyl’s children carry genetic markers. No one can predict the long-term effects. We won’t know the full consequences for decades or even generations.

ProPectin could not only save your life, but it could also protect your descendants. if Cs-137 is not removed, its consequences could be passed on from generation to generation.

“Average levels of … Cs-137 and Strontium-90 in the heavily contaminated areas [around Chernobyl] did not decline, but rather increased from 1991 to 2005. …The contaminated areas will be dangerously radioactive for roughly the next three centuries” (Yablokov, p. 289). every day left ignored, the danger grows.

Fact 2: Apple pectin helped the children of Chernobyl, and it can help you and your loved ones.Since pectin was first formulated in the 1820s, scientists have studied its multiple uses. in the 1960s formulators discovered that some pectins help the body carry heavy metals out of the system … mercury, lead and radioactive Cs-137.

For over a decade apple pectin has been the hope for thousands of Chernobyl victims, especially children. And now it can help victims of the Fukushima disaster reduce dangerous Cs-137 from their bodies and live healthier, longer lives.

Apple pectin was tested with great success in eastern europe on school children. From 1996 to 2007, 160,000 children received pectin treatments. Levels of Cs-137 decreased by an average of 30 to 40 percent (Yablokov, p 307).

T u R N i N G F e A R i N T o H o P e


“We saw what happened to kids who didn’t take the [apple pectin] treatment.”

“i was 8 when the Chernobyl incident occurred. Now i’m 25. i was part of a group of exposed kids who received an experi-mental treatment of apple pectin. We took doses every day, and we were tested before and after we started the treatment. i can’t speak for everyone involved in the tests, but i and my friends all think we’d have many more problems with our health if we hadn’t taken pectin. We saw what happened to kids who didn’t take the treatment … and it wasn’t good.”

K A T y A S m I r n o v

formerly from Belarus, Russia

Fact 4: Painful experiences in russia can now save many lives in Japan and elsewhere.Alexey Yablokov, Vassily Nesterenko and Alexey Nest-erenko wrote a fearless scientific exposition of the Chernobyl catastrophe. Their book also provided valuable information about the natural solutions like apple pectin that prevented so much suffering and saved many lives in eastern europe. This 327-page book, Chernobyl, Consequences for People and the Environment is available in english and Japanese on our website:

Scientists around the world are giving us the facts

Dr. michael nobel, great grand-nephew of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish philan-thropist who gave us the Nobel prizes, understands the danger.

Dr. Nobel is the cofounder and Chairman of the Nobel Charitable Trust, Asia. He was involved in the development of

Magnetic Resonance imaging, or MRi. He currently serves as a guest professor at the Solu-tions Science Research Laboratory at the Tokyo institute of Technology, university of Japan. He has an honorary doctorate from Soka univer-sity in Tokyo and holds an honorary professorship from the National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan.

Dr. Nobel has examined the data and clinical studies on ProPectin. “i am endorsing ProPectin,” says Dr. Nobel, “because research shows it can substantially reduce the amounts of radionu-clides, such as Cesium-137, in the human body.”

“Prior to 1985 more than 80% of children in the Chernobyl territories of Belarus, ukraine, and euro-pean Russia were healthy; today fewer than 20% are well. in the heavily contaminated areas it is difficult to find one healthy child.” A l E x E y y A B l o K o vv A S S I l y n E S T E r E n K o A l E x E y n E S T E r E n K o

Authors; Chernobyl, Consequences for People and the Environment, page 2.

P R o P e C T i N


ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 5 13/07/12 09:05


Fact 3: ProPectin is even more effective at saving lives.Shortly after the Fukushima disaster, Prof. Dimitre Kirtchev, developed a delicious pectin powder that could be instantly dissolved in water and ingested for quick absorption and maximum elimi-nation of radioactive metals. ProPectin was created.

In his youth Prof. Kirtchev was an employee at the BELRAD Institute in Minsk, Belarus where Vassily Nesterenko and Alexey Yablokov successfully tested apple pectin on thousands of children.

Prof. Kirtchev’s team tested apples from many territories and discovered that there is a particular apple grown in a region of Poland that is perfectly suited for this powerful, pharmacy-grade product. The pectin in these apples is so strong, in fact, that it cannot be used for jellies and jams. This is one reason why, along with Prof. Kirtchev’s arduous six-step processing, that supplies are so limited right now. We have many agriculture experts working to expand the orchards and lower the costs through more efficient manufacturing.

early trials of ProPectin are showing even greater and safer elimination of Cs-137 than previous unrefined pectin products used after Chernobyl.

Why not just eat apples? it takes 250 kilos of apples to produce one kilo of ProPectin. eating many apples a day is like throwing a cup of water on a house fire when a fire hose like ProPectin is needed. Results from low-quality pectin products are not much better.

Children, adults, pregnant women and couples who long to become pregnant can now remove much of the deadly Cs-137 in their bodies and have a greater chance for a healthier life.

2 5 0 k i l o s o f A p p l e s


1 kilo of ProPectin

T u R N i N G F e A R i N T o H o P e


“in June - July 2001 BeLRAD … conducted a placebo-controlled double-blind study of 615 children with internal contamination who were treated with [apple pectin] (5 g twice a day) for a 3-week period. in children taking the [apple pectin] (together with clean food) Cs-137 levels were lowered much more effectively than in the control group, who had clean food combined with a placebo” (Yablokov, p. 305). An adjacent chart shows a decrease of 63.6% compared with the placebo decrease of only 13.9% after only 21 days. That’s 4.5 times as much.

ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 6 13/07/12 09:05


Fact 3: ProPectin is even more effective at saving lives.Shortly after the Fukushima disaster, Prof. Dimitre Kirtchev, developed a delicious pectin powder that could be instantly dissolved in water and ingested for quick absorption and maximum elimi-nation of radioactive metals. ProPectin was created.

In his youth Prof. Kirtchev was an employee at the BELRAD Institute in Minsk, Belarus where Vassily Nesterenko and Alexey Yablokov successfully tested apple pectin on thousands of children.

Prof. Kirtchev’s team tested apples from many territories and discovered that there is a particular apple grown in a region of Poland that is perfectly suited for this powerful, pharmacy-grade product. The pectin in these apples is so strong, in fact, that it cannot be used for jellies and jams. This is one reason why, along with Prof. Kirtchev’s arduous six-step processing, that supplies are so limited right now. We have many agriculture experts working to expand the orchards and lower the costs through more efficient manufacturing.

early trials of ProPectin are showing even greater and safer elimination of Cs-137 than previous unrefined pectin products used after Chernobyl.

Why not just eat apples? it takes 250 kilos of apples to produce one kilo of ProPectin. eating many apples a day is like throwing a cup of water on a house fire when a fire hose like ProPectin is needed. Results from low-quality pectin products are not much better.

Children, adults, pregnant women and couples who long to become pregnant can now remove much of the deadly Cs-137 in their bodies and have a greater chance for a healthier life.

2 5 0 k i l o s o f A p p l e s


1 kilo of ProPectin

T u R N i N G F e A R i N T o H o P e


“in June - July 2001 BeLRAD … conducted a placebo-controlled double-blind study of 615 children with internal contamination who were treated with [apple pectin] (5 g twice a day) for a 3-week period. in children taking the [apple pectin] (together with clean food) Cs-137 levels were lowered much more effectively than in the control group, who had clean food combined with a placebo” (Yablokov, p. 305). An adjacent chart shows a decrease of 63.6% compared with the placebo decrease of only 13.9% after only 21 days. That’s 4.5 times as much.

ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 6 13/07/12 09:05

1986 – 1997 Increase in children’s diseases and malformations in Belarus (near Chernobyl)

• Hormones & immune system diseases: 300-fold increase

• Digestive diseases: 213.4-fold increase

• Respiratory diseases: 108.8-fold increase

• Bones and connective tissue diseases: 70.7-fold increase

• Skin diseases: 44.7-fold increase

• Blood and blood-forming diseases: 21.2-fold increase

• Circulatory diseases: 13.3-fold increase

• Mental disorders: 9.1-fold increase

• Congenital malformations: 6.7-fold increase

A.V. Yablokov, V.B. Nesterenko, A.V. Nesterenko, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, Table 5.78, p 133.

Chernobyl’s children carry genetic markers. No one can predict the long-term effects. We won’t know the full consequences for decades or even generations.

ProPectin could not only save your life, but it could also protect your descendants. if Cs-137 is not removed, its consequences could be passed on from generation to generation.

“Average levels of … Cs-137 and Strontium-90 in the heavily contaminated areas [around Chernobyl] did not decline, but rather increased from 1991 to 2005. …The contaminated areas will be dangerously radioactive for roughly the next three centuries” (Yablokov, p. 289). every day left ignored, the danger grows.

Fact 2: Apple pectin helped the children of Chernobyl, and it can help you and your loved ones.Since pectin was first formulated in the 1820s, scientists have studied its multiple uses. in the 1960s formulators discovered that some pectins help the body carry heavy metals out of the system … mercury, lead and radioactive Cs-137.

For over a decade apple pectin has been the hope for thousands of Chernobyl victims, especially children. And now it can help victims of the Fukushima disaster reduce dangerous Cs-137 from their bodies and live healthier, longer lives.

Apple pectin was tested with great success in eastern europe on school children. From 1996 to 2007, 160,000 children received pectin treatments. Levels of Cs-137 decreased by an average of 30 to 40 percent (Yablokov, p 307).

T u R N i N G F e A R i N T o H o P e


“We saw what happened to kids who didn’t take the [apple pectin] treatment.”

“i was 8 when the Chernobyl incident occurred. Now i’m 25. i was part of a group of exposed kids who received an experi-mental treatment of apple pectin. We took doses every day, and we were tested before and after we started the treatment. i can’t speak for everyone involved in the tests, but i and my friends all think we’d have many more problems with our health if we hadn’t taken pectin. We saw what happened to kids who didn’t take the treatment … and it wasn’t good.”

K A T y A S m I r n o v

formerly from Belarus, Russia

Fact 4: Painful experiences in russia can now save many lives in Japan and elsewhere.Alexey Yablokov, Vassily Nesterenko and Alexey Nest-erenko wrote a fearless scientific exposition of the Chernobyl catastrophe. Their book also provided valuable information about the natural solutions like apple pectin that prevented so much suffering and saved many lives in eastern europe. This 327-page book, Chernobyl, Consequences for People and the Environment is available in english and Japanese on our website:

Scientists around the world are giving us the facts

Dr. michael nobel, great grand-nephew of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish philan-thropist who gave us the Nobel prizes, understands the danger.

Dr. Nobel is the cofounder and Chairman of the Nobel Charitable Trust, Asia. He was involved in the development of

Magnetic Resonance imaging, or MRi. He currently serves as a guest professor at the Solu-tions Science Research Laboratory at the Tokyo institute of Technology, university of Japan. He has an honorary doctorate from Soka univer-sity in Tokyo and holds an honorary professorship from the National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan.

Dr. Nobel has examined the data and clinical studies on ProPectin. “i am endorsing ProPectin,” says Dr. Nobel, “because research shows it can substantially reduce the amounts of radionu-clides, such as Cesium-137, in the human body.”

“Prior to 1985 more than 80% of children in the Chernobyl territories of Belarus, ukraine, and euro-pean Russia were healthy; today fewer than 20% are well. in the heavily contaminated areas it is difficult to find one healthy child.” A l E x E y y A B l o K o vv A S S I l y n E S T E r E n K o A l E x E y n E S T E r E n K o

Authors; Chernobyl, Consequences for People and the Environment, page 2.

P R o P e C T i N


ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 5 13/07/12 09:05

















(Sq kg - 1)

















(Sq kg - 1)

Fact 2:What really happened at Chernobyl helps predict what will happen at Fukushima.The fallout from the Chernobyl disaster, according to many experts, is far greater than the gove rnment reported. Official reports state that only 9,000 died. Scientists and doctors who worked in hospitals caring for sick and deformed children report otherwise. An exhaustive study of Chernobyl medical reports suggests that the death tally is over one million in multiple countries. These startling numbers are meticulously reported in the book, Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catas-trophe for People and the Environment by Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko and Alexey V. Nesterenko. The toll in long-term suffering is beyond calculation.

In many areas all over Japan, radiation levels are higher than limits that required compulsory evacuation after Chernobyl. (Kouta Kinoshita, Investigative Journalist, Citizen Radiation Project, See

What we learn from Chernobyl can predict what could happen to Japanese children.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and abandoned surrounding area.

Est imated Cesium 137 (Cs-137) Soi l Concentra t ion

(DRT + 0 .001 ; CC = 53)

Fact 1:

P R o P e C T i N


“in the 3.3 million population of the 100 km Fukushima contamination zone, a 66% increase in cancer ... is predicted in 10 years.” P r o F E S S o r C h r I S B u S B y

Executive Vice President Scientific Secretary of the Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR)

T u R N i N G F e A R i N T o H o P e


Fact 5: Good people everywhere are coming together to solve this problem.The dream: to halt the effects of Cs-137 and other radioactive fallout in the world and protect us from the devastating results of this terrible disaster.

The team behind the dream

A host of business leaders and scientists in all parts of the globe are working tirelessly to reach new and better solutions for victims of Fukushima. They’re gathering and sharing the latest facts. They’re planting orchards and buying up fledgling companies with the capacity to help increase production, lower prices, and supply sufficient quantities of ProPectin. We are diligently working for more extensive research in Japan and to find even better, more effective solutions for the victims of Fukushima and their children.

you. The most important member of this team. What powerful government leaders and wealthy business owners cannot do, you can do by sharing this story and your success stories with those you know and care about. You can use your influence, talents and skills to spread the word, share the facts, dispel the fear and help with solutions. We need reporters, artists, teachers, film makers, scientists, bloggers, grandparents, the healthy, the dying and their families. We need your stories of defeat and victory, of suffering and triumph over this deadly enemy. Share on Facebook, on Twitter, through texts and emails. Forward messages from our website. Together we can circle the world many times with facts and solutions. every human being on this planet knows that what has happened in Fuku-shima could happen near them … next. We must work together to share real solutions now.

ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 4 13/07/12 09:05

released when containment vessels were vented to reduce gaseous pressure. Radioactive fallout began to spread into the Gulf Stream and throughout the world.

The radioactive fallout from a Level 7 disaster of this magnitude (the highest classifi cation recognized by the International Nuclear Event Scale) is extremely serious. You can’t see it, smell it, taste it, hear it or feel it. It passes through your body leaving small particles behind. It builds up over time and can lead to radiation sickness, radiation poisoning, cancer and early death. This silent killer can show up in 5 years, 10 years or even 50 years. We can’t imagine the full impact this disaster might have on us and those we love.

After a tragedy of such overwhelming proportions the facts begin to emerge one way or another … through science, in doctor visits and in actual statistics. Humanity starts responding to the crisis in a well-thought-out, creative, compassionate and rational way. We come together to fi nd solutions … often in nature … to limit the tragic consequences of even our greatest disasters. ProPectin is one of those solutions.



“Clearly we’re witnessing one of the greatest disasters in modern time.” A L A N H A N S O N

Executive Vice President of AREVA, Inc., one of the largest atomic energy companies in the world

ProPectinProPectin is more effective than any other pectin product because our patent-pending process isolates far more of the most powerful active ingre-dients in apples responsible for carrying Cs-137 out of the body. It is a standard-ized, pharmaceutical-grade product.

• Clinically proven to assist your body in binding and removing radioactive Cs-137 from your system.

• Tastes delicious. Convenient for in-home use. Dissolves in water within 10 seconds.

• Absorbs quickly for maximum effectiveness.

Go to our website www.JeunesseGlobal.comand order yours today.


ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 3 13/07/12 09:19


Direct Radiation

Direct Radiation









Inhalation / Deposit


Radioactive Rlease Contamination Mechanism







r a d i o a c t i v e r e l e a s e C o n t a m i n a t i o n m e c h a n i s m

Turning Fear into hope Apple pectin is clinically proven to bind with cancer-causing radioactive metal and by chelation helps your body carry it safely out of your system. ProPectin is the only pharmaceutical-grade apple pectin on the market today that is soluble for instant and maximum absorption.

The FactsMarch 11, 2011, the unthinkable happened. For the second time in our planet’s history, a nuclear accident of vast proportions struck Fukushima, Japan.

in Japan the 50 nuclear reactors, which supply the country with affordable energy, are built on or near some of the most active earthquake fault lines in the world.

After the Fukushima earthquake the three active reactors shut down and emergency genera-tors came on to cool them. However, when a tsunami hit, all electrical power was shut off, so the water pumps failed. Nuclear fi ssion then occurred causing the reactors to overheat.

Not just one but three nuclear reactors experienced a full nuclear meltdown. This released deadly, cancer-causing radioactive isotopes like plutonium, strontium and Cesium-137 (Cs-137) into the atmosphere, the ocean and the soil. even more radioactive material was


T u R N i N G F e A R i N T o H o P e


each of the 90 ProPectin sachets in the box contains 85 grams of pharmaceutical grade, water-soluble apple pectin.

• Suggested Use: 1 sachet 3 times daily for the fi rst 30 days (one box) then 1 sachet daily for a maintenance dose to continue removing radioactive heavy metals from the body.

• That’s one box for the fi rst 30 days and 4 boxes during the next year … a total of 5 boxes.

• each 85 g sachet of ProPectin mixes instantly in 200 mL of water.

• Flavor of applesauce with a smooth texture like fruit nectar.

how long will I need to take ProPectin?

More than two decades of Chernobyl research shows that exposed people may possibly need to take pectin products for years depending the levels of continuing contamination. Radioactive Cs-137 lodges in your bone marrow, your tissues, your cells … everywhere. The good news is, with ProPectin, the immediate, ongoing and long-term effects of Cs-137 in your body can be greatly controlled and minimized. if you act now, ProPectin can assist you in living a long and healthy life, freeing you from the long-term ravages of radiation. You can actually experience the benefi ts and even see results from the fi rst 30 days so you KNOW that ProPectin is helping you transport Cs-137 out of your body. Be proactive with ProPectin.

Prove for yourself that ProPectin is working inside you

• Schedule a test for radiation to measure Cs-137 in your body. Then take ProPectin for 30 days to fl ush away as much Cs-137 and other radioactive heavy metals as you can. even if the tests show no Cs-137, you can take ProPectin preventively if you feel you may be exposed. This may be important for children, older people, pregnant women and women hoping to become mothers.

• Take a second test at the end of your fi rst 30 days on ProPectin.

This is our ProPectin promise. Your test results will assure you, with your own actual numbers, that you’re protecting yourself from serious and long-term consequences from Cs-137.

once you have this real evidence of what ProPectin is doing for you, please help us spread the word. We are confi dent that ProPectin will bring hope to people who otherwise would suffer for years. Thank you for making the decision to try ProPectin.

Because every day the danger grows and quantities are limited for now, please act right away to schedule your auto-shipment for a guaranteed supply … and experience the ProPectin promise for you and your loved ones.

ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 2 13/07/12 09:05

released when containment vessels were vented to reduce gaseous pressure. Radioactive fallout began to spread into the Gulf Stream and throughout the world.

The radioactive fallout from a Level 7 disaster of this magnitude (the highest classifi cation recognized by the International Nuclear Event Scale) is extremely serious. You can’t see it, smell it, taste it, hear it or feel it. It passes through your body leaving small particles behind. It builds up over time and can lead to radiation sickness, radiation poisoning, cancer and early death. This silent killer can show up in 5 years, 10 years or even 50 years. We can’t imagine the full impact this disaster might have on us and those we love.

After a tragedy of such overwhelming proportions the facts begin to emerge one way or another … through science, in doctor visits and in actual statistics. Humanity starts responding to the crisis in a well-thought-out, creative, compassionate and rational way. We come together to fi nd solutions … often in nature … to limit the tragic consequences of even our greatest disasters. ProPectin is one of those solutions.



“Clearly we’re witnessing one of the greatest disasters in modern time.” A L A N H A N S O N

Executive Vice President of AREVA, Inc., one of the largest atomic energy companies in the world

ProPectinProPectin is more effective than any other pectin product because our patent-pending process isolates far more of the most powerful active ingre-dients in apples responsible for carrying Cs-137 out of the body. It is a standard-ized, pharmaceutical-grade product.

• Clinically proven to assist your body in binding and removing radioactive Cs-137 from your system.

• Tastes delicious. Convenient for in-home use. Dissolves in water within 10 seconds.

• Absorbs quickly for maximum effectiveness.

Go to our website www.JeunesseGlobal.comand order yours today.


ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 3 13/07/12 09:19

www.JeunesseGlobal.comif you are still uncertain and have questions,

then do not hesitate to contact a ProPectin Advisor immediatelyby visiting our website.



Helps your body rid itself of invisible,

silent and deadly radiation

www.JeunesseGlobal.comIf you are still uncertain and have questions,

then do not hesitate to contact a ProPectin Advisor immediatelyby visiting our website.


ProPectinBrochureFinal_encabalgadoJF.indd 1 13/07/12 09:05




ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 1 13/07/12 09:37

擁有希望 不再恐懼經臨床實驗證實,蘋果果膠能夠黏附體內放射性致癌金屬,透過



人 類土 壤












Radioactive Rlease Contamination Mechanism

釋 放 放 射 性 污 染 物 質

農 作 物

動 物

奶 类

肉 类

空 氣 , 雨 , 水

放 射 性 釋 放 的 污 染 機 制


「明顯地, 我們正在目睹現代最大的災害之一。」 A L A N H A N S O N

AREVA, Inc., 執行副總裁(世界上最大的原子能源公司之一)。


ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 2 13/07/12 09:37




將 你 的 恐 懼 變 成 希 望

「明顯地, 我們正在目睹現代最大的災害之一。」 A L A N H A N S O N

AREVA, Inc., 執行副總裁(世界上最大的原子能源公司之一)。

ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 3 13/07/12 09:37

















(Sq kg - 1)

















(Sq kg - 1)

事實一:烏克蘭車諾比事件所發生的一切災難都將再次發生在福島根據專家估計,當年車諾比事件所造成災害的後果遠遠超過政府報告的數字。官方報告死亡人數僅有九千人,事實上依據參與事件後續處理的科學家和醫生指出,若排除因為感染導致各種疾病、癌症和畸形胎兒,光是死亡數字已經超過一百萬人,所有報告和資料都收錄於Alexey V. Yablokov,Vassily B. Nest-erenko and Alexey V. Nesterenko 的著作車諾比事件簿:大災難後對人類和環境之影響。


(資料來源:Kouta Kinoshita, Investigative Journalist, Citizen Radiation Project, longer-be-ignored. 詳情請見。)


Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and abandoned surrounding area.

估計銫-137土壤濃度(DRT的0.001 ; CC= 53)

P r o P e C t i N


「我們預計在未來十年,在福島核電廠一百公里範圍內的三百三十萬人口將受到的影響,其罹患癌病的機率將提高到66%...」 C h R I s B u s B Y 教 授


ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 4 13/07/12 09:37

於1986 - 1997年間 在白俄羅斯靠近車諾比地區的兒童疾病和畸形個案持續增加。• 賀爾蒙和免疫系統疾病:增加300倍• 消化系統疾病:增加213.4倍• 呼吸系統疾病:增加108.8倍• 骨骼和結蹄組織疾病:增加70.7倍• 皮膚疾病:增加44.7倍• 血液和造血疾病:增加21.2倍• 循環系統疾病:增加13.3倍• 心理障礙:增加9.1倍• 先天性畸形:增加6.7倍

資料來源: Alexey V. Yablokov,Vassily B. Nesterenko and Alexey V. Nest-erenko 的著作車諾比事件簿:大災難後對人類和環境之影響, 133頁


事實二: 蘋果果膠幫助車諾比的兒童,也將幫助你和你的親人。果膠成分首先被發現於1820年代,後來科學家持續研究發展並運用在許多用途。在1960年代,科學家發現某些果膠能夠幫助身體將有害金屬物質排出體外,包括汞、鉛和放射性物質的銫-137等。

過去十多年來,蘋果果膠已經幫助成千上萬的車諾比居民,特別是當地小孩。所以未來亦將協助福島事件受害者,協助他們恢復健康的身體、甚至活的更久。不同的測試顯示,蘋果果膠在東歐學齡小孩身上已獲得顯著效果。研究指出,在1996年到2007年間,16,000名學童因為接受蘋果果膠治療,有害的物質因此已排出體外,而放射性物質銫-137的指數更平均下調三十至四十個百分點 (Yoblokov著,307 頁 )。

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and abandoned surrounding area.

將 你 的 恐 懼 變 成 希 望


我看到沒有接受蘋果果膠治療的悲慘下場 「我現在25歲,車諾比事件發生當時我只有八歲。我當年有參與蘋果果膠人體試驗,我每天都會進食蘋果果膠,那些研究人員在我進食前後都會替我進行量測。我雖不能代表每一個參與測試人的結果,但是我和我的朋友很難想像如果我們沒有服用果膠,我們的健康會是什麼狀態?相反地,那些沒有服用果膠的人,他們的健康真的都不太好......」來 自 前 白 俄 羅 斯 的 K A T Y A s m I R N o V 。

「我們預計在未來十年,在福島核電廠一百公里範圍內的三百三十萬人口將受到的影響,其罹患癌病的機率將提高到66%...」 C h R I s B u s B Y 教 授


ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 5 13/07/12 09:37

















(Sq kg - 1)

















(Sq kg - 1)

事實一:烏克蘭車諾比事件所發生的一切災難都將再次發生在福島根據專家估計,當年車諾比事件所造成災害的後果遠遠超過政府報告的數字。官方報告死亡人數僅有九千人,事實上依據參與事件後續處理的科學家和醫生指出,若排除因為感染導致各種疾病、癌症和畸形胎兒,光是死亡數字已經超過一百萬人,所有報告和資料都收錄於Alexey V. Yablokov,Vassily B. Nest-erenko and Alexey V. Nesterenko 的著作車諾比事件簿:大災難後對人類和環境之影響。


(資料來源:Kouta Kinoshita, Investigative Journalist, Citizen Radiation Project, longer-be-ignored. 詳情請見。)


Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and abandoned surrounding area.

估計銫-137土壤濃度(DRT的0.001 ; CC= 53)

P r o P e C t i N


「我們預計在未來十年,在福島核電廠一百公里範圍內的三百三十萬人口將受到的影響,其罹患癌病的機率將提高到66%...」 C h R I s B u s B Y 教 授


ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 4 13/07/12 09:37


BELRAD輻射安全研究院該研究院在白俄羅斯針對615名受輻射影響的兒童,為期三星期的雙盲測試,分別為服用蘋果果膠實驗組和服用安慰劑的對照組(控制組),當中部分兒童進食蘋果果酸(每天兩次五克劑量),其餘兒童則只進食安慰劑,但都進食無污染食物。結果顯示三個星期後,有進食蘋果果酸的兒童,體內有害物質含量下降63.6%;而只進食安慰劑和無污染食物的兒童,體內有害物質則下降13.9%,兩者差距4.5倍(Yoblokov著,3075頁 )。

ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 6 13/07/12 09:37

事實三: ProPectin將更有效地拯救全人類福島事件發生不久後,Dimitre Kirtchev教授研製了一種新的果膠粉末產品,可以即沖即飲,讓腸胃系統可以快速吸收,並迅速將大量的放射性物質排出體外,這項產品就是 ProPectin。

Dimitre Kirtchev教授年輕時在明斯克的BELRAD輻射安全研究院與Vassily Nesterenko和Alexey Yablokov兩位教授一起為數千位兒童進行蘋果果膠成功的人體試驗。





2 5 0 公 斤 的 蘋 果


1公斤的ProPect in

將 你 的 恐 懼 變 成 希 望


BELRAD輻射安全研究院該研究院在白俄羅斯針對615名受輻射影響的兒童,為期三星期的雙盲測試,分別為服用蘋果果膠實驗組和服用安慰劑的對照組(控制組),當中部分兒童進食蘋果果酸(每天兩次五克劑量),其餘兒童則只進食安慰劑,但都進食無污染食物。結果顯示三個星期後,有進食蘋果果酸的兒童,體內有害物質含量下降63.6%;而只進食安慰劑和無污染食物的兒童,體內有害物質則下降13.9%,兩者差距4.5倍(Yoblokov著,3075頁 )。

ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 7 13/07/12 09:37


BELRAD輻射安全研究院該研究院在白俄羅斯針對615名受輻射影響的兒童,為期三星期的雙盲測試,分別為服用蘋果果膠實驗組和服用安慰劑的對照組(控制組),當中部分兒童進食蘋果果酸(每天兩次五克劑量),其餘兒童則只進食安慰劑,但都進食無污染食物。結果顯示三個星期後,有進食蘋果果酸的兒童,體內有害物質含量下降63.6%;而只進食安慰劑和無污染食物的兒童,體內有害物質則下降13.9%,兩者差距4.5倍(Yoblokov著,3075頁 )。

ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 6 13/07/12 09:37

事實四: 俄羅斯慘痛的經驗可以讓我們作為借鏡,進而去拯救日本和其他地區更多的生命Alexey Yablokov, Vassily Nesterenko 和 Alexey Nesterenko 的著作披露了許多有關車諾比事件的災難現象。他們的著作還提供了透過自然界的方式,例如蘋果果膠協助讓更多人免於苦難和如何在東歐拯救千萬的生命。這本327頁的車諾比事件簿:大災難後對人類和環境之影已經譯成英語和日語,可查詢官網。


諾貝爾獎的創始人Alfred Nobel的姪孫,也是著名瑞典慈善家michael Nobel博士深刻核輻射和放射性物質的潛在危機。身為亞洲區諾貝爾慈善基金會主席的他,曾參與開發核磁共振影像攝影(mRI),目前也是日本的科技大學科學研究實驗室客座教授,同時擁有東京創價大學的名譽博士、阿塞拜疆國家科學研究院的名譽教授。michael Nobel


「1985年之前,白俄羅斯的車諾比有超過80%健康的孩童,如今在烏克蘭、東歐俄羅斯受到污染的區域,卻不到20%的健康孩童。在嚴重污染區域更難找到一個健康的孩子。 ( A L E x E Y Y A B L o K o V , V A s s I L Y N E s T E R E N K o 和 A L E x E Y N E s T E R E N K o 著 車諾 比 事 件 簿 : 大 災 難 後 對 人 類 和 環境 之 影 響 )

P r o P e C t i N


ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 8 13/07/12 09:37

「1985年之前,白俄羅斯的車諾比有超過80%健康的孩童,如今在烏克蘭、東歐俄羅斯受到污染的區域,卻不到20%的健康孩童。在嚴重污染區域更難找到一個健康的孩子。 ( A L E x E Y Y A B L o K o V , V A s s I L Y N E s T E R E N K o 和 A L E x E Y N E s T E R E N K o 著 車諾 比 事 件 簿 : 大 災 難 後 對 人 類 和 環境 之 影 響 )

將 你 的 恐 懼 變 成 希 望


事實五: 聚集全世界最頂尖的人一同解決這場災難所有人期許能夠抑制銫-137和其他放射性微粒對人類所造成的空前災難和傷害。




ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 9 13/07/12 09:37

事實四: 俄羅斯慘痛的經驗可以讓我們作為借鏡,進而去拯救日本和其他地區更多的生命Alexey Yablokov, Vassily Nesterenko 和 Alexey Nesterenko 的著作披露了許多有關車諾比事件的災難現象。他們的著作還提供了透過自然界的方式,例如蘋果果膠協助讓更多人免於苦難和如何在東歐拯救千萬的生命。這本327頁的車諾比事件簿:大災難後對人類和環境之影已經譯成英語和日語,可查詢官網。


諾貝爾獎的創始人Alfred Nobel的姪孫,也是著名瑞典慈善家michael Nobel博士深刻核輻射和放射性物質的潛在危機。身為亞洲區諾貝爾慈善基金會主席的他,曾參與開發核磁共振影像攝影(mRI),目前也是日本的科技大學科學研究實驗室客座教授,同時擁有東京創價大學的名譽博士、阿塞拜疆國家科學研究院的名譽教授。michael Nobel


「1985年之前,白俄羅斯的車諾比有超過80%健康的孩童,如今在烏克蘭、東歐俄羅斯受到污染的區域,卻不到20%的健康孩童。在嚴重污染區域更難找到一個健康的孩子。 ( A L E x E Y Y A B L o K o V , V A s s I L Y N E s T E R E N K o 和 A L E x E Y N E s T E R E N K o 著 車諾 比 事 件 簿 : 大 災 難 後 對 人 類 和 環境 之 影 響 )

P r o P e C t i N


ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 8 13/07/12 09:37


• 臨床實驗證明能黏附體內的銫-137後排出體外。

• 口感佳,方便服用、冷水隨沖即溶,十秒後即可飲用。

• 吸收迅速發揮最大功效。

現在你可到下列網址 訂購 ProPectin,並可查詢更多資料。


ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 10 13/07/12 09:37

將 你 的 恐 懼 變 成 希 望



• 建議使用劑量:首30天每日三次,每次1包(1盒),往後維持每日1包,持續清除日常在體內所累積之放射性物質及重金屬。

• 第1盒提供前30天的用量,其他4盒可提供未來一年的用量,所以5盒ProPectin即為一年所需的總數量。

• 將每包85克的ProPectin加入200毫升的冷水中,即可沖泡為蘋果口味的果汁。




• 先量測體內銫-137,然後服用三十天的ProPectin進行排除作用。特別是對小孩、老年人,孕婦或懷孕的婦女,無論體內是否帶有銫-137和其他重金屬,ProPectin都能幫助你預防放射性輻射的污染。

• 服用30天後進行第二次量測。



ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 11 13/07/12 09:37


• 臨床實驗證明能黏附體內的銫-137後排出體外。

• 口感佳,方便服用、冷水隨沖即溶,十秒後即可飲用。

• 吸收迅速發揮最大功效。

現在你可到下列網址 訂購 ProPectin,並可查詢更多資料。


ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 10 13/07/12 09:37



ProPectinBrochureFina-CHiNeSe.indd 12 13/07/12 09:37

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