property today

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Thursday 19th March 2009. Property Today is brought to you by the Evening Gazette, with all the latest news on buying/selling your home and renting


  • A Gazette supplement

    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    BBuunnggaallooww bbrriillll

    SSttuunnnniinngg ddeettaacchheedd

    ddoorrmmeerr ppaaggee 1111


    Property team


    Michelle Disley 2735

    TELEPHONE SALES: Darren Stacey 2748

    COPY PROCESSOR: Tracy McCormaic 2759

    Advertising: 01253 361810

    Editorial: 01253 400888

    EDITOR :

    Steve Singleton 2244



    Thursday, March 19, 2009


    I own a tired three bedroom semi-detached

    house. What practical advice can you give me for

    presenting my property when trying to sell it?

    First Impressions count and you want to create some

    kerb appeal, so varnish and then place some stylish pots

    around the front door and get some new door handles.

    Sort out the garden by tidying up flower beds, trim

    hedges, replace fence panels and cut back any trees that

    block out light. You may also want to draw attention to

    any attractive features with outdoor lighting.

    Every estate agent and property developer knows that

    kitchens and bathrooms sell. So replace tired flooring with

    value for money vinyl, linoleum or laminate flooring for a

    smarter look.

    Avoid clutter at all costs, hide away any appliances. The

    same goes for the bathroom get rid of cheap shampoo

    bottles and invest in some glamorous brands to make

    attractive displays.

    Add some stylish new taps, towel rails, power showers

    and cabinets, as these will add extra value.

    Staying neutral, in my opinion, always help sell homes.

    Keeping a blank canvas is

    best so your new buyers

    can start from scratch.

    Keep the property classic,

    simple and neutral. Use

    table lamps to create softer

    lighting which will

    enhance neutral colours.

    Accessorise rooms with

    vases and flowers to pre-

    vent neutral rooms being

    too stark.

    One of the most impor-

    tant things to do when sell-

    ing a property is to keep it

    clean. Spruce up the house

    with clean and fresh scents.

    Litter trays, cat bowls or

    hamster cages should be

    out of view and of course

    ash trays are a complete


    Good luck

    What is ground


    Because leasehold is a tenancy, it's subject to a rent on

    the land which is paid to the freeholder. This is paid by the

    leaseholder in the form of ground rent. The amount of

    ground rent payable must always be identified in the lease.

    In some cases, the ground rent will be set at a specific and

    unchanging amount. In other instances, the lease will

    identify the initial ground rent and increased amounts

    payable after specific periods of time.

    AAnn aaggeennttss


    Justin Allitt, of Allitt

    Estate Agency,

    answers readers

    property questions

    In association with Allitt Estate Agency

    Send your queries to Justin Allitt at 12 Wood

    Street, St Annes, or email

    GGlliinnttss ooff hhooppee

    ffoorr ffiirrsstt--ttiimmeerrss

    Owners return to old values

    TOUGHER times brought

    about by the downturn are

    reinstating traditional values

    and driving people back to

    the hearth and home, says a

    survey by the County

    Homesearch Company.

    Asked to draw on their

    experience with clients to

    answer what makes a house

    into a home, the County

    Homesearch regional repre-

    sentatives universally identi-

    fied the qualities of security,

    familiarity, comfort and com-

    munity above the more mate-

    rial aspects.

    Feeling safe and settled in

    the home ranked as the most

    important factor, with just

    under 75 per cent of respon-

    dents naming this as their

    top concern.

    Also key to that homely

    feeling is being surrounded

    by your own furniture and

    taste in decoration, however

    old or tatty. Good neighbours

    and involvement in the com-

    munity, has made a come-

    back, ranking third..

    On the opposite end of the

    spectrum, the survey

    revealed trendy gadgets and

    wow factors such as heated

    swimming pools and tennis

    courts were the least impor-

    tant for making a home.

    Jonathan Haward, manag-

    ing director of County

    Homesearch, said: The cred-

    it crunch has brought a lot of

    uncertainty into our lives

    and people are drawing com-

    fort by returning to the

    things that really matter in

    life: home, family and com-













    ffooccuuss:: MMeettccaallffss

    nneeww ddeevveellooppmmeennttss

    ffooccuuss:: PPlluummlliiffee

    ffooccuuss:: BBaaxxtteerr


    ffooccuuss:: PPeerrrryymmaannnn

    ffooccuuss:: SSmmaarrtt MMoovvee

    pprrooppeerrttyy ffooccuuss

    rreessiiddeennttiiaall aaggeennttss

    ffooccuuss:: OOyyssttoonnss

    hhoouussee ccaallll

    HOPE is on the horizon for first-time

    buyers, accourding to leading Fylde

    Coast estate agent Farrell Heyworth.

    They say there is a glimmer of light for

    first-time buyers with the release of

    recent information regarding the proper-

    ty and mortgage market.

    Farrell Heyworth point to four major


    1. The proportion of first time buyers

    looking to put a foot on the property lad-

    der more than doubled in the first two

    weeks of 2009, according to the National

    Association of Estate Agents, which

    could mean that confidence is returning

    in this sector of the market.

    2. The release of the latest house price

    index by the Halifax showed a rise in

    house prices of 1.9 per cent in January,

    the first increase since February 2008.

    However, Nationwide reported a fall of

    1.8 per cent in February, with the typical

    price of a house down to 147,746 and

    comments that sharp cuts in interest

    rates have helped affordability.

    3. Northern Rock plans to increase its

    mortgage lending with up to 14bn in

    new loans by 2011, and could return to

    the 90 per cent loan-to-value market.

    This has been hailed as a positive step

    for the market by The Council of

    Mortgage Lenders.

    4. The announcement by RBS group that

    they are to commit to lend a further 9bn

    worth of mortgages over and above

    planned levels during 2009 should boost

    liquidity and bring further price competi-

    tion to the mortgage market.

    Whilst no one can predict what will

    happen next, house prices have become

    more affordable and the above may be

    signs that the market is beginning to sta-

    bilise, so now may be the time for first

    time buyers to take the next steps to get

    onto the property ladder.

    Many first time buyers believe they

    cannot afford to buy but it is realistic

    in todays market that you can own a

    property at a similar cost to renting.

    If you are renting at the moment pay-

    ing circa 500 per month in rent, for simi-

    lar monthly payments you could buy a

    property worth in the region of 95,000

    based on a typical first-time buyer mort-

    gage with a 10 per cent deposit.

    With mortgage lenders having become

    more cautious and with products being

    introduced and withdrawn far more fre-

    quently, Farrell Heyworth say it is now

    more important than ever that prospec-

    tive first-time buyers seek the advice of

    an independent mortgage broker.

    All customers will have different priori-

    ties that they consider when arranging a

    mortgage, and what is deemed important

    by one customer may not be by another.

    An independent broker will search

    across the market to find the most

    appropriate product, and will provide

    impartial advice based around those

    specific requirements, recommend the

    most suitable product and manage the

    process on behalf of the customer from

    application right through to completion

    and beyond, keeping the customer fully

    informed throughout.

    For further information, please contact

    Adrian Law Financial Adviser at Farrell

    Heyworth on 01253 720500 or visit


    GLIMMER OF LIGHT: Hope for first

    time buyers


    decor neutral

  • BBuuyyeerrss ttaarrggeett rreessoorrtt

    aass aattttiittuuddeess cchhaannggee

    A SEA change in attitudes.

    Thats the headline in The

    Times newspaper which focus-

    es on Blackpool and the

    demand for property, in stark

    contrast to other daily newspa-

    pers that have been negative

    about the resort.

    The Times continues that

    buyers from London and the

    South East who might previ-

    ously have sneered at

    Blackpool and its iconic tower

    are acquiring bargain proper-

    ty, with some making a perma-

    nent move.

    Kevin Allitt, managing

    director of Oystons said:

    Weve seen a lot of profession-

    al couples moving up here and

    the people who move here from

    out of the area tend to be peo-

    ple who have been here on hol-

    iday and have loved it.

    The article goes on to say

    that local agent Oystons are

    reporting that sales have dou-

    bled in February.

    Commenting on the article,

    Kevin said: I did a telephone

    interview with a journalist

    who had never been to

    Blackpool and despite some

    misquotes and editing I man-

    aged to get across that

    Blackpool is a great place to

    buy and live. The article also

    said that there was a new

    readiness to accept that part of

    the resorts appeal may lie in

    its dark mournful quality.

    Quite where they got that

    from is beyond me, said Kevin.

    The opposite is true, its

    bright, vibrant and exciting.

    We are delighted that sales

    are increasing and urgently

    need more properties to sell,

    he added.

    Due to increased sales

    Oystons urgently need more

    properties on their books.

    33 Thursday, March 19, 2009

    aaddvveerrttiisseerr ffooccuuss


    POSITIVE TIMES: Oystons, Clifton Street, Blackpool (above) and director Hayley Claber (below right)

  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


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  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • 1111 Thursday, March 19, 2009

    hhoouussee ccaallll


    SSppaacciioouuss aanndd ssttuunnnniinngg


    THIS stunning bungalow holds a surprise at

    the bottom of the garden.

    Not only is there plenty of space in this

    beautifully decorated detached dormer, there

    is also a granny flat at the rear of the


    As soon as you approach it, you can see it

    has been well cared for by the current

    owners with a beautifully presented green

    and white frontage and impressive gated


    The lounge, which is decorated in neutral

    colours, features a gas fire with marble effect

    back and hearth with surround.

    The large modern dining kitchen makes a

    great room for entertaining guests while

    cooking up a treat for them. The kitchen is

    fitted with tiled splash backs, spotlights, wall

    and base units with complimentary worktops

    and down lights. There is also a stainless

    steel sink and drainer with mixer tap,

    electric induction hob and electric double

    oven and integral dishwasher.

    A utility room is fitted with tiled effect

    flooring, tiled splash backs and worktop. It

    also has space for a washing machine and


    The downstairs bedroom boasts en suite

    facilities and a dressing room with fitted

    wardrobes and dresser.

    Now up to the first floor where there are

    three other bedrooms, one of which features

    a dressing room, built-in wardrobes and seat-

    ing area.

    There is also a three piece white suite in

    the family bathroom and a loft room with a

    velux window which creates great extra


    Now to the outside which is beautifully pre-

    sented. The front garden features a brick

    wall with iron fence and two Tiffany style

    lamps, a lawned front garden with stone

    chipped path and brick paved driveway.

    The side garden also boasts a lawn area

    and stone chipped path while the rear garden

    is finished with a flagged courtyard, ideal for

    summer barbecues.

    There is access to the granny flat, which

    comprises a lounge featuring spotlights and

    WC, from the flagged courtyard.


    Summary: Beautifully presented

    detached dormer bungalow

    Address: Thirlmere Road, South Shore

    Price: 399,950

    Agent: Entwistle Green, Topping

    Street, Blackpool, (01253) 623511

  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


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  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009



    When home

    is where your heart is

    With over 100,000 local homes for sale, easy-to-use searches by price,

    postcode, even schools, plus daily updates by leading local estate agents,

    theres everything you need to find the home youll love.

    Find the home youll love and more at

  • CCoommpplleettee sseerrvviiccee

    uunnddeerr oonnee rrooooff


    aaddvveerrttiisseerr ffooccuuss

    Thursday, March 19, 2009


    FOUNDED over 44 years ago, and boasting

    the title of the longest serving independent

    estate agents in the Fylde, Metcalfs is still a

    friendly, family-run business which thrives

    by treating all clients as individuals.

    They have however moved with the times,

    and offer the latest in technology.

    As well as advertising on site, they adver-

    tise in The Gazette and through the internet

    via their own constantly updated website

    They are members of both Homelink and

    the NAEA, a network of estate agents work-

    ing with like-minded professionals commit-

    ted to making the home move experience


    Metcalfs deal with both residential and

    commercial sales and also conducts sales by

    public auction. The advantage is that these

    services are all under one roof, so whether

    its your home or your business, Metcalfs

    have the ability and knowledge to sell your



    Auction is now becoming an increasingly

    popular way to sell and also buy property,

    and Metcalfs auctions attract a number of

    investors from across the country. So if you

    are feeling disheartened at the prospect of

    selling your property, auction could be the

    solution for you.

    Director, Hamze Ballout says: In the cur-

    rent climate we are finding that auctions are

    the way to sell property.

    Due to the credit crunch a lot of estate

    agents are struggling but at Metcalfs were

    as busy as always, attracting a lot of clients

    who are ready and willing to buy at auction.

    Despite the common misconception that

    all auction properties are repossessions, the

    entries for the next auction prove that this

    just isnt true.

    The majority of properties they get for auc-

    tion are brought in through private sale with

    the owners simply looking for a prompt,

    secure way of selling. All properties are auc-

    tionable from land to hotels, and cottages to

    bungalows anything can be sold.

    Their next auction is tomorrow, Friday,

    March 20, at Savoy Hotel, Queens

    Promenade, starting at 11am.

    Entries are now being taken for the May

    auction so dont miss the deadline, guarantee

    your property a place and enter before April 3.


    If the prospect of auction just doesnt seem

    to be the way for you, how about trying

    Metcalfs Estate Agency services for the sale

    of your home.

    With over 50 years combined experience in

    the business you can be sure you will receive

    the best service and local expertise in order

    to find you the right buyer at the right price.

    All valuations are free of charge, with no


    The friendly staff at the Topping Street

    office will be happy to provide you with

    advice on all aspects of the sale, as well as

    regular updates on how your property is

    doing and any changes in market trends.

    With a huge list of prospective buyers wait-

    ing for all types of property across the Fylde,

    let Metcalfs introduce your property ... it

    could be just what they are looking for.


    In addition to the sale of residential prop-

    erty, Metcalfs also carry much specialist

    expertise in the sale of commercial property

    and land.

    Whether you wish to sell as a freehold or

    leasehold, Metcalfs are pleased to carry out

    an independent market appraisal of your

    business or land, and secure you a sale with

    some of the most competitive commission

    rates on the market, at just one per cent.

    By selling all types of property it means

    they dont limit the type of investor they tar-

    get, and in turn are approached by.

    This is highly beneficial to sellers as their

    property is exposed to a much larger pool of

    potential buyers.

    Metcalfs aim to meet the individual needs

    of your business, and market your property


    Theyve sold everything from hotels to

    beach huts, and always strive to get you the

    best price.


    As if all this wasnt enough Metcalfs also

    provide a huge range of other services.

    Just one phone call can arrange all of your

    property requirements, and working in con-

    junction with an extensive collection of other

    local businesses means they can get you the

    best rates, with a prompt efficient service.

    Here are just a few of the services which

    Metcalfs can arrange to meet your property


    HIPs Packs

    Residential and Commercial EPC




    Mortgage and banking advice

    Landlords and Tenancy Advice


    Property Clearance and Removals

    Builders and trades services

    All of these services are now available

    under one roof!

    BUSINESS TEAM: Hamze Ballout, Kristy Nelson, Laura Bamforth, Sara Jane McLeish and Ashley Dribben

  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • AA sspprruuccee--uupp

    ffoorr sspprriinngg

    AS THE weather begins to take a

    turn for the better, NHBC, the UK's

    leading warranty provider for new

    homes, offers advice on how to give

    your home a thorough spring clean.

    Most people thing spring cleaning

    just means bringing out the dusters

    but to keep in tip-top shape your

    home will need a little more mainte-


    Neglecting small problems can

    turn out to be costly so it's best to be



    HEATING SYSTEM - it is impor-

    tant that all gas boilers are serviced

    once a year so double check when

    your boiler was last seen. Contact

    your local gas company or a regis-

    tered CORGI (Council of Registered

    Gas Installers) installer to give it

    the once over if needed.

    CARPETS - make sure that car-

    pets and rugs are secure, particular-

    ly in areas of heavy use like door-

    ways and stairs. If carpets are loose

    or frayed think about replacing

    them. On stairs you can help pre-

    vent slips by installing stair rods.

    DOORS - check that they move

    smoothly. Gives hinges a drop of oil

    if they have become a bit squeaky.

    WOODWORK Check the wood-

    work in your home - to keep it in

    good condition it may nee a lick of

    paint or a coat of varnish to keep it

    ready for those summer showers

    and thunderstorms.

    TAPS - are they dripping? If the

    answer is yes, you may need to

    change the old washer for a new



    THE ROOF try to get a look at

    your roof from the outside or go up

    into the loft. Check to see if any

    tiles are cracked or have slipped as

    these will need to be replaced.

    GUTTERING - moss, leaves and

    other debris can accumulate in gut-

    ters. Blockages can be bad news so

    make sure that guttering is cleared

    at least once a year.


    regularly repainted or restained to

    preserve the wood.

    New houses will first need

    repainting after two years after

    that homes need to be repainted or

    stained at intervals of four to five

    years, more often if you live by the

    sea because salt and wind are dam-

    aging to paint.


    can last for many years but its life

    will be extended if a weather resist-

    ant creosote treatment is applied

    every few years.

    2233 Thursday, March 19, 2009



  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • FFiirrsstt sstteepp oonn tthhee

    oowwnneerrsshhiipp llaaddddeerr

    STRUGGLING first time buyers in

    Blackpool on the Fylde Coast are

    about to be offered the chance to get

    their foot on the property ladder,

    thanks to shared ownership special-

    ists Plumlife.

    Following on from other success-

    ful developments in the area,

    Plumlife is offering a selection of

    striking contemporary two bed-

    room apartments for as little as

    38,500 (for a 35 per cent share) at

    the Ansdell Road scheme.

    Plumlife, part of Great Places

    Housing Group, specialises in low

    cost home ownership schemes,

    enabling key workers and those on

    family incomes of under 60,000 to

    take their first step on to the proper-

    ty ladder. The Ansdell Place devel-

    opment will offer a choice of two

    government-backed affordable

    homes schemes Shared

    Ownership and Rent To Buy.

    Purchase prices start from just

    38,500 for a 35 per cent share

    (110,000 full purchase price), giving

    first time buyers a real chance of

    achieving their home ownership

    dreams. The shared ownership

    scheme also gives home owners the

    opportunity to staircase after 12

    months, offering them the chance to

    buy the remaining share of the

    property either in stages or in a

    single lump payment.

    For those struggling with a

    deposit now a necessity in the

    present economic climate the

    recently launched Plumlife Rent

    scheme is also now available. The

    latest government backed try

    before you buy initiative allows

    would-be home owners to rent their

    chosen property at a discounted

    rate for between three and five

    years while they save for a deposit.

    Rents start at just 480 pcm.

    Situated just a few minutes walk

    away from the town centre, the

    development consists of just 22 styl-

    ish two-bedroom apartments, featur-

    ing contemporary fitted kitchens and

    bathrooms, communal landscaped

    gardens and off road parking.

    Balconies are available on selected


    This latest Plumlife development

    follows other successful low cost

    homes schemes on the Fylde Coast

    including The Rock Works, situated

    on the site of a former rock works on

    Carlton Road in St Annes.

    For a sneak preview of Ansdell

    Place, Plumlife is holding a Preview

    Open Day tomorrow, between 11am-

    4pm. The show home launch event

    will take place on Saturday, March 21,

    between 11am-4pm. Subsequent open

    days will continue every Saturday,

    with viewing appointments during

    week days available on request.

    For more information on Ansdell

    Place, or any of Plumlifes low cost

    homeownership packages, please con-

    tact Plumlife on 0161 447 5050 or visit

    For more information call Sarah

    Parmenter on 07976 584269 or 0161 447

    5131 or email sarah.parmenter@

    STRIKING APARTMENTS: The Ansdell Road shared ownership scheme

    2255 Thursday, Thursday, March 19, 2009

    aaddvveerrttiisseerr ffooccuuss


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009



    LLooaann bboooosstt

    ffoorr bbuuyyeerrss

    MILLER Homes has announced

    that one of the first develop-

    ments in the North West to offer

    the Government-backed

    Homebuy Direct scheme will be

    Willow Fields in Wesham.

    The Government-led low cost

    home ownership initiative,

    Homebuy Direct [HBD] is run in

    partnership with Miller Homes

    on selected developments. It is

    offered to households with an

    income of less than 60,000 and

    aimed at providing wide access

    to home ownership.

    The scheme is open to; first

    time buyers, key workers and

    people re-entering the property

    market after a relationship

    breakdown or families living in

    overcrowded accommodation.

    It will help more people who

    have found it almost impossible

    to get a foot on the property lad-

    der, due to the tightening of

    mortgage lending or because

    they cannot raise a deposit.

    To assist home buyers, Miller

    Homes has made selected

    Blakemere two-bedroom apart-

    ments (above) and Darwin three-

    bed family homes on the devel-

    opment, available through the

    HBD scheme.

    Using HBD you can own and

    move-in to a Blakemere for as lit-

    tle as 65,065 now, the normal

    price is 92,950 and a Darwin for

    111,965, normal price is 159,950.

    As well as taking advantage of

    the HBD initiative, buyers of the

    Blakemere or Darwin will also

    get a beautiful new home.

    Under the HBD initiative,

    homebuyers can pay a minimum

    of 70 per cent of the value now,

    with Miller Homes and the

    Governmen funding the rest.

    Call in to the Willow Fields

    Marketing Suite, off Derby Road,

    Wesham, ring 0800 840 8548,


    or visit

    aaddvveerrttiisseerr ffooccuuss


    wwaayy ttoo lleett

    PERRYMANN Residential Lettings are a spe-

    cialist lettings and management company cover-

    ing the North West, the South of England, and


    They are here to make letting or renting prop-

    erty a straightforward, stress-free process.

    One of the great things about choosing

    Perrymann is that they are independent proper-

    ty managers their only vested interest is in

    giving you the high quality letting service you


    Perrymann work for landlords based in both

    the UK and overseas, so they know all about

    taking responsibility for your property in a way

    that really does deliver peace of mind.

    At Perrymann they dont believe in jargon or

    complicating things; they always work with

    transparency so you always know where you


    Thats what has earned them a solid reputa-

    tion for specialist management service which is

    truly tailored to your needs.

    Its also why they have an extensive property

    portfolio that covers Lancashire, London,

    Sussex and Suffolk.

    And as youd expect, they have ARLA trained

    staff their industrys best-practice standard.

    They are also members of the Residential

    Landlords Association (RLA).

  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • 3300

    aaddvveerrttiisseerr ffooccuuss

    Thursday, March 19, 2009


    IF you have to move but cant find

    a buyer, becoming a landlord

    might be the answer!

    If you cant sell your home in the

    current housing market there is an

    alternative you could rent it out


    Renting your property could give

    you a financial lifeline by helping

    to cover your mortgage and other

    household costs until the market


    There are plenty of reasons why

    people may be forced to put their

    home on the market despite the

    current property market slump.

    These include workers relocating

    jobs, families moving to a bigger

    house or school catchment areas,

    single people moving in with their

    partner and elderly people going

    into care.

    But this new breed of landlord

    has to plan carefully and do the


    Choosing which agent to work

    for you is the most important

    decision you will make.

    They will be responsible for

    finding the right tenant, and mak-

    ing sure the rent is paid along

    with dealing with all the correct

    paperwork and organising the


    Smart Move Letting Agents

    ensure your property is in safe

    hands, so you can relax knowing

    that your property is being looked

    after and that the correct tenant

    will be found.

    They really do take the stress

    out of renting your property.

    Since the end of last year it is

    now compulsory to organise an

    EPC (energy performance certifi-

    cate) on your property.

    Smart Move have a fully quali-

    fied accredited assessor who is

    covered with professional indem-

    nity and public liability insurance

    and are able to provide FREE EPCs

    on all new instructions.

    If you just want an EPC, they are

    able to organise this for 69 exclud-

    ing VAT.

    For more details on EPCs or any

    aspects of renting please call

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    aann ooppttiioonn






    director of



  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • Thursday, March 19, 2009


  • SSeeeekk oouutt aa ddrreeaamm hhoommee

    Devonshire Road

    North Shore

    Parkside Cottage


    OOyyssttoonnss ((0011225533)) 662222222255

    First class location

    MMeettccaallffss ((0011225533)) 662244002277

    Detached cottage

    222255,,000000 ttoo



    Norkeed Court

    Little Bispham

    IInnddeeppeennddeenntt ((0011225533)) 882222222277

    Sea view flat

    RReedduucceedd ttoo


    Southworth Way


    VViillllaaggee EEssttaatteess ((0011225533)) 886666556666

    Show home style


    THIS stunning detached dormer bungalow is situated

    in a first class residential position overlooking and

    having private access to North Shore Golf Course.

    Accomodation comprises: hallway, lounge/dining

    room,kitchen, utility room, bathroom, four bedrooms

    and en-suite shower room. At the front there is park-

    ing space for several cars, a boat or caravan. There is

    also a garage. The large rear garden has decking.

    THIS picturesque three bedroomed detached cottage

    is located in a lovely semi rural location with views

    over open fields. The property benefits from period

    features, large garden, double glazing and gas central

    heating. Offered by public auction (subject to condi-

    tions and unless sold previously) on Friday 20th

    March, 11am at The Savoy Hotel, Queens Hotel,

    Queens Promenade, Blackpool.

    ENJOYING views over the promenade and Irish Sea,

    this purpose built second floor apartment offers acco-

    modation comprising; private entrance hall, inner

    hallway, lounge, fitted kitchen, two bedrooms and a

    bathroom. The property also benefits from double

    glazing and underfloor heating.There are communal

    garden areas and a residents/visitors parking area.

    A BEAUTIFULLY presented show house style

    detached family home with a hallway, lounge, study,

    ground floor wc, dining kitchen, utility room, sitting

    room, conservatory, four bedrooms three with fitted

    wardrobes, a family bathroom and en-suite shower

    room. There is a driveway, detached double garage and

    landscaped garden areas to the front side and rear.

    Part exchange considered.


    pprrooppeerrttyy ffooccuuss

    Thursday, March 19, 2009



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