prospecting for sales

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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4 Free Prospecting Techniques You Can Start Using NOW!

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Mark Satterfield

With the economic climate being as it is…

The need to prospect for new clients is (obviously) at an all time high.


Having money to spend on marketing is an issue. Either don’t have it. Reluctance to spend it.

That’s OK as long as…

You’re not using “the economy” as an excuse not to invest in your business.

There is business to be had now, and a lot of pent up demand that’s going to come online in the next 8-14 months. So the smart play is to put marketing systems in

place now that will pay off both long term and short term.


If you’re short on cash and long on time, here are some strategies you can employ.

Caveat /WARNING!!! Long term you DO NOT want to have your marketing be

dependent upon your labor. The inherent problem with any labor intensive process is

that you will eventually get new business as a result….and thus you will NO LONGER have the time to do “labor marketing”.

This is the primary cause of “feast or famine”.

What I would do…#1 Linked In

Linked in is great for online networking.

2 degrees of separation.

Research individuals in very specific companies. Here’s how to do this. Prepare some introductory emails: Develop your list of targeted companies. Find a highly linked-in person with lots of one-degree of

separation contacts.

Does Linked In work?

Yes, but it is extremely time intensive.

After 2-degrees of separation the response rate will go down substantially.

You’ll also need some sort of spread sheet/contact management system to keep the various relationships straight.

Prospecting Tactic #2

Networking events I know…you already are doing them. But, are you at the right ones? Are you benefiting from your time there?

Where to go. Small business.

Structured vs. Unstructured (PowerCore/BNA VS. Chamber/Rotary ect.)

What to say.

Need to have your “introduction” prepared.

Less “What you do”. More Benefits that clients get from you.

“I specialize in working with (Group) helping them (Address Certain Types of Problems.)

Mark’s introduction… “Fundamentally, if you own a business of any size, I’m

the guy who gets you more new clients.”

Where to sit (Dinner/Lunch)

Front tables the best.

Portfolio trick But to pull this off you have to work fast.

Strategy #3: Speaking.

Here’s the pitch…

What others are doing (in a particular industry) to address a problem.

Format for Speech Problem Consequences Options Your approach

Close with an “offer”. Use “take away” selling to increase interest. “This report will only benefit a small percentage…”

Strategy #4: Writing

Articles in trade publications. Great but L-O-N-G lead times.

Focus on… Article directories ( Forums

Create a blog connected to your website

Using writing to increase your visibility

Create two articles…one goes on the other on your blog

Minimum 30% difference in content.

Use the authors box in your article to link to your webpage or your blog. This is just one example of (method for solving a problem)

and there are many more. Which is why you sign up today to receive my newsletter that shares practical ideas and suggestions you can use immediately to (achieve a goal).

You need discipline to implement these ideas.

Set goals for yourself. One article a week. One speech a month 3 networking events a month 1 hour on Linked-In a day. 1 hour on the forums a day

If you are focused and do this consistently you will get results. But just Dabbling at it will get you Bupkis/Nada/Nothing.

Ultimately you want to invest

In an automated system.

One that offers information/mini-courses/videos/assessments/other interesting offers.

That people have to opt-in to receive.

Which then enables you to sent them ongoing messages on auto-pilot.

But if right now…You have TIME…These four areas are what I would focus on.


And as always please let me know if I can ever be of further assistance to you.

Mark Satterfield

Gentle Rain Marketing


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