prosper learning trust academy consultation report · prosper learning trust_academy consultation...

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PROSPER Learning Trust Academy Consultation Report

Prepared for: The Governing Body Prepared by: Mark Jones Date:03/07/17 3/

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1. Introduction to the consultation: ....................................................................... 3

2. Aims of the consultation: ...................................................................................... 3

3. Consultation materials: .......................................................................................... 3

4. Consultation events, audience and timeline: ............................................... 5

5. Key outcomes: ........................................................................................................... 5

6. Conclusion and recommendations: .................................................................. 7 Appendices: 1. Stakeholder/ Staff academy frequently asked questions 2. Staff consultation presentation 3. LA TUPE presentation 4. Staff consultation notes/questions 5. Union questions 6a. Parent/carers letter 6b. Parents/carers questions 7. Online Survey Monkey Questionnaire/Results

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1. Introduction to the consultation:

1.1. This report outlines the reason for the consultations undertaken and

summarises key findings. Information is presented under the following headings:

The Aims of the Consultation

Consultation Materials

Consultation Audience, Events and Timeline

Key Outcomes

Conclusions and Recommendations 1.2. Key stakeholders have been consulted on the proposal for the potential

conversion to Academy status for Newcastle Bridges School and the creation of a new Multi Academy Trust (MAT) with Linhope PRU. The consultation period commenced on 16/05/17 and concluded on the 21/06/17.

1.3. The findings included in this report are based on comments and suggestions made and questions raised during a series of consultation events.

1.4. Copies of all answers to questions raised in the meetings are included in the


2. Aims of the consultation:

2.1. The consultation exercise had a number of strategic aims:

To inform stakeholders of the scope of the proposal and provide information on both short and long-term implications, risks and opportunities

To ensure that a wide range of stakeholders were able to contribute their views and ideas and ask questions

To collate and analyse the views put forward to inform consideration by the Governing Bodies

3. Consultation materials:

3.1. PowerPoint presentations: A series of PowerPoint presentations were developed for each audience to give all stakeholders consistent and relevant information as a starting point to inform the discussions.

Staff and Trade Unions had an additional focus on staffing/HR issues and implications for them whereas the parents’ consultation focused more on what it could mean for pupils as well as providing more information on Academy status. Key areas covered in the presentations were:

The rationale for conversion and the local proposal

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Background from the Department for Education and what are the key requirements to convert and the benefits and opportunities of converting to an Academy.

Governance structure

Curriculum opportunities

Staffing implications

Financial considerations

Legal implications for land, buildings, staff and governors

What happens next

Questions & Answers

A copy of all the presentations can be found between Appendix 2 and 3.

3.2. Parents/Carers Letter:

To support the parental consultation, a letter for all parents/carers was developed and sent out (Appendix 6a). The aim of the letter was to allow parents the opportunity of giving their thoughts about the school converting to Academy status and to raise any concerns they had. Parents/Carers were given the opportunity of sending in feedback either by phone, email, online or in writing. There was no direct response to the letter, however parents have contributed to the consultation via attending the consultation meeting and online.

3.3. Stakeholder FAQ’s: A frequently asked questions document (see Appendix 1) was prepared for the parents/community consultation events. The aim was to give as much information as possible about all the practical things parents could want to know, ranging from whether there would be new uniforms to what it could mean for the pupils’ learning experience. This document complemented with the presentation and question and answer session gave parents a thorough understanding of what an academy is and what it could mean for the Schools.

3.4. Online Survey

Survey Monkey was used as an online vehicle to gauge reaction to a set of questions linked to the proposal for the three schools to become academies and to create a new MAT. A set of 6 questions were posed to stakeholders with an opportunity to respond anonymously. There was a further space in addition to the questions for additional comments.

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4. Consultation events, audience and timeline:

Tool Target Audience Dates

NBS Staff briefing Staff 03/05/17

Linhope Staff briefing Staff 04/05/17

Headteacher meeting with unions (NASUWT/Unison/ATL)

Unions 16/05/17

Formal NBS staff consultation meeting (Linhope staff invited)

Staff 16/05/17

Invitation sent out to Parents/ Carers / Community members for meeting on 07/06/17

Parents/ Carers / Community members


Meeting with Jane Melvin Community member 05/07/17

Parents/ Carers / Community members formal consultation meeting

Parents/ Carers / Community members


Drop in session with Ferndene staff

Staff 09/07/17

Meeting with John Padget Community member 09/07/17

Drop in session with Benfield staff

Staff 15/07/17

Drop in session with GNCH staff

Staff 15/07/17

Drop in session with Kenton nursery staff

Staff 15/07/17

Drop in session with Alnwood staff

Staff 15/07/17

Drop in session with Benfield nursery staff

Staff 15/07/17

Drop in session with Walkergate staff

Staff 15/07/17

Pupil consultation meetings

Pupils 20/07/17

Online survey All stakeholders 16/05/17 – 21/06/17

5. Key outcomes:

5.1. There were a number of consultation events which took place over the formal 4

week consultation period (as well as that done prior) and as a result a robust amount of data has been captured and collated for review and consideration. A copy of all the questions raised are included in the relevant appendices enclosed with this report and the outcomes below aim to give you an overview of the key outcomes for consideration by governors to help your planning going forward.

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5.2. A total of 15 respondents completed the online survey. 50% support the

proposal for Newcastle Bridges School to convert to academy status and sponsor Linhope PRU. 36% did not know.

5.3. Staff Staff received a formal presentation from the Joanne Clifford Swan Chair of Governors, Mark Jones Headteacher and Gail Khan (see Appendix 2). This highlighted the rationale for academy status, the proposal, the emerging vision for the Trust as well as the detail on the academy process including what it means for staff and pupils. A lead representative from the LA’s HR team was also present at the staff meeting in a supportive role as the current employer and gave a presentation about the TUPE process. (See Appendix 3) Staff reaction to the proposals was positive. Questions were raised at the consultation events and meetings and these were mainly around impact on working conditions and potential changes to the school. The questions raised were then added to the master list which can be seen in Appendix 4. 12 of the 15 respondents to the online survey were also staff members. In the main, staff could see the benefits academy status would give to students for the curriculum and how it would benefit the schools in the longer term. Staff were comfortable with the responses shared regarding any questions put forward.

5.4. Trade Unions Trade unions were made aware of the proposal for academy conversion and invited to attend the staff consultation meeting on the 16/05/17. Representatives were present from the NASUWT, Unison and ATL. The Headteacher, Chair of Governors and Alan Taylor from LA HR met with union representatives prior to the consultation meeting. This meeting focussed particularly on

Historical context to NBS deciding to academies and sponsor Linhope

Planned consultation process

Proposed relationship with the Trust assuming conversion happened.

The Headteacher responded to 2 written queries from the Unison union on 5/6/17 and 9/6/17. The questions can be seen in Appendix 5. The questions raised on the 9/6/17 were directly from Linhope staff.

5.5. Pupils

The Headteacher addressed the student’s at Benfield in an assembly, explaining about the MAT and what it would mean to them. No questions were raised.

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5.6. Parents/Carers & the Community

There was an opportunity for parents/carers and the community to meet with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors on the 7/6/17. 1 parent attended. Questions raised from the parent are highlighted in Appendix 6b. A letter and frequently asked questions paper had already been sent out to parents and carers and this was posted on the schools websites and a copy made available on the afternoon. 2 parents completed the online survey. Overall, feedback and discussion with the attending parent was very constructive and positive. Discussion and questions raised centred around understanding MATs and the impact on her child. A telephone querie was received from the same parent in relation to transport

5.7. Governors No Governors responded to the online survey.

6. Conclusion and recommendations:

The consultation with key stakeholders has been comprehensive. There has been no significant objection to the plans to convert to academy status and the proposal has received overwhelming support from those staff and parents that responded to the survey. Half (50%) of respondents are in favour of the proposal with 14% (2) of respondents against the proposal.

Therefore the Governing Bodies are advised that the consultation has not demonstrated any significant objection to the plans for Newcastle Bridges School to convert to academy status and form a Multi-Academy Trust with Linhope PRU.

All these questions are included in Appendix 4 and 5c for Governors to read.

In conclusion, recommendations to be considered by Governors if you decide to progress with the conversion are:

Ensure all stakeholders are kept up-to-date on a regular basis so that they are kept fully informed.

Keep communication regular, using letters and the school website as a constant means of communication.

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Prepared by Mark Jones, 03/07/17 Appendices: 1. Stakeholder/ Staff academy frequently asked questions 2. Staff consultation presentation 3. LA TUPE presentation 4. Staff consultation notes/questions 5. Union questions 6a. Parent/carers letter 6b. Parents/carers questions 7. Online Survey Monkey Questionnaire/Results

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Appendix 1

Frequently asked questions about academy conversions

The information in this fact sheet is intended to help answer some of the questions which may arise when considering conversion to academy status. This information cannot in any way replace the informal conversations and formal consultation that takes place during the conversion process. What is an academy? An academy is an all-ability school that is directly funded by central government and independent of direct control by local government. Academies are inspected by Ofsted under the same framework as maintained schools. Academies are self-governing. What is a Multi-Academy Trust? A Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) is a charitable company limited by guarantee which is formed to oversee a group of schools who are academies. The MAT is the employer of staff and holds the land and buildings of each academy in Trust. How does governance work? There will be a Board of Trustees who are ultimately responsible for the work of the Trust and the academies. However, they devolve much of the responsibility to the individual academies and their respective local governing bodies. Each academy has its own governing body who work with the academy Principal to check that the academy is making good progress and add additional challenge and scrutiny to the work of the school. Each governing body has parent/carer and staff representatives. The academy Headteacher is always a governor for the time they are employed in that role. The governing body will set the vision for the academy in line with the overall commitment of the multi academy trust. The governing body also draft the academy spending plan and improvement plan for approval by The Trust Board. The governing body has delegated powers from the Trust Board including the management of finance and property and the appointment of staff. Why does a school have to join a MAT? If schools are judged by Ofsted to be ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ they do not have to join a MAT if they don’t want to. Some are choosing to join MATs because of the benefits this

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brings but good and outstanding schools all have different reasons for joining or not joining a MAT. Schools which are judged to be ‘Inadequate’ or have been judged as ‘Requires Improvement’ twice will receive an academy order from the Department for Education and will have to make arrangements to join a MAT as soon as they can. How long does it take to set up a MAT? An application is completed and sent to the DfE and once approval is given for the MAT to be created (could be a couple of months), the MAT company can be set up very quickly (within days). How long does academy conversion take and how will the process affect the day-to-day running of the school? This will usually take 3-6 months (dependent on the start time and speed a school wishes to go). With support from specialist project managers the school leadership can ensure a smooth conversion and the day to day running of the school can run in parallel successfully. What is the role of the MAT Chief Executive Officer? They are the Accounting officer for the trust and the strategic support for schools. The CEO is the key contact for the Regional Schools Commissioner and the DfE and acts as the point of first contact to ensure schools are not distracted from their core purpose of teaching and learning. The priority for our school is the education of young people. How will you ensure that the MAT and academy formation does not distract us from this? Part of the work of the MAT, once formed, will be to carry out ‘due diligence’ exercises which will make clear which schools need extra support to convert and not be distracted and which schools can move quickly through the process. It’s important that all schools are open about the amount of support they might need to as they go through the process. What is the main motivation for converting to academy status?

To shape the provision to meet the future needs of our children, families and communities based on a local and collaborative proposal of working together and building on existing good practice

We will remain in charge of our own destiny as the government has a goal to encourage all schools to be academies or working towards academy status by 2022

The Local Authority (LA) capacity is disappearing. Pooling the resources of a number of schools means we can re-create some of the services once received from the LA

To develop the expertise of all staff to further improve effectiveness and outcomes for children

To generate financial efficiencies to invest back into the classroom for the benefit of the children

What parents and carers need to know

The school is not proposing to change its character and will continue to look, feel and be the same as it is now

The School Leadership team and Governing Body will continue to run the school daily

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as they do now, and parents will continue to be represented on the Governing Body

The name of the school will not change (unless there is a demand to consider doing so during the consultation), and the school will not change its admissions policy

Children with special needs will continue to receive additional support in the way they do now

Our local schools will continue to work very closely together for each other as well as your children, and will be provided with more support to help them become even better

The multi-academy trust arrangements will share some central services across the schools which will help them be more efficient and make sure that funding is focused on teaching, learning and support for children

The multi-academy trust will work very closely and co-operatively with local partners, including other schools, community groups and organisations, and the local authority.

Is an academy like a business? No. A business makes profit for its shareholders. An academy is a charitable trust which cannot make profit. Who makes the decision to become an academy? The governing body/management committee. The Department for Education then approve the request. Are academies bound by the same rules and regulations as other schools? Academies are required to follow the law and guidance on admissions, special educational needs and exclusions. Will the academy follow the National Curriculum? Yes, but it would have more freedom to try different things in the curriculum and make sure that what is taught is relevant to our pupils and their specific needs. It must be broad and balanced. Does becoming an academy change the relationship with local schools and the community? No. Academy funding agreements state that they must ensure that we will be at the heart of its community, collaborating and sharing facilities and expertise with other local schools and the wider community. As an academy, will it still work with the local authority (LA)? Academies are independent of the local authority. However, we wish to continue working the LA, other local schools and local partners. What about funding? The Department for Education via the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) meets the running costs for an academy. Academy funding is calculated on a like-for-like basis with local authority schools. Therefore, the academy will have a similar budget to that of its predecessor school. With greater freedom to procure services from other providers

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and to realise cost efficiencies across the network, the academy will be able to make more efficient use of resources to support school improvement. Like other schools, an academy cannot run at a loss or agree a deficit budget, i.e. it must break-even. How will the school be accountable financially? An academy is governed by the rules and regulations for charitable trusts and company law, e.g. we will be required to produce and file accounts and trustees cannot be paid. There will be robust systems with an audit conducted by an external independent auditor. What functions would remain the statutory responsibility of the LA?

Home to school transport

Education psychology, SEND statementing and assessment

Monitoring of SEND provision

Prosecution of parents for non-attendance

Assigned SEND resources for pupils/students with rare conditions needing individually tailored provision

Provision of specialist facilities for a student who is no longer registered at a school.

Who will be responsible, and pay for assessments of pupils/students with additional needs? The LA retains the same statutory responsibility for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in academies as they would for a maintained school. We would continue to work closely with the LA to ensure that our SEND pupils are well provided for and to ensure that the LA meets their statutory commitments with regard to pupils. Does it cost to become an academy? Yes. There are legal, financial and project costs associated with becoming an academy. The government gives each converting academy £25,000 to contribute towards these costs. Who will own the school building and land? The academy trust will enter into long term leases for the land and buildings. Will the staff stay the same? When a school converts from a local authority maintained school to a new academy, all permanent staff are entitled to transfer to it under the same employment terms and conditions. The process of conversion assumes ‘as is’ for staff and that they continue to teach the same classes as previously. Will you consult with staff, community and parents? Yes, we will consult with all key stakeholder groups during the transition phase. This will include the sharing of our plans for the new academy trust and an opportunity to gather feedback and suggestions, as well as addressing any questions or concerns. A clear consultation will take place. Will the school remain non-selective?

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Yes - academies are non-selective schools. Academies are required to follow the law and guidance on admissions, SEND and exclusions as if they were maintained schools. It is the aim of the Trust to ensure that our academies provide high quality, inclusive education for all local children. Will the school need to change its name? We will not change our name unless there is a compelling reason during consultation to do so. Can the academy work with the council and other schools? Yes. Where possible and appropriate, the academy will buy back services to from the local authority. The academy can work with any schools it wishes if this makes a difference to the education of the children. Will there be a new uniform? Existing arrangements will remain in place across the school unless there is a compelling reason during the consultation to do so. What date would the Academy open? The proposal subject to approval from the Department for Education is for the academy to open on the 1st September 2017. How can I find out more about academies? Visit the website for the department of education on and search for Academies on the home page. YOUR OPINION IS IMPORTANT TO US If you have any comments to make or questions which have not been answered, please either complete the form below and email or return it to the suggestions box located on each site and we will follow up. You can also complete a short online survey by logging on to the schools website:

Name: ............................................................ Email: (this will only be used to respond directly to any questions you highlight below) Relationship to School: (please tick appropriate box) PARENT/ CARER STAFF GOVERNOR OTHER (please state) Comments/Questions Your comments/questions should be returned no later than midnight on 21st June 2017.

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Appendix 2

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Appendix 3

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Appendix 4

Ferndene No questions

Benfield No questions

GNCH 1. Are we detached from the LA?

School is already detached from the LA as we are a Foundation Special School, part of the Compass Trust

2. Will the Compass Trust schools be part of the MAT? Currently on 2 schools are converting to form the MAT. Each school will need to determine its own direction of travel but all Compass Trust schools would be welcomed into the MAT

3. Are there any limits to the size of the MAT? No but the decision to allow a school to join will be a decision for the trustees.

4. Will MJO remain Headteacher? MJO will remain substantive Headteacher but the day to day running of NBS will become the responsibility of the Head of School

5. Will we continue to buy into LA services? Finances will move to Avec but all other current services we plan to continue

6. Is September 1st conversion realistic? It is becoming increasingly unlikely but we continue to work to that date

Kenton Nursery 1. What is going to happen to the Benfield provision?

Benfield has 2 years remaining on its lease. Leadership continue to work with the LA to determine a solution moving forward

2. What is happening to Kenton nursery lease? No lease has yet been signed but it will become a rolling lease with a fixed get out clause

3. Concerns regarding long term future of Kenton nursery 4. Will the 2 nurseries be amalgamated?

No plans to amalgamate 5. Do we have a business model that has a red line cost?

Currently both nurseries run at cost even 6. Staff have ideas to offer workshops to parents 7. TUPE discussion including redundancy issue

Alnwood 1. What will the new leadership structure look like?

Leadership structure will include Head of School with MJO and GLI moving to a central executive leadership overseeing the MAT

2. Individual severance querie 3. Will Linhope be a separate school with separate leadership structure?

Yes but MJO will become substantive head 4. Would staff be asked to teach in Linhope?

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No but opportunities for CPD will be available 5. How many schools are forming the MAT?

2 in the first instance 6. Are new premises planned for Benfield?

Benfield has 2 years remaining on its lease. Leadership continue to work with the LA to determine a solution moving forward

7. Who will administer pay roll? Local Authority

8. Will policies on maternity/sickness change? These policies will become MAT policies

9. Will performance management processes change? No but process will need to be standardised across the trust

10. Who funds the conversion? Each academy receives a grant

11. Will staff get a copy of the questions and answers? Yes

Benfield Nursery 1. What will be the impact of the MAT?

Discussion took place around impact and opportunities 2. Will leave of absence procedures remain the same?

No but this will become a MAT policy

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Appendix 5

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Additional questions asked by the union 1. Will the fleet car scheme through the LA be continued as part of the MAT?

This will be a decision the Trust Board has to take 2. Will staff be able to access their annual travel pass through the LA travel

office once the MAT is formed? Yes as the MAT will continue to use the LA payroll

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Appendix 6a

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Appendix 6b Questions and discussion from parents/carers and community members 1 parent attended No presentation was given Discussion with the parent took place and centred on

What is a MAT

Will it affect how NBS is run

What impact will it have of the pupils Same parent contacted the school to ask further questions

1. What will happen to school transport? 2. Will LA continue to pay for transport?

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Appendix 7

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