protect the environment

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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protect the environment. rotection. The pictures tell us about environmental p ____________. 宾语. The pictures tell us that we should protect the environment. 宾语. 从句. It ’s a good idea. 名词性从句 Noun clause. 充当主语 subject. “ It” refers to…?. That we should protect the environment. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


protect the environment

The pictures tell us about environmental p____________.

The pictures tell us that we should protect the environment.

It’s a good idea.

That we should protect the environment.“It” refers to…?Replace “it “!

That we should protect the environment is a good idea.


充当主语 subject

主语从句Develop it

It’s a good idea that we should protect the environment.形式主语


The good idea is _____ we should protect the environment.

The idea ______ we should protect the environment is good.


that表语从句 同位语从句

名词性从句 Noun clause


名词性从句在句中要用 ____ 语气 , 从句的引导词必须始终置于 ______

* 考点考点 11 .语序问题.语序问题 1.No one can be sure ____ in a million years.(92)A.what will man look like

B. what man will look like

C. man will look like what

D. what look will man like


2.You can’t imagine ____ when they received these nice Christmas presents.(96 上海 )

A. how they were excited B. how excited they were

C. how excited were they D. they were how excited


Let’s practice1.Can you make sure __the gold ring?

A.where Alice had put B. where had Alice put

C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice has put

2.We asked the policeman____ ,but he remained silent.

A.what was the matter B.what the matter was

C.that was the matter D.which the matter was

注意 What’s the matter

What’s wrong

What happened….

what 本身作主语 和引导词

** 考点考点 22 a)a) 主语从句 中主谓一致主语从句 中主谓一致

何时何地开会还没有决定 .

Where and when the meeting will be held ______ not been decided yet .


When the person was murdered and why he was murdered______(is/are)still unknown.

单个的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用_____ 形式。如果是两个或两个以上的主语从句作主语,谓语动词则用 _____ 形式。





What we need now______( is / are ) more books.

What we need now ____ ( is / are ) more practice.


What 作主语,动词单复数看后面的名词

Eg What he bought yesterday _____coffee.

What he bought yesterday _____three bags.




** 考点考点 22 .. b)b) 时态时态一致性一致性

2. Our physics teacher once told us that light __________ ( travel ) faster than sound.



3) 主句的动词用一般现在时,

1.Mother told me that she ___________ (show) me around her company the next Saturday.

would show

3. Tom says that Mary ____ (go) abroad last year and

_________ (be) there for nearly 5 months.

1 )主句的动词用过去时,

2 )从句表示客观事实,格言,谚语等 ,





has been

The manager came over and asked the customer how___A. did the quarrel come out B.the quarrel had come outC. has the quarrel come out D.the quarrel has come out

We suggested that the meeting ___________

A.should put off put off C. was put off D.putting off


① 表示建议、要求、命令等动词 suggest 、 advise 、propose 、 demand 、 require 、 insist . request 、command 、 order 后的从句谓语动词用 __________________________

**② 注意 suggest 当表示“暗示、表明“讲时, insist 表示“ 坚持认为”之意时,主从句时态相应一致

(should) + do/be done

The smile on his face suggested that he ______(was/be/is)satisfied with our work.was

Let’s practice

1. He insisted that the patient ____ to hospital at once.

A. be sent B. was sent C. should sent D. shall be

2.He insisted that the weather _______ clear up.

A. would be B. be C. was D. will be


基本句型: It is + 形容词、过去分词 + that ... + (should) do

a. It is suggested, ordered, proposed, required, demanded, requested, insi

sted;b. It is important, necessary, natural, desirable, strange, advisable,

1. Is it ordered that he _____ the examination?

A. takes B. has to take C. must take D. take

2. It is strange that he _____ you this.

A. would tell B. should tell C. had told D. has told

****** 考点考点 3 3 b)b) 主语从句中的虚拟语气主语从句中的虚拟语气


在 suggestion, proposal, idea, plan, order, advice


拟语气,即 ________________________

1.His suggestion that you _____ once more sounds r

easonable. A. try B. tries C. must try D. can try

2.The order given by the commander was that they _

____ until the commander allowed they to.

A. stopped B. didn’t stop C. stop D. not stop

****** 考点考点 3 3 b)b) 表语和同位语从句中的虚拟语气表语和同位语从句中的虚拟语气

请你归纳: (should) + do/be done

*** 考点4

a). it 作形式主语、形式宾语

1. I think that worthwhile that we spent so much money on these books.

2. That is hard to decide when and where we will held our sports meeting.

3. Everybody considers it impossible which he wants to finish the job in such a short time.

4. It doesn’t matter that you will come or not.






当主语从句较长,而谓语较短时,常常将从句 ______ ,而用 it 作为形式主语置于句首。形式宾语也只能用 it 。


1. The chairman thought ______ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.

A . that B . it C . this D . him

2. I like______ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. ( 04 全国 I )

A this B that C it D one

3. _____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an

international language. (NMET1995)

A. As B. This C. That D. It

比较: ______ is a fact, English is being accepted as an international language.

A. As B. This C. That D. It

Let’s practice

“6123 结构”

  “ 6123 结构”是指用不定式、动名词短语和 that 引导的从句作宾语,带名词或  形容词作宾补时,使用 it 作形式宾语的复合宾语结构。

6 :用于这种结构的个常用动词 think , find , make ,feel, believe, consider ..

1 :指形式宾语 it ;

2 :指作宾补的名词、形容词;

3 :指作宾语的不定式短语、动名词短语和 that 引导的宾语从句。 


what 表什么(无选择范围)

which 表选择 , 哪一个(有选择范围)

a) what / which 1. ---Do you know______Mr Black’s address is ?

---He may live at No. 18 or No. 19 of Bridge Street. I’m not sure of _________.

2. I read about it in some book or other, does it matter _______ it was? ( 01 北京春季)




*** 考点 5 连接词

No. 18 or No. 19

some book or otherwhich

There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind ____to buy.(94)A. what B. which C. how D. where

many kinds of tape-recorders

** 考点 5 连接词


________ 等同类词既可以引导名词性从句,也可以引导让步状语从句,而 ____________ 等只能引导让步状语从句。


No matter whatWhatever 等≥ no matter what 等

____________ you go and__________you do , I’ll be right here waiting for you.

wherever whatever

No matter where no matter what


Take ____________________and leave me alone.


____________________ should be punished .

whatever you need

Whoever breaks the law

b) whatever /whoever/ however/whomever/whichever/ …

无论 , 不管…

1. Could I speak to_____ is in charge of International Sales , please? (2007 山东卷 )

A . anyone B . someone C . whoever D . no matter who

2.___ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. (2006 山东 )A.No matter what B. No matter which

C Whatever D. Whichever

3. ____,mother will wait for him to have dinner together. A. However late he is B. However he is late C. No matter how late he is D. No matter how he is late4.Sarah hopes to become a friend of ____ shares her intere

sts. A. anyone  B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who E both C &D

Let’s practice



That I failed in the exam disappointed my parents.

I don’t think that she is right.

The news that our team won the match inspired us.

The reason is that he is careless.

成分 有无词义 备注

that 无 无 主语 , 表语 , 同位语从句不能省




1 ) that 与 whether 的区别

*** 考点 55 ..连接词

( )

1.Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _____ a cure for AIDS will be found. (05 广东卷 ) 2. We doubt __________ he will defeat the others.3.The problem is _______ we have enough time .

4.It doesn’t matter _______ you come or not

5.It all depends on_______the sky is going to clear up.

A.if B. that C. / D. whether








2 ) whether 和 if 的区别

That 表确定whether 表不确定

1) 主语从句 / 表语从句 / 同位语从句 / 介词后用 whether

2)Whether or not 连用

1.____(What/That /whether)makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.( 06 辽宁 )

2.____ we can’t get seems better than ____ we have.

A.What; what B. what; that C. That; that D. That; what3._____made the school proud was more than 90% of

the students had been admitted to key universities. A . What…whether B . What…that C . That…what D . That…because


What 与 that 的区别缺少成分即主语,宾语,表语时用 what

3. A modern city has been set up in ______ was a wasteland ten years ago. ( 04 天津) A. what B. which C. that D. where

1.We haven’t settled the question of ______ it is necessary for him to study abroad. (2006 江苏 )

A. if B. where C. whether D. that2. Choosing the right dictionary depends on ______ you want to use it for. [2007 江苏卷 ]

A. what B. why C. how D. whether

the place


3. The traditional view is ____ we sleep because our

brain is “programmed” to make us do so. (2007 上海

卷 )

A. when B. why C. whether D. that

What you’re talking about is true. The things that you’re talking about is true.

That is what you’re talking about.That is the things that you’re talking about.

*** 考点 6 a) a) 宾 / 主 / 表从句与定语从句的区别


定语从句的作用是作 _____ 修饰主句的某个成分,与其对应的主句 _______ ,定语从句的引导词为:关系代词;关系副词

在句子中起 ____ 作用的句子叫名词从句,与其对应的主句 ______ ,其引导词为:连接词,连接代词,连接副词





where、 when、 why

which 、 that、 who 、 whom 、 whose 、as

Where, when, why, how, how much…

Which, what, whatever,who…

That, whether/if

I understand what you’re talking about.I understand the things that you’re talking about.

高考链接1. You can only be sure of__ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something __ you might get in the future.(2007 安徽卷 ) A. that; what B. what; / C. which; that D. /; that

2. The reason ________ she gave for not being present was ________ the heavy snow prevented her coming. A. /; because B. why; because C. / ; that D. why; whether



一看 _____ 是否完整;二看 _____ 是否完整;三看 _____ 确定答案。

主句 从句句意

3. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer __ it was 20 years ago, ___ it was so poorly equipped. A. what; when B. that; which C. what; which D. which; that

*** 考点 6 b) b) 同位语从句与定语从句的区别

同位语从句前的名词是一个含有内涵的名词。从句就是其内容。 that 在从句中 _______ 成分。而定语从句中一定缺某一个成分,引导词应该代替先行词在从句中 ____ 句子成分。

1. Danby left word with my secretary _________ he would call again in the afternoon. (2005浙江 15) A. who B. that C. as D. which 2. The plan ______ was come up with in the meeting was turned down finally. A. which B. that C. what D. /3. The plan ____ the building will be built by the lake is turned down finally. A. which B. that C. what D. /




一看 _____ 是否完整;二看 _____ 确定答案。从句 句意

名词性从句名词性从句考点考点: *1. *1. 语序问题语序问题

*** 5. *** 5. 连接词连接词that,what ,which , whether, if, who, whom,whose,

whatever ,whichever,whoever ,whomever,whosever

when, where, why, how …

*** 4. it *** 4. it 作形式主语作形式主语 ,, 形式宾语的用法形式宾语的用法

*2.2. 主谓主谓一致性和一致性和时态一致性时态一致性

**6 . **6 . 名词性从句与定语从句的对应关系和区别名词性从句与定语从句的对应关系和区别

*** 3. *** 3. 名词性从句中的虚拟语气名词性从句中的虚拟语气


Have a try! The reason why they pollute the environment is that they want to make money. However, there’s no doubt that, unless dealt with immediately, the situation will become worse and worse. As a student, I will do whatever I can to protect the environment. It is very important that make people be aware of the importance of protecting the environment. It’s my hope that everyone takes part in the environmental protection, making it possible that our later generation can live happily in better environment.




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