psc ref#:277478

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Docket No. 4310-CW-108 Ex.-Oak Creek- Pritzlaff -2

PSC REF#:277478Public Service Commission of Wisconsin

RECEIVED: 11/03/15, 10:59:19 AM





MARCH 2002

Kaempfer & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 150 650 East Jackson Street Oconto Falls, Wisconsin 54154 (920) 846-3932

! I

r Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility

Milwaukee County, Wisconsin


MARCH 2002

KAEMPFER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers

P . O. Box 150 650 E. Jackson Street Oconto Falls, WI 54154 (920) 846-3932

Project No. E129-12.02.rpt

Kaempfer & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 650 East Jackson St. P.O. Box 150 Oconto Falls, Wisconsin 54154 (920) 846-3932 Fax (920) 846-8319

March 20, 2002

Mr. Steven N. Yttri, Manager Oak Creek Water & Sewer Utility 170 W. Drexel Avenue Oak Creek, WI 53154

Re: Oak Creek Water & Sewer Utility Water System Study

Dear Mr. Yttri:


In accordance with our Agreement for Engineering Services, we hereby submit the Water System Study report and summa1y for the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility. The report describes the water supply and distribution system improvements needed to meetthe projected demands in the system through the year 2020.

We gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance and cooperation we have received from all members of the utility staff throughout the course of the work.



© ·Cf -K~ Christopher Kaempfer, P .E.

CK: cal

Enc: As Noted

K :IE 129\12\02\L TR\ YTIRI. I. wpd


City Officials

Dale J, Richards, Mayor

Beverly A. Buretta, Clerk

Board of Waterworks and Sewer Commissioners

Fredrick R. Siepert, Chairman

Gerald H. Wille, Secretary

Raymond L. Burnside

Ronald R. Callies

Gary L. Gass

Utility Management Staff

Steven N. Yttri, Manager

Daniel S. Duchniak, P.E., Assistant Manager

Patrick K. Francis, Plant Manager

Robert D. Kuehn, Distribution Manager

Annette L. Stenzel, C.P.A., Finance Director


Project Staff


Christopher Kaempfer, P.E.

Taryn s. Nall, P.E.

Don Heikkila, P.E.

Chuck Yang


Gene Deprey

Ben Blazek

Josh VanBoxel

Report Production

Janet Benak

Cindy Lefevre

Kathy Winter







STUDY AREA CHARACTERISTICS Physical Environment Economic Environment


Basis of Analysis . Distribution System Alternatives Supply System Alternatives Engine Generator Feasibility

RECOMMENDED PLAN . . . . . . . . Water Distribution System Improvements Water Supply System Improvements Summary of Project Costs



Topography Geology and Groundwater Hydrology Soils . . . . . . Surface \'later Resources Climate . . . . . . . .

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . . . Residential Development Commercial Development Industrial Development Agricultural Transportation Utilities . .

AREA DEVELOPMENT Land Use Population



1-1 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-4


2-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-6 2-8

2-9 2-9 2-9

2-11 2-12 2-13 2-13 2-14 2-15


3-1 3-1 3-3

3-3 3-8 3-9

3-10 3-11 3-11

3-12 3-12 3-12 3-13 3-13 3-13 3-13 3-15



Wells . Well Stations . . . . .

SURFACE WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES Basis of Design . Description and Operation

Raw Water Intakes Low Lift Pump Station Water Treatment Processes High Lift Pump Station Sampling and Testing . Chemical Feed systems Filter Backwash Sludge Disposal Control and Instrumentation

Utilities . Natural Gas Service Water Service

Plant Staff and Staffing Staff Staffing Schedule

Process Performance . Assessment of Future Use

DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FACILITIES Pipeline Network Service Zones . . . Distribution System

Elevated Storage Storage Tanks .

Ground Storage Reservoirs Booster Pump Stations . .

Austin Street Booster Pump Station Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station Ryan Road Booster Pump Station . .

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System Meters and Services Fire Protection . . Distribution System Staff and Staffing

WATER SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION Staff and Staffing Water Rates and Billing Operating Costs


PAST AND PRESENT WATER USE Average Annual Water Production Average Annual Water Use

Average Annual Retail Water Use Average Annual Wholesale Water Use

Unit Consumption Values . . . . .



4-1 4-4 4-5 4-8

4-12 4-12 4-12 4-16 4-19 4-19 4-25 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-31 4-31 4-31 4-32 4-32 4-32 4-33 4-37 4-37 4-41 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-45 4-47 4-47 4-48 4-50 4-50 4-50 4-50 4-50


5-1 5-1 5-5 5-6 5-8 5-9

Residential l'later Use Commercial Water Use Public Water Use . . General Water Use Industrial Water Use

Accounted-for Water . . Rates of Water Use

Average Annual Demand Monthly Demand Variations Annual Daily Demand Variations Weekly Demand Variations Maximum Daily Demand Peak Hourly Demand

Storage Requirements Equalizing Storage for Seasonal Demands Equalizing Storage for Peak Hourly Demands


Residential Water Use Commercial l'later Use Public Water Use . . Industrial Water Use Wholesale Water Use Rates of Water Use . Water Accountability

Projected Water Requirements



Physical Characteristics Chemical Characteristics Bacteriological Characteristics Radiological Characteristics . .


Chapter NR 140 Chapter NR 809 Chapter NR 811 Chapter NR 812 Future Requirements



Water Quantity and Quality Service Pressure Fire Protection . System Reliability



5-11 5-12 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-20 5-20 5-22 5-24 5-24 5-26 5-28 5-28 5-28 5-29 5-29 5-29 5-29 5-30 5-30 5-31


6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-7

6-8 6-10 6-12 6-12 6-13 6-13 6-14 6-14


7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-4

Water Supply and Treatment Facilities . . . . . Supply and Storage Facilities . . . . . . . . . Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System Pipeline Network Service zones . . . . .

BASIS OF COST ESTIMATES Construction Cost Index Capital Cost Estimates

Water System Construction Costs Land Acquisition . . . . . . Engineering, Administration, and Contingencies

Annual cost . . . . . . . . . . Fixed Costs Operation and Maintenance Costs

EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES Economic Evaluation .. Non-economic Evaluation

Effectiveness Reliability Flexibility Implementation Environmental Impact


BASIS OF ANALYSIS Design Flows Storage Requirements

DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES High Lift Pump Evaluation . . Distribution System Analysis

Pipeline Network . . . Booster Pump Stations Storage Facilities . Pressure Zones . . .

SUPPLY SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES Plan Formulation Description of Alternative Plans

Plan 'A' .......... . Plan 'B' .......... .

Evaluation and Comparison of Alternatives Economic Evaluation

Capital Cost Operation and Maintenance Cost Annual Cost . . . . . .

Evaluation of Non-economic Factors Project Effectiveness Reliability . . . . . . Flexibility . . . . . . Program Implementation Environmental Impact

Selection of Recommended Plan


7-4 7-5 7-6 7-6 7-8 7-9


7-11 7-11 7-14 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-16 7-17 7-17 7-18 7-18 7-18 7-18 7-18 7-18


8-1 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-2 8-3 8-3 8-6 8-7 8-7 8-7 8-7 8-8 8-8 8-8

8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-13 8-13 8-13 8-14 8-14 8-14 8-14

ENGINE GENERATOR FEASIBILITY . Engine Generator Alternatives

Plan 1 G1 1

Plan 1 G2 1

Plan 1 G3' Plan 'G4 1

Evaluation and Comparison of Alternatives Selection of Recommended Plan Cost Savings Potential


DESCRIPTION OF RECOMMENDED PLAN Water Distribution System Improvements

Storage Facilities . Booster Pump Stations Pipeline Network

Water Supply System Improvements ASR Wells Plant Storage Electrical System Improvements



8-15 8-15 8-15 8-15 8-16 8-16 8-16 8-17 8-17


9-1 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-6 9-8

9-11 9-12 9-14


APPENDIX A References

APPENDIX B Climatological Data

APPENDIX c Well Logs

APPENDIX D Low Lift Pump and High Lift Pump Curves

APPENDIX E Water Rate Schedule

APPENDIX F ASR Storage Evaluation

APPENDIX G Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 140

APPENDIX H Proposed ASR Regulations


ASR AWWA oc cf s D/DBP ENR OF FIC fps ft. gal


gpad = gpcd gpd gpm = gpm/ft2





= =




= =



aquifer storage and recovery American Water Works Association degrees Centigrade cubic feet per second Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Product Engineering News Record degrees Fahrenheit filter influent channel feet per second feet gallon gallons per acre per day gallons per capita per day gallons per day gallons per minute gallons per minute per square haloaecitic acids sum of 5 haloaecitic acids high density polyethylene horsepower inches Insurance Service Office kilowatt kilowatt-hour motor control center maximum contaminant level Maximum Contaminant Level Goal


Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goals microgram per liter millon gallons millon gallons per day milligrams per liter Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District nephelometric turbidity units powdered activated carbon polyaluminum chloride preventive action limit picocuries per liter Public Service Commission of Wisconsin pounds per square inch polyvinyl chloride revolutions per minute supervisory control and data acquisition Safe Drinking Water Act Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission square feet specific ultraviolet absorbence total dynamic head total dissolved solids trihalomethanes total trihalomethanes total organic carbon underground injection control



United States Environmental Protection Agency United States Geological Survey Universal venturi tube Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin Department of Administration Wisconsin Electric Power Company water level monitoring system wastewater treatment plant






A Water Supply and Distribution Study that included an analysis of the water supply and distribution system was completed in November of 1995. The study identified a recommended plan designed to meet the projected water supply needs of the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility to the year 2020. The utility has completed construction of water treatment plant improvements, has completed an ASR feasibility study and started an ASR demonstration test, and became the wholesale supply of water to the City of Franklin in 1996.

As a result of increased water demand, and the supply and distribution system modifications, the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility recognized the need to update the water system study for improvements needed to serve the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility to the year 2020. A water system study was determined to be needed to update the background information on water demands and supply facilities, perform a detailed evaluation of the water distribution system under current and projected conditions, and determine future improvements needed to serve the water and sewer utility.

In response to these needs, the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility retained Kaempfer & Associates, Inc. to prepare a water system study outlining water distribution system improvements to meet the utility's objectives. This report describes the results of the engineering study made in response to the utility's assignment, and sets forth the nature, magnitude, and cost of the water distribution system improvements.


The objectives of this Water System Study is to evaluate the adequacy of the existing distribution system, to develop and analyze alternatives for water supply and distribution system improvements, and to determine the most cost effective plan to serve the Oak Creek Water Service Area. The study will include an evaluation of the distribution system needs to serve the expanded water treatment plant, the aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) facilities, and City of Franklin. Major considerations include cost, use of existing facilities, environmental impacts, reliability, and flexibility. A detailed evaluation of water treatment facilities, ASR facilities, storage facilities, and intermediate and high-lift pumping facilities at the water treatment plant and recommendations will be prepared. The long-range goal of this study is the development of a water supply and distribution plan that will meet the projected needs of the water service planning area for the 20-year planning period and that will have the flexibility to adjust to changes in growth. Recommendations for implementation of the selected plan will be developed and the financial impact will be presented. The recommended project will serve as the basis for the preparation of the design.



The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility authorized preparation of a water system study to accomplish the objectives set forth in the preceding section. The scope of the study included:

* Collection of data relative to the Oak Creek Water System and Oak Creek Water Service Area.

* A review and analysis of the water service planning area and study area characteristics including physical characteristics, land use, zoning, and population.

* A review and summary of design data for the water supply, storage and distribution systems.

* A review of information in the Water Supply and Distribution Study. An update of the variations in water use including annual demand, maximum daily demand, and peak demand. An update of unit consumption values for each user classification.

* An update of water requirements for residential, commercial, industrial, and public purposes. Water demand characteristics necessary for this study include average annual use, maximum day use, and peak rate of use.

* Establishing fire flow requirements for various locations in the pipeline network for analyzing the water distribution system.

* Establishing peak demand conditions for analyzing the water distribution system.

* A review of water distribution modeling software programs with Utility staff and selection of software. Providing a copy of the software program to the Utility for their use.

* Establishing criteria for service standards, design period, project staging, cost estimates, and design and evaluation of alternative water distribution plans.

* Preparing a digital water distribution system base map. The digital base map will indicate the location and size of all pipelines; and location of water treatment plant, well stations, booster pump stations, and storage facilities.

* Preparing and calibrating model of the water distribution system. The capabilities of water distribution system for future flow conditions and alternate pipeline, pumping, and storage configurations will be analyzed.

* A review of boundaries of the pressure zones to determine if any changes are needed.

* Water distribution system improvements to improve service in the existing service area and to serve future growth areas will be identified. Water main replacement work will be prioritized.


* Development and evaluation of water supply system improvements that may be needed to meet disinfection requirements, use of ASR facilities to meet seasonal water demands, and pumping and storage facilities to meet future demands.

* Development of capital, and operation and maintenance costs for the water supply and distribution system improvements.

* An evaluation of and comparison of alternative plans in terms of cost and non-economic factors will be performed. The economic evaluation would be based on an annual cost analysis. The non-economic evaluation would be based on such items as project effectiveness, reliability, flexibility, ease of implementation, and environmental impact.

* Providing recommendations on project staging.

* Selection and description of a recommended plan. Determination and description of the location and size of pumping facilities, storage facilities, and distribution system facilities. Description of improvements to water treatment facilities.

* Preparation of a preliminary layout of facilities, a project budget, and a project schedule and construction sequence for the recommended plan.

* Preparation of a written report describing and documenting all phases of the study and presentation of findings and recommendations.


The report is divided into nine chapters. Chapter 2 contains a summary of the water system study and a description of the recommended improvements. Chapters 3 through 5 contain a summary of background data that influences water supply and distribution planning in the study area. Chapter 3 contains a summary of the environmental characteristics of the study area, economic characteristics of the water service planning area, land use, and population. Chapter 4 contains a description of the existing water supply and distribution system. Chapter 5 contains a discussion of water use in the Oak Creek Water Service Planning Area.

Chapter 6 contains a discussion of the regulatory requirements. Chapters 7 contains a discussion of the basis for planning and evaluating the water supply and distribution system alternatives. Chapter 8 contains a discussion of the water supply and distribution system improvement alternatives. Chapter 9 contains a detailed description of the recommended plan.


The data used in the presentation of this report was obtained from the records of the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility, the City of Franklin, the Crestview Sanitary District, the Caddy Vista Sanitary District, previous engineering studies, and on-site inspection of facilities. Environmental information was obtained from agencies of the federal, state, and county governments. Public


information was obtained from the U.S. Weather Bureau, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Wisconsin Department of Administration (WDOA), the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) , the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC}, and the Southeastern t•lisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) . References to these and other sources of published information are cited by numbers in parentheses in the text and listed in Appendix 11 A11 •


The preparation of a document of this nature requires the advice and assistance of a great number of concerned citizens familiar with the study area. We are particularly indebted to Mr. Steven N. Yttri, Utility Manager; Mr. Daniel S. Duchniak, P.E., Assistant Utility Manager and Utility Engineer; Mr. Patrick K. Francis, Plant Manager; Mr. Robert D. Kuehn, Distribution Manager; Ms. Annette L. Stenzel, C.P.A., Utility Finance Director; the members of the Utility staff, and the Board of Waterworks and Sewer Commissioners for their comments and input during the planning process and final review of this report.


l t






This summary presents in brief form the background information, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of this report. The summary is separated into sections corresponding to the chapters of the project report. The individual chapters of the project report should be referred to for a more complete discussion of the supporting and auxiliary data, project alternative analysis, and descriptions of the recommended project.


The study area is located in southeastern Wisconsin in the southeast part of Milwaukee County. The study area includes an area of approximately 208 square miles that includes the southeastern corner of Waukesha County, the northeastern corner of Racine County and the southern portion of Milwaukee County. The Oak Creek Planning Area which includes the City of Oak Creek is located in the east­central portion of the study area. The Oak Creek Planning Area contains approximately 28.5 square miles. The planning area is bordered by the City of South Milwaukee, City of Cudahy, and City of Milwaukee to the north; the City of Franklin to the west; the Town of Caledonia to the south; and Lake Michigan to the east.

The physical and economic characteristics of the study area and planning area exert a major influence on water supply planning. The physical characteristics of importance include topography, geology, soils, climate, and hydrology. Economic characteristics of importance include land use, population growth, and patterns of residential, commercial, and industrial development.

Physical Environment

The topography of the study area is gently rolling with the majority of slopes from O to 6 percent. Elevations in the study area range from 850 feet in the western portion of the study area, at the surface water divide to 580 feet in the area along Lake Michigan. Elevations in the Oak Creek Planning Area range from 580 at Lake Michigan to 800 at the northwest portion of the planning area. The majority of the present planning area is between 670 and 800 feet.

A significant topographic feature of the study area is the surface water divide between the Great Lakes drainage basin and the Mississippi River drainage basin which is approximately 6 miles west of the planning area. Drainage east of the divide flows into Lake Michigan which has an average surface \'later elevation of 580 feet. Diversions of water from Lake Michigan are strictly regulated and for all practic<l.l purposes the drainage divide represents the western water service boundary for the Oak Creek Water Utility.


The major watercourses in the study area are Oak Creek and the Root River. Oak Creek flows in an easterly direction through the City of Oak Creek and South Milwaukee to Lake Michigan. The Root River flows in a southerly direction through the City of Franklin then southeasterly through the Town of Caledonia and through the City of Racine to Lake Michigan.

Local geological formations in the study area can be divided unconsolidated sedimentary rocks and consolidated sedimentary rocks. surficial deposits consist of glacial drift that ranges in thickness from than 10 feet to over 190 feet.

into The


The surface bedrock consists of Niagara dolomite approximately 220 feet thick. The dolomite is underlaid by a formation known as the Maquoketa Shale which is approximately 190 feet thick. Below the Maquoketa Shale are a group of rock units consisting of dolomite and sandstone, known collectively as the sandstone aquifer. The sandstone aquifer is estimated to be 3,500 feet thick. The Eau Claire Sandstone and Mt. Simon Sandstone are the two major v1ater-producing units in the sandstone aquifer. The sandstone aquifer is the major water producing formation in the study area.

The principal soils in the study area are the Morley silt loam, Montgomery silty clay, and Ashkum silty clay loam. Most of the soils have moderately slow permeability. The seasonal high groundwater levels range from less than one foot for the Montgomery silty clay and Ashkum silty clay loam to greater than three feet for the Morley silt loam.

Both surface water and groundwater are used as sources of supply by communities in the vicinity of the study area. The surface water presently used as a source of supply by communities in the vicinity of the study area is Lake Michigan which has a practically unlimited supply capacity. Lake Michigan is the source of supply for the City of Oak Creek, City of Milwaukee, City of South Milwaukee, City of Cudahy, City of Racine, and the North Shore Water Commission.

Groundwater is generally of acceptable quality. With the exception of radium, water quality problems are primarily aesthetic and are generally due to high concentrations of iron, dissolved solids, and hardness.

The climate in the study area is characterized by long, cold, and snowy winters and short, warm summers. The climate is modified somewhat by Lake Michigan. The study area receives an average of 30.9 inches of precipitation per year.

Economic Environment

Land use data for the Oak Creek Planning Area indicates that approximately 52 percent of the area is developed. Residential development accounts for 21.7 percent of the land use; commercial development accounts for 3.0 percent of the land use; industrial development accounts for 10.6 percent of the land use; transportation, communication, and utilities development accounts for 14. O percent of the land use; and government and institutional development accounts for 3.0 percent of the land use. Future residential development is expected to occur throughout the City. Future commercial development is expected to occur at the intersection of Puetz Road and Howell Avenue and adjacent to existing commercial development along major streets. Future industrial development is expected to occur south of Fitzsimmons Road between Howell Avenue and 27th Street and adjacent to existing industrial development.


The population of the City of Oak Creek increased at a relatively constant rate from 1950 to 2000. The population increased from 19,513 in 1990 to 28,456 in 2000, which is a 46 percent increase. The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility presently serves approximately 91 percent of the total population. The remaining portion of the population is served by private wells and private water systems. The population is projected to continue to increase at a constant rate. The population served by the water utility is projected to be 40,000 in the year 2020 based on the Comprehensive Plan prepared by Vandewalle & Associates.

It is anticipated that the entire population in the City will receive water service by the year 2020. The entire City could receive water service as early as the year 2010. The population projection will be used to estimate future water requirements for the City of Oak Creek. The water requirements for the City of Oak Creek will be combined with the water requirements for areas outside the City of Oak Creek to determine total projected water requirements that will be used to plan improvements for the Oak Creek Water system.


The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility began providing public water supply service in 1960. The water service area was expanded in 1973 to include an area on the east side of Franklin and in 1979 to expand the retail service area in Franklin. The water service area was expanded in 1991 to provide wholesale water service to the Crestview Sanitary District, in 1992 to provide wholesale water service to the Caddy Vista Sanitary District, and in 1994 to allow the Crestview Sanitary District to provide wholesale water service to the upper pressure zone of the North Park Sanitary District. In June of 1996, the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility began to provide wholesale water service to the area in the City of Franklin served by the Franklin Water Utility.

The water system consists of two raw water intakes, a low lift pump station, a water treatment plant with a high lift pump station, three booster pump stations, two elevated storage tanks, two ground storage reservoirs, and three well stations. Well Stations No. 1 and No. 4 are presently in a stand-by status. Well Station No. 3 is presently being used as an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) well. A map of the existing water system is enclosed at the end of this report.

The Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant was constructed in 1974 and has been expanded and modified in 1984, 1992, and 1998. The water treatment plant has a design capacity of 20 million gallons per day (mgd) at a filtration rate of 4 gallons per minute (gpm) per square foot. The water treatment plant consists of two raw water intake structures and pipelines, a low lift pump station with six vertical turbine pumps, a raw water transmission main, rapid mix facilities, four flocculation and sedimentation basins, ten mixed media filters, four filter clear wells, a chlorine contact tank, a backwash reclaim basin, a sludge pump building, and a high lift pump station with six vertical turbine pumps.

The latest improvements in 1998 increased the capacity of the water treatment plant from 12 to 20 mgd. The water treatment plant continues to provide high quality water by consistently meeting turbidity requirements for treated water. In 1999, the water treatment plant removed 99 percent of the average monthly influent turbidity.


The Oak Creek transmission and distribution system consists of 982,372 feet of pipeline ranging in size from 4 inches to 30 inches in diameter. Approximately 41 percent of the system is 8-inch diameter pipelines and 25 percent of the system is 12-inch diameter pipelines. The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility has 152,267 feet of distribution system pipeline in the retail service areas of the City of Franklin. The pipelines range in size from 4 inches in diameter to 16 inches in diameter.

The distribution system is divided into a lower pressure zone and upper pressure zone. The majority of the present distribution system is in the lower pressure zone. The upper pressure zone was developed to serve the high elevation areas on the west side of the service area. The elevations in the lower pressure zone range from 655 to 760. The elevations in the upper pressure zone range from 715 to 800. Water is supplied to the upper pressure zone by the Rawson and Ryan Road Booster Pump Stations.

The Raw·son Booster Pump Station is located in the northwestern portion of the City. The booster pump station has two centrifugal pumps each with a rated capacity of 900 gpm and two centrifugal pumps each with a rated capacity of 1,800 gpm. The firm capacity of the booster pump station is 2.6 mgd. The Ryan Road Booster Pump Station is located in the southwestern portion of the City. The booster pump station has four centrifugal pumps each with a rated capacity of 1,575 gpm. The firm capacity of the booster pump station is 6.75 mgd. The ASR well supplies water to the lower pressure zone.

The water system has two ground storage reservoirs that have a total capacity of 6.5 million gallons (mg). The 0.5 mg Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir supplies the four booster pumps at the Austin Street Booster Pump Station. The firm capacity of the booster pump station is 2.6 mgd. The booster pump station is presently used on a stand-by basis. The 6.0 mg Puetz Road Ground Storage Reservoir supplies the lower pressure zone of the water distribution system by gravity.

The water system has two elevated storage tanks that have a total capacity of O. 7 mg. The O. 5 mg Howell Avenue Elevated Storage Tank supplies the lower pressure zone. The 0.2 mg Cedar Hills Elevated Storage Tank supplies the upper pressure zone.


The analysis of present and past water use and the projection of water use trends into the future are basic to the development of improvement programs for water supply and distribution system facilities. The water use was analyzed by evaluating records of the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility for the period of 1980 to 2001.

The total water supplied by the Oak Creek Water System has risen 120 percent over the past 12 years. The average annual water use for the last three years was 2,319.558 mg. The maximum annual water use was 2,381.684 mg in 2001. The average monthly pumping in the upper pressure zone for the past two years was 45 percent of the total system pumpage,


During the 22-year period of 1980 to 2001, the residential customers used an average of 30.7 percent of the metered water, the commercial customers used an average of 22.9 percent of the metered water, the industrial customers used an average of 43.9 percent of the metered water and the public customers used an average of 2. 5 percent of the metered water. There has been a significant increase in residential, commercial, and public water use and a decrease in industrial water use.

The wholesale water use has increased significantly since 1992. The wholesale water use for resale has increased from 32.4 mg in 1992 to 918.591 mg in 2001. The retail water sales to the City of Franklin customers have also shown a significant change. The water use in the City of Franklin retail area has increased from 2.9 percent of the total water use in the City of Oak Creek in 1985 to 5.8 percent of the total water use in 2001.

General water use, which includes residential, commercial, and public water use, has ranged from the minimum of 84 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) to a maximum of 104 gpcd, and averaged 96 gpcd. The average water use on a per capita basis is 48 gpcd for residential water use, 44 gpcd for commercial water use and 4.5 gpcd for public water use. The average industrial water use for the last eight years is 1.268 mgd. The average water use, on an acreage basis is 440 gallons per acre per day (gpad) for residential water use, 1, 209 gpcd for commercial water use, 205 gpad for public water use, 1,220 gpad for industrial utilities water use, and 429 gpad for industrial manufacturing water use.

The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility accounted-for an average 96 percent of its water for the period of 1980 to 2001. The maximum amount accounted-for was 98 percent in 1982, and the minimum amount accounted-for was 89 percent in 1983.

The average daily demand for the period of 1980 through 2001 was 4.052 mgd. Significant seasonal fluctuations in average monthly water use occur. The maximum monthly demand was 10.365 mgd. The average monthly water use ranges from a low of 83 percent of the annual use in February to 122 percent of the annual use in July. The average ratio of maximum monthly demand to average monthly demand from 1983 to 2001 is 1.51. The maximum daily demand was 13.397 mgd on July 15, 1998 and 14.910 mgd on July 9, 2001. The ratio of maximum daily demand to average annual demand ranged from a minimum of 1. 32 to 1. 0 in 1982 to a maximum of 2.15 to 1.0 in 2001. The peak hourly demand on July 14, 1998 was 24 .10 mgd. The ratio of peak hourly demand to average daily demand on the maximum day is 1.75 to 1.0.

A distribution of demand was performed to analyze the distribution system. The water use for the largest water users was first distributed. The remaining commercial and industrial water use was then distributed based on land use. The residential and public water use was distributed to residential land use.

The water demand data for July 12-18 of 1998 was used to determine equalizing storage requirements for the total system. The volume of equalizing storage ranged from 1.25 mg to 2.25 mg. The equalizing storage ranged from 10.56 percent to 18.50 percent, and averaged 14.09 percent of average daily demand.

The volume of equalizing storage for the Oak Creek water system ranged from 0.64 mg to 1.15 mg. The equalizing storage ranged from 9.02 percent to 15.56 percent, and averaged 12.40 percent of the average daily demand.


Design factors are developed which may be applied to population and land use to obtain the estimated future water requirements of the study area. The design factors are 53 gpcd for residential water use, 47 gpcd for commercial water use, and 5 gpcd for public water use. The total general use is 105 gpcd. Future industrial water is projected using a design factor of 429 gpad. It has been estimated that future industrial development will be dry type industry requiring small amount of water.

The metered water use is estimated to be 98 percent of total sales. The minimum amount of accounted-for water is estimated to be 95 percent in the future. The total production is estimated to be 90 percent of raw water pumpage.

Individual studies prepared for each wholesale customer are used, where available, to project future water use for the City of Franklin, the Crestview Sanitary District, the North Park Sanitary District, and the Caddy Vista Sanitary District. The wholesale water use is projected to be 4.50 mgd in 2010 and 6.10 mgd in 2020.

The design maximum monthly demand is estimated to be 150 percent of average annual demand. The design maximum daily demand is estimated to be 200 percent of average annual demand. The peak hourly demand is estimated to be 360 percent of average annual demand.

Future water requirements are defined by population and land use, and unit consumption values. The population estimates are based on a medium growth rate. Population estimates for the water service area were developed for the years 2010 and 2020 so staging alternatives could be evaluated.

The average annual water demand is estimated to be 9.97 mgd in 2010, and 12.46 mgd in 2020. The projected maximum day water demands are 19.94 mgd in 2010 and 24.92 mgd in 2020. The projected peak hour water demands are 35.89 mgd in 2010 and 44.86 mgd in 2020.

The projected average annual raw water pumpage requirements are 11.08 mgd in 2010 and 13. 85 mgd in 2020. The projected maximum daily raw water pumpage requirements are 22.16 mgd in 2010 and 27.70 mgd in 2020.

The projected distribution of demand between the upper and lower pressure zones is a critical criteria for design of the water distribution system. It is estimated that 100 percent of the demand from the City of Franklin and 15 percent of the demand from the City of Oak Creek will be in the upper pressure zone of the water distribution system in 2020.


The regulatory requirements involved in this study are set forth in the Wisconsin Administrative Code. The requirements are contained in Chapter NR 140, Groundwater Quality; Chapter NR 809, Safe Drinking Water; Chapter NR 811, Requirements for the Operation and Design of Community Water Systems; and Chapter NR 812, Well Construction and Pump Installation. The requirements are regulated and administered by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) .


Potable water must be provided to the public at a level of quality that will protect the health and well-being of the community. Domestic water is normally appraised by the public from the standpoint of taste and odor, appearance, temperature, chemical characteristics, and safety,

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has the responsibility under the Safe Drinking Water Act of establishing regulations defining the safe drinking water quality for public water systems and of assuming compliance with the regulations. The WDNR has adopted procedures and has been granted authority to administer the federal program.

Primary and secondary water quality standards have been established. Primary standards set maximum contaminant levels to protect the public from toxic effects. The secondary standards are for substances that may be a nuisance to consumers at high concentrations that affect aesthetic quality. The physical characteristics, chemical characteristics, bacteriological characteristics, and radiological characteristics of the public water supply are monitored to determine compliance with drinking water standards.

Additional contaminants that may be regulated more stringently in the future or may be added as a regulated contaminant include arsenic, and a group of synthetic organic compounds. The USEPA has published a new standard for arsenic. The USEPA has established proposed maximum contaminant levels for four inorganic compounds, four volatile organic compounds, and fourteen synthetic organic compounds. The WDNR requires periodic monitoring of compounds that are presently not regulated.

The ASR wells in general are regulated as Class V injection wells under the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program as promulgated in the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (Parts 144-147 of Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations) . The WDNR has a primary agreement for enforcement of the UIC program in Wisconsin. Chapters NR 140, NR 809, NR 811, and NR 812 set forth requirements for the operation, design, and construction of ASR systems, and establish monitoring requirements and groundwater quality standards for the systems. The minimum standards for the extraction of groundwater is established under Chapter NR 812.

The WDNR is currently expanding Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 811 to include specific requirements for the design, construction, and operation of ASR wells. The rules being proposed would allow municipal water utilities to construct aquifer storage recovery wells and operate ASR systems upon receipt of WDNR approval.

The proposed rule would require the operation of an ASR well to meet the enforcement standards established in Chapter NR 140. This may greatly restrict the use of ASR wells due to the potential for exceeding the enforcement standards for the individual trihalomethane (THM).

A number of communities in Wisconsin are concerned that the requirement to meet the enforcement standards in Chapter NR 140 for THM's will prevent the use of ASR wells in Wisconsin. A bill has been introduced and passed by the State Senate that would exempt water used in ASR wells from the groundwater standards in Chapter NR 140 as long as they meet the drinking water standards in Chapter NR 809. The bill must now be passed by the State Assembly.



The factors that form the basis for developing the preliminary design of the water supply and distribution system improvements include expansion programming, project staging, service standards, design criteria, basis of cost estimates, and evaluation criteria. The water supply and distribution system improvements are based on the projections of future water requirements for a 20-year planning period. Future water requirements were developed for a 10-year period and a 20-year period. Capital improvement projects must be planned in stages in order that the work accomplished may be coordinated with revenues received. The projects considered in this study are staged to meet projected growth. The commitment of revenues within each stage of improvements should be made with the first priority of improving water quality to conform with the WDNR standards, the second priority of ensuring an adequate and reliable supply of water to meet projected demands, and the third priority of modifying the existing transmission and distribution system to improve service pressure under peak flow and fire flow conditions.

The project components, where possible, are designed to provide flexibility for expansion and useful life. Project staging has the objective of supplying long-range needs for water service at the lowest practical cost.

Service standards establish minimum requirements for water quality, quantity, and pressure; and determine the degree of fire protection and reliability the system should provide. The minimum standards are set forth in the administrative rules and regulations established by the WDNR and the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) . Fire protection standards are established by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) .

Design criteria was developed to govern the design and layout of the treatment facilities, pipeline network, elevated storage tanks, ground storage reservoirs, and pumping stations. All of the criteria were developed with the goal of meeting the service standards established for this project. Surface water treatment facilities are sized to have a capacity equal to the maximum daily demand. Supply and storage facilities are sized to function as operating storage, equalizing storage, fire fighting reserve, and emergency reserve. The pipeline network is laid out in general conformity with the recommendations of the ISO and to provide for the distribution of maximum hourly demand and the average demand on maximum day plus design fire flow. The layout of service zones is governed by the need to limit the maximum and minimum pressures in the distribution system.

Basic cost data was obtained or developed for the proposed facilities to permit a determination of approximate capital costs and annual operation and maintenance costs. Operation and maintenance costs include labor, materials, supplies, and utilities. The costs for each of these items are based on experience from similar projects. The economic burden of alternative projects can be compared by computing the total annual costs. The total annual cost consists of fixed costs plus operating costs.

Evaluation of alternatives is based primarily on the economic evaluation. Non-economic factors that are used to compare alternatives include project effectiveness, reliability, flexibility, implementation, and environmental impact.



The development of alternative plans for water system improvements must consider design flows, water treatment requirements, storage requirements, and distribution system analysis. Design flows establish the size and arrangement of all future improvements. The values of importance are average annual day, maximum day, and peak hourly demand for the years 2010 and 2020.

Basis of Analysis

Design flows establish the size and arrangement of all future improvements. The values of importance are average annual day, maximum day, and peak hourly demand for the years 2010 and 2020. The values are for projected demands. To ensure these demands can be reliably met, it is advisable to select design values that are greater than the projected values. The design values selected for this study are summarized in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Design Flow Rates

Design Flow, mgd

Average Annual Maximum Month Maximum Day Peak Hour

Projected Design Projected Design Projected Design Projected Design Year Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value

2010 9. 97 10.00 14.96 15.00 19.94 20.00 35. 89 36.00

2020 12.46 12.50 18.69 19.00 24.92 25.00 44.86 45.00

Storage within the distribution system permits the water supply facilities such as water treatment plants, wells, and booster pump stations to operate at a constant rate in advance of customer need. The principal functions of distribution storage are to provide equalizing storage to meet short term demand variations; to provide a fire fighting reserve; and to provide an emergency reserve. Equalizing storage permits the water supply, pumping and transmission facilities to operate at a capacity equal to the average demand on the maximum day, with flow to meet the peak hourly demand supplied from storage.

Emergency storage provides system reliability in the event of failure of the source of supply. Emergency storage volume will be sized to maintain service on the day of maximum demand with 25 percent of the supply facilities out of service. The required volume is, therefore, equal to 25 percent of the total water used on the maximum day. Emergency storage is additive to equalizing storage and fire fighting reserve. The total volume of storage required is the sum of the equalizing storage, fire fighting reserve, and emergency storage.

Distribution System Alternatives

A combination of high lift pump station, pipeline, and storage improvements will be required to meet projected demands in the water system. Storage will be provided to meet peak hour demand, pipeline improvements will be designed to provide adequate conveyance at acceptable head loss, and booster pump stations will be designed to meet maximum day demand.


The capacity of the existing transmission system was analyzed by evaluating the performance of the high lift pumps at the water treatment plant. The results of the test indicate the capacity of the transmission main system limits the capacity of the water treatment plant. The actual capacity of the high lift pumps is significantly less than the rated capacity due to the high head losses in the transmission system.

The evaluation of pipeline improvements was performed by developing a model of the existing water distribution system and expanding it to include the improvements needed in the year 2010 and the year 2020. The results of the high lift pump evaluation were used to calibrate the model of the water distribution system.

The transmission main improvements would complete the major transmission system routes. The transmission system includes four major east-west pipelines, one major north-south pipeline, and five minor north-south pipelines. The four major east-west pipelines are the Rawson Avenue ~ransmission Main, the Puetz Road Transmission Main, the Ryan Road Transmission Main, and the Oakwood Road Transmission Main. The major north-south pipeline is the 13th Street Transmission Main and the five minor north-south pipelines are the Chicago Road Transmission Main, the Pennsylvania Avenue Transmission Main, the Nicholson Road Transmission Main, the Howell Avenue Transmission Main, and the 20th Street Transmission Main.

A hydraulic gradeline reference elevation is necessary to perform the hydraulic analysis of the distribution system. The Oak Creek Water System was analyzed with a flow of 30 percent of maximum daily flow occurring with the storage facilities at half of their capacity and setting the head of the water treatment plant high lift pumps at 30 feet above the hydraulic gradeline of the storage facilities.

After the preliminary sizing of the distribution system improvements was completed, the system was modeled using the Haestad 11 WaterCad 11 computer system model. The computer system model was run for different transmission main arrangements. The transmission main improvements that provided the greatest flow with 30 feet of head loss from the water treatment plant to the storage facilities were selected.

Eighteen transmission main segments were determined to be necessary to serve the Oak Creek Water Utility to the year 2020. Eight of the transmission main segments would be required within two to three years to meet the water demands to the year 2010. Ten of the transmission main segments would be required to meet water demands in the year 2020. If ASR is approved for full scale operation, construction of the ten segments could be deferred until the water treatment plant is expanded from 20 mgd to 28 mgd.

The Rawson Road Booster Pump Station has a reliable capacity of 2. 60 mgd. The only alternative is to make improvements to meet year 2020 demand conditions. The capacity of the booster pump station will be increased to 7. 8 mgd by replacing the two 900 gpm pumps with two 1,800 gpm pumps with a total dynamic head (TDH) of 90 feet, and replacing the discharge header piping.


The Oak Creek water system presently has 7.2 mg water system presently has 1. 268 mg of storage. provide adequate storage facilities and will add a in the next 20 years.

of storage and the Franklin The City of Franklin will

total of 4.5 mg of storage

Significant commercial development has occurred in the last ten years at the north end of 13th Street. Modification of the pressure zones in this area is necessary to improve water service pressures. Adding the area to the upper pressure zone will provide a 25 pounds per square inch (psi) increase in pressure.

Supply system Alternatives

The two alternatives for meeting the supply needs of the Oak Creek planning area beyond the year 2010 include expansion of the water treatment plant and development of ASR wells. Each water supply alternative will be designed for an average annual production of 13.5 mgd and a maximum day production of 28 mgd.

Plan 'A' describes the alternative to expand the water treatment plant to meet projected demands. Plan 'B' describes the alternative to develop ASR wells using existing or new wells to meet projected water demands.

In Plan 'A', the water treatment plant would be expanded from a capacity of 20.0 mgd to 28.0 mgd. The low lift pump station would be expanded by adding two 6.0 mgd low lift pumps. The water treatment plant would be expanded by adding one 8 mgd flocculation/sedimentation basin and four 2 mgd mixed-media filters. The high lift pump station would be expanded by adding two 6.0 mgd high lift pumps. The improvements to the water treatment plant and pump stations would be completed by the year 2010. The capital cost of Plan 'A' is estimated to be $7,865,000. The annual capital cost, based on a 20-year capital cost recovery at a 6 percent interest rate, is estimated to be $685,700.

The annual operation and maintenance costs for Plan 'A' are estimated to increase the existing annual costs by $79, 000. The annual labor and administration costs are not expected to increase. The increase in total annual cost for Plan 'A' is estimated to be $764,700.

In Plan 'B', ASR wells would be used to meet projected water demands. The ASR wells should be located throughout the water system in proportion to demand from each community. The optimum arrangement would be to have 4.0 to 5.0 mgd of ASR well capacity provided by Oak Creek, 2. O to 3. O mgd of ASR well capacity provided by Franklin, and 1.0 mgd of ASR well capacity provided by Crestview.

In Plan 'B', Well No. 3, the existing ASR well, would continue to be used, Wells No. 1 and No. 4 in Oak Creek would be converted to ASR wells, Well No. 2 in Crestview Sanitary District would be conyerted to an ASR well, and two wells in Franklin would be converted to ASR wells. The ASR wells would be designed to store 240 mg of treated water and provide a pumping capacity of 8.0 mgd. Well No. 3 was converted to a ASR well in 1999 and provides a pumping capacity of 1.5 mgd. Wells No. 1 in Oak Creek would provide a capacity of 1.5 mgd and Well No. 4 in Oak Creek would provide a capacity of 2.0 mgd. The Crestview Sanitary


District well would provide a capacity of 1. O mgd. The two Franklin wells would each provide a capacity of at least 1. 0 mgd. The conversion of existing groundwater supply wells to ASR wells would be completed by the year 2010. Plan

1 B • has the flexibility to be staged to n1atch construction with needs.

The total construction cost for Plan 'B', including construction contingencies, is estimated to be $1,894,500. The total project cost, including engineering, legal 1 and administrative costs and project contingencies / is estimated to be $2,462,800. The annual cost, based on a 20 year capital cost recovery at 6 percent interest rate, is estimated to be $214,700.

The annual operation and maintenance costs for Plan 1 B • are estimated to increase the existing annual costs by $121,100. The increase in total annual cost for Plan 'B' is estimated to be $335,800.

The two water system supply plans were evaluated on the basis of comparative cost. The total capital cost for Plan 'B' is 69 percent lower than the capital cost for Plan 1 A 1 , The increase in annual operating cost for Plan 'A' is 35 percent lower than the annual operating cost for Plan 'B'.

Plan 1 B 1,

ASR wells or of $335,800.

use of the existing ASR well, renovation of five existing wells to construction of a new ASR well, has the least annual cost increase The annual cost increase for Plan 1 B 1 is 56 percent lower than the

annual cost increase for Plan 1 A 1•

Factors other than cost have an important influence in selecting the most suitable water system plan, especially when economic differences between alternatives are not large. Both alternative plans were evaluated with respect to each of the functional factors. The project effectiveness and environmental impact of Plan •A 1 and Plan 1 B 1 are considered adequate. The reliability, flexibility, and implementation of Plan 'B' is considered excellent.

In general, Plan 1 B 1 is deemed to be the best plari for future development of the Oak Creek water system. Total capital and annual costs increases are lowest for this alternative. From a non-economic standpoint, Plan 1 B 1 is the alternative of choice. It has a high degree of reliability due to the small probability of simultaneous failure of more than one component. Plan 1 B 1 is easier to implement than the other plans because there would be less facilities required.

Engine Generator Feasibility

Four plans for providing an engine generator system for the water treatment plant and low lift pump station were evaluated to determine the most cost effective alternative. The most effective alternative was then evaluated to determine if the cost savings from changing to a curtailable or interruptible rate would pay for the engine generator additions.

Two central generation plans and two distributed generation plans were evaluated. The central generation plans use two equally sized engine generators that supply the water treatment plant and the low lift pump station. The two distributed generator plans use three engine generators. Two engine generators would serve the water treatment plant and one engine generator would serve the low lift pump station. Each engine generator would be sized for the load in the portion of the facility it served.


Plan 'Gl' included two 1250 kilowatt (KW) generators and paralleling equipment located at the existing primary switchgear. Plan 'G2' included two 1250 KW generators and paralleling equipment located ahead of the existing primary switchgear. Plan 1 G3' included a 1250 KW generator and a 900 KW' generator for the water treatn1ent plant and one 900 KW generator for the low lift pun1p station. Plan 'G4' included two 800 KW generators and paralleling equipment for the water treatment plant and one 900 KW generator for the low lift pump station.

The evaluation indicates that Plan 'Gl' has the lowest capital cost of $1,019,500 and was the most flexible alternative. The only disadvantage of Plan 'Gl' is the need to rely on the two feeders to the low lift pump station.

Plan 1Gl' is deemed to be the best plan for providing engine generators for the Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant. The plan has the lowest capital cost and provides the most flexibility.

A rate analysis was performed by Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO) to determine the potential savings that the Oak Creek Water Utility could realize if engine generators were installed at the water treatment plant. The estimated cost for providing the engine generator was compared to the potential savings for changing to an interruptible rate. The potential savings for changing to an interruptible rate are projected to be $1,845,000 over the next 20 years.


The recommended plan is designed to meet the projected water supply and distribution needs of the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility to the year 2020. The recommended plan includes improvements to the water distribution and water supply systems. The improvements will improve reliability, provide flexibility, and minimize disruptions from removing mains from service for maintenance and repair.

The recommended plan will increase the capacity of the system to 28 mgd in two stages to meet maximum daily demands of 28 rngd and peak hourly demands of up to 44.8 mgd. Surface water from Lake Michigan will continue to serve as the source of water. The groundwater supply facilities will be renovated for use as ASR wells so they can be used to supply seasonal peaking capacity. A map of the recommended improvements is enclosed at the end of this report.

Water Distribution System Improvements

The storage requirement for Stage 1, to expand the capacity of the system to 20 mgd, is 9. O mg. The storage requirements for Stage 1 will be met by construction of a 2.0 mg elevated storage tank in the City of Franklin on Puetz Road. The total storage volume after construction of the Stage 1 improvements will be 10.47 mg. The existing supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system will be expanded to include the Franklin Puetz Road Elevated Storage Tank.

The storage requirement for Stage 2, to expand the capacity of the system to 28 mgd, is 12. 6 mg. The storage requirements for Stage 2 will be met by construction of an additional 2.5 mg of elevated storage in the City of Franklin.


An additional 2.0 mg elevated storage tank will be constructed on Puetz Road and a 0.5 mg elevated storage tank will be constructed on Rawson Avenue. The total storage volume after construction of the Stage 2 improvements will be 12.97 mg.

The combined capacity of the Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station and Ryan Road Booster Pump Station will be capable of reliably supplying the maximum daily demands in the City of Franklin and the upper pressure zone of the Oak Creek Water System until the year 2010. The Rawson Booster Pump Station will be expanded to a capacity of 7.80 mgd by 2010.

The general concept for the pipeline network improvements plan is to complete the transmission main and transmission loop improvements that have been started and add additional transmission main and feeder main improvements to meet projected demands that exceed the capacity of the existing facilities.

The proposed transmission main improvements are divided into two stages. Stage 1 improvements are needed to increase the capacity of the transmission system to 20 mgd. Eight transmission main segments will be constructed. Stage 2 improvements are needed to increase the capacity of the transmission system to 28 mgd. Ten transmission main segments will be constructed. Fifteen feeder main segments will be constructed to improve service to localized areas of the water distribution system.

i'later Supply System Improvements

The water supply facilities will be expanded and upgraded to provide a capacity of 28 mgd. The water supply system improvements will include developing ASR wells using existing or new wells to meet projected water demands, adding plant storage, and constructing electrical system improvements.

Well No. 3, the existing ASR well, will continue to be used as an ASR well. Wells No. 1 and No. 4 in Oak Creek, Well No. 2 in Crestview Sanitary District and at least two wells in Franklin will be converted to ASR wells. The ASR wells will be designed to store 240 mg of treated water and provide a pumping capacity of 8. O mgd. Well No. 1 in Oak Creek would provide a capacity of 1. s mgd and Well No. 4 in Oak Creek will provide a capacity of 2.0 mgd. The Crestview Sanitary District well would provide a capacity of 1.0 mgd. The two Franklin wells would each provide a capacity of at least 1.0 mgd.

The conversion of existing groundwater supply wells to ASR wells will be completed by the year 2010. The construction of the ASR wells can be staged to match construction with needs.

The addition of emergency storage at the water treatment plant should be considered in the Stage 1 improvements to increase the reliability and flexibility of the water supply facilities. Emergency storage would be added by constructing an intermediate pump station after the disinfection facilities to supply a precast prestressed concrete ground storage reservoir located at the south end of the water treatment plant site.

The minimum recommended volume of emergency storage would be equal to 25 percent of the maximum daily capacity of the water treatment process. A total of 12 mg of storage would be required for the ultimate capacity of the water treatment plant of 48.0 mgd. The storage could be provided by constructing four


3 mg or two 6 mg precast prestressed circular concrete tanks. One tank could be constructed in Stage 1 or 2 for the present design period and a second tank could be constructed in the future.

The electrical system will need to be upgraded and expanded to improve the reliability of the low lift pump station. It may also be necessary to upgrade the service-entrance switching center to accommodate the changes needed to upgrade and expand the low lift pump station electrical system.

The electrical system at Oak Creek presently serves three transformers and would need to serve a fourth transforn\er when the second feeder to the Low Lift Pump Station is installed. WEPCO has informed the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility that they may require a standard primary metering arrangement be installed.

The Low Lift Pump Station is served by a 24.9 kV underground feeder circuit from the water treatment plant. A second underground 24.9 kV feeder is required to improve the reliability of the Low Lift Pump Station. The project would include adding a seventh bay to the water treatment plant primary switchgear, replacing the G & W oil switch with two S & C Vista loadbreak switches, providing a new 1500 kVA transformer, providing a new secondary to the Low Lift Pump Station from the new transformer, and replacing the secondary from the existing transformer.

The major loads in the Low Lift Pump Station are supplied from a motor control switchboard. The existing motor control switchboard must be replaced by a new switchgear arrangement. The new switchgear will be designed to accommodate the second primary service from the water treatment plant, provide a main-tie-main arrangement, and accommodate motor starters for up to six low lift pumps, and accommodate variable frequency drives for up to four low lift pumps.

Summary of Project Costs

The project costs for the recommended plan are summarized in Table 2-1. The project cost includes construction costs, contingencies, and engineering, legal and administrative costs.

Table 2-1 Project Costs for Recommended Plan


Water Distribution System Improvements

Storage Facilities - SCADA Upgrade Rawson Booster Pump Station Expansion

Stage 1 Transmission Main Improvements Stage 2 Transmission Main Improvements

Feeder Main Improvements

Water Supply System Improvements ASR Wells Water Treatment Plant Storage Facilities

Electrical System Improvements



Cost, Dollars










The project costs for water distribution system improvements are estimated to be $16,161,800. The project costs are estimated to be $25,000 for SCADA improvements and $125,000 for expanding the Rawson Booster Pump Station. The project costs are estimated to be $5, 697, 100 for Stage 1 transmission main improvements, $6,222,000 for Stage 2 transmission main improvements, and $4,092,700 for feeder main improvements.

The projects costs for water supply system improvements are estimated to be $6,255,800. The project costs for the ASR well are estimated to be $2,462,800. The project cost is estimated to be $3,100,000 for plant storage improvements and $693,000 for electrical system improvements.

The total project cost for the recommended plan is estimated to be $22,417,600. The annual cost, based on a 20-year capital cost recovery at 6 percent interest rate, is estimated to be $1,954,800.











In planning for the long-range development of a public water supply system, proper consideration of physical and economic factors influencing growth in the service area must be made. Physical characteristics of importance to the study include topography, geology, and climate; and economic characteristics of interest include commerce, industry, agriculture, transportation, and utilities. These factors have a bearing on land use patterns and population growth and consequently affect the location, design, and operation of water supply facilities.

This chapter summarizes information related to the physical and economic characteristics pertinent to this study. Detailed information can be obtained from the published reports referenced in the text.


The extent of the area that will be considered for detailed study is shown in Figure 3-1. The study area includes portions of Milwaukee County, Racine County, and Waukesha County. The portion of the study area in Milwaukee County includes the City of Oak Creek, City of Cudahy, City of South Milwaukee, Village of Greendale, City of Franklin, and Village of Hales Corners; and the southern portion of the City of Milwaukee, City of St. Francis, and City of Greenfield. The portion of the study area in Racine County includes the Village of Wind Point, Town of Caledonia, Town of Raymond, north portion of the City of Racine, and eastern portion of the Town of Norway. The portion of the study area in Waukesha County includes the eastern portion of the City of Muskego and the south eastern portion of the City of New Berlin. The study area encompasses an area of about 208 square miles.

The Oak Creek Planning Area, as shown in Figure 3-1, is located in the corporate limits of the City. The Oak Creek Planning Area is bordered by the City of South Milwaukee, the City of Cudahy, and the City of Milwaukee to the north; the City of Franklin to the west; the Town of Caledonia to the south; and Lake Michigan to the east. The Oak Creek Planning Area includes an area of approximately 28.5 square miles.


Significant physical features which affect water supply planning in the study area include topography, geology, soils, climate, and hydrology. These features are discussed briefly in this chapter; and where pertinent to specific topics, additional information regarding physical characteristics will be presented in later chapters.




Wind ,y •. Point


Fig . 3-1 Study Area


The topography of any area, including ground slope and natural drainage features, is the surface expression of its geologic and climatologic past. Topography has a direct bearing on land use, population distribution, and population density. With regard to water supply planning, topography can dictate the boundaries of water service areas, the location of reservoirs and the configuration of pressure zones necessary to maintain service pressure within acceptable limits.

The most significant topographic feature of the study area, as sho\m in Figure 3-2, is the surface water divide between the Great Lakes drainage basin and the Mississippi River drainage basin. Drainage east of the divide flows into Lake Michigan which has an average surface water elevation of 580 feet above sea level. Drainage west of the divide flows through the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. Diverting surface water out of the Great lakes drainage basin is regulated by an international agreement with Canada. Diversions are strictly regulated and for all practical purposes the drainage di vi de represents the western water service boundary for the Oak Creek Water Utility.

The terrain of the study area, as shown in Figure 3-3, is gently rolling with the majority of slopes from O to 6 percent. Elevations in the study area range from 850 feet along the western portion of the study area, at the surface water divide, to 580 feet along Lake Michigan. (1,2,3,4) The land drops abruptly from 20 to 80 feet to lake level along the Lake Michigan shoreline. West of the surface water divide, the land surface generally slopes to the west. East of the surface water divide, the land surface generally slopes from the northwest to southeast. Elevations within the presently developed area served by the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility Planning Area range from 580 feet at Lake Michigan to 800 feet on the northwest corner of the planning area. The majority of the present planning area is between 670 and 750 feet.

The floodway and floodfringe in the study area is located along Oak Creek in the central portion of the City and along the Root River in the southern portion of the City. The floodfringe areas are normally less than 1,000 feet wide except for a segment of Oak Creek between Forest Hill Avenue and Ryan Road where the floodway widens to approximately 1, 500 feet and the floodfringe widens to approximately 2,000 feet.

The major watercourses in the study area are Oak Creek and the Root River. Oak Creek flows in an easterly direction through the City of Oak Creek and South Milwaukee to Lake Michigan. The Root River flows in a southerly direction through the City of Franklin then southeasterly through the Town of Caledonia and City of Racine to Lake Michigan. The entire study area is well drained. There are no major wetlands or major lakes in the study area.

Geology and Groundwater Hydrology

Local geological formations can be divided into unconsolidated sedimentary rocks and consolidated sedimentary rocks. The generalized geologic cross section for the study area is shown in Figure 3-4. The geologic cross section is based on the well logs from the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey.



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Fig. 3 - 2 Surface Water Divide

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Fig. 3-4 Geological Cross Section

The surficial deposits consist of glacial drift, the term used to describe all sediments deposited by or from glacial ice or the water derived from the melting of glacial ice. Drift in the study area ranges in thickness from less than 10 feet to over 190 feet. Drift in the City of Oak Creek ranges in thickness from 95 to 195 feet. (5) Previous studies and evaluation of water-well logs indicate that drift is not an adequate source of groundwater for high-yield wells.

The surface bedrock consists of Niagara Dolomite approximately 220 feet thick. Previous studies and evaluation of water-well logs indicate that the upper dolomite formation is not an adequate source of groundwater for high-yield wells. The dolomite is underlaid by a formation known as the Maquoketa Shale. The Maquoketa Shale is estimated to be 190 feet thick. The Maquoketa Shale is not considered an aquifer. Below the Maquoketa Shale is a group of rock units consisting of dolomite and sandstone, known collectively as the sandstone aquifer. (6) The rock units associated with the sandstone aquifer include the Galena-Platteville Dolomite, St. Peter Sandstone, Franconia Sandstone, Galesville Sandstone, Eau Claire Sandstone, and Mt. Simon Sandstone. The sandstone aquifer is estimated to be 3,500 feet thick. The Eau Claire Sandstone and Mt. Simon Sandstone are the two major water-producing units in the study area.

Groundwater in the vicinity of the study area is generally of acceptable quality. With the exception of radium, water quality problems are primarily aesthetic and are generally due to high concentrations of iron, dissolved solids, and hardness. Chemical characteristics of well water in the vicinity of the study area are summarized in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Chemical Characteristics of Well Water in the Study Area(?)

Concentration(a) {b)

Caddy Vista Characteristic City of Franklin Sanitary District

Alkalinity, Total (CaCO,) 252 234 Arsenic <0.010 <0.010

Barium <0.4 <0.4 Cadmium <0.0002 <0.0002 Calcium 83 111 Chloride 8.9 12 Chromium, Total <0.003 0.011 Copper 0.120 0.080 Fluoride 0.4 0.50 Hardness, Total(CaCO,) 306 369.0(c)

Iron 0.3 0.66

Lead 0.006 o.ooa Magnesium 24 22.0 (c)

Manganese 0.040 <0.040

Mercury <0.0002 <0.0002 NO, + NO, <0.5 <0.5 Radium(226+228)pCi/l 7.1 Selenium <0.005 <0.005 Silver <0.0005 <0.0005 Sodium 17 18

Sulfate 120 135 Total Residue 450 475 Zinc 0.020 <0.020

(a)Samples taken from distribution system except where noted (b)Concentration in mg/l except where noted {c)Raw water sample


Crestview Sanitary District

224 <0.010 <0.4 <0.0002

124 14 <0.003

0.050 0.6

405 0.4

<0.003 23 <0.040 <0.0002 <0.5

<0.050 <0.0005 18

200 615


Radium, a naturally occurring contaminant, has been detected in a large number of water supplies in the vicinity of the study area. (8) The majority of communities that have groundwater supplies have radium levels in violation of the public drinking water standard.

The groundwater movement in the study area is generally in a northwesterly direction toward areas of high groundwater demand. The groundwater movement was in an easterly direction toward Lake Michigan prior to the large withdrawal of groundwater from high-capacity wells in the communities west and northwest of the study area.

The static water level has decreased due to groundwater use by neighboring communities. The static water level at Oak Creek Well No. 4 has been monitored on a monthly basis since November of 1974 by the USGS. The static water level has decreased from a depth of 237 feet in 1974 to a depth of 302 feet in August of 1995.

Soil characteristics affect the design, construction, and operation of water supply facilities. The proximity of bedrock and groundwater have a direct bearing on the cost of such facilities and the permeability has an influence on recharge of groundwater aquifers and the hydrologic characteristics of streams and rivers.

The principal soils in the study area are the Morley silt loam, Montgomery silty clay, and Ashkum silty clay loam. Land along the drainage courses in the study area is predominantly Beecher silt loam or Blount silt loam. There are five other major soils series scattered throughout the study area. The characteristics of these soils series are summarized in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Soil Characteristics

Depth to Depth to Risk of Corrosion Permeability, in/hr Seasonal

Soil Groundwater, Bedrock, Symbol Soil Name feet feet Uncoated Steel Concrete Topsoil Subsoil Mzd Morley >3 >5 Moderate 0.63-2.0 0.20-0.63

Mzc Montgomery 0-1 >5 Very High 0.20-0.63 0.06-0.20

At Ashkum 0-1 >5 High 0.63-2.0 0.20-0.63

Bl Blount 1-3 >5 High 0.63-2.0 0.20-0.63

Be Beecher 1-3 >5 High 0.63-2.0 0.20-0.63

Fr Fox 1-3 >5 Low 2.00-6.3 <0.06

Ml Mather ton 1-3 >5 Moderate 0.63-2.0 <0.06

So Sebewa 0-1 >5 Very High Low 0.63-2.0 0.63-2.00

Az Aztalan 1-3 >5 High Low 0.63-2.0 0,20-0.63

Ce Casco >3 >5 Low Low 0.63-2.0 >20.0

The Morley series consists of deep, gently sloping to steep soils. The soil is generally located on ridges and knobs. Morley soils are well drained or moderately well drained. The topsoil is generally a dark grayish-brown silt loam and the substratum is a yellowish-brown silty clay loam. Morley soils have high available water capacity and moderately slow soil permeability. These soils are saturated to a depth of three feet during the wet weather in spring and fall.


The Montgomery series consists of deep, nearly level soils which are poorly drained. Montgomery soils are generally located on flats, depressions, and drainageways. The topsoil is generally black silty clay and the substratum is light brownish-gray silty clay loam. Montgomery soils have high available water capacity and slow permeability. The seasonal high groundwater level is at zero to one foot.

The Ashkum series consists of deep, nearly level to gently sloping poorly drained soils. The Ashkum soils are located primarily on flats, drainageways, and depressions. The topsoil is black silty clay loam and the substratum is olive-gray heavy silty loam. This soil series has a high available water capacity and moderately slow permeability. The seasonal high groundwater level is at zero to one foot.

The shrink-swell potential for the major soil series is high except the Casco series which is very low and the Sebewa series and Aztalan series which are moderate. Bedrock is located greater than 5 feet from the surface for the major soil series in the study area. The risk of corrosion is moderate to high for uncoated steel and low for concrete. The depth to seasonal high groundwater is zero to three feet for the major soil series expect for the Morley and Casco series.

More detailed information of the soils in the study area can be found in the U.S. Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys for Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties and Kenosha and Racine Counties. (9,10) This information can be used as a guide, but detailed soil investigations are required for design of water supply facilities.

Surface Water Resources

Both surface water and groundwater are used as sources of supply by communities in the vicinity of the study area. Predominantly smaller communities have relied on groundwater sources while larger communities have used surface water.

The surface waters in the study area include Oak Creek, Root River, and Lake Michigan. The surface water source presently used in the vicinity of the study area is Lake Michigan. The source has an unlimited supply capacity. Lake Michigan is the source of supply for the City of Oak Creek, City of Milwaukee, City of South Milwaukee, City of Cudahy, City of Racine, and the North Shore Water Commission. The chemical characteristics of water from Lake Michigan are presented in Table 3-3.

Oak Creek has a drainage area of 25 square miles. The maximum instantaneous discharge of Oak Creek was 612 cubic feet per second (cfs). (6) The average discharge is 17.1 cfs. The minimum instantaneous discharge was 0.4 cfs. The water in Oak Creek is highly polluted from runoff. Oak Creek is unsuitable as a water source and represents a major source of contamination for Lake Michigan in the vicinity of Oak Creek.

The Root River has a drainage area of approximately 187 square miles at Racine. The maximum instantaneous discharge of the Root River at Racine was 2,500 cfs. (6) The average discharge is 104.4 cfs. The minimum instantaneous discharge was 1.3 cfs. The drainage area of the Root River is 49 square miles near the City of Franklin. The maximum instantaneous discharge of the Root River


at the City of Franklin was approximately 1,100 cfs. The average discharge is 32.3 cfs. The minimum instantaneous discharge was 0.8 cfs. The Root River is highly polluted from runoff. The water contains high concentrations of nutrients and pathogenic organisms. The Root River is unsuitable as a water source.

Table 3-3 Chemical Characteristics of Water from Lake Michigan(?)


City of City of Characteristic Oak Creek (b) Racine (b)

Alkalinity, Total (CaCO,) 102 110(b)

Arsenic <0.010 <0.010

Barium <0.4 <0.4

Cadmium <0.0002 <0.0002

Calcium 36 35 (b)

Chloride 13 11

Chromium <0. 003 <0.003

Copper <0.050 <0.050

Fluoride 0 .13 (b) 1.0

Hardness, Total (CaCO,) 135 136 (b)

Iron <0.1 <0.1

Lead <0.003 <0.003

Magnesium 11 12 (b)

Manganese <0.040 <0. 040

Mercury <0.0002 <0.0002

N03 + N02 <0.5 <0.5

Selenium <0.005 <0.005

Silver <0.0005 <0.0005

Sodium 7 6

Sulfate 32 23

Total Residue 190 196 (b)

Zinc <0.020 <0.020 (a) Concentration in mg/l except where noted (b)Oistribution water sample used for analysis (c)Raw water sample used for analysis


City of

Linwood Plant (c)














<0. 040










Howard Ave. Plant (c)























Climatic conditions, in part, determine the hydrological characteristics of an area as well as the pattern of water usage. Low temperatures often necessitate special provisions in the design and operation of water supply facilities, while high temperatures and the amount and distribution of precipitation can have a major impact on the required capacity of the facilities.

The study area has a continental climate, modified somewhat by Lake Michigan. Winters are long, cold, and snowy while summers are warm and occasionally humid. Spring and fall are often of short duration; and are periods of transition between summer and winter. In many years the change from spring to summer is gradual, but the change from summer to fall is usually abrupt. Typically, the seasons vary greatly from year to year. In all seasons / storms accompany changes from one air mass to another, particularly from late fall to the middle of spring when changes occur every two to three days.


Temperatures in the study area are highest in July and lowest in January. Temperatures are tempered by Lake Michigan. In spring and summer, the temperature is cooler near the lake than inland. In fall and winter, the temperature is warmer near the lake than inland. Temperature data for the period from 1951 to 1980 is summarized in Table 3-4. More complete climatological data is presented in Appendix 11 B 11 •

Approximately 60 percent of the total annual precipitation falls from April to September. The greatest amount of precipitation normally occurs in July and the least in February. Precipitation normally occurs as rain from April through October and as snow and sleet from November through March. Precipitation data for the study area is summarized in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 Temperature and Precipitation Data 1951-1980(11)

Air Temperature, Degrees F Precipitation, Inches Averages Extremes Maximum

Month Daily Maximum

Daily Minimum Monthly High Low

Aver aye Month y Monthly Daily

Jan 26.0 11.3 18.7 62 -26 1.64 4.04 1.71 Feb 30.1 15.8 23. 0 65 -19 1.33 3.10 1.67

Mar 39.2 24.9 32.1 81 -10 2.58 6.93 2.57

Apr 53.5 35.6 44.6 91 12 3. 37 7 .31 3.11

May 64.8 44.7 54.8 92 21 2.66 5. 83 3.11

Jun 75.0 54. 7 64.9 99 33 3.59 8.28 3 .13

Jul 79.8 61.1 70.S 101 40 3. 54 7.66 4.35

Aug 78.4 60.2 69.3 100 44 3.09 7.07 4.05

Sep 71.2 52.5 61.9 98 28 2.88 9.87 5.28

Oct 59.9 41. 9 50.9 89 18 2.25 6,42 2.60

Nov 44.7 29. 9 37 .3 77 -5 1.98 4.74 2 .18 Dec 32.0 18.2 25.1 63 -20 2.03 4 .34 2.24

Prevailing winds are from the northwest in winter and from the southwest in the summer. April and November are the most windy months, while August is the least windy.


In order to formulate a sound plan for the development of a water system, it is necessary to understand the existing economic development in the Oak Creek Planning Area. The brief review presented in the following paragraphs is intended to summarize the more important aspects of the economic environment of the planning area. Some of the assumptions used in predicting future trends in development are described in this section.

Residential Development

Residential areas are scattered throughout the City, with the largest concentrations in the Cedar Hills, Chapel Hill, Manor Marquette, and Willow Heights neighborhoods. The oldest residential area is located in the Caroll ville neighborhood. The 1980 census, 1990 census, and the 2000 census indicated the dominant form of housing in Oak Creek is the single-family home.


The City of Oak Creek had 5,706 dwelling units in 1980. There were 3,982 single-family units, 1,531 multiple family units, and 193 mobile homes. (12) The population density was 2.97 persons per dwelling unit. The number of dwelling units increased to 7,206 in 1990, a 26 percent increase. In 1990, there were 4,753 single family units, 2,135 multiple family units, and 318 mobile homes. (13) The population density was 2.71 persons per dwelling unit.

In January of 2001, the number of dwelling units was estimated for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD). The number of units in 2000, increased to 12,101, a 68 percent increase from the number of units in 1990. In 2000, there were 7,153 single family units, 4,626 multiple family units, and 322 mobile homes. The population density was 2.41 persons per dwelling unit.

The portion of single family dwelling units has decreased from 69.8 percent of total dwelling units in 1980, to 66.0 percent in 1990, and 59.1 percent in 2000. The portion of multiple family dwelling units has increased from 26.8 percent of total dwelling units in 1980, to 29.6 percent in 1990, and 38.2 percent in 2000. The portion of mobile homes has decreased from 3.4 percent of the total dwelling units in 1980 to 2.7 percent in 2000.

Most of the residential development in the period from 1980 to 2000 occurred in the Forest Hills, Oak Leaf, and Shepard Hills neighborhoods in the central portion of the City; the Meadowview area in the southern portion of the City; and Woodridge area in the western portion of the City. Future residential growth can be expected to occur throughout the City. There will be minor residential growth in the Oak Creek Manor, and Woodknoll neighborhoods.

Commercial Development

Commercial development is primarily located in strip development along Chicago Road, Howell Avenue, and 27th Street. The area at Puetz Road and Howell Avenue is designated as the City's central business area. This area has significant vacant land to accommodate commercial growth. The area at the I-94 and Ryan Road interchange has vacant land to accommodate commercial growth.

Industrial Development

Industrial development is primarily located along the lakeshore and in the Northbranch Industrial Park. Both areas are oriented toward rail services. The City is no longer encouraging industrial development along the lakeshore. The only sizeable industrial area without rail access is the Southbranch Industrial Park which is located to provide access to I-94.


The City of Oak Creek had approximately 6, 280 acres of vacant land, agricultural land, and open space in 1998 based on the land use inventory in the Comprehensive Plan prepared by Vandewalle & Associates. (14) The vacant and agricultural land is located throughout the study area. Vacant land includes land owned by Milwaukee County and the City of Oak Creek that has not been developed for use. Milwaukee County and the City of Oak Creek own over 1,850 acres of vacant land that will not be available for other uses. The City contains no prime agricultural land.



I-94 is the principal highway which links Oak Creek with Milwaukee to the north and Chicago to the south. The major streets in Oak Creek are Ra\'1son Avenue, Drexel Avenue, Puetz Road, Ryan Road, 27th Street, Howell Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Chicago Road.

Rail freight service is provided by the Union Pacific and Wisconsin Central Railroads. Air freight service is available at General Mitchell Field in the north portion of the study area.


Electrical service is furnished by Wisconsin Electric Power Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Natural gas is furnished by Wisconsin Natural Gas Company. Telephone service is provided by Ameritech.

Sanitary sewer service is provided by the City of Oak Creek. Wastewater treatment service is provided by the MMSD. The MMSD operates two regional wastewater treatment plants. The City of Oak Creek is served by the MMSD-South Shore Treatment Plant.

Utility service in the planning area is generally of high quality and moderate cost. It is anticipated that the utility services and facilities will impose no limitations on development during the next several decades.


In order to formulate a sound plan for the development of a water system, it is necessary to prepare projections of land use and population in the Oak Creek Planning Area. Consideration must be given to present and future land use and population growth and distribution, as these factors will form the basis for estimating future water requirements and developing a schedule for construction of the required utility work.

Land Use

Land use data, when combined with water use data, provides a basis for estimating the magnitude and distribution of water demands throughout the City of Oak Creek. The present land use in the City of Oak Creek includes residential, commercial, industrial, and public development. The land use was cataloged in 1998 by the Vandewalle & Associates. (14) A summary of the land use in the Oak Creek Planning Area is presented in Table 3-5.

Residential development in the City of Oak Creek accounts for approximately 22 percent of the total land use. The majority of residential development is single-family use which accounts for 86 percent of residential land use. The multi-family development is primarily apartments. For Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) reporting purposes, the multi-family development is included under the commercial classification.


Table 3-5 Existing Land Use, 1998

Land Use Acres Percent of Total

Single-Family Residence(a) 3,407 18.7

Two-Family Residence 128 0.7

Multi-Family Residence 424 2.3

Commercial 534 3.0


Manufacturing 1,324 7.3

Utilities 607 3.3

Transportation, Communication and Utilities 2,559 14. 0

Government and Institutional 535 3,0

Parks, Recreation, and Water 2,383 13 .1

Vacant, Agricultural, and Open Space 6,280 34.6

TOTAL 18,181 100,0 (a)Includes mobile homes

Commercial development accounts for approximately three percent of the total land use. Commercial land use includes retail stores, restaurants, banks, super markets and business offices. Industrial development accounts for approximately eleven percent of the developed land use. Industrial land use includes the WEPCO facility, the major industrial water user.

Government and Institutional development account for approximately three percent of the total land use. Public land use includes the Oak Creek elementary schools, Oak Creek High School, and Milwaukee Area Technical College south campus.

Parks, recreation, and water land use accounts for approximately 13 percent of the total land use. The largest area used for public recreation is the Milwaukee County Park System. Vacant and agricultural land account for approximately 35 percent of the land use.

The future land use in the water service area was assumed to be developed according to the City of Oak Creek official zoning district map which was last updated on April 19, 1994. In the future, it is assumed that presently developed land will continue in its present land use and that future development will occur in vacant and agricultural land. There are approximately 4,200 acres of undeveloped land suitable for development in the City of Oak Creek. Residential, commercial, and industrial development is anticipated to occur at locations designated on the zoning map. The public land use area for schools and parks is expected to increase in proportion to residential development.

Residential development is expected to occur throughout the City. The majority of the undeveloped land, which is expected to develop, is zoned for residential use. Future commercial development is expected to occur at the intersection of Puetz Road and Howell Avenue and adjacent to existing commercial development along major streets.



Population is a major factor in determining the water requirements of the Oak Creek Planning Area. Long-range planning for a water utility must be based on the best possible projections of population growth. The projections must, in turn, be based in part on a current analysis of past population trends.

Precise statistics on population and number of housing units are reported by the Bureau of the Census each decade. The historic population growth of the City of Oak Creek Water Service Area is shown in Figure 3-5. The population of the City of Oak Creek increased from 19,513 in 1990 to 28,456 in 2000, which is a 46 percent increase. (13) The number of housing units in the City of Oak Creek increased from 7,263 in 1990 to 11,897 in 2000, which is a 64 percent increase. The ratio of persons per housing unit decreased from 2.69 persons per housing unit in 1990 to 2.39 persons per housing unit in 2000. This trend is due to smaller family sizes and less people per dwelling unit as the percentage of multi-family dwellings increases. A summary of the historic population and dwelling trends in the City of Oak Creek and other communities in Wisconsin is presented in Table 3-6. The population at the end of 2000 was estimated by the Department of Administration to be 29,232 and the number of dwelling units was estimated to be 12,101. The ratio of persons per dwelling unit was approximately 2.41 persons per housing unit.

Table 3-6 Historic Population and Dwelling Trends

Oak Creek Oak Creek Year Population Dwelling Units Oak Creek

1950 4,807 -- --195S(a) 6, 885 - - --1960 9,372 2,491 3.76

1965 (b) 11, 548 - - --1970 13,928 3,661 3.80

1976(b) 15,596 -- --1980 16, 932 5,706 2.97

1990 19 I 513 7,263 2.69

2000 28,456 11,239 2.39 (a)Year of Incorporation & Special Census (b)Special Census

Persons per Dwelling Unit

De Pere Fond du Lac Oshkosh

3 .88 3.35 3 .27

-- -- - -

3.81 3.19 3.27

-- -- --3.86 3.12 3.21

-- -- --3.11 2.65 2.63

2.79 2.49 2.52

2.57 2.41 2.48

United States


- -






The Oak Creek Water Utility does not serve all the residential development in the city. Residents not served by the water utility use private wells or private water systems. Individual residents are not required to connect to the water system even though water service is available.

The population in the City of Oak Creek served by the water utility is estimated to be the sum of the residential service area population and the service area population in multi-family units and mobile homes that are considered under the commercial water use classification by the PSC. The residential population in the City of Oak Creek served by the water utility in 2000 is estimated to be 14,583. The residential population is based on 6,051 single-family and duplex dwelling units and a density of 2.41 persons per unit. The "commercial" residential population in the City of Oak Creek served by the


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--City Population • City Population Projection

--Water Service Area Population - - • Water Service Area Population Projection






# ,

I , I , ,

I # ,, ,'.,

I ,

I #

I #

I I #




1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Time, Years

Fig. 3-5 Historic and Projected Population Growth

water utility in 2000 is estimated to be 11,925. The "commercial" residential population estimate is based on 4,948 multi-family dwelling units and a density of 2.41 persons per unit. The total population in the City of Oak Creek served by the water utility is estimated to be 26,508. The population not served in the City of Oak Creek by the public water utility is estimated to be 2,724 persons. The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility presently serves 90.7 percent of the total population.

Population projections for the City of Oak Creek have been developed by the SEWRPC, City of Oak Creek Planning Department, the Wisconsin Department of Administration (WDOA), and Vandewalle & Associates. The SEWRPC has projected a population of 32,600 persons in the year 2010 and 38,300 persons in the year 2020. The City of Oak Creek has projected a population of 38,000 persons in the year 2010. The DOA has projected a population of 27,500 persons in the year 2010. The population was projected to increase at a constant rate to 31,000 persons in the year 2020. Vandewalle & Associates has projected population estimates for the year 2020 of 33,973-low growth, 39,932-medium growth, and 41, 087-high growth in the Comprehensive Plan. (14) The medium growth rate population projections from the Comprehensive Plan are shown in Figure 3-5. The City had vacant land available to accommodate the projected population increases.

The population of the City of Oak Creek that receives water service is projected to increase in proportion to expansion of the water system into existing development that is not served with water, and to future residential development in undeveloped areas. It is anticipated that the entire population in the City will receive water service by the year 2020. The entire City could receive water service as early as the year 2010. The population projection within the City of Oak Creek water service area is shown in Figure 3-5.

Based on the population projection in the Comprehensive Plan, the population served by the water utility is estimated to increase from 26,508 in the year 2000 to 40,000 by the year 2020. The population growth will depend on factors such as the economic growth of the area and growth in multi-family housing development. The largest increase will occur from new development. The remaining increase will occur from serving existing development that is not presently served by the water utility.

The population projections for medium growth in the Comprehensive Plan will be used to estimate future water requirements for the Oak Creek Planning Area. The water requirements for the City of Oak Creek will be combined with the water requirements for areas outside the City of Oak Creek to determine total projected water requirements that will be used to plan improvements for the Oak Creek Water System. The water requirements for areas outside the City of Oak Creek have been determined in previous studies. (15) (16) (17)








In the development of a long-range improvement program, it is necessary to first evaluate the existing facilities in terms of their present and future usefulness. From the standpoint of utility planning, the most important reason for the study of existing facilities is the need to make the best use of existing water system facilities in the layout of an orderly and economical improvement program. This chapter is devoted to a discussion of the various components of the existing water supply and distribution facilities in the City of Oak Creek.

The Oak Creek water supply system uses surface water as the primary source of supply. The water supply system, as shown in Figure 4-1, consists of two raw water intakes, a low lift pump station, a raw water transmission main, a water treatment plant with a high lift pump station, three booster pump stations, two elevated storage tanks, two ground storage reservoirs, and three well stations. Two well stations are presently in a stand-by status and one well station is used as an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) well.


In 1960, City Ordinance No. 144 was adopted which created the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility. The Utility was deemed necessary for the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of the public. City Ordinate No. 142, also adopted in 1960, created the Board of Water Works and Sewer Commissioners to manage the utility pursuant to Chapter 66 of the Wisconsin statutes. The commission consisted of five members who were appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council for five-year nonconcurrent terms.

When formed, the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility only served the City of Oak Creek. In 1973, an Agreement was signed that expanded the water service area to include an area on the east side of Franklin. In 1979, an Agreement was signed that expanded the retail service area in Franklin. In 1991, an Agreement was signed to expand the water service area to provide wholesale water service to the Crestview Sanitary District. In 1992, an Agreement was signed to expand the water service area to provide wholesale water service to the Caddy Vista Sanitary District. In January of 1994, an Agreement was signed to expand the water service area to allow the Crestview Sanitary District to provide wholesale water service to the upper pressure zone of the North Park Sanitary District. In April of 1994, an Agreement was signed that expanded the water service area to provide wholesale service to the area in Franklin served by the Franklin Water Utility. The current water service area is shown in Figure 4-2.

At the time of the creation of the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility, the Oak Creek Water System consisted of well Station No. 1, Well Station No. 2, Well Station No. 3, and the Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir and Booster Pump Station. The Howell Avenue Elevated Storage Tank was constructed in 1962. The Cedar Hills Elevated Storage Tank and Cedar Hills Well No. 1 were constructed in 1964. Well Station No. 4 was constructed in 1967 and Cedar Hills well No. 2 was constructed in 1973.


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, I ,/ ( I


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2000 4000


LEGEND --·-·-------~~----




















r-··········· --···~ ··-··············--.. ·· -·······-··-···-··· ~-··············-···· ··· ··-·····-·· .... ········· ··------· .... ······· .·:.~·::::::.~·::::::::::::: ··········-············· ... ··········•·y•• ..



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~ 5000 10000






Fig. 4-2 Oak Creek Water Utility Service Area

The Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant was constructed in 1974. The plant had a design capacity of 6 million gallons per day (mgd), with the capability to expand to 48 mgd in 3 mgd increments. The water treatment plant consisted of a raw water intake structure and piping, a low lift pump station with four vertical turbine pumps, a raw water transmission main, a rapid mix basin, two flocculation and sedimentation basins, four mixed media filters, two clearwells, a 1.3 million gallon storage reservoir, a backwash reclaim basin, a sludge pump building, and a high lift pump station with four vertical turbine pumps. In 1981, the Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station was constructed to serve the Cedar Hills Area.

In 1984, the Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant was expanded to increase the design capacity to 9 mgd at a filtration rate of 3 gallons per minute per square foot (gpm/sf) and 12 mgd at a filtration rate of 4 gpm/sf. The 1984 expansion included the addition of a fifth pump in the low lift pump station, a second rapid mixer, a third flocculation and sedimentation basin, two additional mixed media filters, two additional clearwells, and a fifth high lift pump.

In 1992, the low lift pump station was modified to allow chemical addition for control of zebra mussels. In 1996, a second intake structure and a 60-inch diameter raw water intake pipeline was placed in service. A second traveling screen was installed in the low lift pump station for the new intake.

In 1996, a 6 million gallon (mg) ground storage reservoir on Puetz Road was placed in service along with a 9 mgd booster pump station on Ryan Road. The new facilities were designed to serve the City of Franklin Water Utility Service Area. In 1997, the 1.3 mg ground storage reservoir at the water treatment plant was converted to a chlorine contact tank by the addition of a membrane baffle system.

In 1998, the Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant was expanded to increase the design capacity to 20 mgd at a filtration rate of 4 gpm/sf. The 1998 expansion included the addition of rapid mix facilities, a flocculation and sedimentation basin with plate settlers, sodium hypochlorite storage and feed facility, four additional mixed media filters, and a filter to waste recovery system. The existing chlorine gas storage and feed facilities were abandoned and removed.

In 1999, Well Station No. 3 was converted from a conventional groundwater supply well to an ASR well. In 2001, the inlet and outlet baffle walls of the three original flocculation basins were modified to improve performance of the conventional sedimentation tanks.


Historically, groundwater has been an important source of supply for the City of Oak Creek. Prior to construction of the Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant, the City of Oak Creek operated a series of municipal wells. Groundwater supply facilities in the City of Oak Creek included six wells and well stations. Three wells and well stations have been abandoned. Two well stations are not presently used but are kept on a standby basis. One well station is used as an ASR well. Principal features of the wells are presented in Table 4-1. Detailed information on Well No. 2 is not available. Detailed well logs for the wells included in Table 4-1 are contained in Appendix 11 C11

• Additional information regarding each well is presented in the following sections.


Table 4-1 Principal Features of Wells

Well Number

Characteristic 1 3 4 CHl CH2

Year Constructed 1956 1958 1967 1964 1973

Depth, ft. 1,815 1,800 1,846 400 483

Specific Capacity, gpm/ft. At Construction 10.4 7.09 7.33 1.0 0. 91

1999 NA(a) 5.62 NA(a) NA(a) NA(a)

Static Water Level, ft. At Construction 200 189.5 175 90 115

1999 313 313 300 NA{a) NA(a)

Well Diameter, in. 19 19X 15 8 8

Casing Depth, ft. 583 584 605 132 99 (a)NA=Not available

Well No. 1 is located in the Austin Street Booster Pump Station. Well No. 1 was drilled in 1956. Well No. 1 consists of a 24-inch diameter drill hole from the surface to a depth of 583 feet, a 24-inch diameter casing from the surface to a depth of 144 feet, a 20-inch diameter pipe from two feet above the surface to a depth of 583 feet, and a 19-inch diameter drill hole from a depth of 583 feet to a depth of 1,815 feet. The annular space between the 24-inch diameter casing pipe and drill hole and the 20-inch diameter pipe is grouted, presumably along the entire length. Well No. 1 is sealed through the drift, Niagara dolomite, Richmond shale, and to a point 28 feet into the Galena dolomite. The well is open to the Galena-Platteville dolomite, St. Peter sandstone, Franconia sandstone, Galesville sandstone, Eau Claire sandstone, and the Mt. Simon sandstone.

Water bearing formations for this well include the St. Peter sandstone, Franconia sandstone, Galesville sandstone, Eau Claire sandstone, and the Mt. Simon sandstone. The Galena-Platteville dolomite only contributes minor amounts of water to Well No. 1. A cross section of Well No. 1 is shown in Figure 4-3.

Well No. 2 was located near AC-Delco in the north central portion of the city. Well No. 2 was drilled in 1953, and abandoned in the late 1960's after Well No 3 was placed in service. Well log records for Well No. 2 are not available.

Well No. 3 is located on Austin Street adjacent to Well No. 1 and the Austin Street Booster Pump Station and Ground Storage Reservoir. Well No. 3 was drilled in 1958. Well No. 3 consists of a 26-inch diameter drill hole from the surface to a depth of 584 feet, a 26-inch diameter casing from the surface to a depth of 146 feet, a 20-inch diameter pipe from two feet above the surface to a depth of 584 feet and a 19~-inch diameter drill hole from a depth of 584 feet to a depth of 1,800 feet. The annular space between the 20-inch diameter pipe and the 26-inch diameter casing and drill hole is grouted, presumably along the entire length. Well No. 3 is sealed through the drift, Niagara dolomite, Richmond shale, and 29 feet into the Galena-Platteville dolomite. The well is open to the Galena-Platteville dolomite, St. Peter sandstone, Franconia sandstone, Galesville sandstone, Eau Claire sandstone and the Mt. Simon sandstone.


,-------2<1' CXMETffi OVTEJl C>.$N3 I ---

... Q--- :;1'~'~"El

365'~--' ' y 14-4'

l/r-------20' OD. CAS"'3

;r-------t£AT caerr Gl10UT

,-------19' OfU..l. ttJtE


1815' ~ --- -~·_ .. _ .... _/·~~:~~ .. :.~: ___ _J

Fig. 4-3 Well No. l Construction

\'later bearing formations for this well include the St. Peter sandstone, Franconia sandstone, Galesville sandstone, Eau Claire sandstone, and the Mt. Simon sandstone. The Galena-Platteville dolomite only contributes minor amounts of water to Well No. 3. A cross section of Well No. 3 is shown in Figure 4-4.

Well No. 4 is located at South Branch Boulevard and South 20th Street. Well No. 4 was constructed in 1967. Well No. 4 consists of a 26-inch drill hole from the surface to a depth of 605 feet, a 26-inch diameter casing pipe from the surface to a depth of 197 feet, a 20-inch diameter pipe from two feet above the surface to a depth of 605 feet, a 19-inch diameter drill hole from a depth of 605 feet to a depth of 974 feet, a 16-inch diameter casing from a depth of 974 feet to a depth of 1,117 feet, and a 15-inch diameter drill hole from a depth of 974 feet to a depth of 1,846 feet. The annular space between the 26-inch diameter drill hole and casing pipe and the 20-inch diameter pipe is grouted, presumably along the entire length. Well No. 4 is sealed through the drift, Silurian dolomite, Maquoketa shale, and 10 feet into the Galena-Platteville dolomite. Well No. 4 is also sealed through 41 feet of the St. Peter sandstone, the Eau Claire sandstone, and 22 feet into the Mt. Simon sandstone.




""""'°"" SHALE


•$ ---; -- ~

-N------; 135' $ ,,

:!Os-($1 - --J -:·


,.-------20· OWIETI'R I OOTffi CASm _____ __,(f-u6'

r-------20' OD. CASNG v

1~-----tar ca.err GAOOT

555' $ ,, ' '

P-------~·~ss" 'f"

.... . : ::; :::

1800'~$~-- -'--'-''-'-'--=----'

,.-------19 1(-4• DRU H:X.E

Fig. 4-4 Well No. 3 Construction

The water bearing formations for Well No. 4 include the St. Peter Sandstone, Eau Claire Sandstone, and the Mt. Simon Sandstone. A cross section of l'lell No. 4 is shown in Figure 4-5.

Cedar Hills Well No. 1 (CH Well No. 1) was located in the Cedar Hills Area. The Cedar Hills Well No. 1 was drilled in 1964 and abandoned in August of 1993. The well consisted of a 14-inch diameter drill hole from the surface to a depth of 50 feet, an 8-inch diameter drill hole from the surface to a depth of 400 feet and an 8-inch diameter pipe from two feet above the surface to a depth of 132 feet. The annular space between the 14-inch diameter drill hole and the 8-inch diameter pipe was grouted, presumably along the entire length.

The well was sealed to the drift and seven feet into the Niagara dolomite. The well was open to the Niagara dolomite which was the water bearing formation for CH Well No. 1. A cross section of CH Well No. 1 is shown in Figure 4-6.

Cedar Hills Well No. 2 (CH Well No. 2) was located in the Cedar Hills Area. The CH Well No. 2 was drilled in 1973 and abandoned in August of 1993. The well consisted of an 8-inch diameter drill hole from the surface to a depth of 483 feet, a 12-inch diameter casing pipe from the surface to a depth of 60 feet, and


an 8-inch pipe from two feet above the surface to a depth of 99 feet. The annular space between the 12-inch diameter casing pipe and the 8-inch diameter pipe was grouted presumably along the entire length.


1~5' ~~-- - - -~ f F Fl ,,

I.. _,/., • r

-'Y-- - - -

595' et ---, ,, _,__ ~ ~

' ~

875·~--- "'""'-='.\+-(l

~ \;?S/!) E>J.J Ct.APE 1015'-f~'r---SAl-OSTOf-E 1095'-<'y~--

... . . . . . .

... -.

. :·: .

.. ... . .... . .. . .. : ··: ..

m----~~'" r------- !En ca.err OOO<IT y

t 1,..------- 20· OD."""""

.J.. -..,

I 19" ORU. tKX..E

~ 974'


/ ... """"" ~

111r T

~------15" ORLl 1-kX.E

· .... ·.·.· , .... ,~~~----··~·-··~··~--~ Fig. 4-5 Well No. 4 Construction

The well was sealed undifferentiated dolomite. dolomite and the Maquoketa undifferentiated dolomite. 4-7,

Well Stations

to the drift and four feet into the Silurian The well was open to the Silurian undifferentiated

Shale. The water bearing formation was the Silurian A cross section of CH Well No. 2 is sho~m in Figure

Three of the six original well stations in Oak Creek have been abandoned. Principal features of the three remaining well stations are presented in Table 4-2.

Well Station No. 1 is located within the Austin Street Booster Pump Station. Well Pump No. 1 was a seven stage 12-inch Layne & Bowler Model 12KHMM. The pump was rated at 1,350 gallons per minute (gpm) at 350 feet of total dynamic head


(TDH) . The pump was driven by a 150 horsepower (Hp), 1775 revolutions per minute (rpm) motor. The well pump was removed in March of 1999 to allow installation of a sampling and monitoring system for the ASR pilot project.

DAFT ~50'

~----6' OD, CASNG

1----.0/'r 132'

/""----8' DRU HOlE

Fig. 4-6 Cedar Hills Well No. 1 Construction

00-- =--=~-==-,.,r--,,,-~~tto =----- ' U;o,----12" DIMETER OUTER CASfolG

DAFT Ll.;:::=41£AT CEMENT GROUT l'1C d..60' 1,.,---;-;--~0D. CASfolG

-----6' DRU. HOlE

Fig. 4-7 Cedar Hills Well No. 2 Construction


Table 4-2 Principal Features of Remaining Well Stations

Well Number

Characteristic l(a) 3 4


Rated Capacity, gpm 1,050 1,200 Rated Head, feet 500 490 Setting, feet 550 420 Column Size, inches 8 10 Discharge Size, inches 12 10


Horsepower 250 200

Speed, rpm 1,782 1,775 Auxiliary Engine No No Treatment Provided

Chlorination Yes Yes Sequestering No No Fluoridation No No

(a) Well pump removed in March of 1999

A new Sta-Rite, 3 Hp, 4-inch submersible pump was installed in Well No. 1 for sampling. The submersible pump was rated for 20 gpm at a TDH of approximately 430 feet. The submersible pump was provided with 1 M-inch diameter submersible drop pipe with extra heavy couplings, submersible motor shroud for motor cooling, a well seal with a sample tap, 500 feet of airline, and a Penny & Giles data logger.

An electronic water level monitoring system (WLMS) was installed in Well No. 1 to measure the water level on a continuous basis. The WLMS consists of an Ametek Model 575 submersible level transmitter and an Ametek Model 572 digital controller. The submersible level transmitter was set at a depth of 500 feet.

Well Pump No. 1 was designed to discharge through a 12-inch diameter pipeline, The 12-inch diameter pipeline discharges into the Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir. Well Station No. 1 is maintained and kept in service as a monitoring well. It may be converted to an ASR well station in the future.

Well Station No. 3 is located in a 18 foot by 20 foot masonry building south of the Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir. Well Station No. 3 was renovated in 1998 to convert the station from a conventional ground water supply well to an ASR well. The renovation included a new well pump and motor, a new piping arrangement, and a new electrical and instrumentation system. Well Station No. 3 is provided with piping to function as a typical well station and as an ASR well. A schematic of the well station piping is shown in Figure 4-8. The only chemical treatment required at the well station is the addition of sodium hypochlorite. Water from the distribution system can be discharged into the well for storage during periods of low water demand. Well Pump No. 3 can be used to recover the water stored in the aquifer during high water demand.

The pump is a seven stage 12-inch Goulds Model 12CHC. The pump is rated at 1,050 gpm at 500 feet of TDH. The pump is driven by a 250 Hp, 1780 rpm U.S. Electric motor. Well Pump No. 3 discharges through a 12-inch diameter pipeline to waste or through a 12-inch diameter pipeline into the Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir. A storm sev1er was constructed to receive the water pumped to








I CV3123 I

12X8 8X10




6 x 10

I CV3121

12 X6

I CV3122 I



I I I I I •

lcMP3110 I

I MME3111 I


BX 10





1"EV 10"PW



0-100 PSI B"PW

6X8 I CV3115 I


12"PW 10"PW


M I FE3192 I





I CV3105

12 x 10


12X 10 TAP 1/2"PW



I PS3101B I



WATER -- --···----,--L-i.-e"l--+" DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM




0-100 PSI

111--t:o~L:_+ri--------+oJ:+--toJ:+--------L------------~0~~1-+oL.i----!>.::!--l~+o'+-l<D--11~1 I FL3101 I 1"PW




Fig. 4-8 Well Station No. 3 Piping Schematic

waste. The flow is measured by a magnetic flow meter prior to entering the reservoir. Well Station No. 3 is being used to determine the feasibility of an ASR system for the Oak Creek Water System.

well Station No. 4 is located at South Branch Boulevard and South 20th Street. Well Station No. 4 is housed in a small masonry building. Well Pump No. 4 is a seven stage 12-inch Layne & Bowler Model RKAEH. The pump is rated at 1,200 gpm at 490 feet of TDH. The pump is driven by a 200 Hp, 1770 rpm U.S. Electric Motor. Well Station No. 4 is maintained and kept on a stand-by basis for use in an emergency.


A thorough understanding of the physical features of the existing surface water supply facilities and their present method of operation is essential in evaluating their present and future usefulness. The existing surface water treatment facilities must be reviewed with respect to the relationship to other plant facilities; performance; capability of serving present and future development; ability to produce a high quality water; and deficiencies which may require correction. A discussion of the various components of the existing surface water supply facilities is presented in the following sections.

Basis of Design

The Oak Creek water Treatment Plant has a design capacity of 20 mgd based on a filtration rate of 4 gpm/sf. The surface water supply facilities are located on the east side of the City of Oak Creek. The surface water supply facilities include two raw water intakes, a low lift pump station, a raw water transmission main, a water treatment plant, and a high lift pump station as shown in Figure 4-9.

A schematic flow diagram of the water treatment process is shown in Figure 4-10. The information used to develop the schematic was taken from the plans for the construction of the facilities. Design data for the low lift pump station and water treatment plant is presented in Table 4-3,

Description and Operation

This section describes the physical size, arrangement, and design capabilities of the surface water supply facilities and how they are normally operated. The surface water supply facilities are functionally grouped into the raw water intake, low lift pump station and raw water transmission main, water treatment processes, high lift pump station, and ancillary systems.

The low lift pump station houses two traveling screens, six low lift pumps1 and chemical systems for zebra mussel control. A site plan of the low lift pump station is shown in Figure 4-11. The water treatment process facilities and the high lift pump station are located at the water treatment plant. A site plan of the water treatment plant is shown in Figure 4-12.


\ \



v-- .

,.:;: -----­~~~-=







~~ ~

~ ''' 1000


- - - - - - - - - ~fETSTRUCTURE ----._ - - ODEN CURB~ "RAWWATER - - - - _ -;iTAKE PIPELINE - - -

Fig. 4-9 tment Facilities Surface Water Trea

" "' "-






~ ~ :::J,L~,L~ - -I " I

2 3 4 I " I I " I

- L...J L_I

~ -7




~~~~ I



L ::,_60X42


~J -8




g • z



ITill ITill on FUTURE [ m mtm O tn CONNECTION W WJljJ w (TYP O~-~ ~ rn ill [ ill 0 ]


- - TO SLUDGE I L FUTURE 36" ~ :::::_ PUMP BLDG.

)- ~. ~o ~~ . t -===;:===(i-"-=!:::::::.1k=~~ ~t=-i 36 x 48 'T'" u r ~ ~ Lif..-l=c='l--+==+-1

~ CHEMICAL - -L~36X42

30 .x 42











g • z


INTAKE . \ 7 CONES (3)

1l 0 • z


~' 1











. 'f. NO. 2 v ,~

NO. 3 -J r.,.,.., -. 'f.

N0.4 v '

'f N0.5 V' r "'V'-1 -

N0.6 . 'f. ' '

NO. 7 ~ N0.8 -Ji-@

N0.9 -Ji-@

N0.10 ~

r 2 -


-" w

20" DIA. f-


I "' z 0 ;=

" w <O

1l 1l 0 ii' 0 0 ii' f-

• • 0 "' z z " 0 - J 0 u. f-


- r:t BYPASS '



I \ I 36"~ I

- :::j,L~,L~ ~ ~ - -- - - ~ ~

I " I 8 7 I 6 ! I 5 l 4 3 2 1

I " I L...JL..J_




I I I 48" HIGH LIFT PUMP STATION t I I \ ~~m I I i I I L--------------~'(t'~~-------------------------~---J


,[~ I I I I I I LJ



------ BYPASS

-----{:x(}----- VENTURI METER





" I" "' ,. "' z 0 ;=

" <O ii' f-

"' 0 0 f-

u 30" DIA




Fig. 4-10 Water Treatment Process Flow Schematic

Table 4-3A Water Treatment Plant Design Data


Raw Water Intakes Intake No. 1

Number of Cones Diameter, feet Capacity, mgd

Intake No. 2 Number of Cones Diameter, feet Capacity, mgd

Intake Pipelines Intake No. 1

Diameter, inches Length, feet

Intake No. 2 Diameter, inches Length, feet

Low Lift Pump Station Traveling screens

Number Width, feet Number Width, feet

Low Lift Pumps Number Capacity Each, gpm Motor Size, Hp Number Capacity Each, gpm Motor Size, Hp Number Capacity, gpm Motor Size, Hp


3 6


1 7,5


30 3,200

60 7,500

1 3 1 5

3 4,160

200 2

2,080 100

1 1,040

50 Potassium Permanganate Feed

Chemical Storage Tank Number


Capacity, gal. Tank Mixer

Number Motor Size,

Chemical Feed Number

Hp Pump

Capacity Each, gpm Motor Size, Hp

Sodium Hypochlorite Feed Equipment Chemical Storage Tanks

Number Capacity, gal

Raw Water Transmission Main Dimensions

Diameter, inches Length, feet Diameter, inches Length, feet

Raw Water Flow Meter Number Size, Inches

Chemical Induction Units Number Motor Size, Hp Capacity, mgd

Conventional Flocculation Basins Number

1 480

1 0.25

2 24 0.25

1 1,300

30 3,000

48 228

1 48

2 3



Dimensions Length, feet Width, feet


Sidewater Depth, feet Volume per Basin, gallons

Detention Time @ 9 mgd, minutes Flocculators

Number per basin Motor Size, Hp

Inclined Plate Flocculation Basin Number Stages Dimensions, per Stage

Length, feet Width, feet Sidewater Depth, feet Volume per Stage, gal

Detention Time, minutes 8 mgd 10 mgd

Flocculators Number Stage 1 Motor Size, Hp Stage 2 Motor Size, Hp Stage 3 Motor Size, Hp

Conventional Sedimentation Basins Number Dimensions

Length, feet Width, feet Sidewater Depth, feet Volume per Basin, mg

Detention Time @ 9 mgd, hours


21.5 40 10.5

67,500 34

4 1.5

1 3

37 16 16.3


42 33

3 10

5 2


112 40 14.4

0.49 4

Inclined Parallel Plate Sedimentation Basin Number 1 Dimensions

Length, feet Width, feet Sidewater Depth, feet Volume, mg

Detention Time, min 8 mgd 10 mgd

Plate Loading Rate, gpm/sf 8 mgd 10 mgd

Mixed Media Filters 1 through 6 Number Number of Cells per Filter Dimensions

Length, feet Width, feet

Media Depth, inches Surface Area per Filter, sq.ft. Filtration Rate, gpm/sq.ft.

Design Flow Peak Flow

Filter Clear Wells Number - Filters 1, 2, 3, & 4 Dimensions

Length, feet Width, feet Sidewater Depth, feet Volume per Clear Well, gallons

45.5 38 16.75


39 31

0.33 0.41

6 2

22 8

42 352

4 6


39.50 21.67 14



Table 4-38 Water Treatment Plant Design Data


Number - Filters 5 & 6 Dimensions

Length, feet Width, feet Sidewater Depth, feet Volume per Clear Well, gallons

Mixed Media Filters 7 through 10 Number Number of cells per filter Dimensions, per cell

Length, feet Width, feet

Media Depth, inches Surface area per filter, sq. ft. Filtration Rate, gpm/sq. ft.

Design Flow Peak Flow

Filter to Waste Wet Well Number Dimensions

Length, feet Width, feet Depth, feet Volume, gallons

Filter to Waste Pumps Number Capacity Each, gpm Motor Size, Hp

Chlorine Contact Tank Number Dimensions

Length, feet Width, feet Sidewater Depth, feet Volume, mg

High Lift Pump Station Wet Wells

Number Dimensions

Length, feet Width, feet Sidewater Depth, feet Volume Each, mg

High Lift Pumps Number Capacity, gpm Motor Size, Hp Number Capacity, gpm Motor Size, Hp Number Capacity, gpm Motor Size, Hp



19.5 21.67 14


4 2

22 8

39 352

4 6


8.67 8.67

20 11,300

2 1,500



150 90 13 .5 1.36


46 19.5 19.0


3 4,160

250 2

2,080 125

1 1,040



Finished Water Flow Meters Number Capacity Each, mgd

Filter Backwash Pumps Number Capacity, gpm Motor Size, Hp

Backwash Reclamation Basin Number Volume, mg Reclaimed Water Pumps

Number Capacity, gpm Motor Size, Hp

Backwash Water Sludge Pumps Number Capacity, gpm Motor Size, Hp

Sludge Basin Number Volume, gallons. Sludge Pumps

Number Capacity, gpm Motor Size, Hp

Chlorination Equipment Chemical Storage Tanks

Number Capacity, gal

Chemical Recirculation Pumps Number Capacity Each, gpm

Chemical Day Tanks Number Capacity, gal

Chemical Metering Pumps Number Capacity Each, gpm

PACL Feed Equipment Chemical Storage Tank

Number Capacity, gal

Chemical Metering Pumps Number Capacity, gpm

Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Pump No. 3

Day Tank, gal.

Fluoride Metering Pump Number Capacity, gpd


2 20

1 7,040


1 0 .197

2 1,050


2 700


1 15,200

2 765


2 5,687

2 50

2 376

4 22.5

2 2,000


38.5 38.5 11.3


1 120

Raw Water Intakes. The original raw water inlet structure is approximately 3,200 feet offshore in Lake Michigan. The 30-inch diameter intake pipeline was originally constructed in 1908 and was rehabilitated in 1974. The original inlet structure was constructed in 1974. The raw water inlet consists of three inverted cones, 6 feet in diameter. The inlet structure is located in approximately 33 feet of water. Each cone was equipped with a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) diffuser in 1992 for addition of potassium permanganate or sodium hypochlorite to control zebra mussels. The design capacity of the intake is 12 mgd.







\ \ \ \

\ / \ \ \

\ \

~~ ~

~ w '"






\ 36" x 42"





Fig. 4-11 Low Lift Pump Station











_ 30"PW


... ·<"" ... c .c;;;;::>· .c .c . r ~-- ~-~:ILLl:GAL:N--:

~ -I CHLORINE CON~ACTTANK l ,t«' I 1------ I r rl ________ J



I ~ :u~ ""~~e~ ' ' RAPID MIX CHAMBER----T' __sO--<(


5'-0X5'-6RW~ I l____j__~l-N'~WW_/~ ... t--- I ~ _ ~ ~::-::r:-::':;-=:j+I I ,o~ "='"""~"·~~~~~-f = I fl R~ I\ l


I ! ! ! ~11 ///:::/ ) I I I


I I I J __ /\__ ~==~==!==~= '--- 5'-0X5'-0S~ - I -+ -.

----- - - __y ~ ---~~:~~- --__ ,, - __ ,, --

Fig. 4-12 t Plant Site Plan Water Treatmen

Construction was completed on a new inlet structure and intake pipeline in 1997. The inlet structure is a 43 feet by 43 feet box type wood crib with a 7.5 foot diameter cone. The crib is constructed of wood timbers 1 ballasted and protected by concrete and stone. The inlet structure is located in approximately 34 feet of water. The intake pipeline consists of 7,500 feet of 60-inch diameter prestressed concrete pipe. The intake pipeline is equipped \'lith two 2-inch diameter high density polyethylene (HDPE) chemical solution pipelines and a diffuser in the inlet structure to control zebra mussels. The design capacity of the intake is 48 mgd.

Low Lift Pump Station. The raw water enters the low lift pump station and passes through traveling screens that removes large debris. The collected debris is removed and taken to a sanitary landfill for disposal. The first screen was installed in 1974 \'lhen the station was constructed. The second traveling screen was added in 1995.

The ra\'1 water enters one of t\'10 wet v1ells. The \'let wells can be isolated by sluice gates. The raw water is pumped by six vertical turbine pumps through approximately 3,000 lineal feet of 30-inch diameter raw water transmission main to the water treatment plant.

Three of the low lift pumps are rated at 4,160 gpm at 141 feet of TDH, two of the low lift pumps are rated at 2,080 gpm at 141 feet of TDH, and one low lift pump is rated at 1,040 gpm at 141 feet of TDH. The pump curves for the low lift pumps are contained in Appendix "D". The intake pipelines can be back-flushed using the low lift pumps.

water Treatment Processes. Water treatment processes are designed to remove impurities from the raw water to produce a safe and palatable end product. Water treatment processes include rapid mix, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.

The raw water is discharged into a 48-inch diameter pipeline at the water treatment plant. The 48-inch diameter pipeline conveys the raw water to the pretreatment facility. The raw water pipeline continues through the rapid mix room in the pretreatment facility. The raw water is metered and mixed \•1ith coagulant in the 48-inch diameter pipeline located in the rapid mix room.

The raw water flow meter consists of a line size ultrasonic flow meter designed to measure up to 50 million gallons per day (mgd) . The ultrasonic flow meter is equipped with local flow rate and totalized flow display and remote flow indication. The raw water flow rate is measured prior to coagulant mixing.

Polyaluminum chloride (PACL) is added and mixed with the raw water with two in line chemical induction units. PACL is added to the raw water to form a flocculent, rapid settling precipitate that will coagulate suspended solids for removal by sedimentation. Two US Filter/Water Champ Model ILWC3 draw the PACL into the mixing shear zone to thoroughly and immediately disperse the coagulant throughout the raw water. Two mixers are provided for redundancy. An additional connection on the 48-inch diameter pipeline is provided downstream of the two chemical induction units for future polymer addition to aid in coagulation. The raw water flows through the 48-inch diameter pipeline and isolation valve to the flow splitting room.


A flow splitting room in the Pretreatment Building distributes the raw water to the separate flocculation and sedimentation processes. Six flow splitting boxes are equipped with weirs to evenly distribute raw water to the flocculation basins and slide gates for isolating each of the distribution pipelines. Two splitter boxes are currently used and four are reserved for future use. The two splitter boxes in use are equipped with sluice gates with motorized operators for isolating the 24-inch diameter pipelines that convey raw water to the flocculation basins.

The raw water entering the east splitter box flows through a 24-inch diameter pipeline to a 5 foot wide by 5 foot 6-inch conduit. The 5-foot 6-inch conduit distributes the flow to the three east conventional flocculation basins. The flow passes through 2 feet by 1.5 feet openings and under wood baffles as it enters each of the conventional flocculation basins. Each flocculation basin has four rows of Rex Chainbelt two reel-type paddle wheels designed for tapered energy input. Each flocculator is equipped with a Sterling 1. 5 Hp variable speed drive. The paddle wheel mixers gently stir the water to maximize particle collisions without shearing the floe particles. The flocculated water passes through openings in a concrete block diffuser wall as it enters the sedimentation basin.

The flocculation basins were modified to improve performance in 1999. The modifications include extending the wooden inlet baffles to the basin floor and installing submerged orifices in the baffle for improved flow distribution to the flocculation basins. Modifications to the concrete block diffuser wall to the sedimentation tank included reducing the number of openings in the wall to improve flow distribution into the sedimentation basins.

Suspended particles settle by gravity in the conventional sedimentation basins. Each conventional sedimentation basin has two Rex Chainbelt longitudinal sludge collectors to move the settled sludge to a hopper at the influent end of the structure. Each conventional sedimentation basin has a Rex Chainbelt sludge cross collector to move the sludge to a sludge hopper for removal.

The clarified water flows over effluent weirs. Each of the conventional sedimentation basins has eight effluent weirs, with a total weir length of 168 feet per basin. The clarified water flows through a 5 feet wide by 6-foot 10-inch high conduit to the mixed media filters.

The raw water entering the west splitter box flows through a 24-inch diameter pipeline to the west flocculation basin. The west flocculation basin consists of three horizontal Walker Process three reel-type paddle wheel flocculators in series. The flocculation basin is baffled to create three stages in a serpentine flow pattern designed for tapered energy input. Each flocculator is equipped with an ABB variable frequency drive. The paddle wheel mixers gently stir the water to maximize particle collisions without shearing the floe particles. The flocculated water passes through five 4-feet 6-inch by 2-feet openings in a concrete baffle wall as it enters the inclined plate sedimentation basin.

Suspended solids are removed by gravity with the aid of parallel inclined plate settlers in the west sedimentation basin. The west sedimentation basin consists of five rows of US Filter/ZIMPRO inclined plate packs. The flocculated water flows up through the parallel inclined plates separating suspended solids that settle to the basin floor. The inclined plate sedimentation basin floor is separated into two sections. Each section has a Walker Process longitudinal


sludge collector to move the settled sludge to a trough at the influent end of the basin. The inclined plate sedimentation basin trough is equipped with a Walker Process sludge cross collector to move sludge to a sludge hopper for removal.

The clarified water flows over effluent V-notch weirs to effluent troughs that are integral to each of the five rows of plate settlers. The effluent troughs discharge to a channel on the west side of the sedimentation basin through five 1-foot 6-inch by 1-foot 9-inch openings. The channel has provisions for future ozone facilities to the west with a 36-inch diameter pipe connection. The settled water channel is equipped with a 48-inch diameter pipeline for future connection to duplicate pretreatment facilities to the south. The clarified water flows from the channel to a 48-inch diameter pipeline that connects to the 5 feet wide by 6-foot 10-inch high conduit that conveys clarified water from the east sedimentation basins to the mixed media filters.

The remaining suspended solids are removed by passing the water through a porous filter bed of granular media. A piping schematic of the filtration system is shown in Figure 4-13. ·The filtration system consists of ten mixed media filters. Each filter bed has 352 square feet of filter area. The filters are designed for an operating rate of 4 gpm/sf. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) has granted approval to operate the filters at 6 gpm/sf. The approval was obtained by performing a full scale study of the filter performance at filtration rates ranging from 3 gpm/sf to 6 gpm/sf. The study, prepared by Mr. George M. Furst, Jr. for his thesis at Marquette University in April of 1977, showed no difference in the performance of the filter to remove turbidity at the filtration rates studied.

The filter media in Filters No. 1 through No. 6 consists of, from the top down, anthracite coal, silica sand, garnet sand, and silica support gravel. The filter media was provided by Neptune Microfloc, Inc. The filter media is supported by a Leopold dual parallel lateral underdrain system. On August 11, 1994, filter media samples were taken and analyzed. A filter bed cross section and the results of the filter analyses are shown in Figure 4-14.

Filters No. 7 through No. 10 were constructed in 1999. The filter media consists of, from top down, anthracite coal, silica sand, garnet sand, and coarse garnet. The filter media was provided by F.B. Leopold. The filter media is supported by a F.B. Leopold Universal Type S underdrain system with an integral media support cap. A cross section of Filter Beds No. 7 through No. 10 is shown in Figure 4-15.

The filters are equipped with a surface wash system. Leopold-Palmer Model 11 8 11 surface agitator arms. Each arm is a flow of 59 gpm at a pressure of 50 pounds per square inch a pressure of 100 psi.

Each filter has six designed to provide (psi) and 87 gpm at

The water from Filters No. 1 through No. 6 enters effluent gullets after passing through the filters. The water flows through 20-inch diameter pipes, through 12-inch diameter flow controllers, and into four clearwells. The flow through the filters is controlled by the 12-inch diameter BIF flow controllers. The flow controller consists of a universal venturi tube (UVT) and a butterfly valve with a hydraulic operator. The UVT provides the flow signal to operate the control valve. The clearwells are located directly below the filter beds. The filtered water flows from the clearwells through 20-inch diameter pipelines into the effluent pipeline.









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± ' FILTER '--t-l-l-+-··-··-··-'--~ILTE~ ----'~ILTE~ - ~l---I- ··---'-FILTER ··+---'~LTER .. ._ .. _JLEGEND




- - - - - 18" DIA. Fil TER INFLUENT

---------- 12" DIA. FILTER EFFLUENT



· - 24" & 30" DIA. FILTERED WATER




---------{):(}-VENTURI METER





Fig. 4-13 Filter Piping Schematic


I fl

I fl


676.73 $

665.89 $



674.06 $

18' INFLUENT INV. 670.72














$ 650.06

Fig. 4-14 Filter No. l through No. 6 Typical Section

The water from Filters No. 7 through No. 10 enters effluent gullets after passing through the filters. The water flows through 20-inch diameter pipes, through 12-inch diameter pipes with 12-inch butterfly flow control valves to the effluent pipeline. The 12-inch filter effluent pipelines are equipped with 12-inch Sparling Magnetic flow meters and Pratt butterfly control valves with electric operators. The magnetic flow meter provides the flow signal to operate the control valve.

The water flows through approximately 25 feet of 24-inch diameter pipe, 63 feet of 30-inch diameter pipe, 42 feet of 36-inch diameter pipe, and 113 feet of 42-inch diameter pipe to a l. 3 million gallon chlorine contact tank. The chlorine contact tank was originally constructed as a storage facility. The reservoir, now used as a chlorine contact tank, was modified in 1997 to meet Ct requirements for disinfection. The concentration of disinfectant in milligrams per liter (mg/l) is C and the time in minutes is t. A membrane baffle system was installed to produce a longitudinal six pass flot-1 arrangement. The membrane baffle system produces plug flow conditions and minimizes dead spots with a


length to width ratio of 58 to 1. A tracer test was performed in 1997 as a part of an American Water Works Association Research Foundation project to determine the T,,/T ratio. The results to the tracer test indicated superior baffling conditions with a T10 /T of O. 77 at a flow rate of 9 mgd.

676.73 $

664.06 $



674.06 $ ··~·:




18" INFLUENT INV. 670.72


$ 661.89






$ 650.06

Fig. 4-15 Filter No. 7 through No. 10 Typical Section

The disinfection process involves the addition of controlled amounts of sodium hypochlorite to the water, followed by detention for a period of time sufficient to kill pathogenic organisms. Sodium Hypochlorite can be added for disinfection in the 48-inch diameter raw water pipeline prior to rapid mix, in the filter influent channel (FIC), in the 36-inch diameter filter effluent pipeline, in the 42-inch diameter pipeline prior to the water entering the chlorine contact tank, and in the 48-inch diameter pipeline prior to the water entering the high lift pump station wet wells. Under normal operation, chlorine is added prior to filtration, immediately after filtration, and prior to the high lift pump station.


All water treatment plant storage is currently used to provide detention time for disinfection. No storage is provided at the water treatment plant by the filter clearwells, the reservoir, and the high lift pump station wet wells.

The total water treatment plant storage volume was 1,885,900 gallons. The two filter clearwells for Filters No. 1 through No. 4 each provided 89,600 gallons of storage, and two filter clearwells for Filters No. 5 and No. 6 each provided 44,250 gallons of storage. The storage capacity of the reservoir was 1,363,200 gallons. Each high lift pump station wet well provided 127, 500 gallons of storage.

Hiah Lift Pump Station. Water flows from the chlorine contact tank to the high lift pump station through a 48-inch diameter pipeline. Chlorine is added prior to entering the high lift pump station valve pit. The flow splits in the valve pit and enters the south wet well through a 48-inch diameter pipe and enters the north wet well through a 36-inch diameter pipe. Filtered water in the north filter clearwell can also be directed to the south high lift pump station wet well through a 4 foot by 4 foot sluice gate. This allows the chlorine contact tank to be bypassed for maintenance.

Treated and disinfected water is discharged to the distribution system by six vertical turbine pumps located above the wet wells. Three of the high lift pumps are rated at 4,160 gpm at 191 feet of TDH, two of the high lift pumps are rated at 2,080 gpm at 191 feet of TDH, and one high lift pump is rated at 1,040 gpm at 191 feet of TDH. The pump curves for the high lift pumps are contained in Appendix 11 0 11 • Water flows to the distribution system through two 30-inch diameter transmission mains. The finished water flow metering system consists of a Panametrics clamp on ultrasonic flow meter on the 30-inch diameter west discharge main; and a 20-inch diameter Sparling Ultrasonic flow meter on the east discharge main. The finished water Oriflow valve and UVT that were installed in 1974 were replaced in 1998. The ultrasonic flow meter was installed in 1979 when the east discharge main was constructed.

The Panametrics ultrasonic flow meter is designed to measure flows from 1.75 mgd (0. 5 feet per second (fps)) to 31. 6 mgd (10. O fps) . The Panametrics ultrasonic flow meter is located in a meter pit west of the high lift pump station. The Sparling Ultrasonic flow meter is designed to measure flows from 1.25 mgd (1.0 fps) to 20.0 mgd (15.8 fps). The ultrasonic flow meter is located in the piping gallery outside the high lift pump discharge room.

Isolating valves are provided on each discharge main to allow maintenance and repair of the flow metering equipment without removing the water treatment plant from service.

Sampling and Testing. Various parameters of the water must be analyzed throughout the treatment process in order to provide effective and reliable treatment. These parameters include chlorine residual and turbidity.

Water samples are taken for testing from the low lift pump station, the 48-inch diameter raw water pipeline, the splitter box prior to the sedimentation basins, the settled water channel, the FIC, and the 30-inch diameter transmission main in the high lift pump station.


Chlorine residual is monitored by a chlorine analyzer located in the laboratory room. Chlorine residual is measured at the FIC, the reservoir influent manhole, and at the 30-inch diameter transmission main in the high lift pump station.

Turbidity is monitored at key points throughout the system. These points include the intake piping in the low lift pump station, the 48-inch raw water pipeline in the rapid mix room, the splitter box, the settled water channel, in the FIC, in the filter effluent piping, and in the 30-inch diameter transmission main in the high lift pump station. Each filter is equipped with a separate turbidity analyzer.

Chemical Feed Systems. The low lift pump station is equipped with chemical handling systems for feeding of sodium hypochlorite or potassium permanganate and powdered activated carbon (PAC) . The water treatment plant is equipped with chemical handling systems for feeding of sodium hypochlorite, PACL, and hydrofluosilicic acid. The sodium hypochlorite, potassium permanganate, hydrofluosilicic acid, and PACL feed systems were designed to be stored and fed in liquid form. The PAC chemical feed system was designed to be stored dry and mixed and fed as a slurry.

The low lift pump station originally had chemical handling facilities for ammonia. These facilities were abandoned and removed in 1995 when the second intake traveling screen was installed. A PAC system was installed at the low lift pump station in 2000.

The water treatment plant originally had chemical handling systems for ammonia, chlorine gas, PAC, and lime. These facilities were abandoned and removed in 1997 when the wastewater treatment plant was expanded.

The low lift pump station presently contains chemical handling systems for potassium permanganate or sodium hypochlorite and PAC. Liquid sodium hypochlorite is stored in a 1,300 gallon tank in the low lift pump station. Liquid potassium permanganate is stored in a 480 gallon tank in the low lift pump station. Both chemicals are for the control of zebra mussels. The sodium hypochlorite is fed by a chemical metering pump to the intake structure. The potassium permanganate is agitated with a mixer and fed by a chemical metering pump to the intake structure. Under normal operation only the potassium permanganate is used to control zebra mussels. The potassium permanganate may also provide oxidation of trace amounts of iron, manganese, and taste and odor components. The PAC system is located at the entrance to the low lift pump station. The system uses PAC for taste and odor control in the summer.

The water treatment plant presently contains chemical handling systems for sodium hypochlorite, PACL, and hydrofluosilicic acid. Liquid sodium hypochlorite is stored in two 5, 687 gallon fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks in the pretreatment facility at the water treatment plant. Two day tanks supply four variable frequency drive metering pumps that discharge to various locations in the water treatment plant. A series of chlorine residual analyzers test for chlorine concentration after the various application points.

PACL is stored in two 2,000 gallon tanks in the mezzanine of the Administration Building. The PACL used at the Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant is Hyper Ion lOSOA as manufactured by General Chemical. Hyper Ion lOSOA is a cationic coagulant and flocculent designed for use in cold and low-alkalinity


water, and is a clear to amber colored liquid. A day tank and three variable frequency drive chemical metering pumps are located in the Pretreatment Building. The chemical metering pumps discharge PACL to the chemical induction units in the rapid mix room. An injection point is provided prior to the chemical induction units for PACL addition, if required.

Hydrofluosilicic acid is stored in two 2,000 gallon storage tanks and is fed by a chemical metering pump. Hydrofluosilicic acid is added for fluoridation. The fluoride piping is arranged to permit hydrofluosilicic acid addition prior to the high lift pump station wet wells and into one of the 30-inch diameter transmission mains.

Filter Backwash. As suspended solids are removed in the filters, the porous openings in the filter media become clogged. It becomes necessary to reverse the flow of water through the filter media to clear the openings. The filters are backwashed after 120 hours of operation, eight feet of head loss, or when the effluent turbidity exceeds 0.15 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). The filter backw·ash process can be automatically or manually operated. operation, the filter backwash is manually operated.

Under normal

Backwashing begins with draining the water in the filter. All water drained from filters one through four is discharged to the filter clearwells. All water drained from filters five through ten is discharged to the filter to waste wet well. The water in the filter to waste wet well is pumped to the FIC by two vertical end suction centrifugal pumps each rated at 1500 gpm at 28 ft TDH.

A surface wash system is provided to aid in cleaning the filter media during backwashing. There are three rotary surface washers per cell. The surface wash water is provided through a 6-inch diameter pipeline that is fed from the 30-inch diameter high lift pump discharge header.

A pump located in the high lift pump station provides the backwash water. The high lift pumps can also be used to provide backwash water. The backwash water pump draws water out of the high lift pump station wet well and pumps it through a 20-inch diameter pipeline up through the filters.

The filters are backwashed at a maximum rate of 5,800 gpm (16.3 gpm/sf). The backwash rate is stepped up and down to provide proper fluidization and settling of the filter media. The backwash water flow rate is controlled by a 20-inch diameter BIF flow controller. The backwash rate is varied in three minute intervals at rates of 1,800 gpm and 4,000 gpm.

The filter backwash flows into wash water troughs, a 2'-0 wide gullet, and a 24-inch diameter pipeline to the backwash receiving basin. There are four wash water troughs per filter bed.

The suspended material settles by gravity in the receiving basin. Two reclaimed water pumps return the clarified water through a 10-inch diameter pipeline to the 30-inch diameter raw water line at the influent end of the treatment plant. Two sludge/supernatant pumps are provided to discharge sludge and supernatant through a 6-inch diameter pipeline to a 12-inch diameter gravity sewer. The sludge and or supernatant will flow in the 12-inch gravity sewer to a metering manhole. The flow meter consists of a flow nozzle and ultrasonic transducer to measure the sludge and or supernatant prior to discharge in an 18-inch sanitary sewer. The backv1ash receiving basin has an 18-inch diameter overflow pipeline connected to a 12-inch diameter storm sewer.


Sludge Disposal. The sludge from the sludge collector hoppers in the sedimentation basins flows by gravity through 6-inch diameter pipelines to a wet well in the sludge pump room. Two centrifugal sludge pumps discharge the sludge through a 6-inch diameter pipeline to an 6-inch diameter sanitary sewer for disposal.

Control and Instrumentation. The operator must know the status of the various operations and be able to exert control at critical points for efficient operation of a water treatment plant. The plant has a computerized instrumentation and control system, located in the control room as an aid to the operator. The instrumentation and control system uses a software package developed by CH2M Hill. The computerized instrumentation and control system has provisions for monitoring and controlling the process units, including chemical feed systems, pumping equipment, and the filtering process. Each process system can be manually operated.


Electric, natural gas, and water service is needed for the operation of the \'tater treatment plant. Electricity is the principal source of po\'ler and is used in almost every process and nonprocess operation. Natural gas is used principally for building heat and on a stand-by basis for engine drives and engine generators. Water is used for plumbing and laboratory facilities and for process operations, principally chemical feed water and as boiler make-up water for plant heating. Utilities represent a major portion of the plant operating expenses.

Electric service is provided by the Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO) . The water treatment plant is under a General Primary Time of Use category with a peak period of 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The water utility pays a facility charge of $525 per month, a demand charge of $8.36 per Kilowatt (KW) and an energy charge of $0.0331 per Kilowatt hour (KWH) for use during peak hours and $0.0206 per KWH for use during non-peak hours. Electric usage is metered by a 11 transformer loss compensated metering system" on the secondary side of the transformers at the water treatment plant and the low lift pump station.

The service-entrance switching center for the water treatment plant and the low lift pump station is located on the north side of the water treatment plant site. The service-entrance switch center is served by two independent 24,900V primary feeder circuits from WEPCO. The service-entrance S\'1itching center is owned by the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility. The service-entrance switching center is an outdoor six bay S&C metal-enclosed switchgear distribution center that is designed to be expanded to a seven bay arrangement in the future. The service-entrance switching center has a three bay split-bus primary-selective arrangement and three load feeder switch bays. The existing electric service arrangement is shown in Figure 4-16.

The switchgear bus is divided into two sections by a normally open bus-tie interrupter switch. Each segment of the bus has a normally closed source interrupter switch for each WEPCO primary feeder circuit. Under normal operation, each bus section receives power from its associated primary feeder circuit. If one of the primary power sources fail, the switchgear automatically opens the interrupter switch for the primary feeder circuit that failed and closes the bus-tie interrupter switch which transfers all the load to the remaining power source. The source-transfer control monitors source voltages and switch operation.


2000 KVA 2000 KVA

52 @m @v3 l-+---l-!521-1---+-~


FIG. 4-16 Electrical Service Arrangement

The three load feeders are switched and protected by automatically operated interrupter S\'1itches with pow·er fuses. Each interrupter switch is equipped with a ZSD overcurrent relay. The overcurrent relay protects three-phase loads from single-phasing from blown fuses and other open-phase conditions, One load feeder serves the 10\'1 lift pump station and t\'10 load feeders serve the water treatment plant.

There is a single 24,900V underground feeder circuit and a single transformer for the low lift pump station. The primary feeder circuit and transformer are protected by a G&W oil filled interrupter switch with power fuses. A 1500 KVA 480/277V AC transformer supplies power to the low lift pump station. The low lift pump station was designed to have a main-tie-main service arrangement so that any portion of the electrical system could be removed from service without removing the entire facility from service. The required switchgear was never provided and the entire facility must be removed from service to \t/ork on the service entrance equipment. A six cylinder natural gas fueled engine provides auxiliary power to Low Lift Pump No. 1. A 75 KW natural gas fueled emergency generator supplies auxiliary power to critical loads in the low lift pump station.

There are two 24, 900V underground feeder circuits and two transformers for the water treatment plant. Each of the 2000 kVA 2400/1386V AC transformer supplies power to half of the water treatment plant. The water treatment plant has a main-tie-main service arrangement. The service arrangement allows any portion of the facility to be removed from service without removing the entire facility from service. A natural gas fueled engine provides auxiliary power to High Lift Pump No. 1. A 250 KW engine generator provides emergency power to critical loads in the water treatment plant.

Natural Gas Service. Natural gas service is provided by the Wisconsin Natural Gas Company. The low lift pump station and the water treatment plant are under a Commercial Industrial CG2 classification. The water utility pays a facility charge of $25 per month and an energy charge of approximately $0.40 per therm. The energy charge varies each month. Natural gas usage varies considerably throughout the year due to seasonal heating requirements.

Water Service. The low lift pump station does not have a potable water service. Water in the low lift pump station is obtained from a 4-inch diameter pipe connected to the 12-inch diameter pipeline used to backflush the inlet piping and intake structure. The 12-inch diameter pipeline is connected to the raw water transmission main. The water treatment plant has two potable water services. Water use is metered by two 6-inch diameter flow meters. One meter is located in the discharge piping room of the high lift pump station. The second meter is located in the rapid mix room of the Pretreatment Facility Building.

Plant Staff and Staffing

The current plant staff organization and staffing practices must be known so the impact of new or revised operations and processes on future staffing requirements and operating costs can be assessed. Current staffing must also be known to evaluate the capacities and capabilities of the existing facilities and is an important factor in evaluating the level of automation that is necessary. In some cases it may be possible to incorporate new or modified processes without increases in staff, while in other alternatives increases in staffing would be required.


Staff. The Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant maintains a staff of nine full time employees. Each staff member is a licensed operator. All staff members are responsible for administration, operation, laboratory analysis, and maintenance of the low lift pump station and water treatment plant.

Staffing Schedule. The water treatment plant is staffed 24 hours a day year round. There are three 8-hour shifts per day. The Chief Operator works eight hours a day, five days a week. Six staff members work eight hour shifts for 10 days followed by four days off. One staff member works one shift per day Monday through Friday and fills in for vacationing or absent staff members. Maintenance duties are emphasized on the first three days or the last three days of a shift rotation when more staff are present.

Process Performance

Analysis of raw water and finished water turbidity data from 1999, as shown in Figure 4-17, indicates the existing and new facilities from the 1998 water treatment plant expansion consistently meets turbidity requirements for treated water. The water treatment plant removed 99 percent of the average monthly raw water turbidity in 1999. The water treatment plant staff monitors raw water and finished water turbidity every four hours.

100 -----



10 ""' ...

.... . . x

:::> I-z . ~ ~· .

"O I: --~: :s . ···•· .


" I--------I-

0.1 .. -..


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ocl Nov Dec



Fig. 4-17 Raw Water and Finished Water Turbidity, 1999


Assessment of Future Use

It is important to optimize the use of existing facilities to obtain the maximum benefit from the financial investment made by the city in previous modification and expansion projects. The suitability of plant facilities for future use depends on remaining service life, effectiveness in achieving the desired results, adequacy for future use, efficiency in achieving the desired function, and site utilization.

The facilities at the low lift pump station and water treatment plant vary in age from approximately 3 to 20 years old. The structures are in good condition and are suitable for future use. The majority of the mechanical equipment is in good condition and is suitable for future use.

The water treatment plant was upgraded and expanded in 1998 to increase the capacity to 20 mgd. The expansion included adding new rapid mixing facilities, a flocculation and sedimentation basin, a sodium hypochlorite disinfection system, four mixed media filters, and a filter to waste system. The treatment plant expansion provides flexibility for future expansion as water demand increases.


The function of a water distribution system is the delivery of water from the source of supply to the customers in adequate quantity and at acceptable pressure. The water distribution system includes the pipeline network, storage facilities, booster pump stations, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, and water services.

Pipeline Network

The distribution system pipeline network was initially constructed in 1959. Most of the water mains were constructed along roadways. An inventory of pipelines by size and material, as extracted from the 2001 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) report, is listed in Table 4-4. Of the 982,372 feet of pipeline in the system, 0.4 percent of the distribution system is 4-inch diameter, 10.0 percent of the system is 6-inch diameter, 40.6 percent of the system is 8-inch diameter, 0.1 percent of the system is 10-inch diameter, 25.4 percent of the system is 12-inch diameter, 11.0 percent of the system is 16-inch diameter, 0.02 percent of the system is 18-inch diameter, 8.4 percent of the system is 20-inch diameter, 3.4 percent of the system is 24-inch diameter, and 0.9 percent of the system is 30-inch diameter. The pipeline sizes are shown in Figure 4-18.

The water distribution system contains cast iron, ductile iron, asbestos cement, PVC, and concrete pressure pipe. Cast iron pipe ranges in size from 4-inch diameter to 12-inch diameter. The majority of the cast iron pipelines are Class 22 unlined pipe. Ductile iron pipe ranges in sizes from 4-inch diameter to 30-inch diameter. The majority of the ductile iron pipelines are Class 52 cement lined pipe. Some unlined ductile iron pipe was used before 1974. All newer ductile iron pipe has polyethylene wrap for corrosion protection. A large amount of ductile iron pipe that did not have polyethylene wrap has been replaced. Asbestos cement pipe ranges in size from 6-inch diameter to 12-inch


diameter. The n\ajority of the asbestos cement pipe is Pressure Class 150 pipe. Asbestos cement pipe is no longer used in the Oak Creek water distribution system. PVC pipe ranges in size from 4-inch diameter to 12-inch diameter. The PVC pipe is pressure Class 150 (DR 18) for 4-inch through 12-inch diameter pipe. Concrete pressure pipe is used for 16-inch diameter and larger pipelines. Concrete pressure pipe is concrete cylinder pipe with a minimum pressure rating of 200 psi.

Table 4-4 Distribution System Pipeline Inventory

Diameter, Length, ft.

inches Concrete Asbestos Metal(a) Plastic (b) Total \ of Total Cement

4 3,400 554 3,954 0.40

6 1, 593 69, 842 24,384 95,819 9. 75

8 1,484 89,309 308,440 399,233 40.64

10 1,126 1,126 0.11

12 4,119 147,590 97,239 248,948 25.35

16 1,343 106,665 108,008 11.00

18 208 208 0.02

20 3,426 79,276 82,702 8.42

24 2,600 30,706 33,306 3.39

30 S,055 4, 013 9,068 0.92

Total 12,424 7,196 532,135 430,617 982,372 100.00 lai IncJ.udes cast iron and ductile iron (b)Includes all plastic pipe

Ductile iron and cast iron pipe accounts for 54.2 percent of the distribution system pipeline. PVC pipe accounts for 43.8 percent of the distribution system pipeline and asbestos cement accounts for 0.7 percent of the distribution system pipeline. Concrete pressure pipe accounts for 1.3 percent of the distribution system. The pipeline materials are shown in Figure 4-19.

Gate valves are used for distribution service in water mains up to 12 inches in diameter. Butterfly valves are used for distribution service for water mains greater than 12 inches in diameter. In general, valves are located at the intersection of pipelines. Hydrants are connected directly to distribution mains with the use of auxiliary valves in a majority of the installations. Hydrants are routinely spaced within the distribution system. The pipelines are arranged in loops to minimize deadends and provide bi-directional flow to hydrants.

Under normal conditions the distribution system operation appears adequate. The static pressures range from a minimum of 35 pounds per square inch (psi) to a maximum of 85 psi in the lower pressure zone and from a minimum of 35 psi to a maximum of 80 psi in the upper pressure zone.

Service Zones

The City water system provides water to customers located at elevations ranging from 655 feet to 800 feet. The distribution system is divided into two pressure zones to provide the proper pressure range to every customer. Presently, each pressure zone spans an elevation difference of about 185 feet. Pressure and elevation relationships for the two zones are shown in Figure 4-20.


- r r -' !

l .l·--~i I ,;.· ! ) ..


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2000 4000






- -- 10" WATER MAIN


--- 16" WATER MAIN


--- 20" WATER MAIN

--- 24" WATER MAIN

--- 30" WATER MAIN

• • • A





Fig 4-18 Distribution System Pipeline Sizes

I • -i\l ··-·-1 I

-L~ . ..; __ i l ' . ~ ...... ~...,1 I

J( - ... · . -i. 11 ! !

\ )

\ \

\ \

\ \

2000 4000












Fig. 4-19 Distribution System Pipeline Materials




_______ .__ 655


Fig. 4-20 Pressure Zone Relationships of the Oak Creek Water Utility


The majority of the present distribution system is in the lower pressure zone, as shown in Figure 4-21. The upper pressure zone was developed to serve the high elevation areas on the west side of the service area. Water is supplied to the upper pressure zone by the Rawson Avenue and Ryan Road Booster Pump Stations. The distribution system is valved to separate the two pressure zones. Static water pressures are ntaintained at 35 to 80 psi in the lower pressure zone and 35 to BO psi in the upper pressure zone.

The hydraulic grade line elevation in the lower pressure zone is at 840 feet when the Howell Avenue Elevated Storage Tank or Puetz Road Ground Storage Reservoir are full. This condition provides a maximum static pressure of 80 psi at elevation 655 feet along the shore of Lake Michigan, and a minimum static pressure of 35 psi at elevation 730 feet. The static pressures produced by the Howell Avenue Elevated Storage Tank or Puetz Road Ground Storage Reservoir are shown in Figure 4-22. The lower pressure zone provides adequate pressures for all areas of the water distribution system except the northwest corner of the City.

The Cedar Hills Elevated Storage Tank provides a hydraulic grade line elevation in the upper pressure zone of elevation 900 feet under normal operation. This grade line provides a maximum static pressure of 80 psi at elevation 715 feet and a minimum static pressure of 35 psi at elevation 810 feet. The static pressures produced by the Cedar Hills Elevated Storage Tank are shown in Figure 4-23. The upper pressure zone provides adequate pressures for the northwest corner of the City.

Distribution System Storage

Storage within the water distribution system can function as operating storage, equalizing storage, firefighting reserve, and emergency reserve. Operating storage provides a control range to stop and start pumping equipment. Equalizing storage furnishes the increments of demand which exceed the capacity of the supply facilities. Firefighting reserve furnishes the increments of demand, imposed during a firefighting period, which exceed the capacity of the supply facilities. Emergency storage provides system reliability in the event of failure of the supply facilities.

Elevated Storage Tanks. The major functions of elevated storage tanks are to provide a system control range to operate the service pumps and equalize hourly fluctuations in demand. Elevated storage also provides a reliable water supply for use during emergency conditions.

There are two elevated storage tanks in the Oak Creek Water System. The Howell Avenue Elevated Storage Tank is located in the north-central portion of the city. The Cedar Hills Elevated Storage Tank is located in the northwest portion of the city. The total capacity of the two elevated storage tanks is 700,000 gallons. Principal features of the elevated storage tanks are presented in Table 4-5.

The Howell Avenue Elevated Storage Tank was constructed in 1962. The tank was constructed on a pile foundation due to poor soil conditions. The tank is a fabricated steel pedestal spheroid style tank. The tank is 55. 5 feet in diameter and has a capacity of 500,000 gallons. The overflow elevation is at 840 feet. The high water level is 95.5 feet above the base and the nominal head range is 37.5 feet. An 18-inch diameter main connects the 18-inch diameter riser with the distribution system.


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2000 4000









Fig. 4-21 Distribution System Pipeline Pressure Zone

s! • ~

2000 4000






Fig. 4-22 Lower Pressure Zone Static Pressure Contours

si • ~

2000 4000





Fig. 4-23 Upper Pressure Zone Static Pressure Contours

Table 4-5 Principal Features of Elevated Storage Tanks

Size of Elevation Head

capacity, Year Supply LOW High Range, Type Location mg Constructed Line, in. Water Water feet

Elevated Howell Avenue 0.5 1962 18 802.5 840.0 37. 5

Elevated Cedar Hills 0.2 1964 12 871.0 900.0 29.0

The Cedar Hills Elevated Storage Tank was constructed in 1964. The tank is a fabricated steel pedestal spheroid style tank. The tank is 40 feet in diameter and has a capacity of 200,000 gallons. The overflow elevation is at 900 feet. The high water level is 99 feet above the base and the nominal head range is 29 feet. A 12-inch diameter main connects the 12-inch diameter riser 'Ylith the distribution system.

Ground Storage Reservoirs. The primary function of ground storage facilities is to allow supply facilities to operate at a constant rate. Ground storage facilities also equalize the diurnal water demand placed on the water supply facilities. Compared to elevated storage, ground storage is usually the least expensive storage option where ground elevations permit operation without the need for booster pumps.

There are two ground storage reservoirs in the Oak Creek Water System. The Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir is located in the central portion of the city. The Puetz Road Ground Storage Reservoir is located in the west-central portion of the city. The total capacity of the two ground storage reservoirs is 6, 500, 000 gallons. Principal features of the ground storage reservoirs are presented in Table 4-6.

Table 4-6 Ground Storage Reservoirs Characteristics

Size of Elevation Head Capacity, Year Supply Low High Range,

Type Location mg Constructed Line, in. Water Water feet

Ground Austin Street 0.5 1956 12 705.5 717.6 12.1

Ground Puetz Road 6.0 1995 24 780.0 840.0 60.0

The Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir was constructed in 1956. The reservoir was originally supplied by Well No. 1 and Well No. 3. Presently the reservoir is supplied by a 12-inch diameter water main through a refill valve. The reservoir is constructed of poured-in-place concrete and is 80 feet in diameter. The reservoir has a capacity of 500, 000 gallons. The overflow· elevation is at 717.6 feet and the nominal head range is 12.1 feet. Booster pumps must be used to supply water from the reservoir to the distribution system.

The Puetz Road Ground Storage Reservoir was constructed in 1996. A 24-inch diameter water main serves as an inlet and outlet to the reservoir. The reservoir is 135 feet in diameter and has a capacity of 6,000,000 gallons. The overflow elevation is at 840 feet and the nominal head range is 60 feet. The upper 30 feet of the ground storage reservoir provides minimum static pressures


of 35 to 48 psi. The lower 30 feet of the ground storage reservoir provides minimum static pressures of 22 to 35 psi. The upper 30 feet (3.0 mg) of the ground storage reservoir is used in normal operation. The lower 30 feet (3.0 mg) of the ground storage reservoir is only used in an emergency situation when normal operating pressures in the water distribution system can not be maintained. A 24-inch diameter water main connects the reservoir to the distribution system. There are no water services on the 24-inch diameter water main in the upper pressure zone area.

Booster Pump Stations

The function of a booster pump station is to supply water into the system at acceptable pressures. There are three booster pump stations in service in the Oak Creek Water System. The Austin Street Booster Pump Station supplies the lower pressure zone from a ground storage reservoir. The Rawson Avenue and Ryan Road Booster Pump Stations supply the upper pressure zone from the lower pressure zone.

Austin Street Booster Pump Station. The Austin Street Booster Pump Station was constructed in 1956. The Austin Street Booster Pump Station is located in the central portion of the city, adjacent to the Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir. The reservoir supplies the four booster pumps at the Austin Street Booster Pump Station. A site plan of the reservoir and pump station is shown in Figure 4-24.

The Austin Street Booster Pump Station has four centrifugal booster pumps. A 12-inch diameter suction line provides water to the pumps from the reservoir. All of the pumps were manufactured by Aurora Pump and were installed in 1955. One pump has a rated capacity of 800 gpm at 140 feet of TDH and is driven by a 50 Hp motor. Three of the pumps are rated at 600 gpm at 127 feet of TDH. Two of the pumps are driven by 30 Hp Louis Allis motors. One of the pumps is driven by a 30 Hp gasoline engine. All the pumps have a check valve for backflow prevention and a gate valve on their suction and discharge for isolation.

The pumps discharge through a 12-inch diameter water main into the distribution system. A Venturi meter on the 12-inch water main is used to measure the flow rate from the station. The Austin Street Booster Pump Station is presently used on a stand-by basis.

Electrical power to the station is supplied by a 480V, three-phase service. The motor control center (MCC) installed in 1955 feeds the electrical equipment at the pump station. The gasoline eng:i:ne on one of the pumps provides the only source of emergency power. The Austin Street Booster Pump Station contained Well Pump No. 1 that was equipped with a 150 Hp motor. The well pump was removed to allow Well No. 1 to be used as a monitoring well for the ASR project.

Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station. The Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station was constructed in 1981 to serve the Cedar Hills Area. The Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station is located in the northwest portion of the city. The Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station is supplied from the lower pressure zone and discharges to the upper pressure zone. A site plan of the pump station is shown in Figure 4-25.



WELL NO. 3----~



I I ~ I



-- -- --12"WM- --


'------1--- BOOSTER PUMPS (4)

~------- WELL NO. 1



l "' I ---1




-1 I I




Fig. 4-24 Austin Street Booster Pump Station and Reservoir

"~ g


~ 20 '°






Fig. 4-25 R p awson Avenue Booster ump Station

The Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station has four centrifugal pumps. A 20-inch suction line from the distribution system provides water to the pumps. All of the pumps were manufactured by Aurora Pump and were installed in 1981. Two pumps have a rated capacity of 1,800 gpm at 80 feet of TDH and are driven by 100 Hp U.S. Electric motors. Two pumps have a rated capacity of 900 gpm at 60 feet of TDH and are driven by 50 Hp U.S. Electric motors. All of the pumps have a diaphragm operated globe valve for surge control and backflow prevention and a butterfly valve on their suction and discharge for isolation.

The pumps discharge through a 16-inch diameter water main to the distribution system. A Venturi meter on the 16-inch water main is used to measure the flow rate from the station.

Chlorine can be injected into the 16-inch diameter water main prior to the Venturi meter. The chlorine feed equipment is housed in a separate room at the Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station. This chlorination system consists of two 150 pound chlorine tanks, a dual cylinder scale, a chlorine residual analyzer, and a chlorinator.

Electrical power to the station is supplied by the 480V, three-phase service. An MCC supplies power to the electrical equipment at the pump station. Emergency power at the Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station is provided by a portable generator. The portable generator is able to start and run one pump.

Ryan Road Booster Pump Station. The Ryan Road Booster Pump Station was constructed in 1996. The Ryan Road Booster Pump Station is located in the southwestern part of the City. The Ryan Road Booster Pump Station is supplied from the lower pressure zone and discharges into the upper pressure zone. A site plan of the pump station is shown in Figure 4-26.

The Ryan Road Booster Pump Station has four centrifugal booster pumps. A 24-inch diameter suction line from the distribution system provides water to the pumps. All of the pumps were manufactured by Aurora Pump and were installed in 1996. Each pump has a rated capacity of 1,575 gpm at 95 feet of TDH. Each pump is driven by 60 Hp Marathon motors. All of the pumps have a diaphragm operated globe valve for surge control and backflow prevention and a butterfly valve on their suction and discharge for isolation.

The pumps discharge through a 20-inch diameter water main to the distribution system. An ultrasonic flow meter on the 16-inch diameter discharge pipeline is used to measure the flow rate from the station.

Sodium Hypochlorite can be injected into the 20-inch diameter discharge water main after the flow meter. A separate room is provided at the Ryan Road Booster Pump Station Sodium for hypochlorite feed equipment. The booster pump station is equipped with a chlorine residual analyze to measure the chlorine concentration in the distribution system prior to the Ryan Road Booster Pump Station.

Electrical power to the station is supplied by a 480V, three-phase service. An MCC supplies power to the electrical equipment at the pump station. Emergency power at the Ryan Road Booster Pump Station is provided by a 250 KW natural gas fueled engine generator with an automatic transfer switch.




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I I L _____ t_

---------- -- - - --- -

/ /



/ /

/ /

/ /

---...._ r;,"so /

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y j__ - - 12·so - - ----S

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- -----r- -/"'-- - - - - - - - - --- - - -_:;,- - - - - --1- - - ---1 / « I I / I/



// ~

/ /





20 40


Fig. 4-26 Ryan Road Booster Pump Station

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System

The elevated storage tanks and ground storage reservoir are equipped with data acquisition systems. The data acquisition systems allow the water levels in the elevated storage tanks and the ground storage reservoir to be monitored. The booster pump stations are equipped with SCADA systems. The SCADA systems allow for monitoring and control of pumping operations. The main control panel for the SCADA system is located at the water treatment plant.

Meters and Services

It is the policy of the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility to meter, where possible, all water services and classify each meter with respect to the type of customer served as residential, commercial, industrial, or public. As of 1999, there were 7,384 residential services, 742 commercial services, 26 industrial services, 54 services to the public authority, and three customers for wholesale service. The wholesale customers are the Crestview Sanitary District, City of Franklin, and the Caddy Vista Sanitary District. The Crestview Sanitary District provides wholesale service to a portion of the North Park Sanitary District. A summary of the meter sizes in the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility is presented in Table 4-7.

Table 4-7 Customer Meters, 2001

Size, Number of Meters(a)

inches Residential Commercial Public Industrial

5/8 7,919 198 9 0

3/4 6 36 2 0

1 7 211 7 5

ll{ 0 0 0 0

1)1 1 146 14 2

2 1 169 11 4

3 0 10 7 4

4 0 5 1 2

6 0 0 2 2

8 0 0 0 2

10 0 0 0 2

12 0 0 0 0

Total 7,934 775 53 23 (a) Includes meters in the retail service area of the City of Franklin

The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility also services portions of the City of Franklin on a retail basis. The contract with Franklin to provide retail water service within the City of Franklin expires in 2003.

Service connections vary in size from 3/4 inch to 12 inches. There are 8,570 services designated for water use and 304 services for fire protection. Services two inches and smaller are predominantly copper, HDPE, or PVC. Services three inches and larger are predominantly cast iron, ductile iron, or PVC. The standard small service consists of a corporation stop at the main and a curb stop and box at the property line. A summary of water services is presented in Table 4-8.


Table 4-8 Water Services, 2000

Size, inches Number

3/4 1,537

1 6, 120

ll{ 567

l~ 85

2 276

3 7

4 81

6 62

8 38

10 2

12 5

TOTAL 8,780

Fire Protection

A water distribution system must be capable not only of meeting domestic, commercial, and industrial needs, but also of providing water in adequate quantities and at adequate pressures to meet any fire fighting requirement. In addition to the direct benefits of fire protection, a good distribution system has an indirect benefit of lowering the fire insurance rating of the community.

The Insurance Services Office (ISO), formerly the National Board of Fire Underwriters, has established criteria for evaluating the fire fighting capacity of the city to determine the community's fire insurance rating. A major portion of the criteria deals with the adequacy of the water supply and distribution system. By evaluating this portion of the criteria, -the adequacy of the system can be determined.

The City of Oak Creek was last rated by the ISO in 1995. The rating included an evaluation of the water supply system and fire flow tests at various locations throughout the city. The results of the fire flow tests are summarized in Table 4-9. When the city was rated, the needed fire flow, which is the fire flow indicative of the quantity needed to handle fires at specific areas, ranged from 500 to 3, 500 gpm. The fire flow tests showed varying deficiencies at the locations tested.

A deficiency does not mean that the system is incapable of fighting a fire, but rather that the fire fighting conditions are not considered ideal. The results of the fire flow tests do, however, demonstrate a varying degree of deficiencies in fire flows within the city.

The ISO, after inspection and testing, rates each community on a scale of one to ten, with one being ideal. Each aspect of fire fighting capability of the city, including water supply, fire department, fire services communications, and fire safety control, comprises a specific portion of the total rating. The overall rating for the City of Oak Creek was a four on a scale of 1 to 10. One is the highest rating while 10 is the lowest rating. A rating of four is considered very good.


Table 4-9 Fire Flow Test Results(a)


second hydrant south of College on east side of 27th

Rawson & south 27th Street SE corner Drexel & South 27th Street First hydrant north of Ryan west side of 27th Street East of Rhienhard Road on South Branch Boulevard Second hydrant east of south 27th Street on north side of Oakwood Third last hydrant south end of South 13th Street Oakwood & Hummingbird Ryan Road & South 13th Street NW Third last hydrant south end of 20th Street South 10th Street & Pelton

First hydrant north of Rawson on south 10th Street

Fourth hydrant north of Drexel on South 10th Street

Wildwood & Waring Puetz & Hunters Run Puetz & Springbrook Third hydrant north of Drexel on South 6th Street Marquette & South 6th Rawson & South 6th Second last hydrant north end of Howell Avenue First hydrant north of Marquette on 1st street Drexel & Howell First hydrant west of Shepard on Puetz at Oak Park Drive Ryan & Howell Fitzsimmons & Austin Third last hydrant south end of Nicholson Meadow View & Nicholson Third hydrant south of Park Boulevard on Shepard Avenue North end of Delaware third last hydrant Stonefield & Jason Court West of Chicago Road on Oakshire Dr. Second hydrant north of Puetz on south 5th Avenue South 5th Avenue & Depot Road East side of Chicago Street Matthews 9329 Chicago First hydrant east of 15th Avenue on Ryan Road First hydrant south of Barton Road on Chicago South 13th Street first hydrant north of Middle School (a)Tests conducted on May 4-5, 1995

Pressure, psi Flow, gpm

Static Residual Observed Available (b) Recommended


so 67 78






67 43







48 43



















lB 46







40 32








40 38


36 SS




so 6S


41 3S







1, 440

2,280 2, 130 2,200




2,280 2,860 1,350 1,610 3,500


2,470 2,560 2,290 2,050

2,950 2,370 1,570


3,150 1,510

1,650 2,840 2,266 2,400 2,380

2,730 3,050 1,180 1,600

2,630 2,390


1,670 2,520


2,200 2,900 2,100




Adequate Adequate Adequate

2,400 Adequate


2,900 Adequate Adequate


Adequate Adequate



Adequate 4,600

3,200 Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate

Adequate Adequate

1,500 3,800

Adequate 4,900


Adequate Adequate


2,500 2,000 2,000




2,000 2,250


3,000 2,500


3,500 1,750 2,500 3,500

2,000 3,000 1,750


1,500 3,000

3,000 7SO

2,500 2,250 2,500


1,000 3,500 2,250

2,500 3,000


1,250 7SO

(b)Is the rate of flow for a specific duration for a full credit condition. Fire flows greater than 3,500 gpm are NOT considered in determining the classification of the city when using the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule


Distribution System Staff and Staffing

The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility and maintained by 11 fulltime persons. collection system facilities.

water distribution system is operated The staff also operates the v1aste\'/ater


The primary purpose of a water utility is to furnish a potable water, which is safe and palatable. In order to perform this task, the water system must be adequately staffed and must have a system of water rates and billing procedures to obtain revenues to pay for operating expenses.

Staff and Staffing

The Oak Creek Water and sewer Utility is operated and maintained by a staff of 27 fulltime persons. The Utility Manager supervises the Utility Engineer, Plant Manager, Distribution Manager, and Accounting Supervisor. The Utility Engineer supervises the inspection and design staff, The Plant Manager supervises the water treatment plant operators and staff. The Distribution Manager oversees the utility field service staff. The Accounting Supervisor oversees the accounting and support staff. The Utility Manager reports to the Board of Waterworks and Sewer Commissioners.

Water Rates and Billing

Customers are billed for water use based on a quarterly service charge and a quarterly or monthly volume charge. The 2001 water rates are presented in Table 4-10. A copy of the rate schedule is enclosed in Appendix "E 11 • Water readings are performed by the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility staff. The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility wholesales water to the City of Franklin, Crestview Sanitary District, and the Caddy Vista Sanitary District. The wholesale rate is $1. 56 per 1, 000 gallons plus quarterly public fire protection charges and quarterly service charges. The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility retails water to two small areas in the City of Franklin. The 2001 retail water rates for the City of Franklin are presented in Table 4-11.

Operating Costs

In 2000, the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility supplied approximately 2,278,991,000 gallons of water to its customers at a cost of $4,930,746. The cost was approximately $2.16 per 1,000 gallons.

A summary of the operating expenses for the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility, based on the 2000 Public Service Commission annual report, is presented in Table 4-12. Each of the expenses listed include the respective operation labor costs. The major expense of providing water is for depreciation which represents 29 percent of the total cost. The taxes account for 24 percent of the total cost. The administrative and general expenses account for 12 percent of the total cost. The water treatment expenses account for 13 percent of the total cost. The transmission and distribution expenses account for 10 percent of the total cost and the pumping expenses account for 10 percent of the total cost.


Table 4-10 Oak Creek Retail Water Rates, 2001

Item Cost, Dollars

Quarterly Service Charge, Per Meter

5/8-inch meter 19.75

3/4-inch meter 19.75

1-inch meter 32.91

l\i inch meter 49,36

1~ inch meter 62.53

2-inch meter 92 .15

3-inch meter 164. 55

4-inch meter 269,85

6-inch meter 536,42

a-inch meter 855.64

10-inch meter 1,280.16

12-inch meter 1,701.41

Volume Charge, Per 1,000 gallons

Quarterly Monthly

First 6,000,000 gallons 2,000,000 gallons 2.24

Next 18,000,000 gallons 6,000,000 gallons 1.57

Over 24,000,000 gallons 8,000,000 gallons 1.13

Table 4-11 Oak Creek Water Rates Charged to Franklin Retail Customers, 2001


Quarterly Service Charge, Per Meter

5/8-inch meter

3/4-inch meter

1-inch meter

lX inch meter

lM inch meter

2-inch meter

3-inch meter

4-inch meter

6-inch meter

a-inch meter

10-inch meter

12-inch meter

Quarterly Volume Charge, Per 1,000 gallons

First 6,000,000 gallons

Next 18,000,000 gallons

Over 24,000,000 gallons


Cost, Dollars
















Table 4-12 Water System Operating Costs, 2000

Item Cost, Dollars Percent of Total

Source of Supply Expenses 41,149 0.8

Pumping Expenses 484,601 9.8

Water Treatment Expenses 645,654 13 .1

Transmission and Distribution Expenses 513,667 10.4

Customer Accounts Expenses 55,615 1.1

Administrative and General Expenses 574, 134 11.7

Depreciation 1,428,264 29.0

Taxes 1,187,662 24.1

Total 4,930,746 100,0






The analysis of present and past water use and the projection of water use trends into the future are basic to the development of improvement programs for water supply and distribution system facilities. This information, when applied to the land use and population data defined in Chapter 3, determines water requirements at various stages of development in the study area. These projections form a basis for the water supply and transmission system improvements that are described in subsequent chapters. Water use information pertinent to the development of a program for system improvements includes the annual water requirement as well as seasonal variations in the rate of water use.


Water use factors that are of concern in a study of the City of Oak Creek water system are: average use during the entire year, average use during each month, average use during the maximum day, and hourly fluctuations, particularly on the maximum day. Of these factors, the first defines the total annual water requirements, that is, the total volume of water that must be produced annually from the available sources of supply. Average use by months and on days of maximum demand, together with hourly fluctuations in daily use, must be determined in order to design supply, storage, pumping, and pipeline facilities.

Average Annual Water Production

Annual water production for the City of Oak Creek water system, for the period of 1980 through 2001, was obtained from Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) reports and the annual reports of the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility. The primary source of supply during this period was surface water supplied from the water treatment plant. A small amount of water was supplied by the Cedar Hills wells in 1980 and 1981. The use of the Cedar Hills wells was discontinued in 1981 when the Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station was placed in service.

Raw water pumpage, finished water pumpage, well water pumpage, and total production for the 22-year period are presented in Table 5-1. Total production is the sum of finished water production and well water production. Total production has increased significantly in the past 22 years.

Raw water pumpage is the amount of water pumped from Lake Michigan to the water treatment plant. Finished water pumpage is the amount of water pumped from the water treatment plant to the water distribution system. Raw water pumpage and finished water pumpage for a 22-year period are shown in Figure 5-1. The difference between the raw water pumpage and the finished water pumpage is due to uses in the water treatment plant for filter backwashing, sludge removal, chemical systems, and other process uses. The finished water pumpage has ranged from a minimum of 90.3 percent of raw water purnpage to a maximum of 96.2 percent, and averaged 93.9 percent of raw water pumpage.



~ >-0:: w Q. (/) z 0 -' -' ct (.!)

u.. 0 (/) z 0 :::; ::! ::!!

2800 ---- - - - - - - - - - -

2200 1--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --------++--------1








600 ,__ _ _


200 t----~

0 1---.---,-----,-...,..---,----,------,---.-- r--r-- -.----r--...,..--.----,------,---.--r---.-- .--l

1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990



1992 1994 1996 1998 2000


Fig. 5-1 Annual Water Production

Table 5-1 Average Annual Water Production

Annual Water Production, Millions of Gallons per Year

Raw water Finished Water Finished Water Well Water Total Year Pumpage Pumpage t Raw Water Pumpage Production

1980 1065.886 1021.597 95. 84 36.641 1058.238

1981 1221. 746 1131.051 92.58 33.528 1164.579

1982 1181.496 1118.388 94.66 0.000 1118.388

1983 1458.611 1368. 887 93. 85 0.000 1368.887

1984 1326.030 1239.555 93.48 0.000 1239.555

1985 1375.131 1284.695 93.42 0.000 1284.695

1986 1224.894 1171.233 95.62 0.000 1171.233

1987 1272.230 1192.181 93. 71 0.000 1192.181

1988 1392.207 1299. 567 93. 35 0.000 1299.567

1989 1328.399 1207.359 90.89 0.000 1207.359

1990 1273. 420 1150.572 90.35 0.000 1150,572

1991 1305.454 1210.313 92.71 0.000 1210.313

1992 1300.863 1200.779 92.31 0.000 1200.779

1993 1447.825 1338.164 92.43 0.000 1338.164

1994 1577.698 1485.457 94 .15 0.000 1485.457

1995 1697.389 1601.208 94.33 0.000 1601.208

1996 2076.229 1981.150 95.42 0.000 1981.150

1997 2344.709 2237.688 95.44 0.000 2237.688

1998 2553.404 2445.086 95.76 0.000 2445.086

1999 2580.365 2424 .149 93 .95 0.000 2424.149

2000 2565.748 2466.940 (a) 96.15 0.000 2466.940

2001 2654.740 2523 .184 (a) 95.04 0.000 2523.184

Minimum 1065.886 1021.597 90.35 0.000 1058.238

Average 1646.567 1549.964 93.88 3.190 1553.153

Maximum 2654.740 2523.184 96.15 36,641 2523.184 (a} includes water recovered from ASR Well No. 3

The Oak Creek water distribution system has two pressure zones. The distribution of monthly pumpage between the upper pressure zone and the lower pressure zone for the past nine years is shown in Figure 5-2. The Oak Creek Water & Sewer Utility began providing the City of Franklin with wholesale water service in June of 1996. The City of Franklin receives water from the Oak Creek upper pressure zone. Prior to June of 1996, monthly pumpage in the upper pressure zone ranged from a minimum of 346, 000 gallons per day (gpd) to a maximum of 1,229,000 gpd, and averaged 717,600 gpd. After the City of Franklin became a wholesale customer, monthly pumpage in the upper pressure zone has ranged from a minimum of 1,644,000 gpd to a maximum of 5,128,000 gpd and averaged 2,664,288 gpd. Since June of 1996, the monthly pumping in the upper pressure zone has ranged from a minimum of 29 percent to a maximum of 54 percent of the total system pumpage, and averaged 40 percent of the total system pumpage. The total water pumpage to the upper pressure zone is shown in Figure 5-3. The water consumption of the Oak Creek users in the upper pressure zone is approximately 17 percent of the total finished water pumpage.


>o ca

"C .... Q,) c.

"C Q,) c. E :J a.

"' c 0 cu C>


6,000,000 -


0 a> a> .,.....

.,..... a> a> .,.....

N a> a> .,.....


a> a> .,.....

...t" a> a> .,.....

- Raw Water Pumpage

L() a> a> .....

co a> a> .,.....


- Lower Pressure Zone

l"-0> a> .,.....

00 a> a> .,.....

- Upper Pressure Zone

a> a> a> .,.....

0 0 0 N

.,..... 0 0 N

Fig. 5-2 Upper and Lower Pressure Zone Pumpage

"E Q)

~ Q)


0.0 0 a; N "' "' "' "' ~ ~

<» 0 0 <» <» <» <» <» <» <» 0 <» <» <» <» <» <» <» <» ~ 0

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N


--%of Lower Pressure Zone Pumped to Upper Pressure Zone

Fig. 5-3 Percentage of Lower Pressure Zone Pumped to Upper Pressure Zone

Average Annual Water Use

Average annual water use is determined by metering the water used by each customer. The water meter readings are classified as retail water use or wholesale water use for billing purposes. Retail water use includes sales to individual residential, commercial, industrial, and public authority customers. Wholesale water use includes sales to other water utilities for resale to retail customers.

Annual water use for the City of Oak Creek water system, for the period of 1980 through 2001, was obtained from PSC reports and the annual reports of The Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Water use is shown in Table 5-2 and Figure 5-4. The total annual water use over the past 22 years has increased 130.2 percent. The maximum annual water use occurred in 2001 when 2,381.684 million gallons (mg) of water were used. The minimum annual water use occurred in 1980 when 988. 373 mg of water were used. The average annual water use for the 22-year period was 1,481.191 mg.

During the 22-year period from 1980 to 2001, 30.66 percent of the metered water use was by residential customers, 22.89 percent of the metered water use was by commercial customers, 2.48 percent of the metered water use was by public customers and 43. 86 percent of the metered water use was by industrial customers. Water use by residential and commercial customers has shown a significant increase. Public water use has shown a slight increase while industrial water use has shown a substantial decrease.


Table 5-2 Water Use, 1980 through 2001

Water Use, Millions of Gallons ner Year Total General Unmetered Total

Year Residential Commercial Public Industrial Resale Metered(a) Use(b) Use Sales(c)

1980 207.028 171.260 26.246 566.571 0.000 985.140 404.534 3.233 988.373

1981 224.239 151.264 24.157 716.686 0.000 1126.094 399.660 3.440 1129. 534

1982 229.951 140 .142 28.244 693.217 0.000 1099.018 398.337 1.269 1100.287

1983 262.860 157.631 28.050 768.174 0.000 1216.715 448.541 7.527 1224.242

1984 257.129 180.733 25.643 739.603 0.000 1203 .108 463.505 5.398 1208.506

1985 278.396 200.799 27.374 736.972 0.000 1243.541 506.569 5.158 1248. 699

1986 258.481 193.642 28.910 641, 783 0.000 1122.816 481.033 9.438 1132.254

1987 280.704 203. 851 30.302 620. 073 0.000 1134.930 514.857 6.022 1140.952

1988 365.105 242. 092 33.856 574.182 0.000 1215.235 641.053 21.710 1236.945

1989 317.479 265.820 27.249 551.049 0.000 1161.597 610.548 9 .303 1170.900

1990 320.255 274.699 27.723 485.887 0.000 1108.564 622.677 7.597 1161.161

1991 371.438 307.708 28.357 468.901 0.000 1176.404 707.503 7.652 1184,056

1992 383.796 307.577 29.056 390.708 32.427 1111.137 720.429 7 .131 1150.695

1993 390.739 310.310 28.733 446.018 121.856 1175.800 729.782 5.171 1302. 827

1994 460.322 337.710 29.892 440.098 124.629 1268.022 827.924 6.165 1398.816

1995 496.832 364.902 31.204 480.971 150.204 1373.909 892.938 6.492 1530. 605

1996 529.664 385.234 32.912 493. 905 483.432 1441.715 947.810 6.377 1931.524

1997 505.752 372.621 36.899 474.133 699.319 1389.405 915.272 3.561 2092.265

1998 570.442 424.215 40.128 477.720 774.351 1512.505 1034.785 8.020 2294.876

1999 586.482 427.609 40.962 449.457 786.776 1504.510 1055.053 6.712 2297.998

2000 534.316 433.111 37.687 440.367 830.171 1445.481 1005.114 3,339 2278.991

2001 591.544 436.245 37.454 394.511 918.591 1459. 754 1065.243 3.339 2381.684

Avg. 382.862 285.872 30.956 547.772 223.716 1248.882 699.689 6.548 1481.190

Percent of Total Metered 30.66 22.89 2.48 43.86 17.91 100.00

(a)Excluding sales to resale customers (b)General use is the sum of residential, commercial and public water use (c)Obtained from PSC reports. Includes sales to resale customers

Metered water use has typically been over 99 percent of total sales. The difference between total metered use and total sales, referred to as unmetered use, includes water used for construction, fires, water system testing, water used to fill swimming pools, and other miscellaneous uses that are not measured by a dedicated water meter.

Average Annual Retail Water Use. The Oak Creek Water Utility provides retail water service to the City of Oak Creek and two areas in the City of Franklin. A summary of water use in the City of Oak Creek for the past 17 years is presented in Table 5-3. A sµmmary of water use in the Oak Creek retail areas in the City of Franklin is presented in Table 5-4.

In 1985, residential water use in the City of Franklin retail area was 12.3 percent of the total residential water use and residential water use in the City of Oak Creek was 87. 7 percent of the total residential water use. In 2001, residential water use in the City of Franklin retail area had increased to 20.2 percent of the total residential water use and residential water use in the City of Oak Creek had decreased to 79.8 percent of the total residential water use.




0:: 1200

~ >-0:: w

1000 Q. ~------~--,,, z g ..J eoo < Cl u. 0 ,,, eoo z 0 :::; ..J •oo !ii

1980 1981 19a2 1983 1964 1985 19813 1987 1988 1969 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001



Fig. 5-4 Annual Water Use, 1980 Through.2001

Table 5-3 Oak Creek Retail Sales

water Use, Millions of Gallons per Year

Year Residential Commercial Public Industrial Total(a)

1985 244.221 200.502 27.374 736.972 1213.048

1986 221.965 193.049 28.910 641. 783 1095.145

1987 237.139 203.100 30,302 620. 073 1096.636

1988 301.628 240.530 33.795 574.182 1171.845

1989 273. 634 265.111 26.902 551.049 1125.999

1990 267.137 273.062 27.296 485.887 1060.979

1991 299.821 301. 215 27.787 468.901 1105.376

1992 303. 069 299.800 28.315 390.708 1061.450

1993 310.236 300.855 27.610 446.018 1211.746

1994 360.847 325.853 28.228 440.098 1285.820

1995 397.559 355.017 29.570 480.971 1419.813

1996 420.622 373 .134 30.947 493.905 1808.417

1997 406. 904 359.967 34.708 474.133 1978.572

1998 453.921 410. 652 37.864 477.720 2162.528

1999 474.530 412.937 38.595 449.547 2169.007

2000 426.569 418.394 35. 542 440.367 2154.382

2001 471.652 421.421 35.322 394.511 2241.497

(a)Obtained from PSC reports. Includes sales to resale customers


Table 5-4 Oak Creek Retail Sales to Franklin

Millions of Gallons per Year

Year Residential Commercial Public Industrial Total 1985 (a) 34.175 0.297 0.000 0 35.651 1986 36.516 0.593 0.000 0 37.109 1987 43.565 0.751 0.000 0 44.316 1988 63.477 1.562 0.061 0 65,100 1989 43.845 0.709 0.347 0 44.901 1990 53.118 1.637 0.427 0 55.182 1991 71.617 6.493 0.570 0 78.680 1992 80.727 7.777 0.741 0 89.245 1993 80.503 9.455 1.123 0 91.081 1994 99.475 11.857 1.664 0 112. 996 1995 99.273 9.885 1.634 0 110.792 1996 109.042 12.100 1.965 0 123.107 1997 98.848 12.654 2.191 0 113. 693

1998 116.521 13.563 2.264 0 132.348 1999 111.952 14.672 2.367 0 128.991 2000 107.747 14.717 2.145 0 124.609 2001 119.892 14.824 2.132 0 136.848

(a)The values for 1985 were calculated using the last quarter of 1985 data and 1986 data (b)Data not available. Valves proportioned to 2000 data based on total retail sales reported

by Utility

In 1985, water use in the City of Franklin retail area was 2.9 percent of the total water use and water use in the City of Oak Creek was 97.1 percent of the total water use. In 2001, water use in the City of Franklin retail area had increased to 5.8 percent of the total water use and water use in the City of Oak Creek had decreased to 94.2 percent of the total water use.

Water use has increased significantly in both retail areas. The most significant increases have occurred in residential and commercial water use. Residential water use in the City of Oak Creek has increased approximately 94 percent in the past 15 years while residential water use in the City of Franklin retail area has increased approximately 250 percent. Commercial water use in the City of Oak Creek has increased 110 percent in the past 15 years, while commercial water use in the City of Franklin retail area has increased 4,890 percent.

Average Annual Wholesale Water Use. The Oak Creek Water Utility is under contract to provide wholesale water service to the Crestview Sanitary District, the Caddy Vista Sanitary District, the upper pressure zone of the North Park Sanitary District, and the City of Franklin. The Crestview Sanitary District, Caddy Vista Sanitary District, and the City of Franklin are direct wholesale customers. The upper pressure zone of the North Park Sanitary District is an indirect wholesale customer that receives service from the Crestview Sanitary District.

The Crestview Sanitary District and the Caddy Vista Sanitary District began receiving wholesale service in 1992. The North Park Sanitary District began receiving service for their upper pressure zone through the Crestview Sanitary District in October of 1994. Wholesale service to the City of Franklin began in June of 1996.


The Crestview Sanitary District, the Caddy Vista Sanitary District, and the City of Franklin have existing water systems. water use for the three water systems for the past 22 years is presented in Table 5-5. The water use for the upper pressure zone of the North Park Sanitary District is included in the total for Crestview Sanitary District from 1994 through 2001.

Table 5-5 Average Annual Water Use for Wholesale Customers

Water Use, Millions of Gallons per Year

Year Franklin Crestview Caddy Vista

1980 182.500 104.901 23.100

1981 197.100 102.894 22.550

1982 208.050 102. 748 21.690

1983 229.950 110.048 22.470

1984 219.000 109.354 20.910

1985 240.900 125.670 21.840

1986 215. 350 104 .317 20.880

1987 244.550 108.770 21.930

1988 357.700 116.910 24.950

1989 288.350 98.441 22.010

1990 299.300 105.042 20.075

1991 445.300 109.773 20.331

1992 427.050 103 .281 21.827

1993 408.950 100.458 20.440

1994 487.087 105. 312 19.637

1995 520.076 130,213 20.904

1996 558.958 138.576 19.702

1997 523.265 146.079 19.267

1998 603.733 160.457 18.364

1999 598.910 172.010 15.856

2000 659.417 154.476 16.278

2001 739.948 161.138 17.505

Minimum 182.500 98.441 15.856

Average 393.429 121.403 20. 569

Maximum 739.948 172.010 24.950

Water use in the Crestview Sanitary District and the Caddy Vista Sanitary District has remained relatively constant over the past 22 years. Water use in the City of Franklin has shown a significant increase. Water use in the City of Franklin has increased from 182.500 mg in 1980 to 739.948 mg in 2001, a 305 percent increase.

Unit Consumption Values

The Oak Creek water system is completely metered. Water use for each service in the water service area is segregated into residential, commercial, industrial, wholesale, and public uses. Water use data for the various categories from 1980 to 2001 is presented in Table 5-2. The number of customers for each category during this period is shown in Table 5-6. The number of customers has increased by 224 percent from 1980 to 2001; whereas the water use during this time period


has increased 141 percent. From 1980 to 2001 there was a 222 percent increase in residential customers, a 306 percent increase in commercial customers, a 165 percent increase in public customers, and a 30 percent decrease in industrial customers.

Table 5-6 Water System Customers

No. of Customers

Year Residential Commercial Public Industrial Resale Total

1980 2,467 191 20 33 0 2, 711

1981 2,727 200 20 36 0 2, 983

1982 2, 833 225 20 31 0 3,109

1983 2,950 250 20 31 0 3,251

1984 3,127 242 22 27 0 3, 418

1985 3,289 286 22 25 0 3,622

1986 3,409 253 23 25 0 3,710

1987 3,569 278 24 25 0 3,896

1988 3, 770 305 26 25 0 4,126

1989 3,986 333 27 25 0 4,371

1990 4,165 365 28 25 0 4,583

1991 4,388 437 31 25 0 4,881

1992 4, 678 466 34 25 2 5,205

1993 5,017 499 37 25 2 5,580

1994 5,436 544 40 25 2 6,047

1995 5,847 588 43 26 2 6,506

1996 6,216 615 46 26 3 6,906

1997 6,554 635 50 25 3 7,267

1998 6,898 669 52 25 3 7,647

1999 7,167 710 53 25 3 7,958

2000 7,473 726 53 25 3 8,280

2001 7,934 775 53 23 3 8,788

The distribution of customers between the City of Oak Creek retail area and the City of Franklin retail area for the past 15 years is presented in Table 5-7. The rate of customer growth in the City of Franklin retail area has been much higher than the rate of growth in the City of Oak Creek retail area. In 1985, the Franklin retail area contained 13. 3 percent of the residential customers, O, 7 percent of the commercial customers, and no public customers. In 2001, the Franklin retail area contained 18.1 percent of the residential customers, 5.0 percent of the commercial customers, and 17.0 percent of the public customers. The Franklin retail area does not include any industrial customers.

The water use and customer data can be used to develop per capita and per service unit consumption values. The unit consumption values are necessary to determine future water requirements for design of supply and storage facilities and to determine flows for design and analysis of transmission and distribution facilities.


Table 5-7 Distribution of Retail Customers

Residential Commercial Public

Year Oak Creek Franklin Oak Creek Franklin Oak Creek Franklin

1985 2851 438 284 2 22 0

1986 2941 468 249 4 23 0

1987 3069 500 275 3 24 0

1988 3243 527 301 4 25 1

1989 3406 580 329 4 25 2

1990 3523 642 354 11 26 2

1991 3616 772 417 20 27 4

1992 3771 907 446 20 30 4

1993 4029 988 476 23 32 5

1994 4368 1068 521 23 34 6

1995 4725 1122 562 26 36 7

1996 5045 1171 589 26 39 7

1997 5328 1226 608 27 41 9

1998 5614 1284 640 29 43 9

1999 5813 1354 678 32 44 9

2000 6,051 1,422 687 39 44 9

2001 6,499 1,435 736 39 44 9

Residential Water Use. Residential water use includes single-family homes and duplexes. The present residential water use is primarily by single-family homes. Residential water use for 1980 through 2001 was analyzed to determine variations in usage and develop unit design values. The residential water use. during this period has increased since 1989 as shown in Table 5-2.

Residential water use per service was determined using the metered residential water use and the number of residential services for the year. The per service water use, as shown in Table 5-8 ranged from a minimum of 195 gpd to a maximum of 255 gpd, and averaged 220 gpd. Residential water use per service remained constant from 1985 to 1999. Residential water use per service has experienced a slight decrease in the last two years.

The per capita residential water use was determined using the estimated water service area population and residential water use. The residential per capita water use ranged from a minimum of 42 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) to a maximum of 53 gpcd, and averaged 48 gpcd.

Residential water use, on an acreage basis, was determined using the land use data from 1990 and 1998 and water use from 1990 and 1998. The total residential land use in 1998 is 3,532 acres. It is estimated that 20 percent of the single­family and duplex units in the City of Oak Creek are not served by the water utility based on the PSC reports and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District (MMSD) housing survey. The total residential land use served by the water utility is estimated to be 2, 826 acres in 1998. On this basis, residential water use in 1998 averaged 440 gallons per acre per day (gpad) . The residential water use averaged 424 gpad in 1990. These values are typical of residential use found in other cities that have low residential housing densities.


Table 5-8 Water Use per Service Connection

Water Use, Gallons Per Service Per Day

Year Residential Commercial Public

1985 235 1,934 3 ,409

1986 207 2,124 3,444

1987 212 2,023 3,459

1988 255 2,189 3,704

1989 220 2,208 2, 948

1990 208 2,113 2,876

1991 227 1,979 2, 820 1992 220 1,842 2,586

1993 211 1,732 2,364

1994 226 1,714 2,275

1995 231 1,731 2, 250

1996 228 1,736 2,174

1997 209 1,622 2,319

1998 222 1,758 2,412

1999 224 1,669 2,403

2000 195 1,630 1,943

2001 204 1,542 1,936

Minimum 195 1, 542 1,936

Average 220 1,856 2,666 Maximum 255 2,208 3,704

Commercial Water Use. Commercial water use includes retail and service type businesses, places of worship, and multi-family housing. The commercial water use for the period of 1980 to 2001 has had a significant increase of 155 percent as shown in Table 5-2.

Commercial water use per service was determined using the metered commercial water use and the number of commercial services for the year. The per service water use, as shown in Table 5-8, ranged from a minimum of 1,542 gpd to a maximum of 2,208 gpd, and averaged 1,856 gpd.

Commercial water use, on an acreage basis, was determined using the 1998 land use data and water use in 1998. The total commercial land use is 961 acres. The commercial land use includes businesses, places of worship, and multi-family development. All of the commercial land use is served by the water utility. On this basis, commercial water use averaged 1,209 gpad in 1998. This water use compares fairly well with a typical range of 1,000 to 2,500 gpad for commercial development found in other cities.

Public Water Use. Public water use includes schools, libraries and other governmental agencies. Public water use per service was developed using metered public water use and the number of services for the year. The per service water use, as shown in Table 5-8, ranged from a minimum of 1,936 gpd to a maximum of 3,704 gpd, and averaged 2,666 gpd.

Public water use on an acreage basis was determined using the 1998 land use data and water use from 1998. The total public land use is 535 acres. All of the public land use is served by the water utility. On this basis, the public water use averaged 205 gpad in 1998. This value is lower than the public water use in other cities.


General Water Use. General water use is the sum of the residential, commercial, and public water uses, which are proportional to population, expressed on a per capita basis. The population of the City of Oak Creek retail water service area was estimated from the number of dwelling units for the year and the population per dwelling unit. This composite value eliminates discrepancies in projecting trends in water use that are related to population that may result from the residential water use associated with multi-family dwelling units being classified as commercial water use and from meter reclassification rather than real changes in use.

The residential portion of the general per capita water use was determined using the City of Oak Creek retail water service area population and residential water use in the City of Oak Creek. The residential portion of the general per capita water use, as shown in Table 5-9, ranged from a minimum of 42 gpcd to a maximum of 53 gpcd, and averaged 48 gpcd.

Table 5-9 Water Use Per Capita

Water Use, Gallons Per Capita Per Day

Year Residential Commercial Public General (a)

1985 48.29 39.64 5 .41 93 .34 1986 42.15 36.66 5 .49 84.29

1987 43 .31 37.10 5.53 85.94 1988 53.07 42.32 5.95 101.34

1989 46.44 44.99 4.57 96.00 1990 43.79 44.76 4 .47 93.02

1991 47.52 47.74 4 .40 99,66

1992 46.50 46.00 4.34 96.84 1993 46.12 44.73 4.10 94. 96

1994 49.11 44.35 3.84 97.30

1995 52.23 46.64 3.88 102.76

1996 52.49 46.57 3.86 102.92

1997 48.75 43 .12 4.16 96.03 1998 52.09 47.12 4.35 103.56

1999 50.85 44.25 4.14 99.24

2000 43.97 43.12 3.66 90.75

2001 47.47 42.42 3.56 93 .45

Minimum 42.15 36.66 3.56 84.29

Average 47.89 43.62 4.45 95.96

Maximum 53.07 47.74 5.95 103.56 (a)General is the sum of residential, commercial, and public water use

The commercial portion of the general per capita water use was determined using the City of Oak Creek retail water service area population and commercial water use in the City of Oak Creek. The commercial portion of the general per capita water use, as shown in Table 5-9, ranged from a minimum of 37 gpcd to a maximum of 48 gpcd, and averaged 44 gpcd.

The public portion of the general per capita water use was determined using the City of Oak Creek retail water service area population and public water use in the City of Oak Creek. The public portion of the general per capita water use, as shown in Table 5-9, ranged from a minimum of 4 gpcd to a maximum of 6 gpcd, and averaged 4.5 gpcd.


General water use, as shown in Table 5-2, has increased 163 percent over the past 22 years. The general water use has ranged from a minimum of 84 gpcd to a maximum of 104 gpcd, and averaged 96 gpcd.

Industrial Water Use. In the past 22 years, industrial "1ater use has ranged from a minimum of 390.7 mg in 1992 to a maximum of 768.2 mg in 1983, and averaged 547.85 mg. Industrial water use has declined significantly through the period because of plant closings and conservation measures taken by industries. The number of industrial customers has declined from 33 customers in 1980 to 23 customers in 2001. Present industrial water use is approximately 72 percent of the average industrial use for the period.

The majority of the industrial water use, as shown in Table 5-10, is by six major water users. The six major users accounted for 92.2 percent of the total industrial water use in 2000. The largest water user in 2000, WEPCO, accounts for 50.9 percent of the total industrial water use. The 17 minor industrial customers accounted for 7.8 percent of the industrial water use in 2000. The minor industrial users had a per service water use of 5,545 gpd.

Table 5-10 Industrial Water Use

Water Use, Millions of Gallons per Year

customer 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

WBPC-0 215. 2 165. 6 166 .3 171.5 181.0 146 .3 143. 6 138. 5 143. 0 168 .6 201.9 202. 6 214 '8 208. 7 225. 8 224. 2

AC/Delco 157.9 164 .0 140. 2 125 .6 106 .1 96. 4 84. 4 74 .1 80.4 78.8 67.5 70. 6 53. 9 51. 8 48.1 55. 7

MMSD-SS 104, l 113. 7 109 .6 84' l 90 .6 94.0 87.4 25,4 40.2 39.8 57.0 51. 9 43 '7 61.5 35' 8 24. 0

PPG Industries 50.7 63. 7 62 .3 68. 7 47 ,2 46.4 42.7 41.5 40.0 38.4 41. 9 43 .5 42. 0 45 .1 39. 2 31. 4

BLBCTRO·TBK 11.0 14.4 18 .8 25. 8 31.0 21 .6 32 .3 33 .5 31.2 32,1 36' 1 37. 2 38.4 35' 1 29. 6 37 .5 Corp.

ABFM, IUC. 20.3 23. 5 25 ,4 22 .5 23 .3 28 ,4 30.5 29.7 37. 8 32.8 25' 9 29.1 33. 6 33. 7 34' 9 33. 2

Minor Indus- 177.6 96. 6 97.2 75.6 71. 7 46.S 47.8 47.7 73, l 49.2 50 '2 59' 0 47. 6 41. 8 36, 1 34.4 trial Users

Total 736' 9 641. 7 620 .0 574 .1 551.0 485. 8 468. 9 390. 7 446 .o 440 .0 480. 9 493. 9 474 .1 477. 7 449. 5 440. 4 Industrial Use

Minor 24 .1 15 .1 15 '7 13.2 13 .0 , • 6 10.2 12. 2 16 .4 11.2 10,4 12,0 , • 7 ••• •. 0 7 .• Industrial Users, '

Industrial water use on an acreage basis was determined using industrial land use separated into two categories; utilities and manufacturing. Industrial utilities land use includes the land use for the MMSD South Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and the Wisconsin Electric Power Company. Industrial manufacturing land use includes all other industrial land use. The industrial utilities land use is approximately 607 acres. The total industrial manufacturing land use is approximately 1,324 acres. All of the industrial land use is served by the water utility. On this basis, industrial utilities water use averaged 1, 220 gpad in 1998, and industrial manufacturing water use averaged 429 gpad in 1998. These water use values are considerably lower than industrial water use in other communities due to the large land use for the two utilities, and the large properties and relatively low water use of the manufacturing facilities.


Accounted-for Water

Total annual water sales for the past 22 years is shown in Table 5-11 with total water production. The column titled "Total Sales" is the sum of the individual customer meter readings obtained from annual PSC reports plus miscellaneous uses. The column titled "Total Production 11 is the amount of water metered at the water utility pump stations as it enters the distribution system. These values were obtained from the PSC reports. The ratio of the two values is the percent of water accounted for. For the period from 1980 to 2001, on the average, the City of Oak Creek accounted for 96 percent of its water. The maximum amount of water accounted for was 98 percent in 1982, while the minimum amount of water accounted for was 89 percent in 1983. A summary of the percent of total production accounted for is presented in Table 5-11.

Table 5-11 Water Use Accounted For 1980 Through 2001

Total Total Total Percent Pumped Water Percent Pumped Water Year Production, mg Sales, mg Unaccounted For Unaccounted For, \ Accounted For, \

1980 1058.238 988.373 69.865 6.60 93.40

1981 1164.579 1129.534 35. 045 3.01 96.99

1982 1118.388 1100.287 18.101 1.62 98 .38

1983 1368.887 1224.242 144.645 10.57 89.43

1984 1239.555 1208.506 31.049 2.50 97.50

1985 1284.695 1248.699 35. 996 2.80 97.20

1986 1171.233 1132.254 38.979 3.33 96.67

1987 1192.181 1140. 952 51.229 4 .30 95.70

1988 1299.567 1236.945 62.622 4-, 82 95.18

1989 1207.359 1170.900 36.459 3.02 96.98

1990 1150.572 1116.161 34.411 2.99 97.01

1991 1210.313 1184.056 26.257 2.17 97.83

1992 1200.779 1150.695 50.084 4 .17 95.83

1993 1338.164 1302. 827 35.337 2.64 97.36

1994 1485.457 1398.816 86. 641 5.83 94.17

1995 1601.208 1530.605 70.603 4 .41 95.59

1996 1981.150 1931.524 49.626 2.50 97.50

1997 2237.688 2092.265 145.423 6.49 93 .51

1998 2445.086 2294.876 150.210 6.14 93.86

1999 2424.149 2297.998 126.151 5.20 94.80

2000 2466.900 2278.991 152.352 6.27 93.73

2001 2523.184 2381.684 150.800 5.98 94.02

Minimum 1058.238 988.373 18.101 1.62 89 .43

Average 1553.151 1479.145 72.813 4.43 95.57

Maximum 2523.184 2381.684 152.352 10.57 98 ,38

The unaccounted-for water represents inaccurate meters, leaks, water to flush mains and other miscellaneous water uses. Whenever the amount of unaccounted-for water exceeds 15 to 20 percent (85 to 80 percent accounted for), the losses are excessive and the situation should be investigated. Acceptable values are 10 to 15 percent. The amount of water unaccounted for is well within the 10 to 15 percent limits.


Rates of Water Use

Planning and design of water supply, storage, and distribution facilities must not only consider annual demands but also short term variations in demand. Seasonal variations may influence the sizing of water treatment units. Daily variations in demand influence the design of water supply facilities, while peak demands often determine the size of distribution mains, pump stations, and storage facilities. In water systems with storage facilities and 6-inch diameter and larger water mains, variations of less than one hour duration are generally not important.

Averaoe Annual Demand. In water supply planning the average annual demand is the basis for referencing all other rates of water use. The average annual demands in the City of Oak Creek over the last 22 years are shown in Table 5-12. The average annual demand has ranged from a minimum of 2,707,871 gpd in 1980 to a maximum of 6,525,162 gpd in 2001, and averaged 4,051,677 gpd.

Table 5-12 Average Annual Demand, 1980 Through 2001

Demand, and

Year Residential Commercial Public Industrial General (a) Resale Tota(b

Sales ) 1980 567,200 469,205 71,907 1,552,249 1,108,312 0 2,707,871 1981 614,353 414 I 422 66,184 1, 963, 523 1,094,959 0 3 I 094 I 614 1982 630,003 383,951 77,381 1,899,225 1,091,334 0 3,014,485 1983 720,164 431,866 76,849 2,104,586 1,228,879 0 3,354,088 1984 704,463 495,159 70, 255 2,026,310 1,269,877 0 3,310,975 1985 762,729 550,134 74,997 2,019,101 1,387,860 0 3,421,093 1986 708,167 530,526 79,205 1,758,310 1,317,899 0 3,102,066 1987 769,052 558,496 83,019 1, 698, 830 1,410,567 0 3,125,896 1988 1,000,288 663,266 92,756 1,573,101 1,756,310 0 3,388,890 1989 869,805 728,274 74,655 1,509,723 1,672,734 0 3,207,945 1990 877,411 752' 600 75' 953 1,331,197 1,705,964 0 3,057,975 1991 1,017,638 843,036 77,690 1,284,660 1,938,364 0 3,243,989 1992 1,051,496 842,677 79,605 1,070,433 1,973,778 88,841 3,152,589 1993 1,070,518 850,164 78,721 1,276,762 1,999,403 333, 852 3,569,389 1994 1,261,156 925,233 81,896 1,205,·748 2,268,285 341,449 3,832,373 1995 1,361,184 999,732 85,490 1,317,729 2,446,406 411, 518 4,193,438 1996 1,451,134 1,055,436 90,170 1,353,164 2,596,740 1,324,471 5,291,847 1997 1,385,622 1,020,879 101, 093 1, 298, 940 2,507,594 1,915,942 5,732,232 1998 1,562,855 1,162,233 109,940 1,308,822 2,835,028 2,121,509 6,287,332 1999 1,606,800 1,171,532 112,225 1,231,389 2,890,557 2,155,551 6,295,885 2000 1,459,880 1,183,363 102,970 1,203,189 2,746,213 2,268,227 6,226,751

2001 1,620,668 1,195,192 102,614 1,080,852 2,918,474 2,516,688 6,525,162

Minimum 567,200 383,951 66 I 184 1,070,433 1,091,334 0 2,707,871

Average 1,048,754 783, 063 84,799 1,503,084 1,916,615 612,639 4,051,677

Maximum 1,620,668 1,195,192 112,225 2,104,586 2,918,474 2,516,688 6,525,162 (a)General use is the sum of residential, commercial, and public water use (b)Total includes unmetered water use. Other columns do not include unmetered water use

From 1980 to 2001 the .rate of water use in residential and commercial classifications has been steadily increasing. Residential and commercial demands have more than doubled in the 22-year period. The rate of water use in the public classification has been slowly increasing and the rate of water use in the industrial classification has been decreasing over the past 16 years. Annual variations in water use are shown in Figure 5-5.


>-;;§ « w a.

"' z g .J

~ u. 0

"' z 0

3 !§

' 7,000,000



4,000,000 -----







Fig. 5-5 Water Use Variations, 1980 Through 2001

Monthly Demand Variations, Seasonal variations in demand were _analyzed by evaluating monthly variations in water use for the period of 1983 through 2001. During this period, the monthly demand ranged from a minimum of 2.834 million gallons per day (mgd) to a maximum of 10.365 mgd, and averaged 4.642 mgd. A summary of the monthly demand variations is presented in Table 5-13. The maximum monthly demands occur in July and the minimum monthly demands occur in December as shown in Figure 5-6.

Table 5-13 Average Monthly Water Pumpage, 1983 Through 2001

Averaae Monthlv Water Pum• aae, rmd Month Minimum Averaqe Maximum

January 3,047,161 4,097,946 6,584,194 February 3,019,536 4,119,699 6,251,724 March 3,118,742 4,179,991 6,827,097 April 3,094,833 4,266,772 6,809,900 May 3,335,710 4,646,411 7,602,226 June 3,530,000 5,351,800 7,748,.000 July 3,622,839 5,662,506 10,364,935 August 3,682,129 5,369,900 8,516,000 September 3,389,233 5,021,768 9,467,633 October 3,267,452 4,559,078 6,986,226 November 3,049,733 4,278,644 6,244,333 December 2 834 581 4 144 645 6 249 032 Minimum 2,834,581 4,097,946 6,244,333 Average 3,249,329 4,641,597 7,470,942 Maximum 3 682 129 5 662 506 10 364 935 .


~ 0:: w .. VJ z

~ <( (!)

z § :;; u.i !:'.l

m ;:

12,000,000 ,--------------------------------------.,


8,000,000 -






,,. .,, MONTH


Fig. 5-6 Average Monthly Water Use


Monthly variations in water production shown as a percent of annual produc.tion for the period from 1983 to 2001 are presented in Table 5-14 and shown in Figure 5-7. Significant seasonal fluctuations in average monthly water use are evident. These fluctuations range from a low of 73 percent of the annual rate in January and February to 151 percent of the annual rate in July. The higher summer demands are a result of seasonal commercial and industrial activity and increased residential uses such as lawn irrigation and car washing. The relatively high variation in water demands results from the decreasing fraction of industrial water use, which to a large degree, is constant throughout the year. It appears that seasonal variations in water demands will have a significant impact on water supply planning for Oak Creek.

Annual Daily Demand Variations. Daily water use varies throughout the year in the semi-regular pattern. The semi-regular pattern is established by the seasonal variations in the domestic, commercial, and industrial activity of a community.

The daily demand variations in the Oak Creek Water System were characterized by analyzing water production records for 1988, 1995, and 1996. The three years were selected by reviewing the variations in monthly water production. The water production records for 1988 and 1996 represent the years with the highest variations in production. The water production records for 1995 represent a year with average variations in production. A summary of daily demand variations in 1988, 1995, and 1996 are included in Appendix "F".


Table 5-14 Monthly Variations in Water Production, 1983 through 2001

Percent of Annual Production

Year January February March April May June July August September October November December

1983 BB 74 BB BS 93 106 llS 123 117 121 110 BO 1984 94 B9 97 94 100 103 110 129 104 106 90 BS 1995 94 B9 9S BB 107 llB 119 109 lOS 9B 87 90 1986 9S BB 101 97 107 105 113 112 100 99 92 92 198? 94 BB 97 99 106 119 113 109 96 99 94 B6 1988 B4 BO B7 B3 104 13B 144 120 96 92 BS BB 1989 92 B2 96 94 lOS 115 122 110 99 101 90 93 1990 97 BB 9B 96 106 lOB 110 111 99 100 94 92 1991 91 B2 90 91 103 131 120 125 100 9B 84 BS 1992 B7 B3 B9 B6 114 125 104 107 103 107 9S 101 1993 90 B2 91 96 102 110 114 126 103 100 94 94 1994 87 BO 91 B6 105 129 116 110 106 103 92 9S 1995 89 B7 90 90 97 126 127 114 104 9B 90 BB 1996 73 73 Bl 74 77 111 129 144 134 107 99 9B 199? 90 Bl B7 93 99 llB 121 113 104 105 94 95 199B B6 76 B7 91 103 109 lSl 123 107 94 BS B9 1999 92 Bl B9 95 101 97 122 123 132 101 81 B6 2000 90 B9 104 95 102 106 120 113 102 B4 92 96 2001 97 B3 B9 92 112 110 145 106 95 97 B7 BB Min 73 73 Bl 74 77 97 104 106 95 B4 Bl 80 Ave 90 B3 92 91 102 llS 122 117 106 101 91 91

Max 97 89 104 99 114 138 151 144 134 121 110 101



.. "' ::t c c < 120 & I!

~ 100

0 -c 60 " I:?

if ,; 60 c ., E .3 "'


0 Janual)' February Mum M'Y JUIHI Jufy


-e-Minlmum -+-Average -m-Maxlmum

Fig. 5-7 Monthly Variations in Water Use as a Percent of Annual Production


The analysis indicates water use in 1988 was relatively constant from January through April except for some short term peaks which appear to result from changes in industrial demands. Water use begins to increase in May and peaks in June, July, and August. Water use decreases in September and remains relatively constant for the remainder of the year.

Water use variations in 1995 showed a pattern similar to 1988 but with smaller variations. Water use begins to increase in May and peaks in June, July, August, and September.

Water Use variations in 1996 show a pattern different than 1988 and 1995 with significantly higher variations throughout the year. The water use from January through May is significantly less than the water use from October through December. The change in average water use in the beginning of the year and the end of the year resulted from the addition of the City of Franklin as a wholesale customer on June 3, 1996. The addition of the City of Franklin as a customer in the middle of the year created apparent variability due to the timing of the change that would not reflect future trends.

The apparent variability in 1996 was eliminated by adding the average daily production of the Franklin Water System with the average daily production of the Oak Creek Water System. Water use variations for the combined production show a pattern similar to 1988 and 1995.

Weekly Demand Variations. Variations in water use occur throughout the day and throughout the week. The variations in demand typically follow a semi­regular pattern that is established by the domestic routines and commercial and industrial activity of a community.

The Oak Creek weekly and daily demand variations were characterized by analyzing water production records for July 12 through July 18 of 1998. Of particular interest during July was a period when the maximum daily demand in 1998 occurred. The weekly variations for the total system and for the Oak Creek portion of the system are shown in Figure 5-8. The total system includes the City of Franklin. The Oak Creek portion does not include the City of Franklin, but does include the Crestview Sanitary District and the Caddy Vista Sanitary District.

The variations throughout the day, as shown in Figure 5-8, have a relatively uniform pattern. The minimum demand occurs between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. and then there is a slow increase in demand until 5:00 a.m. The demand increases rapidly from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. then increases slowly or stays constant until 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. At 4:00 or 5:00 p.m., the demand increases rapidly until 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. when the peak hourly demand occurs. The demand begins to decrease rapidly after 9:00 p.m. until it reaches the minimum demand for the day between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m.

Maximum Daily Demand. Maximum daily demand varies with extremes of climate and number and type of customers. In Oak Creek, the maximum daily demand occurs, as shown in Table 5-15, in the summer of the year, most commonly in the months of June and July which are typically the months of maximum demand. The demands are primarily the result of lawn sprinkling and other dry weather uses.


Flow, MGD - - N N c,,.) Cl c.n Cl c.n Cl c.n Cl





















11:00 -I 0 14:00 r+ ID

(f) 17:00 '<

CJ) 20:00 r+ co 3 23:00 0 co 2:00 3 ID 5:00 ~ 0. ::!

3 8:00 ~Cl> 11:00 :c 0 14:00 c:

0 tii 17:00 ID 7' (") 20:00 ...., co 23:00 co 7'

0 2:00 <D 3 ID

5:00 ~ 8:00 a.

11 :00



20:00 .,, c0· 23:00 'f co 2:00 I 0 5 :00 c: ..... -< 8:00 < Ill =:!. 11:00 Ill -c» 14:00 :::l (JJ

:::l 17:00 :2: !ll - 20:00 CD ..... c 23:00 (/) CD

2:00 ,,......_ '-c: 5:00 -< -->. I\.) 8:00 -->. (0 11:00 <D co

I 14:00 '-c: -< 17:00 -->.

co -->. 20:00 (0 (0 23:00 co .._.,

Table 5-15 Maximum Daily and Maximum Monthly Production

Maximum Dail Pumoaae Maximum Month Pumnaqe Year ~a Date ~a Month 1983 5,552,000 September 2 4,509,323 August

1984 5,368,000 August 2 4,300,645 August

1985 5,250,000 July 23 4,097,581 July 1986 4,430,000 June 6 3,717,258 July 1987 5,527,000 June 16 4,211,800 June 1988 6,780,000 July 14 5,395,258 July 1989 6,162,000 July 6 4,362,903 July

1990 4,465,000 August 16 3,791,452 August

1991 5,821,000 June 28 4,738,733 June

1992 6,256,000 June 12 4,517,067 June

1993 5,974,000 August 24 4,885,710 August 1994 8,039,000 June 17 5,659,000 June 1995 8,492,000 July 14 5,879,323 July 1996 9,613,000 July 1 8,149,419 August 1997 9,899,000 July 31 7,701,100 June

1998 13 I 397 / QQQ July 15 10,364,935 July

1999 12,578,000 September 4 9,162,226 September

2000 11,099,000 July 24 7,846,161 July

2001 14,910,000 July 9 9,864,129 July

The Oak Creek maximum daily demands· for 1980 through 2001, as shown in Table 5-16, have ranged from 4.034 mgd in 1982 to 14.910 mgd in 2001. The ratio of maximum day demand to average day demand during this period ranged from a minimum of 1.32 to 1.0 in 1982 to a maximum of 2.15 to l.O in 2001 as shown in Table 5-16. In a water system such as Oak Creeks, the maximum daily variations would be expected to decrease as the size of the system increased. In Oak Creek, the increasing residential demand and the decreasing industrial demand which is relatively uniform, is resulting in high variations.

Peak Hourly Demand. If the distribution system is to provide adequate water service under all conditions, the feeder and distribution pipelines must be designed for peak hourly rates on the maximum day. For the purpose of this study, it has been assumed that hourly variations for the system as a whole represent a valid basis for planning any portion of the system.

Records of the Oak Creek water system and Franklin Water System from July 12-18, 1998 were analyzed to determine the total system peak hourly demands. The variations in peak hourly demand for the week are shown in Table 5-17. In this month the maximum hourly demand of 24.10 mgd occurred at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14.

The ratio of peak hourly demand to average daily demand ranged from 1.28 to l. 75 and averaged l. 55. The maximum ratio of l. 75 occurred on July 14th, the day of maximum demand for the year. The ratio of peak hourly demand to average annual demand ranged from 2. 22 to 3. 59, and averaged 2. 85. The maximum ratio of 3.59 occurred on July 14th, when the peak hourly demand and the maximum daily average demand occurred for the year.


Table 5-16 Average Annual and Maximum Daily Production

Average Annual Maximum Daily Year Pumpage, mgd Pumpage, mgd Ratio(a)

1980 2.799 5.200 1.86

1981 3.099 5.092 1.64

1982 3.064 4.034 1.32

1983 3.750 5.552 1.48

1984 3.396 5.368 1.58

1985 3.520 5.250 1.49

1986 3.209 4.430 1.38

1987 3.266 5.527 1.69

1988 3.560 6.780 1.90

1989 3 ,308 6.162 1.86

1990 3 .152 4.465 1.42

1991 3 .316 5.821 1.76

1992 3.290 6.256 1.90

1993 3.666 5.974 1.63

1994 4.070 8.039 1.98

1995 4 .420 8.492 1.92

1996 5.447 9.613 1.76 1997 6.131 9.899 1.61

1998 6.699 13.397 1.99

1999 6.642 12.578 1.89

2000 6.643 11.099 1.67

2001 6.938 14.910 2.15

Minimum 2.799 4.034 1.32

Average 4.245 7.452 1.72 Maximum 6.938 14.910 2.15

(a)Ratio o maximum daily pumpage to average annual pumpage

Table 5-17 Variations in Total System Peak Hourly Demand(a)

Demand, mgd Ratio, Peak Hour to

Date Day Daily Average Peak Hour Daily Average Annual Average(b)

7/12/98 Sunday 12.17 19.99 1.64 2.98 7/13/98 Monday 13.34 22.76 1. 71 3.39

7/14/98 Tuesday 13. 80 24.10 1. 75 3.59

7/15/98 Wednesday 11.83 16.84 1.42 2 .51

7/16/98 Thursday 10.99 17.25 1.57 2.57

7/17/98 Friday 11.63 14.94 1.28 2.22

7/18/98 Saturday 12.29 18.04 1.47 2.68

Minimum 10.99 14.94 1.28 2.22

Average 12.29 19.13 1.55 2. 85 Maximum 13.80 24.10 1.75 3.59

(a) Includes Franklin storage and well production (b)The annual average production including City of Franklin well production was 6.715 mgd

The City of Franklin demand was subtracted from the total system demand for the week of July 12-18, 1998 to obtain peak hourly demand variations in the City of Oak Creek. The variations in peak hourly demand for the City of Oak Creek are presented in Table 5-18. The maximum hourly demand of 14. 43 mgd occurred at 8: 00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14th.


Table 5-18 Variations in Oak Creek Peak Hourly Demand(a)

Demand, mgd

Date Day Daily Average Peak Hour

7/12/98 Sunday 7.39 11.76

7/13/98 Monday 8.54 13.55

7/14/98 Tuesday 8.92 14.43

7/15/98 Wednesday 7.64 12.27 7/16/98 Thursday 6.67 11.66

7 /17 /98 Friday 7.05 8.93

7/18/98 Saturday 7.34 10.82

Minimum 6.67 8.93 Average 7,65 11.92

Maximum 8.92 14.43 {a)Does not include Oak Creek retail sales to Franklin (b)Average annual production was 4.676 mgd

Ratio, Peak Hour to

Daily Average Annual Average(b)

1.59 2.52

1.59 2.90

1.62 3.09

1.61 2.62 1.75 2.49

1.27 1.91

1.47 2.31

1.27 1.91

1.56 2.55

1. 75 3.09

The ratio of peak hourly demand to average daily demand ranged from 1.27 to 1.75, and averaged 1.56. The maximum ratio occurred on July 14th, the day of maximum demand for the year. The ratio of peak hourly demand to average annual demand ranged from 1.91 to 3.09, and averaged 2.55. The maximum ratio of 3.09 occurred on July 14th when the peak hourly demand and the maximum daily average demand occurred for the year.

Storage Requirements

In water systems, storage facilities can be designed to: provide equalizing storage to meet seasonal demands; provide equalizing storage to meet peak hourly demands; provide fire storage to meet fire flow requirements; provide operating storage for control of pumps; and provide emergency storage for system failures. Of the five uses, the amount of equalizing storage for seasonal demands and the amount of equalizing storage for peak hourly demands depend on water use characteristics and are discussed in this section. The other three uses are related to non-water use criteria that will be discussed in later chapters.

Equalizing Storage for Seasonal Demands. Water supply facilities are normally sized to meet the maximum daily demand of the system. Demands in excess of the maximum daily demand would be met by the use of equalizing storage in the water distribution system. Water supply facilities could be sized to meet lower demands if adequate storage was available. Demands in excess of the capacity of the water supply facilities would be met from storage while production in excess of demand would be used to replenish storage.

In most cases, it is not practical to construct storage facilities for treated drinking water with a capacity that would allow the size of the water supply facilities to be reduced. Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), however; is the exception that provides a practical means of storing large quantities of treated drinking water that would allow the size of the water supply facilities to be reduced. The amount of ASR storage depends on the daily demand variations in a water system and the relationship of the water supply facilities and the average annual demand of the water system.


The rate at which water is used varies throughout the year. If the water supply facilities had a capacity equal to the average annual demand, the demands greater than the average annual demand would be equal to the required ASR storage volume, and the demands below the average annual demand would be equal to the excess capacity of the water supply facilities available for storage.

When the capacity of the water supply facilities is equal to the average annual demand, the amount of excess capacity available for storage is equal to the amount of storage required to meet demands in excess of the capacity of the water supply facilities. As the capacity of the water supply facilities increases in relationship to the average annual demand, the amount of ASR storage available increases and the amount of ASR storage required decreases. When the capacity of the water supply facilities equals or exceed the maximum daily demand, no ASR storage is required.

The relationship between the capacity of the water supply facilities, the available storage, and the required storage for the Oak Creek Water System was determined by analyzing the daily demand variations in 1988, 1995, and 1996. The results of the determination are shown in Figure 5- 9. The calculations are summarized in Appendix "F". The capacity of the water supply facilities ·is expressed as a percent of the maximum daily demand and the required ASR storage volume is expressed as a percent of the annual water use.



5 _§


~~ !§ _, I;;~ ~ <( 6

~~ :::>g ~ l5

i 4





60 70 80


90 100

Fig. 5-9 Analyzed ·Daily· ·Demand variations for 1988, 1995, and 1996


The most critical relationship occurred in 1996. The relationship from 1988, however, was very similar. It appears that the relationship from 1996 is representative of past critical conditions and can be used to project future requirements. The amount of ASR storage can be estimated by determining the relationship of the water supply facilities as a percent of the projected maximum daily demand. The evaluation indicates the capacity of the water supply facilities should be equal to at least 65 percent of the anticipated maximum daily demand. If the capacity of the water supply facilities is less than 65 percent, the available storage is too close to the required storage to provide an acceptable margin of safety to allow flexibility in operating the water supply facilities.

Equalizing Storage for Peak Hourly Demands. The rate at which water is used, as shown in Figure 5-10, varies throughout the day. The shaded area between the system demand curve and the 100 percent value of Figure 5-10 is termed the equalizing storage. The shaded area represents the quantity of distribution storage which would normally be required to meet varying hourly demands if supply to the system were at a constant rate equivalent to the average daily consumption on the maximum day. The volume is dependent on certain characteristics of the system, including size and type of customers, but for most communities it ranges between 15 and 30 percent. In Oak Creek, equalizing storage requirements were determined by analyzing variations in demand for seven peak days in July of 1998.

Biuaftzlng Storage Voluim Biuab 20% of Dall{ Use

140 ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i-j·,~1~1*1~1*1~1*1*1*i*1~1~w·~~~~~-1 ~ 120+-~~~~~~~~~~~+.;:,;:*6;:+:.;;~***7.m--ii;«-:m«-:m;:+:.;;;:+:.;;w,.;:.:«-:mm--~~~~

.t :11:1:1:::t:1:::1111tti::::::11:1:::1::1::::l!!I!!I:I!l!Ii:::::.. ~ ~ 'li

100 ~-~~~~~~~~~~./iifi.';;t;;;.';;t;;;.';;f;;;.';;:;;.';;:;;.~ ................. 'i.ii.ii.i~ ........... .:i.-~~--l

j 80-1-~~~~~~~~~~-1---'..+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--T~~-; i 60

$. $. ~ ~ 0 0 0 $. 8 0 0 $. 0 8 ~

0 0 8 8 ~ § 0 0 0 0

~ M 9. ~ 9. 9. ~ 9. 9. 9. ~ 9. 0 ~ "' ... '° :: ~ N i<i ~ t: '° 1" !:! 0

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N

Time, Hours

Fig. 5-10 Equalizing Storage Requirements


The volume of equalizing storage for the Oak Creek water system ranged from 0.64 mg on Friday, July 17, 1998 to 1.15 mg on Sunday, July 12, 1998 as presented in Table 5-19. On the day of maximum daily demand, Tuesday, July 14, 1998, the amount of equalizing storage was 1.11 mg. In terms of percent of average daily demand, equalizing storage has ranged from 9.02 percent to 15.56 percent and averaged 12.40 percent.

Table 5-19 Variations in Oak Creek Equalizing Storage

Equalizing Storage

Daily Average volume, Percent of Date Day Demand, mgd mg Daily Average

7/12/98 Sunday 7 .39 1.15 15.56

7/13/98 Monday 8.54 1.10 12. 78

7 /14/98 Tuesday 8.92 1.11 12.43

7/15/98 Wednesday 7.64 0.83 10.88

7/16/98 Thursday 6,67 0.75 11.18

7/17/98 Friday 7.05 0.64 9.02

7/18/98 Saturday 7.34 1.10 14. 94

Minimum 6.67 0.64 9.02

Average 7.65 0.95 12.40

Maximum 8.92 1.15 15.56

The equalizing storage requirements for the total system, including the City of Franklin water system, for July 12-18, 1998 are presented in Table 5-20.

Table 5-20 Variations in Total System Equalizing Storage

Equalizing Storage

Daily Average Volume, Percent of Date Day Demand, mgd mg Daily Average

7 /12/98 Sunday 12.17 2.25 18.50

7/13/98 Monday 13 .34 1.86 13.92

7/14/98 Tuesday 13.80 1.90 13.79

7/15/98 Wednesday 11.83 1.25 10.56

7/16/98 Thursday 10.99 1.43 12.99

7/17/98 Friday 11.63 1.33 11.44

7/18/98 Saturday 12.29 2.14 17.42

Minimum 10.99 1.25 10,56

Average 12.29 1.74 14.09

Maximum 13.80 2.25 18.50

During this period the volume of equalizing storage for the total system ranged from 1.25 mg on Wednesday, July 15, 1998 to 2.25 mg on Sunday, July 12, 1998. On the day of maximum daily demand, Tuesday, July 14, 1998, the amount of equalizing storage was 1.90 mg. In terms of percent of average daily demand, equalizing storage has ranged from 10.56 percent to 18.50 percent and averaged 14.09 percent. Equalizing storage of 20 percent of maximum day demand appears appropriate in planning storage facility improvements for the water system.



Water consumption data for the City of Oak Creek provides the basis for estimates of future water needs within the study area. From this data, design factors were developed which may be applied to population and land use to obtain the estimated average and maximum rates of water use at any future time in any portion of the study area.

Basic Design Factors

Design factors developed from an analysis of the city's water use are discussed in the following sections. Factors for residential, commercial, and public water use are summarized in Table 5-21. A composite value, referred to as general use, was used for residential, commercial, and public use to eliminate discrepancies in projecting trends that may result from the residential water use associated with multi-family dwelling units being classified as commercial water use and from meter classification rather than real changes in use. Factors for industrial use, which are not directly related to population, are considered separately. In some instances these factors have been modified from those presently existing to account for expected trends. Each factor is discussed in the following sections.

Table 5-21 Design Factors for General Water Use

Water Use

Residential Commercial Public Total General Use

Value, gpcd





Residential Water Use. The principal factors influencing water use in residential areas include density of dwelling units, economic levels of the consumers, and water rates Charged. As the population density increases, residential water use tends to decrease due to a decrease in irrigation and a shift of water using services such as laundering and car washing to commercial areas. As the economic level of the customers increase the water use increases due to an increase in water consuming appliances. Increasing water rates or sewage rates appears to have little influence on basic household uses but have a quite significant influence on irrigation and other outdoor uses. This normally appears as a lower peak rate of use rather than a noticeable drop in overall use.

Considering all of the previous factors and the apparent relatively constant residential water use noted over the past 10 years, it is unlikely that there will be a substantial increase in per capita use in the future. Values of 53 gpcd and 440 gpad, therefore, appear to be a reasonable values for residential water use.


Commercial Water Use. Values of 47 gpcd and 1,209 gpad appear to be appropriate unit consumption values for predicting future commercial water requirements. These values represent an increase in past use to account for shifting uses from residential to commercial due to multi-family residential development.

Public Water Use. Values of 5 gpcd and 205 gpad were selected unit consumption rates for predicting future public water use. represent a small increase over existing use.

as appropriate These values

Industrial Water Use. Increases and decreases in industrial water use are related to economic factors and not population growth. With a relatively small number of industrial users, changes at one industry can have a significant impact on water use. Using past trends in industrial water to project future trends in industrial water use appears to be the most reasonable method.

Industrial water use in Oak Creek has decreased significantly over the past 22 years but has remained relatively stable over the past 10 years. Future industrial water use is projected to remain at current levels in the future. A value of 1.30 mgd will be used for future industrial water use. A value of 429 gpad was selected as appropriate for projecting demands in the water distribution system for dry type industrial development.

It has been estimated that any new industrial development will be a dry type industry requiring small volumes of water. If an industry that uses large volumes of water develops, the water system should be re-evaluated.

Wholesale Water Use. Individual studies prepared for each wholesale customer were used, where available, to project future water use. Future water use for the City of Franklin was estimated to follow the projections made in the Water System Study dated May 2000. (15) Future water use for the Crestview Sanitary District was estimated to follow the projections made in the Crestview Sanitary District Water Supply Study dated August 1991. (16) Future water use for the North Park Sanitary District was estimated to follow the projections made in the North Park Sanitary District Water Supply Study dated March 1993. (17) Future water use in the Caddy Vista Sanitary District was estimated to follow the projected water use trends of the Crestview and North Park Sanitary Districts.

Water use projects for the wholesale customers are summarized in Table 5-22 for the years 2010 and 2020. The annual projected demand for a wholesale customer is considered metered water use for the Oak Creek water system.

Table 5-22 Water Use Projections for Wholesale Customers

Annual Water Use, mgd

Customer Year 2010 Year 2020

City of Franklin 3.44 4.70 Crestview Sanitary District 0.55 0.70

North Park Sanitary District(a) 0,43 0.60

Caddy Vista Sanitary District 0.08 0.10

Total 4.50 6.10 (a)North Park Sanitary District is a wholesale customer of the Crestview

Sanitary District


Rates of Water Use. Future demand rate variations are expected to remain similar to those past demand rates outlined in this chapter. The values for design purposes are presented in Table 5-23. Equalizing storage volume, which is a function of demand rate variations on the maximum day, and supply system capacity can be determined for any particular alternative.

Table 5-23 Design Demand Rates

Demand Rate, Percent of Average Annual Demand

Minimum Monthly Demand

Maximum Monthly Demand Maximum Daily Demand Peak Hourly Demand

Value, percent





Water Accountability. The amount of raw water that must be treated by the water treatment plant depends on the water treatment process, the age of the water system, and the accuracy of the water metering system. The relationship of the various factors for Oak Creek are shown in Figure 5-11.




~ ~


V" '"""-








Fig. 5-11 Water Accountability Relationships

Individual metered water use for each customer class is the basic factor used to develop future water use projections. In Oak Creek metered water use is typically 97.8 percent of total sales and miscellaneous uses are 2.2 percent of total sales. Total sales are typically 96.0 percent of total production. The difference between total sales and total production is referred to as unaccounted for water. Total production is typically 93.3 percent of the raw water pumpage. For design purposes metered water use will be estimated to be 98 percent of total sales, total sales will be estimated to be 95 percent of total production, and total production will be estimated to be 90 percent of raw water pumpage. On the average it takes 1.2 gallons of raw water production to provide 1.0 gallon of metered water use for the customer.


Projected Water Requirements

Logical planning of a water supply system requires a projection of future water requirements. Future water requirements are defined by population and land use from Chapter 3 and water use values and demand factors from this chapter.

Future water requirements for evaluating the water supply and distribution facilities in Oak Creek were developed using the population estimates based on the Comprehensive Plan. (14) The population estimates are based on a medium growth rate. Values were developed for the years 2010 and 2020 so staging alternatives could be evaluated.

The residential, commercial, and public water uses, which are proportional to population, were grouped together; and wholesale and industrial water use were considered separately as presented in Table 5-24. It was assumed that residential, commercial, and public water use would increase in proportion to population and that per capita general water use would be 105 gpcd.

Table 5-24 Water Use Projections using Comprehensive Plan Population Estimates(a)

Average Annual Water Use, mgd



General Metered Use(b)

Industrial Metered Use

Wholesale Metered Use

Total Metered Use(c)

Total Sales {d)

Total Production(e)

Year 2010

33' 100







Raw water Pumpage 11. 08

(a)Based on medium growth rate assumption(l4) (b)Based on a per capita value of 105 gpcd (c)Estimated to be 98 percent of total sales (d)Estimated to be 95 percent of total production (e)Estimated to be 90 percent of raw water pumpage

Year 2020


4 .20







Water use projections using the Comprehensive Plan population estimates are summarized in Table 5-24. Projected demands in the water distribution system using the Comprehensive Plan population estimates are summarized in Table 5-25. The projected demands in the water distribution facility would be used for the sizing and design of water distribution and storage facilities. Projected raw water pumping requirements are summarized in Table 5-26. The raw water pumping requirements would be used for the sizing and design of water treatment facilities.

The projected average annual and maximum daily demands are shown graphically in Figure 5-12 with actual water demands from 1980 to 2001. A straight line extends from just right of the historical data and extends through the projected values for average annual and maximum daily demands. This line represents the maximum limit the value should reach at the year indicated. If the value for a particular parameter were plotted, most values would be below the line, some should be close to or on the line, but none would be above the line.



1980 \ 1981









)> 1990 < CD 1991 ..., !l)

c.c 1992 (I>

)> 1993 :::l


~ I 1994

~ I 1995

1996 !l)

a I 1997

1998 I

s: 1999 !l) x 2000 _, ~r c 2001 3 0 2002 !l) '< 2003 0

~ I 2004

~ I 2005


1.1 -< 2007 di

~ 2008 CD ('") -(I> 2009 a. )> <


CD 2011 )>

2012 :::l :::l c 2013 !l)

0 2014 (I>

3 2015 !l) :::l a. 2016

I 2017 -

-u 2018 ..., .2. I CD 2019

('") -(I> 2020 a. -

s: 2021 , ~ 2022 0 !l)

-<" 2023

0 2024 11

~ <O" 2025 (Jl

I 2026 --" I\.)

0 2027 (!)

3 2028 Q) ::J Q.

2029 ""O ., ..Q_ 2030 (!) () ...... ()" 2031 ::J

O' 2032 ., :;E

2033 Q)

m ., 2034 (/)


< 2035 5 · (!)

)> ., (!) Q)

Water Use, mgd --" --"

01 0 01

~ / \

\ ~-/\ \ \

I / \ , ~

\ """ i'-.. / v

J ~ \ ~ I \

\ \

/ \ --......._ I

r\ .......__ \

\ ~

' I / \ I I \ \ _\

/ \ / .

\ --------\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '

I ,, I \ \ \ \ \

I \ \ \ \ I \ ' \ \ \

I I \ I I \ I \ I \

\ \

\ \ \

I I I \ I

I\.) 0


\ \ I


\ I

\ '

\ \ I-

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \






I\.) (Jl

\ \




\ \ \ \ \ \ \

w 0









' I

\ \ \




w (Jl


Table 5-25 Projected Rates of Water Use Using Comprehensive Plan Population Estimates


Average Annual Demand Maximum Monthly Demand(a)

Maximum Daily Demand(b)

Rates of Water Use, mgd

Year 2010




Year 2020

Peak Hourly Demand(c) 35.89




44.86 (a)Estimated to be 150 percent of average annual demand (b)Estimated to be 200 percent of average annual demand (c)Estimated to be 360 percent of average annual demand

Table 5-26 Projected Raw Water Pumpage Requirements Using Comprehensive Plan Population Estimates


Average Annual Demand Maximum Monthly Demand(a) Maximum Daily Demand(b)

(a)Estimated to be 150 percent (b)Estimated to be 200 percent

Raw Water Pumpage, mgd

Year 2010




Year 2020



27.70 of average annual raw water pumpage of average annual raw water pumpage

The projected distribution of demand between the upper pressure zone is a critical criteria for design of the water distribution system. It is estimated that 100 percent of the demand from the City of Franklin and 15 percent of the demand from the City of Oak Creek will be in the upper pressure zone of the water distribution system in 2020.






The scope of this study involves the understanding and application of the regulatory requirements set forth in the Wisconsin Administrative Code. The regulatory requirements involved in this study include Chapter NR140, Groundwater Quality; Chapter NR809, Safe Drinking Water; Chapter NR811, Requirements for the Operation and Design of Community Water Systems; and Chapter NR812, Well Construction and Pump Installation. The requirements in Chapters NR140, NR809, NR811, and NR812 are regulated and administered by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) .


Potable water must be provided to the public at a level of quality that will protect the health and well-being of the community. Maintenance of a high living standard is accompanied by public demand for water of the highest quality. Public health and safety are by no means the only criteria in good water supply management. To be acceptable for public use, water must also be of aesthetic quality. Domestic water is normally appraised by the public from the standpoint of five quality factors: taste and odor, appearance, temperature, chemical characteristics, and safety.

Present Requirements

Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has the responsibility of establishing regulations defining the safe drinking water quality for public water systems, and of assuring that all public water systems provide water meeting this definition. States that adopt regulations at least as stringent as those established by the USEPA, and adopt appropriate administrative and enforcement procedures can assume primary enforcement responsibility, or 11 primacy 11 for administration of the program.

The State of Wisconsin has adopted such administrative and enforcement procedures and has been granted authority to assume "primacy" for the program. These procedures are set forth in Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 809, Safe Drinking Water, and are administered by the WDNR.

The water quality standards have been established in terms of primary standards and secondary standards. The primary standards set maximum contaminant levels to protect the public from toxic effects. The secondary standards are for substances that may be a nuisance to consumers at high concentration. These substances adversely affect the aesthetic quality of the drinking water, but health implications do not arise unless the concentrations substantially exceed the recommended value.

Phvsical Characteristics. The Safe Drinking Water Act states that the drinking water standard may apply to any contaminant that may adversely affect the odor or appearance of such water and consequently may cause a substantial number of people to discontinue use of the water from the public system. These subjective criteria are based on a maximum monthly average for turbidity of 0.5


nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), a color limit of 15 standard units, and a maximum value of 3 for threshold odor. Under the present regulations, only the turbidity level, a primary drinking water standard, can be rigidly enforced; however, the demand of consumers for the highest practical standards of physical water quality also requires that color and odor limits be properly controlled.

Public water systems serving at least 10,000 people that use conventional or direct filtration for surface water treatment are required to continuously monitor the turbidity for each filter. Beginning January 1, 2002, all systems providing filtered water using conventional and direct filtration shall be required to have maximum monthly average turbidity of 0.3 NTU's in at least 95 percent of the measurements. The turbidity level of representative samples of the systems filtered water may not exceed 1.0 NTU at anytime.

Chemical Characteristics. The primary standards limit the maximum permissible concentrations for toxic substances, while the secondary standards list the desirable upper limits for substances in which the effect is primarily aesthetic, and the physical effect, if any, is marginal. Toxic substances such as pesticides, arsenic, lead, copper, and mercury are included in the primary drinking water standards. The primary drinking water standards for inorganic contaminants, synthetic organic contaminants, and volatile organic compounds are presented in Tables 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3.

Table 6-1 Primary Drinking Water Standards for Inorganic Contaminants

Antimony Arsenic


Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Copper


cyanide (as free cyanide) Fluoride Lead Mercury Nickel Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Nitrite (as Nitrogen) Selenium Sulfate Thallium Total Nitrate+Nitrite (as N)

(a)Longer than 10 micrometers (b)90th percentile action level

Maximum Contaminant Level (mg/l)

0.006 0.05

? million fibers/liter(a) 2,0

0.004 o.oos 0.1

1.3 (b)




0.002 0.1




0.002 10

Maximum Conta~inf:nt Goals mg 1) Level


? million fibers/liter{a) 2.0

0.004 0.005 0.1

1.3 (b)




0.002 0.1


1. 0

0.05 500

0.0005 10

Lead and copper have special requirements for regulation. An action level rather than a fixed maximum contaminant level (MCL) has been established for these two substances. The action level is the 90th percentile of the results measured in the water distribution system.


Table 6-2 Primary Drinking Water Standards for Synthetic Organic Contaminants




Atrazine (a)












Endrin Epichlorohydrin

Ethylene Dibromide


Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Hexachlorobenzene





Picloram Polychlorinated biphenyls (PBC's)


Simazine Toxaphene


Maximum Cqntaminant Level (mg/l)
































Maximum C9ntaminant Level Goals (mg/lJ
































2,4,5-TP 0.05 0.05

(a)Atrazine total chlorinated residue includes atrazine and its metabolites, dimiroatrizine, diethylatrazine, and deisopropylatrazine

(b)Treatment technology

The 90th percentile lead level has been set at 0.015 milligrams per liter (mg/l) and the 90th percentile copper level has been set at 1.3 mg/l. The lead action level is exceeded if the concentration of lead in more than 10 percent of tap water samples collected during any monitoring period is greater than 0.015 mg/l. The copper action level is ex.ceeded if the concentration of copper in more than 10 percent of tap water samples collected during any monitoring period is greater than 1.3 mg/l. If the lead or copper levels are exceeded, the Utility must notify the public of the levels, conduct a corrosion control optimization study, and institute a corrosion control program.

The secondary standards list the desirable upper limits for substances in which the effect is primarily aesthetic, and the physical effect, if any, is marginal. Recommended limits for chloride, hydrogen sulfide, iron, manganese, sulfate, and total dissolved solids are included in the secondary standards. The secondary drinking water standards are presented in Table 6-4. In the absence


of more suitable alternative supplies, public acceptance of waters having a total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration greater than the recommended limit of 500 mg/l is widespread. Where feasible, the TDS of water supplies should be maintained within the recommended limit.

Table 6-3 Primary Drinking Water Standards for Volatile Organic Compounds


Benzene Vinyl Chloride

Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichloroethane

Trichloroethylene 1,1-Dichloroethylene

1 1 1,1-Trichloroethane

Para-Dichlorobenzene Cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene


Dichloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane



O-Dichlorobenzene Styrene


Toluene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene

1,1,2-Trichloroethane Xylenes (total)

Maximum Contaooinant Level (mg/l)

0.005 0.0002 0,005

0.005 0.005


0. 20















Maximum ContaininAnt Level Goals {mg/lJ



0.0003 0.0004

0.003 0.007


0.075 0.07



0.0005 0.7





1. 0

0.07 0.003


Table 6-4 Secondary Drinking Water Standards


Chloride Color, units





Foaming Agents (MBAS) (b)

Hydrogen Sulfide



Odor, Threshold Odor Number Silver


Total Dissolved Solids


Recommended Limit(a)

0,05 to 0.2



1. 0




Not Detectable







5 (a) Limits are reported in milligrams per liter (mg 1) unless otherwise

indicated (b)Methylene-blue active substances(MBAS)


The limiting concentration is 0.3 mg/l for iron and 0.05 mg/l for manganese. Concentrations in excess of these values can cause discoloration of plumbing fixtures and laundered fabrics, and frequently are responsible for dirty and discolored appearance of water. Waters high in iron and manganese are also prone to infestations by iron bacteria, which accumulate as slime in wells and distribution piping and which can impart a musty taste and a sulfide odor.

In the absence of more suitable alternative supplies, public acceptance of waters having a TDS concentration greater than the recommended limit of 500 mg/l is widespread. A case in point is the acceptance throughout Southern California of treated Colorado River water which has an average TDS of nearly 800 mg/l. Where feasible, the TDS of water supplies should be maintained within the recommended limit.

Although not of significance for drinking purposes and hence not covered in the regulatory standards, the relative hardness of water is a characteristic recognized by nearly all consumers. Hardness is due primarily to the presence of calcium and magnesium salts. Hard water is detrimental to many household and culinary operations, causing excessive use of soap and deposition of scum on plumbing fixtures, glassware and utensils, and in clothing. In hot water systems, hardness compounds are deposited as scale in heaters and piping, causing reduced heat exchange and water flow capacity. These factors in turn result in excessive fuel consumption and shortening of the useful life of the equipment. Hard water is a burden to numerous commercial and industrial operations, a source of complaint by residential consumers, and, in an economic sense, a factor of considerable magnitude. No rigorous limitations on hardness have been established because of the wide variation in tolerance by various categories of consumers. A commonly accepted classification of hardness values, expressed in mg/l as calcium carbonate, is as follows:

Hardness. mg/l

0 - 75 75 - 150

150 - 300 Greater than 300


soft moderately hard hard very hard

The hardness criteria set forth by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) as part of good supply management is 80 mg/l. This value is considered to be an entirely acceptable hardness level for most household and municipal uses, and is attainable with most water supplies. A hardness of 90 to 100 mg/l may be desirable for some supplies to maintain a balance between deposition and corrosion characteristics.

Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) are organic contaminants that are formed during the water chlorination process. TTHM is the sum of the concentrations of bromodichloromethane [CHC12Br], dibromochloromethane [CHClBr,], tribromonethane [CHBr3 ] (bromoform) , and trichloromethane [CHC13 ] (chloroform) . The MCL for TTHM is 0. 08 mg/l. The MCL applies to community water systems that add a disinfectant to the water in any part of the drinking water treatment process.

MCL' s were established for bromate, chlorite, four trihalomethanes (THM}, and five haloacetic acids (HAAS}. A summary of the contaminants and the MCL's and Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLG's} is presented in Table 6-5. Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels (MRDL} and Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goals


(MRDLG) were established for three disinfectants. A summary of the disinfectants and the MRDL' s and MRDLG' s is presented in Table 6 -6. Large surface water systems are regulated under the disinfection by products and disinfection residuals regulations.

Table 6-5 Summary of Disinfection By-Product Contaminants

Disinfection By-Product

Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) (a)

Bromodichlormethane Bromof orm Chloroform Dibromochloromethane

Haloacetic Acids(S) (HAAS) (c)

Dichloroacetic Acid

Trichloroacetic Acid Chlorite

Maximum Contaminant Level tmg/ .1)




Maximum Conta~inP.nt Level Goals {mg/l)










Bromate 0. 010 o. O (a)Total trihalornethanes is the sum of the concentrations of bromodichloromethane,

bromoform, chloroform, and dibromochloromethane (b)Not applicable (c)Haloacetic acids(five) is the sum of the concentrations of mono- and dibromoacetic acids,

and mono-,di-, and trichloroacetic acids

Table 6-6 Summary of Regulated Disinfectants Residuals



Chlorine Chlorine Dioxide

{a) Reported as CJ.2 {b)Reported as Cl01

Maxlmvm Residual Disinf•ct<Jnt Level (mg/l)

4 .o [a)

4. o [a)

O. 8 [b)

Maximvm Residual D sinfectq.nt Leve Goals (mg/l)

4 .o [a)

4 .o [a)

0.8 [b)

Public water systems serving more than 10, 000 people are required to determine the TTHM and HAAS annual average concentrations. The water system is required to develop a disinfection profile if either the TTHM concentration is greater than or equal to 0.064 mg/l or the HAAS concentration is greater than or equal to 0.048 mg/l. The disinfection profile describes the disinfection practices used and the inactivation ratios achieved for a period of up to 3 years.

If the system decides to make significant changes to the disinfection process and is required to develop a disinfection profile. Disinfection benchmarking will be required to determine the lowest monthly average of the monthly logs of Giardia Lamblia inactivation for the profiling years.

Treatment technique control of disinfection byproduct precursors were developed for removal of total organic carbon (TOC) based . on source water alkalinity. Treatment technologies used to remove TOC are enhanced coagulation and enhanced softening prior to conventional filtration. A summary of the Stage 1 Disinfectant/Disinfection By-Product (D/DBP) TOC removal requirements is presented in Table 6-7.


Table 6-7 TOC Removal Requirements

Percent TOC Removal

Source Water Source Water Alkalinity Source Water Alkalinity Source Water Alkalinity TOC (mg/l) 0~60 mg/l (as CaC01) >60 - 120 mg/l (as CaC03 ) >120 mg/l (as CaC03 ) (a)

>2. 0 - 4.0 35.0\ 25.0\ 15.0\

>4. 0 - 8.0 45.0\ 35.0% 25.0\

>8.0 50.0\ 40.0\ 30.0\ (a) Systems practicing softening must meet the TOC removal requirements of source water alkalinity

>120 mg/l

Conventional filtration systems that meet one or more of the alternate criteria listed below can avoid enhanced coagulation or softening.

1. the source water TOC is <2.0 mg/l 2. the treated water TOC is <2.0 mg/l 3. the source water TOC <4.0 mg/l, its source water alkalinity is >60 mg/l

(as CaC03 ), and the system is achieving TTHM <40 ppb and HAAS <30 ppb (or the system has made a clear and irrevocable financial commitment to technologies that will meet the TTHM and HAAS level)

4. the treated water TTHM is <40 ppb, HAAS is <30 ppb, and only chlorine is used for primary disinfection and maintenance of distribution system residual

S. the source water specific ultraviolet absorbence (SUVA) prior to any treatment is <2.0 l/mg-m

6. the treated water SUVA is <2.0 l/mg-m.

The TOC removal requirements apply to public water systems that use surface water or ground water under direct influence of surface water serving over 10, 000 people.

Bacteriological Characteristics. Cases of waterborne disease have become a rarity in the United States as a result of the high standards established for construction, operation, and testing of urban water supplies. Pathogenic or disease-producing organisms of primary significance are those which produce typhoid and paratyphoid fever, cholera, bacillary and amoebic dysentery, gastroenteritis, cryptosporidiosis, giardiases, Legionnaire's disease, and some types of virus infections, notably hepatitis. Contaminants of concern include giardia lamblia, legionella, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, escherichia coli, and cryptosporidium.

The WDNR has established a MCL goal of zero for giardia lamblia, cryptosporidium, legionella, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and escherichia coli. Systems serving more than 10,000 people must install and operate a process that will achieve at least 2-log removal (99 percent) of cryptosporidium from a point where raw water is not subject to contamination by run off and a point before or at the first customer for filtered systems or cryptosporidium control under watershed control system for unfiltered systems by December 17, 2001.

The isolation and identification of specific pathogens involve tedious and time-consuming techniques that are impracticable for routine purposes. For this reason, control test procedures involve a relatively simple examination for nonpathogenic organisms of the coliform or intestinal groups. These organisms


are present in large numbers in the intestinal tract of all warm blooded animals, including man, and hence are indicators of the possible presence of waterborne pathogens.

The MCL of coliform bacteria is based on the presence or absence of total coliforms in a sample. The supplier of water shall initiate definitive action to identify the cause of the positive bacteriological sample results and to eliminate potential health hazards which might exist in the system when monitoring shows the presence of any coliform organisms in any of the following:

1. More than 5 percent of the samples in any month when at least 40 samples are required per month; or

2. More than one sample in any month when less than 40 samples are required per month.

Bacterial plate counts on water distributed to the consumer may not exceed 500 organisms per milliliter. When this value is exceeded, the WDNR shall determine if the bacterial count is of public health or nuisance significance and may require appropriate action.

Radiological Characteristics. The ~'lisconsin Department of Heal th and Social Services has the authority to regulate naturally occurring radium in the State of Wisconsin. The Radiation Protection Code, Chapter HSS 157, contains regulations governing radium occurrence, disposal and handling, and is administered by the Radiation Protection Section of that department. In a memorandum of understanding between the Department of Health and Social Services and the WDNR, the WDNR has been given the responsibility for administering and enforcing standards pertaining to radioactivity in drinking water.

The USEPA published the Radionuclides Rule on December 7, 2000. The new rule sets MCL standards of 5 picocuries per liter (pCi/l) for combined Radium-226 and Radium-228, 15 pCi/l for adjusted gross alpha particles and 30 micrograms per liter (µg/l) for uranium. The rule becomes effective in December of 2003. The primary drinking water standards for radioactive contaminants are presented in Table 6-8.

Table 6-8 Primary Drinking Water Standards for Radioactive Contaminants

Parameter Radium-226 & Radium-228 (combined) Gross Alpha Particle Activity Gross Beta Particle Activity Uranium Manmade Radionuclides Strontium-9, Tritium (a) Including Radium-226, but excluding Radon and Uranium

Maximum Contaminant Level 5 pCi/l

15 pCi/l (a)

50 pCi/l 30 µg/l

4 mRem/yr B pCi/l

20,000 pCi/l

Radioactivity is the ability of a substance to emit positively or negatively charged particles, and sometimes also electromagnetic radiation, by the disintegration of atomic nuclei. Alpha (~) particles have a mass of 4, and are doubly charged ions of helium. Beta (B) particles move at about the speed of


light, and are negatively charged (electrons). Gamma (r) rays are electromagnetic radiation (photons), and travel at the speed of light. The radioactive standards are related to the amounts of spontaneous radiation emitted by both natural and man-made contaminants. The natural ionizing radiation includes cosmic rays and products of the decay of radioactive materials in the earth's crust and atmosphere. Part of the radiation is from external sources, and part is due to the inhalation and/or ingestion of contaminated air, food, and water.

Radiation forms are measured in three ways, which are:

1. The roentgen, which is the rate of exposu~e to X-rays and gamma rays in the air at a certain location.

2. The rad, which is the amount of radiation absorbed by one gram of material. (Note that doses in the range of 600 to 700 rads are dangerous to humans).

3. The rem, which indicates the degree of health hazard and is equal to the rad multiplied by a factor for potential hazard.

Traces of radioactivity are usually found in all drinking water supplies. The radioactivity varies, depending on the radiochemical composition of the soil and rock strata the raw water passes through or over. Several natural and artificial radionuclides have been found in water, but the majority of the radioactivity is from a small number of nuclides and their decay products. The primary natural and artificial radionuclides are as follows:

Low linear energy transfer (LET) emitters: potassium-40 ("K), tritium ('H), carbon-14 ("C}, and rubidium-87 ("Rb}.

High LET, alpha-emitting radionuclides: radium-226 ("'Ra} , the daughters of radium-228 ("'Ra), polonium-210 ('"Po}, uranium (U}, thorium (Th}, radon-220 ("'Rn}, and radon-222 ("'Rn} .

Low LET radiation results from cosmic ray interactions with atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen, yielding tritium. Carbon-14 is also due to cosmic ray interactions with atmospheric nitrogen. Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring radionuclide, and is found as a constant percentage (0.0118 percent} of total potassium.

High LET radiation includes that produced from the decay of uranium-238 and thorium-232, which are both widely distributed throughout the earth's crust. The majority of the high LET emitters are alpha-emitters. The natural alpha-emitters that are found in drinking water are the bone seekers, of which radium-226 and the daughters of radium-228 have the greatest potential for harming consumers.

Man-made radiation results from the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, and the subsequent fallout of contaminated material. As a result, all surface water sources today contain some degree of radiation. However, since the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963, there has been a substantial decrease in radioactive fallout. Other sources of man-made radiation include wastes from radiopharmaceuticals and the use and processing of nuclear fuels for power generation.


Numerous studies have shown that developing mammals are more radiosensitive than adults. The harmful effects of radiation include increased tumor incidence, death, and development of abnormalities. Developmental and teratogenic effects of radionuclides would not be measurable from the amount of radiation received from drinking waters. The doses in drinking water represent one five-thousandth of the lowest dose at which developmental effects are seen in animals.

The impact on genetic diseases is thought to be small, with an estimated increase of 0.0098 case per million live births per year. It is estimated that there are between 4. 5 and 45 cases of cancer per million people, depending on the risk model used. The Safe Drinking Water Committee concludes that the radiation associated with most water supplies is a small proportion of the normal background levels to which humans are exposed, and that it is virtually impossible to measure adverse health effects. However, mathematical models have been developed to project radioactive doses, which have been confirmed through statistical correlations. Ingestion of radium-226 at 5 picocuries per liter (pCi/l) by one million people results in 1. 5 fatalities per year, while 4 millirem annual total body exposure causes two to four cancer fatalities per one million people. More information of the affects of radium can be found in several publications of the USEPA. (18) (19)

Future Requirements

A more stringent MCL of O. 010 mg/l for arsenic in drinking water was published on February 22, 2002. The current MCL is 0.050 mg/l. Water systems must comply with the new standard by January 23, 2006.

There are additional contaminants that may be regulated more stringently in the future or may be added as a regulated contaminant. The USEPA has proposed a MCLG for sulfate of 500 mg/l. The WDNR currently has a secondary drinking water standard of 250 mg/l for sulfate.

The USEPA regulations had originally regulated aldicarb, aldicarb sulfone, and aldicarb sulfoxide with the first group of synthetic organic compounds. These substances are not currently regulated. The WDNR requires the substances to be monitored. The anticipated MCL for these substances, based on the original regulations, is 0.003 mg/l for aldicarb, 0.002 mg/l for aldicarb sulfone, and 0.004 mg/l for aldicarb sulfoxide.

The USEPA has established proposed MCL's for four inorganic compounds, four volatile organic compounds, and fourteen synthetic organic compounds. A summary of the contaminants and the proposed MCL's for each contaminant is presented in Table 6 - 9. A schedule for implementing the standards for these compounds has not be established.

The WDNR presently requires community water systems to monitor 20 contaminants every five years. A list of these contaminants is presented in Table 6-10. A schedule for developing a rule and implementing the standards for these compounds has not been established.

The WDNR requires, at their discretion, the monitoring of fourteen additional compounds every five years. A summary of these compounds is presented in Table 6-10. A schedule for developing a rule and implementing the standards for these compounds has not been established.


Table 6-9 Summary of Proposed Regulated Contaminants

Contaminant Inorganic Compounds

Boron Manganese



Volatile Organic Compounds 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane

1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane Bromomethane

Synthetic Organic Compounds 2,4-2,6-Dinitrotoluene Acifluorfen/Lactofen Acrylonitrite

Bromacil Cyanazine Dicamba


Hexachlorobutadiene Metolachlor Methyl-t-Butyl Ether

Methomyl Metribuzin Prometon Trif luralin

MCL, mg/l








0 .01

0 .003


0 .003

Unregulated Monitoring






Unregulated Monitoring



Unregulated Monitoring


Table 6-10 Contaminant Monitoring List

Required Contaminant Compound Contaminants Monitored at WDNR Discretion

Chloroform 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Bromoform 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane n-Propylbenzene Bromodichloromethane n-Butylbenzene Bromobenzene Napthalene Bromomethane Hexachlorobutadiene Chloromethane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Chloroethane p-Isopropyltoluene o-Chlorotoluene Isopropylbenzene p-Chlorotoluene Tert-butylbenzene Dibromomethane Sec-butylbenzene m-Dichlorobenzene Fluorotrichloromethane 1,1-Dichloropropene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane Bromochloromethane 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane


The USEPA has published regulation of additional radionuclides. Radium-226 and Radium-228 are presently regulated. The new rule will require separate monitoring for Radium-228. Recommended MCL's have been established for gross alpha emitters, gross beta particle and photon emitters, and uranium. A summary of the published MCL for radionuclides is presented in Table 6-11. The requirements of the radionuclides regulations will become effective on December 7, 2003. The new rule will require that radionuclides be monitored at all entry points into the water distribution system. The monitoring requirements will become effective on December 31, 2007. The maximum contaminant level goal for each radionuclide is zero.

Table 6-11 Published Radionuclide Standards

Contaminant Gross alpa Emitters Gross beta Particles and Photon Emitters Radium (226 plus 228) Uranium (a)mRem ede yr = mrem effective dose equivalent year

MCL 15 pCi/l

4mRem ede/yr (a) 5 pCi/l 30 µg/l


The design, construction, and operation of public water systems are regulated by the provisions of NR 809, NR 811, and NR 812. The use of ASR wells is not at this time specifically regulated by any requirements in NR 809, NR 811, or NR 812, but is regulated under their general requirements and the requirements in NR 140.

In general, ASR wells are regulated as Class V injection wells under the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program as promulgated in the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (Parts 144-147 of Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations) . The WDNR has a primacy agreement for enforcement of the UIC program in Wisconsin. Section NR 812.05 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code requires that all injection wells be approved by the WDNR Bureau of Drinking Water and Groundwater. In addition, the requirements for the operation and design of Community Water Systems in Wisconsin is regulated in Chapter NR 811 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. The water being recharged is regulated under NR 140 and the recovered water must meet the requirements of NR 809 prior to consumer use.

Chapter NR 140

Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 140, "Groundwater Quality 11 ,

establishes groundwater quality standards designed to protect the groundwater resources of the state. The quality of groundwater is regulated by public health and public welfare groundwater quality standards. The public health standards protect the public from substances that are harmful by establishing a preventive action limit (PAL) and enforcement standard for each substance. The public welfare standards have preventive action limits and enforcement standards that provide a basis for substances to be regulated before affecting the public welfare. The PAL for substances that have carcinogenic, mutagenic, or


teratogenic properties or interactive effects is 10 percent of the enforcement standard. The PAL for all other substances that are of public health concern is 20 percent of the enforcement standard.

The PAL's serve as a warning to the WDNR that a potential for groundwater contamination exists, and serve as a basis for design and management procedures. The enforcement standard is a limit that serves as a point where the WDNR will require a change of the activity causing the contamination. In general, the enforcement standard for a substance is equal to the drinking water standard for the substance. The most notable exceptions are the enforcement standards for the THM. The enforcement standards and PAL'S for the THM bromodichloromethane, chloroform, and dibromochloromethane are much more stringent than the drinking water standards for THM. The enforcement standards for THM were established based on cancer risk. The MCL for the THM have been set at a 10-6 level of theoretical excess cancer risk. The MCL for TTHM and the individual THM may become more stringent in future USEPA rule making. These stringent D/DBP rules may force water treatment plants into providing excellent precursor removal technologies, and evaluating alternative methods for disinfection. Based on information obtained from operating ASR systems, the concentrations of THM of the recovered water is normally less than the water discharged to the ASR well. This is a significant advantage of using ASR in the water supply system.

Chapter NR 140 applies to all 11 Facilities, Practices, or Activities 11 that may affect the quality of groundwater. The facilities, practices or activities must comply with the PAL' s by means that are economically and technologically feasible. Compliance with the PAL's for the facility, practice, or activity lies within any point of present groundwater use, any point beyond the boundary of the property on which the facility, practice or activity is located, and any point within the property boundaries beyond the 3-dimensional design management zone if one is established by the WDNR. The WDNR may create a 3-dimensional management zone where the facility, practice or activity must comply with the PAL.

A copy of Chapter NR 140 is presented in Appendix "G". The public health groundwater quality standards are listed in Table 1 of NR 140 and the public welfare groundwater quality standards are listed in Table 2 of NR 140.

Chapter NR 809

Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 809, "Safe Drinking Water 11 , sets forth the maximum contaminant levels, monitoring and analytical requirements for community water systems. The drinking water must meet all standards before use by the consumer. Disinfection requirements, reporting, and record keeping are included in Chapter NR 809.

Chapter NR 811

Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 811, "Requirements for the Operation and Design of Community Water Systems" sets minimum standards for the design, construction, and operation of water systems for communities. The minimum standards, administered by the WDNR, apply to all new facilities, and existing facilities when improvements are made. Existing facilities that present a potential risk to public health, may be required by the WDNR to be upgraded to the minimum standards contained in Chapter NR 811.


The WDNR may approve alternate standards if the design requirements in NR 811 appear to be impractical. Alternative standards may be granted by the WDNR if the Owner of a water system project contacts the WDNR in writing prior to submission of final plans.

Chapter NR 811 is divided into 13 subchapters that present the minimum requirements for the various types of water system facilities. Subchapters of importance to this study include Groundwater Source Development, Pumping Stations, Treatment, and Storage Facilities.

Chapter NR 812

Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 812, 11 Well Construction and Pump Installation 11 , establishes minimum standards for the extraction of groundwater. Chapter NR 812 also protects groundwater and aquifers from contamination by setting forth proper methods for construction and renovation of water systems.

Chapter NR 812 applies to all new and existing water distribution systems and wells except for the systems covered under Chapter NR 811. The standards in Chapter NR 812 apply to the underground placement of any substance in wells or drill holes.

Chapter NR 812 prohibits the disposal or injection of waste, surface and subsurface water, or any substance into a new or existing well without WDNR approval. The WDNR may grant approval if the injection or recharge is necessary for the construction of a well, drill hole, or water system. Injection may also be approved by the WDNR for activities such as soil or groundwater contamination remediation.

Future Requirements

The WDNR is currently expanding Chapter NR 811 to include specific requirements for the design, construction, and operation of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells. The rules being proposed would allow municipal water utilities to construct aquifer storage recovery wells and operate ASR systems upon receipt of WDNR approval. Major provisions of the proposed regulations include the following:

1. Underground placement and storage would be limited to drinking water obtained directly through piping from a municipal water distribution system that is treated to comply with state and federal drinking water quality standards.

2. WDNR approval would be required prior to construction or development of any aquifer storage recovery well or operation of any ASR system.

3. A pilot study would be required for the first aquifer storage recovery well constructed or developed in an ASR system. Well development testing would be required for each additional ASR well constructed or developed within an ASR system. Results from ASR pilot studies and well development tests would be used to evaluate changes in aquifer geochemistry and ensure compliance with Wisconsin groundwater law.


4. No aquifer storage recovery well would be allowed to be constructed or operated in any manner that would cause an exceedance of an enforcement standard established in Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter NR 140.

5. Water recovered through an aquifer storage recovery well would be allowed to be placed back into a water system only if it complied with state and federal water quality standards for drinking water.

6. Approval to operate an ASR system would be limited to municipal water utilities.

7. Information to be provided with a request to construct or develop an aquifer storage recovery well would be identified.

8. Information to be provided with a request to operate an ASR system would be identified.

9. The Department would have the groundwater quality monitoring at that such monitoring is necessary groundwater law.

authority to require additional any ASR well whenever it determined to ensure compliance with Wisconsin

The proposed rule would require the operation of an ASR well to meet the enforcement standards established in Chapter NR 140. This may greatly restrict the use of ASR wells due to the potential for exceeding the enforcement standards for the individual THM. A copy of the draft revisions to Chapter NR 811 are included in Appendix "H".

A number of communities in Wisconsin are concerned that the requirement to meet the enforcement standards in Chapter NR 140 for THM's will prevent the use of ASR wells in Wisconsin. A bill has been introduced and passed by the State Senate that would exempt water used in ASR wells from the groundwater standards in Chapter NR 140 as long as they meet the drinking water standards in Chapter NR 809. The bill must now be passed by the State Assembly. A copy of the proposed bill is included in Appendix "H".






This chapter contains the standards and criteria governing the preliminary design of the water supply and distribution system improvements. Cost data is presented which provides a basis for economic comparison of alternative plans and for estimating financing requirements for construction of improvements. All alternative projects and cost estimates developed in this report conform to the criteria set forth in this chapter.

The function of this planning study is to develop reasonable approximations of the size, location, and cost of the required works in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of alternative projects. It may be expected that some changes in location and sizing of facilities will result from the detailed engineering analysis which is made during the preparation of construction drawings.


Projections of future water requirements were developed in Chapter 5 for a 20-year period. While these projections are essential for long-range planning and for sizing of water system components, it must be recognized that the projections require periodic review and should be re-evaluated each time major changes in land use planning occur. Capital improvement projects must be planned in stages in order that the work accomplished may be coordinated with revenues received. The projects considered in this study are staged over nominal 10-year periods. The commitment of revenues within the 10-year capital improvement program should be made in accordance with the following priorities, which are listed in order of decreasing importance.

• Improve water quality to conform to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) standards.

• Ensure an adequate and reliable supply of water to meet projected demands.

• Modify existing transmission and distribution system to improve service pressure under peak flow and fire flow conditions.


Project programming dictates the priorities, timing, and fiscal considerations involved in project construction. Project staging refers to the physical sizing and design capacity of the project components as related to their flexibility for expansion and useful life. Project staging has the objective of supplying long­range needs for water service at the lowest practical cost.


As a general rule, areas expected to reach substantially full development within 20 years are most economically served by constructing supply or transmission mains for the ultimate needs of the area. This rule is especially applicable in areas with difficult construction conditions such as shallow bedrock or high groundwater. In the case of pump stations, treatment facilities, and reservoirs; initial construction may be based on a capacity sufficient for a 10 to 20-year period depending on the specific situation.

A summary of recommended design period and expected service life for the various components of the Oak Creek water system is presented in Table 7-1. It is anticipated that each component of the water supply treatment and distribution system, once it reaches its design capacity, will serve at its effective design capacity until the end of its service life. It is further assumed that each component will reach its design capacity by the end of the design period shown in Table 7 -1.

Table 7-1 Design Periods for Water Supply Facilities



Well Stations Pumps Structures

Pump Stations Pumps Structures

Treatment Plants Equipment Structures

Reservoirs Steel Concrete

Pipelines 18-inch and larger 16-inch and smaller

Elevated Storage Tanks

Service Life Range, Years














Design Period, Years







Full Development 20

Service standards establish minimum requirements for water quality, quantity and pressure, and determine the degree of fire protection and reliability the system should provide. In Wisconsin the minimum standards are set forth in administrative rules and regulations established by the WDNR. Other more restrictive standards for various phases of water supply have been set by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Insurance Services Office (ISO) .

Water Quantity and Quality

With regard to water quality, all water system improvements recommended in this report conform to two basic premises. The first premise is that a water supply system should be capable of meeting all demands during the period of


maximum use without reducing pressure below an acceptable limit. The second premise is that no water rationing or other customer limitations are compatible with high standards of service.

Desirable water quality implies water which is clear, tasteless, odorless, and free of bacteriological contamination. The WDNR has established minimum standards in Chapter NR 809 for mineral content, physical and radiological characteristics, and bacterial content of water to ensure its quality. All improvements recommended in this report are designed to meet these requirements.

Service Pressure

An acceptable quality of water service requires that water be delivered to each customer within reasonable limits of minimum and maximum pressure. Generally accepted values for limiting minimum and maximum pressure are 30 and 80 pounds per square inch (psi), respectively. Pressure below 30 psi is too low to provide satisfactory service to the upper floors of buildings over two stories high, and pressures greater than 80 psi increase the risk of pipe rupture and frequently cause trouble in plumbing installations. A pressure of 20 psi is considered satisfactory in the vicinity of a fire where pumpers are being used. Fluctuations in pressure at any point under normal conditions should be limited to about 5 psi. With a 5 psi fluctuation, static pressures would be maintained between 35 psi and 75 psi.

Fire Protection

In addition to providing water for residential, commercial, industrial, and other uses; the water system should be capable of supplying flows needed for fire fighting. Capacity for fire suppression often is the controlling factor in sizing water system components and accounts for a significant portion of the total cost of the distribution system.

The ISO recommends a range of fire flows from a minimum of 500 gallons per minute (gpm) to a maximum of 12,000 gpm for a single fire. The recommended flow depends on the building construction and total floor area and is modified by such factors as sprinkler systems, type of occupancy, and exposure to other buildings. Since it is obvious that every building could have a different recommended fire flow, an average value must be used which is typical for the buildings in each service area. The average value used for each area will not meet the recommended flow for every structure. This does not, however, mean that the fire flow is inadequate, but only that it does not meet the ideal requirements established by the ISO. Significant deviation from ideal requirements may result in an increase in fire insurance rates in that area.

In 1980, the ISO established 3, 500 gpm as the maximum needed fire flow required in the city. The proposed water system improvements will provide a system that will furnish adequate fire protection while remaining in balance with the remainder of the fire protection facilities of the water service area. Fire flows used for planning purposes are presented in Table 7-2.

System Reliability

In order to protect the public welfare, a water system must be reliable under all conditions. In most water systems, a substantial portion of the total investment is devoted to this purpose. Reliability can be increased by providing


emergency storage, constructing duplicate pumping, transmission and storage works, and supplying alternative sources of power. The basic standard of reliability used in developing plans for the Oak Creek water system is that the system should maintain normal service at average day demand for 12 hours after failure of any single system component and still provide adequate fire protection at the end of the 12-hour period.

Table 7-2 Design Fire Flows

Fire Flow, Duration of Volume of Area Classification gpm Flow, Hours water Req'd, mg

Residential Areas Low Density(a) 1000 2 0.12

Medium Density(b) 1000 2 0.12

High Density(c) 1500-2500 2 0.18 - 0.30

Commercial Areas Light Commercial 1500-2000 2 0.18 - 0.24

Central Business District 3500-4500 3-4 0.63 - 1.08

strip Commercial 2000-3000 2-3 0.24 - 0.54

Industrial Areas Industrial Park 3000-4000 3-4 0.54 " 0.96

Industrial Plants 3500-4500 3-4 0.63 - 1.08

Institutional Areas

Public Facilities 2000-3000 2-3 0.24 - 0.54

schools 2500-3500 2-3 0.30 - 0.63

Hospitals 2500-3500 2-3 0.30 - 0.63 {a)Minimum design flow for study area {b)For a one story, two unit wood frame building {c)For a two story, ten unit wood frame building in close proximity to a similar



The specific criteria governing the design of water system improvements are set forth in the following section. These criteria consider in detail the pipeline network, elevated storage tanks, ground storage reservoirs, treatment facilities, and pumping stations. All of the criteria were developed with the goal of meeting the service standards which were established in the preceding section.

Water Supply and Treatment Facilities

A municipal water system should be capable of meeting all demands expected to be imposed on the system. To achieve this goal requires a combination of water treatment facilities, transmission mains, elevated storage tank, and ground storage reservoirs with booster pumps. As a minimum, the surface water treatment facilities must have a capacity equal to the maximum daily demand, and storage facilities must be provided for equalizing peak hourly demands and to provide a reserve. As a maximum, the surface water treatment facilities could have a capacity equal to the maximum hourly demand plus design fire flow, and very limited storage facilities would be required.


Determination of the most economical combination of production capacity and storage volume required to meet system demands involves consideration of such factors as the capital and annual cost of production and storage facilities and the manner in which works are used to meet the demands. In most cases where water treatment is required, or water supplies are difficult to develop, peak demands can most economically be met by a water system that has supply capacity equal to the maximum daily demand together with sufficient storage volume in the distribution system to furnish the increments of demand which exceed the maximum day rate.

Primary considerations in the design of a water treatment plant are the required capacity and degree of treatment. The water treatment plant capacity is usually expressed in terms of maximum daily production, while degree of treatment is based on the quality of the raw water. Facilities are designed with sufficient capacity to handle the maximum daily demand and are planned for enlargements to handle future increases. The selection of a process is based on raw water quality, the required treated water quality standards, reliability, and cost. Of particular concern in the design of a water treatment plant are considerations involving unit loading criteria, flexibility of unit process and treatment system design, unit process reliability, suitability for automation, and allowance for human factors. Unit loading factors to be applied to the design of a water treatment plant should be selected to assure consistent quality without incurring excessive capital cost. Furthermore, unit loadings should be selected to assure acceptable performance with one process unit out of service for maintenance purposes.

Treatment plants, where possible, are laid out in a modular fashion to provide flexibility in operation and control, as well as to allow for future expansion. Protection against inadequately treated water is provided by standby power generators, and insofar as practicable, multiple process units are provided for purposes of preventive maintenance. The water treatment plant design also includes adequate illumination and ventilation, convenient means for drainage of water treatment plant units, provisions for the health and safety of personnel, and accessibility to and ease of operation and maintenance of gates, control valves, and other operating devices. Automated controls are included to the extent required for a high degree of reliability of operation and may be justified by a reduction in operating costs.

Protection of the aesthetic quality of the surrounding environment of any water treatment plant is as important as providing a high degree of reliability. If aesthetic problems were to arise with the facilities, public outcry could dictate moving the treatment plant to another, more isolated site at a considerable expense to the taxpayers. Special attention is given to appearance through architectural design of basic layout, buildings, and process structures, and landscaping. Appropriate allowances are made for the cost of these important features.

Supply and Storage Facilities

Storage within the distribution system can function as operating storage, equalizing storage, firefighting reserve, and emergency reserve. Operating storage provides a control range to stop and start pumping equipment. Equalizing storage furnishes the increments of demand which exceed the capacity of the


supply facilities. Firefighting reserve furnishes the increments of demand, imposed during a firefighting period, which exceed the capacity of the supply facilities. Emergency storage provides system reliability in the event of failure of the supply facilities.

In a large water system, it is important to have storage facilities in service at all times that can supply the water distribution system by gravity to tninimize pressure fluctuations and surges and to provide operating storage, equalizing storage, and a fire fighting reserve. Elevated storage tanks are expensive to construct and maintain so the least number of facilities should be constructed. In Oak Creek, the water system will be designed to have at least two storage facilities in the lower pressure zone. This will allow one storage facility to remain in service in each pressure zone when the other facility is removed from service for maintenance. The upper pressure zone will be designed to operate with the storage facilities in the Franklin Water System.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System

A supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system is essential for the efficient operation of a water system that contains pumping and storage facilities. The system should have a central station which is linked through a communications system to all other facilities in the system. The system should be capable of:

• Informing operating personnel of the status of the system.

• Providing data which form the basis of human or automatic control action.

• Activating alarm devices to signify undesirable conditions in the system.

• Providing records of non-witnessed system conditions. Such records are frequently of value in system troubleshooting, public relations, and legal problems.

• Providing long-term records of value in engineering and management studies.

The existing SCADA system meets all the required criteria. The existing system will be expanded as needed to accommodate future improvements.

Pipeline Network

Design criteria for the pipeline network are presented in terms of the basic criteria governing the configuration of the network. These criteria are in general conformity with the recommendations of the ISO and provide for the distribution lines to carry the maximum hourly demand or the average demand on the maximum day plus design fire flow, whichever is greater.

The distribution system should serve industrial areas with 16-inch or 12-inch 'diameter primary distribution mains on a 1,200 foot spacing. Interconnecting secondary mains should be a minimum of 12-inch diameter. Deadends should be 12-inch diameter. In commercial areas, the primary distribution lines should be 12-inch diameter mains on a 1,200-foot spacing. Secondary interconnecting mains


should be 8-inch diameter minimum. In residential areas, the primary distribution mains should consist of 12-inch diameter mains on 2,400-foot centers with 8-inch diameter mains on 1,200-foot centers. Secondary distribution mains interconnecting with the 8-inch grid should be 6-inch diameter. Deadend mains should be 8-inch dian\eter if fire protection is provided. For short deadends that do not serve a fire hydrant, 4-inch diameter mains are suitable. In high density residential areas, secondary distribution mains should be 8-inch diameter.

Where feasible, transmission and major distribution mains should be routed through the principal industrial and commercial areas, past schools and through high density residential development. This procedure will maximize the fire protection afforded by the distribution system.

Fire hydrants should be installed in developed areas at approximately 450-foot centers. This spacing corresponds to the ISO recommendation for 1,000 gpm fire flow. In undeveloped areas, tees should be installed at 450-foot centers so hydrants can be added in the future.

Head loss for hydraulic analysis will be determined using the Hazen-Williams empirical equation for pipe flow. The hydraulic analysis will be performed using the inside diameter of the pipelines. A summary of the inside diameter of pipelines in the Oak Creek water distribution system is presented in Table 7-3.

Table 7-3 Summary of Inside Pipe Diameters

Inside Diameters, inches

Nominal Unlined Cement Lined Cement Lined PVC Size, Unlined Ductile Iron Ductile Iron Ductile Iron DR18 inches Cast Iron (a) (Class 52) (Class 50) (Class 52) lb)

3 3.32 3 .40 - - 3.28 --4 4 .10 4.22 -- 4.10 4.25 6 6 .14 6.28 6.28 6.16 6.11 8 8.23 8.39 0 .39 0. 21 8.01

10 10.22 10.40 .10.40 10.28 9.83 .12 12.24 12.46 12.46 12.34 11.69 14 14.28 14.52 14 .45 14 _,33 13.55 16 16.32 16.60 16.53 16 .41 15.41 18 18.34 18.68 18.61 18.49 - -20 20.36 20.76 20.69 20. 57 --24 24.34 24.92 24.85 24.73 - -30 30.30 31.06 30.97 30.81 - -

{a)Class varies for 150 psi pressure rating (b}Based on average value of the minimum and maximum I.D.

The flow coefficient ( 'C' factor) of the pipelines varies with pipe size, pipe material and age, type of pipe lining, amount of tuberculation, and other factors. The \'later mains in Oak Creek were assigned 1 C 1 factors on the basis of field testing performed in June of 1999. A summary of the 'C 1 factors is presented in Table 7-4.


Table 7-4 Summary of Hazen-Williams Flow Coefficients

Hazen-Williams Roughness coefficient ere• factor)

Nominal Unlined Cement Lined Size Cast Iron Ductile Iron Ductile Iron PVC Asbestos (Inch) {Class 22) (Class 52) (Class 52) (DR18) Concrete Cement

6 40 70 105 125 - - 105 8 50 BO 110 125 -- 110

10 55 90 115 130 - - 115 12 60 90 120 130 -- 120

16 80 100 120 -- 130 - -

20 -- 110 120 -- 135 - -

24 -- - - 130 -- 135 --30 -- -- 130 - - 140 - -

36 -- -- 140 -- 140 - -42 - - - - 140 - - 140 - -

48 - - -- 140 -- 140 - -54 - - - - 140 - - 140 --

The 'C' factors for cast iron pipelines range from 40 for 6-inch diameter pipelines to 80 for 16-inch diameter pipelines. The 1 C 1 factors for unlined ductile iron pipelines range from 70 for 6-inch diameter pipelines to 110 for 20-,inch diameter pipelines. The 'C • factors for cement lined ductile iron pipelines range from 105 for 6-inch diameter pipelines to 140 for 54-inch diameter pipelines. The 'C' factors for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipelines range from 125 for 6-inch diameter pipelines to 130 for 12-inch diameter pipelines. The 1 C 1

factors are considered to account for the loss associated with a typical number of valves and fittings associated with each pipe size.

The 'C' factors for concrete pressure pipelines range from 130 for 16-inch diameter pipelines to 140 for 54-inch diameter pipelines. The 1 C1 factors for the asbestos cement pipelines range from 105 for 6-inch diameter pipelines to 120 for the 12-inch diameter pipelines. The •c• factors are considered to account for the loss associated with a typical number of valves and fittings associated with each pipe size.

Service Zones

Layout of service zones is governed by the need to limit the maximum and minimum pressures in the distribution system. The minimum acceptable pressure for normal operation is 35 psi and the maximum acceptable pressure for normal operation is 100 psi. The optimum pressure range for normal operation is from 35 psi to 80 psi. Pressures below 35 psi do not provide adequate pressure for operating plumbing fixtures on the second story of residential homes. Pressure above 80 psi require the installation of a pressure reducing valve to protect the individual service. A pressure reducing valve station must be provided to prevent pressures in the water distribution system from exceeding 100 psi.

A minimum static pressure of 35 psi is established by placing the minimum operating level of the reservoir or storage tank BO feet above the highest point to be served. A static pressure of BO psi is established if the lowest elevation

_....,..served is 185 feet below the maximum operating level of the reservoir or storage tank. A maximum static pressure of 100 psi is established if the lowest elevation served is 230 feet below the maximum operating level of the reservoir


or storage tank. with an elevation the maximum range

Using these criteria, each pressure zone would serve an area difference of 75 feet for the optimum range and 120 feet for for a storage facility with a 30 foot operating range.

The Oak Creek Water System service area is divided into two service zones. The pressure zones are designated as lower pressure zone and upper pressure zone. The lower pressure zone is supplied by the high service pumps at the Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant. The maximum static hydraulic gradient of the lower pressure zone is established by the overflow of the Howell Avenue Elevated Tank and Puetz Road Ground Storage Reservoir. The overflows of the Howard Avenue Elevated Storage Tank and the Puetz Road Ground Storage Reservoir are at an elevation of 840 feet. The upper pressure zone is supplied from the lower pressure zone by the Rawson Avenue and Ryan Road Booster Pump Stations. The maximum static hydraulic gradient of the upper pressure zone is established by the overflow of the Cedar Hills Elevated Storage Tank. The overflow of the Cedar Hills Elevated Storage Tank is at an elevation of 900 feet.

The optimum pressure zone ranges for the water distribution system are shown in Figure 7-1. The area between elevations 670 and 730 can be served by either pressure zone. Areas in the lower pressure zone at elevations between 610 and 655 feet should be provided with pressure reducing valves on the services. Areas in the lower pressure zone along the Lake Michigan shoreline at elevations between 580 and 610 feet should be served by distribution mains supplied from a pressure reducing valve station that limits the pressure to not more than 100 psi. Areas in the upper pressure zone at elevations between 670 and 715 feet should be provided with pressure reducing valves on the services. No area below an elevation of 670 feet should be served by the upper pressure zone of the water distribution system. Areas near the sources of supply in the lower pressure zone and upper pressure zone should be evaluated to determine if pressure relief valves are needed to protect the services from pressures exceeding 80 psi. The area in the lower pressure zone near the water treatment plant and the area in the upper pressure zone near the Ryan Road Booster Pump Station are the areas that should be checked.


In every engineering study concerned with development of a utility master plan, it is necessary to make estimates of construction costs and operating and maintenance costs for proposed facilities based on preliminary layouts. Basic cost data must be obtained or developed for each type of construction; and plans must be laid out in sufficient detail to permit a determination of approximate capital costs and annual operation and maintenance costs. Cost data used in this report was derived from actual projects designed by Kaempfer & Associates, Inc. and project data in professional and construction publications. Wherever possible, the cost data was verified by reference to recent construction experience in southeast Wisconsin.

In considering the estimates, it is important to realize that changes during final design as well as future changes in the cost of materials, labor, and equipment will cause comparable changes in the costs. Nonetheless, decisions based on present comparisons should remain valid, since the relative economy of alternative projects can be expected to change only slightly with fluctuations in specific price levels.


Fig. 7-1 Pressure Zone Relationships of the Oak Creek Water Utility

Construction Cost Index

A good indicator of changes in construction costs is the Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction Cost Index, computed from prices of construction materials and labor, and based on a value of 100 in the year 1913. The trend of increasing construction costs since 1913 is shown in Figure 7-2.


[j'j Q ii!;

ti 0 •ooo u z 0 i= u :>

"' 3000 I-U) z 0 u

"' z w 2000

1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960


Fig. 7-2 ENR Construction Cost Index

Cost data in this report are based on an ENR Construction Cost Index of 6,460 which is anticipated for the Oak Creek study area in 2002. (20) In order to maintain consistency, the same price level is used for annual costs. If desired, cost data can be adjusted to future price levels by applying a ratio of the projected future ENR index to 6,460.

Capital Cost Estimates

The total capital investment necessary to complete a project consists of expenditures for construction of water treatment facilities, water distribution and storage facilities, land acquisition, construction contingencies, engineering services, and administration. All construction cost estimates incorporate contractors overhead and profit. It is assumed that total capital cost is 130 percent of the construction cost. The various components of capital costs are discussed in the following sections.


Water System Construction Costs. Water system facilities include \oJater treatment facilities, wells, well stations, booster pump stations, water storage facilities, SCADA systems, and water mains. Construction costs cover the materials, labor, and services necessary to build the proposed project. Prices used in this study were obtained from a review of pertinent sources of reliable construction cost information. Construction cost data given herein are not intended to represent the lowest prices which can be achieved for each type of work but rather are intended to represent median prices submitted by responsible bidders.

The costs for water treatment facilities were estimated using Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) publication titled "Estimating Water Treatment Costs." (21) This publication contains construction cost data of 72 unit process commonly used in the water treatment industry. "Estimating Costs for Treatment Plant Construction" by Syed R. Qasim et al was used as a supplementary source of information. The article was published in the August 1992 issue of the Journal of the AWWA.

The costs for wells and \'!ell station vary considerably, depending on such factors as well design, well pump capacity, architectural design, and chemical feed systems used. The construction costs for wells and well stations are determined on a case-by-case basis. The cost for upgrading the SCADA system is estimated to b~ $10,000 per remote facility.

Estimated construction costs for booster pump stations are shown in Figure 7-3. Booster pumps are assumed to be split case, double suction centrifugal pumps driven by electrical motors with an engine generator for emergency power. The capacity of booster pump stations is with the largest pump out of service.


·- / 700,000

/ -·~-600,000

/ /

!! Jg 0 500,000 Cl

11' u 400,000 §

~ "'


8 200,000



2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0

Capacity, MGD

Fig. 7-3 Construction Costs for Booster Pump Stations


Estimated prices for elevated storage tanks and ground storage reservoirs are plotted on Figure 7-4. Elevated storage tanks are assumed to be of the single­pedestal design for tanks having a capacity less than 1 million gallons and of the fluted design for tanks having a capacity of a million gallons or greater. The elevated storage tanks are assumed to have an overflow of 110 to 120 feet above grade. Ground storage reservoirs are assumed to be precast concrete for water depths up to 50 feet and steel for depths greater than 50 feet. Costs include foundations and site preparation. The costs do not include inlet and outlet piping, and reservoir overflow works. The cost does not include booster pump stations for use with ground storage reservoirs.

3.0 Cf) Cl'.

::s 2.0 ...J 0 0 z 0 1.0 ::J :::::! 0.9

0.8 ~ 0.7

!-" 0.6 Cf) 0.5 0 (.) 0.4 z 0 0.3 I-() ::>

0.2 Cl'. I-Cf) z 0 ()






' ' ' ' ' PRE ::AST C )NCR 'TE 3ROUND STC RAGER ~SER '01R \



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/ v--~ /


' .<'1 0

/ /

' ' ' ~ U1 ~ t---;cqO?q 0 0 0 000..-

/ /

v / /





' 0 .;






Fig. 7-4 Construction Costs for Elevated Storage Tanks and Ground Storage Reservoirs

' '








' '

Construction costs for water mains are presented in Table 7-5. The construction costs for water mains includes pipe, polyethylene wrapping, excavation, laying and jointing, valves and standard fittings normally required for a grid system, bedding, backfill, testing, clean-up, erosion control, minor utility interference, and contractor's overhead and profit. Costs are based upon 6-foot depth of cover. Allowances for extremely wet conditions, rock excavation, pavement replacement, traffic interference, structural backfill, and major utility interference must be added to the basic cost where applicable.


Table 7-5 Construction Costs for Water Mains

Pipe Basic Cost, Dollars Per Foot (a) Add for Roadway Diameter, Pipe at Valves and Restoration,

inches Jobsite Fittings Construction Total Dollars per Foot

6 7 ,80 2.30 12.00 22.10 13.00

8 11.00 3.40 15.40 29.80 13. 00

10 13.90 4,40 16.40 34.70 13 .60

12 15.50 4.90 18.10 38.50 13. 90

14 20.60 7.00 18.80 46.40 14.60

16 22 .20 8.00 20.60 50.80 14.90

18 26.10 9.90 22.00 58.00 15. 20

20 31.20 12.50 22.70 66.40 17.10

24 35.70 15.00 25.00 75.70 18.00

30 51.20 17.40 27.10 95.70 19.60

36 78 .30 27.60 43'10 149.00 21.50

42 99.20 35.10 49.70 184.00 23.70

48 121,30 42.80 60.70 224.80 26. s·o (a) Costs are based on an ENR construct1on cost index of 6,460 and the use of Class so cement lined ductile iron pipe for 6-inch through 30-inch pipelines and concrete cylinder pipe for 36-inch through 48-inch diameter pipelines. Add 25 percent to water main cost for major utility interference; add $5.00 per lineal foot for traffic control; and add $10.00 per lineal foot for structural backfill. For very difficult conditions, special foundations, rock excavation, dewatering, or unusual construction problems, costs are to be estimated separately for each case.

Allowance for fire hydrants, additional fittings, and special structures must be estimated separately on the basis of preliminary layouts for each project. Fire hydrants, including a 6-inch tee, 6-inch lateral, valve, hydrant, and installation cost, have an average cost of $2,500 each. Hydrants are assumed to be dry barrel type with two 2M-inch hose outlets and one 4-inch pumper outlet.

Where rock is expected, a unit price of $25 per cubic yard is used to estimate the cost of rock excavation. For very wet conditions, dewatering is estimated at $15.00 per lineal foot.

Land Acquisition. Pipeline routes, wherever possible, should follow public streets and roads, and existing easements. In cases where sites and right-of-way for water system improvements are required, the estimated cost of land acquisition is based on surrounding land values and is estimated separately for each alternative. Normally, the cost of land acquisition for water system improvements is a very small portion of the total project cost.

Engineering. Administration. and Contingencies. Engineering services normally are considered in two categories: design services and construction services. Design engineering covers preliminary investigation, site and route surveys, foundation explorations, and preparation of drawings and specifications. The cost of design services, when expressed as a percentage of the construction cost, varies from about 6 to 10 percent depending on the type and magnitude of the project.

Construction engineering services include general supervision of construction, detailed inspection, construction surveying and staking, sampling and testing of materials, and final inspection. As with design engineering, the cost of construction engineering depends on the nature and size of the project and can be expected to vary from 6 to 10 percent of the construction cost.


Administration costs cover such itenls as legal fees, financing expenses, and interest during construction. The cost of these items can vary, but for the purpose of this study, it is assumed that administration costs will be 3 to 5 percent of the construction cost.

It is appropriate to allow for the uncertainties which are associated with preliminary layout of the projects. Such factors as unexpected construction conditions, need for unforeseen mechanical items, variations in final quantities, and variations in engineering services and administration can increase project cost. An allowance of 10 percent of construction cost has been included to cover such contingencies for the preliminary estimates.

The average total cost of all necessary engineering services, administration costs, and contingencies is estimated to be 20 percent of the construction cost for elevated storage tanks and 30 percent of the construction cost for other water system improvements.

Annual Cost

Evaluation of proposed projects must involve consideration of annual costs as well as project capital cost. The actual cost of alternative projects can be properly compared only by computing total annual cost. Total annual cost consists of fixed costs plus operating costs as described below. Annual operation and maintenance cost data for water system facilities is summarized in Table 7-6.

Table 7-6 Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost Data

Service Life, Years Annual Cost, Percent of Project Cost

Facility Range Design Value Fixed Cost (a) Operating Costs(b) (c) Treatment Plants (e)

Equipment 15-25 20 8.72%

Structures 20-60 40 6 .64%

Pump Stations $3600 + 3. 0% (d)

Pumps 15-25 20 8.72%

Structures 20-60 40 6.64%

Wells 20-80 50 6. 34% 2 .0%

Well Stations $3600 + 3.0%(d)

Pumps 10-20 10 13.59%

Structures 20-60 40 6.64%

Reservoirs Steel 25-100 50 6.34% $2000 + 1.2%

Concrete 25-100 50 6.34% $2000 + 0.6%

Elevated Storage Tanks 25-100 50 6.34% $2000 + 1.8%

Pipelines 25-100 50 6,34% 0 .6%

Telemetr~ and Supervisory 10-30 20 8.72% 5.0% Control ystem (a)Capital recovery factor for 6 percent interest rate (b)Values shown are expressed as a fixed sum plus a percentage of construction cost (c)Does not include cost of administration (d)Does not include cost of power (e)Estimated separately for each installation


Fixed Costs. The costs of capital invested in a project, consisting of interest and depreciation, are termed fixed costs. In this study, the annual fixed cost of capital is computed by assigning an economic life to each project and then applying the appropriate capital recovery factor to the project capital cost. Capital recovery factors used in this evaluation are based on the equivalent cost of capital, for an interest rate of 6 percent. Assumed economic lives assigned to the various structures do not necessarily reflect their true useful lives. Water mains, for example, have been known to serve satisfactorily for more than a century. Similarly, reservoirs can usually be expected to serve more than 50 years.

Operation and Maintenance Costs. Operation and maintenance costs include operation, maintenance, repairs, and utilities. The operation and maintenance costs are estimated separately for each alternative.

All expenses for operation, maintenance, and administration are based on experience from similar projects and from the USEPA publication titled 11 Estimating Water Treatment Costs". (21) A summary of the annual operation and maintenance costs for water system facilities is presented in Table 7-6.

Operating costs cover labor, material, equipment, and outside services necessary for routine operating functions. Labor costs are based on an hourly rate of $25.00 including fringe benefits. Outside services include power and chemicals. Chemical costs are presented in Table 7-7. Outside services are computed separately for each alternative and are not covered by the assumed cost factors.

Table 7-7 1'1ater Treatment Chemical Costs

Chemical Chemical Formula Cost, Dollars per Ton

Alum, per Dry Ton of Al203 AL2 (so.> l 145

Ammonia NH, 140

Carbon Dioxide co, 320

Chlorine Cl, 450

Copper Sulfate CuSOt 1200

Fluorosilicic Acid H2SiFG 147

Hydrated Lime Ca (OH) a 85

Polyaluminum Hydroxy Chloride 470

Potassium Permanganate KMnOt 2,700

Powered Activated Carbon c 820

Soda Ash NaC03 300

Electrical power is required to operate the electrical pumping equipment as well as lighting, instrumentation, and other electrical equipment. Electric motors are the primary consumer of electrical power and are rated by horsepower {Hp) output. Electrical costs for electric motors, except pumps, are estimated based on $0. 06 per kilowatt hour, which is equal to $525 per Hp per year. Pumping power costs are estimated as a unit cost per million gallons of water per foot of head. This annual cost amounts to approximately $0. 30 per million gallons per foot of head. This annual unit cost can be applied to any specific pumping application when flow and total dynamic head (TDH) are known.


Maintenance and repairs includes labor, spare parts, lubricants, protective coatings, cleaning compounds, and supplies for preventive maintenance and repair of equipment and structures. The annual maintenance and repair costs for a system will be estimated for each type of facility.

It is assumed that all booster pump stations and well stations will be designed for unattended operation. The annual operation and maintenance costs includes $3,600 per year to cover routine operator visits, plus 3.0 percent of project construction cost, plus the estimated cost of electric power.

Operation and maintenance costs for distribution storage reservoirs are estimated to be $2, 000 per year for each installation to cover routine operation. To this is added 1. 2 percent of the construction cost for steel ground reservoirs, 0. 6 percent of the construction cost for concrete reservoirs, and 1. 8 percent of the construction cost for steel elevated storage tanks.

Annual operation and maintenance costs are assumed to be 0.6 percent of the construction cost for supply and distribution water mains. Operation and maintenance costs for SCADA systems are assumed to be 5. O percent of the construction cost. Operation and maintenance costs for water treatment plants are estimated separately for each installation.

Administrative and general expenses cover legal fees, supervision, employee benefits, insurance, and engineering. It is estimated that average annual charges for administration will amount to approximately O. 25 percent of the project construction cost.


Evaluation of alternatives is an essential step in the decision-making process. If only economic factors are considered, a choice among alternatives becomes quite straight-forward once numerical values have been assigned to each plan. However, many important non-economic criteria, such as reliability of a system, ease of implementing a program, or environmental impact, are not suited to quantitative treatment. Consequently, it is necessary to present, discuss, and evaluate economic and non-economic factors separately.

Economic Evaluation

Economic evaluations are based on a common price level expected to occur in 2000. Capital costs do not include the value of existing facilities, even though useful facilities are assumed to be incorporated into the alternative plans. From an economic viewpoint, the value of these works can be ignored without altering the comparative evaluation of alternative plans. This approach is taken to simplify the calculations and presentation.

Total annual cost, comprising the sum of operating costs and annual cost of capital, is used as a simple expression of the true economic burden of each alternative scheme, and is directly proportional to the revenues required to support the new facilities being considered.


Non-economic Evaluation

Non-economic factors that must be considered in evaluating plans include functional considerations dealing with the level and quality of performance expected with each plan, and environmental factors, both adverse and beneficial, that can be expected. Alternative project plans are compared on a non-economic basis by considering the factors listed below:


* Providing water at acceptable pressure and of sufficient quantity to meet projected requirements.

* Performance gained relative to project cost.


* Assurance that project performance will equal expectations.

* Minimizing consequences of possible system failures due to natural disasters or catastrophes.

* Minimizing consequences of mechanical and process failures, including lowering expectation of such failures.


* Sensitivity of program cost and performance to changing patterns of urban development.

* Adaptability to technological advances.

* Ability to meet future water quality and supply requirements.


* Ease that the plan can be implemented from a construction standpoint.

* Level of financial and logistical obstacles encountered.

* Ease with which land can be acquired.

Environmental Impact

* Impact due to construction, including such factors as: dust, erosion, siltation, increased turbidity and suspended solids loads due to earthmoving activities; safety hazards and nuisances such as disruption of traffic and temporary interruptions in service.

* Impact due to siting, including such factors as displacement of persons, effect on neighboring property values, and disturbance of wildlife and fish.

* Impact upon power, chemical, and manpower resources.


* Impact upon archaeological or historical sites and endangered resources.

* Long-term impacts such as increased noise levels in the vicinity of planned facilities; alteration in the taste, appearance, or odor of water supplied; effect on aquatic environments due to changes in locations and amounts of raw water withdrawn; and potential health and safety problems.

* Secondary impacts such as incompatible with the desires planning.

encouragement of development \'lhich is of area residents or with current land use

* Magnitude of agricultural land reduction and impact upon agricultural productivity.








Previous chapters of this report have been devoted to a description of the factors that influence water supply and distribution planning in the Oak Creek area. Projections have been presented for population growth and distribution and for future land use. The present status of the existing water supply and distribution facilities have been reviewed and criteria for future development has been established. Projected rates of water use have been developed for retail and wholesale customers. This chapter describes the development and evaluation of alternative plans for water system improvements to the water supply facilities, water storage facilities, and water distribution facilities.


The development of alternative plans for water system improvements must consider design flows, water treatment requirements, storage requirements, and distribution system analysis. The requirements that the supply facilities, storage facilities, and distribution system facilities must meet are discussed in this section.

Design Flows

Design flows establish the size and arrangement of all future improvements. The values of importance are average annual day, maximum day, and peak hourly demand for the years 2010 and 2020. The values developed in Chapter 5 are for projected demands. To ensure these demands can be reliably met, it is advisable to select design values that are greater than the projected values. The design values selected for this project are summarized in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 Design Flow Rates

Design Flow, mgd

Average Annual Maximum Month Maximum Day Peak Hour

Projected Design Projected Design Projected Design Projected Design Year Value Value Value Value value Value Value Value

2010 9.97 10.00 14.96 15.00 19.94 20.00 35.89 36.00

2020 12 .46 12.50 18.69 19.00 24.92 25.00 44.86 45.00

Storage Requirements

Storage within the distribution system permits the water supply facilities such as water treatment plants, wells, and booster pump stations to operate at a constant rate in advance of customer need. The principal functions of distribution storage are to provide equalizing storage to meet short term demand variations; to provide a fire fighting reserve; and to provide an emergency reserve.


Equalizing storage permits the water supply, pumping and transmission facilities to operate at a capacity equal to the average demand on the maximum day, with flow to meet the peak hourly demand supplied from storage. As explained in Chapter 5, the characteristics of water demand in the Oak Creek Water System indicate that equalizing storage should be 20 percent of the total water used on the maximum day.

The fire fighting reserve required by Insurance Services Office (ISO) guidelines is set forth in Table 8-2. Storage requirements for the Oak Creek Water System are based on providing the recommended fire flow for each of the pressure zones independently. It is assumed that only one fire will occur at a time, but that this fire will occur on the day of maximum demand. The fire fighting reserve is, therefore, additive to the equalizing storage. The fire fighting reserve for the lower pressure zone is based on providing a 3, 500 gallons per minute (gpm) flow rate for a duration of three hours. The fire fighting reserve for the upper pressure zone is based on providing a 3,500 gpm flow rate for a duration of three hours. The fire flow can be met by providing 630,000 gallons of storage.

Emergency storage provides system reliability in the event of failure of the source of supply. Emergency storage volume will be sized to maintain service on the day of maximum demand with 25 percent of the supply facilities out of service. The required volume is, therefore, equal to 25 percent of the total water used on the maximum day. Emergency storage is additive to equalizing storage and fire fighting reserve.

The total volume of storage required is the sum of the equalizing storage, fire fighting reserve, and emergency storage. A summary of the storage requirements is presented in Table 8-2.

Table 8-2 Storage Requirements

Storage Volume, mg

Year Equalizing Fire Fighting Reserve Emergency Total 2010 4.00 0.63 5.00 9.63 2020 5.00 0,63 6.25 11.88


A combination of high lift pump station, pipeline, and storage improvements will be required to meet projected demands in the water system. Storage will be provided to meet peak hour demand, pipeline improvements will be designed to provide adequate conveyance at acceptable head loss, and booster pump stations will be designed to meet maximum day demand.

High Lift Pump Evaluation

The capacity of the existing transmission system was analyzed by evaluating the performance of the high lift pumps at the water treatment plant. The high lift pump evaluation was performed on March 30, 2000. The evaluation was performed by placing various combination of high lift pumps in service and measuring the actual flow rate and the discharge pressure.


The evaluation was performed using high lift pumps No. 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8. Pump No. 3 has a rated capacity of 1. 5 mgd, Pumps No. 2 and 4 have a rated capacity of 3.0 mgd, and Pumps No. 1, 7, and 8 have a rated capacity of 6.0 mgd. The pumps are rated at a head of 191 feet. The test was run at rated capacities of 1.5 mgd to 19.5 mgd. The results of the test are summarized in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3 High Lift Pump Evaluation

Rated Flow, Pumps in Service Actual Flow, Discharge Pressure MGD 2 3 4 7 8 MGD PSI Feet 1. 5 x 1.50 59 136 3.0 x 2.91 60 139 4.5 x x 4.49 61 141 6.0 x 6. 36 62 143 7.5 x x 7.10 63 145 9.0 x x 9.07 66 152

10.S x x x 10.04 67 155 12.0 x x 11.64 69 159 13.5 x x x 12.40 72 166 15.0 x x x 13.84 74 171 16.5 x x x x 14.50 77 178 18.0 x x x x 15.80 80 185 19.S x x x x x 16.00 83 192

The static pressure at the start of the test was 50 pounds per square inch (psi) (136 feet) . The elevation in the Puetz Road Ground Storage Reservoir was at elevation 810. The total static head was approximately 150 feet.

The results of the test indicate the capacity of the transmission main system limits the capacity of the water treatment plant. The actual flow of the high lift pumps is significantly less than the rated flow due to the high head losses in the transmission system. Noticeable losses in capacity begin at a rated capacity of 10.5 mgd. At a rated capacity of 19.5 mgd, the actual capacity is only 16.0 mgd, which is only 82 percent of the rated capacity.

The results of the high lift pump evaluation confirm the need to expand the transmission system. The results were also used to calibrate the model of the water distribution system.

Distribution System Analysis

The evaluation of pipeline improvements was performed by developing a model of the existing water distribution system and expanding it to include the improvements needed in the year 2010 and the year 2020. Determination of the location and size of pipeline network improvements are based on the water demand projections presented in Table 8-1.

Pipeline Network. The transmission main improvements would complete the major transmission system routes shown in Figure 8-1. The transmission system includes four major east-west pipelines, one major north-south pipeline, and five minor north-south pipelines. The four major east-west pipelines are the Rawson Avenue Transmission Main, the Puetz Road Transmission Main, the Ryan Road Transmission Main, and the Oakwood Road Transmission Main. The major north-south pipeline is





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Fig. 8-1 Proposed Transmission Main System

the 13th Street Transmission Main and the five minor north-south pipelines are the Chicago Road Transmission Main, the Pennsylvania Avenue Transmission Main, the Nicholson Road Transmission Main 1 the Howell Avenue Transmission Main, and the 20th Street Transmission Main.

Preliminary sizing of transmission mains was based on the values in Table 8-4 using the method of sections. The method of sections was developed by Allen Hazen as a means of performing a preliminary design for a pipeline network. The steps involved in analyzing a system using the method of sections are:

1. Cut the pipeline network by a series of lines at right angles to the general direction of flow.

2. Estimate the demand that must be supplied beyond the section.

3. Estimate the capacity of the pipeline network the required demand using the design flows in Table 8-3.

4. Compare the required demand with the available capacity.

5. Determine the additional pipeline capacity needed using the design flows in Table 8-3 if the required demand exceeds the available capacity.

The preliminary sizing developed using the method of sections is then refined using a detailed computerized model.

Table 8-4 Preliminary Design Flows for Sizing Pipelines

Pipe Size Capacity, mgd Pipe Size Capacity, mgd 8-inch 0.5 24-inch 6.1

12-inch 1. 0 30-inch 11.0

16-inch 2.1 36-inch 18.0 20-inch 3.8 42-inch 27.0

A hydraulic gradeline reference elevation is necessary to perform the hydraulic analysis of the distribution system. The hydraulic gradeline references in the Lower Pressure Zone is the Howell Avenue Elevated Storage Tank and Puetz Road Ground Storage Reservoir high water elevation of 840 feet. The hydraulic gradeline reference in the Upper Pressure Zone is the Cedar Hills Elevated Storage Tank high water elevation of 900 feet. The Upper Pressure Zone was analyzed in the City of Franklin Water System Study. (15) The static pressures throughout the distribution system area are directly related to the water levels in the storage tanks. Fluctuations in the levels affect the static pressures.

The Oak Creek Water System was analyzed with a flow of 30 percent of maximum daily flow occurring with the storage facilities at half of their capacity and setting the head of the water treatment plant high lift pumps at 30 feet above the hydraulic gradeline of the reservoirs. The Lower Pressure Zone would be at a hydraulic gradeline of 825 feet. The year 2010 system demand would be 6.00 million gallons per day (mgd), and the year 2020 system demand would be 7. 50 mgd. This condition would occur during nighttime hours when the elevated storage tanks


are at their lowest levels and are filling. This condition was the most critical for the transmission system to meet in the Oak Creek Water System. The system was run under maximum daily flow plus fire flow to show localized deficiencies in the distribution system.

The distribution system improvements are selected to provide an acceptable head loss and velocity. The criteria for determining the sizing of transmission pipelines in preliminary planning is presented in Table 8-5. The sizing of the pipelines is based on a maximum allowable head loss of 1.5 feet per 1,000 lineal feet. For example, a demand of 2 mgd requires a 16-inch diameter pipeline.

Table 8-5 Pipeline Sizing Criteria

Pipeline Capacity, mgd

Pipeline Diameter, inches 1.0 1 /1,000' 1.5'/1,000' 2.0'/1,000'

12 0.8 1. 0 1.15 16 1. 7 2.1 2.45 20 3.0 3.8 4.5 24 5.0 6.1 7.0 30 8.5 11.0 13.0 36 14. 5 18.0 21.0

After the preliminary sizing of the distribution system improvements was completed, the system was modeled using the Haestad "WaterCad" computer system model. The program is capable of analyzing a system containing 1,000 pipelines. The WaterCad model uses the Hazen Williams or Darcy Weisbach equations for standard analysis or exterted period simulations. All primary pipelines and the important 6-inch and 8-inch diameter pipelines are included in the network. The elevated storage tanks were modeled in the analysis. The booster pump stations were modeled as demand nodes for water use in the Oak Creek Upper Pressure Zone and City of Franklin.

The computer system model was run for different transmission main arrangements. The transmission main improvements that provided the greatest flow with 30 feet of headloss from the water treatment plant to the storage facilities were selected.

Eighteen transmission main segments were determined to be necessary to serve the Oak Creek Water Utility to the year 2020. Eight of the transmission main segments would be required within two to three years to meet the water demands to the year 2010. Ten of the transmission main segments would be required to meet water demands in the year 2020. If aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is approved for full scale operation, construction of the ten segments could be deferred until the water treatment plant is expanded from 20 million gallons per day (mgd) to 28 mgd.

Booster Pumn Stations. The Ryan Road Booster Pump Station has a reliable capacity of 6.75 mgd. No improvements are needed at the booster pump station to meet year 2020 demand conditions. The Rawson Road Booster Pump Station has a reliable capacity of 2.60 mgd. The only alternative is to make improvements to meet year 2020 demand conditions. The capacity of the booster pump station will be increased to 7.8 mgd by replacing the two 900 gpm pumps with two 1,800 gpm pumps with a TDH of 90 feet, and replacing the discharge header piping.


Storage Facilities. The Oak Creek water system presently has 7.2 million gallons of storage and the Franklin water system presently has 1.268 million gallons of storage. The City of Franklin will provide adequate storage facilities and will add total capacity of 4.5 million gallons.

The storage requirement needed to expand the capacity of the system to 20 mgd is 9.0 million gallons (mg). The storage requirements will be met by construction of a 2.0 mg elevated storage tank in the City of Franklin on Puetz Road. The total storage volume after construction of the improvements will be 10.47 mg. The required storage volume is 9.63 mg.

The storage requirement needed to expand the capacity of the system to 28 mgd is 12. 6 mg. The storage requirements will be met by construction of an additional 2.5 mg of elevated storage in the City of Franklin. An additional 2.0 mg elevated storage tank will be constructed on Puetz Road and a 0.5 mg elevated storage tank will be constructed on Rawson Avenue. The total storage volume after construction of the improvements will be 12.97 mg. The required storage volume is 11.88 mg.

Pressure Zones. The existing pressure zone boundary was discussed in Chapter 4. The hydraulic analysis of the distribution system showed that no major changes in the pressure zones are necessary. Significant commercial development has occurred in the last ten years at the north end of 13th Street. Modification of the pressure zones in this area is necessary to improve water service pressures. The area would be added to the upper pressure zone by connecting the existing upper pressure zone 20-inch diameter main on West Rawson Avenue to the 12-inch diameter water main at the intersection of West Rawson Avenue and 10th Street.


The determination of the optimum water system plan can only be made after careful evaluation of the economic and non-economic characteristics of all feasible alternatives. The first step in the development of alternatives is the conceptualization of a basic plan for each alternative. The elements of the plan are then developed in detail.

Plan Formulation

The two alternatives for meeting the supply needs of the Oak Creek planning area beyond the year 2010 include expansion of the water treatment plant and development of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells. Each alternative involves treatment of surface water from Lake Michigan at the existing water treatment plant. The water treatment plant is effective in treating the surface water to meet drinking water standards. Each water supply alternative will be designed for an average annual production of 13. 5 mgd and a maximum day production of 28 mgd.

The water treatment facilities in the water treatment plant expansion alternative would be operated at varying rates throughout the year to meet the daily demands in the system. The water treatment facilities in the ASR alternative would be operated at a relatively constant rate throughout the year. Treated water would be placed in storage in the ASR wells when treatment plant


production exceeded demands in the water distribution system. A total of 240 million gallons (mg) of water would be stored. Treated water would be withdrawn from storage in the ASR wells when demands in the water distribution system exceeded treatment plant production. A total of 240 mg of water would be recovered from storage. The water withdrawn from storage would be chlorinated using sodium hypochlorite or chlorine gas. No other treatment would be required.

Description of Alternative Plans

This section describes the arrangement and size of facilities for the two plans formulated in the previous section. Plan 1 A 1 describes the alternative to expand the water treatment plant to meet projected demands. Plan 'B' describes the alternative to develop ASR wells using existing and new wells to meet projected water demands.

Plan 'A'. In Plan 'A', the water treatment plant would be expanded from a capacity of 20.0 million gallons per day (mgd) to 28.0 mgd. The low lift pump station would be expanded by adding two 6. 0 mgd low lift pumps. The water treatment plant would be expanded by adding one 8 mgd flocculation/sedimentation basin and four 2 mgd mixed-media filters. The high lift pump station would be expanded by adding two 6.0 mgd high lift pumps. The improvements to the water treatment plant and pump stations would be completed by the year 2010.

The project cost of expanding the low lift pump station is estimated to be $300,000. The project cost of the flocculation/sedimentation basin and four mixed-media filters is estimated to be $4, 700, 000. The project cost of expanding the high lift pump station is estimated to be $500,000. The total construction cost for Pl_an 1A 1 , including construction contingencies, is estimated to be $6,050,000. The project cost, including engineering, legal, and administrative costs and proj eat contingencies, is estimated to be $7, 865, 000. The annual cost, based on a 20 year capital cost recovery at a 6 percent interest rate, is estimated to be $685,700.

Plan 'A' only includes the minimum facilities needed to meet a maximum daily demand of 28 mgd. Plan 'A' does not include ozone or some other form of advanced treatment facilities or intermediate pumping and plant storage facilities. The capital cost of Plan 'A' with the ozone facilities and intermediate pump station and plant storage facilities is estimated to be $9,700,000.

The annual operation and maintenance costs for Plan 'A' are estimated to increase the existing annual costs by $79,000. The annual operating costs for Plan 1 A 1 are estimated to increase due to maintenance and repair costs for the additional water treatment facilities to provide for the design maximum day water demand of 28 mgd. The annual maintenance and repair costs for the additional facilities are estimated to be 2. 5 percent of the mechanical and electrical costs and 0.5 percent of the structural cost. The annual maintenance and repair costs are estimated to increase $79,000 for the 8 mgd expansion. The annual power and chemical costs for the water production are estimated to be the same as for Plan 1 B 1 • The annual labor and administration costs are not expected to increase. The increase in total annual cost for Plan 'A' is estimated to be $764,700.

Plan 1 B 1 • In Plan 'B', Well No. 3, the existing ASR well, would continue to be used, Wells No. 1 and No. 4 in Oak Creek would be converted to ASR wells, Well No. 2 in the Crestview Sanitary District would be converted to ASR wells, and two wells in Franklin would be converted to ASR wells. The ASR wells would


be designed to store 240 mg of treated water and provide a pumping capacity of 8.0 mgd. Well No. 3 was converted to a ASR well in 1999 and provides a pumping capacity of 1.5 mgd. Wells No. 1 in Oak Creek would provide a capacity of 1.5 mgd. Well No. 4 in Oak Creek would provide a capacity of 2.0 mgd. The Crestview Sanitary District well would provide a capacity of 1.0 mgd. The two Franklin wells would each provide a capacity of 1. O mgd. The conversion of existing groundwater supply wells to ASR wells would be completed by the year 2010. Plan 'B' has the flexibility to be staged to match construction with needs.

The first well to be converted to an ASR well would be Oak Creek Well No. 1. The well work would include well testing, well performance testing, well televising, and geophysical logging work. A new 1,050 gallons per minute (gpm) well pump with a 250 Horsepower (Hp) motor would be installed. The design recharge rate for Well No. 1 would be 700 gpm and the design recovery rate would be 1,050 gpm. The target storage volume in the ASR well is estimated to be 39 mg in the year 2010 and 45 mg in the year 2020. Well No. 1 would be designed to discharge to the Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir.

The well head piping and process piping in the well station would be modified. An 8-inch bi-directional magnetic flow meter would be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves would be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer would be installed in the well to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A waste pipeline would be constructed from the well station to the storm sewer constructed for Well Station No. 3. A solution chlorination system would be installed in the well station. Chlorinated water would be fed to maintain a chlorine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling. The electrical system at the well station would be replaced. The total construction cost for renovating Oak Creek Well No. 1 to an ASR well is estimated to be $344,500.

The second well to be converted to an ASR well would be Oak Creek Well No. 4. The well work would include well testing, well performance testing, well televising, and geophysical logging work. A new 1,400 gallons per minute (gpm) well pump with a 300 Horsepower (Hp) motor would be installed. The design recharge rate for Well No. 4 would be 900 gpm and the design recovery rate would be 1,400 gpm. The target storage volume in the ASR well is estimated to be 52 mg in the year 2010 and 60 mg in the year 2020. Well No. 4 would be designed to discharge directly to the water distribution system.

The well head piping and process piping in the well station would be modified. An 8-inch bi-directional magnetic flow meter would be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves would be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer would be installed in the well to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A storm sewer would be constructed from the well station to the storm sewer on South 20th Street for discharge of waste. A solution chlorination system would be installed in the well station. Chlorinated water would be fed to maintain a chlorine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling. The electrical system at the well station would be replaced. The total construction cost for converting Oak Creek Well No. 4 to an ASR well is estimated to be $391,000.


The fourth well to be converted to an ASR well would be Crestview Sanitary District Well No. 2. The well work would include well testing, well performance testing, well televising, and geophysical logging work. The existing well pump and motor would be reused. The design recharge rate for Well No. 2 would be 450 gpm and the design recovery rate would be 700 gpm. The target storage volume in the ASR well is estimated to be 26 mg in the year 2010 and 30 mg in the year 2020. The Crestview Sanitary District Well No. 2 would be designed to discharge directly into the water distribution system.

The well head piping would be reused. The process piping in the well station would be modified. An a-inch bi-directional magnetic flow meter would be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves would be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer would be installed in the well to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A storm sewer would be constructed from the well station to the nearest drainage ditch for discharge of waste. A solution chlorination system would be installed in the well station. Chlorinated water would be fed to maintain a chlorine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling. The electrical system at the well station would be reused and expanded to accommodate new equipment. The total construction cost for converting Crestview Sanitary District Well No. 2 to an ASR well is estimated to be $117,500.

The fifth and sixth wells to be converted to ASR wells should be in Franklin. Wells No. 5, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, and No. 11 have the potential for use as ASR wells. The potential capacity of the six wells would be about 6.0 to 8.0 mgd. The most suitable wells for conversion to ASR wells are Wells No. 5, No. 7, No. 8, and No. 9. The exact wells to be converted to ASR wells would be determined in a pre-design study that would be performed as the first element of the conversion process. The well work would include well testing, well performance testing, well televising, and geophysical logging work. The existing well pump and motor would be reused. The design recharge rate for the wells would be between 450 and 700 gpm and the design recovery rate would be between 700 and 1,050 gpm depending on the wells selected for conversion. The target storage volume in the ASR well is estimated to be between 26 and 39 mg in the year 2010 and 30 and 45 mg in the year 2020. The storage volume would depend on the capacity of the well. Franklin Wells No. 5, No. 9, and No. 11 would be designed to discharge directly into the water distribution system. Franklin Wells No. 7, No. 8, and No. 10 would be designed to discharge into the existing ground storage reservoirs.

The well head piping would be reused. The process piping in the well station would be modified. An 8-inch bi-directional magnetic flow meter would be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves would be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer would be installed in the well to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A storm sewer would be constructed from the well station to the nearest drainage ditch for discharge of waste. A solution chlorination system would be installed in the well station. Chlorinated water would be fed to maintain a chlorine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling. The electrical system at the well station would be reused and expanded to accommodate new equipment. The total construction cost for converting two wells in Franklin would depend on the


wells selected. It is anticipated that the cost of converting two wells would be equal to or less than constructing a new ASR well with a capacity of 1,400 gpm. The total construction cost for a 1,400 gpm ASR well and well station is estimated to be $832,500.

A new ASR well and well station (Well No. 5) would be constructed in Oak Creek if two wells in Franklin can not be converted to ASR wells. It is anticipated that the well would be constructed on a property presently owned by the City of Oak Creek. One of the sites that may be suitable is located on Oakwood Road, west of Howell Avenue.

It is assumed that ASR Well No. 5 would be constructed similar to Oak Creek Well No. 4. Well No. 5 would consist of a 26-inch diameter drill hole from the surface to a depth of approximately 600 feet, a 26-inch diameter outer casing pipe from the surface to a depth of approximately 200 feet, a 20-inch diameter pipe from two feet above the surface to a depth of approximately 600 feet, a 19-inch diameter drill hole from a depth of 600 feet to a depth of approximately 1,000 feet, and a 15-inch diameter drill hole from a depth of 1,000 feet to a depth of approximately 1, 850 feet. The annular space between the 26-inch diameter drill hole and casing pipe and between the outer casing pipe and 20-inch diameter pipe would be grouted. The well would extend into the Mt. Simon sandstone. The well work would include well testing, well performance testing, well televising, and geophysical logging work. A 1,400 gpm well pump with a 300 Hp motor would be installed. The design recharge rate for the new well would be 900 gpm and the design recovery rate would be 1,400 gpm. The target storage volume is estimated to be 52 mg in the year 2010 and 60 mg in the year 2020. A new well station would be constructed to house the well pump, controls, piping, and chlorine feed system. Well No. 5 would be designed to discharge directly into the water distribution system.

The well station at ASR Well No. 5 would include well head piping and process piping to accommodate ASR and conventional well operation. An 8-inch bi­directional magnetic flow meter would be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves would be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer would be installed in the well to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A storm sewer would be constructed from the well station to the storm sewer on Oakwood Road for discharge of waste. A solution chlorination system would be installed in the well station. Chlorinated \'later would be fed to maintain a chlOrine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling. The total construction cost for ASR Well No. 5 well and well station is estimated to be $832,500.

The total construction cost for Plan 'B', including construction contingencies, is estimated to be $1,894,500. The total project cost, including engineering, legal, and administrative costs and project contingencies / is estimated to be $2,462,800. The annual cost, based on a 20 year capital cost recovery at 6 percent interest rate, is estimated to be $214,700.

The annual operation and maintenance costs for Plan 'B' are estimated to increase the existing annual costs by $121,100. The annual production costs to meet the design average annual water demand will be the same as Plan 'A'. The annual operation and maintenance costs for the wells and well stations are estimated to increase annual costs $74,300. The annual chemical cost for sodium hypochlorite is estimated to increase annual costs $3, 600. · The annual power cost


for v1ell pumping is estimated to increase annual costs $43, 200. Power costs are based on a volume of 240 mg and an average pumping head of 600 feet. The increase in total annual cost for Plan 'B' is estimated to be $335,800.

Evaluation and Comparison of Alternatives

The water system plans outlined in the previous section were evaluated on the basis of comparative cost. Both initial and long-range costs are important since initial costs represent the financial burden which must be assumed now, and long­range costs indicate the relative economy of the various projects over the entire design period to the year 2020. Although capital and operating costs are a major consideration in evaluating the alternative plans, non-economic and environmental factors were also compared in selecting the most suitable project.

Economic Evaluation. As discussed in Chapter 7, the economic evaluation of alternative plans is based on a common price level that may be expected to occur in 1998. A summary of the capital cost, annual fixed costs, and annual operating cost is presented in Table B-6.

Table 8-6 Capital and Operating Cost Comparison

Cost Dollars Plan Plan 'A' Plan 'B'

Total Capital Cost 7,865,000 2,462,800 Fixed Annual cost{a) 685,700 214,700 Annual Operating Cost(b) 79,000 121,100 TOTAL ANNUAL COST 764,700 335,800

(a)Annual cost based on the capital cost funded with a 20-year revenue bond at an interest rate of 6.0 percent

(b)Incremental increase in annual cost for increasing maximum day capacity from 20 mgd to 28 mgd

Capital Cost. Capital cost is the total estimated cost of construction of facilities for each plan, including administration, engineering and contingencies. Annual cost of capital is based on a 20-year revenue bond at a 6 percent interest rate. The total capital cost is the lowest for Plan 'B'. The total capital cost for Plan 'B' is 69 percent lower than the capital cost for Plan 'A'.

Operation and Maintenance Cost. The basis for estimating operating and maintenance costs was outlined in Chapter 7. The operation and maintenance costs are based on an average annual supply capacity of 13.5 mgd and a maximum day supply capacity of 28 mgd. For comparison purposes, the additional annual operation and maintenance costs were estimated for increasing the maximum day supply capacity from 20.0 to 28.0 mgd.

The increase in annual operation and maintenance costs are lowest for Plan 'A'. The increase in annual operating cost for Plan 'A' is 35 percent lower than the annual operating cost for Plan 'B'.

Annual Cost. A summary of the annual cost increase for each plan is presented in Table B-2. The cost of amortizing capital investment plus the cost of operation and maintenance of the system, computed on an annual basis, is the total annual cost. Plan 'B', use of the existing ASR well, renovation of three


existing wells to ASR wells and construction of a new ASR well, has the least annual cost increase of $335,800. The annual cost increase for Plan 1 B 1 is 56 percent lower than the annual cost increase for Plan 1 A1 •

Evaluation of Non-economic Factors. Factors other than cost have an important influence in selecting the most suitable water system plan, especially \'/hen economic differences between alternatives are not large. These non-economic factors include functional standards such as effectiveness, reliability, flexibility, and ease of implementation of each alternative. Environmental impact of each plan is also considered.

Both alternative plans were evaluated with respect to each of the functional factors mentioned above. The results are shown in Table 8-7. A non-numerical basis for rating the alternatives was used because of the subjective and nonquantitative nature of the functional issues. For the terminology used in the table, a "marginal" rating indicates that, although a project may meet minimum project criteria, it is clearly inferior to other alternatives, or is of doubtful long-term suitability. An 11 adequate 11 rating describes a project which more than meets the minimum criteria, but which exhibits either a long-term unsuitability, or is not as desirable as other projects. Those projects which provide superior performance with the capability of meeting or exceeding all anticipated program criteria, including long-term suitability, were rated as "excellent". Each of the functional factors is addressed in the following discussion.

Table. 8-7 Functional Comparison of Alternatives

Alternative Factor Plan 'A' Plan '8'

Effectiveness Adequate Adequate Reliability Adequate Excellent Flexibility Adequate Excellent Implementation Adequate Excellent Environmental Impact Adequate Adem1ate

Project Effectiveness. As discussed in the previous chapter, both plans are conceptually designed to achieve the same standards. Therefore, system performance is constant for each alternative and all plans equally satisfy requirements for adequate pressures, storage, and flows under projected future conditions. The effectiveness of both plans is considered adequate.

Reliability. Reliability of any plan can be expressed in terms of three conditions: (a) assurance that project performance will equal or exceed expectations, (b) probability that system failures due to natural disasters or catastrophes will result in minimal or acceptable consequences, and (c)likelihood that mechanical and process failures will occur infrequently, and that their consequences will be minimal. It is felt that there are some identifiable differences in alternatives with respect to the three conditions listed.

Plan 'B' includes the use of one renovated well, renovation of three wells, and construction of one well. This would provide the greatest protection against system failure due to the number of facilities and the facilities being located at different sites. A total failure of one well will not seriously impair


service within the study area. A failure of the water treatment plant would have a significant adverse impact on service. The reliability of Plan 1 B 1 is considered excellent and the reliability of Plan 'A' is considered adequate.

Flexibility. There is an obvious advantage to having a utility system which can be altered inexpensively to meet changing patterns of urban development. Consequently, system flexibility can be judged in part by considering the capital investment in major components such as water treatment units and pump stations that are sized for estimated ultimate project capacities. Once major structures have been built, they represent irrevocable capital commitments. The construction of the treatment facilities in Plan 'A' represent a loss of flexibility for future water system planning. A large capital expenditure early in the program limits the capability to modify the system in response to changes in population, costs, or future unit demands. The use of the existing ASR well, conversion of existing municipal wells to ASR wells, and the construction of one ASR well can be staged in Plan 'B' to match actual growth. Furthermore, the plan may be altered at any stage to incorporate technological advances into the design of new facilities. The flexibility of Plan 'B' is considered excellent and the flexibility of Plan 'A' is considered adequate.

Program Implementation. Generally, smaller local facilities can be constructed more rapidly than major new facilities. The initial financial burdens and the time required for design and construction are less for the ASR well projects envisioned in Plan 'B'. Plan 'A' will require time-consuming design and construction. Obtaining regulatory approvals is the only negative factor for Plan 18 1 in terms of implementation. The program implementation is considered excellent for Plan 18 1 and the program implementation is considered adequate for Plan 1A 1 •

Environmental Impact. Consideration must be given to the environmental acceptability of each alternative. Plan 'A' is inferior to Plan 'B' in terms of construction impacts. Plan 'A' requires construction of more pumping and treatment facilities. Plan 'A 1 is rated lower with regard to disruption of traffic, interr'uption of service and public safety hazards during construction. However, these conditions are temporary, so they are considered minimum negative environmental factors. With regard to sizing of facilities, Plan 'A' is found to be somewhat inferior because it requires additional site area.

Where long-term impacts are concerned, all of the plans are considered to be excellent. All of the plans are designed to provide water of acceptable taste, appearance and odor.

In terms of secondary impacts, all of the plans are considered adequate. The sizing of the facilities is an important factor in encouraging growth. The construction of facilities in the plans to expand the water supply facilities can be balanced with growth. The initial construction costs for water treatment facilities in Plan 'A' would have a more significant impact on water rates. In all cases, facilities were sized in accordance with present land use planning. The environmental impact of both plans is considered adequate.

Selection of Recommended Plan

In general, Plan 'B' is deemed to be the best plan for future development of the Oak Creek water system. Total capital and annual costs increases are lowest for this alternative. The initial financial burden to Oak Creek for Plan 'B'


will not be as severe as for Plan 'A'. Service will improve as each ASR well is constructed and will not be entirely dependent on completion of a single key facility.

From a non-economic standpoint, Plan 'B' is the alternative of choice. It provides water essentially free from the chemical and physical contaminants. It has a high degree of reliability due to the small probability of simultaneous failure of more than one component. Plan 1 B 1 is easier to implement than the other plans because there would be less facilities required. Environmental impacts of Plan 'B' are deemed to be minimal.


Four plans for providing an engine generator system for the water treatment plant and low lift pump station were evaluated to determine the most cost effective alternative. The most effective alternative was then evaluated to determine if the cost savings from changing to a curtailable or interruptible rate would pay for the engine generator additions.

Engine Generator Alternatives

Two central generation plans and two distributed generation plans were evaluated. The central generation plans use two equally sized engine generators that supply the water treatment plant and the low lift pump station. The two distributed generator plans use three engine generators. Two engine generators would serve the water treatment plant and one engine generator would serve the low lift pump station. Each engine generator would be sized for the load in the portion of the facility it served.

Plan 'Gl'. Plan 'Gl' included two 1250 KW generators and paralleling equipment located at the existing primary switchgear. The generators would have a 480V output. Two 480V by 24,900V step-up transformers would be provided to allow the generators to use the primary switchgear. The primary switchgear would be modified to accommodate the engine generator arrangement. The estimated costs for Plan 'Gl' are summarized in Table 8-8.

Table 8-8 Capital Costs for Plan 'Gl'

Item 2 - 1250 KW Engine Generator 4BOV AC Paralleling Switch Gear 2 - 3000K VA Step-Up Transformer Revise s & c Switch Gear Subtotal Construction Cost Engineerina and Contingencies TOTAL PROJECT COST

Cost, Dollars 440,616 255,000

64,000 90,000

849,616 169,923


Plan 'G2' . Plan 'G2' included two 1250 KW generators and paralleling equipment located ahead of the existing primary switchgear. The generators would have a 480V output. Two 480V by 24,900V step-up transformers would be provided


to allow the generators to use the primary switchgear. The primary switchgear would be expanded to accommodate the engine generator arrangement. The estimated costs for Plan 'G2' are summarized in Table 8-9.

Table 8-9 Capital Costs for Plan 1 G2'

Item 2 - 1250 KW Engine Generator 4BOV AC Paralleling Switch Gear 2 - 3000K VA Step-Up Transformer S & C switch Gear Subtotal Construction Cost Engineering and Contingencies TOTAL PROJECT COST

Cost, Dollars 440,616 255, 000

64,000 150,000 909, 616 181,923


Plan 1 G3'. Plan 1 G3 1 included a 1250 KW generator and a 900 KW generator for the water treatment plant and one 900 KW generator for the low lift pump station. Each generator would feed an automatic transfer switch. The generators for the water treatment plant would have a 2400V output. Each generator would have a 2400V automatic transfer switch. The generator for the low lift pump station would have a 480V output. The generator would feed two 480V automatic transfer switches. The estimated costs for Plan 1 G3' are summarized in Table 8-10.

Table 8-10 Capital Costs for Plan 1 G3'






Item 1250 KW MV Engine Generator 900KW MV Engine Generator 600A Medium Voltage Transfer Switch 900KW Low Voltage Engine Generator 2000A Low Voltage Transfer Switch

Subtotal Construction Cost Engineering and Contingencies TOTAL PROJECT COST

Cost, Dollars 234,060 164,116 230,000 151,008 204,000 983, 184 196,637


Plan 'G4'. Plan °G4' included two 800 KW generators and paralleling equipment for the water treatment plant and one 900 KW generator for the low lift pump station. Each generator would feed an automatic transfer switch. The generators for the water treatment plant would have a 2400V output. Each generator would have a 2400V automatic transfer switch. The generator for the low lift pump station would have a 480V output. The generator would feed two 480V automatic transfer switches. The estimated costs for Plan 1 G4 1 are summarized in Table 8-11.

Evaluation and Comparison of Alternatives

The evaluation indicates that Plan 'Gl' has the lowest capital cost and most flexible alternative. The only disadvantage is needing to rely on the two feeders to the low lift pump station.


Table 8-11 Capital Costs for Plan 'G4'


2 - 800 KW Medium Voltage Engine Generator 1 - 2400V Paralleling Switch Gear 1 900KW Low Voltage Engine Generator 1 2000A Low Voltage Transfer Switch Subtotal Construction Cost Engineering and Contingencies TOTAL PROJECT COST

Selection of Recommended Plan

Cost, Dollars

295,808 340,000 151,008 204,000 990,816 198,163


Plan 'Gl' is deemed to be the best plan for providing engine generators for the Oak Creek Water Treatment Plant. A schematic of Plan 1 Gl 1 is shown in Figure 8-2. The plan has the lowest capital cost and provides the most flexibility. The proposed arrangement can easily be expanded in the future to accommodate expansion of the water treatment plant or the low lift pump station.

Cost Savings Potential

A rate analysis was performed by WEPCO to determine the potential savings that the Oak Creek Water Utility could realize if engine generators were installed at the water treatment plant. The analysis compared billings for 2001 under the present General Primary rate schedule with a General Primary Curtailable rate and a General Primary Interruptible rate. The analysis indicated the Utility would have saved $12,708 in 2001 using the Curtailable rate at a 5.4 percent savings, and would have saved $68,851 in 2001 using the Interruptible rate at 29.5 percent savings. A copy of the rate analysis is included in Appendix 11 1 11 • The proposed engine generator would allow the use of either rate. The Utility would receive the greatest benefit from the interruptible rate schedule. A copy of the curtailable and interruptible rate schedules are included in Appendix 11 1 11 •

The estimated cost for providing the engine generator was compared to the potential savings for changing to an interruptible rate. The potential savings for changing to an interruptible rate are projected to be $1,845,000 over the next 20 years. The analysis is based on a savings of $68,850 in 2001 using the curtailable rate schedule and an annual increase in water use and electric use of 3.4 percent per year. The cost of the engine generator system is estimated to be $1,019,600.

Plan 'Gl' would significantly improve the reliability of the water treatment plant and low lift pump station, and the plan has the potential for significant cost savings. Adding a engine generator system is an optional item that can be added at anytime.






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'" ® ;>'.- _\l_ -;ti' ® '"

@m 52

1~1~.,. I l em

2000 KVA 2000 KVA

24.9 KV X 2400 V 24.9 KV X 2400 V

@m 52


;/ ;/



24.9 KV X 480 V 24.9 KV X 480 V

@m @m @m


FIG. 8-2 Recommended Engine Generator Plan





The recommended plan is designed to meet the projected water supply and distribution needs of the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility to the year 2020. The recommended plan includes improvements to the water distribution and water supply systems. The recommended plan is composed of the most cost-effective combination of distribution system improvements, storage and booster pump facilities, and water treatment facilities. In previous chapters of this report, transmission and feeder main improvements, expansion of the Rawson Booster Pump Station, and expansion of water supply facilities were identified as needed for expanding the capacity of the Oak Creek Water Utility. The improvements will improve reliability, provide flexibility, and minimize disruptions from removing mains from service for maintenance and repair.

Construction of improvements for the recommended plan are divided into stages to allow revenue to match expenditures as much as possible during the planning period. The Stage 1 distribution system improvements should be completed by the year 2005. The Stage 2 distribution system and water supply improvements should be completed by the year 2010.

The recommended plan will increase the capacity of the system to 28 million gallons per day (mgd) in two stages to meet maximum daily demands of 28 mgd and peak hourly demands of up to 44.8 mgd. Surface water from Lake Michigan will continue to serve as the source of water. The groundwater supply facilities will be renovated so they can be used to supply seasonal peaking capacity.

The following sections of this chapter present a detailed description of the recommended project, the capital costs for the plan, a discussion on how the plan will be implemented.


The description of the recommended plan is divided into two sections. The first section describes the improvements needed to upgrade and expand the water distribution system. The water distribution system includes the pipeline network, ground storage reservoirs and elevated storage tanks, booster pump stations, well stations, and the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. The water distribution system improvements needed in the next 20 years will include construction of 18 segments of transmission mains and 15 segments of feed mains; expansion of the Rawson Booster Pump Station; and changing the boundary between the lower and upper pressure zones at the north end of 13th Street. The second section describes the improvements needed to upgrade and expand the water supply system. The water supply system improvements include the aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells, plant storage, and electrical system improvements.


Water Distribution System Improvements

The location and size of the water distribution improvements are based on the demand projections developed in Chapter 5, The existing pipeline network was modeled with the storage and pumping facilities discussed in Chapter 8 and analyzed using the 2010 and 2020 demands to determine the required improvements. Transmission and feeder main pipeline routes and sizes were selected in accordance w·i th the criteria in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 and obvious network deficiencies. A hydraulic analysis was then performed to verify the adequacy of the proposed transmission and feeder main pipeline improvements.

Storage Facilities. The storage requirement for Stage 1 to expand the capacity of the system to 20 mgd is 9. O million gallons (mg) . The storage requirements for Stage 1 will be met by construction of a 2.0 mg elevated storage tank in the City of Franklin on Puetz Road. The total storage volume after construction of the Stage 1 improvements will be 10.47 mg. The existing SCADA system will need to be expanded to include the Franklin Puetz Road Elevated Storage Tank. The estimated cost to expand the SCADA system is $25,000.

The storage requirement for Stage 2 to expand the capacity of the system to 28 mgd is 12. 6 mg. The storage requirements for Stage 2 will be met by construction of an additional 2.5 mg of elevated storage in the City of Franklin. An additional 2.0 mg elevated storage tank will be constructed on Puetz Road and a 0.5 mg elevated storage tank will be constructed on Rawson Avenue. The total storage volume after construction of the Stage 2 improvements will be 12.97 mg.

Booster Pump Stations. The combined capacity of the Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station and Ryan Road Booster Pump Station will be capable of reliably supplying the maximum daily demands in the City of Franklin and the upper pressure zone of the Oak Creek Water System until the year 2010. The Rawson Booster Pump Station will be expanded to a capacity of 7.80 mgd by 2010. The estimated cost to expand the Rawson Avenue Booster Pump Station is $125,000.

Pipeline Network. The general concept for the pipeline network improvements plan is to complete the transmission main and transmission loop improvements that have been started and add additional transmission main and feeder main improvements to meet projected demands that exceed the capacity of the existing facilities. The general plan for the distribution system improvements was discussed in Chapter 8.

The proposed transmission main improvements are divided into two stages. Stage 1 improvements are needed to increase the capacity of the transmission system to 20 mgd. Stage 2 improvements are needed to increase the capacity of the transmission system to 28 mgd. The proposed improvements in each stage are shown in Figure 9-1.

The general staging of the improvements is presented to provide the water utility with a guide to develop specific phasing criteria in the form of a 10-year capital improvements program. The relative phasing of specific improvements in a stage is relatively flexible. The critical goal is to have all recommended improvements completed by the end of the stage. This approach will provide the flexibility for the water utility to adjust the phasing to account for such criteria as reconstruction of roads and streets, development of subdivisions, and other factors that are not known at this time and cannot be considered in a plan of this nature.


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Fig. 9-1 Transmission Main Staging

Stage 1 includes improvements to complete existing transmission mains and the start of a new transmission main on Ryan Road and Nicholson Road. The Stage 1 improvements needed to complete existing transmission mains are designated T-Al, T-Bl, and T-Cl. The Stage 1 improvements needed to start a new transmission main on Ryan Road and Nicholson Road are designated T-Dl, T-D2, T-03, T-D4, and T-El.

Transmission main segment T-Al is needed to complete the Puetz Road Transmission Main. Transmission main segment T-Al would be a 24-inch diameter pipeline that would extend from the intersection of Sunnyview Drive and Puetz Road to the intersection of Wood Creek Drive and Puetz Road. The proposed 24-inch diameter pipeline would parallel or replace a 16-inch diameter pipeline.

Transmission main segment T-Bl is needed to complete the Rawson Avenue Transmission Main. Transmission main segment T-B1 would be a 20-inch diameter pipeline that would extend from just north of the intersection of Marquette Avenue and Clement Avenue to the intersection of Milwaukee Avenue and Clement Avenue. The proposed 20-inch diameter pipeline would parallel or replace a 12-inch diameter pipeline.

Transmission main segment T-Cl is needed to complete the Oakwood Road Transmission Main. Transmission main segment T-Cl would be a 20-inch diameter pipeline that would extend from the intersection of Judith Place and Oakwood Road to the intersection of Judith Place and Southbranch Boulevard. The proposed 20-inch diameter pipeline would parallel or replace a 12-inch diameter pipeline.

Transmission main segments T-Dl, T-D2, T-D3, and T-D4 are needed to start the Ryan Road Transmission Main. Transmission main segments T-Dl, T-D2, and T-D3 would be 36-inch diameter pipelines that would extend from the intersection of Chicago Road and Ryan Road to the intersection of Nicholson Road and Ryan Road. Transmission main segment T-D4 would be a 30-inch diameter pipeline that would extend from the intersection of Nicholson Road and Ryan Road to the intersection of Shepard Avenue and Ryan Road.

Transmission main segment T-El is needed to provide a connection between the Ryan Road Transmission Main and the Puetz Road Transmission Main. Transmission main segment T-El would be a 30-inch diameter pipeline that would extend from the intersection of Ryan Road and Nicholson Road to the intersection of Puetz Road and Nicholson Road.

The estimated project cost for the Stage 1 transmission system improvements is $5,697,100. The estimated cost for the pipeline segments is summarized in Table 9-1. The suggested construction schedule for the Stage 1 Transmission Main improvements is: segments T-Al and T-El in 2001, segments T-D2 and T-D3 in 2002, segments T-Bl and T-Dl in 2003, and segments T-Cl and T-D4 in 2004.

Stage 2 includes improvements to complete the Ryan Road Transmission Main and for the Pennsylvania Avenue Transmission Main, the Chicago Road Transmission Main, 20th Street Transmission Main, and the Howell Avenue Transmission Main. The Stage 2 improvements needed to completed the Ryan Road Transmission Main are designated T-Fl, T-F2, and T-F3. The Stage 2 improvements needed to start a new transmission main on Pennsylvania Avenue and 20th Street are designated T-Gl, T­G2, and T-Jl.


Table 9-1 Cost of Stage 1 Transmission Main Improvements

Segment Location Diameter, in. Length, ft. Cost, Dollars

T-Al Puetz Road 24 1,600 $292,100

T-Bl Clement Avenue 20 1,100 $181,100

T-Cl Judith Avenue 20 3,600 $592,500

T-Dl Ryan Road 36 3,800 $1,210,400

T-D2 Ryan Road 36 2,600 $828,200

T-D3 Ryan Road 36 2,600 $828,200

T-D4 Ryan Road 30 2,600 $573,500

T-El Nicholson Road 30 5,400 $1,191,100


Transmission main segments T-Fl, T-F2, and T-F3 are needed to complete the Ryan Road Transmission Main. Transmission main segments T-Fl and T-F2 would be 30-inch diameter pipelines that would extend from the intersection of Howell Avenue and Ryan Road to the intersection of 13th Street and Ryan Road. Transmission main segment T-F3 would be a 24-inch diameter pipeline that would extend from the intersection of 13th Street and Ryan Road north approximately 1,500 feet to an existing 20-inch diameter pipeline.

Transmission main segments T-Gl and T-G2 are needed for the Pennsylvania Avenue Transmission Main. Transmission main segment T-Gl would be a 24-inch diameter pipeline that would extend from the intersection of Ryan Road and Pennsylvania Avenue to the intersection of Oakwood Road and Pennsylvania Avenue. Transmission main segment T-G2 would be a 20-inch diameter pipeline that would extend from the intersection of Oakwood Road and Pennsylvania Avenue to the intersection of Elm Road and the extension of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Transmission main segment T-Hl is needed for the Chicago Road Transmission Main. Transmission main segment T-Hl would be a 30-inch diameter pipeline that would extend from the intersection of Ryan Road and Chicago Road to the intersection of American Avenue and Chicago Road. The proposed 30-inch diameter pipeline would parallel or replace 8-inch and 12-inch diameter pipelines.

Transmission main segment T-Jl is needed for the 20th Street Transmission Main. Transmission main segment T-Jl would be a 20-inch diameter pipeline that would be constructed from the west side of Interstate 1 94 1 at Puetz Road southwesterly to 20th Street then south on 20th Street to the 24-inch diameter pipeline serving the Ryan Road Booster Pump Station.

Transmission main segments T-Kl, T-K2, and T-K3 are needed to complete the Howell Avenue Transmission Main. Transmission main segments T-Kl, T-K2, and T-K3 would be 20-inch diameter pipelines that would extend from the intersection of Puetz Road and Howell Avenue to the 20-inch diameter pipeline that serves the Howell Avenue Elevated Storage Tank. The proposed 20-inch diameter pipeline would replace a 12-inch diameter pipeline.

The estimated project cost for the Stage 2 transmission system improvements is $6,222,000. The estimated cost for the pipeline segments is summarized in Table 9-2. The construction schedule for the Stage 2 improvements will depend upon the results of the Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) pilot program. If the ASR is approved for full scale operation, construction of the Stage 2


improvements can be deferred until the water treatment plant is expanded from 28 mgd to 36 mgd. If the ASR is not approved for full scale operation, construction of the Stage 2 improvements should be started when the water treatment plant is expanded from 20 mgd to 28 mgd. The suggested construction sequence would be T­Fl and T-Hl in the first year, T-F2 and T-F3 in the second year, and T-Jl in the third year.

Table 9-2 Cost of Stage 2 Transmission Main Improvements

Segment Location Diameter, in. Length, ft. Cost, Dollars

T-Fl Ryan Road 30 2,800 $617,600

T-F2 Ryan Road 30 5,200 $1,147,000

T-F3 13th Street 24 1,500 $273,800

T-Gl Pennsylvania Avenue 24 5, 300 $965,900

T-G2 Pennsylvania Avenue 20 2,700 $444,400

T-Hl s. Chicago Road 30 2,350 $518,400

T-Jl 20th Street 20 4,800 $790,000

T-Kl Howell Avenue 20 2,650 $436,200

T-K2 Howell Avenue 20 2,650 $436,200

T-K3 Howell Avenue 20 3,600 $592,500


Construction of the Pennsylvania Avenue Transmission Main will depend on the demands of the Oak Creek power plant and development in the Crestview and North Park Sanitary Districts. Construction of the Howell Avenue Transmission Main is expected to occur as the existing 12-inch diameter pipeline on Howell Avenue requires replacement.

The proposed feeder main improvements are shown in Figure 9-2. The feeder mains are designated by the letter 'F' followed by a number. The number corresponds to the suggested construction sequence for the feeder mains as the opportunity permits. The estimated cost of the feeder main improvements in $4,092,700. The estimated cost for the pipeline segments is summarized in Table 9-3.

Transmission mains are improvements that affect the level of service and reliability of the entire water distribution system. Feeder mains are improvements that affect the level of service and reliability to a localized area of the water distribution system. Additional feeder main improvements, than those indicated, will be needed to serve areas that are presently undeveloped. The staging of feeder main extensions is more flexible than transmission main improvements so a specific schedule was not developed.

Water Supply System Improvements

The water supply facilities will be expanded and upgraded to provide a capacity of 28 mgd. The water supply system improvements will include developing ASR wells using existing and new well to meet projected water demands, adding plant storage, and constructing electrical system improvements.


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Fig. 9-2 Feeder Main Improvements

Table 9-3 Cost of Feeder Main Improvements

Segment Location Diameter, in. Length, ft. Cost, Dollars

F-1 15th Avenue 12 3,900 $446,700

F-2 Nicholson Road 12 2,600 $286,500

F-3 Wood Creek Drive 12 900 $99,200

F-4 Elm Road 12 2,050 $225,900

F-5 Marquette Avenue 12 400 $43,600

F-6 Rawson Avenue 16 2,400 $320, 500

F-7 Montana Avenue 12 700 $77,100

F-B Chicago Road 12 BOO $88,100

F-9 Forest Hill Avenue 12 1,500 $165,300

F-10 Howell Avenue 16 2,200 $293,800

F-11 Forest Hill Avenue 24 2,400 $437,400

F-12 Elm Road 12 2,550 $281,000

F-13 Elm Road 16 4,600 $614,400

F-14 10th Avenue 16 2,700 $360,600

F-15 County Line Road 12 3,200 $352,600


ASR Wells. Well No. 3, the existing ASR well, will continue to be used as an ASR well, Wells No, 1 and No. 4 in Oak Creek, Well No. 2 in the Crestview Sanitary District and at least two wells in Franklin will be converted to ASR wells. The ASR wells will be designed to store 240 mg of treated water and provide a pumping capacity of 8.0 mgd. Well No. 1 in Oak Creek would provide a capacity of 1. 5 mgd, Well No. 4 in Oak Creek will provide a capacity of 2. O mgd. The Crestview Sanitary District well would provide a capacity of 1.0 mgd. The two Franklin wells would each provide a capacity of 1.0 mgd.

The conversion of existing groundwater supply wells to ASR wells will be completed by the year 2010. The construction of the ASR wells can be staged to match construction with needs. The ASR wells should be located throughout the water system in proportion to demand from each community. The optimum arrangement would be to have 4.0 to 5.0 mgd of ASR well capacity provided by Oak Creek, 2.0 to 3.0 mgd of ASR well capacity provided by Franklin, and 1.0 mgd of ASR well capacity provided by Crestview.

ASR Well No. 3 will continue to discharge to the Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir. ASR Well No. 3 has a 1, 050 gpm well pump. The recharge rate for Well No, 3 is 700 gpm and the design recovery rate is 1,050 gpm. The storage volume at the ASR well is approximately 39 mg for 2010 and 45 mg for 2020.

The second well to be converted to an ASR well in the recommended plan will be Oak Creek Well No. 1. The well work will include well testing, well performance testing, well televising, and geophysical logging work. A new 1,050 gallons per minute (gpm) well pump with a 250 Horsepower (Hp) motor will be installed, The design recharge rate for Well No. 1 will be 700 gpm and the design recovery rate would be 1,050 gpm. The target storage volume in the ASR well is estimated to be 39 mg in the year 2010 and 45 mg in the year 2020. Well No. 1 will be designed to discharge to the Austin Street Ground Storage Reservoir.


The well head piping and process piping in the well station will be modified. An a-inch bi-directional magnetic flow meter will be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves will be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer will be installed in the well to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A waste pipeline will be constructed from the well station to the storm sewer constructed for Well Station No. 3. A solution chlorination system will be installed in the well station. Chlorinated water will be fed to maintain a chlorine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling. The electrical system at the well station will be replaced. The total construction cost for renovating Oak Creek Well No. 1 to an ASR well is estimated to be $344,500.

The third well to be converted to an ASR well will be Oak Creek Well No. 4. The well work will include well testing, well performance testing, well televising, and geophysical logging work. A new 1,400 gallons per minute (gpm) well pump with a 300 Horsepower (Hp) motor will be installed. The design recharge rate for Well No. 4 will be 900 gpm and the design recovery rate will be 1,400 gpm. The target storage volume in the ASR well is estimated to be 52 mg in the year 2010 and 60 mg in the year 2020. Well No. 4 will be designed to discharge directly to the water distribution system.

The well head piping and process piping in the well station will be modified. An 8-inch bi-directional magnetic flow meter will be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves will be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer will be installed in the well to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A storm sewer will be constructed from the well station to the storm sewer on South 20th Street for discharge of waste. A solution chlorination system will be installed in the well station. Chlorinated water will be fed to maintain a chlorine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling, The electrical system at the well station will be replaced. The total construction cost for converting Oak Creek Well No. 4 to an ASR well is estimated to be $391,000.

The fourth well to be converted to an ASR well will be Crestview Sanitary District Well No. 2. The well work will include well testing, well performance testing, well televising, and geophysical logging work. The existing well pump and motor will be reused. The design recharge rate for Well No. 2 will be 450 gpm and the design recovery rate will be 700 gpm. The target storage volume in the ASR well is estimated to be 26 mg in the year 2010 and 30 mg in the year 2020. The Crestview Sanitary District Well No. 2 will be designed to discharge directly into the water distribution system.

The well head piping will be reused. The process piping in the well station will be modified. An 8-inch bi-directional magnetic flow meter will be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves will be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer will be installed in the well to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A storm sewer will be constructed from the well station to the nearest drainage ditch for discharge of waste. A solution chlorination system will be installed in the well station. Chlorinated water will be fed to maintain a chlorine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling. The electrical system at the well station will be


reused and expanded to accommodate new equipment. for converting Crestview Sanitary District Well No. to be $117,500.

The total construction cost 2 to an ASR well is estimated

The fifth and sixth wells to be converted to ASR wells should be in Franklin. Wells No. 5, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, and No. 11 have the potential for use as ASR wells. The potential capacity of the six wells would be about 6.0 to 8.0 mgd. The most suitable wells for conversion to ASR wells are Wells No. 5, No. 7, No. 8, and No. 9. The exact wells to be converted to ASR wells would be determined in a pre-design study that would be performed as the first element of the conversion process. The well work will include well testing, well performance testing, well televising, and geophysical logging work. The existing well pump and motor will be reused. The design recharge rate for the wells will be between 450 and 700 gpm and the design recovery rate will be between 700 and 1,050 gpm depending on the wells selected for conversion. The target storage volume in the ASR well is estimated to be between 26 and 39 mg in the year 2010 and 30 and 45 mg in the year 2020. The storage volume would depend on the capacity of the well. Franklin Wells No. 5, No. 9, and No. 11 would be designed to discharge directly into the water distribution system. Franklin Wells No. 7, No. 8, and No. 10 would be designed to discharge into the existing ground storage reservoirs.

The well head piping will be reused. The process piping in the well station will be modified. An 8-inch bi-directional magnetic flow meter will be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves will be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer will be installed in the well to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A storm sewer will be constructed from the well station to the nearest drainage ditch for discharge of waste. A solution chlorination system will be installed in the well station. Chlorinated water will be fed to maintain a chlorine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling. The electrical system at the well station will be reused and expanded to accommodate new equipment. The total construction cost for converting two wells in Franklin will depend on the wells selected. It is anticipated that the cost of converting two wells would be equal to or less than constructing a new ASR well with a capacity of 1,400 gpm. The total construction cost for a 1,400 gpm ASR well and well station is estimated to be $832,500.

A new ASR well and well station (Well No. 5) would be constructed in Oak Creek if two wells in Franklin can not be converted to ASR wells. It is anticipated that the well would be constructed on a property presently owned by the City of Oak Creek. One of the sites that may be suitable is located on Oakwood Road, west of Howell Avenue.

It is assumed that ASR Well No. 5 would be constructed similar to Oak Creek Well No. 4. Well No. 5 would consist of a 26-inch diameter drill hole from the surface to a depth of approximately 600 feet, a 26-inch diameter outer casing pipe from the surface to a depth of approximately 200 feet, a 20-inch diameter pipe from two feet above the surface to a depth of approximately 600 feet, a 19-inch diameter drill hole from a depth of 600 feet to a depth of approximately 1,000 feet, and a 15-inch diameter drill hole from a depth of 1,000 feet to a depth of approximately 1, 850 feet. The annular space between the 26-inch diameter drill hole and casing pipe and between the outer casing pipe and 20-inch diameter pipe would be grouted. The well would extend into the Mt. Simon Sandstone. The well work would include well testing, well performance testing,


well televising, and geophysical logging work. A 1,400 gpm well pump with a 300 Hp motor would be installed. The design recharge rate for the new well would be 900 gpm and the design recovery rate would be 1,400 gpm. The target storage volume is estimated to be 52 mg in the year 2010 and 60 mg in the year 2020. A new well station would be constructed to house the well pump, controls, piping, and chlorine feed system. Well No. 5 would be designed to discharge directly into the water distribution system.

The well station at ASR Well No. 5 would include well head piping and process piping to accommodate ASR and conventional well operation. An 8-inch bi­directional magnetic flow meter will be installed to measure and record instantaneous and total recharge and recovery flows. Flow control valves would be installed in the well head piping for control of recharge flow and recovery flow. A 300 psi pressure transducer would be installed in the wells to provide continuous onsite water level readings. A storm sewer would be constructed from the well station to the storm sewer on Oakwood Road for discharge of waste. A solution chlorination system would be installed in the well station. Chlorinated water would be fed to maintain a chlorine residual in the well to prevent biological fouling. The total construction cost for ASR Well No. 5 well and well station is estimated to be $832,500.

The total construction cost for the ASR wells and related piping and controls, including construction contingencies, is estimated to be $1,894,500. The total project cost, including engineering, legal, and administrative costs and project contingencies, is estimated to be $2,462,800. The annual cost, based on a 20 year capital cost recovery at 6 percent interest rate, is estimated to be $214,700.

The annual operation and maintenance costs for the ASR wells are estimated to increase the existing annual costs by $121, 100. The annual operation and maintenance costs for the wells and well stations are estimated to increase annual costs $74, 300. The annual chemical cost for sodium hypochlorite is estimated to increase annual costs $3, 600. The annual power cost for well pumping is estimated to increase annual costs $43,200. Power costs are based on a volume of 240 mg and an average pumping head of 600 feet. The total increase in annual cost for the ASR wells is estimated to be $381,400. The feasibility of using natural gas fueled engine drives to reduce electrical costs should be evaluated in detailed design.

Plant Storage. The addition of emergency storage at the water treatment plant should be considered in the Stage 1 improvements to increase the reliability and flexibility of the water supply facilities. Emergency storage would be added by constructing an intermediate pump station after the disinfection facilities to supply a precast prestressed concrete ground storage reservoir located at the south end of the water treatment plant site. The outlet of the ground storage reservoir would discharge to the high lift pump station wet well through a control valve.

The minimum recommended volume of emergency storage would be equal to 25 percent of the maximum daily capacity of the water treatment process. A total of 12 mg of storage would be required for the ultimate capacity of the water treatment plant. The storage could be provided by constructing four 3 mg or two 6 mg precast prestressed circular concrete tanks. One tank could be constructed in Stage 1 or 2 for the present design period and a second tank could be constructed in the future. The project cost of an intermediate pump station and 6 mg ground storage reservoir is estimated to be $3,100,000.


Electrical System Improvements. The electrical system will need to be upgraded and expanded to improve the reliability of the low lift pump station. It may also be necessary to upgrade the service-entrance switching center to accommodate the changes needed to upgrade and expand the low lift pump station electrical system.

The water treatment plant (WTP) and Low Lift Pump Station are on a General Primary Service Rate Schedule. Electrical use is measured by a 11 transformer loss compensated metering system 11 on the secondary side of the WTP and Low Lift Pump Station transformers. This non-standard metering system is intended to serve a maximum of two transformer settings. The system at Oak Creek presently serves three transformers and would need to serve a fourth transformer when the second feeder to the Low Lift Pump Station is installed. WEPCO has informed the Oak Creek Water and Sewer Utility that they may require a standard primary metering arrangement be installed. The estimated cost for the primary metering revisions is $47,868.

The Low Lift Pump Station is served by a 24.9 kV underground feeder circuit from the WTP. The feeder supplies a 1500 kVA transformer that supplies the motor control switchboard in the Low Lift Pump Station through a 2000 amp busway. A G & W oil interrupter switch protects the 1500 kVA transformer. The 24.9 kV feeder is relatively new and in good condition. The G & W oil switch is at the end of its design life and is not suitable for future use. The existing transformer is in acceptable condition for reuse as a redundant component or standby component. The busway from the transformer to the motor control switchboard is in poor condition and is not suitable for future use. Failure of any component reduces the capacity of the Low Lift Pump Station to the engine driven 6 mgd pump.

A second underground 24.9 kV feeder is required to improve the reliability of the Low Lift Pump Station. The project would include adding a seventh bay to the WTP primary switchgear, replacing the G & W oil switch with two s & c Vista loadbreak switches, providing a new 1500 kVA transformer, providing a new secondary to the Low Lift Pump Station from the new transformer, and replacing the secondary from the existing transformer. The estimated cost for the Low Lift Pump Station feeder is summarized in Table 9-4.

The major loads in the Low Lift Pump Station are supplied from a motor control switchboard. The switchboard feeds MCC No. 2, motor starters for Low Lift Pumps No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, and No. B, and variable frequency drives for Low Lift Pumps No. 2 and No. 5. Modifications or repairs to any item requires the entire electrical service for the Low Lift Pump Station to be removed from service. The original design concept was to have a main-tie-main arrangement similar to the WTP provided so that only half the facility would be out of service at any time. The existing switchboard does not have the capability of being upgraded to provide the main-tie-main and is not capable of accommodating a second service from the WTP.

The existing motor control switchboard must be replaced by a new switchgear arrangement. The new switchgear will be designed to accommodate the second primary service from the WTP, provide a main-tie-main arrangement, and accommodate motor starters for up to six low lift pumps, and accommodate variable frequency drives for up to four low lift pumps. The estimated cost for the Low Lift Pump Station switchgear replacement is summarized in Table 9-5.


Table 9-4 Low Lift Pump Station Feeder

Item Description

s&c; Feed~r Module - Interrupter Switch with Fuse

Feeder Module


Pad & Fence Modifications

Stress Cone Connections


2SKV Underground Primary Line

#1/0 Copper 35 KV Cable

4" underground RGS Conduit

6'xB'x7' Concrete Manhole (for splicing of cables)

Splicing of Cables

Trenching and Backfill

Cut and Patch Concrete

S~C 201 Vista - Interrupter Switch with Fault Inter.

Interrupter Switch

Lightning Arrestors

Stress Cone Connectors

Restricted Area Labor Adder

i~ggs~~me~4.9 KV - 4ao/211v



Stress Cone Connectors

Restricted Area Labor Adder

480V 2000A Sec. Conductor for Proposed Xfmr.

3\1 11 RGS Conduit (8 conduits w/2 being spare)

Underground 3\1 11 RQS Conduit (8 conauits w/2 being spare)

500 KCMIL Copper Cable

Excavation and Backfill

Core Drill Through Existing Wall

NEMA 1 Junction Box

Conduit Supports

Re~ove Existing G&W Oil Interrupter Switch

Remove Existing Switch


Temporary Power Generator

Generator Rental {725kK)W generator for 1 wee

Generator Fuel

500 KCMIL Copper Cable


Engineering and Contingencies


Mat. Labor Per Unit Quantity Unit $/Unit Hrs. /Unit Cost






12, 000


























ea $27,500




















ea $15, 000






ea $30, 000




























60.00 $33,217

3.00 $1,633

32.00 $4,332

1.60 $341

8.00 $946





30.00 $3,051

2.86 $251

0. 04 $2

90.00 $5,001

60.00 $20,967

3.00 $1,248

1.60 $341

60.00 $2,967

86.00 $37,253

24.00 $1,737

1.60 $341

60.00 $2,967













24.00 $1,462

40.00 $1,978

40.00 $1,978



0. 05 $7

Total Cost















$5, 934















Division Subtotals











Table 9-5 Low Lift Pump Station Switchgear Replacement

Mat. Labor Per Unit Total Division Item Description Quantity Unit $/Unit Hrs./Unit Cost Cost Subtotals

4BOV 2000A Sec. Conductor for $22,516 Existing Xfmr.

3?1!1 RGS Conduit being spare)

{B conduits w/2 160 lf $15 0.36 $34 $5,503

Underaround 3M" RGS conduit con uits w/2 being spare)

(8 160 lf $15 0.11 $22 $3,524

500 KCMIL Copper Cable 1,200 lf $4 0.05 $7 $8,247

Excavation and Backfill 1 lot 12. 00 $593 $593

Core Drill Through Existing Wall 8 ea $10 1.50 $85 $681

NEMA 1 Junction Box 1 ea $300 4.00 $528 $528

Conduit Supports 1 lot $250 24.00 $1,462 $1,462

Remove Existing 2000A Busway 1 lot 40.00 $1,978 $1,978

4B0/277V Distribution w/Main-Tie-Main

Switchboard $70,057

Switchboard 1 ea $52,000 100.00 $62,145 $62,145

Remove Old HCC 1 lot 100.00 $4,945 $4,945

Restricted Area Labor Adder 1 ea 60.00 $2' 967 $2,967

Motor Control Center MCC-lA $39,146

MCC-lA 1 ea $21,000 120.00 $29,034 $29,034

Splice and Extend Existing 1 lot Feeders

$2,000 100.00 $7,145 $7,145

Restricted Area Labor Adder 1 ea 60.00 $2,967 $2,967

Motor Control Center MCC-lB $39,146

MCC-lB 1 ea $21,000 120.00 $29,034 $29,034

Splice and Extend Existing 1 lot Feeders

$2,000 100.00 $7,145 $7,145

Restricted Area Labor Adder 1 ea 60.00 $2,967 $2,967

Refeed MCC-2 $3,438

3~" RGS Conduit 50 lf $15 0.36 $34 $1,720

500 KCMIL Copper Cable 250 lf $4 0.05 $7 $1,718

480V, 2000A Secondar~ Conductors from Switchboard to CC's


3~" RGS Conduit being spare)

(8 conduits w/2 320 lf $15 0.36 $34 $11,005

500 KCMIL Copper Cable 1,200 lf $4 0.05 $7 $8,247

Control Modifications $4,506

Misc, Control Modifications 1 lot $500 80.00 $4' 506 $4,506

Subtotal $198,061

Engineering and Contingencies $59,418



The project costs for the recommended plan are summarized in Table 9-6. The project cost includes construction costs, contingencies, and engineering, legal and administrative costs as described in Chapter 7.

The project costs for water distribution system improvements are estimated to be $16,161,800. The project costs are estimated to be $25,000 for SCADA improvements and $125, 000 for expanding the Rawson Booster Pump Station, The


project costs are estimated to be $5,697,100 for Stage 1 transmission main improvements, $6, 222, 000 for Stage 2 transmission main improvements, and $4, 092, 700 for feeder main improvements.

Table 9-6 Project Costs for Recommended Plan


Water Distribution System Improvements Storage Facilities - SCADA Upgrade Rawson Booster Pump Station Expansion

Stage 1 Transmission Main Improvements Stage 2 Transmission Main Improvements

Feeder Main Improvements

Water supply System Improvements ASR Wells

Water Treatment Plant Storage Facilities Electrical System Improvements


Cost, Dollars










The projects costs for water supply system improvements are estimated to be $6,255,800. The project costs for the ASR well are estimated to be $2,462,800. The project cost is estimated to be $3,100,000 for plant storage improvements and $693,000 for electrical system improvements.

The total project cost for the recommended plan is estimated to be $22,417,600. The annual cost, based on a 20-year capital cost recovery at 6 percent interest rate, is estimated to be $1,954,800.


top related