pseudoaneurysms within ruptured intracranial arteriovenous ...pseudoaneurysms within ruptured...

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Pseudoaneurysms within Ruptured Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations: Diagnosis and Early Endovascular Management

Ricardo Garcia-Monaco, 1 Georges Rodesch, 1 Hortensia Al varez, 1 Yuo lizuk a, 1 Francis Hui , 1 and Pierre Lasjaunias 1

PURPOSE: To draw attention to pseudoaneurysm s w ithin ruptured arteriovenous malfo rmations

and to consider their diagnostic and therapeutic features, including pitfa lls and precautions needed

for safe embolization. METHODS: Radiologic and clinical charts of 189 patients who bled from

intracranial arteriovenous malformations were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: Fifteen of the

189 (8%) were found to have pseudoaneurysms. Nine of the pseudoaneurysms were arter ial, six

were venous. In the earl y period fo llowing hemorrhage, nine patients were trea ted conservatively.

The other six were treated w ith surgery (one case) or embolization (five cases) because urgent

intervention was required. The clin ical outcome for both conservative and intervent iona l groups

was generally favorable , but one patient in the conservati ve group died of a reb leed. In the patients

who underwent embolization, the fragile nature of the pseudoaneurysm made it necessary to fi rst

embolize the artery feeding it. Embolization with part icles was considered hazardous. Instead, f ree­

flow (nonwedged) N-buty l-cyanoacry late embolization proved sa fe and effect ive in treating both

the pseudoaneurysm s and arteriovenous malformations in these cases. CONCLUSIONS: This

study highlights the importance of recognizing pseudoaneurysm s in such patients and the

importance of using free-flow liquid adhesive material on the artery feeding the pseudoaneurysm

if embolization is required.

Index terms: Aneurysms, cerebral; Arteriovenous malformations, cerebral; Cerebra l hemorrhage;

Aneurysm emboliza t ion; lnterventional neuroradio logy, com plications of

AJNR 14:315-321 , Mar/ Apr 1993

Approximately 42% to 50% of patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations (A Y Ms) present with intracranial bleeding (1, 2) . Previous reports have commented on the angioarchitec­ture of A Y Ms and the relation to their hemor­rhagic episodes (3-6). Detailed analysis has also focused on identification of areas of fragility within the A Y M and the host in an effort to predict those patients who are at risk of bleeding (7 , 8). Angiography, when performed in the acute phase of a hemorrhagic episode,· may show a pseudo­aneurysm within the ruptured A Y M . Despite little attention in the literature, a pseudoaneurysm when demonstrated is a remarkable feature of

Received January 2, 1992; revision requested April 9; revision received

June 4 and accepted July 21. 1 Neuroradiologie Vascu laire Diagnostique et Therapeutique, Hopital

Bicetre, Un iversite Paris Sud , 78 rue du General Leclerc , 94275 Krem lin

Bicetre, France. Address reprint requests to Pierre Lasjaunias.

AJNR 14:315-321 , Mar/ Apr 1993 0 195-6 108/93/1402- 0315 © American Society of Neuroradiology


the A Y M because it suggests the exact site of rupture and bleeding. In addition , because pseu­doaneurysms lack true walls , embolization may be hazardous and lead to intraprocedural rupture and cerebral hemorrhage (9). In this paper, we will draw attention to pseudoaneurysm s within ruptured A Y Ms and consider their diagnostic and therapeutic features, including pi t fall s and pre­cautions needed for safe embolization .

Material and Methods

The rad iologic and clin ica l charts of 189 patients who

bled from in t racrania l A V Ms were retrospectively reviewed.

A ngiography showed a pseudoaneurysm w ith in the A V M

in 15 patients (8%). Each patient's age, gender, type of

hemorrhage, type of vascu lar malformation , location of

A V M and pseudoaneurysm , and early and subsequent

treatment are summarized in Table 1. Embolization within

72 hours of cerebral hemorrhage was performed in five of

the 15 patients. Table 2 summarizes the symptoms asso­

ciated with the hemorrhage, territory of embolization , im-

316 GARCIA-MONACO AJNR: 14, March/ April 1993

TABLE 1: Series of 15 patients with angiographically demonstrated pseudoaneurysms within a ruptured AVM

Initial Subsequent

Vascular Pseudo- Treatment Case Age Sex Hemorrhage Loca tion

(within 72 Treatment

Malformation aneurysm of AVM


1 6 mo M ICH AVF Paracentral Arterial Embolization Further embolization

2 43 yr F IVH AVM Parasplenial Venous Embolization Further embolization

+ radiotherapy

3 30 y r F IVH AVM Lateral ven- Venous Embolization


4 23 y r M ICH AVM Temporal Arteria l Embolization Radiotherapy

5 28 yr M SAH AVM Paracentral Venous Embolization Further embolization

6 4 y r M IVH AVM Thalamus Arterial Medical Therapeutic absten-


7 17 yr M ICH-IVH AVM Caudate nu- Arterial Medical Embolization + sur-

deus gery

8 30 yr F IVH AVM Basal ganglia Venous Medical Early rebleeding


9 43 y r F ICH-IVH AVM Precentral Arterial Medical Embolization


10 18 yr F ICH AVM Basal ganglia Venous Medical Embolization

11 29 yr F ICH AVM Precuneus Venous Medical Embolization + sur-


12 6 mo F ICH Multiple AVMs Temporal Venous Medical Therapeutic absten-

occipital tion

13 16 yr M IVH-ICH AVM T halamus Arterial Medical Radiotherapy

14 16 y r F ICH AVM Callosa l Arterial Surgery

15 34 yr F IVH AVM Insular Arterial Medical Embolization

Note. M =male; F= female; ICH = intracerebral hemorrhage; IVH = intraventricular hemorrhage; SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage; AVF =

arteriovenous fistula; AVM = arteriovenous malformation .

TABLE 2: Endovascular management of our series of five patients with pseudoaneurysms within AVMs

Vessel A natomic Result Comple-

Targeted Compl i- Short-Term Long-Term Case Symptoms

for Em- Pseudo- cations Outcome mentary

Outcome Follow-Up

AVM Treatment bolization• aneurysm

Hemiparesis Rolandic Suboc- Unchanged Transient Recovery Further Asympto- 11 months

Seizures artery elusion worsening (asympto- embo- matic

of hemipa- matic) lization


2 Headaches Posterior cal- Occlusion Reduction of Recovery Further em- Quadran- 8 months

Confus ion losa l artery nidus (asympto- bolizationb opsia

matic) + radio-


3 Somnolence Posterior Occlusion Cure Recovery Asympto- 7 months

Venous thrombo- choroidal (asympto- matic

sis of upper artery matic)

limb (requiring


4 Somnolence Posterior Occlusion Reduction of Clinical im- Radiother- Quadran- 8 months

Hemiparesis temporal nidus provement apy opsia

Hemianopsia artery Residual quad-


5 Hemiparesis Internal pari- Occlusion Reduction of Recovery Further em- Asympto- 10 months

Hemianesthesia etal artery nidus (asympto- bolization matic


• Arteria l feeder of the compartment of the A V M harboring the pseudoaneurysm.

b After a second session of embolization, the patient developed a quadranopsia.

AJNR: 14, March/ April 1993


c D

mediate anatomic result (of both pseudoaneurysm and

A V M), complications, short-term outcome, complementary

treatment , long-term outcome, and follow-up of this latter

group. Urgent embolization was done in these patients

because of progressive clinica l deterioration (cases 1 and

4) , pressing need for systemic heparinization to treat an

upper limb venous thrombosis (case 3) , and fear of early

hemorrhagic recurrence from the demonstrated bleeding

point (cases 2 and 5).

Embolization was done by the transarterial route in al l

patients after a percutaneous femora l puncture. The pro­

cedures were done under neuroleptic analgesia or general

anaesthesia, depending on the age and clinical status of

the patients. Selective catheterization of the arterial pedic le

supplying the compartment of the A V M harboring the

pseudoaneurysm was attempted first in every case. Either

a minitorquer (Nycomed-lngenor, Paris, France) or a

Tracker (Target Therapeutics, San Jose, CA) catheter with

a coaxial 5-F system was used for this purpose. During

catheter progression into the arterial feeder, injection of

contrast material was kept to a minimum. After catheteri -


~ Fig. 1. Case I . A , Sagitta l T1 -weighted MR . B, Initial internal ca rotid an­

giogram (lateral view) shows a complex arteriovenous fi stula in the rolandic sulcus.

C, Sagi ttal T1 -weighted MR done after the onset of sudden hemiparesis 1 month later shows a hematoma (asterisk ) surround­ing a pseudoaneurysm (arrow) at the margin of the malformation .

0 , Subsequent carotid angio­gram (lateral view) clea rl y shows the pseudoaneurysm (arrow) as a new feature of the vascular malformation.

zation of the arterial pedic le at the selected point for

embolization , occlusion of the nidus and the false aneurysm

or its arterial feeder were done with N-butyl-cyanoacry late

(NBCA) (Bruneau , Boulogne, Fra nce) m ixed with Tanta lum

powder (Byodine, El Cajon, CA) and Lipiodol (Guerbet ,

Villepinte, France).


We found nine arterial and six venous pseu­doaneurysms within A V Ms in our series. There was no sex predominance. Pseudoaneurysms were found in both cortical (eight cases) and deep (seven cases) AV Ms. There were no pseudoaneu­rysms located in the brain stem . Six of nine patients who were not treated immediately had pseudoaneurysms that thrombosed sponta­neously. Two other patients of the same group had pseudoaneurysms that progressively an­nexed to the draining vein , creating a venous ectasia. All of these eight patients had a favorable

3 18 GARCIA-MONACO AJNR: 14, March/ April 1993


A B c Fig . 2. Case 9. A, CT scan shows intracerebral and intraventricular hemorrhage. B, Internal caro tid angiography (anteroposterior view) performed within 24 hours shows an A V M in the left precentral gyrus. An

arterial pseudoaneurysm (arrow) is visualized on a lenticulostriate artery. C, Follow-up carotid angiography (lateral view) performed 6 weeks later shows spontaneous thrombosis of the pseudoaneurysm and

the dista l portion of the lenticulostriate artery (asterisk) . The AVM remains unchanged.

outcome. The remaining patient rebled 1 month after the initial hemorrhage and died.

Immediate treatment was instituted in six pa­tients. One patient was treated by open surgery and cured; the remaining five were treated by endovascular approach. In these five patients, the presumed source of bleeding (indicated by the site of the pseudoaneurysm) was successfully embolized. There were no technical complica­tions, although one patient had a transient wors­ening of his preexisting hemiparesis (case 1). He recovered fully in a few weeks. All other patients experienced clinical improvement and better re­sponse to medical treatment after embolization. In addition, endovascular treatment allowed safe systemic heparinization in case 3, with uneventful recovery from the venous thrombosis. All pa­tients needed additional treatment except case 3, whose AV M was cured in one session . Further embolizations (cases 1, 2, and 5) and gamma knife radiotherapy (cases 2 and 4) were done. Case 2 had a quadranopsia after a second session of embolization. Complementary treatment for the other cases did not result in any complica­tions.


Bleeding represents the most devastating com­plication of intracerebral A V Ms. After A V M rup­ture, the subsequent extravascular hemorrhage progressively clots, creating a hematoma. A pseudoaneurysm results from the unclotted por­tion of the hematoma still communicating with the vessel lumen. Thus, pseudoaneurysms may be visualized during angiography in patients with recent cerebral bleeding. Pseudoaneurysms can be arterial or venous depending on the site of the ruptured vessel. Arterial pseudoaneurysms are proximal to the nidus, whereas venous pseudo­aneurysms are located in the nidus or distally (7 , 8) . Whether arterial or venous, a pseudoaneurysm can be recognized with angiography or magnetic resonance (MR) as a vascular cavity , usually of irregular shape, within or at the margin of the hematoma. Comparison with previous vascular examinations (angiography or MR), if available, confirms the pseudoaneurysm as a new angioar­chitectural feature of the A V M (Fig. 1 ). This acquired nature secondary to a hemorrhagic ep­isode is pathognomonic.

AJNR: 14, March/ April 1993 RUPTURED AVMs 319

Fig . 3. Case 3. A, CT scan shows an intraventricu lar and subependymal hemorrhage. 8 , Vertebral angiography (lateral view) shows an AVM and a pseudoaneurysm

(arrow) in the lateral ventricle. C, Selective injection of the posterolateral choroidal ar tery (thin arrow) before

emboliza tion clearly shows the A V M and the pseudoaneurysm (large arrow), which has slightly increased in size during injection of contrast material. Venous drainage is through the lateral atrial vein towards the vein of Ga len (double arrows).

D, Follow-up vertebra l angiography (lateral view) 6 months after embolization confirms the anatomic cure.



8 c

The natural history of a pseudoaneurysm and a ruptured AVM is unpredictable. However in six of eight initially untreated patients who had a favorable outcome after hemorrhage, the pseu­doaneurysms showed progressive decrease in size with clotting and occlusion of the ruptured vessel in a few days (Fig. 2). In the remaining two patients, annexation of the pseudoaneurysm to the venous outlet of the A V M created a venous ectasia.

These findings correlate well with the natural history of ruptured A V Ms in that the incidence of early rebleeding is not high (1 , 2 ,1 0) . This feature of ruptured A V Ms supports the current theory that urgent treatment after bleeding from an A V M is unnecessary, unlike the treatment of subarach­noid arterial aneurysms. Although this concept is empirically true, it is founded only on cases that survive the hemorrhage. It is not possible to conclude that the natural history of a pseudo­aneurysm is always unfavorable because many patients with cerebral A V Ms die after bleeding,


even before angiography can be done. Evolution of pseudoaneurysms in patients with progressive neurologic deterioration after bleeding is also un­known because they are often not studied by serial angiography. It seems thus, that a "new" subgroup of patients at higher risk for rebleed (11 % in this small series in comparison with the 1% to 3 % noted in the overall series by Crawford (1)) can be identified; this population with pseu­doaneurysms should therefore warrant earlier treatment.

When medical management of cerebral hem­orrhage becomes difficult , delayed therapy of an A V M is not advisable and definitive treatment of the hematoma and/ or the A V M has to be insti­tuted early ( 1 0). Patients presenting with progres­sive neurologic deterioration (cases 1 and 4) or requiring formal anticoagulation therapy because of an underlying disease (case 3) are good ex­amples of the need for this obligatory treatment. Therapeutic options are surgery (10, 11) and embolization (8, 12, 13). If the latter therapy is


indicated , it carries particular challenges among which the recognition of a pseudoaneurysm is of utmost importance. Significant increase in flow or pressure during embolization may cause intra­procedural rupture. Because pseudoaneurysms do not have vascular walls , previous authors have warned of the risks involved in embolization of pseudoaneurysms outside the central nervous system (14, 15). In the neuroradiologic literature, little attention has been given to this problem, although rupture of a pseudoaneurysm and intra­ventricular hemorrhage during A V M embolization have recently been reported (9) .

The presence of a pseudoaneurysm, however, does not contraindicate endovascular therapy, but special precautions should be taken for safe embolization . No attempt to embolize an arterial feeder other than the one feeding the pseudo­aneurysm should be carried out during the pro­cedure even if the nonfeeding artery looks more accessible. This is because minimal changes in the hemodynamic situation of the A V M may precipitate a breakdown of the fragile demarca­tion between the hematoma and the patent lumen (16,17).

In the technical setting, careful catheter manip­ulation and correct choice of embolic material are mandatory. During the actual endovascular ap­proach to the lesion, catheter progression into the desired vessel (the one filling the false aneu­rysm) should be done with minimal injection of contrast material (Fig. 3). Overinjection of fluid may exert a significant strain on the pseudoaneu­rysm, increasing the risk of intraprocedural rup­ture . A wedged catheter represents an additional risk factor because the injecting force is trans­mitted entirely to the vessel and the pseudoaneu­rysm (15). For these reasons, flow control or balloon embolization in case of A V Ms presenting with false aneurysms are felt to be extremely hazardous and should be contraindicated.

Proper choice of embolic material is another key factor for safe embolization. Pseudoaneu­rysm rupture and bleeding during embolization with polyvinyl alcohol particles in the central nervous system (9) and other regions of the body ( 15) have been reported. Particle embolization requires a substantial volume of fluid introduced at a considerable pressure to facilitate particle passage through the catheter. The pressure of each injection may exceed the compliance of the pseudoaneurysm. Thus, embolization with poly­vinylalcohol particles should be discouraged in such a situation. Other embolic agents that do

AJNR: 14, March/ Apri l 1993

not require any carrier fluid would be more ap­propriate. NBCA proved to be efficient in embol­izing both the A V Ms and the pseudoaneurysms, in our hands. Embolization with microcoils can be an alternative (C.F. Dowd, personal commu­nication) but should be regarded as a form of proximal ligature.

Following the aforementioned principles, em­bolization of the pseudoaneurysm was safe in this short series. In addition , all such patients showed rapid favorable outcome and improved response to medical therapy.

The real value of endovascular treatment after immediate bleeding of cerebral A V M remains uncertain. However, if embolization is considered in the treatment of a recently ruptured A V M, searching for a pseudoaneurysm within the vas­cular lesion is crucial. Because of the fragility of the pseudoaneurysm, we recommend controlled embolization using minimal carrier fluid . In our opinion, liquid adhesives such as NBCA are the most suitable embolic agents. Emergency man­agement of these pseudoaneurysms and A V Ms may vary depending on the local technical habits, experience, and availability of an interventional neuroradiologic team (18) .


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