psychology journal

Post on 13-Nov-2014






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NAME : Tee Sin Yi

STUDENT ID : 0315689




LECTURER : Mr. T. Shankar


13rd April 2014, 2000

Today as usual I woke up early morning in the morning. Although today is Saturday

which is a nice day to have a good sleep but due to the reason I need to work so I had

to wake up early. I drove to the nearest McDonalds to grab a quick breakfast. I

berthed my car beside the restaurant. Soon enough, I ordered a breakfast set and

enjoyed it well. While eating, I skimmed through the restaurant. Then I saw a guy

who was dressed improperly and the most important thing is he had quite a number of

tattoos on his body. Besides, he had ear piercing and tongue piercing as well. My first

thought came across in my mind,” hmmm…surely he is a bad guy”. This is the first

impression he gave me immediately. I did not take further care towards him. As soon

as I left, he caught me up. I was startled and scared for that moment as I thought he

might want to hurt me. “Hey…miss…” he was trying to stop me. I continued with my

steps and he chased me from behind. “You left your wallet…” he was panting. Again,

I was stunned. He was trying to return me my wallet. He was trying to be nice but I

stereotyped him. I apologized and thanked him for my ignorance and his kindness

respectively. Simply put, I will not judge a book by its cover anymore.

15th April 2014, 2000

Today after finished one section of accounting class, I went back home early than as

usual. I reached home around one o’clock so I planned to make some sandwiches for

those old folks. It has been a long time since I paid my last visit. Self-fulfilling

prophecy came across my mind. Maybe I am applying this concept in my life as I

always attribute that donating and helping are good deed we should practice in our

lives. After finishing the packing the sandwiches, I drove to the old folk’s home I

used to go. The old folks waved to me happily as I entered the house. Of course, I

returned with a big smile. A very sad feeling overwhelmed me at the moment I saw

them (Affective Component). Their children should not dump them alone just like

that. Then, I distributed and talked to them for two hours (Behavioral Component). I

hope these old folks can get even more concern from public so they will not feel like

ignored (Cognitive Component).

20th April 2014, 2000

It was a great Sunday morning. I woke up at 8 a.m. which is later than usual. I

turned on the television while having my home-made breakfast. On account of it was

still early, almost every TV stations are showing various of advertisement. I watched

it with no intention as I had no other choices. Then, I saw an advertisement about

keeping a slim body can steal the limelight and will be even confident. I opined this

would be a positive valence advertisement. I did not pay much attention on it. Few

moments later, there was another relevant advertisement showing. It was about

obesity. People will stay away from you and insult you due to your appearance. It was

obviously a fear-based advertisement. I think I should sign up as a gym member


26th April 2014, 2000

After I finished my work, I went to my mother’s working area and waited her

for lunch in the office. As I knew most of the workers so they let me wait in one of

the empty working table with computer equipped on it so I would not feel boring.

They are kind enough though. Then I saw a new face appeared in the office. It was a

south African woman. I think she aged around 35. I knew she was coming for

interview because her hands were full with her certificates and some qualification

papers. The one who should interview her names Jess, rolled her eyes the moment she

saw the lady. Jess simply interviewed her an rejected her instantly. I asked her why,

she told me the lady was black and middle-aged. I thought she was just being racism

and sexism. However, it was none of my business so I just nodded. It was fairly

obvious that Jess had prejudice towards skin colour though.

1st May 2014, 2000

Today I met with my old friend in Starbucks. We had a long chat though. It had

been a long time since our last meet. We talked about our recent condition. Then, she

asked me what I would want to pursue for now. It was a food for thought. It made me

thought of Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. First, I have my psychological

needs. Of course, safety and security which are provided by my parents. I have love

and belonging as well as I am satisfied with my relationship with everyone now. I

think I am still at the level of pursuing self-esteem. I had my favourite jobs now

which are private tutoring and teaching art and crafts. I hoped to create more good

impressions and impressed others more. Of course, I wish to be respected by others as

well. Also, I need to leave my thought of earning money is the most important thing

behind as I realized family is the most important thing in life. It was the confirmation

bias overall.

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