public information and communication

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Public Information and Communication. OBJECTIVE . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Public Information and Communication


In order to facilitating a more coordinated, effective response in the Pacific, PHT members (cluster coordinators, donors, NGOs, FBOs and national counterparts) commit to the minimum preparedness measures for public information during emergencies.

Considering …How to avoid common hazards in disaster response

ie.Unsolicited donations, gaps/duplications, misdirected resources etc.  


Expected outcomes-holding messages-plan to support better communication during

preparedness phase (links with NDMOs and regional partners) – PHT network facilitated

-identification of PIO contacts in each PHT organisation

-commitments/resources/overarching principle for the EPREP

3 key steps for next year?

Rationale for public information Coordinated outreach and

media relations: Clear and unified messages Stimulate resource mobilization Focus attention on humanitarian issues Promote systematized coordination

Communication challenges in emergencies Getting correct informationUnified messagingCompeting prioritiesReputation controlLogistical IssuesPolitical RelationshipsThe conflict between getting complete information and

making timely reportsLack of collaborationLack of human resourcesManagement of National/International MediaManaging internal relationships

Target audiences

Communication challenges in emergencies Different facts/figs from different parts of the systemWho has the most up-to-date analysis/overall pictureCritical media coverage of disaster responseNo proactive outreach to mediaMedia doesn’t know who to go toInterview requests ignored/late replyPhone rings non-stop with media queriesMore time spent on media than disaster assistanceComms officers wearing multiple hatsMessages agreed but not conveyed effectivelyMedia contacts out-of-dateCant reach media in remote areas – need sat phone or radioAgency vs cluster visibility

Pacific specific challengesDifferent locations - Geographical isolationMultiple RCs, multiple Govts, multiple partners involvedPracticalities of coordinationCapturing and retaining international media attentionMedia understanding of regional contextLow media presenceRegional donor expectationsNational/cultural sensitivitiesLogistical issuesCapacity of media/media liaisonTraditional/cultural sensitivities

Word to date The Plan was developed by drawing on the expertise and opinion

of Public Information Officers from PHT agencies throughout the Pacific.

One day workshop in Suva, led by Amanda Pitt, UNOCHA’s most senior Public Information Specialist from Bangkok – PI Plan was drafted

Discussion was based on Humanitarian Reform; How the Cluster Approach could be applied to the management of

media relations; and Unique challenges of working with the media during a disaster.

A similar meeting was subsequently held in Samoa to include PIOs from this region in the planning process.

Work to dateSo that when disaster strikes we know:

1. What are the outcomes we want to achieve2. What steps we need to take to achieve each outcome3. Who is responsible for each of these stepsA document for inclusion in the Pacific

Humanitarian Team Contingency Plan

PHT contingency planning workshop scheduled for September 2009

Public Information for DisastersA Plan was developed to improve the PHT’s

coordination of media engagement with the aim of achieving the following :Improved ability to advocate for the needs of

disaster affected populations;Improved ability to communicate with

disaster affected populations;Greater success in resource mobilization

from donors/public;Improved perceptions of work and worth of

humanitarian community.

The Plan aims to meet the following broad objectives:1.Ensure that all communication with the media draws

information from the same source - consistency of messages. 2.Ensure that each person who is likely to undertake

communication understands their role, responsibilities and authority - avoids duplication.

3.Ensure that each person who is likely to communicate with the media is appropriately resourced - skills and tools required to do their job.

4.Ensure that, where possible, appropriate preparedness measures are taken prior to the onset of the cyclone season. This will reduce the workload during a disaster by allowing some decision making to be made during periods of relative calm

Preparedness 1. Build, maintain and circulate contact

details of key media targets 2. Produce and circulate “what to do” and

“what not to do” media training one pager3. Agree on a set of generic holding

statements 4. Agree on key spokesperson at Cluster and

IASC level – guidelines for media engagement

Exercise- scenarioDevelop key advocacy/holding messagesList PIO contacts

Preparedness actions1. Build, maintain and circulate contact

details of key media targets 2. Produce and circulate “what to do” and

“what not to do” media training one pager3. Agree on a set of generic holding

statements 4. Agree on key spokesperson at Cluster and

IASC level – guidelines for media engagement

During response1. All communications to draw on OCHA’s

situation reps for statistics 2. Cluster PIOs work with RC to develop key

advocacy messages 3. Key advocacy messages reviewed regularly

and amended

What nextNeed to incorporate members of PHT – not

just UN agencies. How to leverage the existing Ngo networks/media relations expertise/general public outreach

Products list Brochures Contact Lists ERC Key Messages Evaluation Reports Humanitarian Bulletins Humanitarian Updates Meeting Schedules Newsletters OCHA on Messages Op-eds Policy and Studies Series Press Releases Regional Funding Updates Situation Reports Speeches Survey of Surveys

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