public speaking for fun and profit | richard tan success resources scam

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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In today’s technologically advanced world there is one skill that remains steadfastly essential to those who wish to become successful: public speaking.




In today’s technologically advanced world there is one skill that remains steadfastly essential to those who wish to become successful: public speaking.

What panics most people is knowing what to say, and what bores most audiences is how the speaker goes about

saying it!

Andy Harrington has some suggestions on how you can be a better public speaker and

radically improve your success at developing and applying this much-needed


Start with a Question

Start by asking the audience a question. A question that engages them and gets them responding to you.

By asking them a question and getting them to respond, you unite the audience and set yourself up as the leader.

Start with a Question

Eye Contact

Begin by looking at just one person, look at their

eyes and speak to one person at a time. Then at the end of that sentence

when you would naturally pause if you were reading a book, and find the next


Have a series of one-on-one conversations with the individual members of the

audience and hold that gaze until you have

finished that point or sentence.

Eye Contact

You’ll find yourself more able to focus your

nervous energy, slow down and connect far

better with your audience.

Eye Contact

Use your hands only if you have to like when you want to show how big that

opportunity is.


If you are speaking about an increase, show them a gesture that reflects this. Use

emphatic gestures and use gestures to describe things.


Inflection and Volume

It is more interesting, more exciting to listen to a presenter that has passion and feeling in their voice. Speak to your audience with belief and you will soon see they will share that belief.

Call to Action

Great speakers enroll people and lead them to a

decision – something actionable that they have to perform to secure their commitment to what your

message is.

One way to do this is to invite people to “click a link to find out more” if

you’re speaking online or “move to the back of the

room” if you’re presenting live.

Call to Action

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