putting the pieces together with reader’s theater the effects of reader’s theater on sixth grade...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Putting the Pieces Together with Reader’s Theater

The Effects of Reader’s Theater on Sixth Grade Co-taught Students during

English/Language Arts Class

Rachel M. Caughman

Two Different Ways of TeachingWhich piece fits best in the puzzle?

1. The use of traditional reading in the classroom to assess reading fluency and comprehension (first two weeks).

2. The use of Readers Theater to increase reading fluency and comprehension (last two weeks).

How many students participated?19 Students participated in the study.

10 of the 19 students were on an Individualized Education Plan

Hypotheses ExaminedWill this Puzzle Piece Fit?

A. The difference in reading comprehension due to the type of instruction (Readers Theater versus traditional reading) as measured by a teacher-made assessment.

B. The difference in reading comprehension due to the type of students (Learning Disabled and normal) as measured by a teacher-made assessment).

C. The difference in reading comprehension due to the interaction of the type of instruction and type of students as measured by a teacher-made assessment.

ResultsThe Finished Product of the

PuzzleHypothesis A was accepted: Readers Theater does not produce significantly different grades in favor of either reading method.

Hypothesis B was accepted: The moderator variable of IEP was above significance and did not show significance with the experimental group (Non-IEP) using Readers Theater.

Hypothesis C was accepted: There was no significant interaction between traditional reading and Readers Theater.

Discussion My Reflection and How I Would Make Changes to Make the Pieces Fit Together BetterADVANTAGE:

Students were more motivated to read aloud and participate in discussion related to the text.


--The length of time*--The use of only one Readers Theater script--The use of only one teacher-made assessment for each method--Shorter period of time to observe reading fluency

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