pylum annelida – segmented worms

Post on 07-Jan-2016






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PYLUM ANNELIDA – segmented worms. Biology 111. Annelids. Representative species : common ____________. Annelids – Key characteristics!. Have a _________ – fluid filled body cavity surrounded by a mesoderm (room for organs) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • PYLUM ANNELIDA segmented wormsBiology 111

  • AnnelidsRepresentative species: common ____________

  • Annelids Key characteristics!

    Have a _________ fluid filled body cavity surrounded by a mesoderm (room for organs)Have a ____________ (membrane in the coelom in which all organs are attached)Have 2 sets of muscle tissue. 1. body wall muscles to move the worm called..______ and 2. digestive system muscles to move food through the system called______

  • Class Oligochaeta: Earthworms``It may be doubted whether there are any other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world as the earthworm.``

    -Charles Darwin, 1881

  • Class Oligochaeta: Earthworms2500 speciesMany more cell layers than flat and round wormsHave _________ to carry gases to and from body tissues (circulation)Blood in earthworms contains a red protein ___________ (just like in us!)Have __ hearts near the anterior end

  • Earthworms contMore complex _____________ system than other worm phylaThey consume dirt (food and sand particles) via mouth, __________, esophogus, and then stores it in the __________.After storage, food moves to the __________ to be ground down, then to the intestine for digestion and absorption into the blood stream.Undigested food moves out the ________

  • Earthworm digestion

  • Earthworms cont_______ are bristles that aid in mvmt.; each segment has 4 setae (except first and last ones)Complex NSReproduce _________Both sexes.Hermaphrodites

  • Class _______________First FDA approved animal for medicinal purpose: leeches (blood sucking parasites) natural anticoagulant Hirudin

  • Class __________ marine worms

  • Worm Grunting/Charming

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