pysch team project_week3

Post on 24-Apr-2015






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By: Karina Antunez, Kyle Sullivan, and Bruce Whiteside

*DreamWorks Animation Leader

*Jeffrey Katzenberg has served as CEO and member of the Board of Directors of DreamWorks Animation since October 2004.

*Having co-founded DreamWorks Studio in Oct. 1994 he was a principal member until 2004.

*Katzenberg’s Beliefs

*“Being respectful of people, I think, is the single most important quality in leadership — earning the respect of people who work with you, for you, your customers, your investors. That really to me is what defines successful leadership — earning that respect.”

- Jeffrey Katzenberg

*“I would say the single most important quality is somebody who believes in themselves. What I mean by that is, if you don’t have a very strong sense of who you are and what you have to offer and a strong conviction about that, then you cannot expect somebody else to have that for you. You first must have it for yourself.” - Jeffrey Katzenberg

Source: Bryant, A. (2009, November 7). For Jeffrey Katzenberg, a Boost From a Boot Out the Door - The New York Times. Retrieved April 4, 2013, from

*Katzenberg’s belief for the


*“By definition if there’s leadership, it means there are followers, and you’re only as good as the followers. I believe the quality of the followers is in direct correlation to the respect you hold them in. It’s not how much they respect you that is most important. It’s actually how much you respect them. It’s everything.” – Jeffrey Katzenberg*“If you don’t make failure acceptable, you can’t have

original and unique. And so in a world today that punishes, brutally punishes, any of us for failure, it’s the single most important quality that I think we work so hard to provide for our 2,000 employees, the understanding that they are expected to take risks.” – Jeffrey Katzenberg

Source: Bryant, A. (2009, November 7). For Jeffrey Katzenberg, a Boost From a Boot Out the Door - The New York Times. Retrieved April 4, 2013, from

*Is DreamWorks Animation


*DreamWorks Animation Form 10-K shows revenues for 2012 of $749,842 in thosands.

*Employee friendly

*“We are committed to fostering a culture that embraces innovation, creativity, collaboration, and a solid dose of fun”

–DreamWorks Animation

*DreamWorks Animation’s philosophy

*“In this friendly, open and collaboative environment, people of globally diverse talent and backgrounds push creative boundaries and enjoy an easy camaraderie”

-DreamWorks Animation

*Social Responsibility

-Dreamworks is rated "Green" by Risk Metrics for effective ESG management.

-Risk Metrics(2012)

*DreamWorks Animation giving back

*Donated $250,000.00 to Inner-City Arts

*Provides instruction in digital media, film-making and graphic design to Los Angeles area students.

*Celebrating the launch of McDonald's "Bee Movie" Happy Meal promotion, McDonald's, DreamWorks Animation SKG(TM) and Conservation International have joined together to encourage kids to have fun, learn, get outside and take action to "Bee Good to the Planet."

*Jeffrey Katzenberg Giving back

*On the board of:* The Motion Picture and Television Fund

*The Museum of Moving Image

*Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

*Fundraising efforts on behalf of AIDS Project Los Angeles have helped to provide its clients with medical and social services

*DreamWorks Animation Approach

*DreamWorks Animation’s Values

*DreamWorks Animation is a believer in every employee’s creativity

*“DreamWorks values creative input from every employee – even its accountants and lawyers – that it actively solicits ideas and receives hundreds of creative thoughts from all workers” –Dan Satterthwaite(USA Today,2012), head of human resources

*Values being sought after by DreamWorks


*“That's why the company has begun digging deep in the recruitment process, looking people with a passion for what they do who also are able to communicate their ideas to others outside their field of expertise. Whether the candidate is applying for high-tech job or a position in human resources, DreamWorks needs them to translate their knowledge into a language that others can grasp”

- Dan Satterthwaite(USA Today,2012),

Head of human resources

*References*Anita Bruzzese, Gannett(2012). USA Today


*DreamWorks Animation


*McDonald's Corporation (2007)


*Blogspot “Social Responsibility”


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