qa-supplier development

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QA-Supplier DevelopmentVendor Inspection Program (VIP) – QD4.6-42 rev.3

Prepared by the VIP FacilitatorsMay 2011


Objectives of This Presentation

To communicate the following:

Scope, purpose and benefits of the programQD 4.6-42 Vendor Inspection Program detailsVIP implementation plan:

Next stepsProposed Supplier ProcessVIP Representatives trainingTraining Schedule

VIP contacts information


Scope of Program

The QD4.6-42 applies to material/services provided by Bombardier AerospaceSuppliers and purchased by Bombardier Aerospace.The QD4.6-42 is in addition to, and in no way limits or supersedes, any contractual obligation as required by the purchase document, drawings or applicable specifications. Bombardier Aerospace reserves the option to rescind the agreement described within the QD4.6-42 at any time.


M a n u f a c t u r ep a r t s

F in a lin s p e c t io n o f

p r o d u c t

R e le a s ep a r t s t o B A

R e c e iv in gin s p e c t io n

Where VIP Enters Into Your Process

M a n u fa c tu rep a r ts

F in a lin s p e c t io n o f

p ro d u c t

V IPin s p e c t io n

P a r ts a rea c c e p ta b le ?

R e le a s ep a r ts to B A

Y e s

N o

Regular supplier

VIP supplier


VIP Process Mapping






VIP Rep.Initiates internal CAR

VIP Rep. returnsproduct to final inspection

Product is disposition by supplier as approved by BA

VIP Rep. obtains product from final


VIP Rep. obtains missing documents

VIP Rep. holds required


VIP Rep. performs Visual/Part marking


VIP Rep. accepts


VIP Rep. accepts


VIP Rep. selects a minimum of 5

characteristics for evaluation

VIP Rep. affixes stamp on C of CC of C is filedProduct is

packagedProduct shipped to




To partner with Suppliers to eliminate impacts at BA and Supplier facilities, through focused inspection activities in order to create an Amazing Customer Experience.To establish a program at the Supplier to assure product integrity through inspection of selected characteristics and review of product quality records. It is not intended to replace or supplement a Supplier’s quality system.The Vendor Inspection Program (VIP) replaces the previous Certified Supplier Program (CSP).



Continuous improvement will give you the possibility of bringing your Quality processes to another level;Quality awareness is a key element to customer satisfaction achievement;The VIP can and will give you visibility in the aerospace industry and other markets.

Partnership:Recognition of performance;Good flow of information between BA and Vendor on a frequent basis (i.e. inspection activities); this situation eliminates or minimizes the possibility of NCR's;Information sharing between BA and VIP Representative;Best practices to be shared between BA and vendors;Vendor aware of the quality requirements of Bombardier, which increases the efficiency of the customer satisfaction process;

Costs reduction:Minimizes the risk of any charge backs;Reduced rejections = Production cost reduction = Increased profits;Creates a spot light for future BA business opportunities with Vendor Performance Level improvement;



LEVEL 3 DPM ≤ 233

LEVEL 3 DPM ≤ 233

LEVEL 2DPM 234 – 1350

LEVEL 2DPM 234 – 1350


DPM >1351


Qualification Level RequirementsLevel




DPM > 1351 1350 - 234 < 233

On-site validation X X X

Additional VIPR validation performed by qualified supplier VIPR X X

Verification of part marking and visual/cosmetic conditions X X

Verification of Supplier and Bombardier documentation X X

Shipping Log required X X

Product Release Checklist required X X

Physical Inspection using Initial Sampling and Audit Sampling Mode (Table 1 and 2, Appendix D)


VIP representatives to witness ATP if applicable X X

All FAI source inspected by Bombardier X

Delegated source inspection to VIP Rep X X


Supplier Requirements for VIP

All applicable Supplier locations are eligible, as follows:

Suppliers have met basic BA supplier requirements for VIPconsideration as described in QD 4.6-42

Take prompt and effective corrective actionMaintain cooperative and partnership-like relations with Bombardier Aerospace

Suppliers have a minimum of two permanent employees who have attended and successfully completed the Bombardier Aerospace VIPtraining and who has been approved by Bombardier Aerospace to act as a VIP Representatives.


Responsibilities and Duties of Supplier

Commitment by Supplier top management to the ideals and goals of the program must be enforced. This commitment should be displayed through the following points:

Reviewing BA Orientation package for management;Allocating sufficient time for the VIP activities on the product;Providing VIP Representative access to all product-related documentation;Providing VIP Representative with appropriate facilities and equipment;Establishing a cultural environment conducive to ensuring delivered quality;Providing and maintaining a system that is compliant to VIP program requirements;Defining and implementing internal corrective action plans for management of non-conformances identified by BA or the VIP Representative;Ensuring all new Supplier Quality Management personnel participation in a BA orientation session to ensure vision alignment;Ensuring availability of adequate resources, their qualification and re-qualification (as required), as well as notification to Bombardier Aerospace VIP facilitator when a VIP Representative changes jobs or leaves the company;Contacting the BA source inspection hotline, in the event that no VIP Representative is available for inspection prior to shipment.


Responsibilities & Duties of Bombardier

Approve the proposed list of supplier VIP RepresentativesApprove the proposed VIP ProcedureOffer and manage on-line training for to potential supplier VIP representatives Perform VIP validation audit at Supplier locationRe-qualify VIP representatives as requiredMonitor and review Supplier Quality performance

i.e.: Outgoing supplier quality through VIP results and incoming quality including Non-Conformance Reports (NCR), etc.

Provide Technical/Quality support to the VIP Representative as required


Detailed Requirements for VIP Representative Qualification

Candidates must:

Have technical capabilities to perform quality activities;Be a permanent employee with quality control responsibilities;Have a minimum of one-year product-related inspection experience;Have successfully completed the VIP training program;Have successfully performed the required VIP activity on a product lot in the presence of a Bombardier Aerospace representative;Have the ability to read, write, speak (functionally) the Aerospace language (English);Be familiar with all the requirements of the QD 4.6-40 (Quality Requirements for Suppliers) & QD 4.6-42, (Vendor Inspection Program Requirements);Have good practical knowledge of his own internal QA System;Be familiar with Bombardier Aerospace web site and Quality related tools. (Bnet, Conformit-e, Net-Inspect, ASL, etc…);Be able to read and understand BA drawings and related documentation such as but not limited to: EO’s, NIEO’s, EDL’s, RFC’s etc.;


Responsibilities & Duties of VIP Representative

Level of Responsibility:When performing the duties outlined in this agreement, the VIP Representative is acting on behalf of Bombardier and performs the final acceptance of product for customer use;The acceptance of a product by VIP does not indicate final acceptance by Bombardier Aerospace nor does it relieve suppliers of their responsibility for quality.

VIP Duties:The VIP Representative duties are above and beyond the activities conducted while acting in the day-to-day role as a Supplier employee;When the Supplier has more than one VIP Representative, the duties are collective and may be performed by multiple VIP Representatives;The VIP Representative inspection should not be performed by the same inspector who has originally released the components;As per VIP Level:

Perform verification of Supplier and Bombardier Documentation;Ensure use of approved sources of supplyPerform verification of Part Marking & Visual/Cosmetic Conditions;Ensure First Article Inspection is still valid or is completed when required and is source inspected or waived and included as required;Perform verification of Physical Characteristics;Record Results;

***Specific duties of the VIP Representative are outlined in QD4.6-42.***


VIP Representative Inspection Flow for Physical Inspection Using Sampling Plan

Receive lot fromfinal inspection

Was last shipmentaccepted?

Three consecutiveshipment without RNC?


inspect lotusing table 1


inspect 1 lotout of 10

using table 2





Release or rejectparts


Initial Inspection Sampling Plan

Lot Size Quantity Verified

UP TO 25 ALL 26 TO 52 25 52 TO 57 26 58 TO 63 27 64 TO 74 28 75 TO 104 29 105 TO 126 30 127 TO 181 31 182 TO 303 32 304 TO 693 33 694 AND UP 34

Table 1 IL98%


Audit Inspection Sampling Plan

Lot Size Quantity Verified

UP TO 6 ALL 7 TO 12 6 13 TO 32 7 33 AND UP 8

Table 2 IL 92%


Bombardier Surveillance of VIP

Bombardier reserves the right to audit or evaluate the Supplier’s compliance to this program at any timeResults or concerns from any review/audit shall be provided to Supplier management for corrective action(s)VIP process will be part of the re-assessment audits


Supplier VIP Level Disqualification (Relegation)

Bombardier may revoke supplier VIP Level qualification as deemed necessaryReasons for supplier VIP Level disqualification include, but are not limited to:

Supplier surveillance or probation statusSupplier not meeting the Bombardier required quality level Supplier not maintaining its VIP Representative qualification

Such a situation may trigger the invoking of source inspection at supplier facility.BA will notify supplier in writing of any VIP Level disqualification (relegation)


Supplier VIP Level Requalification

The Supplier will complete the corrective action plan within the specified time frame approved by Bombardier Aerospace.Bombardier Aerospace will notify the Supplier in writing upon re-instatement of the Supplier VIP qualification.


VIP Representative Disqualification

Bombardier may disqualify a VIP Representative from the program. The reasons for disqualification of a VIP Representative include, but are not limited to:

Obvious visual or marking non-conformance(s) found after VIP duties have been performed;Failure to comply with elements of this program (not maintaining records, not complying to sampling plan, etc.);Transfer to a job without direct quality responsibilities;Termination of employment at the Supplier;Bombardier audit findings on VIP requirements.

The Supplier’s Quality Management and the VIP Representative will be notified in writing of the date and cause of disqualification, including specific criteria, which must be completed for re-qualification. In addition, the VIP Representative Release Number (RN) provided by BA will become inactive.A VIP Representative will be permanently disqualified following two disqualifications.


VIP Representative Requalification

The VIP representatives will be required to undergo Bombardier Aerospace VIP training. Upon completion of training, they shall perform VIP activity on a product lot in the presence of a Bombardier Aerospace representative to obtain supplier & VIP Representative re-qualification status.Bombardier Aerospace will notify the Supplier & respective VIP Representative in writing upon re-instatement of the Vendor Inspection Program Representative.


On-line training

VIP representatives training is available on-lineAdvantages of on-line training:

No travel and living costs for Bombardier and the Supplier;Training to be undertaken at the supplier’s chosen time (within a two week period);;Evaluation results available immediately after training;Data collection and analysis eased for training improvement;On-line Question and Answer section available during training;Additional support available via e-mail

Training process:Once all requirements are met (VIP internal Process/Procedure, Inspection plans, VIP representative resumes):

The VIP representatives will receive an email explaining how to access the site, a login ID and a password valid for two weeks (calendar).The trainee undergoes the training and exam (approx. 3 hours). Results are available immediately. Minimum accepted results: 80%Once exam is successfully completed, the supplier contacts their Bombardier VIPfacilitator for validation arrangements.


Next Steps

Identify VIP candidate(s) for BA concurrence and send their resumes to your VIP facilitator.Create your VIP Procedure and submit to your VIP FacilitatorPerform VIP Representative Training On site VIP Qualification Audit (validation)VIP Launch


Questions? Contact your VIP FacilitatorThe Vendor Inspection Program Facilitators:

Jean Boisvert(514)

Guylaine Gallant(514)

David Larouche(514)

John Reynolds(514)

Robert Varao(514)


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